
albinardTested your ISO: ubi-partman failed with exit code 1002:07
albinardSorry, that's Unit193 ISO of this afternoon02:07
Unit193Hmm..Any logs?  vbox or hardware?02:08
albinardNo logs, hardware same as all previous tests02:09
albinardbut I tried to go back to your Cherokee site for the md5sum to check it, and it wouldn't connect02:10
Unit193https://unit193.net/xubuntu/core/ they're here now.02:10
albinardonly the 17.10 shows up right now02:12
Unit193That is, might want to hard refresh the page, seems it's stuck in the cache.02:14
Unit193Page was updated for Bionic today.02:14
albinardDid it just now checking the sum now - it does check02:16
Unit193Well this is fun.  Amd64?02:18
albinardYessir, the usual.  Wrote it to a USB, first try went as far as getting my locale correctly, then chrashed and claimed to have sent a report02:19
albinardFWIW, from the Live session I could see and mount (and unmount) the existing files in the original I installed from the 0420 ISO02:27
Unit193This is just lovely, taking a look too of course...  I smoke tested and things seemed more or less fine.02:28
Unit193Some quirks, but vbox tends to be a little troublesome.02:28
albinardTrying again - thought I might have left something mounted that didn't clear02:32
albinardGot to copying files anyway (cross your fingers)02:32
Unit193Fella in #xubuntu had issues as well, it's one of the permission issues I've seen before...02:33
Unit193It fails at the end.02:33
albinardNope - at Installing system it crashes.  How do I file a bug report from that part?02:34
Unit193Have to install a browser such that one can complete the reporting process.02:35
albinardOk, Firefox is downloading now02:38
Unit193Tailing the log while it installs, seeing if anything unusual is there.02:38
GridCubestill getting this error when trying to run apt install xubuntu-core https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Cfpw3v9dTf/02:50
albinardDang - got a timeout error on Launchpad - this time of night web here is really slow. 02:54
albinardI'll keep trying for a while02:54
Unit193I'm 1. Trying an install too.  2. Rebuilding amd64 only to see if there's a diff in the manifests, though really there shouldn't be.03:00
albinardI did a diff of the April 20 vs 26 - what should I look at?03:02
Unit193manifests?  I'd say just make sure no packages went missing and never came back.03:03
albinardThat was the first April 26, I should say, the no/casper/vmlinuz03:03
albinardOne odd thing: in the first (Apr 20) there are three entries each for linux-headers and linux images and linux-signed (ets)03:09
albinardBut in the second, there are three for headers, two for images, and two for modules03:11
albinardNot that I know what any of that means, but there it is03:11
Unit193vbox seems to have hung itself, unrelatedly...Trying something in a build, doubt it'll fix anything as the buildsystem really hasn't changed except to fix that live booting issue, so *should* be something else..03:15
FurretUberIs the upgrade from 17.10 to 18.04 available?03:17
Unit193I don't believe it is yet.03:18
FurretUberAbout the xubuntu-core image, was that isolinux issue corrected (it's searching for vmlinuz while the file is called vmlinuz.efi)?03:19
Unit193I don't know why this cropped up now... :/03:33
albinardYou have my sympthy, but my endurance is running out so I will do the same.  Maybe with a night's sleep I can be of help again.03:34
Unit193Thanks, good rest, mate.03:35
flocculantnot finding our iso's 03:54
Unit193They seemed to work, but seriously not looking like it now.  Time to pull 'em I guess.04:09
flocculantgood - glad I'm not going nuts04:12
Unit193Well, mine.  Not the usual ones.04:12
Unit193https://unit193.net/xubuntu/core/ note added.04:12
flocculantI'm talking about our release04:13
flocculantcan't find it 04:13
Unit193Looks like only some mirrors have them so far.04:13
flocculantwell I can't see it at ubuntu04:14
Unit193http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/18.04/release/ was the link that had 'em.04:14
flocculantand that's empty04:14
Unit193...Doesn't seem to be..?04:15
flocculantis here lol04:15
flocculanttoo early for me to care much :)04:16
Unit193I'm a bit upset it's all broken for me.04:17
flocculantok - so it's not just my browser - don't see them there in a vm either04:18
flocculantso what's broken for you?04:26
flocculantcore not working?04:27
Unit193Yeah, Core installation foobers something awful..04:34
Unit193https://paste.ee/p/tVnrH#s=0&l=3901 /var/log/syslog.3.gz04:34
flocculantthat doesn't look fun 04:36
flocculantI assume it has the newer ubiquity04:37
Unit193Yes it does.04:38
flocculantxubuntu was dead on cdimage04:43
flocculantfixed now04:44
flocculantanyway - core - not sure what to say there04:44
flocculantbest pull it for now I suppose04:44
Unit193Yeah understandable, it was fine too, but then it wasn't..That's really my problem to fix, lucky me.04:44
flocculantoh - caught up - see the note on core page04:45
Unit193Made it red and more obvious now.04:46
flocculantit does :)04:59
pleia2I popped in just long enough to do the social media things...05:01
pleia2almost forgot, congrats on the release everyone :)05:01
flocculantpleia2: I saw that - thanks05:01
Unit193Hey, thanks for that still.  I wouldn't have been able to. :305:01
flocculantwell I'd have done one of them :p05:02
flocculantunpinned the test post on facebook05:02
pleia2fb ui confuses brain, I didn't even notice a pinned post05:05
pleia2there's always so much junk, I just scroll until I find a box to type stuff in05:06
pleia2I am a brilliant technologist, I swear05:06
Unit193That's OK, I haven't used it since 2010, I might not even get that far. :P05:06
flocculantpleia2: yea - same - where is that box to type in :|05:11
flocculantonly found the pin option recently - lucky I found it again to unpin ...05:12
bluesabreThanks flocculant, knome, and pleia2 for getting the release/announcements out :)10:15
bluesabreflocculant: any update on screen reader, or are we still at "we think it doesn't work"?10:15
bluesabreSpass: did you file a bug report for your menulibre issue?10:16
bluesabreali1234: font sizes... since which previous release? there's been a few fontconfig updates since 16.04 that have made things weird10:16
Spassbluesabre, I will do that from my "Xubuntu for testing purposes" fresh install, that I'm about to do soon10:17
SpassI can also help you in reproducing it10:17
bluesabreSpass: great, thanks :)10:17
ali1234bluesabre: since 16.0410:17
Spassbtw, 25GB for testing installation should be fine, right?10:18
Unit193fontconfig had been carrying a patch for the longest time, made fonts seem slightly smoother or whatnot, dropped last cycle.10:18
bluesabreSpass: definitely10:18
Spassdoing it right now, I'll probably ask you later about other stuff (additional PPAs etc)10:20
bluesabrevery nice10:20
bluesabreI work today, so probably not going to respond til later/this weekend10:21
Spasscool, I know where to find some stuff about that on Launchpad, so I should be fine10:22
ali1234http://i.imgur.com/XTWh6KB.png :(10:25
ali1234oops wrong image :)10:27
Unit193..Well then.10:29
bluesabreEmbracing the hi-dpi future early with that one10:30
ali1234is that config panel gtk3?10:31
ali1234gnome-panel had similar problems when it was ported to gtk3 https://launchpadlibrarian.net/107130168/Screenshot%20from%202012-06-08%2006%3A44%3A22.png10:32
bluesabreali1234: yes it is10:33
bluesabreIf I recall, Firefox doesn't provide a lower res icon so gtk is probably being dumb and not scaling to the requested size10:35
bluesabreReport that one somewhere (bz preferred) if you don't mind10:35
ali1234already reported on lp but i will make an upstream bug too10:35
bluesabreCool, thanks10:35
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 14362 in General "Preferred Applications shows huge icons" [Normal,New]10:40
ali1234you know, it wouldn't be the worst thing ever to show really big icons in that dialog10:41
ali1234or not really big... but bigger than they normally are now10:41
krytarikUgh, from #x earlier: "The 18.04 release, codenamed Xenial Xerus,..." on https://xubuntu.org/download#lts11:32
bluesabrekrytarik: fixed11:38
krytarikCool, thanks!11:38
flocculantbluesabre: re screen reader - not got it to work - that said did some lubuntu last night - couldn't there either12:50
Spassok, my Xubuntu install strictly for testing is standing and it's ready to be blown, which PPAs from here I must add? https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev12:52
Spassalso, do you know any tool to quickly make and upload online a desktop screenshot? preferably with an option to crop them before12:54
flocculantqa experimental, daily builds 12:55
flocculantand also https://launchpad.net/~shimmerproject/+archive/ubuntu/daily12:55
Spassjust noticed, new Greybird finally has thin 1px separator line in Thunar between sidebar, so much better!13:19
Spassoh, I think I should go to #shimmer for that13:22
flocculantSpass: here has most of the shimmer team13:22
flocculantI think :p13:23
Spasscan someone confirm that the text on the buttons in gnome-language-selector is not centered vertically?13:26
Spassjust noteced that13:26
knomebluesabre, thanks for the website fix, i knew i forgot something (fortunately not a biggie)13:31
Spassthere seems to be an issue with mouse scroll on icon set list in Appearance, but only if I access it through xfce4-settings-manager13:41
Spassit works when I open xfce4-appearance-settings directly13:42
flocculantSpass: yea - and reported somewhere14:46
flocculantgtk3 ish issue I think14:49
flocculantknome: I didn't look there either14:54
flocculantbluesabre ochosi knome - "To prevent this membership from expiring, you should contact the14:56
flocculantteam's administrator, Xubuntu Council (xubuntu-council)."14:56
flocculantrelease team for me - unless you've got another fool willing to take over from me :)14:56
SpassI've uploaded my first ever YouTube video, and it's about Xubuntu 18.04 issues :P16:18
Spassit's not public16:18
Spassyou can see three issues there, inconsistent panel icons, blinking Whisker menu, and some weird shadow visible on the app list16:19
NordenHello! This may already have been reported somewhere, but the section on version numbering in the documentation for 18.04 still says that 16.04 is the latest LTS version.17:52
NordenSpecifically this section here: https://docs.xubuntu.org/1804/user/C/what-is-xubuntu.html#version-numbering17:55
SpassI think that the best solution is to remove "The latest Long Term Support (LTS) version is 16.04, codenamed Xenial Xerus." completely, not just changing it, to avoid this issue in the future17:56
krytarikYes, hidden easter eggs indeed.. :P17:59
NordenOh, also, the contribution page for documentation on the website says to look for the documentation sources in a "desktop-guide/C/" directory, which, as far as I can tell, doesn't actually exist in the source branch.18:15
krytarikYep, also true - that was changed a while ago.18:16
krytarik(That would be: https://xubuntu.org/contribute/documentation/)18:26
amerigenaWhat are the outstanding issues that are blocking installs with the 18.04 Core ISOs? Does anyone know yet?18:58
knomeflocculant, i'd say let's renew/add members to that team once the new council is set up :)19:18
flocculantknome: whatever19:45
flocculantnot sure what the council's got to do with that tbh19:45
flocculantunless it wants to look after testing of course :)19:45
flocculantbluesabre: re screen reader, so for flavours it worked on - boot image, at the menu choose screen reader from F5 menu - boot to live desktop, (possibly need to Alt+Super+S) and it works21:19
flocculantwith us you get the desktop with no screen reader21:20
bluesabreflocculant: huh22:52
bluesabreany pattern to the working desktops... or is it just us?22:52
Unit193GridCube: You will likely continue to get that too, since you picked something up from a PPA.  You could disable the PPAs and then go through `apt list | grep ed,loc`, downgrading everything to the version from the archives to recover.23:11
GridCubei did?23:58
Unit193Based on version numbers, yeah.23:59

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