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phoenix_firebrdI am trying to upgrade from 17.10 to 18.04, I am getting a message "No new release found."00:11
phoenix_firebrdwhat should I do00:11
acheronukphoenix_firebrd: upgrades don't get enabled for a day or two.00:21
phoenix_firebrdacheronuk: oh, ok00:23
silverfoxI have tried installing kubuntu 18.04 LTS 5 times( with and without secure boot ).  After installation, it doesn't reboot.  When I repower manually, and login, it freezes on the KDE logo.  I have an alienware laptop with an nvidia gtx 1070.00:31
silverfoxNote, I manually partition /root as btrfs and /home as xfs.00:32
silverfoxand I'm doing minimal install00:35
ca_cabotageso, just installed kubuntu 18.04 lts on my t430 - i get a black screen with a cursor on first bootup. i can Alt+F2 to get a search bar, open konsole then run plasmashell to be able to use it..... but wtf00:59
ca_cabotagehow can i get this install working properly00:59
valorie!nomodeset | ca_cabotage01:43
ubottuca_cabotage: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter01:43
Markdown1_guys, is Kubuntu Upgrade (from older version) delayed?01:58
Markdown1_or is it live?01:58
valorieyou will get auto-updates in the next day or so02:04
valoriethey don't appear immediately02:04
Markdown1_no I mean is it delayed, someone was saying the upgrade was delayed due to bug.02:04
Markdown1_of Kubuntu I mean.02:04
valoriethe release has happened earlier02:06
valoriesee the /topic /02:06
Kon-Congratulations on the release, guys! Thanks for all your hard work today, and for the thought and effort put into this release over the last few months.02:22
valoriethanks Kon-02:38
valorie(not all of us guys)02:38
DragnslcrGuys and young ladies02:38
Kon-All the men and women involved :)02:39
valoriepeople, yeah02:39
Kon-I have to admit I almost always use "guys" as a gender neutral plural02:39
Markdown1_also all the Bots ヽ(ಠ_ಠ)ノ02:39
valorieit is indeed a group effort02:39
valorieKon-: guys see it that way for sure02:40
valoriethe bots help too02:40
ubottuYes, it's out! Party in #ubuntu-release-party :)02:40
Markdown1_Glückwunsch Leute02:44
user|91463I can not update to version 18.04, I have version 17.10. Neither Discover nor from console entering this command: kdesudo "do-release-upgrade -m desktop -f DistUpgradeViewKDE". It says there is no update.03:28
Markdown1_wait for couple of hours, the upgrade will be provided.03:29
user|91463it's regional problem?03:30
Markdown1_well the Server is under huge traffic right now :)03:30
Markdown1_give it some time03:30
user|91463ok thanks03:31
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ZetFuryI'm getting "no new release found." when I do do-release-upgrade (trying to upgrade to 18 lts), currently on 17.10 and release-upgrades set to normal, also tried lts06:04
ZetFuryanyone have same problem?06:04
acheronukZetFury: https://kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-18-04-has-been-released/06:21
acheronuk"Upgrades will not be enabled immediately at release time. They will become available when the release team are happy with the final state of the archive for upgrades."06:21
KOLANICHHi everybody. Does kubuntu participate in standalone packages madness? I mean that ubuntu ships some of its packages as snaps, I wonder if kubuntu is plagued with this issue too?06:28
acheronukwe don't have any snaps instaled by default, though snapd is there should you choose to do so yourself06:31
ggis it true that kubuntu 18-04 is still in beta?06:43
KOLANICHacheronuk: thank you for the info06:50
ZetFuryacheronuk, thx for the info :)06:50
IrcsomeBotkatnip1 was added by: katnip106:53
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IrcsomeBot<katnip1> https://www.zdnet.com/article/whats-the-most-popular-linux-of-them-all/08:17
alketguys, this release rocks, I love it like never before. Thanks for all of your hard work <308:50
acheronukalket: thanks. great to hear :)08:54
walmmmm flavour of kubuntuday is 18.0409:02
weillisterdHello. I did a fresh install of Kubuntu 18.04 over 17.1009:23
weillisterdI formatted / but didn't format /home but instead directly pointed /home to the original home partition09:24
katnipso it's not fresh :)09:25
weillisterdNow I can't log in. when I try to log in it gets stuck stuck in the lock screen09:25
weillisterdOh I thought it was fresh because I didn't update from inside the installation09:25
onlyabyteHmm, Kubuntu LTS looks interesting. Comes with KDE 5.12 LTS which is interesting, perhaps Kubuntu will finally be super stable :D09:28
alterjsivei've added the kubuntu backports ppa09:42
alterjsiveit's quite unstable isn't it ?09:43
alterjsivebecause it's cutting edge09:43
alterjsiveis there anywhere we can leave feedback if something breaks ?09:45
acheronukalterjsive: inherently backports are not going to have the same level of stability testing as our main archive packages, but we also don't go too far into unstable territory09:54
acheronukfeedback can be on here, on our mailing lists, bugs filed against kubuntu-ppa etc09:55
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alterjsiveacheronuk: I didn't see any bugs listed on https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/backports10:04
alterjsiveMy sound stopped working10:06
alterjsivemy audio devices are no longer visable10:14
alterjsivewhile `aplay -l` lists all the audio devices just fine.10:21
alterjsiveaplay -D plughw:1,0 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav works too10:24
alterjsivepacmd  says No PulseAudio daemon running, or not running as session daemon.10:30
BluesKajHowdy folks10:40
alterjsivepulseaudio logging: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hd75gtN39s/10:47
just_need_the_rotrying to update 17.10 to 18.04 (it's a vm) but now wired internet connection no longer working. followed these steps https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-upgrade-to-ubuntu-18-04-lts-bionic-beaver10:56
just_need_the_roI am afraid the preparation steps broke some network setting. some old packages were removed10:57
just_need_the_roused sudo apt autoremove which was suggested to me10:57
just_need_the_rounsure how to get network setup back to working state. this is what I am seeing https://imgur.com/a/vsklw5X11:01
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alterjsiveI will try to upgrade to bionic instead11:08
just_need_the_roanybody any idea?11:11
hateballjust_need_the_ro: well I suppose make sure the kernel in bionic is compatible with whatever hypervisor you're using11:12
hateballthe virtual machine software11:13
just_need_the_rois that something like google glass? ah ok11:13
hateballlets say you use virtualbox, then it presents a virtual NIC to the virtual machine11:13
hateballand if you switch kernels (like you do on upgrade) maybe there are incompatabilities11:13
just_need_the_royeah the thing is I didn't even do the update11:14
just_need_the_roI just followed the preparation steps11:14
just_need_the_roso since it worked with 17.10 (currently running) I assume kernel is compatible with vm11:16
just_need_the_robut as mentioned kubuntu removed some things after that one command that was being proposed during preparatino11:16
just_need_the_roah linux joys :)11:16
just_need_the_roso now I am stuck with 17.10 and no internet11:16
just_need_the_rohateball: any other ideas?11:21
hateballjust_need_the_ro: surely you took a snapshot of your VM before you started upgrading?11:22
just_need_the_rono, but maybe this is just the end of my linux experiment then?11:23
hateballProbably not11:23
just_need_the_roso basically there's no way to get back to working state?11:23
hateballjust_need_the_ro: does the device show up at all?11:23
hateballlshw -C network11:24
just_need_the_rowhich device?11:24
just_need_the_ro::1              ff02::1          ip6-allrouters   ip6-loopback     ubuntu11:24
just_need_the_rofe00::0          ff02::2          ip6-localhost    ip6-mcastprefix<br />11:24
just_need_the_roff00::0          ip6-allnodes     ip6-localnet     localhost11:24
hateballjust_need_the_ro: thats no output you get from:11:29
hateballlshw -C network11:29
hateballanyhow I am a bit busy at work atm so I hope someone else joins and can help you11:30
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BluesKajjust_need_the_ro, does the VM have separate / and /home?11:35
just_need_the_roBluesKaj: this is the output for the lshw command https://bin.disroot.org/?8e88163d751d9425#1z0S+0WZbooDNC8hH/IdqZpg0z+9AigQvls1iqnyliE=11:38
just_need_the_roBluesKaj: how would I check that?11:38
BluesKajjust_need_the_ro, well you would have created them yourself, vms don't do that kind auto partitioning11:40
just_need_the_rothen the answer is no11:40
BluesKajnever used a vm that didn't have some kind of flaw, that's whyu I never use them11:41
just_need_the_royeah but in this case the flaw is not in the vm software but in the update preparation steps of kubuntu11:41
hateballjust_need_the_ro: so the machine sees the interface, no issues there11:44
hateballjust_need_the_ro: what does ifconfig show ?11:44
IrcsomeBotMisaka001 was added by: Misaka00111:45
just_need_the_rohateball: https://bin.disroot.org/?624729cb038b0c60#03UtmoYeRPQNN7o/tqAYT1i4bIAbJtzQYt+nCg2VdjA=11:45
otomoHi!, it's normal that still today when I use kdesudo "do-release-upgrade -m desktop -f DistUpgradeViewKDE"11:45
otomosays that there is no new version available11:46
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otomo(I am using 17.10 and wanted to upgrade to 18.04)11:46
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BluesKajuse the terminal and it's sudo do-release-upgrade11:53
BluesKajnot kdesudo11:54
hateballjust_need_the_ro: can you do "sudo dhclient ens33" ? maybe it just lost its dhcp lease11:55
hateballjust_need_the_ro: or did you try rebooting the VM and the issue persisted?11:55
otomoI just followed the instructions of the oficial Kubuntu webpage (also I used that commands in the past)11:55
otomoI used sudo do-release-upgrade with the same results (obviusly) as do-release-upgrade -c  says there is no new version11:57
just_need_the_rohateball: I tried that suggestion but no dice. yeah tried restarting the vm but still no connection. so you don't think something that's required got uninstalled?11:58
otomoI am going to restart  and check again11:58
just_need_the_roi switched to bridget instead of nat. not sure but now I got an internet connection11:59
just_need_the_ro(in the vm settings)11:59
just_need_the_roso now back to 18.04 update: sudo do-release-upgrade says no new versions12:00
ZetFury"Upgrades will not be enabled immediately at release time. They will become available when the release team are happy with the final state of the archive for upgrades."12:00
just_need_the_roaha, so can I force the update?12:02
ZetFuryyou need to wait12:02
ZetFuryappears to be no ETA at this moment12:02
just_need_the_roI find updates complicated. Why Is there no UI option offering this as download and user can device update yes no12:02
just_need_the_rook, so I will be auto updated whenever kubuntu overlords think it's ready?12:03
ZetFuryI think there is, not sure what it's called, I use terminal12:03
just_need_the_royeah console is installed and then?12:03
ZetFuryif you havent changed anything from default i think you will get a notification in bottom right corner of screen12:03
ZetFurywhen you can update/upgrade12:03
hateballThat is correct12:04
just_need_the_rook cool12:04
just_need_the_roI'll read a book till then12:04
just_need_the_rothanks for your help hateball  ZetFury  BluesKaj  :)12:04
rwbHow do I get rid of that notes program in plazma?  I can't even close the windows it makes.  I don't want sticky notes on my desktop.12:07
rwbit seems to come back.  I want to totally un install it, but I'm not sure I know the name of the package.12:09
hateballjust_need_the_ro: good luck :)12:09
hateballrwb: longpress on a sticky note to get the menu12:10
hateballthen you can remove12:10
just_need_the_rohateball: well  sudo do-release-upgrade -d does the trick and pulls the development version12:10
hateballrwb: it is highly unintuitive imo :D12:14
hateballI think it was designed that was with plasma mobile in mind12:14
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bnkhi..is there a way to add shortcut keys to programs thru the command line?15:19
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Atomix2Hey, I'm having an issue with my audio.  Setting the master volume to 0, heapdhone to 0, and PCM to 100 still outputs audio through the headphones16:13
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low_towerHello all. Even if Kubuntu 18.04 is it recommended to wait until it appears in Muon/Discover to do an upgrade from 17.10 and not to force it? Thank you!17:34
krytariklow_tower: Yes, I'd do so - should be a matter of only days.17:42
instoogentallhello everyone, just installed Kubuntu 18.0417:46
instoogentallwhat's the best way to install dropbox on it?17:46
instoogentallon discover there's only nautilus and caja options, and it seems that the deb provided by dropbox is also for nautilus17:46
=== Guest66217 is now known as Haudegen
Arthur_Dhi, I'm having trouble with WiFi on a Clevo W840SU, it doesn't seem to find the network card at all. It does find the Ethernet, and I'm currently using my phone to get a connection. Any ideas? I've tried 'rfkill unblock all' but it did not help18:07
diogenes_Arthur_D, sudo lspci -nnk | grep Net -A318:09
diogenes_what does it show18:09
Arthur_Dgives me no output18:09
diogenes_so it's a desktop pc?18:10
Arthur_Dno, a laptop18:10
diogenes_has it ever worked under linux?18:11
Arthur_Dyes, my brother has used Kubuntu with it before, but now with 18.04 nothing18:11
Arthur_Deverything else seems to work, just no WiFi18:12
diogenes_i'd suggest to boot into live cd mode and check if it works in there18:12
Arthur_Dwell I did try before installing, and it did not work there, but I figured maybe it missed some firmware or so18:13
diogenes_u said it worked before so how it worked then?18:14
Arthur_Dit worked ootb18:14
Arthur_Dhe says he sometimes needed to reboot to get it to work, but I've tried that several times, also with a live USB a couple times18:15
Arthur_Dmaybe just the chip died or something18:15
diogenes_go to bios and see maybe it's disabled18:16
Arthur_Dtried checking there earlier but I only found some UEFI network thing, I installed using legacy BIOS mode. Turning it on means I no longer can boot into the system18:18
Arthur_Dso I think it's only some PXE network boot but not entirely sure18:18
Arthur_DArch wiki has a page btw: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Clevo_W840SU but it says nothing about WiFi18:19
diogenes_i'd disconnect the ac charger and remove the battery, then i'd disassemble the pc and see if i can remove the wifi from the board and then reconnect it BUT you do it only if you know what you're doing, otherwise don't go in there18:21
Arthur_Dhmm maybe I'll just keep my phone tethered to it instead18:22
Arthur_Dthanks for the suggestions18:22
diogenes_use cable or buy a wifi dongle for 15 dollars and u will be fine18:23
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meenaHello happy people o/~19:03
meenaI made a huge mistake.19:03
ZetFuryyou installed windows?19:05
meenaI just upgraded to bionic, and my plasmashell is pegged at 100%CPU (in user-space, from what i gather from `perf top`) - can't tell what it's really doing, because there are no debug symbols available for it.19:05
meenai think it's just popping spinning on futex_wait()19:06
meenamy laptop's CPU is not happy.19:06
meenaoh, and the compose key doesn't work on wayland (i'm using wayland, because it uses marginally less CPU)19:10
viewer|73947Hello, I just wanted the kubuntu Web team know, that on the Alternativ Download page (https://kubuntu.org/alternative-downloads) the link to the "HowToSHA256SUM" is not set. I guess this should point to the ubuntu help page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToSHA256SUM19:15
acheronukviewer|73947: lemme look19:28
meenai mean. i don't really need plasmashell, right?19:30
meenawow, my cpu is so much happier after pkill plasmashell.19:30
meenai;d really love to know how to debug this issue.19:38
meenahow do i get ahold of a kde dev??19:38
meenalet's start with `plasmashell -d`19:40
BluesKajmeena, my pasmashell doesn't register a percentage cpu load, so you must have something else using up the cpu19:40
meenayeah, i'm suspecting that too, that's why i'm hoping that --qmljsdebugger will reveal something19:43
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BluesKajmeena, you can check in system monitor19:54
meenaBluesKaj: how's that different from top?19:56
meenaBluesKaj: and anyway, after restarting it with -d, it's not on top anymore. so. i'm somehow suspecting some (q)dbus issue19:57
meenaokay, system monitor is prettier than  top. fair enough.19:59
meenaexcept, i can't configure which things i see - so no view on which CPU core a process is pegging or if it's being scheduled between them, and no view into which function it's paused on, etc.20:02
meena```kf5idletime_kwayland: This plugin does not support polling idle time``` <- there's some irony here that i'm not getting, huh.20:03
BluesKajmeena, if you shut plasma down you won't see all the optioons I'm sure20:12
meenaBluesKaj: this is output from plasmashell --qmljsdebugger20:12
BluesKajanyway  have to go ..20:12
meenao/~ nighty night20:13
meenai really like the new icons 💜20:58
meenaoh, look! once i re-enable ddebs.ubuntu.com, i can suddenly find plasma-workspace-dbgsym!22:20
meenaplease someone shoot me into the sun and fire me from computer.22:20
Unit193Can't say I find that super surprising to find dbgsym packages on ddebs. :>22:20
Unit193Although, new with bionic...22:21
Unit193!info ubuntu-dbgsym-keyring22:21
ubottuPackage ubuntu-dbgsym-keyring does not exist in artful22:21
Unit193!info ubuntu-dbgsym-keyring bionic22:21
ubottuubuntu-dbgsym-keyring (source: ubuntu-keyring): GnuPG keys of the Ubuntu Debug Symbols Archive. In component universe, is optional. Version 2018.02.28 (bionic), package size 7 kB, installed size 23 kB22:21
honooI can't seem to see the global menu bar/titlebar menu in Kubuntu 18.04.22:32
honooI have tried to enable and disable these options a few times in system settings as well as enabling and disabling the relevant plasma widget to no avail, and I have resetted my Plasma settings.22:34
honooSo far I have no luck. Parsing qdbus org.kde.kappmenuview through the terminal while I have the widget active seems to show that it is active, but I don't see it working.22:36
honooWhat other steps am I missing?22:36
=== Unit193 changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | FAQ: https://community.kde.org/Kubuntu | Pastes: https://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: https://ubottu.com/y/gl | Kubuntu 18.04: https://kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-18-04-has-been-released | https://forum.kde.org, https://www.kubuntuforums.net
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