[12:04] Happy release day! [14:04] I'm not seeing it as released, yet. [16:08] Hi [16:08] hi [16:08] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes [16:08] [ BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes - Ubuntu Wiki ] - https://bit.ly/2JuVDIq [16:08] looks like today is supposed to be the day [16:27] and yet [21:08] http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/389/builds [21:08] [ Bionic Final | Ubuntu QA ] - https://bit.ly/2JvZBk2 [21:47] aww, `do-release-upgrade` still isn't showing it available for me [21:47] it won't, until .1 [21:48] https://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/1804 [21:48] :( [21:48] oh [21:51] it's better that way ;-) [21:55] yano: You can jump ahead, but if you use the usual releases it'll be available pretty soon™ [21:56] #ubuntu-release-party is saying around midnight london time [21:56] I'm fairly certain they say a lot of things. :> [21:57] Up, infinity said it. OK, you win! [23:00] ok, got the desktop-amd64 iso and have the torrent up and sending traffic outbound, for the cause [23:00] Thanks. [23:00] Just Ubuntu I presume? [23:01] me? [23:02] Yeha. [23:02] yeah, just the one iso because that's one of the few I'm most likely to use, and the one I expect is going to get hit the hardest [23:05] it's official https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2018-April/000231.html [23:05] [ Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver) released ] - https://bit.ly/2JwgU4i [23:05] Indeed!