
=== pchoo_ is now known as pchoo
SlidingHornany chance of updating the topic in main to say that the time of the release is unknown, and an announcement will be made?02:36
SlidingHornor something of that sort?02:36
tsimonq2I don't personally think it's worth the trouble.02:50
SlidingHornI just ask because it's almost the only thing people are asking right now and it's every few minutes, it seems03:08
xcraftHi guys, just want to inquire the exact time Ubuntu 18.04 will be released? with timezone? Thank you very much.04:06
SlidingHornxcraft: there isn't one.04:08
xcraftOh okay, just anytime of April 26? Great thanks!04:09
codetoajToday At which time ubuntu 18.04 will be released for download05:11
lotuspsychjecodetoaj: during the day05:11
lotuspsychje!party | codetoaj05:11
ubot5`codetoaj: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !bionic release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/3339/05:11
lotuspsychjemorning guys05:12
codetoajthank lotuspsychje, ubot505:12
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: It's a " isitoutyet" time .. Not much else going on :)05:19
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: think big rush tonight05:20
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Last I was aware the release team had the release window at between 12:00 and 14:00 UTC .. Seen a couple of hic ups since .05:21
ducassegood morning!05:49
lotuspsychjehey ducasse welcome to bionic dday05:49
ducassehi lotuspsychje05:50
ducasseyeah, and a zillion people asking "when will it be out?" :-/05:50
lotuspsychjeyeah Bashing-om got catched those during night for us :p05:51
Bashing-omducasse: Naw .. just every 3rd one :)05:51
ducassehiya Bashing-om - hehe, been a long session? :)05:52
Bashing-omducasse: Morn'n .. no the session has been steady - not much dramma :P05:55
lotuspsychjebreakfast time here05:55
ducasseenjoy, lotuspsychje :)05:56
lotuspsychjetnx :p05:56
Bashing-omG nite, yall can watch for bionic \o06:42
lotuspsychjehave a nice release day, off to work08:31
LtWorfare you doing meta irc? :D09:41
BluesKajHiyas all10:33
JimBuntugm BluesKaj10:34
BluesKaj'Morning JimBuntu10:34
BluesKajhmm, no release party chat set up yet10:36
ubot5`Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !bionic release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/3339/10:37
BluesKajis it out yet?  :-)10:39
LtWorfhi BluesKaj10:40
BluesKajnot much of an upgrade Bionic this morning , just a few libs10:40
BluesKajHi LtWorf10:40
LtWorfBluesKaj: try debian sid, that has more upgrades :p10:43
BluesKajI ran debian stretch for a while, liked the OS a lot but the support chat is full of pedantic jerks ...it's really too bad10:45
guivercBluesKaj, 'sid' (the kid next door in toy-story as I recall) is one-step-upstream from testing  (10 days of stability in sid causes move to testing)10:46
BluesKajtoy story oh lord I must be getting old, when did that become some kind of iconic movie?10:54
BluesKajoh well,  i should have realized here were childish types involved with debian releases  :-)10:57
guivercstretch, buster, potato, wheezy - debian has used names of toy-story characters since the movie; (versions before movie-name adoption just had numbers). the boy next door is how I remember that `sid` is the version that is 'dangerous' (testing currently is buster)10:58
guiverc:)  LOL !!10:58
Gargravarrpermanently unstable :P10:59
* BluesKaj shrugs, that esplanation only underlines my thoughts about someof the devs behind debian10:59
Gargravarrtsimonq2: i agree with SlidingHorn's earlier comments about changing the topic, can someone put a message about #ubuntu-release-party in the topic for #ubuntu?10:59
guiverc:)  [i like debian - ubuntu didn't exist way back when...]11:00
Gargravarrotherwise i think the bot is going to protest at being overworked :)11:00
Gargravarrguiverc: i loved Debian, right until they followed the mainstream into systemd. i run Devuan on servers now11:00
guiverc(i was somewhat disappointed by the sysd adoption; but also not surprised)11:01
BluesKajguiverc, yes I recall debian back in 2005, that's what led me to ubuntu then kubuntu11:02
BluesKajI'm sort of neutral about systemd, I hear a lot of negative comments about it and very few positive ones, but it does work ...so far11:04
codetoajwhy ubuntu 18.04 still not available to download in official site, as today is the release date11:27
JimBuntucodetoaj, Today is the release day, this is not the release hour though11:28
JimBuntucodetoaj, it will become available when they feel confident enough with the tests based on the latest updates11:28
codetoajcan i able to download it by today?11:29
JimBuntucodetoaj, depending on your timezone, you should be able to. The release schedule still shows today as the release date.11:31
codetoajThanks JimBuntu, expecting the release with fingers crossed, an ubuntu fan11:32
JimBuntu!party | codetoaj11:32
ubot5`codetoaj: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !bionic release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/3339/11:32
codetoajubot5`: feeling exited11:33
codetoajubot5`: feeling excited11:34
NiGHTLYHello, Does anyone have an idea at what time will 18.04 will be released?11:48
JimBuntuBluesKaj, "no" & "not yet" are probably going to be your most used words today ;-D11:51
BluesKajNiGHTLY, join #ubuntu-release-party that's where and when the official release anouncement is usually made11:51
NiGHTLYoh thanks11:51
chuTypically, "it's ready when it's ready"12:00
sky887Wohoo! Release date!12:00
NiGHTLY13 hours before and it was Release Date for me12:01
NiGHTLYTimezones in a nutshell12:01
Gargravarrcan someone do something about the 'asy*' nicks please?13:08
EriC^^Gargravarr: let them know in #ubuntu-ops or use the !ops factoid13:08
GargravarrEriC^^: thanks13:09
Gargravarr'channel emergency'? sheesh :)13:13
EriC^^sound the troll alarm!13:16
closedAdamswill the .torrent file for the new release show up on the mirrors before it shows up here:  https://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads13:26
GargravarrclosedAdams: time to start the ball dropping?13:27
Gargravarroh, i misread13:27
Gargravarrunlikely. the mirrors will sync periodically. it will probably be a few hours before the torrents show up13:28
closedAdamsah ok.  I'll be patient.  I just want to get it and seed.13:28
closedAdamsSo I'll just refresh that page every few seconds all day today.13:31
* SlidingHorn expects that the most impatient people asking about the release are the ones that should wait to install it13:33
pragmaticenigmaSo very very true!13:34
GargravarrSlidingHorn: somehow i think you're right :)13:34
SlidingHornSNT syndrome13:35
closedAdamsOh I don't want to install it.  I just want to seed the torrent.  Why read the book when you can just hold it? :D13:38
pragmaticenigmathe !isitoutyet should just reply with updates for the release are at #ubuntu-release-party13:39
SlidingHornclosedAdams: I moreso meant the folks asking repeatedly in the support channel13:39
SlidingHornI actually am hoping it drops soon also, because I'm going to be out of town for the weekend and I'd like to seed it as well closedAdams13:49
closedAdamsyou could set up a shell script that downloads the .torrent and puts in in a watch directory.13:50
SlidingHorn"I filed a bug a week ago and no one responded - why should I file again?"  (did not file a bug a week ago)14:17
ducasseand we don't get to call these people idiots because...?14:18
ducasse(yeah, i know - coc)14:18
JimBuntuducasse, because they haven't filled out their ID10T form yet, have them fill that out first14:19
JimBuntube sly and call it the id ten tee form14:20
ducassei'll remember that :)14:22
ducassedafty got banned for using that word, so best be careful14:23
JimBuntuwow, I knew he got banned, didn't realize it was for that14:24
ducassewhoever it was probably deserved it, too14:25
ducassegtg, going out with a friend. ttyl14:26
JimBuntuhave fun14:27
NoCodehttps://pbs.twimg.com/media/DbtnOTwUwAA9XiH.jpg:large -- Is that fair-use to bring community together, or would it be a trademark issue? Re: Ubuntu in both mannerisms.15:56
daftykinsdunno if it can be trademarked since it's first and foremost and African concept15:57
leftyfbNoCode: that symbol in the grass is not the ubuntu logo16:01
leftyfbdaftykins: and yes, the ubuntu logo and name can be and is trademarked16:02
leftyfbBut in this case with the landscaping, that is not the ubuntu logo so it doesn't matter16:03
NoCodeOkay, I won't throw a curveball at the city suggesting it could be infringement.16:03
NoCodedaftykins, leftyfb: Thanks16:08
lotuspsychjelol you guys waited for me?16:37
SlidingHornlotuspsychje: we couldn't let you go without the constant "OMG IS IT OUT YET" annoyance :)16:39
SlidingHorn(from people who, for the most part, shouldn't be installing the new release yet, probably)16:40
lotuspsychje1723 users, i knew it would rocknroll16:40
ducassehi lotuspsychje, SlidingHorn16:40
ducassestill noisy?16:41
lotuspsychjeSlidingHorn: indeed, most users want new right away, with LTS power16:41
lotuspsychjehey ducasse16:41
ubot5`Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) release notes can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes16:48
lotuspsychjelol party is going nuts17:02
JimBuntuWell, it is a party17:08
pragmaticenigmatrolls and all17:11
lotuspsychjethey should at least activate a flood kick?17:12
leftyfbthey should add some community members to the op list since we know the devs are busy17:12
oerheksleftyfb, there is an op.. me17:13
oerheksbut do we really need to take action ??17:14
* leftyfb hands oerheks some boots 17:14
oerheks..if they start to countdown again..17:14
pragmaticenigmalotuspsychje: the flood bot is in there... just takes a lot to trigger it17:14
lotuspsychjego for it oerheks17:14
leftyfbwe could have done without the countdown ... and freehugz an php_something are both clearly there to only troll17:14
pragmaticenigmabut without them...it'd be earily quiet17:15
leftyfbyou'd be surprised how much trolls discourage others from bothering to post anything17:15
pragmaticenigmamute the trolls? take away their voice17:16
leftyfbbut then Bugz will complain about not being open sourcy enough :)17:16
lotuspsychjehey EriC^^17:17
EriC^^evening all17:17
EriC^^hey lotuspsychje17:17
EriC^^how's your evening?17:18
lotuspsychje1734 users! we did it :p17:18
EriC^^heh yeah :D17:18
lotuspsychjefine here what about you EriC^^17:18
oomnidoes anyone know when bionic will be release?17:18
lotuspsychjeoomni: during the day17:18
leftyfboomni: it will be released on April 26th17:18
EriC^^fine here not bad17:18
leftyfboerheks: care to chime in with our friend freehUgsz's latest post?17:22
oerheksdang, i am restricted, no ops in releaseparty :-(17:23
EriC^^it's raining here oddly enough17:23
oerheksthat freehughs is pepermuntjes, the famous troll in ##linux :-D17:33
lotuspsychjei saw him join before17:34
leftyfbso why are they allowed to be on Ubuntu channels if all they ever do is troll?17:37
lotuspsychjebecause they behave on main channels leftyfb17:37
oerhekslonely people17:37
pragmaticenigmaI'm guessing the release party isn't a 100% offical room anyways?17:38
daftykinsleftyfb: sounds like i was mixing up copyright and trademark in my head again :>17:38
lotuspsychjeits to avoid users spamming main17:38
SlidingHorn...well that's working wonderfully /s17:39
leftyfbok, then if trolls are welcome with open arms in there, then there's really no benefit to be there .... /part 'ed17:42
lotuspsychjethats true leftyfb17:42
leftyfbkinda sucks that we're sending people there who legitimately are interested in the event17:42
lotuspsychjea party should be fun17:43
pragmaticenigmabut it's all we can do17:43
leftyfband yet trolls are allowed to run ramped17:43
leftyfbThat's not true. Boot the trolls17:44
pragmaticenigmawho has the power? I don't dare trigger !ops to see if it works17:44
lotuspsychjei already tried17:44
leftyfboerheks does17:44
leftyfbbut doesn't see the value in booting the trolls17:44
pragmaticenigmaoerheks: just said they didn't have any power17:44
lotuspsychjedoesnt have powers there leftyfb17:45
leftyfb<oerheks> leftyfb, there is an op.. me17:45
leftyfb<oerheks> but do we really need to take action ??17:45
Tm_Twhat's the problem17:45
oerheksNope, sorry, any ubuntu channel, but #ubuntu and releaseparty :-(17:45
lotuspsychjeTm_T: some users flooded in party ealier mate, we discussing it17:45
leftyfbit's well beyond just the flooding17:45
Tm_Tstill issue?17:45
leftyfbthere's blatant trolls in there17:45
oerheksTm_T, that freehughs is a faul-maul. i posted in -ops, but no response17:46
lotuspsychjeTm_T: that freehugs guy17:46
Tm_TI joined the channel and saw immediately some icky stuff17:46
leftyfbTm_T: also php_create17:46
oerheks= pepermuntjes, maybe that helps shed a light17:46
daftykinsseems to be a problem of unresponsive ops in general17:46
JimBuntuI'm quite shocked they haven't talked about the name of the release in an immature manor17:47
Tm_TI'm stuck with family stuff so cannot help much patrolling17:48
daftykinsTm_T: can you suggest to the rest that they need to gain fresh blood?17:48
daftykinsthere's so little getting done from what i keep hearing17:48
Tm_Tdaftykins: it's not new issue I'm afraid17:49
daftykinsoh indeed, but doing something about it seems to be lacking17:49
oerheksif you see something red, it is not out17:50
oerhekscurl http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/ | grep beta17:50
leftyfbTm_T: having a handful of ops who are usually too busy to monitor isn't really all that helpful. Could we petition the powers that be to add some ops to the list? Preferably in spread out timezones.17:50
lotuspsychjeoerheks: will you be seeding again?17:50
Tm_Tdaftykins: I hear you, will try see if there's something I can do17:50
Tm_Tleftyfb: any volunteers?17:51
oerhekslotuspsychje, sure, seeding from pc, and upgrading laptop first17:51
leftyfbTm_T: I most certainly would volunteer. I've been running #ubuntu on EFnet since about 201017:51
lotuspsychjeoerheks: all flavors, or just ubuntu-desktop?17:51
oerheksi think i will try all, my speed up can handle all i guess17:52
leftyfbI'll be seeding when I get home tonight17:52
leftyfbI might also be testing my works software stack on 18.04 really soon. It's funny, I'm still in the process of upgrading from trusty to xenial17:55
SlidingHornpragmaticenigma: tell him to file a bug report xD17:56
daftykinspart of me wants to ignore bionic and move some other stuff to xenial still17:58
daftykinsreaaaaally not fond of the way the wind is blowing on many fronts17:58
lotuspsychje!info uck bionic18:06
ubot5`uck (source: uck): Tool to customize official Ubuntu Live CDs. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.7-0ubuntu2 (bionic), package size 145 kB, installed size 384 kB18:06
lotuspsychjewhy still in repos oerheks ?18:07
leftyfbuck not supported anymore? I never know about it.... sounds useful18:07
oerheksnot sure,..18:07
daftykinsthought it became unsupported years ago?18:08
daftykinsweren't folks burning coasters constantly...18:08
lotuspsychjeyeah could be of those un well maintained ones18:08
oerheksmaybe the ppa is oke?  https://launchpad.net/~uck-team/+archive/ubuntu/uck-stable18:08
oerheksi have bad experience with it18:09
leftyfblast update was 201318:10
leftyfband before that 201118:10
leftyfbthat's a no-touchy project :)18:10
lotuspsychjei wonder why they still get into bionic then18:10
lotuspsychjenobody filters that?18:10
lotuspsychjelazy support=no more welcome to newer releases?18:11
daftykinsnobody besides someone that tries it to flag it as broken i imagine18:11
daftykinsbit bad really "look at all the software available" -> and how much works? :>18:12
lotuspsychjewell alot of usefull packages out there, do work alot18:13
lotuspsychjebut surely alot of stuff needed to be filtered18:13
oerheks-queuebot/#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Base amd64 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)18:24
oerheks-queuebot/#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Base arm64 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)18:24
oerheks-queuebot/#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Base armhf [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)18:24
oerheks-queuebot/#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Base i386 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)18:24
oerheks-queuebot/#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Base ppc64el [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)18:24
oerheks-queuebot/#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Base s390x [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)18:24
oerheks-queuebot/#ubuntu-release- Builds: Kubuntu Desktop amd64 [Bionic Final] has been marked as ready18:24
oerheks-queuebot/#ubuntu-release- Builds: Kubuntu Desktop i386 [Bionic Final] has been marked as ready18:24
oerheks* roelandp (~roelandp@ip-185-133-109-110.fiber.nl) has joined18:24
oerheks-queuebot/#ubuntu-release- Builds: Kubuntu Desktop amd64 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180425.1)18:24
oerheks-queuebot/#ubuntu-release- Builds: Kubuntu Desktop i386 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180425.1)18:24
oerheks-queuebot/#ubuntu-release- Builds: Lubuntu Alternate amd64 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)18:24
oerheks-queuebot/#ubuntu-release- Builds: Lubuntu Alternate i386 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)18:24
leftyfb!paste | oerheks18:25
ubot5`oerheks: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:25
oerheksbuilding in progress18:25
pragmaticenigmaoerheks: we do that in #ubuntu-release-party :-P18:27
lotuspsychjeexcitement :p18:28
JoBbZIs 18.04 LTS still scheduled for release today?19:19
pragmaticenigmaJoBbZ: please join us in #ubuntu-release-party for update19:20
nicomachushey guys is 18.04 out yet19:39
nicomachushey is the LTS out yet19:39
nicomachushey why isn't 18.04 out yet19:40
nicomachusguys what the heck where's 18.04 it's like 2:00pm where I live19:40
nicomachusrinse, repeat19:40
pragmaticenigmanicomachus: join us in #ubuntu-release-party for more information19:41
SlidingHornlol - he knows...he's just making a joke about the current state of the main support channel I think19:41
nicomachuspragmaticenigma: what sorry I can't read where is 18.04???!?!?!?11419:41
ubot5`For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:42
nicomachusI tried do-release-upgrade sudo sudo update!! and it didn't work!19:42
pragmaticenigmatry harder nicomachus19:42
pragmaticenigma18.04 Server Build failed... nother 6 hours to wait19:42
nicomachusnacc: oh, sorry, thought you were op19:42
naccnicomachus: np19:42
nicomachusdaftykins: been watching much baseball this season?19:43
daftykinsnot a whole lot so far, the Royals are of course barely the Royals anymore19:44
daftykinsnicomachus: was sure to get the free sub again still though ;) and they finally got an HTML5 player! no more flash rubbish19:44
nicomachusthey're doing real bad19:44
nicomachusI've been watching a few games on Facebook and Twitter which I hate but at the same time it's free(ish).19:45
nicomachusWe moved and didn't sign up for cable at the new place, so I can't watch games at home unless I bite the bullet and pay for MLB.tv19:45
daftykinsnicomachus: ah, then you'd have blackout restrictions anyway right?19:58
lotuspsychjehey xangua20:02
xanguaNew ubuntu, bye bye unity :-(20:08
lotuspsychjebut unity will be installable20:08
xanguaWonder how it looks like20:09
lotuspsychjefound few desktop shots on deviantart lately20:10
lotuspsychjexangua: https://www.deviantart.com/art/Unity-the-one-that-works-74149778420:12
xangualotuspsychje: that's not unity, it's the new ubuntu dock20:13
xanguaGnome shell + ubuntu dock20:13
xanguaGuess I'll have to try it myself20:13
lotuspsychje!info ubuntu-unity-desktop bionic20:14
ubot5`ubuntu-unity-desktop (source: ubuntu-unity-meta): The Ubuntu Unity desktop system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1 (bionic), package size 2 kB, installed size 8 kB (Only available for amd64; arm64; armhf; i386; ppc64el)20:14
xanguaOoh wait it is unity, I clicked the image below20:15
hggdhdesktop ISO is ready20:44
oerhekshggdh, yeah  > <willcooke> jibel, looks like we can mark ubuntu desktop ready20:44
ubot5`Not yet!20:58
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: they testing the iso's atm20:59
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/389/builds20:59
lotuspsychjenite nite all21:00
lotuspsychjecatching up tomorrows21:00
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Expected the release to be delayed :)21:00
SlidingHornsomeone just have their VPN unbanned?21:02
Bashing-omSlidingHorn: We getting spammed in main ?21:03
SlidingHornno, just saw el unban (that's what -bbb is, right?) a few different IPs21:04
Bashing-omSlidingHorn: Now ya want me to air my own ignorance :)21:05
SlidingHornthe asy* bot thing is back...22:48

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