
jeremy31Anyone know why I got an email saying "A new OAuth token consumer was enabled in Launchpad."00:01
wgrantjeremy31: That usually means you've used launchpadlib on a new machine. https://launchpad.net/~/+oauth-tokens should list your active tokens and let you see which application was just authorised now.00:05
jeremy31wgrant Thanks, could this be caused by Ubuntu One SSO?00:06
wgrantjeremy31: Ubuntu One SSO won't do that itself, but something that you've used SSO with might.00:07
jeremy31wgrant, any thing to be concerned about?00:08
wgrantjeremy31: If you didn't perform any action that could have triggered that email, you should absolutely be concerned -- an OAuth token gives full access to your Launchpad account.00:09
wgrantYou should work out what it was.00:09
wgrantDid you do something relating to SSO?00:10
wgrantWhat does https://launchpad.net/~/+oauth-tokens list as the most recent authorisation?00:10
jeremy31wgrant It shows askubuntu to read non-private data, likely after my last kernel update and I had to login to a few Ubuntu websites again, may have been a browser update also00:11
wgrantjeremy31: Huh, yeah, looks like AskUbuntu has changed its login workflow and now does something very strange.00:13
wgrantBut at least it's only reading non-private data, and you would have had to click through an LP consent page.00:13
wgranthttps://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/307647/support-for-openid-ends-on-july-1-2018 <- ah yes00:14
wgrantThey didn't talk to us about it first :/00:14
jeremy31wgrant, never any surprises?00:15
italiakenhi :)08:21
italiakenis there any way to download or access locally all the bug reports of a public project?08:22
=== trevorj_ is now known as trevorj
GyrosGeieris there a way to hide "fix committed" bugs in the bug list?20:48
GyrosGeierwe are nearing a release, so the bug list is full of things that have been fixed already20:48
jhobbsGyrosGeier: look for the "Advanced Search" link and you can deselect that there20:49

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