[00:44] Kenapa aku dist-upgrade dia kata tak ada [00:44] Aku pakai 17.10.. [00:59] Kalau new LTS sy prefer fresh install sbb dulu pernah upgrade crash. X berani dah pakai direct upgrade [01:00] Upgrade Ubuntu desktop | Ubuntu tutorials https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-upgrading-ubuntu-desktop#0 [01:02] Update-manager -d [01:09] Kita kalau crash baru fresh install.. Hehe [01:17] Tak boleh jugak..huhu [04:32] KucingKiki was added by: KucingKiki [06:26] @nanasklinux, do-release-upgrade [06:28] @msyukor, bezanya live ade gui, server sahaja macam biasa la, cli [06:28] tu je [06:29] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes [06:30] The next generation Subiquity server installer, brings the comfortable live session and speedy install of Ubuntu Desktop to server users at last. N.B., If you require LVM, RAID, multipath, vlans, bonds, or the ability to re-using existing partitions, you will want to continue to use the alternate installer [08:20] @jipangmenjerit, Dah tak jumpa huhu [08:21] Repo apa yg KO org punya ..boleh share tak. Nak bandingkan dgn Repo aku [11:49] hi... assalamualaikum dan salam. sejahtera... ingin pendapat kawan2 dalam ni... untuk run Ubuntu... spec. medium untuk laptop ape ye... atau desktop... [11:49] dulu pernah main Ubuntu... tapi tinggal dah. lama. sangat.. lupe abis... [11:50] skrg ade laptop asus k43u... slow giler... ade suggestions? terima kasih. [11:52] slow macam mana? [11:59] slow performance dia [12:00] sy selalu online... browser ade 5.tab ke atas.... sambil Adobe audio on... sambil notepad on.. plus.. sambil download... [12:00] spec mane yg ok. klau habit macam sy tu ye.. [12:00] i5 ok? [12:10] @nanasklinux, archive.ubuntu.com since 2007 [12:11] @kubis lumut, aku browsing tak pernah kurang 10 tab, laptop c2d je..takde slow sangat pun [12:12] aku rasa hard disk yg slow tu [12:15] @jipangmenjerit, Roger bos... hardisk kut... bereh2.. kawe replace ssd nti.. InsyaAllah... tunggu duit😂 [12:15] tak payah ssd, baik check hdd ko elok ke tak dulu [12:20] Salam n Slmt ptg. Sapa Ada skop complete configuration server ubuntu. And protect or defence server. [12:34] @jipangmenjerit, Tp kalo dah x elok, alang2 nk beli baik beli ssd trusss 👽 [13:39] @nanasklinux, ko letak -d tak kat hujung? [13:39] aku elok je [13:39] @HishamMA, tak mampu pakai ssd [13:39] pakai usb 3.0 je jadi primary [13:39] hahaha [13:43] @jipangmenjerit, bereh bos [14:01] @fendy_dtm, Ni mungkin membantu utk hardening server ubuntu [14:01] https://www.cisecurity.org/benchmark/ubuntu_linux/ [14:03] Utk skop configure server kena tahu ni config ubuntu server utk fungsi apa? Web server ker dns server ker VM server ker ... etc [15:04] @msyukor, Utk web server saja [15:51] @myfenris rasa laju pulak plasma baru ni [16:29] @jipangmenjerit, Lama dah sy rase ... [16:29] Sbb tu skrg nie banyak spend or use plasma compared to gnome [16:30] aku pakai lts, malas nak rolling version [16:31] Sorry baru tgk telegram [16:31] Biasa la kulikutif [16:31] Nie pun Baru sampai parking umah [16:31] @msyukor td pergi midvalley x?