
nicomachusdaftykins: around?00:09
daftykinshi, yep just got in the door but i have been drinking so might be as useful as a garden gnome00:12
nicomachusI'm just having the weird internet issue with the rpi again but the bluetooth is off. I'm gonna dig in, I'll let you know. It may be a messed configuration00:21
daftykinsgive us a "route -n"00:23
nicomachuswhen did paste.ubuntu get longer links00:39
* daftykins clicks00:40
daftykinsthat is one hella high metric of 202, is enxb827eb07200a really your interface name? and your router IP?00:41
daftykinsalso "cat /etc/resolv.conf"00:41
nicomachusyes and yes. what is 'metric'?00:42
nicomachusresolv.conf is only 'nameserver'. so no DNS?00:42
nicomachusI wonder if it's pihole...00:43
daftykinssounds broken, if you have the package resolvconf still installed then it should be umm, that automagic DNS from that00:44
daftykinsit's a kind of 'weight' associated with a link in order to infer a priority, so a lower metric is a preferred link00:44
daftykinswhen i set up servers, i purge the package 'resolvconf', reboot, then rm /etc/resolv.conf and recreate it containing only "nameserver" for example, or whoever is your DNS provider of choice00:45
nicomachusuhhh... pihole query log is showing almost constant queries for 'daisy.ubuntu.com'00:45
daftykinsis that service running on the Pi itself?00:47
nicomachuspihole is, yes.00:47
daftykinsi'm not familiar with it but if resolv.conf is looking at localhost surely nothing is resolving00:47
daftykinsthis doesn't really explain why you couldn't SSH in from work since that should've all been IP only and no hostnames attached00:48
nicomachusyea I added nameservers to resolv.conf and still can't ping out00:51
nicomachusI can't ping either00:52
daftykinsare you sure it let you edit? typically resolv.conf is automatically edited by resolvconf00:52
nicomachusthey show up after I save it.00:53
daftykinshow about specifying a nameserver to query, so "nslookup google.com"00:53
daftykinsalthough like you said not being able to ping suggests it' a no-go00:54
nicomachusyep. no servers reached.00:55
daftykinshow do you handle networking atm? DHCP or a static IP set via /etc/network/interfaces ?00:56
daftykinsbtw i have the Royals game on via MLB!00:57
daftykinsWhit Merrifield has been quite the diamond in the rough00:57
nicomachusand I love Whit. He's been amazing for us. I hope we can keep him, it's definitely going to be a selling year for the team. A lot of good players are going to be gone by July.00:58
daftykinsmost are dead or gone already!00:59
daftykinsrun a 'sudo apt purge resolvconf' then, edit the interfaces file to specify the IP by hand against that interface name, then 'rm /etc/resolv.conf' and recreate it by hand with e.g. "nameserver" assuming it becomes contactable after the earlier steps01:00
daftykinssounds very broken01:00
nicomachusfresh install coming up01:01
nicomachusRouter is showing an IPv4 address of, which is the reserved address I had on the old network before we moved.01:03
nicomachusSo something on the pi is requesting that address. BUT the router has the resevered IP set as, and ifconfig showed that as well.01:03
nicomachusand the DHCP limit on this router is 100-25301:05
nicomachusso I moved the DHCP start to 80 and set the reserved IP to 80. Should do it.01:06
daftykins1.80 is a very odd IP for a router01:07
nicomachusthat was the pi address01:07
daftykinsoh ok, so is the router still 1.254 ?01:08
daftykinsDHCP scope doesn't really matter as long as static hosts are outside of it01:08
nicomachusnah, still can't ping out.01:09
daftykinssounds a lot like a quirk with whatever OS image is on the Pi then01:09
nicomachusubuntu mate 16.0401:09
nicomachusI think a fresh install is probably a good idea anyway. try out raspbian or OSMC01:11
daftykinsfrom there i'd probably start running manual commands to override it and see what's going on01:12
daftykinsi take it you can still ping 1.254 fine, but DNS is all screwy?01:12
nicomachusI'm just gonna wipe it.01:13
daftykinsokie dokie01:14
nicomachuswth... I can't rsync either.01:19
nicomachuseither way. to or from.01:19
daftykinstry overriding the networking with a "sudo ifconfig <interface name> 192.168.1.x netmask"01:20
nicomachusx is the gateway or pi ip?01:39
daftykinspi ip01:40
daftykinsyou have to do gateways via a separate command01:40
nicomachusnow the nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf is
nicomachusI powered it down. gonna stick the SD in my laptop and backup and reimage01:50
daftykinsyeah would be normal for DNS via resolvconf01:56
nicomachusit's been like this all night I'm dying: http://www.speedtest.net/result/7264980902.png04:25
lotuspsychjegood morning to all06:00
ducassegood morning, everyone06:09
lotuspsychjemorning mate06:10
ubot5Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) release notes can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes06:27
ducasselotuspsychje: yet another factoid that needs an update06:30
lotuspsychjesky887: you have been warned before not to troll07:33
lotuspsychjesky887: this will get you banned one day, is that really what you want?07:34
sky887I want good things :-)07:35
lotuspsychjesky887: thats not what you gonna get with your attitude07:36
lotuspsychjebreakfast with eggs was good08:37
ducassesandwich with roastbeef here :)08:38
lotuspsychjehmm sounds good ducasse08:39
lotuspsychjesalt n pepper ontop?08:40
ducasseyup, and lettuce08:41
ducassetrying to decide what to have for dinner08:43
lotuspsychjethink im gonna order pizza here08:43
lotuspsychjewith chicken wings as starters08:44
ducassenom nom nom - chicken wings... *drool*08:44
lotuspsychjeducasse: they deliver food where you live?08:45
ducassesome places do, yes08:48
lotuspsychjecool with a snowmobile :p08:50
ducassesnow is just about gone now, just a few spots left :)08:51
ducasseyup, spring is here and luna is enjoying her freedom outside :)08:53
* lotuspsychje ordered some goodies :p09:47
lotuspsychjekofte lamb pizza + chicken wings + icecream09:48
ducasselotuspsychje: yum :)09:51
ducasselotuspsychje: davide136 is telling people to install eol releases, and just won't shut up09:52
lotuspsychjeive seen his nick before09:52
BluesKajHowdy folks10:25
ducassemorning, BluesKaj10:34
ducassehow are you today?10:34
BluesKaj'Morning ducasse, how's it going?10:34
BluesKajfine here, and you,ducasse?10:35
ducassehaving a nice spring day10:36
ducasseshould probably do some work around the house if i can find the motivation10:36
BluesKajsame here,  done some things, but still plenty to do10:39
BluesKajwe have a low pressure area moving thru here, windy and cool today with high of +7C, maybe some sunny periods10:42
JimBuntuWe are expected to hit 10-11 today, woo hoo, bon fire tonight10:51
BluesKajbonfire, still allowed?10:54
BluesKajbtw , 'Morning JimBuntu10:54
JimBuntug'morn BluesKaj . Yeah, I am allowed to have bon fires all year-round10:55
BluesKajout in the countryside ?10:55
JimBuntuThe limit is the diameter can't be greater than about 1.5 meters10:55
JimBuntuI kinda live in the countryside, and prefer to keep it that way10:55
BluesKajok, sounds nice10:56
BluesKajwe're allowed burn barrels and those outdoor fire pits, but have no idea what the restrictions are10:57
JimBuntuWell, it used to be really nice... more people moving out this way though :(    ... and a nearby area was purchased, new people cut down all the trees... now the herons drive me crazy some times with their squawking10:57
JimBuntuI could get by with one of those pre-made fire pits, I guess... I know that right now, I wouldn't want to live anywhere that wouldn't at least let me have a pre-made fire pit.10:58
* BluesKaj scratches his head, i don't understand people cutting trees down unless they pose a danger10:58
JimBuntuBluesKaj, they intended to build a house on the property... ~2 years later, haven't broken soil10:59
JimBuntuAll they ended up doing was removing all the things that used to stop the river noises from reaching me... ugh11:00
BluesKajmost properies around here require a foundation within a yr11:01
JimBuntuBluesKaj, nothing like that here. We still have a bunch of farms out this way, some plots are strictly for farming and the owners live on disconnected lands... have to drive their equipment out to it.11:02
BluesKajno side roads11:02
JimBuntuIt's not fun to get stuck behind the farmers when they are driving a tractor/etc, but it's OK, I love farmers.11:02
JimBuntuno side roads much of the time BluesKaj, no where to put them without forcing them through farms11:03
JimBuntuMy most dreaded area driving around here, is where they forced a road right through a farm... not far from the house and equipment barns... I always feel bad when I have to drive through there, at least 25% of the time, I see the owners moving equipment from one side to the other.11:04
BluesKajusually farms are connected by side roads , at least they are here11:04
BluesKajeven if the farmers have the roads built themselves11:05
JimBuntuWhat you call a side road, may be the kind of roads I am driving on. Sometimes there are OK dirt roads, sometimes they are private around here and only go to a specific place. I still drive on dirt roads almost every time I go out for groceries/etc though11:07
BluesKajright, that's what i mean ..heh semantics11:08
JimBuntuBluesKaj, even so, these "side roads" I take, depending on where I am going, are now owned and maintained by the local government.11:09
JimBuntuThe "old" roads have mostly been stolen/taken by the local governments.11:09
JimBuntuI have little doubt that one road I take, used to simply lead from the town to the farmers house... then the gov took it, and extended it to reach another town.11:10
JimBuntuSpeaking of roads... I would like to visit some old Roman roads that are still in use today, some time. I saw a special about one a few years back, and it left a desire within me11:12
BluesKajyes there are still some in Britain including brifges11:13
BluesKajspell check never did work properly in konversation11:14
JimBuntuBluesKaj, I don't care if there are miss-spellings, lol. Don't waste your time fixing them unless you want to.11:15
JimBuntuA Roman bridge, yes, I would like to walk across one of those too.11:15
BluesKajit bugs me, these old fingers miss sometimes11:15
JimBuntuI have visited a few hand-built, oxen raised, wooden covered bridges that are still walkable and made a point to capture the visits on video... no telling how long those will be left before some ordinance says they have to be replaced11:16
JimBuntuBy the end, making a Roman road was quite the undertaking, a long process. I have thought about replacing our private road (simply dirt with a little stone on the top) with a proper Roman road... even a footpath would be way better than what we have today... the amount of work stops me... maybe if I work in small chunks I'll eventually finish... lol, or I hire a team to do it11:18
BluesKajthere were still some covered bridges surviving in the "Maritime Provinces" and Quebec, a few yrs ago. No idea if any are still standing.11:20
JimBuntuAh Quebec. Do you know if they still have most things in English as well as French? as in, road signs/etc?11:20
BluesKajMajor Hwy road signs are in both languages, but city street signs are french,but easily read , just remember that Rue is street and you have no trouble11:23
JimBuntuI have not been out that way in a while. Very beautiful country.11:23
BluesKajgoing to visit my daughter in Montreal this summer, Haven't been there in a long time either11:25
JimBuntuAnother great city in Canada. Although... it's Canada, basically every large city is great.11:27
BluesKajif you like the city :-)...I can handle it for a week or so then i can't wait to get out11:28
JimBuntulol. I know the feeling. Great for a vacation, not somewhere I want to live.11:29
JimBuntuI would like to visit the West side of Canada again, have not done that since I was a little whipper snapper.11:29
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
BluesKajI lived and worked in Toronto for a couple of yrs back when I was young and single. It was fun in some ways but I came back north where we have real winters and could go skiing etc and see my old friends again11:32
JimBuntuQuestion: Do you know if there are what Americans call "Snow birds" in Canada... as in, are there people who move North for summer and South for the winter? while staying in Canada?11:33
JimBuntuIn the U.S.A. it's quite common for retired people to do this and your "real winter" comment made me think about it.11:34
BluesKajyes, there an large fresh water island called "Manitoulin Island that's just south of me in the North Channel of Lake Huron. It has a lot of Americans from especially Ohio and NewYork who have cottage properties on some of the lakes there. Also there are plenty of Americans with properties on various lakes around this whole region11:37
BluesKajmost move back stateside in October or so tho11:38
JimBuntuSmart people, to go North for the beauty. Thank you for the info.11:39
BluesKajmy parents had a cottage on Manitoulin and moved south to Padre Island Texas in winter for many yrs11:41
BluesKajtil they got too old drive that far, so they settled for an apartment in a small city in southern Ontario11:45
JimBuntuThat can be a long drive. I have driven from basically Quebec to San Antonio before, in one shot, not exactly a fun experience.11:46
JimBuntuI suppose, if I was heading to my "Summer" home... and took a few breaks, that would be another story though.11:47
JimBuntuI actually missed my exit and almost wound up in Mexico, lol.11:48
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
oerheksRATIO 3,3 = 57 GB :-p12:38
lotuspsychjeneat oerheks12:38
lotuspsychjewich release wins?12:39
oerheksMate 64 bit, 11,60 GB12:39
lotuspsychjehow about ubuntu-desktop?12:40
oerheks2nd, 8,4712:40
lotuspsychjehey EriC^12:40
* BluesKaj stays away from the DE debate, it's a matter personal taste and preference12:43
lotuspsychjehey BluesKaj12:43
BluesKajhi lotuspsychje12:43
BluesKajhey oerheks12:43
ubot5A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.12:51
oerheksupdate manager -d .. didn't care.. oh my12:54
oerheksplease do not tell me the truth12:54
oerheksi cannot handle that12:54
lotuspsychjehi pragmaticenigma13:05
EriC^hey lotuspsychje13:11
lotuspsychjelazy after pizza here :p13:12
EriC^have you seen avengers yet?13:13
lotuspsychjeisitoutyet! ?13:13
EriC^yes on zooqle13:13
lotuspsychjetrailer looked cool13:14
EriC^havent seen it yet, it said hdrip and it's 2.6gb13:14
EriC^video is shit13:14
lotuspsychjedidnt see yet13:15
lotuspsychjeEriC^: check this :p https://linuxconfig.org/13:17
lotuspsychjelooks a bit like yours13:17
lotuspsychjeEriC^: more good news, they looking for someone https://linuxconfig.org/floss-technical-writer-linuxconfig-org13:24
pragmaticenigmaI love how people don't want to help me, help themselves13:25
lotuspsychjepragmaticenigma: you need help? :p13:26
pragmaticenigmanah, I got them covered now. It's an old issue of lazy devs... they add an option to not look at a file, but they still check for the file's presence13:28
pragmaticenigmaso someone will go looking for help and think I'm suggesting a workaround by having the stick an empty file in the location of the file not to be looked at13:29
pragmaticenigmablank file in location magically allows the application to work13:29
pragmaticenigmaeven though it's not supposed to be necassary13:29
pragmaticenigmait requires a bug report, but to get them the information they need to file the bug report, the workaround has to be tried anyways13:30
* lotuspsychje is burning lubuntu 18.04 32bit15:17
daftykinseww 32-bit15:18
lotuspsychjeanother old machine daftykins :p15:18
lotuspsychjeim gonna test the minimal function this time15:18
lotuspsychjecurious what it does15:18
oerheksit keeps doors open ?15:19
lotuspsychjeyou know me guys, i dont throw away working stuff15:19
daftykinsruns just enough to detect approaching people and say "hello" whilst it props the door open ;)15:19
lotuspsychjeback in the days hackers violated the world on dialup machines15:20
oerhekslotuscomputers > curiousity > Antique15:20
daftykinsthat's because the rest of the world was still dialup15:20
lotuspsychjenow we have fancy stuff, we forgot it15:20
daftykinstoday, a lot has moved on ;)15:20
lotuspsychjelol oerheks15:20
daftykinsactually, a friend of mines inlaws are still using dialup over in Michigan15:20
daftykinsthe types who really, really fear change15:21
lotuspsychjenext is 18.04 on commodore6415:21
daftykinshe had to force their gmail to HTML only so it wouldn't keep timing out15:21
lotuspsychjejesus daftykins15:21
lotuspsychjenetwork speed i need :p15:22
pragmaticenigmaI sympathize daftykins ... now I just give it to someone straight. I fix it once, you break it again, you're going to have to find someone else and pay them to fix it15:24
daftykinsgot a client atm who is trying to save money on a really old piece of software by resurrecting some ancient probably Windows XP PC just to run it15:25
daftykinsthis was after i pointed out that you can't typically just copy and paste software between old and new systems anymore15:26
pragmaticenigmait's becoming easier again, once microsoft ditches the registry (it's "on" their roadmap) we might stand a chance at software portability again.15:29
daftykinsyou won't get me ever entertaining wine usage15:29
lotuspsychjei can loan you some ancient hardware lol15:30
daftykinsheh i just had that cheap case arrive on Friday, that'll make 3 core 2 PCs i should get rid of15:30
daftykinsjust awaiting the replacement case fans then it's time to do the big server replacement15:31
daftykinser, well upgrade15:31
pragmaticenigmaup until a few years ago I was still lugging around an AMD K6-2... I just couldn't support the motherboard anymore... it was too much of a pain15:32
daftykinswhat was it good for?15:33
pragmaticenigmaone thing that I did find interesting is for games ScummVM makes a better environment than Wine15:33
pragmaticenigmaThe AMD K6-2 was used for a few networking projects, the motherboard supported both AT and ATX PSUs meaning I could run with a switched powersupply or softswitch powersupply15:34
pragmaticenigmaIn otherwords that old system would reboot on power restoration by itsel15:35
daftykinsah pretty common feature now15:35
lotuspsychjeseems like minimal installing FF15:52
lotuspsychjealmost done15:52
daftykinsbest turn off images and video support ;D15:53
lotuspsychjelinks2 google hardware news15:55
EriC^^hey Bashing-om16:56
Bashing-omEriC^^: Good to ne here - recovering from a power outage. aleays frightful here .17:01
daftykinsooh err17:01
daftykinswind related?17:01
Bashing-omdaftykins: Hard to say, the power grid here in these mountains is always somewhat unstable :(17:02
Bashing-omI have got to get my UPS replaced !17:03
daftykinsdead battery?17:04
Bashing-omdaftykins: Most likely ueah .. battery has had it .. easier and cheaper just to replace the unit .17:04
daftykinsah i used to find that, but most recently i found amazon sellers doing new batteries which was nice :D17:06
daftykinsmines been going for a long time, i should probably be replacing it17:07
Bashing-omdaftykins: My world will be much more secure with a new UPS :)17:08
daftykins:D i quite like APC's BR900GI17:09
Bashing-omdaftykins: My old one is a APC, do not have access presently to the model .. will note your recomendation for the replacement, thanks !17:11
lotuspsychjetv time18:32
Apachezso whatsup with the maintaining of casper?20:13

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