
Markdown1_kendell check out this if you are looking for a software for podcast in linux https://vocalproject.net/00:00
* kendell looks00:00
kendellkernel reboot, brb00:01
shigutsohi there, just installed Ubuntu MATE 18.04, using nvidia-396 drivers, and realized that my full-hd display is not playing very nice with MATE, the icons and fonts are too big, I changed the HiDPI settings to Regular and it's fine now, but as soon as I restart my PC the config is lost and I have to go back there everytime I login... is there a fix for it? with opensource drivers I wasn't having this issue...00:46
shigutsoif there's a terminal command to change the HiDPI settings I could automate it, but couldn't find anything online00:46
mate|6140Hm... sudo do-release-upgrade   ----  No new release found  ubuntu-mate 18.0402:12
mate|6140И где плять новая убунта шо за хрень .....02:15
mate|6140And where to put a new ubunt sho for crap02:17
HammitHi guys...Just trying to upgrade my MATE 17.10 machine to 18.04, but not having any luck getting it to acknowledge there is a new distro to upgrade to02:29
HammitI've followed the Upgrading from 16.04 and 17.10 steps on the blog02:30
Markdown1_Hammit it may take couple of Hours, so stay patient.02:30
Hammitoh ok02:30
HammitI checked my apt repos that I'm pointing to and they have the release ready to go, but I'll wait a bit longer then02:31
mate|77990I have installed Umate with windows and now i want to delete windows, how do i do it?03:35
mate|39682hi, sorry for the noob question. but i saw on the blog that 18.04 is out but for some reason following the update instructions doesn't work for me, it doesn't seem to believe that a new release is out03:50
Markdown1_it will take some time.03:51
Markdown1_wait for few hours or so.03:52
=== db is now known as Guest29491
Guest29491guest29491? why03:53
Guest29491who am i speaking?03:53
Guest29491how to recover my root password?03:54
Markdown1_its your user password.03:54
Guest29491thank you03:54
mate|40289Would it be expected that compiz would run better than macro (compton gpu compositor)?05:18
alkisgmarco isn't compton05:23
alkisgThose are 3 different code bases, it's expected for each one to work better or worse in selected areas05:23
alkisgIf one was better than the others in all cases, the others wouldn't exist :)05:24
mate|40289Pardon me for thinking macro might have something to do with compton but it says it right there https://ibb.co/iQxNGx05:37
mate|40289Compiz works best on my chromebook but I was just curious because they seem the same in theory05:38
alkisgmate|40289: see some theory there: https://ubuntu-mate.community/t/what-is-the-difference-between-the-built-in-compositor-with-marco-and-compton/1331/205:53
mate|40289Using the compton option basically just causes my desktop to hang for a few seconds randomly06:00
joa15martinezwho install ubuntu mate 18.0106:14
alkisgI installed Ubuntu MATE 18.04. Why?06:14
joa15martinezbecause i want to install.06:15
joa15martinezas it is new I wanted to know if it works correctly06:16
alkisgMany users helped in testing; and the release notes mention their experience. Did you read the release notes?06:17
joa15martinezI did not read them Where are they?06:18
alkisgIn the download page, there's a big button that says Release Notes06:21
alkisgIt points to https://ubuntu-mate.org/blog/ubuntu-mate-bionic-final-release/06:21
joa15martinezthanks. I am new in the world of ubuntu06:21
Markdown1_drink a sip of Mate and continue ;)06:24
alkisgHehe, first time ever, after installing from a CD and running apt-get dist-upgrade => 0 packages can be upgraded :D06:35
alkisgWimpress: it's a "supported" use case if I remove snapd (along with ubuntu-mate-welcome, pulsemixer, software-boutique), right? I mean, if I find issues after removing those, they'll still be valid bugs that would need to be addressed... correct?06:45
ole_denmarkckserv identify 270536OLE07:08
just_jonany issues running the new release in virtual box?07:32
m4thrm is it just me or does ubuntu-mate-lightdm-theme want artful's art installed rather than bionic?07:35
m4t /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf.d/99_ubuntu-mate.conf references background=/usr/share/backgrounds/ubuntu-mate-artful/Ubuntu-MATE-Northern-Lights.jpg07:36
=== fabiano is now known as Guest80193
Guest80193Hello, since I upgraded from 17.10 to 18.04, the files/directories I delete that are on a nfs share don't appear in the trash, anyone had any idea? I can't find anything related with google.07:44
m4ti think at least with a samba "mount" using gvfs, there is no trash as it's a remote share07:47
m4ti dunno how it'd behave if it were a root-mounted nfs share though.07:47
m4tGuest80193: e.g https://pasteboard.co/Hiwq9pz.png07:49
Guest80193To be clear, the deleted files goes to the .Trash-userid directory at the root of the mounted share, but they don't appear when I open the trash in caja.07:49
m4tdoes it create a file in .local/share/Trash/info/ ?07:52
Guest80193No, but I'm not sure it was the case with the 17.10 release07:53
Guest80193because it's currently not the case when I do it on a external HD07:54
Guest80193and yet the delete files on the external HD appear in the trash07:55
enycGuest80193: hrrm thats a godo question!08:20
enycGuest80193: I tend to do file-manglement with cli rm however! hehe08:21
micibicihi all, was wandering if anyone can tell me: a) when will bionic be available through do-release-upgrade; and b) if at this point there is any difference in simply upgrading with "do-release-upgrade -d" ?09:09
m4tmicibici: i heard in #ubuntu-release-party that for LTS do-release, it's not added to the metadata file until after the first point release which will be in a couple months09:14
m4tmicibici: but it's only in https://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-development, not https://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release and https://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-lts09:15
m4tso yeah, -d. that's how i upgraded earlier.09:16
m4tand no difference afaik, as long as your mirror is up to date09:16
m4t*https://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-lts-development too09:17
micibiciright, thanks!09:21
jrj_Hi All10:46
jrj_So installing 18.04 (came from 17.10) - i have issues with panels not showing up10:47
jrj_Clean install10:47
=== twager is now known as G3TPI
MartinX3Hello Guys, I've got a short question. Is there an ETA when the update manageer will offer me the 18.10 upgrade?12:42
usernamerhow disable HIDPI??14:00
usernameri have glitch on the fonts14:00
vkarehusernamer: Go to mate-tweak > Windows > HiDPI > Regular14:00
vkarehusernamer: alternatively, type this in a terminal: `gsettings set org.mate.interface window-scaling-factor 1`14:01
usernamerwebkit causing 100% CPU usage14:29
=== GaiusAbrecus is now known as Abrecus
mate|70273Here to say such a nice distro15:31
HACK3RHi, I'm new to Ubuntu but I've had some previous Linux experience (Raspbian). I was wondering if any of you knew how to setup Minecraft on a Raspberry Pi 3 running Ubuntu Mate15:44
john38hello mate screensaver is not working???16:15
pavlosjohn38: System Settings, screensaver and then what?16:16
john38hold on16:17
john38i have 16.04lts16:19
jollyjesteri sure do love the new 18.04 release of ubuntu mate16:19
jollyjesterso lovely16:19
john38hmm cant access mate screensaver even in search16:19
jollyjesterso by the way16:20
jollyjesterwait nevermind16:20
pavlosjohn38: System Settings, gear icon top right of screen next to date/time16:20
john38ok i got16:20
john38then what16:21
pavlosjohn38: it will open system settings, scroll down to find screensaver, configure it16:21
PennthThink I'll switch the little stream to a fresh install of https://ubuntu-mate.org/blog/ubuntu-mate-bionic-final-release/ minimal because it really doesn't have space for an upgrade16:21
john38there isnt icon for screensaver16:22
pavlosjohn38: should be in the look and feel section16:22
john38only Appearance16:22
john38remember this is 16.04lts16:23
jollyjesterok guys so how's the new 18.04 release for you?16:24
john38catergories are Personal , Hardware and System16:24
pavlosI have 5 sections, admin, hardware, internet, Look&feel, personal16:28
john38what version ubuntu you using16:29
pavlos18.04 but I check a 16.04 I have ... do you have mate-screensaver installed?16:30
john38yes i do16:30
john38i even tried putting it on 2 min idle16:30
john38didnt work16:30
john38all sorts of options16:31
pavlosyou may have to configure power mngt so the display does not go blank16:31
john38i put all on never16:31
john38im not on laptop16:31
pavlosmine is desktop as well16:31
john38does mate work on a specific idle time??16:32
pavlosno, I can set it 5,10 min16:33
pavlosdo you have mate-screensaver in the startup apps?16:33
john38does is have to be running in order for screensaver to work?16:34
pavlosit starts in the background and upon time, It pops up16:34
john38maybe its a bug16:35
pavlosso ps -ef | grep screen should tell you if it's running16:35
john38i dont know16:35
john38hold on16:35
pavlosuser      2093  1086  0 Apr26 ?        00:00:01 mate-screensaver16:35
john38hello mate screensaver is not working???16:36
john38that what it said?16:36
pavlosthe system said that?16:37
john38i inputed the command you gave me16:37
pavlosright, the command is, "ps -ef | grep screen" what's the result?16:37
john38hello mate screensaver is not working???16:38
john38that is the result16:40
john38yeah i stumbled across that page16:44
john38didnt resolve it16:44
john38i even tried the stuff in the  bug report16:45
john38didnt help16:45
john38i have 32bit system16:45
john38old video card16:45
john38old system16:46
pavlosI'm confused ... ps -ef | grep screensaver and the response it gives16:52
elliottman98Hello. I am using Ubuntu MATE 16.04 LTS and am looking to upgrade (in-place) to 18.04. I understand that if I install all updates then the Update Manager will notify of the new version, however I do not want to apply some of my updates. How can I trigger the in-place upgrade notification? Thank you for any help you can provide.17:08
mate|48077Quick question: the resizing "active box" is approx one pixel in height and width, so resizing windows is unnecessarily difficult for laptop users. How to increase that "hit box/active box"?17:58
compdocthat was a mean thing to say :/18:22
jaykcan anyone help me? I've just built a new pc and it has a little Geforce 710 graphics card as i like to play OpenGL DOOM 2 but upon installing and setting up the Nivida drivers from additional drivers I'm getting really really poor fps.18:33
=== norbert is now known as Guest77317
bumblefuzzhi, I can't secure verify my download20:02
bumblefuzzI'm following the instructions at the bottom of this page: https://ubuntu-mate.org/how-to-verify-downloads/20:02
bumblefuzzI can't pastebin the output20:03
bumblefuzzbut step 3 gives this: gpgv: Signature made Thu 01 Mar 2018 02:44:02 PM EST gpgv:                using DSA key 46181433FBB75451 gpgv: Can't check signature: No public key gpgv: Signature made Thu 01 Mar 2018 02:44:02 PM EST gpgv:                using RSA key D94AA3F0EFE21092 gpgv: Good signature from "Ubuntu CD Image Automatic Signing Key (2012) <cdimage@ubuntu.com>"20:03
bumblefuzzit says it can't check the signature20:03
bumblefuzzcan someone help me securely verify my ubuntu0mate download?20:14
mate|2151you must checksum20:14
bumblefuzzsorry for the capslcook20:16
bumblefuzzso, i want to verify via gpg20:17
bumblefuzzwhen I run this command: gpgv --keyring=/usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg SHA256SUMS.gpg SHA256SUMS20:18
bumblefuzzI get output that says it can't check the signature20:18
bumblefuzzcan someone help me verify my ubuntu-mate download?20:28
sud0x3Did you try importing the key? and if so did it import?20:29
bumblefuzzI tried 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-keyring'20:29
sud0x3try gpg --import /usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg20:30
dreamscapeHello all is there a way to get ubuntu to boot in command line mode no gui? but boot to the gui if that makes sense? I'm having an issue where i can't type in my password in the diskcrypt screen but it works fine in recovery mode.20:31
sud0x3then without specifying the direct path 'gpg --verify SHA256SUMS.gpg SHA256SUMS'20:31
bumblefuzzI can't pastebinit20:32
bumblefuzzbut this is the output20:32
bumblefuzzgpg: Signature made Thu 01 Mar 2018 02:44:02 PM EST gpg:                using DSA key 46181433FBB75451 gpg: Can't check signature: No public key gpg: Signature made Thu 01 Mar 2018 02:44:02 PM EST gpg:                using RSA key D94AA3F0EFE21092 gpg: Good signature from "Ubuntu CD Image Automatic Signing Key (2012) <cdimage@ubuntu.com>" [unknown] gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature! gpg:        20:32
bumblefuzzthe DSA still can't be checked20:32
sud0x3did the import report any errors20:33
bumblefuzzit imported 2 keys20:34
bumblefuzzno errors20:36
bumblefuzzcan someone help me verify my ubuntu-mate download?20:58
usernamerbrightness is not working22:16
usernamerhow can i to lower the monitor brightness??22:18
pavlosusernamer: try this, https://www.debugpoint.com/2016/10/2-ways-fix-laptop-brightness-problem-ubuntu-linux/22:28
rs3Hello! I have a strange issue, maybe because I installed from Ubuntu Server first and changed files /etc/netplan to allow NetworkManager to manage my connections, but I have two Network Managers in the indicator app, and I can't seem to get rid of just one of them22:35
rs3It's obviously not a big deal, but it's quirky. Any ideas? Thank you.22:35
m4tdoes anyone know if there's a way to make update-manager less aggressive with it's reminders? remind me later seems to be like, 10 minutes...22:48
m4ti checked src, didn't see anything obvious. just a handler to handler the cancel/remind button press22:48
m4thandler to handle*22:48
lapagacontrol center - software and updates-then change it23:15
m4thmm nope, there is no option to change the reminder interval23:34
m4t10min is for real cracked out, i wonder if something else is busted with my setup23:35
m4thrm this is old https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/131625723:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1316257 in update-manager (Ubuntu) ""Restart Later" not respected" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:39
usernamerthe albert launcher not workin in this ubuntu version23:50

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