
zdobbiekateri uporniki pa so pridni tudi danes?06:47
idioternavesel dan of06:57
dz0nyit was schrodingers cat that delayed ubuntu release08:19
CrazyLemona kdo ve kateri je tisti app ki prikazuje števce prometa?16:27
CrazyLemonse mi zdi da je darstraffic to nekoč prikazoval ampak.. tega več ne najdem16:28
speed-evo gor je!16:41
jabuk5Hidden Cats - Apps on Google Play16:41
jabuk5There is no need to find the cat in your house if you already have this game. Hidden cats is a seek and find type of game with amazing locations. As quickly as possible find 5 cats on each level.Locations like Egypt, Smurf village, space, underwater world and many more ... are waiting for you. Your job is to find five cats in the picture. You are limited by time frame and each time you find the cat, there is an option that you will16:41
jabuk5discover a certain item that will help you upgrade the house.There are some little things that will help you in your way like zoom hint, that will direct you to the hidden cat. Hint compass will always point into direction of a hidden cat and the last hint is timer, which will extend your time in game play.Find the cats as quick as possible cause there is a chance that you will get a collection if you find them quickly.Game is a type of16:41
speed-ce bi kdo rad dal oceno 516:41
jabuk5hidden object games but the objects are always the cats :)Enjoy and let us know what you think.16:41
CrazyLemonone star from me16:44
speed-20x 2400x2000 mape so !16:44
CrazyLemonoverkilling those cats!16:45
speed-ma dobro za silo bo16:57
speed-kamera mi ni kul kak se premika16:57
speed-to je en drugi delal16:57
speed-samo zdaj ni bilo casa to rihtat :D16:57
speed-bomo drugi teden :)16:57
jabuk5G Suite on Twitter: "Hi there, the new Gmail interface is currently in an early adopter program and is only available in paid versions of G Suite. Your Admin can opt-in following the steps here: https://t.co/kIH1b5KPOj. -FD… https://t.co/ajpoM392M0"16:58
CrazyLemondz0ny ^16:58
matjazta novi UI je kr awesome ja17:26
matjazta Cal/Keep/Tasks sidebar sploh17:26
CrazyLemonwhats so awesome about the new UI?17:45
idioternahe just told you17:47
CrazyLemonso sidebars == awesome UI?19:32
CrazyLemonso.. unity == awesome UI?19:32
CrazyLemonhello and good night19:32
e1ea že?19:33
e1ekk pa to?19:33
CrazyLemonalergije cel dan pomenijo da komaj čakam kaj bo prinesel jutri tko da grem kr spat19:39
e1eah, pa zvečer je ja najmanj naporno...19:41
e1eniste mel nič dežja, da bi spral ta cvetni prah?19:41

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