
ktechmidasfrigging banks...04:34
ktechmidas"We will be waiving all overdraft fees and interest charges for all of our retail and small business customers for April."04:34
ktechmidaswhat about your personal users who have been trying to fix their overdraft for the last 7 days you arses :(04:34
ktechmidaswrong room04:34
ktechmidasreally sorry guys... I will just uh... be quiet now...04:35
enycktechmidas: lol  ist this TSB cockup? ;-)05:35
enycfego: ??07:36
phoenix_firebrdif I use -d switch to upgrade to 18.04 from 17.04  using the dist-upgrade command. Will my system point to 18.10 or 18.04?19:14
krytarikYou won't switch to a devel channel kind of this way, no.19:15
phoenix_firebrdkrytarik: so my urls in the dpkg source will point to stable channel?19:16
daxas of right now, -d will put you on bionic19:25
daxat some point in the future, -d will put you on the development release19:25
daxand yes, sources.list will point at bionic right now19:25
phoenix_firebrddax: "at some point in the future, -d will put you on the development release", meaning if I run the command again at some point of time right?19:47
phoenix_firebrddax: sorry, once again my sources.list will point to stable channel right?19:48
daxubuntu doesn't set up your machine to point at channels, it points at specific releases19:49
daxand yes, sources.list will point at bionic19:49
phoenix_firebrddax: during the upgrade my backports channel if already added will be disabled?19:50
daxnot sure. I think so.19:50
phoenix_firebrddax: ok, thanks a lot for the suport19:50
krytarikIt's a PPA, so yes.19:57
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blazeme8I just updated my bionic beta install to the latest available. Gnome 3.26.2 -> 3.28.1 was included in the update. Many of the graphics in Gnome have become blocky and pixelated 23:09
blazeme8The text and icons in the top bar as well as icons on the doc23:09
blazeme8I use 150% fractional scaling, and the issue goes away if I go down to 100%. But at 200% scale it is worse 23:10
blazeme8My previous version of gnome didn't have this problem, seems like a regression23:10
blazeme8has anyone else experienced this?23:11

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