
=== uniquorn_ is now known as uniquorn
=== WillMoogle_ is now known as WillMoogle
=== triple-clones is now known as tripleclones
AuroraAvenueknightwise : current situation [ https://imgur.com/GyILbYC ] Hotel in Burnley on hoel wifi - no there's no talcum powder in the room.06:55
SuperMatthappy *buntu day!07:14
zmoylan-pianother day, another distro... :-P07:24
AuroraAvenuewhats is that subreddit about cassette culture named again ? I s it the Alt-J relaxer cassette ?07:31
zmoylan-pii would have thought it would be named something like, bring_your_own_pencil :-)07:46
AuroraAvenuezmoylan-pi, so you're a belgian rebel with a pecil, hey ? Huh ...07:48
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:30
=== SuperMatt is now known as BionicMatt
AuroraAvenuehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiMXd4U8kFQ | how mu ch a plastic squirrel these days ?08:39
* zmoylan-pi waits patiently for xubuntu so it will be a while yet...08:53
BionicMattYou can probably just upgrade now without any issues08:54
brobostigonhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseAnnouncement seems release has happened.08:57
ali1234that's early09:02
ali1234isnt it normally released at like 4pm?09:02
brobostigonno idea.09:02
=== Darkstar is now known as Guest91492
ali1234also isn't it normally official when that mail is sent to ubuntu-devel list?09:03
ali1234lenovo have finally released a stand alone update iso for x250 bios, so i'll be applying that first... when i figure out how to boot it from USB09:05
knightwisehey peeps09:09
knightwisehey brobostigon how are you dude09:10
brobostigonhalf asleep, and you?09:11
knightwiseat work, trying to make the day go by faster09:12
brobostigongood luck.09:13
knightwiseyeah ..09:24
knightwisebeen trying out ubuntu 18.04 over the last  week09:24
knightwiselooks realy good09:25
knightwisebroke my install yesterday by trying out the community theme09:25
psuttonhi all10:45
psuttonjust waiting for the 18.04 release10:47
psuttoni have 4 labels printed out ready too10:47
zmoylan-pia badly scribbled label with a sharpie on a dvd not good enough? :-)10:48
psuttoni have printed lables off10:49
psuttonas i have pressit label kit10:49
psuttonso just need to burn dvd, test it then stick a label on10:49
zmoylan-piwhatever happened to the tech that allowed you to print pics on the data side of the discs...10:50
psuttonzmoylan-pi: hand written labels are good for personal use,  looks bad if giving out cds / dvds10:50
psuttonzmoylan-pi: lightscribe10:50
psuttonor is that differet10:50
zmoylan-pippppftttt... i sent critical security patches on reformatted aol floppies back in the day :-D10:51
psuttoni remember installing slackware from floppy10:51
psuttonused rawrite from MSDOS to create the disk sets10:51
zmoylan-piinstall instructions written in pencil on a post-it... a really professional organisation... :-)10:52
psuttonoddly that was havng to copy to the floppy disks from cdrom as linux didn't quite support cd drives as well back then10:52
psuttoni am guessing 18.04 isn;t out yet,10:53
psuttonlooking at the website, i do get old sites caught up in the cache sometimes,10:54
zmoylan-pii think it is... i'm waiting for the xubuntu flavour...10:54
zmoylan-pii never got on with unity10:54
psuttoni think ubuntu uses gnome now10:54
zmoylan-piexcept for a few months when i had a laptop that resisted removing windows 8 and when i finally got ubuntu on after a few months it was less unpleasent than win 8 for a few months... :-)10:56
psuttoni use x/lubuntu on netbooks10:56
psuttonand mint on main desktop10:56
zmoylan-piless of a memory hog10:56
psuttonhowever given how well suported both ubuntu and mint are,  sometimes it is good to go with what is well supported10:56
psuttonyeah xubuntu is nice10:56
psuttonesp when installing for others10:57
psuttondebian is another option, for installs10:57
knightwisei have been running the final beta since the beginning of the week , very pleased with it so far10:58
psuttoni am also waiting for the server release for my od PC which I am using as a server10:59
psuttonor want to stick 18.04 server on and hve a go with stuff10:59
psuttonmainly put the assault cube back on10:59
zmoylan-pixubuntu has a nice win2000 ui feel that i like10:59
psuttoni remember getting boxes of ubuntu cd's from people on here11:00
zmoylan-pii just bought linux mags with the discs on the front and if anyone asked i'd pass them along11:01
psuttoni am guessing the next issues will have ubuntu 18.04 on anyway11:02
psuttonwhich is handy for the various flavours11:02
zmoylan-pibefore broadband it was often the easiest way...11:02
psuttonmint 19 is out may / june as that is based on ubuntu11:02
psuttoni am hoping warzone2100 will work, it crashes on my main system when run11:03
zmoylan-pigive me a browser, a text editor and a terminal to steer them by...11:04
psuttoni also have a stack of flash disks that are going to need updating11:05
psuttonthankfully the tech jam is taking a few months off11:06
psuttonso i have time to make up resources like that11:06
zleaphi maxam914:28
maxam9zleap: hi14:44
zleaphows you ?14:46
maxam9ok thanks14:46
zleapi like the sound of the minimal install feature in 18.0414:47
zmoylan-pilots of chromebooks getting an install with less storage for just the os i suppose14:49
zleapwell chromebooks use google apps don't they,  great if you have a good internet connection and want to sign up to google15:09
daftykinsSwedish guy in another channel works at a school or similar and is pushing chromebooks out for everything, can't help but feel i'd feel very restricted on such a device15:10
daftykinsmakes sense for the students who are highly likely to regularly break them though15:10
zmoylan-piyes, but you can also wipe chromeos and put crouton on and use linux :-)15:11
daftykinsyeah i've done it for people - it was a real abortion of an implementation15:12
zmoylan-pichromebooks are _great_ for schools. cheap and easy to centrally manage15:12
zleapi have heard of crouton15:13
zmoylan-piand isn't there a new option that's even better than crouton that means the chromebook doesn't even need to be in developer mode?15:13
zmoylan-piso turns the chromebook into a netbook15:14
daftykinssounds like something someone recently said, i forget the detail though15:14
* zmoylan-pi pats newsbeuter for been a keystroke away on my rasp pi... :-)15:16
daftykinsbeuter o015:16
daftykinsnow the limited storage space will become even more of a problem!15:22
zleap i am guessing they used an ssd15:23
zleapcan internal storage be upgraded, i am sure the acer aspire ones (or eeepcs) could be upgraded15:24
daftykinsno they didn't15:24
zmoylan-pion the windows /chromebook/ i got, no panel at bottom to upgrade ram or drive so i'm guessing it's soldered on15:25
daftykinsthey're eMMCs typically so a lot more limited i think, but then there are a lot of models of chromebook so who knows what the higher end ones are15:25
zleapi guess you need to do a lot of research on em15:25
zleapI have a few netbooks (HP 10" screens) they seem to run chromium15:26
zleapi think chromium is a OSS version of chromeOS15:26
zleaphp Mini 21015:27
zmoylan-pii thought chromium was a degoogled chrome browser15:27
daftykinsi think that's the browser on its' own15:27
daftykinsthe open source project Google Chrome the browser is based upon15:27
daftykins!info chromium-browser15:27
zmoylan-pii have a hp mini 210... great little netbook15:27
lubotu3`chromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium web browser, open-source version of Chrome. In component universe, is optional. Version 65.0.3325.181-0ubuntu0.17.10.1 (artful), package size 51346 kB, installed size 183040 kB15:27
zleapdunno., i think these things get intgerchanged, and it gets confusing what people are refering to15:27
zleapok so running chromeOS then, one of the young people downloaded something to make netbook in to a chrome book15:28
zleapzmoylan-pi: i have a stack of em the school I worked at15:28
zleapthey run lubuntu really nicely so some of them have that onm,  the others are awaiting an OS15:29
zmoylan-piand the hp mini 210 could be upgraded from 1gb it was shipped with to 2gb15:29
zleapyeah I need to do that with the one I use15:30
daftykinsi wouldn't consider 2GB practical now15:30
zleapwell 2gb is better than 1gb15:30
zleapi think if you are careful what you install you're fine with em15:30
zmoylan-pii only stopped using the 1gb hp a year or two back as my main system :-)15:30
daftykinsand a thrown out netbook is better than a netbook :>15:30
zleapactually they run the Raspbian desktop really well15:31
zleapnow there is gpip extender it is possible to plkug in a raspberry pi and get access to the GPIO15:31
daftykinsi think standards vary a lot, the minute you put modern websites or a youtube video near a device that's a real test of whether it'll sink or swim15:31
zleapbut that also depends on your internet speed / connection quality15:32
zmoylan-piyeah, the hp was great as long as you didn't use the web... :-)15:32
zleapmine is ok15:32
zleapgranted I don't do much intensive stuff,  on it15:32
zleapruns weechat nicely15:32
zmoylan-pithen it was okish as long as you only had a few pages open and those not too busy with css/video etc.15:32
zleapi will upgrade mine to 2gb15:33
daftykinsand heavily adblock :P15:33
zmoylan-pilynx as your main browser... :-)15:33
zleaplynx, alpine and irc15:34
zleapweechat or irssi what else do ya need15:34
zmoylan-piand don't forget newsbeuter for rss :-)15:34
zleaptmux for multi desktops15:34
zmoylan-pitytter for twitter15:34
zmoylan-pisc for spreadsheets15:34
daftykinswell when you look on ebay and can get a 12 or 14" Lenovo Thinkpad with an i5 4th gen (haswell), 8GB RAM and 256GB SSD for £200 it begs the question why limit yourself15:34
zleapand stuff lke cmatrix, and top to scrare the heck out of the general public15:34
zmoylan-pinano for text or vim15:35
zleapoh and cat /dev/random (or what ever it is)15:35
zleapanyone looking over your sholder things you some uber hacker trying to break in to something15:35
zleapping -100 localhost :D15:35
zleapping - t 100 localhost :D15:35
daftykins-c 10015:35
daftykinszleap noted user of hackertyper.com ;)15:36
zleapwhat is that15:36
zleapi just get a blank page15:36
daftykinsstart hitting keys15:36
zmoylan-piright, time to limp to the shops... o/15:37
daftykinsenjoy o/15:37
zleapthat is good15:37
zleapesp if you hit the keyboard really fast15:38
zleapdaftykins: what do people think when the see you using that site ?15:39
daftykinshaha i was told about it by a woman from the Netherlands, i don't feel the need to pretend :P15:40
zleapit could get people in to trouble at school though15:42
zleapteachers are paranoid, (esp the clueless ones)15:43
* zleap wonders when 18.04 is going to be out today15:49
zleaphow is the last min bug squishing going ? :)19:17
zmoylan-piis it anything like starship troopers? do you want to know more? :-)19:18
zleapjust asking how it was going,  aparently they found a critcal bug at the last minute19:20
zleaphats off to teh testing team i guess :)19:20
zmoylan-piit can be a very hard decision to put the brakes on at the very last moment before release19:21
zleapmust have been something very serious19:24
zmoylan-pior embarrassing... someone mispelled ubuntu... :-P19:25
zleapi have written a script that will download the iso,  download the MD5SUMS file and runs a check on the iso19:25
zleaponce downloaded19:25
zmoylan-pii usually wait for xubuntu, then wait a week more in case there's trouble then give it a bash...19:27
zleapi got a script ready either way19:27
zleapi can modify that for what ever i want19:27
* zmoylan-pi goes back to seeing if i can get street view working on my shiny nokia 3310... :-)19:28
zmoylan-pihuzzah, i just missed the option19:29
zleapah :) so it works19:30
zmoylan-piyes, it looks bizzare to see what is essentially a dumbphone wuth street view... :-)19:30
zleapdumbphone, oh non smart phone thing19:32
zleapiirc you can buy the screens for 3310s for artduino projects19:32
zleapi replied as @dcglug19:41
zleaphi AuroraAvenue19:42
AuroraAvenueI don't want to e that guy, sorry.19:43
zleapbe who ?19:44
AuroraAvenuethe guy who has vodka at a funeral.19:44
zmoylan-pipoitín it is... :-P19:45
zleapi was just replying to the tweet about streetview on a nokia19:46
AuroraAvenuestreetview - it needs a mask19:46
AuroraAvenuedoes anything else do streetview, (not a game tho)19:46
AuroraAvenue^ ?19:46
* AuroraAvenue grips a packet of Brie And Cranberry Crisps.19:48
zleapthere is open street map, and openstreetview19:49
zleapvery much work in progress and user contributions19:50
zmoylan-pisadly they have no java client for dumbphones...19:50
zmoylan-pii have looked19:50
zleapis there an api19:50
zleapsomeone could write one19:50
zmoylan-pinumber of people writing apps for dumbphones now is fairly low...19:50
AuroraAvenueso much for winter !20:00
zleapit is summer in the UK now20:11
zmoylan-pii believe i did see a forecast today that mentioned snow...20:12
zleapthey mentioned hail20:13
zleapbut hail and thunderstorms are possible anyway20:13
zmoylan-piand summer in uk i thought was june, july, august20:13
zleapwe are on british summer time20:13
zleapgmt+1 i think20:14
zleapprobaby still spring i kinda lost track20:14
zleapesp given the weather is weird20:14
zleapok i will see if I can download 18.04 in the morning20:28
zleapchat later20:28

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