
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Server Subiquity amd64 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180425.1)00:01
tsimonq2slangasek: Knock yourself out.00:04
tsimonq2And did you spot the bug or not? ;)00:05
sil2100What bug?00:07
slangasektsimonq2: I mean, I've spotted the bug but I don't have a good fix for it.  The issue is that SUPPORTED_SEEDS = ["all"] which encompasses everything and trumps the NON_LTS_SEEDS00:09
slangasektsimonq2: I think I might try reordering the list and special-casing 'all'00:18
tsimonq2slangasek: Thanks.00:18
tsimonq2(just got home and I'm packing for my flight tomorrow)00:19
slangasektsimonq2: https://code.launchpad.net/~vorlon/ubuntu-archive-publishing/lubuntu-next-support-fixup/+merge/344358 untested00:41
sil2100mwhudson: hey! Can you help with testing the bionic subiquity images?00:46
mwhudsonsil2100: sure, although in some sense i'm a very bad person to test them00:46
mwhudsonsil2100: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/389/builds/171072/testcases ?00:47
mwhudsonuh http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/389/builds/171072/downloads has the wrong link00:47
sil2100Let me try fixing that00:48
mwhudsons/live/live-server/ i think00:48
* sil2100 fixes that00:49
slangasekinfinity: https://code.launchpad.net/~vorlon/ubuntu-archive-publishing/lubuntu-next-support-fixup/+merge/344358 is an untested stab at the lubuntu support metadata.  I don't see a trivial way to test this00:50
sil2100mwhudson: should be fixed00:52
mwhudsonsil2100: looks better thanks00:53
sil2100Ok, I go take a few hours or sleep, but I'll start off earlier to help out with testing01:09
mwhudsonoh phew the installed system boot was just a bit slow for some reason in this test01:25
bashfulrobotTick tick tick. (Exciting)02:05
sforsheeslangasek: no it's tjaalton you want for linux-oem02:08
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-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: java-atk-wrapper (bionic-proposed/main) [0.33.3-20 => 0.33.3-20ubuntu0.1] (core)03:35
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Kylin Desktop amd64 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)03:36
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Kylin Desktop i386 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)03:36
jbicha^ um, the iso cronjob isn't still on, is it?03:41
jbichaslangasek: ping ^ since you might still be around03:46
slangasekit was turned off well before; just checked and it's off. someone must have manually requested that rebuild03:46
slangasekdespite it being a no-op03:46
slangasekhandsome_feng: ^^ was that you?03:47
jbichayeah, I diffed the manifest's and they were the same03:47
slangasekwere there test results already reported from the previous build?  I can axe it from the iso tracker03:47
handsome_fengslangasek: You mean rebuild the iso?03:48
slangasekhandsome_feng: yes03:49
handsome_fengslangasek: It's zhangchao in our team, we found some thing wrong in the iso, so we rebuild it03:50
jbichahandsome_feng: could you be more specific about what you think was wrong?03:50
slangasekhandsome_feng: ok but you rebuilt it against an archive that has not changed03:51
jbichasorry to change the topic but I'm going to bed…03:53
handsome_fengWe found that there are some permissions related errors in the x86_64 live system, we thought it maybe someting wrong when build the iso03:53
slangasekhandsome_feng: what permissions where?  let us help you debug this, please03:54
jbichahandsome_feng: I think there are some concerns about Ubuntu Kylin's request to offer 5 years of support for this LTS so please discuss that here too03:54
jbichagood night all03:55
handsome_fengjbicha: good night03:56
handsome_fengslangasek: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/x9cwtjBGGh/04:09
slangasekhandsome_feng: when these dconf errors happen, can you please show the uid of the at-spi-bus-launcher process (e.g.: 'ps awxu | grep 3948') and the permissions on /run/user/999/ and /run/user/999/dconf (if it exists)?04:15
dokocrossbuild-essential-amd64/amd64 unsatisfiable Depends: gcc-x86-64-linux-gnu (>= 7.3)04:16
slangasekhandsome_feng: also: what is the effect of these permission failures?04:16
dokois this only checked on amd64? I mean, this was true before for arm64 and ppc64el on these archs as well04:16
slangasekdoko: that package only exists on !amd6404:17
slangasekso do you intend for the amd64 package to pull in a foreign-arch foo-to-x86 compiler?04:18
handsome_fengslangasek: the effect is that the peony, ukui-panel, ukui-menu launch failed04:18
slangasekdoko: or, it's an arch: all package; do you intend this only to be installed on !amd64?04:18
dokono. but as I said, that was already the case with crossbuild-essential-arm64/arm6404:19
dokoyes, the latter04:19
slangasekdoko: right - so it's possible the dependencies of arch: all packages are only enforced on amd64 (this is somewhat configurable in britney, I don't remember if that's the current value).  We can consider overriding this04:19
slangasekhandsome_feng: when did this last work?04:20
dokoahh, ok. so maybe no need to make it Arch:any04:20
handsome_fengslangasek: the daily 042104:21
handsome_fengwe tested it in daily 0421. And it's ok.04:24
handsome_fengslangasek: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3JNzF5m4V8/04:27
handsome_fengslangasek: and this error only happend in x86_64, the i386 works fine in live system.04:29
slangasekhandsome_feng: ok.  can you also test the 20180425 image to see if it happens there?  that will help us better bisect the delta between the images04:29
slangasek109 packages changed between 20180421 and 20180426 so that will take some time to dig through04:30
slangasekhandsome_feng: ok, so something has pre-created the /sur/user/999/dconf/user file as root.  not good..04:32
handsome_fengslangasek: OK, we will test it ASAP, but it will take some time to download the iso04:33
slangasekhandsome_feng: yes, understood.  I will keep digging into the changesets in the meantime.  Also, the squashfs from the 20180424 build is still available from launchpad; if 20180425 is broken we should try to download that and manually add it to an ISO for testing04:34
slangasekhandsome_feng: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/bionic/ubuntukylin/+build/13037804:34
handsome_fengslangasek: Thanks04:35
tjaaltonslangasek: dunno what's the criteria to unblock (never done that before) but the tests that had been run looked green so it's unblocked now04:41
slangasektjaalton: ok, and un-frozen as well now04:44
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Xubuntu Desktop amd64 [Bionic Final] has been marked as ready05:11
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Xubuntu Desktop i386 [Bionic Final] has been marked as ready05:11
handsome_fengslangasek: 20180425 has the same problem05:22
slangasekok, at least that tells us which side the problem is on05:22
slangasekhandsome_feng: how do I reproduce this locally?  with the 'try' or 'install' option?05:23
handsome_fengslangasek: with try05:23
handsome_fengThis only occurs in live system, if we install the system directly, all goes fine.05:25
slangasekhandsome_feng: ok.  I went to 'try' with 20180426 and I didn't see the problem in /run/user/999/dconf05:26
slangasekthis is with 20180426 amd6405:26
handsome_fengslangasek: OK , we will try that now05:26
dokoplease accept gcc-snapshot05:30
slangasekdoko: I might leave it there for a little bit if that's ok, so I have something to trigger archive regeneration for the lubuntu cleanup I'm working on05:31
handsome_fengslangasek: we test the 20180426, and it also has the same problem..05:49
slangasekhandsome_feng: ok.  I am also testing 20180425.1 now to see if I can reproduce the problem here05:50
slangasekinfinity1, tsimonq2: alright, I've wrapped my head around this code now and have good output now - 62 packages having their support term lowered.  Pushing.06:00
slangasekhandsome_feng: I cannot reproduce the problem on 20180425.1.  Can you give me any more guidance on steps to reproduce this?06:01
tsimonq2slangasek: ack, thabks.06:05
sil2100handsome_feng: did you fill in a bug for it already?06:09
slangaseksil2100: good morning06:10
handsome_fengslangasek: We've burn the 20180426 iso again. The bug disappears.06:12
slangasekhandsome_feng: do you think the previous burn didn't get done correctly?  or do you think that we have a race condition in the boot?06:13
handsome_fengMaybe the previous burn was wrong. We will test 20180425.1 again to confirm the problem.06:14
slangasekhandsome_feng: I would suggest also trying 20180426 several times to be sure the problem is really gone06:15
handsome_fengslangasek: OK, We will do it06:15
sil2100slangasek: morning o/06:17
sil2100slangasek: any blockers reported in the meantime?06:19
handsome_fengsil2100:Good morning! and we didn't fill a bug for it, we just found this problem when we test the iso this morning06:20
slangaseksil2100: none that I know of06:22
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: python-pip (bionic-proposed/universe) [9.0.1-2 => 9.0.1-2.1] (no packageset)06:22
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted python-pip [source] (bionic-proposed) [9.0.1-2.1]06:23
sil2100infinity1: ubuntu-studio looks ok for both amd64 and i38606:36
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: yapf (bionic-proposed/universe) [0.20.1-1 => 0.20.1-1ubuntu1] (no packageset)06:37
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted yapf [source] (bionic-proposed) [0.20.1-1ubuntu1]06:38
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: pywinrm (bionic-proposed/universe) [0.0.3-1 => 0.3.0-1ubuntu1] (no packageset)06:39
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted pywinrm [source] (bionic-proposed) [0.3.0-1ubuntu1]06:40
sil2100mwhudson: I'll give subiquity a quick spin as well, so that you don't have to feel that your bias affected the test results ;)06:43
sil2100slangasek: do you know if it's still ok to process package removals?06:44
slangaseksil2100: sure06:45
slangaseksil2100: I mean, if you remove the package and somebody disagrees, there will be sadness because there's no time for it to be readded06:45
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: pyroma (bionic-proposed/universe) [2.0.2-1 => 2.0.2-1ubuntu1] (no packageset)06:45
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted pyroma [source] (bionic-proposed) [2.0.2-1ubuntu1]06:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New sync: python-requests-ntlm (bionic-proposed/primary) [1.1.0-1]06:48
sil2100xnox: the fallback casper message on exit is nice, but I must say I find it sometimes confusing06:50
sil2100xnox: maybe 'confusing' being the wrong term, but since I see it everytime before plymouth kicks in, it's confusing as at one time the user is told to just reboot and then suddenly "nope, just press enter to do that"06:52
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: woo (bionic-proposed/universe) [1.0+dfsg1-2 => 1.0+dfsg1-2ubuntu1] (no packageset)06:57
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted woo [source] (bionic-proposed) [1.0+dfsg1-2ubuntu1]06:58
Mirvit seems no-one updated slideshow translations, can someone find out what needs to be fixed/documented where for the process? https://code.launchpad.net/~ubiquity-slideshow/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/html06:59
MirvI've tested Finnish and French, the second (snap) and last slides are untranslated due to string changes during the cycle07:01
Mirv(the middle string on the last slide is translated though)07:02
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted python-requests-ntlm [sync] (bionic-proposed) [1.1.0-1]07:03
Mirvit's documented here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NonLanguagePackTranslationDeadline but maybe some process document needs to be updated as well07:03
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: capstone (bionic-proposed/universe) [3.0.4-3 => 3.0.4-5] (no packageset) (sync)07:05
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted capstone [sync] (bionic-proposed) [3.0.4-5]07:05
fossfreedomanybody got quick access to an ISO to boot? - clicking quit from ubiquity doesnt launch into the live session - appears to hang (standard bios boot)07:09
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: python-ntlm-auth [amd64] (bionic-proposed/none) [1.1.0-1] (no packageset)07:11
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted python-ntlm-auth [amd64] (bionic-proposed) [1.1.0-1]07:12
Mirvfiled bug #176704807:12
ubot5`bug 1767048 in ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "Slideshow translations were not updated for 18.04 LTS" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176704807:12
acheronukfossfreedom: xubuntu? or all?07:12
jibelfossfreedom, where do you press "quit" and which flavour?07:12
Mirvfossfreedom: correct, clicking Quit from the keyboard selection menu does not seem to do anything07:15
Mirv(Ubuntu main flavor for me)07:15
Mirvit just hangs and becomes unresponsive07:15
sil2100Mirv: hm, so we had an upload of the slideshow before release, but it didn't seem to include new translations07:16
sil2100I guess that's what hid the issue07:16
Mirvsil2100: right, it may have confused someone following the process that "oh, that was uploaded"07:16
sil2100That might have been my responsibility, ouch07:18
fossfreedomacheronuk, I'm on Ubuntu Budgie - thanks for the confirmation Mirv07:18
Mirvsil2100: well it's not the first time, and can be fixed for .1, but it's good to get the process bullet proof for updating the nonlangpack translations for release07:19
acheronukI dunno if KDE front end even has that option there. certainly never noticed07:19
sil2100Ok, switching to the office for a short while07:31
dokoare python3-networkx or python-networkx on any image?07:36
fossfreedomThoughts on this - three times this morning I've tried to boot into a live session on UB and I'm getting this https://imgur.com/a/NwCJRt607:40
jibelthat's the same error handsome_feng mentioned earlier07:42
* fossfreedom scrolling back07:43
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: python-networkx (bionic-proposed/main) [1.11-1ubuntu1 => 1.11-1ubuntu2] (ubuntu-server)07:43
jibelfossfreedom, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/x9cwtjBGGh/07:43
fossfreedomyep -same issue07:44
jibelLaney, ^^ any thoughts? same error on 2 different flavours07:45
jibelfossfreedom, which build of which flavour ?07:45
fossfreedom64bit Ubuntu Budgie07:45
dokoLaney: s390x autopkg testers unhappy (unknown versions everywhere)07:45
jibelfossfreedom, what is the build number?07:47
sil2100jibel, fossfreedom: which bug is this about?07:48
jibelsil2100, "unable to create file '/run/user/999/dconf/user': Permission denied.  dconf will not work properly" when at-spi-dbus-bus is activated07:51
jibelI don't think any bug has been filed07:51
jibelI didn't see any in the backscroll07:51
dokois it already possible to upload to -proposed?07:54
infinity1Was it ever not?07:57
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dokocan't remember07:58
sil2100jibel: what are the steps to reproduce that?07:59
sil2100I guess I'm missing some backscroll07:59
apwdoko, we always upload to -proposed all cycle, via the redirect for 'bionic' to -proposed07:59
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dokoapw: well, my question is, if I already can queue up -proposed uploads08:00
apwdoko, as long as things are prepped as SRUs i believe they are fine to upload08:01
apwdoko, though i would not think we want anything major in there in case we have to rebuild anything08:02
apwinfinity, ^ that make sense ?08:02
jibelsil2100, I don't know. I didn't reproduce it myself but 2 testers on 2 different flavours reported it?.08:03
jibelfossfreedom, can you report a bug please and attach the journal?08:05
jibelalso describe the steps to reproduce  the problem if you can do it reliably08:06
acheronukif this the no free space thing again, or something else?08:14
handsome_fengslangasek: I found this problem also occurs in Ubuntu, see https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/sZykyz5BVg/08:18
jibelhandsome_feng, how do you reproduce it?08:19
jibelcan you reproduce it in a VM or only hardware?08:19
handsome_fengjibel: Just burner the iso and then go into live system08:19
handsome_fengjibel: I found that is only occurred in Dell computer.08:20
handsome_fengAnd in the vm, all works fine08:20
jibelyeah but fossfreedom did it in vbox apparently08:21
handsome_fengjibel: emmm, It's wired..08:21
jibelhandsome_feng, can you report a bug in LP please?08:22
jibelit'll be easier to track the status than on IRC08:23
handsome_fengjibel, OK, I will do it now08:23
acheronukIn latest ubuntu iso in virtualbox, I click 'try' and punts me to gdm login screen instead of straight into live session? is the intended?08:28
jibelno it means that the shell failed to start08:29
jibelyou'll find more info in the journal08:30
handsome_fengjibel: LP: #176706708:30
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1767067 in Ubuntu "[Live]Wrong Permission in live mode." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176706708:30
acheronukand if I click live session user, the 1st time seems to crash and push me back to gdm. 2nd try logs me in to live user08:30
handsome_fengAnd feel free to edit it08:31
acheronukjibel: https://i.imgur.com/Hx7YJGI.png08:32
jibelacheronuk, yeah same bug than handsome_feng08:33
fossfreedom_sil2100: sorry - dropped out of IRC - on mobile at the moment - this bug is about trying to launch into a live session.  When I tried earlier it was failing 50% of the time.  Basically left at the login screen.  Cannot launch into the session08:35
fossfreedom_It is intermittent. sometimes the live session launches - sometimes it doesn't.  Nothing obvious as to why08:37
jibelokay, I reproduced it08:37
fossfreedom_Never seen this before until last nights respin08:37
willcookeI saw it during the day yesterday08:40
willcooke(but thought it was just me)08:40
jibelhandsome_feng, when did you first see this problem? with which build?08:46
jibelwillcooke, did you ever see it before?08:46
willcookejibel, Not sure if we're talking about the same thing.  I saw the live image booting to a login screen instead of a logged in session during the day yesterday, and I /think/ Tuesday evening08:47
handsome_fengjibel: We test 20180421, and it works fine08:47
seb128handsome_feng, did you get any imagine in between those days? like on monday 23 or 24?08:49
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jibelwillcooke, that would be the symptom but without the log it cannot be confirmed.08:49
* willcooke checks his trash08:49
handsome_fengseb128: no...I just got the 2018042508:50
handsome_fengI found if I manually select "try but not install" , all goes fine!08:50
seb128handsome_feng, jibel, in what mode is the issue happening exactly?08:51
sil2100jibel: were you able to reproduce it finally? Is this random?08:51
handsome_fenglive mode08:51
seb128handsome_feng, but you just said that if you select "try" it goes fine?08:52
handsome_fengI can reproduce, If  I manually select "try but not install" , all goes fine, and if I wait until the windows shows, the problem occurs08:52
seb128isn't try = live session?08:52
jibelseb128, just boot, then in ubiquity-dm select 'try ubuntu'08:53
seb128jibel, it happens only through that codepath? picking the live session from syslinux works?08:53
jibelseb128, yes08:53
seb128jibel, what flavor(s) are we talking about?08:54
jibelseb128, ubuntu, budgie and kylin08:54
seb128oh, ubuntu as well?08:54
handsome_fengwait until the windows show and then chose try08:54
seb128jibel, do you know on what iso it started?08:54
seb128we had ubuntu isos in between monday and today08:54
jibelno, I've 24 here, I'll try it08:54
seb128that sucks, looks like a release blocker issue?08:55
LocutusOfBorgquestion: can I sru virtualbox or sync it? I guess the former, right?08:56
acheronukFFS I just tried again to video capture what it does, and it didn't happen08:56
seb128Laney, are you guys in London poking at it?08:56
jibelseb128, and you see the bug only on BIOS machine because on UEFI you don't start ubiqutiy-dm08:56
handsome_feng1. when start, hit the arrow keys, choose "try Ubuntu but not install" -> works fine.   2. Wait until the windows show and then choose the "try ubuntu" -> failed.08:58
sil2100jibel, handsome_feng: I was testing kylin i386 on my VM and it worked correctly08:58
sil2100jibel, handsome_feng: just now re-tested with clicking 'try ubuntu' and everything works08:58
handsome_fengsil2100: Yeah, I also test it in vm, and works fine08:58
jibelI have the bug in a VM and fossfreedom too09:00
acheronukurgh. randomly hard to reproduce! fun09:00
seb128jibel, I'm testing09:00
sil2100jibel: are you able to reproduce it on a VM? Or you're on the real hardware?09:00
jibelsounds racy09:00
jibelsil2100, yes in qemu09:00
jibelother in vbox09:00
sil2100Or maybe it's because I'm testing the i386 image09:00
jibelthe platform is unrelated09:01
jibelthe flavour too09:01
seb128I just tried on an amd64 iso, didn't get the issue09:02
sil2100I wonder when this started09:03
seb128if I had to guess I would say this week when we started fixing ubiquity use of gsettings, that uncovered issue with code that never worked properly09:04
Laneyseb128: a bit, but please do too09:04
seb128Laney, do you have any clue so far? I didn't manage to reproduce yet :/09:05
Laneyno didn't make it happen09:05
seb128I guess something in ubiquity-dm triggers a gsettings write with the worng user/env09:05
seb128but I've not idea what09:05
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: python-redis (bionic-proposed/main) [2.10.6-2 => 2.10.6-2ubuntu1] (ubuntu-server)09:11
willcookeJust to update the channel.... I consider this a release blocker.  Release team in London are trying to reproduce it right now09:19
willcookeI've let JamieBennett know that this is a problem09:20
seb128willcooke, thx for the update, difficult to follow for those who are not in London09:20
willcookeI'll relay messages09:20
* didrocks doesn't succeed in reproducing :/09:21
didrocksand looking at the code, I don't see anymore obvious guilty path09:21
* seb128 neither09:21
jibelseb128, no failure with 24 and 50% of the boot are failing with 25.109:22
didrocksyeah, that was the day we fixed the a11y… correct?09:23
seb128jibel, can you boot to -maybe, go to a tty and look at the permission of the /run ... file which is listed in the error?09:23
jibelwillcooke, to reproduce just boot 25.1 in qemu and select "try ubuntu", retry until it fails09:23
seb128didrocks, that's the day we fixed the session reboot09:23
seb128jibel, are we talking about the "login fails, you get gdm" or about the dconf errors?09:23
jibelwillcooke, I kept a VM running with the problem if they need more data in london09:24
willcookejust reconfigured my test laptop in to legacy mode, L_aney is writing a USB stick09:24
jibelwillcooke, you can relay the message ;)09:24
didrocksseb128: hum, are you sure? we fixed the a11y issue on the 24, so 25.1 contains the a11y fix, not the one from 2409:24
willcookejibel, shall we get you on a HO?09:25
seb128willcooke, great that you are here, at least we have some update of what is going on in London09:25
seb128otherwise it feels like complet disconnect09:25
dokoinfinity, Laney: are you aware of https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-bionic/bionic/s390x/b/backblaze-b2/20180426_070912_e76c3@/log.gz ?09:25
JamieBennettwillcooke: a HO seems sensible09:25
jibelsure, give me a minute09:25
seb128which is a bit sad09:25
Laneydoko: yes09:25
Laneyseb128: :/09:25
Laneywe're trying to reproduce it09:25
Laneybut please try as well09:26
seb128Laney, sorry, feels like we have pretty much being blocked or informed with hours delays of anything happening since tuesday, it's a bit the suck :/09:26
seb128yeah, i'm trying09:26
seb128but I'm a bit confused now09:26
Laneywhat delays?09:26
dokoLaney: looks like a quoting error?09:26
Laneydoko: no, the apt update failed09:26
seb128are we investigating the dconf permission errors?09:26
seb128or the "get login screen"09:26
Laneywhat has the release sprint delayed in that though?09:26
seb128Laney, if you guys were not at the same place there would be IRC discussions about the issues being considered/worked on and others would be in the loop of what's going on/what are the issues/what is the status09:27
Laneythis is a bug that was raised on IRC?09:28
seb1281h30 ago09:28
Laneythat's the first we knew09:28
jibelseb128, I think the "get loing screen" is the same problem09:28
seb128anyway that's not an important discussion to have now09:28
seb128jibel, I don't understand, does it happen in live or not?09:28
jibelseb128, yes in a live session09:29
jibel4213 [  306.097343] ubuntu gnome-session-binary[4872]: dconf-CRITICAL: unable to create file '/run/user/999/dconf/user': Permission denied.  dconf will not work properly.09:29
seb128jibel, do you have the buggy session atm?09:29
jibelseb128, you boot to a live session, and get a login screen09:29
seb128do you need to go through ubiquity-maybe?09:30
seb128or does it happen also in direct live from syslinux?09:30
willcookeHO: https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/will?authuser=009:30
jibelseb128, yes, I didn't reproduce it when booting straight to the live sesion from syslinux09:30
seb128k, good09:31
seb128jibel, can you "ps axu | grep dconf" on the buggy system?09:31
willcookejibel, link ^09:31
willcookefor HO09:31
willcookecc seb128, didrocks09:31
jibelyup 1s, the sound indicator disappeared09:31
didrocksjoining once my other vm trial booted09:32
didrocks(don't want to artifically slowing it down and see what happens)09:32
LocutusOfBorgdistro_info.DistroDataOutdated: Distribution data outdated. Please check for an update for distro-info-data. See /usr/share/doc/distro-info-data/README.Debian for details.09:32
LocutusOfBorgbackprotpackage broken09:33
seb128willcooke, same as didrocks, my laptop is already struggling with vms boots etc atm, might join in a bit09:34
philrocheCanonical CPC team checking in. I am CPC vanguard so if you know of any packages server/cloud related that will possibly cause a respin please ping. We're currently getting dailies uploaded to public clouds but will hold off on promotion until we get the OK from you guys.09:35
seb128jibel, did you see my question about the ps?09:36
* didrocks does another testboot closing thunderbird this time…09:37
seb128I'm not getting the issue in virtualbox09:38
didrocksI'm using kvm/qemu through gnome-boxes09:38
didrocksas it's clearly a race depending on who writes first, hard to reproduce :/09:38
jibelLaney, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntukylin/+bug/176706709:39
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1767067 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Booting to live session fails with: at-spi-bus-launcher: unable to create file '/run/user/999/dconf/user': Permission denied." [Critical,New]09:39
seb128sounds like we lost jibel, probably under pings from r-t and others09:39
seb128willcooke, jibel, I can't reproduce and can't help if IRC get ignored so I'm stepping out of that for a bit and going to look at launchpad recent reports & co, let me know if I can help/if someone wants to look at what I asked a bit earlier09:40
Laneywe're just trying hard to debug it, it's not a deliberate ignoring of you09:43
seb128I was trying to help09:44
jibelseb128, sorry, I missed your messsage09:44
willcookeseb128, join the HO09:45
seb128Laney, it's fine, it's just that it seems impossible from people not with you to get enough interaction bandwith to be useful, which is fair enough09:45
jibelseb128, gdm       5318  0.0  0.2 280736  5736 tty1     Sl   08:37   0:00 /usr/lib/ibus/ibus-dconf09:46
jibelubuntu    5685  0.0  0.0  21536  1068 tty3     S+   09:45   0:00 grep --color=auto dconf09:46
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 5685 in searchandrescue (Ubuntu) "searchandrescue: merge new debian version" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/568509:46
seb128willcooke, I can't, my machine is already swapping from the vm and GNOME session eating 1.5G ram09:46
seb128jibel, you don't have dconf-service process(es)?09:46
seb128weird :/09:46
didrockssame here, it's either vm or HO :/09:46
JamieBennettseb128: how about joining the HO via phone?09:46
willcookeupdate for IRC:  xnox thinks he can see the race09:47
seb128JamieBennett, I guess I can try, I just don't have my canonical account on my phone09:47
seb128willcooke, ah, nice09:47
willcookeatspi starting before dconf09:47
willcookeand sometimes it doesnt09:47
didrockswhich basically matches the first report on atspi09:47
didrocksI guess needing its env vars to see what's up09:48
seb128who is owner the dconf/user file?09:48
seb128it doesn't make sense to me09:49
seb128at-spi-bus-laun[4081]: unable to create file '/run/user/999/dconf/user': Permission denied. dconf will not work properly.09:49
seb128suggests that's it's not at-spi starting before dconf09:49
jibelseb128, it doesn't exist09:49
willcookewe think it;s that the file doesn't exist, rather than perms09:49
seb128while permission denied then?09:49
didrockswe had the same issue in ubiquity09:49
didrocksit was printing "Permission denied"09:50
seb128ubiquity had the file owned by root09:50
didrocksremember the second one09:50
seb128because a dconf-server was spawned by root09:50
jibeland 999 is owned by ubutnu09:50
didrocksthe one while you left for lunch :)09:50
didrocksyeah, that was the first issue09:50
didrocksthe second was missing XDG_RUNTIME_DIR09:50
seb128with XDG env was uncorrect09:50
seb128right, be the result was a file root owned there09:50
didrockswhich was printing '/run/user/999/dconf/user': Permission denied09:50
didrocksthere was no file09:50
willcookeHO closed for now09:52
willcookexnox has a plan09:53
didrocksjust in case the issue is the same the second fix we got the other day: check XDG_RUNTIME_DIR in that process and if setting it works09:54
willcookexnox, ^09:56
seb128would be useful to have the env of at-spi if the process doesn't exit due to the error09:58
seb128but it's weird, the a11y stack has its own bus iirc, it's not using the standard session one09:58
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: val-and-rick (bionic-proposed/universe) [0.1a.dfsg1-5build1 => 0.1a.dfsg1-6~build1] (no packageset)09:59
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted val-and-rick [source] (bionic-proposed) [0.1a.dfsg1-6~build1]10:00
LaneyI made it happen10:07
Laneythis is weird10:07
didrocksanything interesting in env/file permission/confirming file doesn't exist?10:08
Laneyhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VYh4qqJFpf/ that's the install debug log10:10
Laneyfirst bad line is (ubiquity:1430): IBUS-WARNING **: 09:47:25.837: The owner of /home/ubuntu/.config/ibus/bus is not root!10:10
cjwatsonI was suggesting here trying to get an strace -f of both ubiquity-dm and the running dbus-daemon (the latter by pid)10:12
cjwatsonand then assuming you hit the bug, search down for that directory name and then work backwards10:12
cjwatsonbig hammer but it might be quickest, assuming it doesn't perturb the bug out of existence10:13
=== hc_ is now known as Guest16076
seb128Laney, did you find a way to trigger it or just go it after n tries?10:20
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: python-requests-ntlm [amd64] (bionic-proposed/universe) [1.1.0-1] (no packageset)10:21
infinityseb128: The latter.10:21
seb128k :/10:21
enyc"intermittent race-condition heisenbug" =)10:23
seb128bug #1767048 :/ (not rc but annoying if that's the case)10:25
ubot5`bug 1767048 in ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "Slideshow translations were not updated for 18.04 LTS" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176704810:25
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted python-requests-ntlm [amd64] (bionic-proposed) [1.1.0-1]10:25
infinityseb128: Yeah, if we find ourselves having to delay, that's a valid candidate.10:26
jibelseb128, are this strings in a langpack or with the package? when I look earlier today, the untranslated string in French is translated in LP since 201610:35
cjwatsonin the package10:36
cjwatsonthat's true of the installer in general - it can't rely on langpacks10:36
Mirvjibel: part of the nonlangpack translations: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NonLanguagePackTranslationDeadline10:36
jibelright, that's what I supposed but everything is translated in French.10:37
MirvI think the template in LP is correct, but the translations just weren't exported and included in an upload10:37
cjwatsonlast translation update in the package seems to have been 2017-10-1710:37
willcookeseb128, jibel - everyone here as now reproduced the issue.  Adding more cpus to a VM seems to "help".  Trying to figure out what's going on now in parallel10:38
Mirvjibel: the link changed a bit: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubiquity-slideshow/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/html/revision/810#slideshows/ubuntu/slides/gethelp.html10:38
Mirvso that's why the two strings on the last page got affected10:38
cjwatsonI'll see if I can get a translation update going10:38
willcookeseb128, jibel - "help" = help reproduce10:40
Laneywe found another gsettings call too https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-installer/ubiquity/trunk/view/head:/bin/ubiquity-dm#L52610:43
Laneywithout all the sudo shizzle10:44
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: python-josepy (bionic-proposed/universe) [1.0.1-1 => 1.1.0-1] (no packageset) (sync)10:47
seb128cjwatson, thx10:48
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted python-josepy [sync] (bionic-proposed) [1.1.0-1]10:48
seb128willcooke, k, let me try that10:48
seb128Laney, ah, that sounds boggus10:49
Wimpresswillcooke Laney jibel Ubuntu MATE are experiencing the dconf issues.10:53
WimpressIt seems 100% reproducible in the 25.1 i386 image for Ubuntu MATE if that helps.10:53
WimpressI got word of this last night while travelling to UbuCon10:53
WimpressSat in the hotel now, happy to assist.10:54
willcookeWimpress, if you have old images, could you see if you can work out when it broke?10:54
WimpressWas also broken in 2510:56
jibelI couldn't reproduce with 2410:56
willcookedoes that tie in with the permissons fixes10:57
willcookeit must do10:57
WimpressThe oldest image I have is 24. So going to test it.10:57
seb128willcooke, thanks for the cpu hint, I got the pb on first try after changing vbox ncpu from 1 to 210:58
seb128while I didn't get it on like 15 tries before10:58
willcookethanks apw :)10:58
seb128on that session I've a dconf/user though10:59
seb128but it's root:root owned10:59
willcookeseb128, did you go direct in to the live session?10:59
seb128ubiquity-maybe (the screen with the Ui and the 2 choices)10:59
seb128and clicked on "try"10:59
Laneythat's weird, we don't see those files11:00
seb128let me retry a new boot11:00
Laneybecause there's no user session and the xdg runtime user gets deleted11:00
Laneyso you can't see the root:root state, not here11:00
seb128the user session is in "closing" state for me (c1)11:01
seb128still active due to ibus which didn't exit11:01
seb128ibus-daemon and ibus-dconf11:02
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted cloud-utils [source] (xenial-proposed) [0.27-0ubuntu25.1]11:03
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted cloud-utils [source] (artful-proposed) [0.30-0ubuntu2.1]11:04
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: python-pyvmomi (xenial-proposed/main) [5.5.0-2014.1.1-3 =>] (ubuntu-server)11:05
WimpressLaney seb128 Ubuntu MATE doesn't use ibus.11:07
seb128I don't think ibus is the issue11:07
seb128Laney, I think fixing those gsettings calls in -dm done without the wrapper is worth trying11:08
seb128Laney, I killed ibus, session closed, dconf dir had been wipped out11:08
seb128but the file was there and root owned in my case11:09
seb128didrocks, ^11:09
didrocksyeah, I think the gsettings call fix worth a shot (ensuring it has correct DBUS address and XDG_RUNTIME_DIR)11:09
Laneytrying to see where the bad permissions actually come in11:10
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu (bionic-proposed/main) [137 => 138] (kubuntu, ubuntu-desktop)11:17
Mirvthanks cjwatson11:20
cjwatsonseb128,didrocks,Laney: I think that would be https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RSqyqmz6s2/11:22
cjwatsonnaive untested conversion11:23
cjwatson(the logfile stuff is probably unnecessary, but is just in case)11:23
cjwatsoncan somebody try editing that in place?11:23
=== Guest16076 is now known as _hc
* didrocks still can't reproduce it… a quick diff look sounds good to try out with the wrapper we fixed11:24
* cjwatson is too rusty on all this and also doesn't have a reproducer case to hand11:25
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted qemu [source] (xenial-proposed) [1:2.5+dfsg-5ubuntu10.26]11:29
silWebcjwatson: reviewing the slideshow upload o/11:32
cjwatsonI mean it's 123000 lines of unreviewable diff, but go nuts11:34
Mirvfwiw I checked all the fi.po in the diff and it seemed to do what it's supposed, for all flavors11:36
silWebReviewing as much as possible, sanity checking11:37
silWebBut looks like the translations aren't bogus11:37
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu [source] (bionic-proposed) [138]11:38
cjwatsonLaney can still reproduce #1767067 with my patch11:42
cjwatsonwe're hitting it with more debugging12:00
cjwatsonhttps://people.canonical.com/~cjwatson/tmp/ubiquity-gsettings.patch is the current thing in progress12:01
seb128cjwatson, thanks for the status updates on IRC!12:02
=== ogra_` is now known as ogra_
xnoxLaney, infinity, cjwatson - "fix" the permissions, before quiting (meaning inside on_click handler of Try Ubuntu button) http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/gz6ddmPSF4/12:12
xnoxtrying this now12:12
seb128xnox, cjwatson, Laney, I guess you already saw that, but booting to ubiquity-maybe, going to a tty I've dconf/user root owned12:16
seb128so it's clearly from ubiquity-dm and not during the session start later12:17
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted libvirt [source] (xenial-proposed) [1.3.1-1ubuntu10.22]12:19
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted libvirt [source] (artful-proposed) [3.6.0-1ubuntu6.6]12:19
willcookeseb128, hard deadline for a decision abot a release today is 4pm UK time.  Current options are, AIUI, revert the a11y fixes and respin -or- release as is -or- fix the bug12:20
willcookeseb128, could you look at how we could save some time if we do revert so that we've got a headstart if that is the final decision?12:20
willcookelike maybe make a start on reverting?12:21
willcookeJamieBennett, fyi ^12:21
seb128willcooke, are we confident a revert would fix it?12:21
silWebDid we bisect it to started after this weeks a11y fixes?12:21
silWebjibel: you tried earlier images, right?12:22
jibelsilWeb, I tried 2412:23
willcookeyeah jibel tried earlier images, and Wimpress did too12:23
jibeli'm trying a revert of a a11y patch12:24
seb128willcooke, on what image did it start?12:24
seb128did it start with ubiquity .11 or .12?12:25
willcooke25 I think12:25
seb128or .10?12:25
silWebOn the 24th the a11y fixes landed12:26
seb128which one12:27
seb128we had several iterations12:27
silWebThe keypress one, and it was in the 25 image12:28
silWebjibel: so you could reproduce with 24 as well or not?12:29
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: virtualbox (bionic-proposed/multiverse) [5.2.10-dfsg-5 => 5.2.10-dfsg-5ubuntu1] (ubuntu-cloud)12:29
LocutusOfBorgcan we have virtualbox processed please???^^^ I can sync from Debian, but I think this is too late, so I would like to do an sru12:30
LocutusOfBorg(in case, accept when convenient12:30
silWebLocutusOfBorg: I'll look at it once the fires are extinguished12:31
jibelsilWeb, I didn't reproduce with 2412:31
acheronukthe bug just changed to "Fix Released"?12:43
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: nvidia-cuda-toolkit (bionic-proposed/multiverse) [9.1.85-3 => 9.1.85-3ubuntu1] (no packageset)12:48
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: virtualbox-hwe (bionic-proposed/multiverse) [5.2.10-dfsg-5ubuntu18.04.1 => 5.2.10-dfsg-5ubuntu18.04.2] (no packageset)12:48
cjwatsonseb128: my analysis of the debug output so far is that dconf/user is being created as root by ubiquity rather than by ubiquity-dm12:48
cjwatsonat least in the cases we've looked at12:48
seb128cjwatson, is "maybe-ubiquity" using ubiquity or -dm?12:49
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted nvidia-cuda-toolkit [source] (bionic-proposed) [9.1.85-3ubuntu1]12:49
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted virtualbox-hwe [source] (bionic-proposed) [5.2.10-dfsg-5ubuntu18.04.2]12:49
cjwatsonacheronuk: that's interfering users for you12:49
seb128sorry I'm not that familiar with how ubiquity works12:49
seb128I though the standalone mode was -dm12:49
seb128and ubiquity the UI used in the live session12:49
cjwatsonmaybe-ubiquity goes through ubiquity-dm12:49
cjwatsonwhich starts ubiquity as a subprocess within X etc.12:50
seb128I see12:50
seb128well at least by the time the 2 choices screen is displayed I've a dconf/user root owned12:51
cjwatsonxnox: I mean ... I guess.  perhaps.  pretty awful though12:51
seb128I did a gsettings wrapper that logs uid/$@/env and call the real binnary12:51
seb128the /usr/bin/gsettings command is never called as root12:51
seb128but I guess that was not a likely case, anyway that seems ruled out12:52
WimpressThere is a useful bug in Ubuntu MATE that might be interesting to you12:52
cjwatsonit was definitely possible though I'd mostly ruled it out here, but thanks for the confirmation12:52
Wimpresscrtl + alt + t works in Ubiquity12:52
seb128is that still true?12:53
seb128sounds like one of the possible side effect of the gsettings misuse we fixed recently12:53
seb128in any case switch to a tty works now in ubiquity so it's easy to get a debug command line12:54
WimpressNot on HPI ;-)12:54
WimpressAnd the ctrl + alt +t thing has been around for a good while.12:54
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: ruby-delayed-job-active-record (bionic-proposed/universe) [4.1.2-1 => 4.1.2-2] (no packageset)12:55
ahasenackLocutusOfBorg: I got that "distribution data outdated" error too in a script a jenkins job is using: /usr/bin/download-latest-test-iso. Do you know where that script comes from by any chance? https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/wZgVs2n7ym/12:55
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted ruby-delayed-job-active-record [source] (bionic-proposed) [4.1.2-2]12:55
cjwatsonhappens on release day every six months12:55
LocutusOfBorgahasenack, sudo vi /usr/share/distro-info/ubuntu.csv12:55
LocutusOfBorgset the bionic date to tomorrow12:56
LocutusOfBorg18.04 LTS,Bionic Beaver,bionic,2017-10-19,2018-04-27,2023-04-2612:56
ahasenackI don't have shell access on that box12:56
LocutusOfBorgand postpone the issue for 24h :)12:56
seb128Wimpress, well, we fixed that gsettings bug this week, could have made that hack stop working12:56
LocutusOfBorgso, ask to SRU the fix, you need to add a new entry with CC and some tentative schedule I would guess12:56
ahasenackthis is the ci job that gates the live-server iso image from pending to current12:57
ahasenackneed to find someone who can hack it12:57
ahasenackjosh is on pto12:57
cjwatsonahasenack: please could you debug this elsewhere?12:57
cjwatsonwe have enough fires here12:57
rbalintLaney: can we expect bionc/s390x autopkgtest runners to be fixed before the release or hints may be the way to go?12:57
jibelahasenack, i'll have a look12:58
Laneyrbalint: IS is looking12:59
rbalintLaney: thanks!13:00
cjwatsonseb128: I'm wondering if Gio.Settings.new in gtk_ui might create the dconf/user file with the privileges of the current process13:05
cjwatsonor something in those bindings13:06
cjwatsonit looks to me as though dconf-service creates that even if reading13:06
jibelI reverted this http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/p7xdxWqwNN/ (r6627) and cannot reproduce the bug13:07
seb128cjwatson, the way gsettings work dconf is only used for writes and dconf-service shouldn't start on reads13:07
seb128or until you issue a write13:07
cjwatsonwhat else would be creating dconf/user though?13:07
seb128nothing that I know of13:07
seb128I would expect that some root code is issue a dbus call that tells dconf to write something13:08
cjwatsonI think we should go ahead with this revert now (reversioned to 18.04.13 rather than 18.04.12ubuntu1, but otherwise jibel's patch LGTM)13:09
cjwatsondoes anyone object?  we should definitely continue to try to find the root cause but we're pretty nearly out of time13:09
jibelcould someone else test the revert?13:10
cjwatsonI think apw is doing so13:11
apwsil2100, ^ apw@brain:~/vms$13:11
apwsil2100, ^ are you doing that ?13:11
seb128cjwatson, if we think it's fine to release without screen reading in the installer that makes sense13:12
cjwatsonI mean it's not *fine* but it may be least-bad13:15
cjwatsonand fix properly for .113:15
sil2100I'm testing it13:16
Mirvif there's the respin, will you unblock http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu before that?13:18
infinityMirv: Yes.13:18
jbichajibel: the screen reader was broken for 17.10 too, right?13:19
cjwatsonxnox has an alternative hack that chowns dconf/user to 999:999 in the try_ubuntu entry point13:19
cjwatsonI think personally I'm more comfortable with the revert - fewer unknowns13:19
cjwatsonbut that's just me13:19
cyphermoxjibel: looking at the code, wouldn't it have made the screen reader only work in the only-ubiquity session?13:19
cyphermoxoh, duh13:20
acheronuka revert will re-break ubiquity reboot for flavours?13:20
jibelcyphermox, yes, but without it there is not way for someone blind to boot to the live session or install the distro13:21
cjwatsononly a revert of the screen reader stuff13:21
cjwatsonI don't think the reboot fix needs to be involved13:21
cyphermoxjibel: yeah, I clued in... also in a normal session you can start it yourself..13:21
seb128cjwatson, I tried to do the Gio.Settings.new/connect/etc from a root python interpreter, that doesn't lead to a dconf/user file created13:21
cjwatsonmaybe it depends on the signal being received?13:21
seb128well I went to another tty and did a write on the key13:22
jibelcyphermox, right but if your blind you cannot go to the live session13:22
seb128but maybe I tested something not right13:22
jibelyou are*13:22
seb128the callback didn't seem to get called13:23
cjwatsonit's clear that reverting a screen reader fix would be bad for blind people, and I don't *like* that13:23
cyphermoxjibel: maybe-ubiquity gives you the option. that's what you'd get normally if you just wait at the bootspash in legacy mode13:24
cyphermoxif you're booting UEFI you'd fall right in the live session if I'm not mistaken13:24
jibelcyphermox, how do you know which button to click and that you're on the right button if you do not *see* it13:24
cjwatsonxnox's alternative hack wouldn't have that downside; I'm less comfortable with that I think basically because I feel that there are too many paths to check13:25
xnoxwillcooke, cjwatson, Laney, infinity, jibel, apw - here is my bodge/hack, possibly will not be taken, but this appears to fix it for me13:25
xnoxif interested13:25
cyphermoxjibel: people know to hit left or right and then enter.13:25
cyphermox(or at least, some do)13:25
jibelhow? just turn off your screen and try13:25
cjwatsonjibel: I understand that you're arguing really hard that reverting a screen reader fix is bad.  What's your positive alternative suggestion?13:26
jibelhttps://code.launchpad.net/~jibel/ubiquity/lp1767067_revert_r6627_a11y if we go the revert way13:26
cjwatsonjibel: Do you prefer xnox's patch?13:26
cjwatsonxnox: needs to be chown uid:uid rather than just uid I think13:27
cjwatsonmode 600. I *guess*.13:27
seb128cjwatson, xnox, I would just rm the file13:28
jibelcjwatson, I don't have an alternative, I was replying to "in a normal session you can start it yourself" which is not true for disabled users13:28
seb128that file is not useful, it's just the way dconf has to tell client code to reload the db after it changes13:28
seb128dconf-service is going to rewrite the file if it's not there13:29
cjwatsonreasonable point13:29
xnoxseb128, true, if dconf is restarted and if that file is not locked / not in use....13:29
xnoxseb128, let me try13:30
cjwatsonI mean after try-ubuntu it surely ought not to be :)13:30
xnoxsil2100,  https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/ubiquity/fixup-owner-dconf/+merge/34447413:32
cyphermoxxnox: ubi-language seems late to be doing this?13:34
cjwatsonit's the try-ubuntu entry point13:34
cjwatsonso it's effectively where we're about to exit ubiquity13:34
cjwatsonxnox: also, needs a great big comment explaining WTF is going on13:35
cjwatsonand to be moved above the "Spinning cursor" comment13:35
cjwatsona hack like this with zero inline commentary isn't acceptable13:35
sil2100I'm prepping an iso with xnox13:37
sil2100's branch as well13:37
didrocksyeah, removing the file sounds the best path to me for now13:41
xnoxseb128, cjwatson - removing file, works good. Pushing branch.13:45
didrocksphew :)13:49
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1767067 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Bionic) "Booting to live session fails with: at-spi-bus-launcher: unable to create file '/run/user/999/dconf/user': Permission denied." [Critical,Confirmed]13:56
willcookeupdate: new patch being pushed now, then an image, then we need to test14:01
Wimpresswillcooke: Is one sample test image being created?14:03
WimpressIf so, I've found somewhere with WiFi. Can download and test.14:03
xnoxapw, https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/ubiquity/fixup-owner-with-remove/+merge/34447714:03
seb128cjwatson, looking at the timestamp of the dconf/user root owned and the journal log with millisec precision the file is modified really close from the Gio.Settings.new use and I can't find anything else in the patch/code that could explain the problem so you might be right14:08
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: ubiquity (bionic-proposed/main) [18.04.12 => 18.04.13] (core)14:10
Laneyseb128: think I know the real fix, can we talk about it?14:14
seb128oh, waouh14:14
Laneyso the code ended up in run() instead of __init__() which is where I was putting it14:15
Laneyproblem is that run() runs as root and __init__ as the user14:15
Laneyso the dconf call is happening as the root user14:15
cjwatson(this seems promising and I'm happy with it replacing the 18.04.13 above)14:15
Laneywhat I don't understand is why it was a race14:16
Laneypresumably the callback racing with a regain_privileges() elsewhere or something14:16
seb128that's a bit weird14:18
seb128I also don't understand what "dconf call" is happening14:18
Laneywhatever Gio.Settings.new is doing14:18
Laneyor the read maybe14:18
seb128but it shouldn't do one14:19
seb128and dconf shouldn't start until there is a writte14:19
seb128that's one of the things desrt was always pointing, on a normal session login dconf shouldn't be activated14:19
seb128the reads go through direct mmaping of the db14:19
seb128well, if moving to __ini__ fixes the issue that great and I think it's a better way out14:20
seb128but I still don't fuilly understand it either14:20
seb128neither why it's a race nor why there is a write at all14:21
cjwatsonI'm thinking maybe it socket-activates something as root that then later creates dconf/user due to a gsettings set?14:21
seb128could be I guess14:21
seb128Laney, you/anyone is trying to move the Gio blob to __init__ now?14:22
LaneyI'll do a merge proposal in a second14:22
seb128thx, let me know and I give it a try as well14:22
ginggscan nvidia-cuda-toolkit be unblocked please?14:25
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: synapse (bionic-proposed/universe) [ =>] (no packageset) (sync)14:27
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted synapse [sync] (bionic-proposed) []14:27
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: sugar-read-activity (bionic-proposed/universe) [119-1 => 120-1] (sugar) (sync)14:30
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: sugar-browse-activity (bionic-proposed/universe) [201.3-1 => 202-1] (no packageset) (sync)14:32
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted sugar-browse-activity [sync] (bionic-proposed) [202-1]14:32
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: sugar (bionic-proposed/universe) [0.112-2 => 0.112-4] (no packageset) (sync)14:33
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted sugar [sync] (bionic-proposed) [0.112-4]14:33
Laneyxnox: apw cjwatson seb128 https://code.launchpad.net/~laney/ubiquity/lp1767067/+merge/34448214:39
seb128Laney, thx, testing that14:42
Laneyaccidentally pushed it to trunk again ://///14:43
cjwatsonhave retroreviewed14:45
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected ubiquity [source] (bionic-proposed) [18.04.13]14:50
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: ubiquity (bionic-proposed/main) [18.04.12 => 18.04.14] (core)14:51
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted ubiquity [source] (bionic-proposed) [18.04.14]14:57
Laneythat's the same thing as a .patch14:57
LaneyYou can apply it in break=bottom or whatever14:58
Laneythat ubiquity is going to be unblocked and then we'll respin15:07
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted sugar-read-activity [sync] (bionic-proposed) [120-1]15:11
dokoany update on the s390x autopkg runners?15:11
xnoxdoko, no, and not work on in this channel.15:11
xnox(as in it is tracked / debugged on internal channel)15:12
dokoxnox: must be so internal that I cannot follow it :-/15:13
dokoare desktop images the only images for the respin?15:14
infinitydoko: No.15:14
jbichainfinity: I tried pinging handsome_feng twice about the 5 year support for Kylin issue but I didn't really get a reaction15:15
handsome_fengjbicha, infinity:Hi, I'm here15:16
jbichahandsome_feng: I'm not a member of the Tech Board or Release Team15:17
jbichabut I think there are concerns about whether Kylin can support its packages for 5 years now that it is no longer based on the main Ubuntu flavor supported by Canonical15:18
jbichaand Ubuntu MATE is only offering 3 years of support15:18
* acheronuk assumed that 5 years was a typo?15:19
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: freeipa (bionic-proposed/universe) [4.7.0~pre1+git20180411-2ubuntu1 => 4.7.0~pre1+git20180411-2ubuntu2] (no packageset)15:19
dokoinfinity: please could you considering to ignore the i386 autopkg test failure for python-redis and accept that one? please see https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=896864 for the background. we could accept the upload in unapproved too instead15:19
ubot5`Debian bug 896864 in src:python-redis "python-redis autopkg test failures on i386" [Important,Fixed]15:19
jbichahandsome_feng: is 3 years support ok for Kylin?15:19
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted freeipa [source] (bionic-proposed) [4.7.0~pre1+git20180411-2ubuntu2]15:20
handsome_fengjbicha: I'm ping my leader, so please wait a moment. :)15:22
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: dogtag-pki (bionic-proposed/universe) [10.6.0-1ubuntu1 => 10.6.0-1ubuntu2] (no packageset)15:24
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted dogtag-pki [source] (bionic-proposed) [10.6.0-1ubuntu2]15:25
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted java-atk-wrapper [source] (bionic-proposed) [0.33.3-20ubuntu0.1]15:26
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted python-redis [source] (bionic-proposed) [2.10.6-2ubuntu1]15:26
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted xdg-desktop-portal [sync] (bionic-proposed) [0.11-1]15:26
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted python-networkx [source] (bionic-proposed) [1.11-1ubuntu2]15:26
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: bind-dyndb-ldap (bionic-proposed/universe) [11.1-3 => 11.1-3ubuntu1] (no packageset)15:26
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted xdg-desktop-portal-gtk [sync] (bionic-proposed) [0.11-1]15:26
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted bind-dyndb-ldap [source] (bionic-proposed) [11.1-3ubuntu1]15:27
ubot5`Not yet!15:29
dokook, uploading tdaitx's fix for ceph as well15:29
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: ceph (bionic-proposed/main) [12.2.4-0ubuntu1 => 12.2.4-0ubuntu2] (desktop-core, ubuntu-server)15:34
Wimpressjbicha: Give Kylin is base on MATE and Ubuntu MATE is 3 years I don't see how Kylin can offer 5.15:35
Wimpresshandsome_feng: See above ^15:35
seb128cjwatson, Laney, willcooke, I tested a few reboot with what is currently in lp:ubiquity (patching the code in rescue.target) and I didn't hit the error, looks good so far to me15:36
didrocksI couldn't reproduce the issue, but I didn't get any regression with the same inline patching method15:37
seb128thx didrocks15:37
Laneywe tried lots of times here too15:41
handsome_fengWimpress, jbicha, infinity: After dissussing with the other members of ubuntu kylin, we agree with the desision that offering 3 years support for kylin15:41
dokoinfinity: please review the ceph upload15:41
handsome_fengWimpress: Thanks! :)15:42
jbichahandsome_feng: could you reply to your reply on the ubuntu-release mailing list then? thank you15:43
handsome_fengjbicha: Fine, I will do it now15:43
jbichaslangasek: sorry about the lateness but would you approve of me uploading gnucash 3.0 with the build tests ignored? LP: #175874015:47
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1758740 in gnucash (Ubuntu) "FFe: Sync gnucash 1:3.0-1 (universe) from Debian experimental (main)" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175874015:47
slangasekjbicha: you want to sync a package with a failing test whose impact you don't know, in order to be able to remove webkitgtk?15:49
slangasekjbicha: reverse-depends also suggests this is not the only remaining blocker for webkitgtk15:49
rbasakCould I have an ack from a release team member on https://code.launchpad.net/~racb/ubuntu-seeds/demote-nagios3/+merge/344490 please?15:50
rbasakIn particular are there any implications that I'm missing?15:50
jbichaslangasek: yes. 🙁 Those other rdepends are kinda unimportant15:51
slangasekrbasak: no impact on metapackages/images; ok to make that change if you're sure15:52
rbasakslangasek: thanks. Also is it syntactically OK to drop the Monitoring section in the seed file?15:52
slangasekrbasak: sure, those are just human-readable labels15:53
rbasakYeah that's what I thought. Thanks. I'll push.15:53
abdelraoufhello guys, when'll 18.04 LTS be available for download15:54
dpb1it will be announced when it's ready15:54
dokorbasak: remove from artful?15:54
abdelraoufthere is too much work left ?15:54
rbasakdoko: not remove, just demote.15:55
rbasakI've pushed the branch.15:55
dokorbasak: really from artful?15:55
rbasakI guess someone will need to move it after that takes effect?15:55
tjaaltondoko: so I have the patch for tomcat jre8 support ready and test suite passes, so either push that or revert to build with jdk8. opinions? I'll send the patch upstream soon15:55
rbasakdoko: no, bionic15:55
dokoahh, ok15:55
dokotjaalton: I would prefer the former15:56
tjaaltondoko: ok, I'll upload that15:56
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: tomcat8 (bionic-proposed/universe) [8.5.30-1ubuntu1 => 8.5.30-1ubuntu2] (kubuntu)16:03
jbichaslangasek: oh never mind. Eclipse depends indirectly on webkitgtk and I never got around to seeing how badly Eclipse would break if that dep were removed16:04
slangasekjbicha: ok.  in any case, I'm not ok with this as a last-minute untested change16:04
infinityjbicha: Thanks for clearing that up for us (re: kylin support length)16:04
infinitydoko: Too late for ceph, it's on some images.  It'll need to be an SRU.16:05
jbichainfinity: np. I thought it was strange when Kylin proposed 5 years this time but it wasn't my job so I didn't say anything…16:05
seb128cjwatson, Laney, didrocks, k, I confirmed with http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/startorca.py started with sudo -E -H that it leads to a root owned dconf/user16:05
JHOSMANHow long is it until the ISO's release of 18.04?16:06
rbasakinfinity: so to be clear I'm expecting a component mismatch to appear somewhere. So you're aware.16:06
cjwatsonJHOSMAN: we won't be giving expected times here; please don't ask16:06
didrocksseb128: thx for testing, so reading a key lead to this… weird :/16:06
slangasekrbasak, infinity: I'm going ahead with the nagios demotions now16:08
dpb1JHOSMAN: sign up here, and you wont have to poll https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-announce16:08
JHOSMANthanks dpb116:09
dokoinfinity, slangasek: please unblock ruby-delayed-job as well16:41
infinitydoko: Refresh the page?16:41
infinitydoko: Oh, NVM, I had the longer named one.16:41
dokoinfinity, slangasek: slangasek mentioned a possibility to ignore the "crossbuild-essential-amd64/amd64 unsatisfiable Depends: gcc-x86-64-linux-gnu" for build-essential. is this possible?16:44
flocculantinfinity: hi - just got in from work - are we respinning?16:45
infinitydoko: Not for release, build-essential is on media, and we're respinning in a matter of minutes.16:45
Wimpressflocculant: Yes.16:45
flocculantWimpress: okey doke - thanks16:46
Mirvduty calls, but thank you everyone in advance for your hard work16:47
tewardis everything still on track for release today?16:49
slangasekxnox, Laney: should ntp block the network-online target?  Should the autopkgtest runner setup scripts key on time-sync.target?16:56
slangasekteward: we're having to respin desktop images at the very last minute, but still on target for some value of "today"16:56
tewardslangasek: cool.  I'm more concerned about the Server images here, but I thought I'd ask.  :)16:57
slangasekthose images have no known blockers; but the release happens across all flavors at once16:57
tewardindeed.  glad to know it's "in the works" either way :)17:02
xnoxslangasek, time-sync.target only starts ntp daemon; but does not block until ntp sync is finished. we do start and reach time-sync.target; there is a new wait-time-sync.target with a wait-time-sync binary that blocks sysinit.target until NTP is *synced*17:03
xnoxbut that's only in v238 which we do not have yet.17:03
slangasekso "yes in principle but doesn't help us today"17:04
slangasekanyway, I bumped the RT17:04
xnoxslangasek, "local" time on machines appear to be in EDT timezone, and wrong time.17:05
LocutusOfBorgaccepting vbox will make me so happy :)17:06
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: virtualbox (bionic-proposed/multiverse) [5.2.10-dfsg-5 => 5.2.10-dfsg-6] (ubuntu-cloud) (sync)17:06
LocutusOfBorgalso people upgrading and finding their saved snapshots working and not completely broken17:06
slangasekxnox: and did this just recently change on the machines, or did something change in the apt/archive behavior?17:09
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected virtualbox [source] (bionic-proposed) [5.2.10-dfsg-5ubuntu1]17:13
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted virtualbox [sync] (bionic-proposed) [5.2.10-dfsg-6]17:13
dpb1slangasek: https://bugs.launchpad.net/subiquity/+bug/1766980 - comments 11 and particularly 1217:23
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1766980 in subiquity "Failed to import ssh key" [High,Triaged]17:23
dokotjaalton: I assume tomcat8 will need a SRU. is in the kubuntu seed17:24
xnoxslangasek, it has finally drifted far enough for apt to stop considering them as good enough drift17:24
xnoxslangasek, apt was updated a while back; but this issue is reproducible on xenial guests too.17:24
xnoxslangasek, so i'm suspecting HMC->lpar->nova->qemu side of things, rather than guest.17:24
xnoxguest should be made more resilient against buggy hosts, and block on ntp sync. but both things should be fixed.17:25
dpb1ahasenack: at least we should add a release note for the ssh-import-id problem.  I think until we have a definitive error condition more than that, it's not worth escalating.17:29
dpb1ahasenack: I suspect it doesn't happen on vms due to races, and wasn't caught there?17:30
ahasenackdpb1: oh, we were talking about two things then17:30
ahasenacka) this ssh key one for subiquity17:30
ahasenackb) the desktop bug people here have been rallying about17:30
dpb1ahasenack: no, I'm just talking subiquity17:30
slangasekxnox: indeed17:31
slangasekdpb1: thanks, reading17:31
dokoslangasek: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.txt is this already addressed?17:32
slangasekdoko: yes, *twice*, I went to process it and found somebody else had already demoted them despite me commenting here17:32
dokoI didn't17:33
infinityI did it ages ago.17:40
infinityslangasek: Oh, erk.  Did you do those demotions again after I did?17:48
slangasekinfinity: possibly, considering I replied here 2 minutes after rbasak's comment saying I would take care of it17:48
infinityslangasek: I was probably already alt-tabbed and doing it.17:49
infinityslangasek: I'll copy them all back in after I've started image builds to undo double-override bain damage.17:49
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: virtualbox-hwe (bionic-proposed/multiverse) [5.2.10-dfsg-5ubuntu18.04.2 => 5.2.10-dfsg-6ubuntu18.04.1] (no packageset)17:54
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted virtualbox-hwe [source] (bionic-proposed) [5.2.10-dfsg-6ubuntu18.04.1]17:55
tjaaltondoko: hah, ok17:59
stgraberhmm, we're getting reports that dist-upgrading a clean Ubuntu 16.04 server to 18.04 leads to apparmor being removed, will try to reproduce now18:02
stgrabersecond such report in two days (heard of it because LXD isn't very happy when the apparmor tools are missing and apparmor isn't disabled by the user)18:02
infinitystgraber: That's a neat trick.18:03
infinitystgraber: Although, to be fair, almost nothing depends on it.18:03
infinitystgraber: And without using do-release-upgrade, I don't see why we'd expect ubuntu-standard to always stick aorund.18:04
stgrabersorry, wasn't clear, that was with do-release-upgrade18:04
infinityOh, that's more sketchy.18:04
stgraberwhich is why I'm looking into it at all :)18:04
stgraberdeploying clean 16.04 server on MAAS, will try to do-release-upgrade that and see if I still have apparmor, if not, that may be a bit of a problem18:05
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Base amd64 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)18:15
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Base arm64 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)18:15
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Base armhf [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)18:15
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Base i386 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)18:15
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Base ppc64el [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)18:15
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Base s390x [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)18:15
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Kubuntu Desktop amd64 [Bionic Final] has been marked as ready18:18
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Kubuntu Desktop i386 [Bionic Final] has been marked as ready18:18
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Kubuntu Desktop amd64 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180425.1)18:21
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Kubuntu Desktop i386 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180425.1)18:21
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Lubuntu Alternate amd64 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)18:22
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Lubuntu Alternate i386 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)18:22
krosonpwow it's really fun to watch this :)18:23
acheronukKubuntu marked ready in error. whoops :P18:26
* acheronuk watches the world re-spin18:26
acheronukso what QA do we do on these respins? sanity check on ubiquity and slideshows?18:27
infinityacheronuk: boot-install-reboot smoketest, make sure the slideshow kinda slideshows, and for gtkish flavours, check screen reader works.18:28
acheronukright thanks18:29
slangasekinfinity: is that only subiquity that's being rebuilt?  (looking at email about failed rebuild)  what's the trigger for that?18:32
infinityslangasek: oem-config is on literally every image.18:32
infinityHow it failed, I don't know.18:32
slangasekinfinity: squint18:34
popeystgraber: fwiw I just upgraded a clean 16.04.4 to 18.04 and apparmor is still there18:36
popeystgraber: i have seen oddities (not this specifically) where people install from an older point release.18:36
stgraberpopey: yeah, same with clean 16.04 server here, trying with one using the version of LXD our bug reporter used18:36
stgraberpopey: so far, apt doesn't show me any weird removal so I expect that to work too18:36
stgraberwhich is good, that means we won't find ourselves with a good chunk of our server users running without apparmor18:37
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Server amd64 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)18:37
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Server arm64 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)18:37
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Server ppc64el [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)18:37
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Server s390x [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)18:37
willcookedpb1, ^18:38
ahasenackdoes this mean the pending/ subdirectory contains these now?18:39
infinityahasenack: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/20180426/18:39
ahasenackthe timestamp there is odd, it's from yesterday still, albeit close to midnight18:39
ahasenackmh, daily, that's not subiquity, is it?18:40
dpb1daily-live is18:42
stgraberpopey: yeah, install with LXD 2.21 works fine too, apparmor is still there18:42
popeyodd, does something conflict with apparmor maybe?18:42
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Lubuntu Desktop amd64 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)18:44
ogra_yeah, perhaps something they installed on 16.0418:44
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Lubuntu Desktop i386 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)18:44
stgraberpossibly, apparmor is a recommends of ubuntu-standard, so I can see how it may be removed to satisfy the upgrade, but I'd need to know more about what that user might have done differently first...18:44
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Xubuntu Desktop amd64 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)18:44
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Xubuntu Desktop i386 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)18:44
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Budgie Desktop amd64 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)18:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Budgie Desktop i386 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)18:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Desktop amd64 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)18:46
willcookepizza has arrived18:46
bdmurraywait where?18:47
apwin my hand ?18:47
xnoxbdmurray, it is good18:48
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Kylin Desktop amd64 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426.1)18:51
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Kylin Desktop i386 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426.1)18:51
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Kubuntu Desktop amd64 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)18:54
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu MATE Desktop amd64 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)18:54
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu MATE Desktop i386 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)18:54
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Kubuntu Desktop i386 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)18:54
valoriethere we are18:58
LaneySHIP. IT.18:58
krosonp!press the button!18:59
ubot5`krosonp: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:59
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Studio DVD amd64 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)19:00
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Studio DVD i386 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)19:00
dokomehh, woo build on arm64 restarted?19:00
slangasek"woo build"?19:01
Laneyhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/woo/1.0+dfsg1-2ubuntu1/+build/14797731 ?19:01
popeyBIOS boot 20180426 ubuntu image, chose f4 screen reader, try ubuntu. I get no voices.  Audio works - I get drums on launching ubiquity19:04
popeyIs there some additional key-combo to make it speak to me?19:04
jdstrandstgraber, infinity: fyi, I've tested this myself and can't reproduce. note that apparmor did introduce a Breaks: media-hub, mediascanner2.0, messaging-app, webbrowser-app19:04
jdstrandnone of that would be on server though19:05
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Server armhf+raspi2 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)19:05
* flocculant waits for popey's answer19:06
* sil2100 tests studio19:06
willcookepopey, alt + super + s19:07
popeyok, that poked it19:07
flocculantwillcooke: which does nothing on xubuntu19:08
flocculantnot sure we've ever tested it19:08
Laneythat specific code path19:10
Laneyis for gnome19:10
Laneynot sure what xfce uses, maybe something different19:10
flocculantLaney: oh right - I just read the testcase - will have to investigate that at some point and deal with the testcase19:11
ogra_jdstrand, heh, you have high confidence in server users :)19:13
ogra_.oO( oh. that media-hub thing could be helpful for my streaming server )19:14
popeyhm, can't get my thinkpad to boot this usb in uefi mode. black screen. maybe pilot error.19:22
willcookeUse cases all passed on what was the crashy hardware here19:22
popeyi keep getting grub19:23
willcookewith the options of try install etc?19:23
willcookethats normal.  It should boot to live from there if you leave it, or select try19:23
popeyWe don't show the super menu thing in uefi mode?19:24
willcookeno because UEFI19:24
jibeltranslations of the slideshow are correct in French.19:24
popeyok, screen reader works here in both uefi and bios mode19:24
jdstrandstgraber, infinity: fyi, I tried a server install with media-hub installed (one of the Breaks from apparmor): apt-get upgrade has apparmor correctly held, apt-get dist-upgrade has it upgrade with media-hub removal, do-release-upgrade -d has it upgrade with media-hub removal19:27
jdstrandI think we need to put this in the 'needs info' column19:27
stgraberjdstrand: yeah, definitely. If we get more such reports we'll try to track down what they have in common19:28
flocculantWimpress: running 64bit install for you screen reader working19:28
popeyThat's annoying.19:29
jibelpopey, do you have an existing operating system on this machine?19:31
popeywindows 10 on another ssd19:31
sil2100popey: ok, that's ugh, a known bug sadly19:32
jibelpopey, likely bug 176694519:32
ubot5`bug 1766945 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "(EFI on top of legacy install) choosing "replace" or "resize" options in partitioning may lead to an install failure" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176694519:32
sil2100Partially caused by my removal of the partman-efi force_uefi warning19:33
sil2100Since that's this case I didn't taste19:34
abdelraoufpopey: can you disable UEFI support19:35
abdelraouffrom bios?19:35
popeyi jhave already tested with uefi off19:35
popeynow I'm testing with it on, but can't.19:36
popeybut we know that's a known bug now. thanks seb128 jibel19:36
jibelI did a bunch of smoke tests with 26: dm -> live session -> install, dm -> install, syslinux -> live -> install, syslinux -> install. Tried with and without orca and also a series of dm -> live boots. nothing to report, ubuntu desktop looks fine.19:38
willcookethanks jibel19:38
willcookejibel, could you comment on the bug to that effect?19:38
popeytesting MATE i386 and amd6419:39
flocculantWimpress: did 64 bit screen reader for you19:40
flocculantwxl tsimonq2 - doing 64 bit lubuntu19:40
popeyflocculant: yes, amd64 mate screen reader worked here19:41
flocculantpopey: and here19:41
willcookethanks ahasenack19:41
flocculantno idea how to screen reader in lubuntu - just testing it installs19:42
popeyflocculant: does it not trigger from the menu at boot?19:44
flocculantseemingly not19:44
flocculantdid the F5 choose screen reader - like I did for us (xubuntu)19:44
flocculantsame result - silence19:45
sil2100Studio looks good (on a kvm)19:46
popeyflocculant: which iso did you grab?19:46
flocculantwxl tsimonq2 - lubuntu slideshow, browse the web slide - might be useful to update that pic from 16.10 ;)19:46
popeyi only see alternate isos19:46
flocculantdefinitely on the tracker19:47
popeyah got it19:47
popeydaily-live - duh19:47
flocculantoh really? I see it on Bionic Final page here19:47
popeyok, mate i386 and amd64 are good here.19:49
* flocculant is doing things he can zsync quickly19:50
sil2100Trying budgie now19:50
jibelbudgie and kylin, anyone ?19:50
flocculantsil2100: I'm on the way to having budgie 64bit19:51
jibelk, syncing kylin19:51
ahasenackI don't know how to test the screen reader, I have never used it before19:51
flocculantat 835.2 kBps :|19:51
ahasenackin legacy boot, I see "f5", used that, selected screen reader, and then hit "try ubuntu" in the menu19:51
ahasenackbut nothing is different19:51
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Server Subiquity amd64 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)19:52
valorieooooo, it rebooted ok!19:52
popeyjibel: need me to do one?19:53
acheronukvalorie: oem?19:53
sil2100flocculant: excellent! I'm testing i386 in the meantime, thanks!19:53
sparkiegeekahasenack: if you hit Alt + Super + S it enables the screen reader19:54
jibelpopey, kylin i386would be nice19:54
flocculantsil2100: no problem19:54
popeyjibel: on it19:54
jibeldownloading is slow19:55
valorieoem now19:55
flocculantjibel: indeed it is - got worse here in the last 30 minutes19:55
valorieI missed the grub bit so went ahead and did two others19:55
popeyyeah, getting 1-2MB/s now19:55
flocculantyea - jumped - at 93% for budgie 64 bit19:56
WimpressUbuCon ninjas are on it like a bonnet19:57
ahasenacksparkiegeek: indeed it does, thanks19:58
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: mozjs24 (xenial-proposed/universe) [24.2.0-3ubuntu2 => 24.2.0-3ubuntu2.1] (ubuntugnome)20:00
flocculantbudgie screen reader works20:00
JamieBennettAnyone tested in VMWare?20:01
popeyNot what you asked, but I test in VirtualBox20:01
flocculantthough I've turned it off - screen reader and Ozric Tentacles is a bad combo20:01
flocculantand I'm doing these in kvm20:01
jibelJamieBennett, I did20:02
jibelin vmplayer20:02
JamieBennettVMWare Fusion 8.x -> "Try Ubuntu" -> Screen Reader on -> black screen for 5 mins20:02
jibelJamieBennett, how much memory did you allocate to your vm ?20:03
JamieBennett(testing on Mac)20:03
jibelJamieBennett, be a bit more generous20:03
popeyHah. is it 2012?20:03
jibelJamieBennett, 1.5 is the minimum20:03
JamieBennettSorry, 1GB RAM20:03
WimpressYou'd get away with 1GB with Ubuntu MATE ;-)20:03
Kamilioni can't even get most of the flavors to boot with 1GB of ram20:03
JamieBennett20GB disk20:03
Kamilioni have to crank up to 2048MB in vmware for every new VM I create, hehe20:04
* JamieBennett tries again20:04
flocculantKamilion: I wondered sometime ago why xubuntu iso was like treacle - I had been testing something, and it was set at 768Mb20:04
flocculantit 'worked'20:04
* popey gets out his Thinkpad 380XD with 32MB RAM for ISO testing..20:05
* flocculant doesn't work for Canonical :p20:05
KamilionI said most of the flavors20:05
Kamilionxubuntu and lubuntu are the ones that generally work for 1GB or less20:05
Kamilionubuntu-studio has always been annoying in it's thirst for RAM form e :D20:06
ogra_popey, ubuntu-core FTW !20:06
flocculantsil2100: budgie 64bit done20:06
JamieBennettjibel: problem is that VMWare defaults to 1GB20:06
ogra_ah, damn, we dont have isos20:06
popeyogra_: yeah, was about to mention, lack of installer...20:06
JamieBennettogra_: we have UC16 images20:06
popeyNo. "dd" is not an installer.20:06
ogra_yeah, ... that will come :)20:06
jibelJamieBennett, so do virt-manager20:06
sil2100i386 almost done20:07
ogra_popey, as a frontend to dd ;)20:07
JamieBennettogra_: etcher.io is just a frontend to dd but it does look pretty20:08
jdstrandstgraber, infinity: for completeness on a 16.04 desktop install with media-hub, mediascanner2.0, webbrowser-app and messaging-app (ie, all the new Breaks in bionic), apt-get upgrade correctly holds apparmor, apt-get dist-upgrade upgrades apparmor and removes those packages, and update-manager -d upgrades apparmor and removes those packages20:08
* popey guess which of the various chinese glyphs in the installer enable screen reader20:08
ogra_JamieBennett, yeah, we can have the same for code one day :)20:08
jdstrandstgraber, infinity: again, needs info. doesn't seem to be related to the added breaks, whatever it is20:09
flocculantanything else need doing?20:09
ogra_jdstrand, stgraber, perhaps some broken PPA package the user added ?20:09
flocculantother than Chinese ...20:09
sil2100i386 is good20:09
sil2100fossfreedom: thanks for testing as well!20:09
jdstrandogra_: yeah, that is what I was thinking20:09
popeyUh, screen reader didnt start on kylin i38620:09
popeydunno how to poke it.20:10
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Xubuntu Desktop amd64 [Bionic Final] has been marked as ready20:10
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Xubuntu Desktop i386 [Bionic Final] has been marked as ready20:10
tsimonq2I'm about to leave for Milwaukee then will be on a plane to Seattle. Once Lubuntu is ready, don't wait on me to mark things as ready please.20:10
flocculanttsimonq2: looks like you've got tests on all types 32/64/alternate/desktop20:11
JamieBennettjibel: OK, 2GB did it, no blank screen now20:12
stgraberjdstrand, ogra_: current suspicion is that the "clean" install from that user came from hetzner.de and that they messed something up... they had apparmor installed for sure but maybe hetzner didn't have ubuntu-standard on there for some reason.20:13
stgraberthe next LXD SRU will add a recommends on apparmor, that may help with such weird systems20:13
jdstrandstgraber: nice20:13
ogra_given how important apparmor got now it should probably be moved up a little from recommends20:15
JamieBennettAnyone got the installer showcase to disappear during install in a live session20:15
popeywhich iso you using JamieBennett ?20:15
JamieBennettplain Ubuntu 18.04 as linked above20:15
* sil2100 is testing kylin amd64 now20:16
JamieBennett"System program problem detected"20:16
popey"Insufficient RAM" :)20:16
jibelJamieBennett, bug 175125220:16
ubot5`bug 1751252 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Bionic) "ubiquity crashed with signal 5 in _XEventsQueued()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175125220:16
JamieBennettwaiting for the report to be generated20:16
jibelcompare the stack traces once it's retraced20:16
JamieBennettjibel: looks like that one, yes20:17
JamieBennettjibel: old bug?20:19
jibelnot old, it started in bionic20:20
jibelwillcooke, ^^ something to investigate20:20
JamieBennettjibel: old as in weeks not today20:20
jibelJamieBennett, yes, early 201820:21
JamieBennettit looks like it hung trying to report the bug :(20:21
JamieBennettor it is very ssssslllllllllllooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwww20:21
KamilionDoes *ANYONE* test if TORAM=Yes works, or is that considered to be 'if it works it works, if it breaks, you get to keep both pieces' ?20:21
KamilionI'm not saying it's broken, I'm just querying if I'm the only one who actually uses/tests with it20:22
jibelubuntukylin amd64 is ok. First slide of the slideshow is not fully translated though20:24
JamieBennettjibel: probably completely unrelated but did you turn screen reader off half way through install in your testing?20:25
jibelJamieBennett, I didn't20:26
JamieBennettjibel: OK20:27
popeyjibel: how did you trigger screen reader in kylin?20:27
* JamieBennett tries that again20:27
JamieBennettalt, super, s?20:27
popeydidnt work on the i386 image20:27
jibelpopey, I didn't try the screen reader, they use their own and don't know how to activate it. But they hit the bug without it20:27
popeyoh ok20:28
WimpressHas anyone tried an OEM install?20:32
willcookeWimpress, I have on ubuntu desktop20:32
willcookedoing free software now20:32
jibelWimpress, i did20:33
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Lubuntu Alternate amd64 [Bionic Final] has been marked as ready20:36
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Lubuntu Desktop amd64 [Bionic Final] has been marked as ready20:36
sil2100Testing subiqity now20:36
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Lubuntu Desktop i386 [Bionic Final] has been marked as ready20:36
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Lubuntu Alternate i386 [Bionic Final] has been marked as ready20:36
sil2100jibel: you testing kylin i386 now?20:36
sil2100Since I saw you also did kylin20:36
jibelsil2100, I did 64bit20:36
popeyi did kylin i38620:36
sil2100popey: <320:38
sil2100jibel: <320:38
willcookejibel, do you have a vm you can test "reuse home" on?20:39
jibelwillcooke, yes20:40
jibeljust did20:40
flocculantI assume I can go rest a bit now then :p20:42
cjwatsondoko: woo was an accidental manual cancellation (the canceller mistakenly thought it had hung)20:42
willcookejibel, looks like we can mark ubuntu desktop ready20:42
willcookeLaney, you want the honour? ^20:43
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Desktop amd64 [Bionic Final] has been marked as ready20:44
popeyI also tested the oem install, worked fine.20:44
sil2100fossfreedom: is budgie ready?20:45
sil2100fossfreedom: can you trigger it on the isotracker?20:45
fossfreedomwill do - one last test 64bit, partitioning, no network - just a few minutes sil210020:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu MATE Desktop amd64 [Bionic Final] has been marked as ready20:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu MATE Desktop i386 [Bionic Final] has been marked as ready20:46
sil2100fossfreedom: thanks!20:47
willcookevalorie, you need any help with kubuntu 386?20:50
valorieoh it would be great if someone did one20:50
willcooketesters.... away20:50
* willcooke downloads20:50
* valorie is a little shaken up and need to catch my breath for a sec20:50
popeyany others need doing?20:51
acheronukI'm doing Kubuntu i386 oem, but can only do a VM test with that20:51
popeyacheronuk: what do you need me to do?20:52
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Budgie Desktop amd64 [Bionic Final] has been marked as ready20:54
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Budgie Desktop i386 [Bionic Final] has been marked as ready20:54
willcookelooks like kylin need some i386 tests doing too20:54
acheronukpopey: probably nothing, unless you feel like doing a belt and braces re-test of i386 oem on real hardware. thanks :)20:55
jibelwillcooke, popey did it20:55
sil2100Subiquity looks good20:55
sil2100mwilson-e: ^20:55
popeywillcooke: TRUE20:55
sil2100mwilson-e: (nvm)20:55
jibelpopey, can you update the tracker?20:55
sil2100mwilson-e: pinged wrong person! Sorry!20:55
sil2100mwhudson: ^20:55
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Lubuntu Alternate amd64 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)20:56
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Lubuntu Desktop amd64 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)20:56
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Lubuntu Desktop i386 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)20:56
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Lubuntu Alternate i386 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)20:56
sil2100mwhudson: will you mind if we mark subiquity as ready?20:57
popeyjibel: done20:57
mwhudsonsil2100: ask slangasek!20:57
sil2100slangasek: can we mark subiquity as good? I tested amd64 on bios and uefi on kvm (so, well, limited testing)20:58
sil2100But seeing the delta for these images, I'd think that's enough20:58
flocculantdoing a quick manual test for lubuntu20:59
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Kubuntu Desktop amd64 [Bionic Final] has been marked as ready21:00
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Kubuntu Desktop i386 [Bionic Final] has been marked as ready21:00
mwhudsonsil2100: the point being there might be a new subiquity image coming21:00
sil2100mwhudson: wha?21:01
sil2100mwhudson: why? Is  there something we do not know and should?21:01
sil2100mwhudson: is there a regression in the newly respun image?21:01
mwhudsonsil2100: https://bugs.launchpad.net/subiquity/+bug/176698021:01
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1766980 in subiquity "Failed to import ssh key" [High,Triaged]21:01
mwhudsonsil2100: at least subiquity is a snap...21:02
sil2100Isn't it a bit too late for a subiquity image by now? We're already late with everything21:02
sil2100We didn't know about this one before it seems21:03
slangaseksil2100, mwhudson: ! don't ask me either, ask the server team! :)21:03
sil2100Was it linked in the isotracker?21:03
mwhudsonsil2100: it was but i think it's priority was misdiagnosed at the time21:04
mwhudsonslangasek: heh21:04
* slangasek tags in dpb1 21:05
infinitymwhudson: Ugh.21:05
sil2100mwhudson: ok, since subiquity is a snap I guess we could live through that, but it would have to land ASAP21:05
sil2100Like, 2 hours ago at best21:05
slangasekinfinity, sil2100, mwhudson: it's release-noted and we're not holding you up for it21:05
dpb1slangasek: +1, post-release is fine21:05
dpb1slangasek: we have updated the release-notes page already21:06
* mwhudson dials down the panic slightly21:06
sil2100phew, thank you21:07
ubot5`Not yet!21:07
slangasekmwhudson: apologies; I thought it was important to work through characterizing the bug and come up with a plan for fixing but I didn't ever think it was realistic to have it fixed in GA and should have said21:07
mwhudsonslangasek: that'll learn me for being too optimistic21:08
flocculantsil2100: you want to know release note place for xubuntu - it's different from beta one now we're releasing -  https://xubuntu.org/news/xubuntu-18-04-release/21:08
flocculantinfinity: or you ^^21:08
infinityflocculant: The main release notes should link to it.21:08
flocculantinfinity: aah yes - it does21:09
flocculantbeen talking to tsimonq2 - he's ok for it to be marked ready, so I did for him21:11
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Lubuntu Alternate amd64 [Bionic Final] has been marked as ready21:12
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Lubuntu Desktop amd64 [Bionic Final] has been marked as ready21:12
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Lubuntu Desktop i386 [Bionic Final] has been marked as ready21:12
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Lubuntu Alternate i386 [Bionic Final] has been marked as ready21:12
flocculantwell thanks eveyone for the fun ride this week - but I'm off up the wooden hill21:13
sil2100mwhudson, slangasek: soo, with all that, should we mark subiquity as ready?21:13
slangaseksil2100: you're still talking to !server team ;)21:13
flocculantI've marked mine too obviously21:13
slangaseksil2100: dpb1 is the authority on this21:13
sil2100bluesabre: ping!21:14
sil2100dpb1: ^ ;)21:14
flocculantsil2100: what do you need bluesabre for?21:14
* dpb1 reads21:15
flocculantsil2100: if it's anything Xubuntuish - I've done what needs doing afaik21:15
* flocculant hangs about a bit longer21:15
sil2100Ah, it's marked, sorry21:15
sil2100bluesabre: unping21:15
flocculantsil2100: you know I'm in the Xubuntu release team?21:16
flocculantif you didn't you do now lol21:16
ubot5`Not yet!21:16
Kamilioni ran into that ssh key bug myself, failed to import my keys from launchpad/kamilion and github/kamilion.21:16
dpb1slangasek: the jenkins jobs are all green21:17
slangasekdpb1: so you're happy to release the amd64 subiquity image?21:17
slangasekdpb1: the alternate server images have some un-finished tests also; should we be blocking on these?21:17
sil2100ErichEickmeyer: ping! Are you around by any chance?21:18
valorieKubuntu is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes/Kubuntu21:18
popeyacheronuk: confirmed oem install of 386 kubuntu worked fine :)21:18
sil2100ErichEickmeyer: we did some sanity-testing of studio bionic on both arches, do you think we can proceed with marking those as ready?21:18
acheronukpopey: fantastic. thanks21:19
flocculantsil2100: ovenwerks (studio guy) was trying to raise erich at 21:53 - no reply in their dev channel yet21:20
sil2100flocculant: thanks for the info21:20
flocculantfrom that channel I would suspect they'd be happy to mark it *shrug*21:21
* flocculant really goes now - thanks to you all - happy release :)21:22
* Kamilion starts grabbing .torrent files to seed21:22
sil2100dpb1: we good to mark subiquity as ready?21:22
dpb1sil2100: we are good on subiquity21:23
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Base amd64 [Bionic Final] has been marked as ready21:24
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Base arm64 [Bionic Final] has been marked as ready21:24
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Base armhf [Bionic Final] has been marked as ready21:24
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Base i386 [Bionic Final] has been marked as ready21:24
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Base ppc64el [Bionic Final] has been marked as ready21:24
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Base s390x [Bionic Final] has been marked as ready21:24
sil2100dpb1: <321:24
valorierelease team: <321:24
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Server Subiquity amd64 [Bionic Final] has been marked as ready21:25
krosonpthank you guys for the hard work!21:25
willcookeany kylin devs online in this channel/21:26
slangasekxnox: are you available to talk s390x?21:26
xnoxslangasek, yes.21:26
xnoxslangasek, online installs are all good.21:26
sil2100acheronuk: are you around by any chance?21:26
slangasekxnox: none of the tests are marked off on the iso tracker21:26
xnoxslangasek, and the offline one should be working fine, but i appear to be failing to point it to the offline export of the .iso to complete offline install21:26
xnox(it is failing to find the kernel.... but it looks like i'm exporting the iso badly)21:27
acheronuksil2100: yep21:27
xnoxslangasek, i cannot mark things "ready"21:27
slangasekxnox: and what are the tests you actually run, since I expect the default ones for ubuntu server don't map correctly to the s390x install paths?21:27
slangasekxnox: but you can report test results and there are none reported against this image21:27
jibelwillcooke, it's a bit early for kylin21:28
sil2100acheronuk: ah, actually, I found what I needed, nvm! Sorry to bother21:29
willcookejibel, yeah figures.  I think we can mark them ready.21:29
slangasekdpb1: ^^ seems we don't yet have a confirmed good run of the s390x iso21:29
willcookejibel, sil2100 - doing one more 64bit test on Kylin21:29
jibelwillcooke, they didn't report any critical bug apparently but it's hard to tell everything they reported is untriaged21:33
dpb1slangasek: then if we can't release the others, we need to wait for that testing.21:33
jibelwillcooke, I'd rather wait until they wake up.21:34
willcookejibel, we're testing and are going to call it good I think21:34
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Netboot amd64 [Bionic Final] has been marked as ready21:35
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Netboot i386 [Bionic Final] has been marked as ready21:35
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Netboot s390x [Bionic Final] has been marked as ready21:35
willcookeloving that animated shutdownb scren21:35
jibelwillcooke, for example bug 176649921:35
ubot5`bug 1766499 in Ubuntu Kylin "Unable to find http://archive.ubuntukylin.com:10006/ubuntukylin bionic Release" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176649921:35
sil2100Marking studio, looks sane enough to me (and no contact with the release manager)21:36
sil2100ErichEickmeyer: ^ hope you don't mind21:36
jibelwillcooke, they say it is not fixed and the bug suggests they cant update the system21:36
willcookejibel, that won't be affected by anything that has changed today21:37
slangasekxnox: is the "failing to point to iso export" a hard failure?21:37
SlidingHornsil2100: last I saw someone report in -devel, it was working21:37
jibelwillcooke, which does not mean the image is good21:37
SlidingHornI'm not authorized to give a green light though21:37
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Studio DVD amd64 [Bionic Final] has been marked as ready21:37
sil2100SlidingHorn: I guess it's enough for us (being this late)21:37
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Studio DVD i386 [Bionic Final] has been marked as ready21:37
willcookejibel, not iso testing though21:39
JamieBennettwillcooke: are you happy to release?21:39
willcookeJamieBennett, yeah, Ubuntu Desktop is marked ready21:39
* mwhudson gets on a bus for a bit21:39
willcookeJamieBennett, I think 5 more mins are everything will be marked ready21:40
JamieBennettOK, we can fix any issues afterwards in .1 or even before, lets give the world Ubuntu 18.0421:40
jibelwillcooke, I just verified and the kylin apt source on the iso is wrong. Not sure they'll want to release with this kind of issue.21:41
LaneyThey fix it by fixing their archive21:41
* JamieBennett nods21:41
xnoxslangasek, so, cause the time was wrong, and d-i seems to not have did ntp sync.... but with the right clock offline install works too, so s390x server is awesome.21:45
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Kylin Desktop amd64 [Bionic Final] has been marked as ready21:47
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Kylin Desktop i386 [Bionic Final] has been marked as ready21:47
slangasekxnox: thanks. you'll post this result to the iso tracker?21:48
xnoxslangasek, yes, offline test case pass.21:48
dpb1slangasek: we are a go on all required server testing21:50
slangasekdpb1: marked ready for release21:51
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Server amd64 [Bionic Final] has been marked as ready21:51
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Server arm64 [Bionic Final] has been marked as ready21:51
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Server armhf+raspi2 [Bionic Final] has been marked as ready21:51
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Server ppc64el [Bionic Final] has been marked as ready21:51
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Server s390x [Bionic Final] has been marked as ready21:51
* JamieBennett has a sigh of relief21:52
JamieBennettSuper proud of everyone involved, well done!21:52
Odd_Blokeslangasek: infinity: Are we good to start pushing out cloud images?21:52
infinityOdd_Bloke: Official release will be right around midnight London time, but if you need some lead time pushing, push away.21:54
willcookepopey, Wimpress - thanks for your testing skillz21:54
popeyno problemo21:54
Odd_Blokeinfinity: Ack.21:54
WimpressSomething something Cuba Libre21:54
ogra_ot yet!22:00
LocutusOfBorginfinity, please unblock virtualbox and virtualbox-hwe whenever possible?22:07
infinityLocutusOfBorg: Done.22:12
sil2100Wimpress: you'll be updating https://ubuntu-mate.org/download/ to include bionic soonish, right?22:33
popeyit is updated22:35
popeyi clicked 64-bit and got a page offering bionic22:35
popeyfree wifi in a car park of a pub apparently22:38
sil2100wow, magic indeed22:44
* sil2100 probably had some old cache22:44
willcookethanks everyone23:02
=== sil2100 changed the topic of #ubuntu-release to: Released: Xenial 16.04.4, Artful 17.10, Bionic 18.04 | Archive: final freeze | Bionic Release Coordination | Please don't upload things during freezes where you shouldn't, or be prepared to apologise to the release team | We accept payment in cash, check or beer | melius malum quod cognoscis
kyrofaCongratulations everyone, thanks for all the hard work23:05
=== infinity changed the topic of #ubuntu-release to: Released: Xenial 16.04.4, Bionic 18.04 | Archive: final freeze | Bionic Release Coordination | Please don't upload things during freezes where you shouldn't, or be prepared to apologise to the release team | We accept payment in cash, check or beer | melius malum quod cognoscis
valoriethank you to all of you super people who make this happen23:11
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: 35 entries have been added, updated or disabled23:14
tewardyay for release!  thank you everyone for your efforts :D23:17
dpb1nice work guys23:18
dpb1<clapping emoji>23:18
dpb1👏 👏 👏23:19
dpb1there we go23:19
willcookeyou beat me23:19
dpb1willcooke: I had emoj installed (snap) !23:19
knomeoh gosh emoji, i must part ;)23:19
dpb1an actual emoji-ragequit.  i love it.23:20
sarnold~fifteen years ago I helped organize IRC "conferences" on a predominately spanish-speaking educational irc network ..23:20
sarnoldafter every presentation there were *hundreds* of lines of23:20
sarnoldplas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas23:20
sarnoldin glorious colours23:20
sarnolda few emojies feels a bit restrained :D23:21
popey💃 23:21
Laneycongratulations to all the ubuntu developers on a great 18.04 LTS!!!!!!!23:22
sil2100infinity doesn't appreciate cute...23:23
sil2100Ok, I think I go EOD to bed23:23
sarnoldLaney: *thats* the stuff!23:23
willcookeg'night all23:26
DalekSecLaney: Haha!  Nice job.23:27
Laneysarnold: That's a script I never get to use23:27
Laneylike the kenny one23:27
valorieare you in the airport, tsimonq2?23:34
tsimonq2I barely made it!23:35
acheronukthank you everyone. :)23:36
tsimonq2Nice job y'all.23:36
tsimonq2Now we wait for the Calculating Camel to be announced... 😁23:37
valoriegonna be carrot, I just know23:43
valoriealthough Chthonic Cthulhu is the best I've heard so far23:44
infinityvalorie: I read that as Catholic Cthulhu, which would also be alright.23:49
valorie+ + +23:50
* infinity closes bionic in Launchpad.23:52
tewardto be honest, y'all just made me laugh with your last few messages, and I thank you for that since today's been a chaotic day that hasn't had me smile or laugh.  :)23:54
slangasekteward: then I'm sure you must be looking forward to Chaotic Chinchilla23:57
acheronukusually the meta on changelogs.ubuntu.com gets updated after half a day or so? was wondering when, given the lateness now?23:59

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