
swift110hey all00:43
waltmanI'm thinking I might wait a few days before I upgrade.00:46
teddy-dbearMorning peoples, critters and everything else09:50
PennthOne of these rounds I'll remember that you need the -d flag to do-release-upgrade even if going from semiannual to LTS15:14
waltmanhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes#Upgrading_from_Ubuntu_16.04_LTS_or_17.10 # OK, guess I'm waiting a bit.15:23
waltmanI thought for prior releases it prompted me when the new release was available.15:23
waltmanSo as that page says, they're waiting a few days before they open up 17.10 to 18.04. I guess I can wait.15:33
waltmanLet the early adopters find the bugs!15:33
waltmanI already went through the switch back to gnome for 17.10, so hopefully that's the biggest change.15:34
pleia2yeah, they do try to land the big changes in the release before the LTS to work out the biggest bugs on the smaller community of people who use the 6 month releases15:38
waltmanNod. But I think I can wait a few more days for the bugs to get worked out.15:40
waltmanHave you updated yet?15:40
pleia2no, I'm flying to Copenhagen tomorrow for a conference, history shows it's best not to upgrade 2 days before big int'l trip ;)15:45
waltmanQ: When are you *not* 2 days befor a big int'l trip? :)15:46
pleia2it is a problem15:46
Pennthholy wtf? I'm already in the middle of an update!16:13
Pennth(from 17.10)16:14
PennthAlso, if you lock your GUI during the upgrade you may not be able to get back in, but you can still get into a plain shell and 'tail -f /var/log/dpkg.log' to monitor progress16:14
PennthThink I'll switch the little stream to a fresh install of https://ubuntu-mate.org/blog/ubuntu-mate-bionic-final-release/ minimal because it really doesn't have space for an upgrade16:18
waltmanPennth: I think the issue is mainly in prompting you to do the upgrade17:20
waltmanwhat's the "little stream"?17:21
waltmanI think I'll wait at least until Pennth finishes updating :)17:23
ChinnoDogHow do you submit ideas for Ubuntu release names? I found the wiki page but it is marked immutable.17:28
waltmanC should be Crabby Crab17:32
PennthI have a desktop again, have to do more testing after I finish my hoagie. :)17:32
waltmanWhat kind of hoagie goes well with an ubuntu install?17:33
Pennthwaltman, the 11" HP stream notebook, the blue one, that stopped being my daily carry when I got the i717:33
PennthAlso, a Wawa italian with pepperoni, spinach and tomato17:33
waltmana bold choice!17:34
PennthChinnoDog, I've seen contests/open recommendations announced on OMGUbuntu. IIRC, they happen about four months before the next release is due17:34
waltmanToday I opted for the Wegmans oriental salad mix thingy that had been sitting in my fridge all week.17:34
waltmanSo there's still hope for Despicable Dingo?17:35
PennthAny salad that sits more than a day in the fridge is a bold choice too17:35
waltmanWell, it's all wrapped up. Its good-until date was May 2.17:36
waltmanIt was all cruchy cabbage stuff so I guess it keeps longer?17:36
PennthYeah, dingos are endangered, so for sure.17:36
waltmanDeceitful Dodo?17:37
PennthCan't already be extinct, or next one would be Crunchy Coelocanth17:37
waltmanCoelacanths aren't extinct!17:39
ChinnoDogYea. They are alive and kicking.17:39
ChinnoDog... so to speak17:39
PennthOIC. Since there are only two species of coelacanth and both are threatened, it is the most endangered order of animals in the world. The West Indian Ocean coelacanth is a critically endangered species.17:39
PennthWell, I know my vote for 18.10 then :)17:40
ChinnoDogI bet there is room on pleia2's shelf for a stuffed coelacanth.17:40
PennthCoelacanths were thought to have become extinct in the Late Cretaceous, around 66 million years ago, but were rediscovered in 1938 off the coast of South Africa17:41
waltmanI think they're just hard to find because they live in the deep ocean17:42
ChinnoDogNot sure how they can be rediscovered in 1938. I remember reading about the cooelacanth in dinosaur books when I was a kid.17:48
PennthLike most things, thought missing or dead until found17:49
pleia2there is no contest or feedback for release names, that's all Mark17:49
pleia2the wiki page is just immutable if you aren't in the launchpad group that grants edit access17:50
waltmanChinnoDog: They knew about them from fossils and assumed they'd been dead for millions of years.17:50
PennthSo I guess the OMG Ubuntu pages were just for "whatchawant"17:51
pleia2(too much spam having it open like a proper wiki)17:51
pleia2Pennth: yeah, and there are wallpaper contests17:51
ChinnoDogwaltman: My books were much more recent than 1938 though. The world must not have noticed they were still alive until much later.17:52
waltmanIt was pretty famous that they found them17:52
PennthWell, I have 18.04 running, still with Unity and my 2x2 workspace switcher as before, but with the new files app17:53
waltmanWait, you still have a 2x2 switcher?17:54
Pennthtotem opens pretty speedily but is using 4g memory :p17:54
waltmanDid you have to install anything to get that?17:54
waltmanI went from 2x2 to 1xn in the 17.10 update and I'm still a little unhappy about that.17:54
Pennthwaltman, I somehow managed to keep unity without it getting zilla-stomped by gnome17:54
PennthYeah, been that way since I installed artful17:55
waltmanMy unity got trashed.17:55
Pennths/4g memory/25% of cpu/17:55
r00t^2waltman: have you tried ctrl-alt-shift-dwn?18:06
r00t^2gnome3 by default uses dynamic virtual desktops18:06
r00t^2(ctrl-alt-up/dwn to switch between them)18:07
waltmanwhat does ctrl-alt-shift-down do?18:07
waltmanThe problem with ctrl-alt-up/down is that it doesn't scale well beyond 2 or 3 desktops.18:09
waltmanAlso gnome likes to helpfully dynamically add and remove virtual desktops. If I have chrome on 2, close it, and leave that desktop, it moves desktops 3-n up to 2-n-118:11
r00t^2i'd say it does; you can just hold down ctrl-alt and hit up/down to flip between them. but if you like having an overview, you can hit the special key (usually the "windows" key) and then you have a nice little preview on the right side18:12
waltmanBah. I know what my setup is. I'd like a faster way to switch between them.18:13
waltmanAnd I'd like them to stay where I put them, dammit.18:13
r00t^2which you haven't specified what you'd like to *do*18:13
r00t^2but also,18:13
r00t^2you can set static virtual desktops with gnome-tweak-tools.18:13
r00t^2err, renamed to gnome-tweaks in newer releases, it seems18:13
r00t^2on arch, anyways18:14
waltmanI typically have 1) terminal and other stuff, 2) chrome, 3) another terminal, 4) slack18:14
r00t^2yeah. you can set that to be static.18:14
waltmanBut then if I want to, say, run matlab on 5, I can't do that with static.18:14
waltmanat least on 2x2 I could get from slack back to 1 in 2 steps instead of 3.18:15
r00t^2well, you can just increase the number of virtual desktops, then.18:15
waltmanI went through all this when I installed 17.10. I'm used to its quirks. Doesn't mean I *like* them.18:15
waltmanYes, I know how it works, thanks.18:16
waltmanCan it give me 2x2 again? It seemed not.18:16
waltmanCan I switch to them by number like I can on macOS?18:16
r00t^2as for switching from like, the task bar or whatever it's called, that should be a bundled gnome extension18:16
r00t^2included as part of gnome18:16
r00t^2you can bind your own custom shortcuts.18:17
waltmanI assume I need the mouse for that? Way less useful than keyboad control.18:17
waltmanThanks. What's the Super key?18:21
waltmanAh, it seems to be my Mac Cmd key18:22
PennthThe trouble (imho but I'm not alone) is that the dynamic desktops are vertical-only18:40
PennthFound my first glitch in 18.04. Bluetooth headphones connect but are not being used for sound, not listed in sound profile18:41
waltmanyeah, the default behavior with dynamic desktops leaves a lot to be desired. I mean, it's great you can tweak it, but I wish they'd put more effort into making the default behavior less hateful.18:43
jthanPennth: I had the same issue on Arch with a recent update.  You might try connecting them before launching any applications after a fresh login, then launch spotify/firefox/whatever and see if they show up18:57
jthanI don't think it's Ubuntu specific, though18:58
waltmanjthan: Well, hateful to *me* :)20:02
Pennthjthan, good to know. I'll do more testing when I get home from work20:06
PennthAnd if you've been used to having 2x2 workspaces for 20 years, then suddenly going 1xN without even the benefit of atarispace is definitely a PITA20:07
Pennthfor years I had (0,0) Job and browsing; (0,1) Music; (1,0) Programming; (1,1) Games.20:08
waltmanalso there are at least 2 different levels of hacking it -- ubuntu, gnome hacks, and I think some third deeper way20:09
waltmanOn my mac they go across, but it doesn't matter because I can easily switch between them with ctrl-1, ctrl-2, etc.20:10

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