
wallyworldkelvinliu: got a minute to talk?01:38
wallyworldveebers: got a minute?01:47
kelvinliuwallyworld, sorry, just saw ur message. yeah, i am free now01:48
veeberswallyworld: I'm just about to pop out for a childcare meeting :0\01:48
wallyworldkelvinliu: ok01:48
wallyworldveebers: no worries, just ping when you're back01:48
veeberswallyworld: can we chat after?01:48
veebersmean, will so01:48
wallyworldvino: how goes it? let me know when you might be free for a chat?02:09
vinoIt working.02:10
vinoi was able to replace the cmd.Context in differant way.02:10
vinotest it..02:10
vinoand push the commit02:10
vinothat can be first reviewed02:10
wallyworldyay, great02:11
wallyworldlet me know hen ready for review02:11
wallyworldbabbageclunk: quick chat?02:31
babbageclunkwallyworld: sure sure02:31
babbageclunkin 1:1?02:31
wallyworldvino: hey, just talking to chtis, give me02:56
vinosure sure.02:56
vinoanastasiamac: hi Can u please take a look at PR#864402:58
vinoprovide ur feeback please02:58
anastasiamacvino: m a bit swamp atm but will try later on today. otherwise, monday :D02:58
wallyworldvino: free now03:04
vinonot really.03:04
vinoi want u to take a look.03:05
vinounit tests are still pending.03:05
vinoif u r ok with the way i retrurn03:05
vinoif its CLEAN03:05
wallyworldvino: ok, will review now03:07
wallyworldvino: i've left come comments. good to see those contexts gone. let me know if anything is unclear03:26
vinoi cleaned up the updateseries_test.go03:27
vinoand unti test result:03:27
vinoOOPS: 10 passed, 6 FAILED03:27
vino--- FAIL: TestPackage (0.21s)03:27
vinoso 4 are the ones which has sysd issue03:27
vinoand 2 are STDOUT format err.03:27
vinoand verified the juju-updateseries functionality as well.03:28
wallyworldunit tests will take a little tweaking to get right for sure03:30
vinoJust gone thru ur comments03:30
vinoits all clear for me.03:30
vinoi will address them.03:30
vinoYes. Unit test.... :)03:30
vinoI want u to decide upon that.03:31
vinoshd i be moving them all to service folder as agentconf_test.go ?03:31
vinowallyworld: the above message is for u :)03:31
wallyworldyeah, there should be some tests for the helper code in that file. but potentially also some updateseries tests still as well03:32
wallyworldlet's get everything working and then we can mess with where the tests live03:32
vinook sure.03:32
wallyworldeasier to refactor with a clean system03:32
vinofirst i will address ur review comments and keep it clean.03:33
wallyworldthat way you know any failures are due to the refactoring and not broken code03:33
vinowallyworld: have a min05:38
anastasiamacvino: do u still need that PR reviewed? m in a logical break and can spare a min05:42
vinoyes. i did address the review comments.05:42
vinoBut i need to discuss upon the way unit tests are going to be placed05:43
anastasiamac"yes" u need a review or is wallyworld reviewing it?05:43
vinowe still have 4 issues failing.05:43
vinoreview is done.05:43
anastasiamacright. so can u resolve the failing tests before next review or do u need a hand?05:43
vinothe resolution of those 4 issues.. requires the unit tests to be relocated.05:44
anastasiamacm about to go to school picku... do u want to pair on monday to iron these wrinkles? i cannot guaranteed 4am wakeup but certtainly can do a reasonable 9.15am05:44
anastasiamacreally? why? nm - let's discuss on monday :)05:45
vinosure. i need you help and inputs.05:45
vinoyes see u on Monday05:45
anastasiamacenjoy crispy cold weekend :)05:45
vinoU too.. Have Fun!05:46
* anastasiamac is tired of scorching heat in autumn..05:46
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cloaked1Could someone enlighten me on how to trigger creation of a client-certificate using the easyrsa charm? I'm super new to juju, but so far, it doesn't seem doable to run something like: `juju create_client_certificate` or some such. We're trying to create RBAC based namespaces for users authenticated with certs.22:54
McL0v1nAnyone having issues with the prefer ipv6 function?23:09
McL0v1nI have a proper ipv6 address (global and permanent) on an interface but the charms are not recognizing the ipv6 addresses on the interface23:09

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