[07:22] morning [07:23] Friday!!! Whooo! [07:47] morning boys and girls. [07:53] morning [07:53] Today I am patiently waiting for Digital Ocean to release their 18.04 droplet so I can upgrade [07:53] morning [08:04] <3 snap install firefox --beta [08:05] hmm, do-release-upgrade only sees 17.10 as the most recent version, not 18.04. odd. [08:05] add -d [08:05] also, have you done an apt update? [08:06] ptaylor@deepthought:~$ sudo do-release-upgrade -d [08:06] Checking for a new Ubuntu release [08:06] Upgrades to the development release are only [08:06] available from the latest supported release. [08:06] its not seeing it. [08:06] strange [08:07] lsb_release -c? [08:08] lsb_release -c [08:08] Codename: xenial [08:08] how odd [08:08] i agree. [08:10] i changed /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades to lts, and do-release-upgrade has seen it. [08:12] ah, your machine was trying to upgrade to 16.10 [08:12] which of course is not supported any more [08:13] seems so. [14:03] https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=199035 confirmed that bug already. [14:03] bugzilla.kernel.org bug 199035 in Bluetooth "BCM2046B1 and hid2hci generates highcpu usage due to udev since 4.14 kernel" [High,New] [14:06] come back irda, all is forgiven... :-) [14:08] :) [14:09] it was just rs232-c done over infra red... i know a song about that... :-) [14:11] :) [15:46] hi all [18:25] o/ [18:25] \o [18:26] o/ [18:26] \o/ [18:26] =^..^= [18:27] that last one of mine should be seen like a person trying to get the attention of the speeding runaway train driver [18:31] i thought trains were now designed to stop without a human at the controls... [18:43] I didn't say he was negligent. just that there was a driver, in a train going too fast.. he was probably on a mission from the flying spaghetti monster [18:43] pasta-martyrdom attracts all sorts these days [18:45] damn the spaghetti liberation front... [18:45] at least they're not as bad as the people's popular front of spaghetti liberation [18:45] he's evil! [18:46] a dangerous man if he has access to a colander... [19:12] hi all, ubuntu 18.04 looks pretty nice [19:13] * zleap has made 12 dvd's so far today, time to start trying to convert people, at least with LTS the cd's are good for a few years [19:15] do a lot of people still have optical drives? bit of a dying tech... [19:16] some desktops still have them] [19:19] i just hope you find a home for all the disks you burnt... [19:20] there's only so many coasters you can make out of discs before it gets stupid [19:20] i just keep an iso or 3 on my 128gb usb drive... [19:22] i have updated my usb sticks too, so ubuntu, ubumtu server and lubuntu [19:22] so today has been productive for a change :) [20:15] I had a big poo [20:16] ok, that's a lie, I've actually done sod all