
mupPR snapcraft#2109 closed: sources: clean up IncompatibleOptionsError <Created by kalikiana> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2109>09:21
DataLinkDroidI noticed on the snapcraft.io website that about eleven languages are listed as having some kind of special support.09:23
DataLinkDroidHow hard is it to package up a snap for a language (like Ada/GNAT) that does not have this specific support in snapcraft?09:24
DataLinkDroidIs it an easy matter to add such support? (Note that GNAT uses gcc.)09:25
zygaDataLinkDroid: It should be pretty easy. Snapcraft has generic makefile/shell plugins that let you write any compiler rules you want10:10
zygaThe special support is just in using language native concepts such as supporting pip for python10:11
zygaFor compiled languages it is even easier10:11
DataLinkDroidzyga: Thanks, yes I was just coming to that conclusion about using the make plugin.10:11
DataLinkDroidHow does the auto update from GitHub repo work? Does it do an automatic recompile of the source code that changes on GitHub?10:13
DataLinkDroidThat would mean specifying the build environment. Not sure how that would work. Perhaps a particular compiler is required for the build...10:15
DataLinkDroidOr is the GitHub update only used for scripting languages like Python, where for all intents and purposes, the text *is* the "binary".10:17
DataLinkDroidSorry if I'm flooding with too many questions... :-)10:18
DataLinkDroidMaybe I just need to try it and see how it all fits together.10:19
zygaIt is used for everything10:23
zygaSnapcraft.yaml describes how to do everything10:24
zygaThe plugin system does most of the heavy lifting10:24
zygaBut everything can be specified manually too10:24
zygaBuild dependencies, etc10:24
zygaLook at snapcraft documentation10:24
zygaAlso look at the forum, it has plenty of discussions to search10:25
DataLinkDroidzyga: Cool. Thank you. Will do.10:29
ogra_hmm, did the release page get cut down on dashbard.s.io ? i only get checkboxes for beta and edge in the release form13:20
ogra_ah, silly me ... the snap had "grade: devel" ... (an error/warning/notice on the form page would have been really nice)13:22
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Intruder777|1hi. is there a way to run particular snap as non-root user22:37

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