
oerheksratio 0,3 already00:10
daftykins2.6 on desktop and 0.36 on server00:12
oerheks10 iso's, so average it is 0,3 iso00:13
oerheks= 3 iso's \0/00:13
PharaohHi All! I am unable to upgrade to 18.04 from 17.10. Is it available now?01:43
daftykinsplease see the topic, this isn't a support channel - try #ubuntu01:46
oerheksupgrading will be possible in a few days ..01:51
SlidingHornBetween Bionic's desktop & studio releases, I've seeded over 12 GB so far :P01:55
oerheks0,5 not sure how many gb that is01:57
SlidingHornwow, nice...01:57
oerheksoh, found it, that grey ball right down the windows.. 9.34 gb now01:58
pragmaticenigmaoerheks, the ratio indicated how much was downloaded to uploaded. 0,5 means you have seeded back half of what you downloaded02:04
daftykinshe meant he was looking for the stats on total traffic :>02:08
oerhekshalf .. right https://imgur.com/a/VHeHvzM02:09
pragmaticenigmaoerheks, oh... sorry didn't get that far down the screenshot02:13
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:54
SlidingHornmornin lotuspsychje04:56
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: WB :) .. Settling down now .. front ends running at capacity however .04:56
lotuspsychjehey SlidingHorn04:56
lotuspsychjehey Bashing-om04:56
EriC^^morning all06:01
Bashing-omHey EriC^^ :D06:02
ducassegood morning!06:06
Bashing-omducasse: WB :) .. settling out .06:09
ducasseBashing-om: getting ready to call it a night?06:10
Bashing-omducasse: Will not be long till EOD .06:31
lotuspsychjemorning ducasse EriC^^06:33
ducasseBashing-om: i'll be doing the last bionic upgrade here today - the final holdout. have a good night!06:34
ducassehi lotuspsychje06:34
lotuspsychjeno updates here06:34
Bashing-omducasse: Awaiting all the hub bub to subside before completing updates here .06:37
ducasselotuspsychje: grabbing the new images here06:37
Bashing-omearlier: " Reading state information... Done06:38
Bashing-omAll packages are up to date."06:38
ducasseBashing-om: i'm not sure my mirror has updated yet06:38
lotuspsychjethink im gonna test minimal on few testmachines here06:44
ducassenice screenshot, lotus. that's gnome, i expect?06:45
lotuspsychjeyeah ducasse06:46
lotuspsychjeand tnx06:46
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
Bashing-omSad to leave good company, but I must \o07:09
lotuspsychjesleep tight Bashing-om07:09
lotuspsychjetomreyn: gogeta is know for spreading fud07:43
ducassetypical troll, imo07:44
tomreynlotuspsychje: thanks. i'm trying to stop that from happening now. ;), ;07:45
lotuspsychjewe will nail him on mistaked no sweat :p07:45
tomreyn:) thanks07:49
lotuspsychjettyl guys08:30
BluesKajHowdy folks10:40
=== JanC is now known as Guest28882
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
JimBuntuhiya BluesKaj, warm there? Enjoying your new net connection still?11:36
BluesKaj'Morning JimBuntu, cooling off today to 8C/47F and forecasting rain. yes my new internet connection is great, altho i do detect some throttling going on during peak hrs11:39
JimBuntuthrottling is lame. 8C isn't bad though... it's 4C here right now11:40
BluesKajyeah 8C is the forecast high11:42
JimBuntuThe weather dummy says it might peak at around 16C, which would be awesome! I'm thinking it's the right day for another bon fire,,, might even take the telescope outside if I have batteries for the remote11:42
BluesKajgawd I sure have a lot to do around this house ...it's suddenly overwhelming me today11:44
JimBuntuI am happy the release finally dropped, even if I had given up for the day by the rime it happened.11:44
JimBuntuBluesKaj, unless you have visitors coming today/tomorrow... I would take a deep breath and limit how much cleaning I did to what I found to be entertaining. While I do like the look/feel of a freshly cleaned house... I also like to do other things ;-)11:46
BluesKajbut I am making some progress, so I'll carry on ...kids are coming to help in a few weeks .. lot of the "stuff" is theirs, and they can decide what to do with it ,as long as it doesn't stay here :-011:48
BluesKajthe releaes was anticlimactic as usual , since I upgraded 3 machines yesterday with the -d option before I went out11:50
JimBuntuI'm not upgrading until the point release expected in July, lol, I was only around to enjoy the party.11:53
BluesKajall 3 machines are fine, but I'm a home user and using my wife's old HP as a backup pc just in case11:57
BluesKajbut I do understand the logic of waiting for the point release11:58
BluesKajit's a wise decision for "production" machines that need absolute reliability11:59
JimBuntuI only have 1 machine that I don't use for work... to some degree... and that's a recent event, before that it was my primary travel computer for work.12:00
JimBuntu18.04 sounds stable enough, from all that I have read, so long as they have that memory leak worked out... otherwise, I would simply have to not use gnome I guess.12:01
JimBuntuI would likely have to build a number of things from source as well, not really a big deal either12:02
BluesKaji haven't heard anything about a memory leak12:03
JimBuntuThe Gnome DE has a long standing memory leak... simply ALT+TAB'ing to other programs can exploit it.12:04
JimBuntuIf you didn't run into any issue in the months you have been running it. then it may require special circumstances. Do you power-off on a regular basis? I generally only reboot/power-off once a quarter or as kernel updates require12:05
BluesKajJimBuntu, ok I'm a kde/plasma guy so not affected i guess12:11
JimBuntuThat's right, plasma would explain away why you didn't run into it, I forgot about that12:12
BluesKaji have been since 2005 iirc12:12
JimBuntuI'll have to look into plasma and if it plays nice with nvidia12:14
BluesKajno nvidia gpu driver problems here, unless you run real hi-end gpus then there are some updates that need work12:15
BluesKajor work-arounds12:16
BluesKajusing a gt520 here with the 390 driver and all is fine12:17
JimBuntunothing high-end (in modern terms) in that spare laptop. My only concern is that it has a mobile GPU that I would want to be able to use. So be it... time to check out plasma :-D12:17
BluesKajmobile gpu? usb?12:17
JimBuntuIt's built in. One of the mobile-series graphics cards from NVidia12:18
BluesKajjust a name ..hate that excessive use of "mobile"12:19
JimBuntuIt was high end, maybe 4-5 years ago, so I'll see if it is a problem today. It works great with the Ubuntu NVidia drivers with Unity/etc12:19
BluesKajthen it should work fine with plasma12:20
BluesKajJimBuntu, this is a good overview of kde/plasma and what you can expect,   https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.12.0.php12:26
JimBuntuthanks! I'll check that out BluesKaj12:29
TJ-Annoying touch-pad issue. Response is eratic when hard work has roughened my finger pads, and dropping back to keyboard control in many applications/dialogs is not consistent and the input focus is often all but invisible, or doesn't use the tab/Ctrl+tab convention, grrr!14:40
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
pragmaticenigmaTJ-: recommend finding a good hand lotion to help ya out15:34
TJ-pragmaticenigma: Yeah, I think that's part of the issue, the lotion is masking the moisture so the capacitance detection is iffy!15:34
pragmaticenigmaone of many reasons I dislike touch sensitive input15:36
nicomachusI just don't like touchpads. period.15:37
TJ-Seems like now my fingers have got a little sweaty it's fine.15:38
nicomachussweat usually kills it for me.15:39
pragmaticenigmaI just don't like how huge the trackpads are on laptops... makes it hard to type when my palms trigger it and start interpreting clicks15:42
TJ-Not dripping, just actually got some regular moisture. I've spent the last week handling concrete/cement/sand all day15:43
nicomachuspragmaticenigma: that's why I disable mine unless I'm actually using it. luckily my laptop has a FN+F3 to enable/disable it15:48
TJ-I don't have a problem with palm detection, but then again I keep my palms on the rests either side rather than in the center15:49
pragmaticenigmaI'm always affraid that I won't be able to turn it back on15:51
TJ-On this Asus transformer the touchpad is wider (for a 12" screen) then that on the Dell XPS 15", but it gives much finer control15:51
nicomachusI try to keep them to the side too but my thumb knuckle can hit it when I go for the spacebar.15:52
TJ-I find if my index fingers are on F and J respectively (usually those keys have bumps on them to aid location) they are pointing at about 45 degrees so my thumbs stay clear/above the pad15:53
ducasseafternoon, people16:40
ducassehi JimBuntu - how are you doing? gone bionic yet? :)16:46
JimBuntuI have not gone bionic yet. I'll wait until July16:47
TJ-My father has gone for a bionic knee this week!16:48
ducasse"we can rebuild him!"16:51
BluesKajHey ducasse, TJ-16:51
ducassehi BluesKaj - how's it going?16:52
BluesKajgod thanks ducasse, and you?16:52
BluesKajgood rather16:52
TJ-LoL yeah, that has been said. "We can Rebuild Him, we have the technology" ... Lee Majors come back all is forgiven!16:52
ducasseBluesKaj: all good here, about to make dinner16:53
oerheksratio 2,216:53
ducassehiya oerheks, how's life in .nl?16:54
oerhekshello guys, i am back from the fleemarket, sold my stuff and loaded with money :-D16:54
TJ-you sell fleas?16:54
BluesKajmaybe he sold his dog :-)16:54
BluesKajhey oerheks16:55
oerheksyes, home-grown16:55
oerheksheh, i could sell Drabber several times :-D16:55
ducassepoor drabber, reduced to farming for fleas16:56
oerheksYes, call the DLF and report him .. Drabber Liberation Front16:59
ducassehave you seen much activity on seeding the server images, oerheks? almost none here...17:02
oerheksuploaded 400/738 mb17:03
oerheksnot that much server users indeed..17:04
ducasseis the plain ubuntu desktop image the one that gets the most activity?17:08
kostkonso many desperate people asking for help today. it's.... heartbreaking..17:15
BluesKajlots of networking problems17:19
BluesKajand grub17:20
kostkonand lots of teething problems due to 18.0417:20
kostkonin general17:20
ducassenoticed a few graphics issues17:20
oerheksYes, huge number of known issues now..17:22
ducassei bet it's all the same people who were going "is it out yet?" every five minutes yesterday :)17:24
oerheksthe upgrade path is still blocked17:25
kostkonbut wanted to upgrade right now anyway even though it's not advisable at all17:26
BluesKajugrades here resulted in no problems at all on 3 machines17:29
tomreynhave some of you tested upgrading 17.10 -> 18.04 using "update-manager -d" (as opposed to do.release-upgrade -d), yet? i'm stuck on the release notes screen after hitting the "upgrade" button.17:32
tomreynthe 17.10 was a very standard installation, fully patched.17:33
tomreyn(and hardly ever used, it's a VM)17:34
tomreynoh, it actually wasnt stuck, just took forever to switch to the next screen. not a good UX.17:35
tomreynduplicity is one of the packages "no longer needed", does the desktop no longe roffer to do backups with duply / duplicity then?18:02
tomreynbuild-essential was also removed during upgrade, thus make, and thus the virtualbox video module wouldnt build18:15
naccif folks do ask about d-r-u in #ubuntu, it's  not yet available for eitehr 17.10 or 16.0418:34
naccthere is at least one critical bug they are waiting to fix before it's available18:35
naccwell and 16.04 i guess would wait until 18.04.1 anyways, so that only applies to 17.1018:35
Bashing-omnacc: Thanks ,,, ^^ that is good to be aware of ! No will do that then :)18:35
naccBashing-om: np18:36
Bashing-omnacc: Otherwsue .. it hasd been a smooth transition ?18:37
naccBashing-om: afaik, yes18:37
leftyfbnacc: d-r-u?18:38
nacchttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes#Upgrading_from_Ubuntu_16.04_LTS_or_17.10 for more official18:41
kostkonit's not actually cruel but i guess clickbaiting is a sign of the times18:41
lotuspsychjegood evening to all22:03
nacckostkon: yeh22:07

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