
=== Aztec03 is now known as DrinkyFish
mtlupgrading ubuntu 16.04 server to 18.04 was quite "painless"01:59
=== DrinkyFish is now known as Aztec03
tewardsopparus: dav_ext_methods isn't a directive - http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_dav_module.html03:35
tewardsopparus: i think you meant dav_methods ?03:36
tewardcan you provide an example configuration you're testing with? (I don't have any webdav examples lying around at the moment)03:36
tewardsopparus: the dav_ext_methods directive is part of third-party code03:37
tewardso i'd need an example config to test with03:37
tewardsopparus: nginx-full works fine in 18.04, but only if you use the version in the repositories.  Verify you have the proper version with `apt-cache policy nginx-full` and `nginx -v` which in Bionic will say "nginx/1.14.0 (Ubuntu)"03:41
tewardi just pulled a webdav example from the web and it works and runs without that error.  *Only* if you use nginx-full or nginx-extras, though, it's not in nginx-core03:41
teward(and apt-get install nginx will install nginx-core by default)03:41
teward(E: NOREPRO)03:47
=== Aztec03 is now known as DrinkyFish
sopparusteward, its from an external package05:40
sopparusteward, in ubuntu 16 it was this https://github.com/arut/nginx-dav-ext-module05:40
sopparusill post config05:41
sopparusteward, https://pastebin.ca/401922805:47
sopparusteward, the same config works on freebsd with nginx 1.14 and that webdav module05:50
sopparusand ofcourse it worked on 16.04 :)05:50
sopparusteward, solved it. include /etc/nginx/modules-enabled/*.conf; was added05:58
sopparusi mean, had to be added05:58
ubottuDebian bug 851784 in libnginx-mod-http-dav-ext "libnginx-mod-http-dav-ext: unknown directive "dav_ext_methods"" [Normal,Open]05:58
nostroraHi everybody, i'm looking for advice about my new Ubuntu LTS server. I'm setting up a home server to host NextCloud. i have intel C3758 + 16GB ddr4 + 2*4TB ZFS . Do i need swap ?06:23
OpenTokixnostrora: yes06:42
OpenTokixnostrora: but it does not have to be very big06:42
=== DrinkyFish is now known as Aztec03
=== miguel is now known as Guest48262
=== Aztec03 is now known as DrinkyFish
=== DrinkyFish is now known as Aztec03
MeerkatIs the server install UI for 18.04 suppose to be different than earlier releases?15:08
MeerkatI see. Good thing the server installer with RAID, VLAN, and reusing existing partitions still exist. Thanks!15:16
RoyKMeerkat: the new installer sucks - shouldn't have been released in this state16:18
MeerkatI went with the iso that uses debian-installer. I do love that installer.16:23
Meerkathttps://help.ubuntu.com/18.04/serverguide/apparmor.html.en#apparmor-usage This page says there is a bug. But the link points to a bug that has been marked as duplicate. And the bug it is a duplicate of is fixed.16:23
albechWorst part of a new LTS is that my stupid Xen Server probably wont support it :(16:25
ChmEarlalbech, worst part of bionic as a xen VM is the initrd.img defaults to 40MB16:27
ChmEarl^^ causes a boot failure in some situations16:27
albechWe've been debating for a long time now to switch away from Citrix XenServer due to their changes in licenses since 7.3. It's just a huge undertaking to rebuild everything. About 250 VMs :(16:30
tewardsopparus: then i need to give you two tidbits of advice:16:37
teward(1) We don't provide support for third part packages16:37
teward(2) if the packge is 'third party', then I can't vouch for anything.  Base 18.04 with nginx-full from the repos (or my PPA) "works" out of the box16:38
SuperLagMad props to the Ubuntu Server devs. 16.04 -> 18.04 has been the smoothest upgrade I've done to date.16:53
sopparusteward its part of nginx full16:55
sopparusbut ok16:55
tewardsopparus: what's unclear is if you're using `nginx-full` from the repos, and if this was an 'upgrade'17:10
tewardbecause like all other bits of apt, sometimes things don't get installed if existing directories exist17:11
tewardyou say "from an external package" which means it's not from the repos17:11
tewardand at that point you run into the problem of "third party packages" which are beyond the ability for us to determine the 'behavior' of17:12
tewardwe know how the nginx packages in the repository will work.  throw in 'external packages' and we can't predict behavior :P17:12
tewardi know it's part of nginx-full, I'm the Ubuntu package maintainer for nginx alongside the server team17:12
tewardbut if you use *external* packages that aren't in the repos, we can't predict the behavior.17:12
teward'tis what i meant in my tidbits earlier17:13
rbasakRoyK: could you be more specific please, so that the developers involved can make it better?18:44
webchat146Just installed Ubuntu 18.04 on a standalone server. I noticed that is using netplan and systemd-networkd for network configuraiton now, which I really like. However, I am a bit confused that /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml also says that cloud init will overwrite the file.18:56
webchat146Did I do something wrong during installation or is cloud init getting installed by default? Does it make sense in a single server environment?18:56
tewardwebchat146: cloud-init is how the server was 'started' if you used the live server disk and not the alternate images.19:13
tewardi have a server running that for just under 2 days now with multiple reboots because I kept fiddling with the configs at the virtual level; cloud-init hasn't overwritten the configs.19:14
webchat146teward: hm I see. Yeah I also noticed that my network config does not get overwritten. But I rather like to either make use of cloud-init and let it handle network, or get rid of it (or disable the networking part) and use netplan19:20
webchat146teward: But I don't know cloud-init really, before just blowing it away I rather would like to understand if it is useful to embrace it in a single server environment....19:21
madLyfepossible to take Ubuntu Server 16.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.13.0-38-generic x86_64) instance and upgrade it to Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS19:38
Meerkatyea. sudo apt dist-upgrade19:41
Meerkatactually, do-release-upgrade is the command I think19:41
madLyfe"Upgrades from 17.10 will not be enabled until a few days after 18.04's release. Upgrades from 16.04 LTS will not be enabled until a few days after the 18.04.1 release expected in late July."19:42
tomreynmadLyfe: well quoted.19:43
madLyfeso i should wait till then?19:43
tomreynthe depends on you. you could also do an unsupported upgrade now19:43
tomreynbut for any production server you most definitely want to wait until the upgrade path is tested19:43
madLyfe'sudo do-release-upgrade' is the command though?19:45
tomreynyes, but you'd need to add -d since it's not supported, yet19:46
madLyfe-d = do?19:46
tomreyni wont spend the time answering this if you can just do a quick --help19:46
madLyfe--help: command not found19:47
irwiss-d = hold my beer20:08
madLyfei like to live dangerously.20:09
Meerkatlooks like 18.04 server doesn't blank the screen. Good stuff!20:11
MeerkatI was restarting apache and this came up: "Authenticating as: test,,, (test)" Why the commas? Username has no commas in it.20:28
tomreynwe don't know your apache httpd (? or some other apache project, one of the dozens they have?) configuration nor the users who can authenticate against your system, so that's difficult to answer.20:30
MeerkatFresh install of 18.04. I only just installed apache and I enabled mod_speling. Then I was restarting apache.20:33
Meerkatmod_speling is a module for apache enabled with "a2enmod mod_speling"20:33
MeerkatThe command "systemctl restart apache" returned that string. Do I check its source code or does systemctl call code from other packages? Like apache in this case?20:36
dpb1mad "-d" Lyfe.  -d for dangerous20:41
madLyfe'System upgrade is complete.'20:49
madLyfe'Welcome to Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.15.0-20-generic x86_64)'20:50
madLyfegot the error when running my application:20:56
madLyfe./xmr-stak: error while loading shared libraries: libmicrohttpd.so.10: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory20:56
madLyfetried to do 'sudo apt install libmicrohttpd-dev'20:56
madLyfe'libmicrohttpd-dev is already the newest version (0.9.59-1).20:56
madLyfe0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.'20:56
tomreynwhy -dev? it's looking for an .so21:09
tomreynunless you meant to build it?21:10
madLyfenot sure those are the build instructions for the application. so i figured id just go back and try to install it again since it couldnt find it.21:12
madLyfedo i need to recompile the application or can i just add the lib back in?21:13
TJ-madLyfe: 18.04 has libmicrohttpd12: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmicrohttpd.so.12 not .1021:15
webchat146FYI I wrote a short post about the Ubuntu Server installer topic: https://blog.printk.io/2018/04/ubuntu-18-04-lts-bionic-beaver-server-installer-differences/21:16
RoyKrbasak: it's documented, they have acknoledged the probleem, they haven't fixed it21:19
madLyfeTJ-: how do i get .10 so my application can function?21:23
TJ-madLyfe: Other way around generally; rebuild the application so it links to the installed library, or else do some customisation using LD_LIBRARY_PATH and a private copy of the .10 library21:24
madLyfeare the make options set somewhere in the file to just run the rebuild again?21:25
madLyfelike, whatever make build options i designated from the prior build?21:25
madLyfelooks like that was the case21:31
madLyfethe make build options must have been stored from the previous build21:32
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