
guiverca question in #ubuntu had me look at https://lubuntu.me/downloads/ - it still says 17.10...  I assume this is already known...03:26
guiverc(ps: filenames indiciate 17.10 too)03:26
lubot2<tsimonq2> It is already known.03:26
lubot2<tsimonq2> When my flight lands, I'll update all of that.03:26
guiverci suspected as such - just thought I'd check - sorry for disruption...03:27
lubot2<tsimonq2> No problem03:27
lubot2<tsimonq2> Thank you03:27
guiverc:)  -- don't forget some sleep to Simon.03:27
lubot2<tsimonq2> Sleep is for the weak. :P03:27
guiverc:)  LOL03:28
Markdown1_why is there 2 Lubuntu websites?03:34
SlidingHornMarkdown1_: I came in here to ask that after I saw you mention that in main...as you were.03:35
lubot2<tsimonq2> Because the squatter of Lubuntu.net won't give it up.03:35
lubot2<tsimonq2> Lubuntu.me is the only official one.03:35
Markdown1_funny thing is in Google search results that websites comes up first :/03:36
lubot2<tsimonq2> We know, and we apologize, but there is literally nothing we can do.03:36
SlidingHornI wonder if editing some of the Ubuntu wiki links to reflect the terms "Official Lubuntu" etc. would help that?03:37
Markdown1_can't you guys do what these guys did? ;) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OPNsense03:37
krytarik(Well, something is being done about it, but it takes time.)03:38
Markdown1_or maybe can inform Google about the issue?03:38
SlidingHornMarkdown1_: Google doesn't interfere with that kind of thing03:38
Markdown1_no I mean the search result thing atleast.03:38
lubot2<tsimonq2> krytarik is correct.03:38
lubot2<tsimonq2> But, we are not renaming.03:38
SlidingHornMarkdown1_: that's what I meant, too...t03:38
Markdown1_ofcourse Google does https://support.google.com/plus/troubleshooter/1715140?hl=en03:39
Markdown1_oh shit thats the Google+ thing :/03:40
Markdown1_anyways thanks for the info :)03:41
Markdown1_oh I think this is the right page https://safebrowsing.google.com/safebrowsing/report_phish/?hl=en03:43
lubot2<tsimonq2> For reasons I can't say, we can't follow that procedure at the moment.03:57
Markdown1_ok, no problem.04:10
tsimonq2Better late than never. https://lubuntu.me/bionic-released/06:27
JohnDoe_71Rusbeware fresh releases06:29
tsimonq2Beware PEBKAC.06:29
JohnDoe_71Rusbeware SkyNet06:31
tsimonq2Beware Windows.06:31
MMOIs Lubuntu 18.04 a LTE release?? 'cause from 16.04 when I do a "dist-upgrade" there is NO notification about 18.04. (I've only LTE versions notification configured)07:32
JohnDoe_71Rusdo-release-upgrade -d . by default after  18.04.107:37
blue_feintdo-release-upgrade offers me artful, do-release-upgrade -d is not supported from xenial, so do i upgrade to artful first, then bionic?07:38
JohnDoe_71Rusyou are very brave, dude :)07:41
ChunkzZno LXQt - I'm sad. :(09:45
ChunkzZI've been waiting forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!09:45
blue_feintwell xenial to artful to bionic worked for me, i don't see anythinng broken so far10:35
ChunkzZanyone else seeing the date and time white with lightdm on lubuntu? and I can't click and install a .deb file, it auto closes after I click install. apart from them two, working perfect :P10:52
ChunkzZoh and virtualbox doesn't work too!10:53
blue_feintoh dear. i better test those when i get home10:54
blue_feintdoes dpkg -i work on the .deb ?10:54
Unit193blue_feint: apt install ./file.deb  resolves deps too, so is usually a better option than dpkg -i file.deb10:56
blue_feintoh, good to know, thanks Unit19310:58
Unit193Sure thing.10:58
ChunkzZblue_feint, yeah dpkg -i will install it but just can't click it and install it10:59
=== Unit193 changed the topic of #lubuntu to: Lubuntu support | About: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu | Docs: http://tinyurl.com/LubuntuHelp | Lubuntu 18.04 is out: https://lubuntu.me/bionic-released/ | Offtopic: #lubuntu-offtopic | QA/Development: #lubuntu-devel | Alternative support: https://lists.ubuntu.com/lubuntu-users
heysoundudejust want to pop by and say good work devs!  thanks for making my computer work better/faster/stronger...18.04>17.1013:33
johndoe00Hey guys, is there any way to add installed snaps to the task bar?15:20
johndoe00Hey guys, is there any way to add installed snaps to the task bar?15:23
cdoublejj18.04 LTS released!20:53
cdoublejji think i'll clean install lubuntu and since wine has been funky with it's weird csmt issues since 3.420:54
eepheehi all! will there be a ppc release for 18.04?22:42
=== Unit193 changed the topic of #lubuntu to: Lubuntu support | About: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu | Docs: https://tinyurl.com/LubuntuHelp | Lubuntu 18.04 is out: https://lubuntu.me/bionic-released | Offtopic: #lubuntu-offtopic | QA/Development: #lubuntu-devel | Alternative support: https://lists.ubuntu.com/lubuntu-users

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