[00:45] join [00:45] hel [00:45] help [00:45] hello [05:19] i wonder if any one knows if there will be a ppc version yet as it's such a new and fresh launch, maybe once things settle down, there might be a better idea? [15:22] Where can I get cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/bionic/release/SHA256SUMS over a secure channel? Or is there a trusted GPG signature for it? [15:28] darsie: Yes, look besides it: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/bionic/release/ [15:29] ahh, right. [15:29] thx [15:36] Can someone please verify 46181433FBB75451 is the Ubuntu CD Image Automatic Signing Key ? [15:37] ..Why would you trust any individual here more than the GPG system? [15:39] Anyone can upload GPG keys. It provides additional security. [15:39] Having it on a HTTPS server would be better. [15:40] A hacker possibly hacked my server which routes my internet, so I'm a bit paranoid. [15:46] I found the key ID on numerous websites. Should be ok. [15:49] Gpg has a trust network. [15:50] I miss instructions how to make a bootable USB stick from the iso. Do I dd it to /dev/sdX? [15:53] that's one way to do it, darsie. if you know what you're doing, it's a very reliable methodology, too [15:53] ok [15:55] the hackers can change iso image, then you write it to flash. they can hack write util [15:56] JohnDoe_71Rus: That's why I verified the hash and signature. [15:56] that ^^ [15:56] after write? or after save to disk [15:56] jboth [15:56] after save [15:56] they can modify at the write moment [15:57] you can verify it after write [15:57] I assume my computer isn't hacked. They can modify the data I receive via internet. [15:58] darsie: that OS do you use at the moment? [15:59] debian [15:59] Downloaded the netinstall image on a mac that doesn't have ssh enabled. [16:00] and why you think you system compromised? [16:01] My server may be compromised because a hacker found my email password, reset my bitstamp password, stole 7000 EUR and sent me an email with a web bug link to my server. [16:02] wow [16:04] So I assume he got root and wanted to check the server logs to find the IP of my PC and possibly launch a key logger there etc. [16:06] darsie: https://imgur.com/WmRwjI3 [16:07] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mh3AQuhQO8U [21:15] Hello! [21:16] I'm on Lubuntu 17.10, and was wondering if the method of updating to 18.04 is the same as dor Ubuntu? [21:17] Yes. [21:22] The command 'do-release-upgrade' returns "No new release found" even though I have the Software Updater utility set to "any new version". [21:22] Yes, see the release notes on that please. [21:22] Do I need to update anything beyond all packages and doing a dist-upgrade? [21:23] Thanks, will do. [21:24] (The answer is, it'll become available for you in a few days.) [21:27] I'm sorry about that--I automatically assumed 18.04 had been released for a few days and didn't check the date on the post! [21:27] Thank you again. [21:27] Heh, no problem. :)