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xubuntu64dHi, I want to update my xubuntu to the next LTS, Is It Safe to do that? Which coomands should I Use? Is there a Manual? My Config: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bBzNWzTc2h/11:52
xubuntu64dIs sudo dist-upgrade, the command I should execute?11:54
tiyteezeTell me if i'm wrong but the next LTS of xubuntu isn't released yet unless you are talking of 16.0411:56
xubuntu64dIt seems like this is possible from tomorrow. Is there than a safe gui tool? https://xubuntu.org/release/18-04/11:58
tiyteezeYes there is a GUI11:58
tiyteezebuilt in11:58
tiyteezeI am not on my computer tight now11:58
tiyteezebut I remember somwhere on the settings you can say if you want to upgrade your distro and if only want the LTS or not11:59
tiyteezeThen when the release is on the stable11:59
tiyteezeyou get a pop-up to upgrad11:59
tiyteezeAnd I am not shure that it'll be avaiable so soon. On one of the latest article they spoke about a lack of testers12:00
Spassxubuntu64d, what version are you using right now, 16.04 or 17.10? if you want GUI tool to handle the upgrade, pre-installed software-properties-gtk should take care of that12:05
xubuntu64di use 16.0412:06
Spassif you want to upgrade so early, make sure you have update notification set to "For every release" or something like that in the Updates tab in that software12:07
Spassbecause as far as I know, when you have "For every LTS release" you will have to wait for point release 18.04.1 to get notified about the update12:08
Spassand after the upgrade change it back to "For LTS versions"12:11
xubuntu64dok, I wait just want to use Pretty easy privacy as fast as possibile and they reccomen 18.04 https://pep.foundation/blog/enigmail-2-with-pretty-easy-privacy-pep-support-by-default-for-new-users/index.html12:14
tiyteezeand do-release-upgrade will be the right command12:50
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nathan_I read the request on the website for testing feedback.  Running the 18.04 beta for a few days now.. installation went without a hitch14:31
nathan_Everything I have tried has worked14:32
GridCubenathan_: report your results in the tracker please :D http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/389/builds14:36
nathan_Thanks, GridCube14:37
Spasshello nathan_, the official 18.04 version will be released soon, but make sure to be here later for 18.10 tests also :)14:37
nathan_Spass..  I will.  I always play with the betas, just have been remiss about reporting14:37
Spassyeah, I was little bit late for 18.04 here myself, but I'll try to not be late for 18.1014:41
nathan_Very good.   So, now I have the big decision...  when to upgrade my physical machine from 17.10 to 18.04.  May install it side-by-side first just to be safe14:44
mdm_hello guys when xubuntu 18.04 will be released14:46
Spassnathan_, safest way is waiting for the point release 18.04.1 and then upgrade, but I think I'll do that earlier on my machine, I'm on 17.10 also14:47
mdm_same here14:47
Spassit should be released really soon14:48
tiyteezemdm_: When it's ready :p Ubuntu should release today and Xubuntu might be released startin tomorrow14:48
nathan_Spass, I am impatient.   :D   I have some extra space on my SSD that I set aside for dual-boot purposes..  I may just throw down a clean 18.04 to shake it down a bit, then do the upgrade later14:48
mdm_so .. we have to wait14:48
SpassI thought it will be today, but according to this site (draft) it might be tomorrow - https://xubuntu.org/release/18-04/14:50
Spassbut I'm in no hurry14:50
nathan_Thinking I might export my package list on 17.10, install 18.04 fresh, import the list, and watch the fireworks14:50
Spasswell in that case - yes, do it outside of your main system :D14:51
mdm_lol i have lunched beta 114:52
nathan_so...  time for a dumb question.  Can the beta be upgraded to the released version?14:55
Spassit uses the same repos, so sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade and you should be fine14:56
nathan_Very nice.  Easy peasy14:58
akxwi-daveNathan, I have been running an upgraded 17.10 to 18.04 for while now.. and all is good.. the upgrade when quite well. (even if it does have to share a PC with win 10)15:08
nathan_I don't have the Windoze issue..  only run that as VMs15:09
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TDO|AquinaIs everything going according to plan?17:39
enycmaybe maybe-not17:39
flocculantwhich plan?17:40
enyc^ official announcements17:41
enycapparently, iso images being respun17:41
enycthere were some irritating problems, apparently17:41
flocculanta bit more than irritating for flavours affected ;)17:41
TDO|Aquinahuh? ISO testing? Release of Xubuntu?17:53
TDO|AquinaSince I/we was/were not accepted in the Launchpad ISO testing grp its a bit hard to know what's going on.17:53
TDO|AquinaHow is the Xubuntu leader at present? I/we were active when Cody A.S. was and Charlie (tca) was active.17:55
TDO|AquinaXubuntu hardy and lucyd17:55
flocculantif you mean who - there is now a council > https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-council17:55
TDO|AquinaSean DAvis?17:56
flocculantis one of them17:56
TDO|AquinaI see17:56
TDO|Aquinasome problems, hm I see.17:59
TDO|Aquinathanks for the update! :-)17:59
TDO|AquinaBut on the Xubuntu side of things? Everything O.K.?18:00
flocculantTDO|Aquina: yea - though I will be checking the respin to make sure the fix for others doesn't break us18:00
flocculantor someone will if I am asleep18:00
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adalbertDownloading Xubuntu desktop amd64 ... woot !!22:17
Markdown1_no more 32 versions I heard.22:21
lirodonno more 32-bit install ISOs actually22:23
Unit193That's Ubuntu, Xubuntu still has them.22:24
knomeadalbert, and the ISO you're downloading might be not the final one...22:24
adalbertit's official22:33
knomeit's not22:34
Unit193It's said that since the 24th.22:34
knomealso clearly random imgur image is more official than the xubuntu website ;)22:34
=== Unit193 changed the topic of #xubuntu to: Xubuntu support | Xubuntu 18.04 is out! https://xubuntu.org/news/xubuntu-18-04-release/ | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com | No one around? See the complete support methods list at http://xubuntu.org/help | Offtopic: #xubuntu-offtopic
Markdown1_I hope there would be an official Raspberry Pi image of Xubuntu this time just like Ubuntu Mate23:21
Unit193That's a "community" ISO for them anyway, and it was offered to Xubuntu a while ago, but lack of testers so didn't go for it.23:22
Markdown1_I think theres a channel of raspberry pi23:25
Markdown1_maybe we should ask there for testers?23:25
knomethe xubuntu team doesn't have the energy or manpower to coordinate that, but contributions are welcome (eg. if you want to make it happen and donate your time, we can likely make it an official port)23:27
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lirodonupdate-manager -cd isn't lighting up23:31
Markdown1_knome oh I guess quite a few contributors/volunteers would be needed then.23:36
Markdown1_knome Thanks.23:36
Markdown1_looks like I have Uploaded 10 times more than I have Downloaded the torrent and yet the download is still not 25% :P23:37
knomeMarkdown1_, one very active could help a lot, but obviously for testing one isn't really enough... and no problem.23:38
Markdown1_maybe downloading the ISO from the mirrors and then putting it in the torrent folder and seeding is a better idea.23:39
Markdown1_too many people trying to download making the whole thing slow.23:40
knomethe main server does serve the torrent too (afaik) so it's not like nobody is seeding ;)23:41
knomebut yes, it might help if a some people with fast upstream and the time to share would have it23:41
Markdown1_knome ofcourse theres seed, I mean theres too many people :)23:41
knomewelcome LTS release day23:41
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lirodonas in, I run update-manager -cd and it's telling me I have the latest (but if I go there normally it still talks about 17.10)23:42
Markdown1_IDK I aways prefer fresh installs.23:42
knomethat said, i'm off for now. have a fun release day!23:42
Markdown1_old habits are hard to get rid of I think.23:43
Markdown1_knome goodbye23:43
lirodonit'd be awkward to probably have to tell my friend (the one I successfully got to switch from XP to Xubuntu on her new-to-her Optiplex) that the recommendation is to reinstall everything23:43
lirodonThough I basically explained the difference between 16.04 and 17.10, and she chose to start with 16.0423:44
Markdown1_I think LTS is always a better idea for beginners.23:44
lirodonI basically told her "this one's LTS, this one isn't, but the next release is LTS _anyway_)23:45
Markdown1_last I heard Linux Desktop share was at 5%23:46
Markdown1_I hope there would be some progress now.23:46
lirodonup-to-date, supported, free, and still good on older hardware is better than Unsupported, Old, Insecure XP imo23:47
Markdown1_I am also seeding Ubuntu Mate, Kubuntu and Ubuntu Server and my Router LEDs are blinking like crazy :P23:47
Markdown1_lirodon I agree23:48
lirodonI had not really looked at Xubuntu for quite a while before this, and even I'm impressed at how much nicer it's gotten23:51
Markdown1_the thing that drove me to Xubuntu was its color scheme and awesome icons :P23:52
Markdown1_compared to Orange and whatnot others were using :P23:53
Markdown1_then I found out how both GTK and QT apps looks nice in Xubuntu.23:53

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