
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ATTN: Xubuntu Core 18.04 - i386 - i386 built.00:08
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ATTN: Xubuntu Core 18.04 - amd64 - amd64 built.00:33
flocculantbluesabre: did some 32 bit smoketests so we've at least got current reports against all mandatories - marked us ready05:12
VolkodavHi! I've noticed xkb-plugin is a CPU hog. Eats up 35-40% of CPU. Should I file a bug?07:11
Unit193In which version?07:20
Volkodavthey advised talking to you guys in #ubuntu+107:22
Volkodavnever been like that - have been using xfce for 0ver 10 yers now07:23
Unit193Hmm, don't already see anything https://bugzilla.xfce.org/buglist.cgi?component=General&product=Xfce4-xkb-plugin&resolution=--- either.07:26
VolkodavI didn't file it yet - should I?07:31
Unit193That is, I don't see it already filed by someone else.07:32
Unit193You indeed could, I'd try ruling out config first though.07:32
Volkodavconfig is pretty straighforward in my case - Russian English with left Super as a switcher - that's all07:33
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ATTN: Xubuntu Core 18.04 - i386 - i386 built.08:00
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ATTN: Xubuntu Core 18.04 - amd64 - amd64 built.08:26
bluesabrethanks flocculant 09:28
ochosihi everyone - i guess we aren't released yet..? :)15:13
=== malysps is now known as Spass
flocculantochosi: I'm assuminh not16:39
PaulW2U_flocculant: I think a respin is on the cards :(16:41
flocculantPaulW2U_: well that's just dandy ...16:41
PaulW2U_Haven't got the energy for any more testing ....16:42
flocculantPaulW2U_: I suspect I'll just smoketest16:44
flocculantand I really didn't expect anyone to do more today - hence marking us ready at 6am ish16:44
PaulW2U_I was surprised when I woke up to find all for Xubuntu was done16:45
flocculantwell - I know what the change to iso was - pretty much a caja lib and ubiquity - so did what hadn't been looked at then marked it16:46
flocculantI obviously have been watching what's gone on for us on the tracker all week16:47
flocculantWimpress: you know why? rather than in the other channel - expect they're busy enough as it is ;)16:48
WimpressThere was a regression in Ubiquity.16:48
* flocculant guesses ubiquity/wifi16:48
flocculanthah \o/16:48
WimpressAll flavours using dconf/gsettings were quite broken.16:48
flocculantlooked ok to me this morning *shrug*16:48
flocculantoh right 16:49
Wimpressdconf/user was owned by root and that resulted in quite the fall out.16:49
flocculantoh miy - nice16:49
WimpressI think Xubuntu and Lubuntu were not affected.16:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1767067 in Ubuntu Kylin "Booting to live session fails with: at-spi-bus-launcher: unable to create file '/run/user/999/dconf/user': Permission denied." [Undecided,Confirmed]16:49
flocculantwell I did half a doen runs this morning before marking us ready :D16:49
flocculantoh - were they not all talking about that before the previous respin? pretty sure that was the why 16:50
WimpressThe a11y fixes were what trigger the issue, but it was an unexpected side affected.16:51
WimpressAppearently reading keys cause the schema to get created.16:51
WimpressAnd that ally fix did that in the root context.16:51
flocculantI'll *have* to do a sanity check now - just in case the fix for 'others' breaks us :(16:51
=== sorinello1 is now known as sorinello
akxwi-daveboth of the iso's were fine for me this morning as well.18:03
flocculantyea = shouldn't affect us18:05
akxwi-davefingers still crossed..18:06
akxwi-davewell looks like we aren't getting a respin18:29
TDO|Aquinawhere/how can you see that? 18:30
flocculantyea we are - it's rebuilding18:30
akxwi-daveahh not popped up on the list yet then..18:30
flocculantnope - it's rebuilding on tracker18:30
flocculantmails don't go out till it's built18:31
akxwi-dave6:15 PM <queuebot> Builds: Ubuntu Base amd64 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)18:31
akxwi-dave6:15 PM <queuebot> Builds: Ubuntu Base armhf [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)18:31
akxwi-dave6:15 PM <queuebot> Builds: Ubuntu Base ppc64el [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)18:31
akxwi-dave6:15 PM <queuebot> Builds: Ubuntu Base arm64 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)18:31
akxwi-dave6:15 PM <queuebot> Builds: Ubuntu Base s390x [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)18:31
akxwi-dave6:15 PM <queuebot> Builds: Ubuntu Base i386 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)18:31
akxwi-dave6:18 PM <queuebot> Builds: Kubuntu Desktop i386 [Bionic Final] has been marked as ready18:31
akxwi-dave6:18 PM <queuebot> Builds: Kubuntu Desktop amd64 [Bionic Final] has been marked as ready18:31
akxwi-dave6:21 PM <queuebot> Builds: Kubuntu Desktop i386 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180425.1)18:31
akxwi-dave6:21 PM <queuebot> Builds: Kubuntu Desktop amd64 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180425.1)18:31
akxwi-dave6:22 PM <queuebot> Builds: Lubuntu Alternate i386 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)18:31
akxwi-dave6:22 PM <queuebot> Builds: Lubuntu Alternate amd64 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)18:31
akxwi-davekkk.. will be ready with machines for testing when ready..18:31
flocculantok ...18:32
flocculantbiab - eating18:32
amerigenaTrying to find a download link for an Xubuntu Core 16.04 ISO18:36
amerigenaAnyone know of one that's live?18:36
flocculantsmoke testing now19:06
akxwi-davegetting slow download here.. 10 mins to go then testing19:06
flocculantyea - was slow here - also need to test screen reader19:06
FurretUber10 minutes? 3 hours remaining here...19:07
flocculantbluesabre ochosi knome - seems that screen reader doesn't work for us19:09
flocculantno idea if it ever did19:09
FurretUberUbuntu will be released and the download won't be finished yet19:09
flocculantre screenreader - or if it does, I've no idea how to trigger it for us19:13
TDO|Aquinadownloads in europe were a bit slower as well. an iso approx 45 minutes from different locations.19:14
flocculant64 bit done19:15
albinardThere was a Core ISO this morning - RC or Final?19:15
flocculantalbinard: that doesn't really work for Core - there might be an updated one - might not19:16
flocculantit's not actually Official, it's more 'Official from us'19:16
albinardOkay, thanks - I'll test it anyway and report19:17
SpassI've tested newest (from minutes ago) amd64 in VirtualBox, other than incomplete translation during the install all seems fine, but I can't test it on my laptop atm, should I submit my test or it's not really needed at this point?19:17
flocculantFurretUber akxwi-dave - and the reason for slow will likely be people grabbing an out of date iso - not knowing that it doesn't actually work properly for some flavours - and includes Ubuntu I think19:18
flocculantSpass: report it - thanks19:18
flocculantalbinard: yup - thanks :)19:18
SpassI'll skip translations issues for his one, will mark all ok, but I'll try to help fix those translations in 18.1019:19
flocculantall we need to do right now is make sure that the installer does that 19:20
flocculant323 bit done19:24
flocculantbit before it's time though :p19:24
Spass(well... I still managed to crash Menu Libre easily :P I will help to investigate the issue later, it seems easy to reproduce)19:28
akxwi-dave  lol install to lappy with SSD has finished before install on vbox on desktop.. :-)19:29
Spassthis screen shows Menu Libre crash and other issue - inconsistent panel icon size on bigger panel - https://i.imgur.com/rmPxBVi.jpg19:32
TDO|AquinaIs it released?19:36
akxwi-davelol helps of i click on VBox before trying to decrypt the drive19:37
akxwi-daveboth 32 and 64 working ok on vbox and 64 tested on a thinkpad...19:40
albinardNewest Xubuntu Core ISO has EFI form of vmlinuz19:41
albinardNo other info, since it won't boot on my BIOS machine19:42
flocculantalbinard: thanks for checking - I'm sure Unit193 will look :)19:43
amerigenaIs that Xubuntu Core ISO available for download?19:50
knomeflocculant, me neither; we definitely need an "a11y" cycle..19:52
flocculantknome: ack - perhaps we need to think about that soon ;)19:52
akxwi-daveamerigena: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/384/builds/167441/testcases19:52
flocculantdoesn't have a download link there19:53
knomeflocculant, we needed to think about that soon for at least 6 years now...19:53
flocculantknome: :)19:53
flocculantsadly I've never thought about it19:53
knomei've thought about it but i have no useful insight to the issues in hand19:53
knomeeg. i don't know if making x-y-z toolset work is actually useful19:54
knomex-y-z being something i don't even know what it is yet...19:54
knomefor a practical example, i don't know how useful it would be if screen reading was working because other things might not19:54
knomeso it might be just as useless as it is now19:54
albinardamerigena: link to ISO is https://unit193.net/xubuntu/core/pending/19:57
amerigenaalbinard : thank you!19:58
knomeflocculant, how close are we to the release?19:59
flocculantflavours still testing19:59
flocculantI've joined in there19:59
knomei need to start writing the release announcement...20:00
flocculantknome: you've certainly got time to whack together an announcement20:00
flocculantha ha ack :p20:00
knomeyeah, i wish i had "figured" this out earlier...20:00
knomei'm really off the loop :(20:00
flocculantI almost started - then realised respin20:00
akxwi-daveright only install i havent checked is the auto resize..20:01
flocculantakxwi-dave: that's cool - we only needed to make sure we didn't blow up after they reverted smething20:02
akxwi-davetrue  but at least i feel happier.. :-)20:02
flocculantwell yea - so do I :)20:02
knomeflocculant, which issues would you mention in the announcement?20:10
flocculantuefi one - I think there's something on the main release note - checking20:12
knome#1724482 ?20:12
knomebug 172448220:12
ubottubug 1724482 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) ""Force UEFI installation" dialog has non-working Go Back/Continue buttons" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/172448220:12
knomethis one?20:12
flocculantyea - wasn't sure if there was another 20:13
flocculantthe language one I'm not sure about20:13
flocculantnvidia can be troublesome20:14
flocculantother things are all a bit nitpicky20:14
knomeso to make sure we're talking about the same things:20:14
knomelanguage: bug 170685920:14
ubottubug 1706859 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Auto-selected keyboard layout no longer matches chosen region on "Where are you" page" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/170685920:14
knomenvidia: bug 176159320:14
ubottubug 1761593 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-340 (Ubuntu) "Uninstall left nouveau blacklisted" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176159320:14
flocculantyea - but also I think there are some other nvidia problems20:15
flocculantI'd maybe make it a bit less specific20:15
knome"there are issues with nvidia." ?20:15
flocculantbecause ^^ bug # is a specific issue 20:15
flocculantplus - check the main notes20:15
flocculants/ubuntu notes that is20:16
knomeUnit193, around?20:16
knomethe ubuntu release notes do not exactly mention nvidia much20:19
knomeonly this isue:20:20
knomeSystems may fail to boot when connected over DisplayPort to an external screen, on NVidia graphics hardware such as the GTX970 chipset. (1723619) 20:20
knomeissue too20:20
flocculantmaybe - 'if you have newish nvidia card - check for bugs on launchpad'20:21
knomethat's a bit vague20:22
knomeyou could say that about anything20:22
flocculantwell yea - if I had a bunch of nvidia cards and machines for them I could be more specific20:22
knomei didn't mean that ;)20:22
flocculantas it is - I see lots of nvidia issues being bandied about20:22
knomei meant you could say "check LP bugs if you have $manufacturer hardware"20:23
flocculantI can't really be more specific than telling people to check the bug reports against their driver20:23
knomeyes, but same for non-nvidia too20:23
flocculantI wish I could20:23
flocculantwell yea - we could 'Check launchpad for bugs'20:24
knomewhat i'm saying is this isn't probably a case where we even need people to tell to use common sense20:24
flocculanta bug in parole is unlikely to leave you without a desktop showing20:24
knomebut are there many bugs that do that?20:24
flocculantjust write whatever you feel best20:24
flocculantI mean the release note 'could' be 6 miles long :p20:25
knomei think i'll make a generic note about making sure your hardware isn't said to blow up your head when booted20:25
flocculantI KNOW that addition drivers used to remove conf files - but doesn't now20:26
flocculantfor 1 card20:26
flocculantit might do it for more - I don't know 20:26
flocculanthence me at least listing the one I AM sure of20:27
flocculantif nothing else - if I saw that I would at least check that it wasn't a similar issue20:27
* knome uploads "new" documentation20:29
knomeugh, if only there was a way to upload faster than this20:29
* flocculant is glad you're here - I couldn't remember how to set the torrents :D20:29
knomeit's done ;)20:29
flocculantknome: you leaving 16.04.4 on the page still I hope?20:30
knomeon what page?20:30
knomewell, i don't know20:31
knomei can20:31
* knome shrugs20:31
flocculant18.04 is downloadable - but not upgradable automatically till 18.04.120:31
knomei acknowledge20:31
flocculantpersonally I would prefer we kept it till 18.04.1 is there20:32
knomehey i didn't break everything!20:32
knome(but the docs do say –2017)20:32
* flocculant thinks in addition to thinking about screen reader etc - we should think about how crud oem looks too :p20:34
knomeyes, oem is another thing there has been discussions on but meh:20:34
flocculantyea hard one20:34
flocculantwould take pushing to make it worth effort I guess20:35
knomealso who would be the target for a nice OEM?20:36
knomesome of the orgs we cover in "xubuntu at.."?20:36
flocculantmight at least be worth an e-mail?20:36
flocculantor do they read the blog?20:36
knomeno idea20:37
knomei don't think the main release notes are very useful for us tbh20:37
flocculantnot so much this time20:37
knomeok, so skipping linking to it then20:37
flocculantgenerally they are - and they give more detail on kernel etc20:37
knomepreview: https://xubuntu.org/?p=4464&preview=true20:37
flocculantknome: yea I link it in our release note20:38
knomei just saved a new draft, please refresh20:38
flocculantin the first few days 20:39
flocculantfor the first few 20:39
knome(that was copied from 17.10 announcement too...)20:39
knomerefresh for fun20:40
flocculantyep - that looks ok20:40
knomeand see the torrent dl links20:40
knomeshould we do that?20:40
flocculantI see no reason why not20:40
knomei mean, bump that above the blah-de-blah and mention the direct downloads below that20:41
knomethis is one of the reasons i did this central handling of release/download links..20:41
flocculantyea move the torrent section above the direct download section20:41
knomemaybe change that <em> to a box20:43
knomehmm, i can't20:43
knomei mean automatically.20:43
flocculantthat looks ok 20:43
knomewhat about now?20:43
flocculantthat looks ok as well 20:44
knomei think it's easier to read now20:44
knometime to do something else for a while to get fresh eyes20:47
flocculantyea - I'm just waiting for the dust to settle in -release then I need to sleep20:47
knomesleep tight if you head out before i'm back20:48
flocculantyep - cya later if not tonight20:48
knomeshould be around tomorrow as well..20:48
flocculantI'll shortly be getting my head around the tester docs stuff soon as well20:48
Unit193knome: Hi.20:55
knomenvm now, i pushed the new docs already (:20:55
flocculantknome: what's th real link to the announcement#?  https://xubuntu.org/news/xubuntu-18-04-release/ I assume21:04
albinardRight now that's page not found for me21:06
flocculantalbinard: it will be - we've not published it yet :)21:06
knomeflocculant, yes21:06
flocculantknome: ta21:06
albinardOops - jumped the gun - sorry!21:06
flocculantheh - no worries :)21:07
TDO|Aquinahaha 2 in progress21:09
flocculantthanks those in channel who've tested  - I'll call that a wrap 21:12
flocculantnight all21:13
knomenighty flocculant 21:13
albinardThank you all for making computers easy for people like me!21:16
Unit193albinard: Also thanks, it's respinning now. :/21:17
TDO|AquinaHas someone noticed http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/389/builds/171120/testcases/1301/results and http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/389/builds/171120/testcases/1300/results have basically the same text?21:28
TDO|AquinaMening "auto-resize" and "entire disk" has the same instructions.21:29
TDO|AquinaI think the auto-resize test should include some step or description to pre- or post-check a resize is possible or commenced (successfully). I'd say that missing here.21:29
albinardUnit193: I'll keep an eye out for it.21:31
Unit193albinard: I can ping you once I've testbooted it.21:31
albinardWow, thanks!21:33
Unit193It's the least I can do, with all the help you've been.  i386 is looking fine, and64 still building.21:38
albinardWell, Life just intervened - got to go for now, will check your site and test when the ne one appears.21:41
ali1234where are the "preferred applications" settings stored?21:51
ali1234also where is the thunar "open with" setting (per filetype) stored?21:52
knomecould that be ~/.config/mimeapps.list?21:55
knomejust a shot in the dark..21:55
ali1234sounds likely21:55
ali1234xfce4-mime-settings also seems related21:55
ali1234so that's what thunar/exo-open/xdg-open all use, but not preferred applications22:04
ali1234okay. exo uses ~/.config/xfce4/helpers.rc, which references .desktop files n ~/.local/share/xfce4/helpers/22:15
ali1234(or the default locations for .desktop files)22:16
Unit193I think it's mostly fine, unless we can get someone to boot the 64bit one on EFI hardware.22:28
knomethe comment was mostly against the "woohoo, i'm downloading it already[, go do the same/i'm better than you]" notion22:31
Unit193...Sorry, I was on the last topic still. :322:32
knomeoh :P22:32
ali1234why do fonts render slightly bigger in 18.04?22:57
ali1234correction: some render slightly bigger, others render slightly smaller22:58
Unit193knome: Pokepoke, release?23:08
knomejust a sec23:09
knomeUnit193, i should have pressed the buttons in the right order, but just for the sake of it, do you see something i've missed?23:13
knomehmm wait23:13
knomerelease announcement23:13
knomeaaand that's out too23:13
knomehullo pleia2 23:14
pleia2shall we social media the things?23:15
knomenext let's social mediaize it23:15
knomei can do twitter23:15
pleia2I'll get fb and g+23:15
knomei did a very boring update :P23:18
Unit193I did my site, topics, and nothing else. :P23:19
pleia2I wasn't incredibly exciting either, announce, LTS basics (3 yrs) and thanks to the community23:20
knometopics is good work :P23:20
pleia2anyway, both done23:20
knomewell i didn't do the thanks...;)23:20
knomemaybe i should do another tweet23:20
pleia2haha, nice follow up ;)23:24

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