
evil-capybaras-7not comparable to one another00:00
calteltWhich is better, bananas or Ferraris?00:00
Bashing-ompurvesh: I run MBR partitioning and do not use a seperate /boot .00:00
calteltwindows7lover, what are you looking for, a (terminal?) text editor? trolling?00:01
windows7lovercaltelt: i am trying to work out if i should use kubuntu or normal ubuntu00:02
calteltif you really are a windows7lover, then I'd say KDE is probably more your style and you might want to go kubuntu00:03
windows7loverwindows 7 is the greatest OS known to man00:04
calteltthat said, you can install both desktop environments and switch back and forth between then, so not a big deal either way00:04
windows7loverI can?00:04
Bashing-omRoadRunner: Looks pretty good . now what does ' dpkg -l | grep linux- ' reveal ?00:04
calteltwindows7lover, https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/install-kde-kubuntu-on-ubuntu/00:05
calteltold article from '06, but still relevant.00:05
RoadRunnerBashing-om: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vBh3XzD5zz/ what is that list?00:08
Bashing-omRoadRunner: While there is no built in way to remove all of your configuration information from your removed packages you can remove all configuration data from every removed package. To purge all removed but not yet purged packages, where The state is rc, the package is removed, but the config files are not removed....with the following command.00:10
Bashing-omRoadRunner: ' dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/{print $2}' | xargs sudo dpkg -P ' .00:11
RoadRunnerBashing-om: if I do that, is there any danger of losing configs of my apps that I installed uder those earlier linux kernels?00:24
Bashing-omRoadRunner: The command only directs to 'rc' .. (r)emoved but (c)onfig files remain .00:26
pijama_boyHey guys, updated to 18.04... my gnome desktop has no sidebar / no dock setting ...anyone has an idea what it could be?00:28
pavlospijama_boy: Settings | Dock00:29
pijama_boythere's nothing there unfortunately00:29
slavicPlease explain the "nothing".00:30
pijama_boyI can get to Setting | Dock but there's no option in the gui00:30
pavlospijama_boy: you dont have a Dock (4th down)00:30
abentleyWhen will we be able to upgrade to bionic beaver via update-manager?00:30
RoadRunnerBashing-om: could you please explain the whole syntax of that line to me?00:31
slavicpijama_boy: https://ibb.co/nym7jH not like this?00:32
x75Hi room, hows everyone doing this evening?00:32
slavic(meta question: how do I tag someone in my text?00:33
neilduganwhen is 18.04 comming00:34
pijama_boyslavic: that's what I see https://ibb.co/ggcxjH00:34
slavicpijama_boy, looks like a reason for a bug report.00:35
pavlosneildugan: it's out00:35
pijama_boyouch, do you know how to compile one?00:36
Bashing-omRoadRunner: dpkg list passes to awk, which pulls out the packages marked 'rc' and passes this list to xargs, which executes the purge with dpkg on all in the final list .00:36
x75I take my Linux Exam next week! I'm so excited00:36
slavicpijama_boy, I just did my first one too. You have to use ubuntu-bug executable. You invoke it with the package name (gnome-control-center)00:38
abentleypavlos: When will it be out in a way that update-manager / do-release-upgrade can see?00:39
pavlosabentley: that Idk00:40
abentleyIIRC, it used to happen on release day, but I haven't been following the last couple releases closely.00:41
x75well looks like it's dead in here I'll check back later... Got to start my study sessions.00:42
neilduganpavlos, I see now, but 'do-release-upgrade' is still saying 'No new release found' do you know why00:46
pavlospijama_boy: this may help ... https://askubuntu.com/questions/967590/dock-settings-missing-in-gnome-control-center-after-upgrade-to-ubuntu-17-1000:46
pavlosneildugan: there were some issues yesterday and release was delayed, I dont know why it does not pick the new release00:47
neilduganpavlos, ok00:47
tgm4883neildugan: are you on 16.04?00:48
neilduganpavlos, I will give it some more time.  No, I am on artful atm.00:48
pavlosneildugan: give it a week, things will line up00:48
pijama_boypavlos: thank you, I'm investigating!00:50
pavlospijama_boy: yw00:50
pijama_boypavlos: thank you...fixed it, I was missing gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock00:52
de-factohow do i get completely rid of that amazon "goodie"00:54
RoadRunnerBashing-om: that list took a while to execute, wonder how much junk got cleaned out.  You have shown some pretty advanced syntax, where can I learn this (other than man)?00:54
pavlosright click00:55
pavlosde-facto: right click, remove from fav00:55
de-factoi want to delete it00:55
pavlosde-facto: right click, show details, click, remove00:56
de-factotried that several times without effect00:57
de-factocan i manually delete it somehow? which package is it?00:57
pavlosde-facto: I clicked remove, asked for my pw and it's gone00:57
de-factoyeah it tried to remove it, yet its still installed00:58
Bashing-omRoadRunner: learning bash is a never ending process . Learning is having an application ,, and seeing what it takes to make it happen :)00:58
tgm4883de-facto: supposedly it's ubuntu-web-launchers00:59
eddyreadydoes anyone know if Online Accounts sync calendar items to the Clock and Calendar tray?00:59
windows7loverWhy should I use ubuntu instead of xbox one?00:59
pavlosde-facto: go to software, all, search for amazon, the pkg name is amazon00:59
tgm4883windows7lover: please stop trolling00:59
windows7lovertgm4883: what is your top 1 tip for ubuntu 18.04?01:00
neilduganwindows7lover, change your name01:00
tgm4883windows7lover: do you have a support question?01:00
de-factotgm4883, thanks that worked, surprised they still include that given the love they earned for it in the past01:00
windows7loveryes i did tgm488301:00
Bashing-omRoadRunner: Now if you look at 'df' will see a lot of space returned .. and as well a clean ' dpkg -l | grep linux- ' .01:01
windows7loverwhy is my right click not working?01:01
windows7loverI awake my laptop from sleep and right click stops working :(01:01
windows7loverOn my touchpad01:01
de-factopavlos, for some reason that gnome/ubuntu software is very unreliable on my system, and it does not even provide the details i am looking for01:01
de-factoi like dpkg/apt/synaptic01:01
de-factointeressting detail about "ubuntu-web-launchers": it just contains that amazon awesomeness, nothing else, yet the word amazon does not appear in its name nor description. as if it was hidden on purpose in there. well one would have to grep for amazon then do a reverse search for the files to find that package.... hmm01:03
tgm4883de-facto: Hanlon's razor01:04
windows7lovertgm4883: what is the fix?01:04
eddyreadydoes anyone know if Online Accounts sync calendar items to the Clock and Calendar tray? It doesn't appear to work for me01:05
yeepeeWhat is the replacement package for ecrypt-utils please?01:05
tgm4883eddyready: I've heard it does, but it requires using evolution01:06
yeepeeI'm looking for ecrypt-unwrap-passwphrase to recover my data01:06
tgm4883windows7lover: IDK, that's why I didn't answer. Might help if you stated your hardware though01:06
yeepeeecrypt-utils has no installable version in 18.0401:06
eddyreadytgm4883: Thanks. I was hoping not to use Evolution :(01:08
tgm4883eddyready: my understanding is it's just one of the evolution libraries that is required. I didn't look into it though01:09
de-factoi think its evolution in the background anyhow01:09
RoadRunnerBashing-om: looks great :) any other advise to optimize the system?01:10
yeepeeREADME.txt points to /usr/share/ecrypt-utils that no longer exists in 18.0401:10
eddyreadyi see01:10
shpxhello. I did `sudo do-release-upgrade -d` yesterday, now when it ubuntu boots it just hangs. Booting into recovery mode (kernel 4.15 I think) and doing fsck says there's a dirty bit, then continuing boot it hangs for 50 minutes saying `a start job is running for resolvconf-pull-resolved.service`01:10
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d6chungHi, I upgraded to Ubuntu 18.04 and now running rake segfaults: ../activerecord- [BUG] Segmentation fault at 0x00000000000000. I tried rebuilding but can't seem to get around the issue. This paritcular app is on ruby
yeepeeLooks simpler to recover data from 16.04 instead, since ecrypt is there01:15
Bashing-omRoadRunner: Well, if optimization is the goal, one starts with a minimal build, and install only what you particularly want on your system. In a default install, one can -carefully- disable services that you do not use. *BUT* be aware of what you disable !01:16
RoadRunnerBashing-om: as far as cleaning out old junk have we gone as far as is reasonable?01:17
RoadRunnerBashing-om: and what services would you recommend to consider disabling?01:18
de-factoeddyready, from my personal experience evolution works flawlessly with imapx/smtp/carddav/caldav and it integrates well with the gnome desktop. Then i always are in sync with my Android with DavDroid app01:18
Bashing-omRoadRunner: Yeah .. mostly, one can clean out the cache ; ' sudo apt clean ' ; and remove orpahned stuff ' sudo apt autoremove ' .01:20
Bashing-omRoadRunner: Your system. your usecase, I can give no advise on what can be disabled .01:21
RoadRunnerBashing-om: ok, btw, could you clarify the diff for me btw apt and apt-get?01:24
compdocfor some reason, when I install 18.04 into a KVM VM and run it, it brings down my network01:25
Bashing-omRoadRunner: Apt is the new/replacement for apt-get: https://mvogt.wordpress.com/2014/04/04/apt-1-0/ ; http://www.howtogeek.com/234583/simplify-command-line-package-management-with-apt-instead-of-apt-get/ .01:26
RoadRunnerBashing-om: this is great, thank you for your help :) !01:38
pavlosde-facto: sudo updatedb;locate amazon | grep share ... forget the icons dir, there are 3 files that you can remove (2 in applications, 1 in web launcher01:44
silentchimI am running 18.04 on my xps 13 which only has a button for disabling wifi/bt at the same time. Is there an easy command to set to a keyboard shortcut that can toggle bluetooth on/off?01:44
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eddyreadyde-facto: Thanks. I prefer to use webmail over evolution. It would be nice to get the Calendar tray syncing that is all01:55
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de-factoeddyready, i think you should be able to just do it with the calendar app itself, in the preferences go to calendar then choose add, internet and enter your caldav url in there02:02
de-factoit will use the evolution libs in the background then02:02
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laptophello, need help to create windows iso in ubuntu so how do I do it02:23
d6chunglaptop: https://askubuntu.com/a/840797 <-- That is how I did it.02:24
laptophonestly that is very complicated a more simplified way?02:25
laptopcan it be done from yumi02:26
xamithanYou want to make an iso,  or make a disc,  or a usb ?02:26
xamithanI thought windows already gave you the iso if you download from their site02:27
laptopI have the iso02:27
laptopbut I want to install it on a usb from linux02:27
xamithanUses a fork of the winusb thingy02:28
GraymanstoleQuestion: My Software Updater is set to notify me of any new version of Ubuntu. I'm currently on 17.10 but when I run update it does not recognize that a new version is available.02:28
laptopI ried that did not work02:28
laptopwith winusb02:28
xamithanYou tried woeusb ?02:28
xamithanGraymanstole: There isn't a new release yet for non-LTS02:29
laptopeverytime I load02:29
laptopit up02:29
laptopit says done after I entter in my username02:29
laptopand does nothing02:29
GraymanstoleAhh. Thanks xamithan02:30
xamithanYou can switch it in the software sources menu02:30
laptopso woeusb first format the flash drive to nfts02:31
laptopit says installation succeeded02:32
laptopbut that cannot be b/c it says it in like 3 seconds02:32
EzroHey everyone02:33
xamithanFormatting is usually pretty quick02:33
laptopbut it is not installing it02:33
xamithanYou are opening it as sudo right?  I have not had any problems with it02:34
laptopfrom terminal open it?02:35
laptopI am using the gugi02:35
Shibeso i updated to ubuntu 18.04 and my graphics drivers are all messed up02:35
ShibeI finally got a gui working, but now there's tearing all over (it doesnt seem to be composited)02:35
Shibealso EGL isnt working02:35
Shibei tried launching kmscube and weston and they both errored02:35
EzroI just installed the nvidia-396 drivers, but I'm unable to run nvidia-smi (couldn't communicate with NVIDIA driver). When I run Unigine Heaven I'm also only getting 3-10 fps which makes me think I'm not using the video card. Does anyone know how I can switch to my video card instead of my integrated?02:36
pragmaticenigmaxamithan: please make sure you are giving accurate information. Ubuntu 18.04 (LTS) is the next release whether a user is running 16.04 (LTS) or 17.10.02:45
xamithanWas saying 17.10 is the latest non-LTS release not accurate ?02:46
pragmaticenigmaIt is misleading02:46
xamithanHow so02:46
Shibeis there any way i can reinstall all the libegl, libgl and mesa libraries?02:47
Shibemy system is seriously messed up02:47
pragmaticenigmaIf 17.10 were installed the updater sets itself to offer all releases both LTS and non-LTS. When 18.10 is released and the updater is configured for non-LTS releases, it will offer the update, if it is configured for LTS releases only, it will not offer the update02:48
pragmaticenigmaThat is to say, 17.10 will be offered to upgrade to the latest release (18.04) It just won't set the LTS flag in the update tool02:50
xamithanHow am I supposed to know if they are using defaults or not,  I said he could change it in the software sources02:51
xamithanI get what you are saying though02:51
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pragmaticenigmaThe best answer for those anxious to get the 18.04 update automatically is to have them wait. It will be offered when it is ready.02:53
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eaglgenes101When can I expect the Bionic Beaver dist upgrade to be available to existing installs02:57
gogetaeaglgenes101, ummm02:58
imfearlessNext month02:58
imfearlesswhen Ubuntu 18.04.1 releases02:58
imfearlessProbably end of May, early June.02:58
imfearlessThat's what they've slated for a potential release date (and it's usually when their first major update happens, 1.5m)02:58
pragmaticenigma18.04.1 is scheduled for release in July. The update tool will automatically inform you when the update is ready.02:59
eaglgenes101Alright, well...03:00
pragmaticenigmaeaglgenes101: It is best to wait for the update tool to automatically tell you when it's ready. We don't have an exact date, but it usually coincides with the first rollup release in July.03:00
pragmaticenigmaeaglgenes101: There are ways to force it sooner, we don't recommend it as it can lead to system stability issues.03:01
shpxI did `sudo do-release-upgrade -d` yesterday, now ubuntu hangs on boot. Booting into recovery mode (kernel 4.15 I think) and doing fsck says there's a dirty bit, then continuing boot after that it hangs for over 50 minutes now saying `a start job is running for resolvconf-pull-resolved.service`03:29
evil-capybaras-7how do i play a dvd in ubuntu03:33
gogetaevil-capybaras-7, vlc or kodi03:33
gogetaevil-capybaras-7, they have the codecs for dvds that are not enrypted03:33
masehey all I have done a complete backup of /home using dd prior to doing a pave for 18.04. I am now trying to mount my ecryptfs partition. I have all the passphrase and everything intact and the checksums match what they were when i took the backup. However I'm having a hard time mounting the files03:34
maseam@seattle:/mnt/removeable/.ecryptfs/am$ ecryptfs-mount-private .Private/03:34
maseERROR: Encrypted private directory is not setup properly03:34
masei am obviously doing something wrong but I can't work out what it is03:34
evil-capybaras-7it's working03:40
evil-capybaras-7thank you!03:40
evil-capybaras-7follow up question: how do I know if a disc is encrypted?03:40
evil-capybaras-7this one has a copy protection sticker on it but it played just fine03:40
gogetaevil-capybaras-7, it whont play03:44
evil-capybaras-7no way to know before i buy03:44
gogetaevil-capybaras-7, its mostly newer dvds03:44
evil-capybaras-7don't want to waste $20 on a dvd that doesn't respect my rights o_o03:44
gogetaevil-capybaras-7, tat may not even be true anymore03:45
evil-capybaras-7cool, i guess it just depends. this one is brand new of a show that came out in 201103:45
laptopI need help creating a windows 7 usb in ubuntu03:47
evil-capybaras-7one sec03:47
gogetalaptop, ??? do you mean a installer03:48
laptopwell I have the iso file I need03:48
laptopyes a program to do the installation03:48
evil-capybaras-7does this help? https://askubuntu.com/a/84784203:48
laptopfrom ubuntu of a windows 7 iso that will actually boot up03:48
gogetalaptop, winusb or woeusb do the job03:48
laptopnope I tried03:49
laptopwinusb it just says installation finished and it does not work03:49
gogetalaptop, then something is wronf with your iso or stick03:49
gogetalaptop, that will make a instaler usb03:50
laptopactually not with the iso03:50
laptopbecause I was able to run it and install it in virtualbox03:51
evil-capybaras-7well... nevermind03:51
evil-capybaras-7i just realized what the copy protection does03:51
evil-capybaras-7it lets you watch the video but mutes the voices03:51
gogetaevil-capybaras-7, they say it works bt not all drive will be regen free03:51
laptopwhat do id o03:51
gogetalaptop, try woeusb03:52
evil-capybaras-7i hate the dmca and all politicians who support it03:52
laptopi tried it get the error installation succeeded but that is impossible03:52
laptopsince it succeeds in like 3 seconds03:52
evil-capybaras-7anyway, i guess i'm gonna have to go get the dvd player out of the attic03:52
gogetalaptop, https://github.com/slacka/WoeUSB03:52
gogetalaptop, make shure you run it as sudo lol03:53
laptopto run it as sudo please03:53
evil-capybaras-7thanks for trying to help LOL03:53
gogetalaptop, if it did not prompt for your password then open a termnal sudo winusb03:53
laptopokay did that now what do I type03:54
gogetalaptop, it should open03:54
gogetalaptop, see if it works correctly now03:54
laptophold on03:55
laptopwhy does the gui not work well03:56
gogetalaptop, your stick may also be cruppted you may wanna reformat it using gparted03:56
laptopI tried that03:56
gogetalaptop, then it may be dead03:57
evil-capybaras-7there's always the nuclear option: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/yourdevicehere03:57
gogetalaptop, use a diffrent stick03:57
laptopI tried that too03:57
tgm4883Using Budgie 18.04, how can I disable password prompt from suspend03:57
laptopno problem with stick or iso I am sure of that03:57
gogetalaptop, did you unmount your stick before running winusb03:58
gogetalaptop, it its mounted it will fail03:58
laptopyes unmounted it03:58
gogetalaptop, im gona say dead stick03:58
laptopnope because it works for ubuntu fine03:59
gogetalaptop, woeusb works everytime for me03:59
gogetalaptop, https://github.com/slacka/WoeUSB03:59
gogetalaptop, see if you get better results03:59
laptopmaybe I installed the wrong verseion04:00
laptophow do I install in ubuntu04:00
gogetalaptop, there should be a deb file on that page04:00
gogetalaptop, download and install thatr04:00
laptopwhere is it04:00
gogetalaptop, https://launchpad.net/~nilarimogard/+archive/ubuntu/webupd804:01
gogetalaptop, how to add the ppa04:01
laptopI did it still not any better04:03
laptopany other program will accomplish this04:03
gogetalapion, did you install woeusb04:03
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laptopyes reinstalled it04:04
gogetalaptop, try formatting the drive to ntfs04:04
gogetaand using unetbooting04:04
laptopI did04:05
laptopand unetbootin does not recognize it04:05
gogetalaptop, then your iso is bad04:05
gogetalaptop, one of those tools should work04:05
gogetalaptop, did you use woeusbgui04:07
gogetayou can say no but its not working04:07
laptopthe gui04:08
gogetalaptop, get a new stick04:08
gogetalaptop, its dead jim04:08
laptopno it is not dead04:08
gogetalaptop, thats how they die they stop accepting writes04:08
laptopno because I use unetbootin and it writes to the stick04:08
laptopbut when it loads up there is a grub failure for windows iso only04:09
laptopnot for linu04:09
laptophow do I install it from wmware04:09
gogetalaptop, ejfosifjois04:10
gogetalaptop, for gods sakes man04:10
gogetalaptop, why did you say your where inside a vm04:11
laptopI am not using virtualbox now04:11
laptopor I was not using it now I am going to use it04:11
laptopI was on ubuntu but I have windows 7 installed in virtualbox04:12
gogetalaptop, slect the iso as the cd drive04:12
laptopI am going to use that to create this iso04:12
gogetaeasy peasy04:12
gogetalaptop, be a good test if it aculy loads04:12
laptopyes but how to get windows 7 in virtualbox to recognize the usb04:12
gogetalaptop, you need to download the version from virtualbox as it has usb support04:13
gogetalaptop, then its listed under devices04:13
gogetalaptop, https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads04:14
KurtKrautI'm performing sudo do-release-upgrade in two different computers and both are unable to detect the Ubuntu 18.04 for upgrade. Both machines are set to upgrade to any version, not only LTS. Am I missing something?04:16
leftyfbKurtKraut: d-r-u isn't available just yet. They're still working out some bugs04:17
leftyfbKurtKraut: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes#Upgrading_from_Ubuntu_16.04_LTS_or_17.1004:17
KurtKrautleftyfb, oh, now I get it. Thank you very much!04:18
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ZaZaQRhow is the new ubuntu release?04:36
Emcyhow long does ubtuntu wait to put new releases on the autoupgrader04:39
Skaface82how do I go about adding a custom program to the "applications" menu?04:39
Skaface82or to the side bar04:39
ZaZaQRyou can drag it04:40
ZaZaQRor right click on it04:40
ZaZaQRadd to favorites04:40
ZaZaQRgot it skaface82?04:40
Skaface82hold on04:40
RandolfOh, it's LTS.04:41
RandolfI'm going to have to try it.04:41
ZaZaQRyeah, it just came out yesterday lol04:41
Skaface82no I cant do it, I want to add a .jar application04:41
RandolfIs there an easy path for upgrading from 16 to 18?04:42
* Randolf checks his notes...04:42
Skaface82unless i make a shell script to run the jar, assuming you can drag a shell script into there04:42
ZaZaQRyeah do that04:42
Skaface82hang on ill try04:42
ZaZaQRsudo apt-get update04:42
ZaZaQRsudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:42
RandolfI see this:  do-release-upgrade04:42
RandolfHmm, "no new release found."04:43
RandolfI guess that part of the systems must still be in someone's to-do list somewhere.04:43
RandolfThere's not "dist-upgrade" package either.04:44
ZaZaQRhave you tried this?04:44
Skaface82ZaZaQR: when you say drag, do you mean from the file manager? cause that doesnt work for a shell script either04:44
RandolfI didn't even know about that.04:44
* Randolf follows that link...04:44
RandolfSite can't be reached.  Hmm.04:44
irwissRandolf: as i understand it, lts releases get upgrade offer when a .1 revision is out unless you manually upgrade04:45
RandolfOh, now it's working after a few reload attempts.04:45
Randolfirwiss:  I'm on 16 LTS and interested in trying an upgrade to 18 LTS.04:45
ZaZaQRskaface82, when you load that program? you see the icon on the left? you can click on it. it shows a add favorites04:45
RandolfOh, I probably need to do "apt update" first.04:45
RandolfHa ha.04:46
Randolfapt update && apt upgrade && apt dist-upgrade04:46
ZaZaQRRandolf, what did you do04:46
Skaface82I see an icon for the java program, but it doesnt show up the add favorites option04:46
irwissRandolf: you'll need to look into do-release-upgrade flags then, though a word of warning - on a server dhcp didn't pick up ethernet port automatically04:47
RandolfI'm using static IPs.04:47
RandolfNo DHCP.04:47
Skaface82hang on, I think ive worked out that I need to create a blah.desktop file in ~/.local/share/applications/04:47
Emcydoes anyone know04:47
irwissi mean the entire network stack was offline, if you're remote it might be a problem04:48
irwissa basic netplan yaml picks it up though04:48
RandolfI'm finding that Ubuntu's got a lot of stuff working very well.  For instance, installing Java results in the "java" binary being in the path so it just works.  On NetBSD this wasn't the case -- Java gets put into a separate path and then its bin/ directory needs to be added manually.04:48
Randolfirwiss:  It's not a problem because it runs under VMware.04:49
Skaface82ZaZaQR: yeah i created a .desktop file, which then shows in applications, and i can right click that to add to favorites.. added    java -jar dfghsd.jar    as the command04:50
ZaZaQRyou can also drag the icon on the left... up and down and it'll add as favorites too04:51
RandolfHmm, "apt dist-upgrade" doesn't seem to do anything.04:51
tfittsI just upgraded from 16.04 to 18.04.  I'm trying to setup file or screen sharing and under networks it says "No networks selected for sharing"  I have some VMs on it and had bridge networking running on 16.0404:56
AppleTori'm able to get proxychains to work only for specific running process.anyone know how to do it with VPN04:57
RandolfThe "do-release-upgrade" command indicates that there are no newer versions available.  I'm using 16 LTS.04:57
Skaface82Randolf: I just had that issue upgrading from 17.10, I ended up manually editing sources.list instead04:58
m4tRandolf: try adding -d04:58
RandolfIt seems to be stuck with -d but maybe it just needs time to do whatever it's doing.04:59
RandolfAh, here we go...04:59
RandolfToo bad it doesn't indicate which specific version it's upgrading to.05:00
RandolfWell, that was a successful upgrade.05:13
barrin92in ubuntu 18.04 is there a way to minimize a window by clicking on its dash icon?05:25
superguestI am in disagreement with unzip(1) manpage. It says that "Regular expressions (wildcards) may be used to match multiple members" for the  '[files(s) ...]' argument05:29
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superguestbut I believe it's recognizes  *shell patterns* and not "regular expressions"05:29
superguestwrong channel, again05:30
NostriraHi! Why Ubuntu LTS is based on EOL kernel? 18.04 Will keep 4.15 or upgrade to 4.16 kernel soon ?our05:33
hendrikIs there a way to tell up to consider the package in 18.04  automatically after a broken update instead of having to override the version manually for several hundred packages?05:50
hendrikIs there a way to tell apt to consider the package in 18.04  automatically after a broken update instead of having to override the version manually for several hundred packages?05:50
SuperLagI have installed 18.04 on an Intel NUC. The display is a 32" 4K display. While the font is readable, the quality is not so good. Is there anyting I can do to improve it? https://www.dropbox.com/s/ema6oo4ut073slb/ubie_desktop.png06:00
SuperLagI've set scaling to 200%. I'm guessing that's part of the problem. I'm just wondering if there's anything I can do to improve the quality.06:01
lotuspsychjeSuperLag: lets see wich driver you have active? sudo lshw -C video06:02
SuperLaglotuspsychje: i91506:03
lotuspsychje!support | Muthbaaz is up06:03
ubottuMuthbaaz is up: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com06:03
lotuspsychjeSuperLag: your system is up to date also?06:05
SuperLaglotuspsychje: yep06:05
qz118.04 what does dmesg mean: 0.167641] platform MSFT0101:00: failed to claim resource 1: [mem 0xfed40000-0xfed40fff] and 0.167722] acpi MSFT0101:00: platform device creation failed: -16 ?06:06
lotuspsychjeSuperLag: your screen resolution is also set to native one?06:07
SuperLaglotuspsychje: Yep. 3840x2160.06:07
lotuspsychjeSuperLag: wow a big one :p06:07
qz1and  0.068410] ACPI Error: [_PPC] Namespace lookup failure, AE_ALREADY_EXISTS (20170831/dswload-378)06:08
qz1[    0.068493] ACPI Exception: AE_ALREADY_EXISTS, During name lookup/catalog (20170831/psobject-252)06:08
ZaZaQRhey hey06:08
lotuspsychjeSuperLag: you on wayland or xorg?06:09
SuperLaglotuspsychje: like I said... 32" 4K display. It's a Dell UP3216Q.06:09
SuperLaglotuspsychje: looks like Wayland. I'm guessing that's the default? I didn't configure anyting there differently. This is a pretty vanilla install.06:10
nostroraHello, sorry for double question but my internet have problem sometimes.. :/06:10
lotuspsychjeSuperLag: no, xorg is now default but not sure your scaling will work over xorg..06:10
nostroraWhy Ubuntu LTS have EOL kerrnel ? Ubuntu 18.04 will have Kernel 2.16 soon ?06:10
lotuspsychjenostrora: what are you talking about?06:11
nostroralotuspsychje: Linux version in Ubuntu 18.04. i can see Linux 4.15. but this is EOL kernel06:11
SuperLaglotuspsychje: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jcmgC2bz8x/06:12
SuperLagnostrora: 4.15 is not EOL06:12
nostroraSuperLag: sure ? i told this because i can read 4.15 [EOL] https://www.kernel.org/06:12
SuperLagnostrora: I stand corrected.06:13
nostroraSuperLag: what ?06:13
SuperLagnostrora: I didn't figure it'd be EOL'd. But I'm out of touch, obviously.06:13
lotuspsychjenostrora: kernels have point releases...06:13
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic | nostrora06:14
ubottunostrora: linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (artful), package size 2 kB, installed size 14 kB06:14
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic bionic | nostrora06:14
ubottunostrora: linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 2 kB, installed size 14 kB06:14
nostroraSo it's not a problem Ubuntu LTS don't have an LTS kernel ? and even worse, an EOL kernel ?06:14
lotuspsychjenostrora: stop it please06:15
nostroralotuspsychje: stop what ? i don't understand what do you mean sorry06:15
lotuspsychjenostrora: the current bionic kernel is not eol06:15
nostroralotuspsychje: ok! I didn't understand that. I would have "stopped" sooner otherwise;)06:16
lotuspsychjenostrora: just make sure your system is up to date, at all times06:17
SilmarilionCan we already upgrade from 17.10 to 18.04? When I type do-release-upgrade it says that no upgrades could be found06:17
nostroraSimonious_: "sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade && sudo apt install update-manager-core && sudo do-release-upgrade" Do the job for me06:18
Silmarilionok tnx06:18
nostroraSilmarilion: But i'm newer with non rolling release distribution. Maybe there is a better thing to do06:18
lotuspsychje!upgrade | Silmarilion06:19
ubottuSilmarilion: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade06:19
nostroraWhat is your feeling about a swap for home server with nextcloud with 16GB of memory, ZFS 4TB and Ubuntu 18.04 ?06:20
lotuspsychjeSuperLag: not sure what else could be done, other then resolution & scaling, gnome should support it by default06:20
Silmarilion"Upgrades from 17.10 will not be enabled until a few days after 18.04's release."06:21
Silmarilionso apparently not yet06:21
SuperLaglotuspsychje: yeah. It did teh scaling, because native was too small, but the quality got worse when I scaled to 200%.06:21
lotuspsychjenostrora: check in #ubuntu-server06:22
lotuspsychjeSuperLag: have you tried, setting scaling lower and test out other resolutions?06:23
konvHi guys, I installed 18.04 and my system crashes after I ssh to it06:24
konvAny tips on debugging?06:24
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Kali_Yugahey i got 18.04. So far I only ran into a few problems. I installed nvidia driver-396 from driver ppa and it works. the only problem I got nvidia prime and I used to be able to log out and back in to switch between intel's and nvidia graphics. Now it won't switch until I reboot my machine. which is really annoying since it always worked with a simple logout. sometimes the nvidia settings manager doesn't06:39
Kali_Yugaload at all so I have to use a shell script to make the switch... :/06:39
Kali_YugaI know it's a driver not an ubuntu issue...06:42
Kali_Yugabut why the reboot now. what happend to the simple logout option06:42
dfch_hi #ubuntu dumb dumb question here, is there any way to 'boost' sound above 100% via gui (as in not using pactl or modifying pulse config files)? using gnome3 on 18.04 bionic06:56
ffswhat does it mean if netstat -tupn on a server lists a bunch of xrdp connections?07:07
Skaface82dfch_: open settings then go to sound and turn on "over amplification"07:09
dfch_Skaface82: settings -> sound  (output tab) cant see any 'over amplification'07:10
Skaface82i can see it below the main output volume, above the tabs... however i cant see how to go above 100% even when thats turned on07:11
Skaface82i think it would sound crap anyway, because it would boost the sound up to a level where it clips and distorts I imagine07:12
dfch_Skaface82: https://a.uguu.se/BYlnxelPXYuJ_Screenshotfrom2018-04-2815-11-46.png thats what i see. sorry for uncropped screenshot07:12
thinkywhich one is better? upgrade or fresh install for ubuntu 18.04 ?07:13
Skaface82dfch_: oh yours doesnt have the button.. im at a loss then07:13
dfch_Skaface82: yup, same here07:13
Skaface82all I could sugest is using pulse audio volume control07:13
Skaface82cause i know that can do it07:14
dfch_Skaface82: pactl? does it have gui?07:17
ducassedfch_: 'pavucontrol'07:17
dfch_ducasse: thanks checking it now07:18
StyilYo, what do I do if the Ubuntu installer crashes my graphics card or something consistently07:18
StyilCan’t install it due to crashes07:18
StyilImproper drivers probably07:18
StyilAny way to get a text based installer07:19
dfch_Skaface82: ducasse: yes working perfectly, thanks07:19
Skaface82no worries07:19
Xardfor some reason I can't pin "konversation" to dock in 18.04 lts as the dock context menu doesn't have that choice07:26
erle-I added a PPA, then I removed it from the sources, but the key is still in and I can't delete the key via GUI. Any hints where I can delete the key manually?07:29
erle-Command line or textfile?07:29
XardI had to copy the .desktop file to ~/.local/share/applications/konversation.desktop and when launched from there I can pin it07:29
Miguel2013can someone guide me step by step how to install a netgear wag511 on ubuntu07:32
sky887You were dreaming07:33
lotuspsychjesky887: stop that07:33
erle-Can someone please try whether GPG still finds his keys after 17.10->18.04?07:39
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da7nielso I want to execute a script over SSH (using terminal) which is supposed to open up a window to display some crap. I suppose there's no way to do this using standard SSH? Is there software I can use for this purpose?07:40
ljchey is there a way of running `sudo ifup <interface>` and specify a particular SSID+passphrase to attempt to connect to from wpa_supplicant.conf ?07:40
ljcda7niel: like a GUI window? you can do X11 forwarding by giving the -X option iirc (although haven't done this myself before except for maybe once ages ago)07:41
da7nielljc: damn, that worked - thanks!07:42
ljcda7niel: haha, sweet! :) no worries07:43
thinkydudes is it better to upgrade or fresh install of new version 18/04?07:43
thinkywhich one is recommended?07:43
Skaface82dude i just upgraded with no problems what-so-ever07:43
thinkyi wonder what will i face with 18.0407:44
thinkyscary or beautiful07:44
ljci cant upgrade from 16.04 (or is it 16.10..), due to the cpu bugs from a little while ago07:44
cfhowlettclean install ljc07:45
cfhowlettif it's 16.10 you'll need to do EOL updates until you get current07:45
SuperLagthat's odd... I did *2* upgrades from 16.04 tonight, without a hitch.07:45
ducassethinky: if you have added any ppas, purge them first if you upgrade (with ppa-purge)07:45
thinkyi will fresh install07:46
thinkyducasse:  yep i added many ppas07:46
thinkysize increased O.o 1.8gb07:46
thinkyi hope my 50gb partition is enough07:47
ljccfhowlett: yep07:47
ljcSuperLag: it's 16.1007:47
cfhowlett!eolupdate | ljc07:48
cfhowlett!eol | ljc07:48
ubottuljc: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades07:48
thinkyicons are still amateur :S07:48
Styilyo, how do I install ubuntu if the graphics driver keeps crashing on the installation screen?07:51
cfhowlett!nomodeset | Styil07:52
ubottuStyil: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter07:52
Styilah, that works for the installation utility? should have probably guessed so07:53
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ZaZaQRwhats up08:30
cfhowlettZaZaQR, ubuntu support only.  chitchat in #ubuntu-offtopic08:31
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sky887_porn :)08:38
sky887_and music08:38
lotuspsychje!ops | sky887_ keeps trolling08:39
ubottusky887_ keeps trolling: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax08:39
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thinkyhi again08:40
mancman3sky why do u fly away08:40
thinkyi tried Startup Disk Creator in ubuntu to create bootable usb key for ubuntu 18.04 iso but it is giving error08:40
jane_booty_doeWhy are mdadm arrays such a pain to restore on a fresh install08:41
thinkyhow can i create usb key for ubuntu iso?08:41
EriC^^thinky: what error?08:41
EriC^^thinky: use unetbootin08:41
EriC^^or dd like a boss08:41
mancman3thinky: try etcher08:41
thinkywhat about rufus or universal usb installer?08:42
mancman3try them then08:42
jane_booty_doethinky, easy2boot is my favorite08:43
EriC^^thinky: dd is the best tool for the job08:44
thinkynever heard dd08:44
thinkyhow can i use it?08:45
EriC^^it's a low level copier, copies blocks08:45
thinkycommand line?08:45
EriC^^thinky: get the name of your usb from 'sudo parted -ls'08:45
EriC^^/dev/sdb /dev/sdc etc , yes08:45
thinkybash: /dev/sdb: Permission denied08:46
EriC^^thinky: so the name is /dev/sdb?08:48
thinkyEriC^^: sorry but i am newbie08:48
thinkydont have idea08:48
sky887_music then08:49
thinkyDisk /dev/sdb: 8000MB08:49
thinkyNumber  Start  End     Size    File system  Flags  1      0.00B  8000MB  8000MB  fat3208:50
EriC^^that looks like it08:50
EriC^^thinky: do you know where the ubuntu .iso file is located?08:50
thinkyin Downloads folder08:50
EriC^^ok cool08:50
EriC^^thinky: type 'sudo dd if=~/Downloads/ubuntu<hit tab to complete it to .iso>  of=/dev/sdb bs=4M status=progress08:51
EriC^^sorry nevermind the first single quote there before sudo08:51
Skaface82weird, my network just stopped working, destination unreachable... so i've plugged in a WLAN adapter and it works08:51
thinkyoh something happening :o08:52
thinkysudo dd if=~/Downloads/ubuntu<hit tab to complete it to .iso>08:52
thinkyi did this and enter08:52
thinkysomething happening now08:52
gareppahas anyone updated to 18.04 from 16.04.4 successfully?08:53
mancman3im waiting till atleast 18.04.108:53
lotuspsychjegareppa: we advise lts to lts upgrade till june, as mancman3 suggests08:54
cfhowlett^^^ +108:54
EriC^^thinky: did you also type 'of=/dev/sdb bs=4M status=progress' ?08:54
Miguel2013should I upgrade the security packages and then upgrade to 1808:55
thinkynot at 1st time but now i did08:55
Miguel2013or clean install 1808:55
gareppai know, i just asked if anyone did it, if he/she encountered any major bug08:55
thinkyit is copying to usb key now08:55
thinkyalso now computer is extremely got slower08:55
cfhowlettas expected.  lots of memory required to make a USB08:56
mancman3gareppa: i've heard of video lag, screen tearing etc, nothing too major but still... 16.04 runs perfect08:56
gareppaok, thanks08:56
EriC^^thinky: cool, after it's done type 'sync' and wait til you get the prompt back, then you can remove the usb and it should boot and stuff08:56
thinkythank you EriC^^  ! appreciated08:57
EriC^^thinky: no problem!08:57
lotuspsychjegareppa: bus will be there always08:57
thinky 08:57
thinky5.7 mb/s08:57
thinkyvery slow copying08:58
mancman3thinky because it's doing a proper job :)08:58
Steristthe last 5 or so upgrades this bug has hit me every time. I get to the "do you want to start the upgrade?" page and there's a collapsed "Details" of packages that will be upgraded. I open it, then after closing, all the buttons on the bottom are off screen. is there a simple fix?08:58
thinkygood :p08:58
Steristbesides restarting the whole thing08:58
EriC^^thinky: did you put bs=4M ?08:59
EriC^^i usually get like 80mb/s or so on a hdd08:59
EriC^^nevermind that didnt make sense on the hdd part :D08:59
thinkyEriC^^: sudo dd if=~/Downloads/ubuntu-18.04-desktop-amd64.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=4M status=progress08:59
EriC^^but to usb's i do get like 80mb/s or so08:59
EriC^^yup that's it08:59
ledtcQ: I this Ubuntu Server and i'm having problem wile running over ssh and ive filled in the default/locale file so their are no blanks. But when i run man i get man: can't set the locale; make sure $LC_* and $LANG are correct08:59
thinkyit was fast at the beginning but now got slower08:59
ledtcQ: Thou when i run locale from my ssh session on the server i see that the spots i filled in are still blanks, confusing.09:00
thinky1921843200 bytes (1.9 GB, 1.8 GiB) copied, 393.492 s, 4.9 MB/s09:00
thinkyi think it is finishing09:00
EriC^^thinky: cool, dont forget to 'sync' afterwards09:02
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thinkyit is stuck09:02
thinkynothing happening09:02
mancman3Am i the only one still burning to DVD ? lol09:03
thinkywaiting here --> 1921843200 bytes (1.9 GB, 1.8 GiB) copied, 393.492 s, 4.9 MB/s09:03
EriC^^it looks like it's done copying though09:03
thinkywhen i click on usb key it doesnt open it09:04
thinkycant see copied files09:04
lotuspsychjeSterist: is the deatils of updates you cant see?09:05
EriC^^thinky: in the terminal try ctrl+c09:06
ledtcQ: Thou  if i add LANG=en_US.UTF-8 to my crontab, it works, thou lang is already set thou not wile ssh and in tmux.... help09:06
thinkyEriC^^:  error : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5TQVXF7znB/09:07
thinkyunable to access usb key09:07
Steristthe "Details" is the info related to packages that will be upgraded / removed, but the issue is, after opening that to look at the package list, the entire window seems to be irreversibly grown outside of the display area, and the buttons to actually start the upgrade cannot be reached.09:07
EriC^^thinky: try 'sync && sudo mount /dev/sdb2 /mnt'09:07
lotuspsychjeSterist: could you screenshot?09:07
EriC^^thinky: it should show some partitions in 'sudo parted -ls' under /dev/sdb now09:08
EriC^^give that a shot09:08
thinkymount: special device /dev/sdb2 does not exist09:08
Steristit's a different machine than I am speaking to you from09:08
mancman3Sterist: HOLD ALT whist clicking mouse with the window and dragging so that u can see the next option u need to tap09:08
EriC^^thinky: aha, try 'sudo umount /dev/sdb1'09:08
EriC^^thinky: then sudo partprobe && sudo parted -ls09:09
thinkyumount: /dev/sdb1: mountpoint not found09:09
thinkydamn :/09:09
EriC^^aha try to partprobe then list the partitions again09:09
lotuspsychjeSterist: got a similar bug on it, but specially for the details window09:10
thinkyWarning: The driver descriptor says the physical block size is 2048 bytes, but Linux says it is 512 bytes.09:10
Steristmancman3 I have no issue moving the window around, but, the top will not go off the display area, so the bottom portion is stuck off the bottom of the display.09:10
EriC^^thinky: yup that's normal09:10
mancman3Sterist: right click top bar and resize ?09:10
Steristnot permitted09:11
SteristI used your previous suggestion with another idea of mine and fixed the issue09:11
Steristwell, workaround09:11
mancman3Sterist: good09:12
thinkyEriC^^: https://unsee.cc/7cd34419/09:12
Steristhad to disable "snap to screen edge" that was prohibiting the window from going off the top09:12
mancman3Sterist: u could also tab and enter and hope LOL09:12
Steristyes I've done that in the past, prefer not to cuz the prior process takes a lot of time and.. meh09:13
iodevso I have a question09:13
iodevif I do do-release-upgrade -d, then I get 18.04 LTS (not the dev release, right?)09:13
EriC^^thinky: nope, that doesn't look right09:14
cfhowlettiodev, as of 18.4.1 yes09:14
EriC^^iodev: right09:14
thinkysomething wrong with my usb key?09:14
EriC^^maybe, maybe that's why it was so slow09:14
iodevcfhowlett: I don't want to wait until 18.04.109:15
EriC^^thinky: try the sudo dd command again09:15
EriC^^thinky: make sure nothing is currently mounted from the usb , mount | grep /dev/sdb09:15
cfhowlettclean install then, iodev cuz do-release-upgrade won't fire up until the first point release09:15
MonkeyDustiodev  july 26th ... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseSchedule09:15
EriC^^iodev: you can update from now using the -d switch as you said09:15
thinkynothing is mounted instead of the key09:16
EriC^^after 18.04.1 you won't need the -d switch09:16
cfhowlettEriC^^, wait, what?  not .1?09:16
EriC^^thinky: ok cool09:16
thinkyshould i format usb first?09:16
SteristI haven't tried yet on my old laptop, is.32bit going to be still available as an upgrade lol I know the ISO is discontinued09:18
EriC^thinky: no dd copies everything including the partition table and everything else09:19
lotuspsychjeSterist: lubuntu or xubuntu09:19
EriC^^cfhowlett: yeah, now he can upgrade but he needs the -d09:19
EriC^^thinky: no dd copies everything including the partition table and everything else09:19
Steristrighto. I'll probably go with xfce09:19
cfhowlettSterist, 32bit ubuntu is gone.  I ***THINK*** xubuntu/lubuntu might continue in 32B09:19
thinkydoing sudo dd again09:19
mancman3cfhowlett: yes lubuntu still does a 32bit09:21
Teguwell, at least the Ubuntu 18.04 netboot image has a 32-bit version http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot/18.04/09:24
Steristthen the standard upgrade should still have 32bit too, it is to the same effect09:25
Tegufrom ubuntu.com -> downloads -> alternative downloads09:25
davide136hey guys, can you please take a look here? https://askubuntu.com/questions/1028884/direct-rendering-disabled-on-ubuntu-headless-server-nvs-29009:29
davide136i'm lost D:09:29
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tomreynSterist: do you actually have hardware you still use which can only do 32-bit?09:33
tomreyn(or is it just that you had 32-bit installed and would like to do an upgrade)09:33
Steristyes to both.09:34
tomreynvery old hardware though, right? must be > 10 years, not?09:34
Steristmy primary laptop has a $700 SSD in it, so I use my old 32bit laptop for write-intensive tasks to prolong the SSD09:34
Steristand no it's from 201009:35
djamalwhy i get on ./main.o -sh: ./main.o: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error09:36
giant-rodentyou cant execute an unlinked object file09:36
davide136djamal, think you have to compile it first09:36
TeguI guess it has either Atom or some Celeron/Pentium, since other CPUs from 2010's probably are 64-bit already09:37
tomreynSterist: i see. had not expectedf that any 32-bit only laptop was produced in the past 10 years.09:37
davide136can anybody give me some help to enable direct rendering on a ssh server with x11 forwarding?09:37
Tegugotta check AMD's CPU line from that era09:38
giant-rodentatoms were still 32 bit around that time09:38
Steristit's a Pentium09:38
djamali have intel i3 64 bit09:38
davide136what model and brand is that laptop? xD09:38
SteristASUS K50iJ I think09:39
Steristthere's actually a lot of 64bit laptops that were retailed with 32bit windows. I have no idea as to why.09:40
MonkeyDustSterist  sudo dmidecode -s system-product-name09:40
Teguoh, Intel had 32-bit atoms even in 2013. the rest are some system-on-chip things09:40
davide136it's an eeepc09:41
giant-rodenti hate SOCs09:41
SteristI don't keep the old laptop handy, can't do that at the moment ;) it's about once a month I pull it out to do some movie / show archiving09:41
davide136those are the worst laptops ever produced09:41
solsTiCehi.I am usig a custom gtk theme (arc-dark) and I jsut noticed that the dock and the status menu are not using my theme color. Is this a bug ? Is there a work-around ot make it work ?09:44
Torpedo_SmashHi, I've installed MySQL Workbench on my laptop with Ubuntu 18.04. When I try to connect to localhost I receive this error:09:44
Torpedo_SmashYour connection attempt failed for user 'root' from your host to server at localhost:3306:09:44
Torpedo_Smash  Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'09:44
davide136anyway in a laptop like that i would to suggest to keep it usable to install ubuntu 12.04 o 11.04, no updates but at least is not slow as hell. Just don't manage bank account with it09:45
giant-rodent11.04 ran slower on my old atom than 17.04 did09:46
davide136Torpedo, did you install it fresh?09:46
davide136giant-rodent, won't believe until i see it xD09:46
Torpedo_Smashdavide136, You mean if I had a fresh installation of Ubuntu?09:47
davide13617 was slow as hell even on a lot of i5 i tried09:47
davide136yes torpedo09:47
davide136and a fresh install of workbench09:47
tomreynTorpedo_Smash: looks like the "root" database user you are trying to authenticate with has a different password set than the one you did supply, or you supplied none while one is required. or you did not supply one when none was needed. or this user (root@localhost) does not exist in mysql.09:47
ducassedavide136: please don't tell people to install an eol release, that's just bad advice09:47
cfhowletthorrendous advice09:48
giant-rodentyou could try lubuntu09:48
giant-rodentlxde is fast09:48
davide136well, i think that it depends on what you do with your pc, usually it's more stable to be on old release from my experience...obviously you have to use it considering it09:49
giant-rodentrun anything you want if you arent connected to a network09:49
davide136lxde is not wasy as unity for people who try ubuntu for the 1st time09:49
giant-rodentbut as soon as you connect you're vulnerable09:49
dacommedianI am using Kubuntu and apparently the new Version 10.04  is out but a do release updgrade says that no new version is available.09:49
dacommedianAny help?09:49
giant-rodentthats why updates are important09:49
MonkeyDustdacommedian  you mean 18.0409:50
cfhowlettdacommedian, correct.  in 3 months you can upgrade via that method09:50
ducassedacommedian: see the release notes09:50
Torpedo_Smashtomreyn: how can I create a root user in MySQL?09:50
davide136yes indeed, but if you are not a business, you will nnot use that pc to manage banks, credit cards etc, i think that you shouldn't care09:50
antjoseHi, i use xfce as gnome too (soory for mi bad English). Today i upgrade from 17.10 to 18.04 version Ubuntu and i work very good. Do you know any software for adpter TV avermedia A 808 for watching TV in xfce or gnome? thank very much09:51
dacommedianI am at my parents house updating for them. So there is no way to upgrade only to install fresh.09:51
giant-rodenthome users keep sensitive data on their pcs too09:51
cfhowlettdacommedian, correct.09:51
ducassedavide136: if you are connected to the internet you should not run an eol release, and anyway we do not advice people to do so in this channel.09:53
robburke00Heya. Can anyone tell me to what the shortcut "Super+F10" is bound to? I accidentally deleted that one and consider reassigning it to its original function09:54
davide136well if it's a rule i'll stick to it, indeed if you are in this channel is possible that you use internet xD09:58
davide136anyway if anybody is able to help me, it would be appreciated: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1028884/direct-rendering-disabled-on-ubuntu-headless-server-nvs-29009:59
maxcell_I have screen tearing on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. Nvidia prop. drivers. Gtx 970 desktop. { ForceFullCompositionPipeline = On } didn't work09:59
MonkeyDustrobburke00  activates the menu on top https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/keyboard-nav.html.en09:59
maxcell_somebody is having tearing issues as well/09:59
davide136nvidia-settings works?09:59
davide136tried vsync?09:59
maxcell_already enabled by default10:00
davide136try to force it on everything10:00
maxcell_https://i.imgur.com/Gj5Sosa.jpg davide13610:01
maxcell_the desktop tearing has stop but, when i open a youtube video it still very bad10:01
davide136i won't be of any help then D:10:01
maxcell_davide136: no problem dude thanks for trying10:02
davide136maybe disable igpu if present10:02
maxcell_whats that10:02
davide136intel hd graphic10:02
davide136the one integrated in cpu10:02
davide136maybe it conflicts :/10:02
maxcell_i'm on desktop i think the igpu aren't working at all at this time10:02
maxcell_how do you disable it/10:03
davide136if you want to give it a try you have to check the bios...what brand is your mobo10:03
maxcell_oh ok10:03
maxcell_i know where it is10:04
tomreynantjose: this device is very old, and always had proprietary parts, making it difficult to support on linux. it might be possible (but rather unlikely) to find a patched driver which still works with current kernels if you know the exact device id (lsusb, lspci -nn)10:04
maxcell_the strange thing is that this Force Full Composition Pipeline always worked for me10:05
maxcell_in every distro i've tested10:05
maxcell_including ubuntu 17.1010:05
davide136i surrend xD10:05
maxcell_i will need to install another distro10:06
maxcell_thats sad10:07
davide136you tryin the technique where you look sad and start to go away but slowly so that people stop you to help you? xD10:08
maxcell_today i have uninstalled windows from my main SSD10:09
maxcell_and i chose ubuntu10:10
maxcell_but i can't use a main system that doesn't work on my hardware as it supose to i mean, i can't watch youtube videos without tearing so...10:10
cfhowlettand did you previous ubuntu work maxcell_ ?10:11
maxcell_yes, 17.10 and previous always worked very well on my nvidia, no tearing at all after the "ForceFullCompositionPipeline" command10:11
lotuspsychjemaxcell_: on xorg or wayland?10:12
Skaface82i ran debian for years as a desktop machine, but now that ive tried ubuntu recently I dont think ill go back... its so user friendly to configure for desktop use10:12
cfhowlettmaxcell_, 1.  install and use LTS only unless you have a VERY valid reason not to.  2. test 16.0410:12
maxcell_i'm on 18.0410:12
maxcell_i don't wanna use the 16.04 i wanna be up to date10:13
cfhowlettwhich JUST came out and WILL have bugs discovered over the next few months.10:13
cfhowlett16.04 is LTS on supported.  use it until 18.4.1 releases.  my policy for sanity.  YMMV10:13
maxcell_i wonder if it has something to do with KDE because i'm using Kubuntu...10:14
maxcell_ok thanks everyone for the help10:16
tomreynwith this complex integration of two gpu's i'd stick to 16.04 for now, too10:16
EightynineHow can I get rid of tearing? TearFree?10:16
maxcell_tomreyn: its only 1 gpu, its a desktop machine10:16
tomreynmaxcell_: did you not say nvidia and intel?10:17
maxcell_tomreyn: no no10:17
tomreynoh sorry then10:17
maxcell_every intel processor has its own gpu tho10:17
maxcell_but i don't think it's working right now since the nvidia driver are running10:18
maxcell_is running10:18
tomreynwell, not every, but most nowadays.10:18
lotuspsychjemaxcell_: have you tested other drivers yet?10:18
robburke00Thx MonkeyDust ! I thought this function is no longer available since 18.04 (that I use) has no menu bar any more10:18
tomreynmaxcell_: okay so you have two.10:18
maxcell_i didn't tested any other drivers, i install the driver from the X application made by ubuntu10:19
maxcell_and the only choice was 39010:19
Kon-maxcell_: I just installed Kubuntu 18.04 and get no tearing with Full Compisition Pipeline on10:19
maxcell_Kon-: whats your card10:19
lotuspsychjemaxcell_: doublecheck with: ubuntu-drivers list10:19
Kon-GT 103010:19
lotuspsychjemaxcell_: also test your driver from wayland please10:20
Kon-maxcell_: There are some other options you can try10:20
maxcell_lotuspsychje: it return nvidia-driver-39010:20
Kon-lotuspsychje: Wayland doesn't work on Nvidia in KDE10:20
x4iI have an Ubunti partition on my Macbook Air , but my OSX partition is not bootable. How do I mount my OSX partition in read-write mode?10:21
maxcell_lotuspsychje: wayland always work bad on my system and 18.04 doesn't have wayland10:21
maxcell_Kon-: like what10:21
cfhowlett!mac | x4i10:21
ubottux4i: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages10:21
lotuspsychjeMonkeyDust: :p10:21
x4icfhowlett, I am askign how to mount HFSplus on Ubuntu10:22
x4iit's an Ubuntu question10:22
Kon-maxcell_: https://blog.martin-graesslin.com/blog/2017/10/plasmawayland-and-nvidia-2017-edition/10:22
maxcell_Kon-: run this video from youtube in full screen for a while and see if it doesn't have tearing pls https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RvIbVmCOxg10:22
eddyreadyJust wondering if anyone else with a laptop running integrated intel graphics and don't suffer from screen tear?10:22
maxcell_eddyready: you can try that https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=237440510:23
cfhowletthttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/hfsplus x4i10:23
maxcell_eddyready: i found it for notebooks while i was seaching10:23
eddyreadymaxcell_: that appears to be specific to Nvidia?10:24
maxcell_eddyready: y10:24
maxcell_eddyready: oh sorry10:24
eddyreadymaxcell_: I don't have an nvidia card10:24
maxcell_eddyready: i didn't know igpu soffers from tearing as well10:25
BluesKajHowdy folks10:25
Kon-maxcell_: The video you linked doesn't tear for me10:25
eddyreadymaxcell_: wasn't tearing on 16.04 but it does on 18.0410:25
maxcell_Kon-: amazing.. its tearing for me hehe10:25
maxcell_Kon-: did you use firefox/10:25
Kon-It's a bit jittery but I suspect that's the video encoding itself10:25
maxcell_yeah i have tearing10:26
maxcell_on the top of the video, mostly10:26
=== titou_ is now known as titou
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titouI'm using the latest ubuntu and I have troubles with my touchpad: the left button does not work (and no event appears when I check with libinput-debug-events)10:28
titoui'm using wayland but it's the same with xorg..10:29
Kon-maxcell_: Did you try some of these other solutions involving your xorg.conf? https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/KDE#Screen_tearing_with_Nvidia10:29
titouthis is an ASUS touchpad10:29
maxcell_that arch solution is always the first thing i try and always worked for me10:29
maxcell_but not on 18.04, since i last try on beta10:30
maxcell_Kon-: thats exactly what i did, didn't work so, i try typing manually the pipeline command on terminal but also, doesn't work. nvidia-settings --assign CurrentMetaMode="HDMI-0:1920x1080_60 +0+0 { ForceFullCompositionPipeline = On }"10:32
turnupforubuntuTurn up for what?10:37
turnupforubuntuA fresh install from 16.04 to 18.04 has made a noticeable difference to  my lappy's temperature :)10:38
turnupforubuntuIt was very hot underneath and the fan was spinning up more.. How do I diagnose such issues in the future?10:38
MaximBHello, I've installed the latest ubuntu, and gnome shell takes about 100% cpu (got 4 cores i5), is it normal?10:39
djamali install with apt-get install gcc4.810:39
djamalhow can i find it10:39
johanhedini am strugling with right permission on ubuntu 17.10 for /var/www/html ... i cant able to create files in any folder..10:40
laptopanyone use mkusb before10:40
davide136https://askubuntu.com/questions/1028884/direct-rendering-disabled-on-ubuntu-headless-server-nvs-290   spamming a bit10:41
x4icfhowlett, thank you10:42
EriC^johanhedin: what is the current permissions?10:43
EriC^johanhedin: type "ls -ld /var/www/html; id" as the user you're trying to create files with10:44
aLeSDhow is the new ubunut ?10:45
cfhowlett!18.04 | aLeSD10:45
ubottuaLeSD: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver) is the 28th release of Ubuntu and the current LTS release. Download at https://www.ubuntu.com/download - Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes10:45
bembelHello, I'm looking for some help partitioning an SSD + HDD duo before a fresh install...10:46
cfhowlettdetails? bembel ?10:47
EriC^bembel: what exactly are you trying to do?10:47
djamalcannot execute binary file exec format error c++10:51
ZteamHi all! I did a fresh installation of Ubuntu 18.04 yesterday, and most things seems to be working well, however I have to raise my concern a liittle bit here: as soon as I connected my HDTV, to the computer, GDM shows up at the at my HD-tv instead of my computer monitor (bios and everything else, is on my computer monitor just as it should be) why do you feel like you need to change the order of my monitors?, I had to follow this, to make10:53
Zteamit usable again: https://ask.fedoraproject.org/en/question/104622/how-to-fix-fedora-25-41010-login-screen-on-wrong-monitor/10:53
bembelI want to install / on entire SSD, home on entire HDD.10:53
bembelCan/sould I use LVM?10:53
ZteamI think a new user coming to ubuntu having to work around issues like these will put them of quite quickly :-(10:53
outoftimebembel: I saw usage for comilation of wine staging10:53
outoftimeHelp: I have installed xserver-xorg-legacy in Ubuntu 16.04 and screen resolution is not recognized any more. What is the default X package I have accidently replaced?10:55
tomreynZteam: that's the kind of (non critical, since things at least work in general) issues which are more likely going to be fixed in a point release.10:56
tomreynthat's if there are qualified bug reports on them10:57
absentabyssIf I can't a package in gnome-software after release upgrade, does that mean I have to wait until they put it up, or should it already be up if it was in previous versions?10:57
absentabyssthe program is SciDaViS10:58
Zteamtomreyn, well, there should be, because the fix isn't very user-friendly at all10:58
outoftimeWhat is the default `xserver-xorg-*` package for ubuntu 16.04?10:58
tomreynoutoftime: xserver-xorg (which then depends on xserver-xorg-core)10:59
outoftimetomreyn: I have installed `xserver-xorg-legacy` and I want to revent changes11:00
EriC^bembel: you don't need lvm to do that11:00
tomreynZteam: i would recommend sticking to ubuntu 16.04 for now and upgrade to 18.04 once upgrades are supported.11:00
outoftimetomreyn: *revert11:00
Zteamtomreyn, well, to late for that now, i just reinstalled with Ubuntu 18.04, also I was able to fix that issue by myself, I just wanted to point it out, because the fix does recquire some terminal knowledge11:02
tomreynoutoftime: i would think tyou need to (don't blame me if you end up without X): switch to a text console (ctrl-alt-f1), then login and do: sudo apt update; sudo apt --purge remove xserver-xorg-legacy; sudo apt install xserver-xorg; sudo apt --purge autoremove11:03
outoftimetomreyn: http://termbin.com/bf0w11:03
outoftimetomreyn: allready in console, using `screen` and `irssi`11:04
Zteamdoes anyone here know a terminal command that can tell me which refresh rate my monitors is using?, I belivee xrandr does it, but I don't get how to read the output from it11:04
tomreynZteam: you are welcome to report bugs using "ubuntu-bug"11:05
Zteamyup, I'm actually consider doing that, too :-)11:05
outoftimeZteam: do not do this. Use EDID from your monitor11:06
crimson_kingHey, is UFW (firewall) still maintained?11:06
tomreynoutoftime:lookks like you need to explicitly remove / purge xserver-xorg-core, too11:06
bembelI plan to install ubuntu MATE 18.04 do you know if the SSD is automatically set up regarding TRIM and protective options (i'n new to SSDs)?11:06
cfhowlettcrimson_king, it is.  not active by default though11:06
cfhowlett!ufw | crimson_king11:06
ubottucrimson_king: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo11:06
crimson_kingcfhowlett, cool, thanks.11:07
Zteamoutoftime, the thing is, I have some weird issue, I once set the refresh rate on my TV to 60 hz, after a little while I saw that it was changed to 23.98 hz. so all movies I try to play, is looking like crap and I don't why it keeps, changing it11:08
kostkonZteam, 23Hz? what kind of monitor is it11:09
Zteamit used to work great before, but now my 55" 4K TV, looks like crap because the refresh rate is being changed11:09
tomreynbembel: it is by default (the very ubuntu blend / desktop environment you choose should not matter for this), but i'd recommend double checking this if you have multiple virtual storage device layers, such as dm-crypt and lvm involved.11:10
Zteamkostkon, it a LG 55uj670V so it support 60 hz, but Ubuntu keeps chaning that value for me (can also be Nvidias driver)11:11
kostkonZteam, how do you know it has been set to 23Hz11:12
Zteamkostkon, because ubuntu changes the vaule, in the screen utility after a while11:13
Zteamkostkon, changing the vaule back makes the video playback much smoother again11:14
djamalmake[1]: wgtpkg-pack: Command not found11:14
outoftimetomreyn: thatk you for help, looks like it's fixed.11:14
tomreynoutoftime: congrats ;-)11:14
outoftimetomreyn: do you know how to start app in separate X session?11:18
tomreynoutoftime: DISPLAY=:1 nameofapp11:19
outoftimetomreyn: trying to start game via `wine` in new session to figure out how it infuence performance11:19
tomreynoutoftime: that's for a different X display, not session, though. i'm not sure this is what you want.11:19
titousince the 18.04 update when I press my touchscreen it "double clicks" (for instance it opens 2 different gnome-terminal)11:20
titouwhen I check the libinput event I only get the following event for one touch: "TOUCH_DOWN, TOUCH_FRAME, TOUCH_UP, TOUCH_FRAME"...11:21
titouI don't understand where could be the problem: gnome? wayland?11:21
brainwashtitou: tried in the xorg session?11:22
titouwith the xorg session I already had this bug with the version 17 of ubuntu and it's still the same11:22
titouit only worked under xwayland with version 17 of ubuntu11:23
brainwashso, it's possible that a bug report exists for this issue11:23
brainwashon launchpad11:23
titouit's a really boring but :(11:23
w0lfKubuntu is much much better and fast then mint linux11:23
w0lfwhy people are crazy about Mint11:23
cfhowlettw0lf, not our issue as mint is not supported here11:24
w0lfcfhowlett, I know11:24
w0lfcfhowlett, just saying11:24
crimson_kingw0lf, it's because this is a support channel, the #ubuntu-offtopic would be the right place to talk about that11:24
w0lfcrimson_king, ok sir11:25
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titoubrainwash: I didn't found anything about that11:28
titouand I don't find the link to add a bug report :(11:29
brainwashtitou: reverse of your problem bug 176253611:30
ubottubug 1762536 in libinput (Ubuntu) "double tap on touchpad isn't recognized as double click on ubuntu 18.04 bionic" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176253611:30
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brainwashtitou: I suggest following the instructions in the comments in case you want to file a new report11:30
titoubrainwash: it's not exactly that.. I just press once on the screen and it simulates to simple click (then open twice a program for instance)11:31
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
titou(and it's touchscreen not touchpad :)11:31
brainwashboth are input devices, right?11:32
laptophow do I load up from a windows iso11:32
titoubrainwash: for sure but it's not managed by the same part of the gtk code11:33
brainwashtitou: well, then file a report against gnome-shell11:34
titouyes, thank you !11:34
brainwashtitou: found something bug 176535611:36
ubottubug 1765356 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) ""Show Applications" button triggers too often on touchscreen" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176535611:36
titouyes, that's exactly my problem11:37
laptophow do I load a windows usb11:43
laptopwindows iso from ubuntu11:43
EriC^^laptop: uefi pc?11:44
EriC^^laptop: make a fat32 partition on the usb and copy the iso contents there11:44
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EriC^^assuming it's windows 8+11:44
laptopwell it is not booting up from iso on usb. There is always some grub error11:45
laptopis it possible to call a command from a grub menu that boots up the iso file11:45
laptopfor windows 711:46
cfhowletttheoretically ... yes11:46
cfhowlettlaptop, you're trying to install windows?11:47
ab47cHello! I recently went through the guide on the Ubuntu site for setting up SSH key logins, which was rather easy thanks to it being well written :) I've been trying to configure some other OpenSSH options though...is it possible to lock down an account so that they can use sftp to download files, but not ssh in and use a shell account?11:47
laptopyes correct11:47
cfhowlettthen you need to edit your hardware to boot from the USB11:47
laptopokay what do I need to do in grub11:48
cfhowlettNOT grub11:48
laptopwhat I wnat to do is boot the iso from grub on my windows hd and then install it to another partition that is fat3211:48
cfhowlettreboot --- hit (esc) usually --- go to setup.  set the USB as the first boot device11:49
EriC^laptop: that would only make sense if you didnt want to use a usb11:49
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
laptopyes but I cannot use a usb for some reason11:52
EriC^^laptop: if you make a fat32 on a usb, it should boot the windows installer straight away, then you can install windows, i dont think it installs to fat32 though, only ntfs11:52
EriC^^laptop: how did you make the usb you tried?11:52
laptopI tried winusb and woeusb11:52
EriC^^those are outdated pos11:52
laptopI tried to formatting to fat32 and nfs11:52
EriC^^by pos i mean pretty old software ;)11:52
EriC^^*cough* not11:53
EriC^^laptop: make a fat32 on the usb, mount the iso, and copy the contents to the fat32, there should be a /efi/ dir there, and it'll handle the booting, if you restart and get grub you didnt boot the usb from the bios11:53
cfhowlettlaptop, https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-create-a-usb-stick-on-windows#011:54
EDinNYThunar and Nautalis over SFTP are broken.  Locks up when you try to open a remote file.  I tried Gimp, VLC, and Mplayer.  They don't seem to work at all over Windows networking11:55
marethi I am trying to create simple bash function which takes an argument (text) and insert it into the file. My question is how to pass function parameter to sed ? Right now I am using    sed -i '1s/^/\$1 \n/' ~/file.md, but this prints $1 litterally11:56
EDinNYsed -e, maret?11:57
maretEDinNY, I am not sure. my problem is that i wont to write addNote 'Some note'  and Iam refering to it by using $1 in my bash function. Problem is instead of  'Some Note' $1 is added to file11:58
EDinNYmaret: you will get more answers in #bash11:59
EriC^^maret: sed -e @s@$1@....@12:00
EriC^^basically use @ instead of '12:00
ioriaor "1s/^/$var \n/"   file12:00
EriC^^oh wait i think it's sed -e 's@$1@..@'12:00
EriC^^so use @ instead of /12:00
EriC^^maret: ^12:01
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johanhedin pdo_sqlite package for php 7.1x?12:09
thinkyHelp! I ruined grub while trying to install 18.0412:16
thinkyI had dual boot with windows12:16
thinkyCreate bootable usb by universal usb creator12:17
thinkyAfter finish i tried to install but it gives error. Now i cant boot windows too12:17
thinkysdb no caching mode page found12:18
thinkysdb assuming drive cache: write through12:18
Markdown1_thinky have you tried editing the grub file?12:19
thinky(initramfs) mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on //filesystem.squashfs failed: No such device12:19
Markdown1_thinky you tried Dual booting how?12:19
thinkyMarkdown1 i deleted ubuntu partitions in windows to clean install12:19
thinkyMarkdown earlier i was using dual boot with win10+ubuntu 16.0412:20
Markdown1_you mean during Ubuntu installation?12:20
thinkyNow i tried to install 18.0412:20
Markdown1_thinky so which system is working now?12:20
thinkyMarkdown windows suppose to work but i can not boot12:21
djamalmake[1]: wgtpkg-pack: Command not found12:21
thinkyI tried to try ubuntu without installing from usb key but it doesnt boot too12:21
thinkyNow i cant open anything12:22
Markdown1_thinky hm do you still have that Live USB/CD that you used to install?12:22
thinkyYes i have but i dont know why it doesnt work12:22
Markdown1_it may have corrupted as well?12:22
thinkyI have ubuntu 18.04 inside usb key12:22
Markdown1_!hello | rdias00212:23
Markdown1_oh this was removed12:23
thinkyI downloaded iso and created bootable key with Universal Usb pendrive12:23
rdias002This is my first time and im having trouble with my system volume. A friend suggested me here.12:23
Markdown1_thinky what happens when you try to boot from your USB stick?12:24
crimson_kingthinky, install 16.04 where you tried to install 18.04, without touching Windows partitions. That will give you a working system, then you try 18.04.12:24
johanhedinwhat are the steps to load pdo_sqlite in PHP Version 7.1.15-0ubuntu0.17.10.112:24
thinkyHow can i boot windows now?12:24
Markdown1_!ask | rdias00212:24
ubotturdias002: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:24
thinkyPlease help12:25
thinkyOr how can i rebuild grub?12:25
crimson_kingthinky, and use Gnome Disks to write the ISO. That program you used is not a good idea. It causes problems.12:25
Markdown1_thinky I cannot help you if you do not answer...12:25
EriC^^thinky: you said earlier you deleted ubuntu from windows, after that what happened?12:25
EriC^^thinky: ah i guess what you removed grub and now you get a grub rescue> ?12:26
thinkyEric i was trusting usb key that i created ubuntu 18.0412:26
anibicHow to upgrade from 17.10 to 18.04 ?12:26
EriC^^anibic: sudo do-release-upgrade -d12:26
Markdown1_EriC^^ I think he said he had both Windows and Ubuntu dual boot, then he tried to upgrade from 16.04 to 18.0412:26
rdias002Sure! So here goes. I recently installed Ubuntu 18.04. I then realised that my systems volume is really very low,12:26
EriC^^thinky: to get windows back right now you need to select when the pc boots the boot options menu, and choose windows from the uefi list12:27
thinkyBut it is giving error now: (initramsfs) mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on //filesystem.squashfs failed12:27
anibicmy software updater shows system upto date12:27
thinkyNo such drive12:27
EriC^^thinky: that error looks like a bad usb, did you try a different usb yet?12:27
_war10ck_anibic: Check dist-upgrade, I think it is sudo apt dist-upgrade12:27
lotuspsychje!sound | rdias00212:27
ubotturdias002: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.12:27
thinkyEric grub was showing boot option but now it no longer exists12:27
_war10ck_anibic: Better read before upgrading12:28
Markdown1_thinky also always use "unetbootin" or rufus to make live USB.12:28
thinkyDamn :/12:28
EriC^^thinky: yeah when you removed ubuntu partitions you removed the grub files12:28
thinkyUniversal usb creator was working well in previous versions12:28
Markdown1_thinky I think you need a Live USB.12:28
EriC^^thinky: if you want windows right now til you fix stuff then you have to choose windows from the pc's uefi list12:28
thinkyNow how can i open windows?12:28
Markdown1_thinky use some other computer to make a Live USB again.12:28
hoseinHi,  my package manager's got problems after I upgraded to 18.04 : https://paste.unixcorn.org/?b74cd4eee39bc5fb#gIjje0icLMjKGTYreE3ze16tbTJUuTJ9NoqbxFiyOGM=12:29
thinkyThere is no uefi list12:29
miigotuIf anyone comes asking about a login loop today: Just had a login loop and lockup after upgrade today (I was previously already on bionic). Switched tty and swapped nvidia-390 for nvidia-396 and it solved the issue.12:29
EriC^^thinky: which pc model is it?12:29
thinkyLenovo Thinkpad x20112:29
rdias002Sorry... So my system (Ubuntu 18.04)'s volume is very low. I tried installing realtek hd audio  drivers because that is what windows uses. And now I have no audio at all. What do I do? Ubuntu isn't recognising my audio device.12:29
EriC^^miigotu: nice thanks for reporting12:29
lotuspsychjemiigotu: tnx 4 feedback12:29
miigotuPlus side, intel side doesnt freeze up anymore, so thats a win!12:29
EriC^^thinky: it might be some button like f8 or f10 or f12 or something12:29
thinkyLet me try12:30
EriC^^thinky: the site says f1212:30
thinkyEric f12 returns with error12:30
Markdown1_rdias002 from where have you tried to install the driver?12:30
EriC^^what error thinky ?12:30
thinkyError: no such partition Entering rescue mode... grub rescue> _12:31
EriC^^thinky: yeah it didnt take the button at all12:31
EriC^^try a different f key12:31
Markdown1_hosein can you please use https://paste.ubuntu.com/ ?12:31
thinkyEric it takes12:32
thinkyIt shows boot device12:32
thinkyShowing the actual hdd12:32
rdias002Markdown1_, I downloaded the driver source file from official website. It didn't even install, failed during make itself.12:32
thinkyAnd no more option12:32
EriC^^thinky: aha, no uefi list of some sort?12:32
hoseinMarkdown1_ whoops sorry12:32
hoseinhere it is12:32
EriC^^thinky: try entering the bios and see if there's a uefi list there12:32
EriC^^f1 might enter the bios thinky12:32
Markdown1_rdias002 you are not supposed to install Drivers in Linux the same way you do in Windows.12:33
thinkyOnly option is boot device options12:33
thinkyHdd cdrom usb ..etc12:33
EriC^^thinky: are you using uefi or csm legacy?12:33
lotuspsychjefath0m: can we help you?12:33
thinkyIn Sata there are compatibility and AHCI12:34
Markdown1_rdias002 just something to keep in mind as a new user, Linux have every drivers that you may need and the ones needed can be installed via "Driver Manager"12:34
thinkyI think it is legacy12:34
EriC^^thinky: ah12:34
Markdown1_rdias002 or *Additional Drivers I12:34
EriC^^then it's not uefi12:34
rdias002Markdown1_ oh... I downloaded the driver files and followed the instructions PDF. Anyway, what do I do now?12:35
EriC^^thinky: then you need a live usb to boot windows, just focus on reinstalling ubuntu12:35
thinkyWhat can i do? :(12:35
thinkyDo i need another pc?12:35
EriC^^thinky: did you try a different usb?12:35
thinkyNo i dont have another usb12:35
thinkyI always used this one without problem12:36
thinkyIf i can open windows i will try Dvd12:36
EriC^^it seemed to have issues thinky12:36
rdias002Markdown_1 I did a fresh install anyways... how can I get the windows like loud volume on Ubuntu?12:36
Markdown1_rdias002 you compiled and installed the driver?12:36
EriC^^thinky: you can open windows from the live usb's grub, you need to manually boot it from the grub prompt12:36
Anthaas_HI guys, I don't seem to be able to upgrade to 18.04 from 17.10 with dist-upgrade, and do-release-upgrade says no new releases found.12:37
Markdown1_rdias002 ok so you now have a new/ fresh install without that installed driver?12:37
rdias002Markdown_1 yes.12:37
lotuspsychjeAnthaas_: release notes say, few days after release12:37
hoseinany ideas any one? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SyDZGjdXNY/12:38
thinkyEric i found Debian dvds12:38
lotuspsychjeAnthaas_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes12:38
rdias002Markdown1_ ./configure happened smoothly. make gave me errors. It looked like there were errors in  alsa/acoreinit.c file12:38
Markdown1_rdias002 have you tried going to Sound Settings and checked ""Allow louder than 100%""12:39
thinkyAm i banned?12:40
Markdown1_rdias002 also go to Software and Sources from menu and check for "Additional Drivers"12:40
miigotubanned? lol12:40
Markdown1_rdias002 in case there is any.12:40
Markdown1_thinky not yet, why?12:40
bodie_having a bit of trouble w/ 18.04 prerelease beta using suggested12:40
rdias002Markdown1_ Yes, I did more than 100% but no soap. Additional drivers shows nothing12:40
miigotuMarkdown1_, I've never had audio show in additional drivers, is that a thing?12:40
Markdown1_thinky I think you gotta boot from any other Linux Live cd you got and edit Grub via that.12:41
lotuspsychjebodie_: beta2 is not anymore12:41
miigoturdias002, you have no sound at all or is it just low volume?12:41
debkadhosein: you have something on your sources.list or sources.list.d that break installation12:41
Markdown1_miigotu IDK, probably some rare soundcards with proprietary drivers can, it doesn't hurt to check anyways, :)12:42
rdias002miigotu, I now have a fresh install with very low volume12:42
hoseindebkad, I'll just upload my sources.list12:42
laptopcould be eureka moment12:42
bodie_How can I resolve this?12:42
thinkyDebian dvd is not working too12:42
lotuspsychjelaptop: can we help you?12:42
laptopI am using virtual box to create a windows iso on a usb stick12:42
bodie_lotuspsychje, I know that the release happened.  That is probably why this is broken :P12:42
laptopyes I think I may need help if this does  not work12:42
miigoturdias002, dont install anything, there is a way to increase the volume, gimme a sec12:42
miigotuwhat audio chipset is it?12:42
hoseindebkad : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hvrbq8VMFM/12:43
=== laptop is now known as scrotus
rdias002miigotu, that's the confusing part. On windows it shows as Realtek HD Audio. And on Linux terminal it says Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-LP HD Audio12:44
hoseindebkad , all the repositories in /etc/apt/sources.list.d are disabled as far as I see in Software & Updates list12:44
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bodie_any suggestions on repairing the packages?12:44
miigoturdias002, thats same as mine12:44
lotuspsychje!final | bodie_12:44
ubottubodie_: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Bionic and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 18.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade » in a terminal.12:44
miigotu`aplay -l` will show you an "HDA Intel PCH"12:45
miigotuProbably an `CX20751/2 Analog`12:45
scrotus_williamsanyone know the difference between the fork of ubuntu and12:46
debkadhosein: did you disable them after installing some outside ppa ?12:46
rdias002miigotu, Yess Yess. It's ACL something12:46
scrotus_williamsfork of virtualbox and the actual virtualbox12:46
scrotus_williamsthe package manager gives you the fork12:46
Markdown1_hosein try running this,  sudo apt install --reinstall python3.5 && sudo apt upgrade12:46
lotuspsychjescrotus_williams: what are you talking about?12:47
BluesKajthose with sound troubles ,. make sure your volume ctls in alsamixer are turned up and the automute is disabled12:47
scrotus_williamswell I tried to ask for help in virtualbox channel12:47
scrotus_williamsand they said they cannot help me sincce I am using a fork version12:47
lotuspsychjescrotus_williams: what fork?12:47
scrotus_williamsof virtual box 5.312:47
lotuspsychjescrotus_williams: wich ubuntu are you on?12:47
scrotus_williams16.04 lts12:48
bodie_in b4 can't start b/c driver problems....12:48
oerheksscrotus_williams, see the virutal box page, we provide the open source version, and they give the closed source version with more features12:48
lotuspsychje!info virtualbox xenial12:48
ubottuvirtualbox (source: virtualbox): x86 virtualization solution - base binaries. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 5.1.34-dfsg-0ubuntu1.16.04.2 (xenial), package size 15656 kB, installed size 69912 kB12:48
hoseindebkad yep, deleted the whole sources.list actually. and replaced it with the one you saw above12:48
miigoturdias002, ^12:48
scrotus_williamsis that available for ubuntu12:48
Markdown1_rdias002 have you tried the thing I suggested? :P12:48
hoseinMarkdown1_ , well same error:Reinstallation of python3.5 is not possible, it cannot be downloaded.12:48
=== scrotus_williams is now known as scrotus_of_borg
hoseinnot the same exactly12:49
Markdown1_hosein something to do with your sources.list then12:49
oerhekshosein, you have 16.04.4 packages, and yet trying to install them in 18.04?12:49
Markdown1_this is why I always do a Fresh Install :P12:50
oerhekshow did you upgrade to bionic in the 1st place, those old packages should have been deletes12:50
Markdown1_I am not taking my chances with dist-upgrade12:50
oerheksdist-upgrade is fine, it does not bring the next release12:50
Markdown1_oerheks you know what I meant :P12:50
Markdown1_that was just poor wording on my part12:51
oerhekshosein, unlikely, Python 3 has been updated to 3.612:52
=== root_ is now known as Guest17615
miigotuugh xwayland just crashed -.-12:52
lotuspsychje!rootirc | Guest1761512:52
oerheksso what did you do exactly??12:52
ubottuGuest17615: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.12:52
rdias002miigotu not yet. My laptop is not with me currently. But will surely give it a try. Thanks a low12:52
hoseinsudo update-manager -d12:52
hoseinthe exact command that got me here12:53
hoseinand then I got an error or two!12:53
hoseinI didn't care12:53
scrotus_of_borgubuntu is frustating12:53
miigotuMarkdown1_, bionic doesnt have the option to go louder than 100% for me, not even with that url I posted12:53
lotuspsychjescrotus_of_borg: you cant generalize such statements12:53
hoseinuntil I upgraded to this version and now found out that I can't use my package manager properly12:53
rdias002miigotu, what exactly is my audio device? Realtek or Intel?12:53
debkadhosein: If you have aptitude command try with it and cross fingers12:53
hoseinso I tried to replace repository's with new ones12:54
* hosein crosses fingers12:54
Markdown1_miigotu huh my bad12:54
jalleyhey, i'm having trouble with UFW blocking DNS requests. My current rules are: https://pastebin.com/JRtH2wPS but logs show it's still blocking DNS here: https://pastebin.com/pFFpxAJi12:54
miigotulikely intel HD, using the conexant driver. You dont need to change drivers, you need to adjust pulseaudio or alsa settings12:54
hoseinsudo: aptitude: command not found12:54
scrotus_of_borgsorry I get frustrated sometimes12:54
lotuspsychjejalley: have you tried the expert channel #netfilter ?12:54
miigotuhosein, sudo apt install aptitude12:54
=== Guest17615 is now known as djamal
lotuspsychjescrotus_of_borg: please frustrate in silence12:55
jalleylotuspsychje, i'll try there thanks12:55
Markdown1_rdias002 open alsamixer12:55
miigotuIm not sure I can help much in this channel haha, you guys must have insane patience12:55
Markdown1_!patience | miigotu12:55
ubottumiigotu: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/12:55
hoseinmiigotu , if I could install ANY packages I wouldn't be here: The following packages have unmet dependencies:12:56
lotuspsychjehosein: did you add external ppa's to your system?12:56
miigotulol Markdown1_ I dont have any questions =P just trying to help out a bit12:56
Markdown1_miigotu that was a joke, nvm.12:56
widonI install ubuntu18.04, I find a bug.The bitmap font render is not right in firefox.12:57
rdias002Markdown1_ what next?12:57
hosein<lotuspsychje>, I did but that was on 16.04, update-manager disabled all of them by itself12:57
miigotuwidon, you have dark theme enabled?12:57
Markdown1_rdias002 what is the "Card" and what is the "Chip" ?12:57
lotuspsychjehosein: check your sources.list to verify..12:57
miigotuwidon, I noticed the colors are messed up with ff also, but I have dark theme enabled. I assumed it was my shell theme. Some input boxes you cant even see what you type unless you highlight the text12:58
widonCan anyone tell me which library does firefox use to render font.12:58
Markdown1_rdias002 you man increase the Master Volume from there, BTW click F6 and you can select your card.12:58
Markdown1_rdias002 *can12:58
hosein<lotuspsychje> just right above I posted all of my sources.list : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hvrbq8VMFM/12:58
widonThe font render by firefox has a lot of vetical lines.12:59
miigoturdias002, in alsamixer, set master, speaker, and pcm to 10013:00
widonthe bitmap font I set.13:00
debkadI think enabling those ppa and removing those dependencies will help, and after disable them for ever13:00
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lotuspsychjehosein: hastebin us the output of: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade13:00
droidhey all, does anybody know how to get back the network-manager methode "shared to other computers" on ubuntu 18.04? It seems to be not available anymore?13:00
miigotubut I imagine you have all at 100 already, there was a file I had to manually edit a long time ago Im trying to figure out which it was. Skylake built in audio13:00
widonCan anyone tell me which library does firefox use to render font ?13:01
hoseindebkad nice idea13:01
Markdown1_widon can you provide a screenshot?13:02
rdias002Markdown1_ I did all that. No soap13:02
widonI grab a lot of screenshot.13:02
widonevery release of ubuntu has bugs :(13:03
segwentevery release of everything has bugs ...13:03
lotuspsychjehosein: try to force purge those stuck packages with dpkg -P13:04
rdias002Markdown1_ https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SFr7zyg8x2/13:04
widonThe font I use called ZFull gb, a bitmap font.13:05
segwenthi. so using ub1604 and dnsmasq 2.75 .. i do dnsmasq -d -R --server=<ip.add> and then dnsmasq complains that it cannot read /etc/resolv.conf and terminates .. -R means do not read the conf file .. this works with dnsmasq 2.68 .. anybody have any idea what's going on ?13:05
miigoturdias002, try this: `pactl set-sink-volume 0 150%`13:05
hoseinlotuspsychje, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/h27tV5jjpT/13:06
widonMarkdownl_ http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?f=186&t=48730413:06
miigotuyou can set volume higher than 100% that way for sure13:06
Markdown1_rdias002 you mean you selected sound card by pressing F6 or set your Master dB gain to 0 ?13:06
Markdown1_rdias002 in alsamixer BTW13:07
hoseindebkad, thanks man your idea did the job!13:07
debkadhosein: no problem :)13:07
Markdown1_mm I am unable to open that Forum13:07
bodie_gdm3 still hangs on login13:08
hoseinThank you everyone Markdown1_ lotuspsychje debkad miigotu oerheks13:08
widonMarkdownl_ do you see the screenshot I grab ?13:08
bodie_lightdm still is the working solution13:08
* hosein waves at everyone in the room13:08
droiddoes anybody know how to get back the network-manager methode "shared to other computers" on ubuntu 18.04? It seems to be not available anymore?13:08
rdias002Markdown1_ just a min... My system is taking time to log in...13:08
pragmaticenigmasegwent: double check the documentation?13:09
widonubuntu18.04 do not support bitmap font very well, I want go back to ubuntu17.10 now.13:09
cfhowlett16.04 is LTS.  17.10 support ends shortly13:10
widoncfhowlett, ubuntu16.04 use unity, I don't like it.13:10
cfhowlett!flavors | widon choose one13:11
ubottuwidon choose one: Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours13:11
Markdown1_rdias002 can you upload it in any other website like imgur for example?13:11
Markdown1_rdias002 sorry wrong person I tagged13:11
Markdown1_widon can you upload it in any other website like imgur for example?13:11
segwentpragmaticenigma: ub1604: man dnsmasq(8~): -d, --no-daemon, -R, --no-resolv; Don't read /etc/resolv.conf13:12
segwentwhat might i be looking for ?13:12
pragmaticenigmasegwent: -S --- I think you have an error there13:12
segwent-S, --local, --server=[/[<domain>]/[domain/]][<ipaddr>[#<port>][@<source-ip>|<interface>[#<port>]]13:13
segwentworked fine on dnsmasq 2.6813:13
widonMarkdownl_ "Imgur is temporarily over capacity. Please try again later.13:13
pragmaticenigmasegwent: without a domain specified?13:14
segwenti don't need a domain13:14
segwentjust an ip13:14
miigoturdias002, I found your post on askubuntu =P13:14
rdias002miigotu 😅13:15
segwentpragmaticenigma: If  one or more *optional* domains are given,13:15
pragmaticenigmasegwent: all the example i've seen have a domain in front of the IP address13:15
widonMarkdownl_ I send you the picture I grab.13:16
segwentpragmaticenigma: basically dnsmasq -d -R does NOT do what it should13:16
segwentit always tries to read /etc/resolv.conf13:16
widonDoes anyone know which library firefox use to render font?13:17
rdias002Heyyy, got some progress. My volumes louder now. I don't know how it happened. But is it still possible to boost it a lil more, because I feel this is not it's maximum capacity. I think my laptop speakers can get louder... Any ideas?13:17
lotuspsychjerdias002: while you fooling around with sound open a: tail -f /var/log/syslog you might see usefull things happening13:18
pragmaticenigmasegwent: does the process stay in the foreground?13:18
segwentno it terminates13:18
pragmaticenigmaDoes the file /etc/resolv.conf exist?13:19
rdias002lotuspsychje, sure13:19
segwentyes but it points to an invalid location13:19
segwentwhich is the point of -R13:19
Markdown1_rdias002 in alsamixer have you incrased the Master?13:19
pragmaticenigmasegwent: define points to invalid location13:19
debkadrdias002: with pactl you can increase it until you hear noises13:20
Markdown1_rdias002 I think its -12 by default, make it 0.13:20
Markdown1_rdias002 you can use your Mouse Scroll for that.13:20
segwentpragmaticenigma: ls -l /etc/resolv.conf > /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf which does not exist13:20
rdias002Markdown1_, gain is 0db13:21
segwentie. /run/.. etc does not exist13:21
segwentlike i said .. this works perfectly with 2.6813:21
pragmaticenigmasegwent: try removing the link and touching a blank file there and try again13:21
widonMarkdownl_ can you see the picture I sending to you ?13:22
rdias002debkad, how do I use it?13:22
Markdown1_widon yes I got it13:22
Nobunstupid question: I'd like to instruct ubuntu 16.04 (using unity) to open .ui file with qt5 designer (giving the full path of designer application)13:22
debkadrdias002: as an example: pactl set-sink-volume 0 -- +10% will increase it by 10 %13:22
Nobunby default13:22
segwentpragmaticenigma: i don't want a work around, I would like to know why dnsmasq does not work as it should .. the only reason i come here is because i don't find anywhere else to go for dnsmasq .. if you know of a better place please let me know :)13:23
Markdown1_rdias002 also which card is selected when you press F6 in Alsamixer?13:23
Nobunbut I cannot do it within the gui since designer is not in /usr/bin and it is not showed in the list of available application13:23
debkadrdias002: to decrease it replace '+' with '-'13:23
pragmaticenigmasegwent: that implies you tried that and it worked... correct?13:23
miigotuIm curious why he has low volume and I dont, we both have the same chipset13:23
segwentpragmaticenigma: no .. did not try it .. and it is not actually a solution i will be able to use anyway13:24
Markdown1_widon run this, sudo apt install ttf-mscorefonts-installer culmus13:24
segwenti will try it now just for you13:24
miigotuMaybe Im just used to it, been on linux for years now so IDK if windows is louder haha13:24
rdias002_ok, im here thru my laptop now13:25
segwentpragmaticenigma: that does work .....13:25
rdias002_Markdown1_ it shows HDA Intel PCH13:25
widonMarkdownl do you want me to use other font intead of my favorite bitmap font?13:25
hkaishello together13:25
miigotuIts Skylake integrated HD audio ^13:26
hkaisanyone here who could use13:26
hkaisdo-release-upgrade to upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04?13:26
hkaissudo do-release-upgrade13:26
hkaisChecking for a new Ubuntu release13:26
hkaisNo new release found.13:26
cfhowletthkais, yes in 3 months13:26
cfhowlett18.4.1 will work13:26
hkaiscfhowlett: ohh did not know this13:26
lotuspsychjehkais: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes13:26
miigotuhkais, sudo do-release-upgrade -d if you really want to13:27
pragmaticenigmasegwent: what I proposed isn't a workaround. I've seen this happend with a lot of applications, and yes, ultimately it's a bug. The application is told not to use the file, but it checks for it anyway. There is no other solution, except to file a bug report13:27
=== kasa is now known as Guest82779
segwentpragmaticenigma: thanks for your help .. i'll see about a bug report :)13:27
widonMarkdownl_ I installed, but everything is the same.13:27
hkaismilgotu: any informations why they defer so long the upgrade?13:28
widonMarkdownl I do not want to use other font.13:28
Guest82779Is there a way to make a shortcut to a folder without the commandline?13:28
rdias002_miigotu, oh, what is realtek hd audio then?13:28
pragmaticenigmasegwent: Awesome!13:30
miigotuidk rdias002_ , `pactl list sinks` will show you the real info, (more than `lspci | grep -i audio` will)13:30
miigoturdias002_, There is a pulseaudio config file ytou can make a permanent change, but if you are ok making a script to do it and increase the volume from command line check the temporary answer on askubuntu. It will work for now =P13:32
Guest82779Does anybody have a way to do this?13:32
widonMarkdown_ do I need post a bug?13:33
miigotuGuest82779, what kind of shortcut do you mean?13:34
Markdown1_widon probably13:34
miigotuIn the file manager you can drag a folder to the left side and make it a "favorite"13:35
Guest82779@miigotu so you can click on it and the folder the shortcut points to opens13:35
Markdown1_widon this is the issue you are having right? http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/download/file.php?id=18891013:35
rdias002_miigotu, thanks a lot13:35
rdias002_thanks Markdown1_13:36
Guest82779Like a shortcut on windows13:36
miigotuGuest82779, the only way is to add it as a bookmark/favorite in the file manager left pane, or make a soft link in the terminal13:38
miigotuLinux doesnt operate on links like windows does, and you should get familiar with the command line at some point13:39
Guest82779Thank you, strange that there is no way to add a link over the gui13:39
Guest82779miigotu, yeah, but i started using ubuntu yesterday so it will take some time :)13:40
miigotuDepending on what file manager you use, some of them have a context menu item "Create link"13:40
miigotuI think it was removed from nautilus in 16.10, you could add it to the context manually but I think that is out of your realm for a beginner13:40
miigotuActually Im wrong13:41
Guest82779Its not really important but I was just interested if it was possible13:41
miigotuGuest82779, open the file manager and then in the top bar of the desktop click the down arrow next to files and select preferences13:41
widonMarkdown1_ do I need post a bug ?13:42
Markdown1_I have been using for years13:42
miigotuunder preferences select the behavior tab, and then enable link creation13:42
Markdown1_still feel like a noob13:42
miigotuAfter it is enabled you can right click any item and select "Create link" and it will create a symbolic link to the item for you that you can place wherever you want13:43
Guest82779lol I cant find the down arrow13:43
Guest82779Ah now i found it13:44
miigotuIf you have the file manager open, up next to "Applications" at the top of your screen13:44
Markdown1_widon you just got to change the font13:44
Guest82779I enabled it and the option is showing, thank you!13:44
Markdown1_widon IDK if you should report a bug or not, do if you feel like it.13:45
miigotuYou're welcome Guest8277913:45
miigotuwidon, changing the font makes it work ok?13:45
Markdown1_widon it is only happening with english/latin letters?13:45
=== Aztec03 is now known as DrinkyFish
miigotuAnd, is it just the font or are input boxes screwed up for you also?13:46
widonmiigotu, only bitmap font go wrong.13:46
widonMarkdownl_ the problem happen both english and chinese character.13:47
widonmiigotu so If I change to another bitmap font, the same problem will appear.13:47
Guest82779How can I get a username BTW13:48
miigotuOk widon, my issue is different =P13:48
droid does anybody know how to get back the network-manager methode "shared to other computers" on ubuntu 18.04? It seems to be not available anymore?13:48
ubottuFor information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.13:49
miigotudroid, it dhould show if you have an eligible device13:49
=== Guest82779 is now known as kasa
=== kasa is now known as pvt
ledeniboinc look nice on bionic https://imgur.com/a/1FhVhyt graphic work well13:50
=== pvt is now known as kasa_
droidmiigotu, it does not :/13:51
debkadkasa_: hello13:51
=== DrinkyFish is now known as Aztec03
kasa_debkad Hi!13:52
droid@miigotu: https://imgur.com/a/JEzL3qT13:53
ledenidroid, use nm-connection-editor13:54
kasa_droid are you german?13:54
droidman thank you!13:54
debkadvas mars too13:55
droidreally thank you! :)13:55
ledenidroid, you're welcome13:57
widonubuntu18.04 E: Unable to locate package unetbootin14:01
krytarik!info unetbootin | widon14:04
ubottuwidon: unetbootin (source: unetbootin): installer of Linux/BSD distributions to a partition or USB drive. In component universe, is optional. Version 608-1 (artful), package size 226 kB, installed size 827 kB14:04
krytarikMake sure 'universe' is enabled.14:04
widonkrytarik how can I enable 'universe'14:05
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.14:06
widonkrytarik I already enable 'universe', but still can not find the unetbootin package.14:09
EriC^^widon: sudo apt-get update14:09
JoniiOkay so I have a stupid problem: Audio settings window forces itself to be larger than my screen14:10
widonEriC I already use sudo apt update14:10
JoniiThere's no way to resize it to be smaller, or scroll the window, or move it above the screen14:10
JoniiSo basically it doesn't work because I can't use any of the settings found therein14:10
tatpapis there a way to change the default terminal app?14:10
JoniiAs they are way below my screen14:10
tatpapin ubuntu proper14:10
ioria!info unetbootin bionic14:10
ubottuPackage unetbootin does not exist in bionic14:10
krytarikEh, thanks for not updating the default release...14:11
widon!if unetbootin bionic14:11
ubottuwidon: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:11
widon!info unetbootin bionic14:11
ubottuPackage unetbootin does not exist in bionic14:11
debkadJonii: try pavucontrol ( may be )14:11
widonI back to ubuntu17.10 now...14:12
ioriajust for that ? :þ14:12
widonfor ubuntu18.04 do not support bitmap font very well14:12
=== dfch_ is now known as dfch
ledeniJonii, what DE you using14:16
=== kasa is now known as kasa_
kasa_When I boot ubuntu, some letters on the login and cancel button are missing14:20
kasa_is there a fix for that?14:20
tazemt76kasa, any chance it's an issue with your video card?14:21
kasa_missing letters in folder names and menus seems to be common but for me its only the two buttons on th login screen14:21
kasa_tazemt76 I dont know, i have a GT540M, is there a compatibility mode or something to try?14:22
Paradox55I can't boot into any live linux distros, period. Soft and hard cpu lockups and kernel panics. Meanwhile windows 10 is chugging along happily with no problem.14:23
xenosis there an intrinsic bug on vlc-ubuntu17.10 when accessing data from ntfs partition ?14:23
tomreynParadox55: could be a bios issue. what's your hardware?14:24
tazemt76I don't know much, but I'd start with google to see if there are any reported issues.  Then again, I may be barking up the totally wrong tree.14:24
tazemt76What version of Ubuntu are you running?14:24
Paradox55tomreyn GE72VR Apache Pro 7RF 41814:24
tazemt76I'd dig into the bug reports, see if anyone esle is having your same issue.14:25
Paradox55tomreyn here is ubuntu 18.04 after getting /dev/srv0 errors, dumping into initramfs and replugging the usb stick/exiting (which should cause it to continue to boot): https://i.imgur.com/6tirgA5.jpg14:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1760201 in mutter (Ubuntu) "ubuntu 18.04 GDM - missing icons and letters on login screen with nouveau + Wayland" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:27
ioriakasa_, can you try the Xorg session ?14:28
kasa_ioria what do you mean?14:29
kasa_Can you give me a quick guide on what to do with xorg, im a complete linux noob14:29
Paradox55I'm starting to suspect it's an issue with the linux kernel itself14:29
tomreynParadox55: you're running the latest bios apparently. looks like this can be this issue: https://lkml.org/lkml/2018/1/22/5714:29
ioriakasa_, wait, xorg is default now ... not wayland14:29
ledeniioria, yes14:30
ioriakasa_,  echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE    what it says ?14:30
kasa_I am now trying sudo apt install nvidia-driver-390 which was sugested on the bug report site14:30
ioriakasa_, yep14:30
kasa_ioria echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE says x1114:31
ioriakasa_, ok, it's xorg14:31
xenoskasa_ tell us what did you write after the command above... :)14:31
kasa_Ok, ill wait for the nvidia drivers to install, reboot, and check if it works14:31
Paradox55tomreyn figures. I'm guessing there is no easy fix?14:32
kasa_xenos nothing, I just entered "sudo apt install nvidia-driver-390"14:32
xenosno root password ??? :P14:32
tomreynParadox55: what we see on your screen shot are follow up errors. would you be able to catch the initial error?14:32
Paradox55tomreyn: Sure, ill be back in 5-10 minutes then14:33
xenosno humor too, obviously... :(14:34
tomreynParadox55: https://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-1074860-start-0.html (which has the same *follow-up* kernel oopsesa s you have seen) suggests that disabling kernel page table isolation (kpti), a counter measure against the meltdown cpu bug, works around this issue. you can do so by providing this kernel parameter at the boot loader (grub): pti=off14:37
xenosis there a bug on vlc2.2.6-ubuntu17.10 when accessing data from ntfs partition ?14:38
tomreynxenos: that's so specific a question you should either check the relevant bug tracker(s) or ask in #videolan14:40
xenostomreyn: thank you, I will check that channel... keep it up !14:41
tomreynxenos:this doesn't seem to be the current vlc version in any supported ubuntu release.14:41
xenostomreyn: I used apt-get to install, should I use apt ?14:42
tomreynxenos: for this, and most other uses, it does not matter whether you use apt or apt-get. make sure you install updates / patches.14:43
=== amirpro_ is now known as amirpro
Paradox55tomreyn: Different issue this time: https://i.imgur.com/TXcXcDd.png14:44
tomreynParadox55: here's what i wrote earlier when you were already gone: https://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-1074860-start-0.html (which has the same *follow-up* kernel oopsesa s you have seen) suggests that disabling kernel page table isolation (kpti), a counter measure against the meltdown cpu bug, works around this issue. you can do so by providing this kernel parameter at the boot loader (grub): pti=off14:44
xenostomreyn: I use artful (17.10) and vlc 2.2.6 the same as the version at the site you refer...14:46
kasa_The nvidia drivers are installed, I will be back after rebooting14:46
tomreyn!info vlc artful14:46
ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.6-6 (artful), package size 39 kB, installed size 214 kB14:46
Paradox55tomreyn isn't disabling the meltdown patch counter productive though?14:46
tomreynxenos: version "2.2.6-6" is not the same as version "2.2.6-ubuntu17.10"14:47
tomreynParadox55: not if it allows you to boot14:47
kasa kasa_14:48
=== kasa is now known as kasa_
tomreynParadox55: but you don'T want to do it generally, yes. but if its needed to get the installation going, that'd be okay i guess.14:48
kasa_Wow, it worked!14:48
Paradox55I'll give it a shot. pti=off huh14:48
xenostomreyn: it was just "word combination" not the version of the vlc package !14:48
kasa_Thank you ioria14:48
ioriakasa_, you're welcome , well done14:48
kasa_How can you change the language of the login screen?14:49
=== anonymous is now known as Guest19
tomreynParadox55: right. also try a 16.04.4 live cd14:49
Guest19are you in ubuntu_14:49
kasa_I installed ubuntu in german but switched to english but the login screen is still german14:49
tomreynxenos: i see14:49
Guest19Im in anonymous so14:50
xenostomreyn: forgive me for the frustration I created :)14:50
Guest19Where are you from_14:50
tomreynxenos: no worries14:50
oerheksGuest19, do you have an Ubuntu support issue?14:50
Guest19im a hacker14:51
tomreyn!ot | Guest1914:51
ubottuGuest19: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:51
xenosThank you dear friends ! Keep it up ! All of you !14:51
OdysseyRSIs there a way to disable the gnome dock in 17.10? I have Dash to Dock but it still appears on the side in the Applications Menu.14:51
laptophello do the intel drivers work better in ubuntu 18 vs 1614:51
kasa_Strange, when I lock the Computer the login screen is in english but after booting it is german14:52
laptopin other words for an older graphics card would the drivers work better14:52
laptopin ubuntu 1814:52
oerhekslaptop, try it out yourself, there are newer drivers is the latest LTS14:52
oerheksbut really old intel chips are as good as they were, i guess14:53
tomreynyou should probably not run gnome 3 with a really old intel gpu, but pick a different desktop environment then14:54
oerheks!ru | ina14:55
ubottuina: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.14:55
ina /join #ubuntu-ru14:55
skinuxI need to know the commands to get all system info that would allow someone to help me properly configure a VirtualBox VM Ubuntu server to run nicely on my system.14:57
=== trevorj_ is now known as trevorj
Paradox55tomreyn: No luck.14:59
lsofCongratulations. 2+ years of this.14:59
Paradox55tomreyn: Also the NMI lockups happen on different distros too14:59
oerheksLoLz @ lsof14:59
lsofI mean, is this that hard to fix?15:00
lsofAm I the only person that likes to use solid color black wallpaper to notice this?15:00
lsofEvery year since 2016, every new release, I hope this is fixed. It's still not.15:00
oerhekswhen you would select something, group of icons or something on a windows, you would see the selection-field. but not back on black, it is not really a bug15:01
thinkyhello again15:01
BennitHi, I'm trying to make my Ryzen 1700x run smooth under ubuntu (kernel 4.13.0-39) But I cannot get it to run consistently at a decent clockspeed15:01
thinkyfinally i installed 18.04 but when i do the command " sudo grub-install /dev/sda " i am getting this warning : Installing for i386-pc platform. grub-install: warning: Sector 32 is already in use by the program `FlexNet'; avoiding it.  This software may cause boot or other problems in future.  Please ask its authors not to store data in the boot track. Installation finished. No error reported.15:01
Bennitcurrently all cores are running at ~550 mhz instead of the 3.4k under windows15:02
lsofoerheks: why make the selection box visible on any background at all then?15:02
thinkywhat can i do?15:02
Paradox55Going to give 16.04 a shot15:02
Bennitsometimes after a reboot it is solved, sometimes it solves itself after a couple of hours of being logged in15:02
BennitI've tried using cpufrequtils but all guides I find for this give no change whatsoever15:02
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
Bennitany other ideas?15:03
lsofhttps://i.imgur.com/r7Ro0Ph.gif - why even bother about fixing something when you can just call it not a bug15:05
BennitI've tried setting the cpu freq goverener to performance and other modes, tried setting ondemand15:05
beaverwhere is Lubuntu 18.04 arm please ?15:06
oerhekslsof, do you happen to have a bugreport on this?15:06
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lsofoerheks: I do not. I thought it would be so obvious to notice it and I don't really use ubuntu on a non-VM anyway (it's too crappy to use on a standard desktop installation). If I recall correctly it worked okay up to 14.10.15:07
w0lftried Arch / Linux mint / sabayon / kali / parrot linux but finally stick to kubuntu15:08
w0lfwhat a performance15:08
w0lfit has everything i need15:08
w0lfkudos to whole ubuntu community15:08
BluesKajw0lf, then join us at #kubuntu  chat :-)15:09
lsofDesktop linux on non-VM is a joke anyway currently, it's quite sad.15:09
w0lfBluesKaj, hahah I will but I can be here as well no ?15:09
BluesKajyup, both are allowed15:09
w0lflsof what do you mean /15:10
w0lflsof, running a linux distro on a VM like virtual box or vmplayer is not as friendly as it is running on laptop or desktop15:10
BluesKajlsof, stop the FUD please , opinions aren't facts15:10
w0lfI have ditched windows and move to linux fully with kubuntu15:11
oerheksbeaver, use the netboot or server version and install lubuntu on top of it https://www.ubuntu.com/download/server/arm15:11
w0lfalso lsof I am not a nubee15:11
beaverthank you oerheks15:11
lotuspsychjew0lf: only ubuntu support issues here please15:11
w0lfI have been using linux since 199715:11
lsofw0lf: just to name something - the input system (particularly related to mouse acceleration) is fucked up compared to Windows. The sound is fucked up. Crap like f.lux or Redlight doesn't really work. Any non-standard peripherial like fingerprint reader on my Thinkpad doesn't work. Ubuntu doesn't really work at all EXCEPT on the recommended laptops.15:11
lotuspsychje!ot | lsof15:11
ubottulsof: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:11
w0lflsof, then leave this channel and go somewhere else15:11
w0lflotuspsychje, sorry got ya15:12
lsofI'm not going to. I want to actually install and use Ubuntu as my daily operating system this time. I'm trying really hard.15:12
Tecani cant seem to make ufw and teeworlds work15:13
w0lflsof, so stop saying bad things speak to me if you need15:13
Tecantogether that is15:13
w0lflsof, I am not on linux only thanks to ubuntu15:13
w0lf*not / now15:13
w0lfI am now on linux and removed windows15:13
lsofI've tried to make dual boot encrypted LVM and the installer just crapped out.15:13
lsofLike, it crashed with no apparent reason and left the partitions in undefined state, thus fucking up both my installs.15:14
w0lflsof, ask your question here and people will help15:14
w0lflsof, you can still take backup of using live ubuntu usb15:14
lsofw0lf: I know more than you.15:15
lotuspsychjelsof: stop that please15:15
w0lflsof, so stop crying15:15
w0lflsof, and do the stuff15:15
lsofIt's really more of a rant and I don't expect anyone to address my concerns at all. I just hope ANY Linux desktop will be USABLE till the end of life of Windows 7.15:16
lsofWhich is really coming close now.15:16
w0lflsof, well then you know nothing hahaha15:16
oerhekslsof, well, if you don't have a bugreport number, file a bug report then..15:17
oerheks.. we don't do that for you15:17
kasa_Hi, when I boot, directly after the grub screen disappears, The boot log appears15:17
kasa_Is there a way to hide this?15:17
lsofoerheks: I'll get a response after 3 months saying it's a feature. That's how most of OSS works.15:18
lotuspsychjekasa_: you mean textboot?15:18
w0lflsof, HAHAAHA15:18
rypervencheTecan: Are you hosting a game?15:18
w0lflsof, thats something I cant trust yoy15:18
Tecanno just trying to play one15:19
kasa_lotuspsychje I dont know how its called but it shows what happened during booting ("starting Gnome" etc.)15:19
rypervencheTecan: Can you show us the rules that are in place when you set up your firewall then?15:19
djamalwhat is this15:19
kasa_it disappears after a second or so and the ubuntu loading screen appears like it should15:19
trevorj^ lol wat15:19
Nobunany answer to my question?15:19
kasa_This changed after I installed the Nvidia drivers because some letters of the login screen were missing15:20
NobunI asked how could I 'force' unity (on ubuntu 16.04) to open .ui files with qt5 designer15:20
NobunI can't do it in the unity gui, since qt5 designed is not listed in available applications (even if installed)15:21
trevorj@Nobun: You can hack it15:21
kostkonNobun, https://askubuntu.com/q/16580/165115:22
MonkeyDustNobun  nano ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list15:22
trevorj@Nobun: I won't tell anyone, lol. But if you know the executable of an "available" program, symlink qt5 designer's bin to that somewhere in your PATH15:22
Tecanit has udp  port ranges and tcp port open bidirectional15:22
trevorjNobun: other than that gtk uses mimetypes I think kde does too?15:22
trevorjAh, peeps got you15:22
Nobunthank trevorj, kostkon and MonkeyDust :) I will read all your links15:23
kasa_Does anyone have an idea?15:23
trevorjkasa_: I joined in post, can you repeat?15:23
rypervencheTecan: Are you blocking outbound traffic?15:23
MonkeyDustkasa_  keep ypur questions in one line, so you can easily repeat it15:23
laptopcan you install ubuntu graphics drivers in ubuntu 16.0415:24
laptopand if so how15:24
kasa_When I boot, after the grub screen, I shortly see the boot log before the ubuntu screen appears15:24
auronandacei'm running 18.04 and trying to setup my hp scanjet pro 3500. it worked fine under 17.10 but doesn't seem to want to play ball now. i used the hp-setup utility and it seems to download and install the required plugin but after that it doesn't allow me to set it up. it apparently can't find the appropriate ppd file (i though ppds were just for printers).15:24
djamalhey i need this tool wgtpkg15:24
trevorjkasa_: okay, normal so far15:24
djamalhow can i find it15:24
trevorjkasa_: is that your problem?15:24
NobunMonkeyDust: I will try to symlink and create qt5-designer symlink and see if the trick works before trying mimetype15:24
kasa_trevorj Really? Before I installed the nvidia drivers, it directly went to the ubunto loading screen and i liked this15:25
DarkAceZhi, I installed 18.04 earlier this month. Just now, I reloaded my repos, and clicked "mark all upgrades", but none were marked15:25
trevorjkasa_: Yeah, here's the thing15:25
kasa_trevorj Yeah, I know its not really a problem, just a minor inconvenience15:25
DarkAceZdo I need to do some sort of updating now that it's officially released?15:25
trevorjkasa_: the nvidia drivers don't fully support atomic modesetting15:25
rypervencheTecan: Then you need to open up udp to the destination port that teeworlds uses, which is UDP 8303 by default.15:25
DarkAceZI find it hard to believe there are no updates for me15:25
trevorjkasa_: that is what you had the benefit of before15:25
trevorjkasa_: With time, I'm betting this will be fixed on it's own, just don't expect it tomorrow knowing nv's lightspeed15:26
kasa_trevorj Ok, thanks for the help!15:26
trevorjkasa_: I would tell you how to force enable it15:26
trevorjkasa_: but it's been absolutely broken for the last few releases now15:26
trevorjkasa_: aka non-usable leading to a non-working X15:27
trevorjbut the modesetting works great15:27
kasa_trevorj, No problem, Its not that important15:27
trevorjkasa_: :)15:27
trevorjauronandace: Did the "driverless" printing not work out of the box?15:30
trevorjignore that15:30
trevorjthe hp drivers used to be in the repos already anyway, is that what you installed or did you install something from hp?15:31
trevorjs/used/at least used/15:31
laptopI am running ubuntu 16.04 on my desktop computer how do I download the latest intel graphics drivers for 18.0415:31
auronandacetrevorj: the hp drivers are in the repos, those are the ones i used. The setup utility connects to the hp servers to download the plugin for the scanner15:32
trevorj@auronandace: ppds are used for printer definitions in this case :)15:32
auronandacetrevorj: that is what i though15:32
trevorjauronandace: ah, it's a *scanner* you're trying to get to work? Must have missed that15:32
xangua!info printer-all15:32
ubottuPackage printer-all does not exist in artful15:32
trevorjauronandace: or both?15:33
lotuspsychjeauronandace: i got a hp all in one, had to add it in printers from gnome settings15:33
trevorjauronandace: which part(s) do not work at this time I mean? scanning, printing, or both?15:34
xangua!info printers-all15:34
ubottuPackage printers-all does not exist in artful15:34
xanguaI can't remember the name of the package15:34
trevorjYeah I don't think I've printed anything in 3 years15:34
trevorjIt's rusty knowledge now15:35
pinemore@search cory franklin15:35
trevorjauronandace: the ppds are downloaded from hp I think15:35
ioria!info printer-driver-all15:35
ubottuprinter-driver-all (source: printing-metas): printer drivers metapackage. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.20170123 (artful), package size 2 kB, installed size 8 kB15:35
trevorjauronandace: obv the url is dead now, have you tried looking around for that filename it wants re the .ppd ?15:36
auronandacetrevorj: it is just a flatbed scanner, all it does is scan. i can't get it to do that with 18.04 although it downloads the necessary plugin from hp via the hp-setup utility i installed from ubuntu's repos15:36
xanguaauronandace: see ioria / ubottu  above15:37
trevorjit won't help him this is about a scanner15:37
lotuspsychjeauronandace: you might wanna check sane too15:37
auronandacelotuspsychje: sane is also installed15:37
lotuspsychjetrevorj: some printers have scanners onboard right15:37
lotuspsychjeauronandace: hplip-data installed?15:38
auronandacelotuspsychje: yes15:38
trevorjlotuspsychje: yeah, but that's just bad naming15:38
trevorjlotuspsychje: and I bet that page has next to nothing about scanners15:38
lotuspsychjeauronandace: did you check gnome settings devices/printer?15:39
trevorj@auronandace: you're gonna have to see if your scanner is supported15:39
trevorj@auronandace: If the system sees it in devices as a scanner, you should be okay15:39
auronandacetrevorj: it is supported. it was working in 17.1015:39
trevorjOh great15:40
lotuspsychjeauronandace: system up to date to latest also?15:40
trevorjauronandace: sane-find-scanner15:40
trevorjauronandace: mind running that and seeing if it finds it?15:40
nooneelsedoes anyone knows how to get the current Xorg config other than "X -configure"15:41
auronandacelotuspsychje: just installed 18.04 and tried to set it up the same way i did in 17.10. the set up utility downloads and installs the plugin but my scanner doesn't get set up15:41
trevorjnooneelse: there is no xorg config by default15:41
nooneelsemine is returning segmentation fault, but the strange is that the X is running15:41
nooneelsetrevorj: but cant I get the current running config ?15:41
trevorjnooneelse: ie what you're getting are generated defaults15:41
nooneelsetrevorj:  oh dang =(15:42
trevorjnooneelse: if X is running then it can't be segfaulting15:42
trevorjnooneelse: unless that's your display manager or another session?15:42
lotuspsychjeauronandace: try to open that scanner tool15:42
nooneelsetrevorj: I mean is running (its working) but when I stop it and try to run the 'X -configure ' command from console then it returns the segfault15:43
auronandacelotuspsychje: simple-scan?15:43
trevorjnooneelse: auronandace  in the terminal ;)15:43
lotuspsychjeauronandace: yes, i recall the window asked me to find scanner15:43
trevorjnooneelse: Sounds like a bug to me15:44
auronandacelotuspsychje: it doesn't locate the scanner15:44
trevorjnooneelse: Try without X running15:44
lotuspsychjeauronandace: ok try what trevorj suggested15:44
nooneelsetrevorj: yeah I did that15:44
nooneelsetrevorj: same error15:45
trevorjnooneelse: it could just be a resource thing with likely a video driver15:45
nooneelsetrevorj: In fact my monitors are ALMOST fine, the only issue is the tearing in the builtin monitor15:45
trevorjnooneelse: you stopped gdm and all that?15:45
trevorjnooneelse: what video card?15:45
trevorjnooneelse: amd, intel, or nvidia?15:46
nooneelsetrevorj: nvidia, I've opened this thread https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=239031915:46
nooneelsetrevorj: basically this is the ONLY issue I got on Ubuntu 18.04 so far, the rest is spetacullar'ly blazzing fast15:47
trevorj@nooneelse: What's your refresh rates across your setup?15:47
nooneelsetrevorj: you mean the ones setup of the default from each hardware ?15:47
lotuspsychjeAlejandro: welcome, how can we help you?15:47
Alejandroi have problems with the internal sound15:47
trevorjnooneelse: whatever ones you use15:47
lotuspsychje!sound | Alejandro start here15:48
ubottuAlejandro start here: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.15:48
trevorjnooneelse: I assume since only one has tearing, you have some that are >6015:48
auronandacelotuspsychje: https://imgur.com/15:48
auronandacelotuspsychje: https://ibb.co/fkbYPH15:48
Alejandrobut when i connect the hdmi cable the spound works15:48
Alejandrobut with my headphones does not work15:49
trevorjnooneelse: are you running gnome as your desktop or something else?15:49
lotuspsychjeAlejandro: check also pavucontrol, see if you can fix15:49
thinkydamn why did they put window icons on right side? left was cool15:49
nooneelsetrevorj: yes there is on with 60.0215:49
trevorjnooneelse: is it your lcd?15:49
thinky- X15:49
lotuspsychjeauronandace: did you try from terminal what trevorj suggested15:49
Alejandrowhat is the pavucontrol15:49
lotuspsychje!info pavucontrol | Alejandro15:50
ubottuAlejandro: pavucontrol (source: pavucontrol): PulseAudio Volume Control. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0-3.1 (artful), package size 123 kB, installed size 792 kB15:50
trevorjnooneelse: nooneelse for you in particular the defaults for video are in the nvidia docs fyi15:50
nooneelsetrevorj: just fyi, this is the xrand --verbose15:50
nooneelsetrevorj: https://pastebin.com/8fDyCdNP15:51
trevorjnooneelse: ty 1s15:51
nooneelsetrevorj: I have noticed now that "prime" is not enabled for the bulti in monitor eDP-1-115:51
trevorj@nooneelse: damn son, your edp gets 150hz?15:52
nooneelsetrevorj: I dont think so its a low budget Dell INspiron 7567 lol =)15:52
Alejandrocan you send me the code to doing in the terminal please?15:52
auronandacelotuspsychje, trevorj: here is the result of sane-find-scanner: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VrhJ7cKKBS/15:52
trevorj@nooneelse: ah I was on the wrong line, long ass output with -vv15:53
trevorjnooneelse: ok so you'll get tearing esp if it's not dividable between the two15:53
lotuspsychjeauronandace: hmm access denied, are youa dmin of your system?15:53
trevorjnooneelse: That's what I'm looking for15:53
auronandacelotuspsychje, trevorj: when i set it up via the hp setup utility it sees it fine: https://ibb.co/eLUsJc but going to the next screen I can't set it up: https://ibb.co/dWx7jH15:54
nooneelsetrevorj: "tearing esp" ? what that ?15:54
trevorjnooneelse: tearing, especially15:54
auronandacelotuspsychje: yes: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/d3pxWqs6FJ/15:55
trevorjnooneelse: actually it looks like both of yours are set to 60hz right now?15:56
nooneelsetrevorj: I will try a shot at the nvidia forums, maybe they have more experience with that issues, but it's sad that this isn't in a "setup wizard / settings" gui nowadays  :(15:56
trevorjnooneelse: it is15:56
trevorjnooneelse: You can try this:15:57
trevorjnooneelse: Option "TripleBuffer" "true"15:57
trevorjnooneelse: you'll need to make an xorg.conf.d file like so:15:57
nooneelsetrevorj: but do I need to set all the monitors, devices and stuff in to that xorg.conf ?15:58
nooneelsetrevorj: or just the settings that I need ?15:58
trevorjnooneelse: https://pastebin.com/pga56YwE15:58
pz_hello :-)15:58
lotuspsychjeauronandace: not sure what else to try mate, perhaps reboot, update system, plugin usb in/out15:58
lotuspsychjeauronandace: try also different usb ports, and tail -f /var/log/syslog while plugin usb15:59
trevorjnooneelse: put that in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/nvidia.conf but first comment out the metamodes line, you may want that later though, so just leave it there waiting ;)15:59
pz_is there anyone who upgraded to Ubuntu 18.04 and experienced HW acceleration issues with Mesa/AMD?15:59
lotuspsychjeauronandace: i recall first time scanner, i also had problems, till system updated some hp and sane packages16:00
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auronandacelotuspsychje: thanks for trying16:00
nooneelsetrevorj: I will give it a shot, stay tunned =D16:01
endersendingwith a fresh install, should i do a apt-get update?16:07
nooneelse_trevorj: so, now both are tearing lol :D16:07
trevorjnooneelse_: with xrandr, please adjust the one that supports higher res to the higher one16:07
nooneelse_trevorj: sorry the newbieness but how do I do that ?16:08
nooneelse_I have found a command to manually enable prime16:08
trevorjnooneelse_: wait, you're on a prime laptop?16:08
nooneelse_trevorj: yeah it's a laptop, dunno if its a prime one, but it seems to be using it16:08
trevorjnooneelse_: so, that could be related here since it's only your edp16:08
trevorjnooneelse_: to disable the thing we did, just comment out TripleBuffer line16:09
trevorjnooneelse_: but, it should not cause tearing16:09
lotuspsychjeendersending: always keep your system up to date :p16:10
trevorjnooneelse_: I don't know a gui tool to adjust the refresh rate tbh16:10
trevorjnooneelse_: I use xrandr from the cli16:10
nooneelse_trevorj: So, I didnt tell you before but I dont have that specific directory, so I ve create a xorg.conf file and put it in there16:10
trevorjnooneelse_: I would not do that16:10
trevorjnooneelse_: I would make the dir (it's not there by default)16:10
pz_is there anyone who upgraded to Ubuntu 18.04 and experienced HW acceleration issues with Mesa/AMD?16:11
nooneelse_trevorj: oh ok, sorry but can you send me the dir again please ?16:11
nooneelse_trevorj: I have lost the session log in here :(16:11
trevorjnooneelse_: lol sorry /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d16:12
nooneelse_trevorj: and then a nvidia.conf file right16:12
trevorjnooneelse_: si16:13
trevorjnooneelse_: /usr/share/doc/nvidia-driver-390/xconfigoptions.html contains docs on what each option does, just fyi16:13
trevorjnooneelse_: may need to change the version16:13
trevorj(in the path)16:14
nooneelse_trevorj: cool gotta take a look16:14
trevorjnooneelse_: most have nothing to do with your issue though16:14
trevorjnooneelse_: the only one that really could help is triplebuffer16:14
trevorjnooneelse_: I would set your refresh rates16:14
nooneelse_trevorj: np, its always good to absorve some extra info16:14
nooneelse_trevorj: I will mess with it right now16:15
trevorjnooneelse_: I agree :)16:15
trevorjnooneelse_: I set mine like this in the cli (I wish I could give you a better way)16:15
trevorjnooneelse_: `xrandr --output DP-1 --primary --mode 3440x1440 --rate 100 --right-of DP-0`16:15
trevorjnooneelse_: so, the trick is to always include the mode if you're also setting a rate16:16
trevorjnooneelse_: otherwise it just does nothing at all16:16
trevorjThis is why I have that metamodes line in the config ;)16:16
trevorjThat sets the modes before anything starts at all to the proper refresh rate, since most monitors default to 60hz, and it looks like yours supports higher16:17
zeffyanyone using dvwa?16:18
trevorjnooneelse_: Actually I lied, I was looking at mine16:18
trevorjnooneelse_: your monitors are all 60hz then?16:19
oerhekszeffy, DVWA is more subject for KALI users, pentesting16:19
zeffyi wonder if it work with php716:20
oerhekszeffy, according to this manual, seems so https://th3phantoms.blogspot.nl/2017/04/install-dvwa-on-ubuntu-server-1604.html16:21
trevorjnooneelse_: the other option is something like settnig usleep16:21
trevorjnooneelse_: https://askubuntu.com/questions/456355/have-tearing-no-vsync-in-movies-nvidia-proprietary-driver16:21
zeffyty oerheks16:22
trevorjnooneelse_: the arch page is pretty good on this too16:22
trevorjnooodlesnodes: keep in mind you are prime, so you have odd display routing16:22
MetrafHi, I have troubles managing partitions on my new M.2 SSD in gdisk as well as in gparted, there's no option to add or remove partitions whereas it does exist for my old HDD : https://imgur.com/a/I3Eu4tC16:26
oerheksMetraf, if this m2 contains an installed ubuntu, use a live iso to edit partitions16:28
Metrafoerheks it's an empty ext4 partition16:30
oerheksMetraf, what happens if you hit that black square ( =stop)16:31
oerheksthen you would be able to edit16:31
Alejandrowith problems internal sound16:31
Alejandroi can not use my headphones16:32
oerheks!alsa | Alejandro check out these pages, to get newer alsa drivers, not from their realtec website16:32
ubottuAlejandro check out these pages, to get newer alsa drivers, not from their realtec website: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.16:32
Metrafoerheks it's just mounting or unmounting the disk and has no effect whatsoever on what I can do to partitions16:33
EriC^^Metraf: do you want to format the whole disk?16:35
oerheksMetraf, not sure about this, you might need to activate m2 in grub, "nvme_load=YES" https://www.dell.com/support/article/nl/nl/nlbsdt1/sln299303/loading-ubuntu-on-systems-using-pcie-m2-drives?lang=en16:35
oerheksor this is just needed for the installer16:35
MetrafEriC^^ I want to partition the disk16:36
oerhekscan you write to it?16:36
Metrafoerheks oh so thats an option on grub16:36
Metrafoerheks oh noes I cannot16:36
oerheksoption, yes, but you need to set that manually, edit > sudo gedit /etc/default/grub  # and run sudo update-grub16:37
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Metrafoerheks so I have to add "nvme_load=YES" to the file ?16:39
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=== Amit is now known as Guest58478
Guest58478Hi All16:42
lotuspsychjeGuest58478: welcome, what can we do for you?16:44
EriC^^Metraf: did you try pressing "o" in gdisk? sudo gdisk /dev/xxxxx16:44
nooneelsetrevorj: holy geez I got it fixed16:46
nooneelseI have used this approach in here16:46
nooneelsetrevorj: https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/957814/linux/prime-and-prime-synchronization/post/5237042/#523704216:46
ledeniauronandace, hi did you try to run 'hp-setup'16:46
nooneelsetrevorj: now I can say I have one of the most stable and fast ubuntu since 2010 :(.... touching...16:47
oerheksnooneelse, good find16:47
isokeehi eveyrone, can someone recommend me a quiz software that runs on the command line?16:47
Guest58478@lotuspsychje    - Thanks, I was just checing the services.16:47
Guest58478Bye All!16:52
auronandaceledeni: yes16:52
MetrafEriC^^ I did, and it doesn't work, I indeed think it has to do with bios16:54
EriC^^Metraf: perhaps16:55
MetrafI'll try and see16:55
EriC^^what does it say when you do, curious16:55
Alejandroi did it i have not installed pavucontrol16:56
Alejandrothank you16:56
en1gmano updates in 24hrs?17:17
qwetMy apt is unuseable: I have a package linux-image-4.15.0-19-generic that is going to be removed but keeps failing because "dpkg-query: error: package 'grub-legacy-ec2' is not installed". Now I can't install anything17:19
qwetCan anyone help17:19
qwet(or remove anything)17:19
MetrafEriC^^ it doesn't work... I can't access what is inside...17:19
EriC^^qwet: does 'sudo apt-get -f install' help?17:19
en1gmai dont even have any updates for 18.04 LTS Desktop x86_64 since 24hrs i think....maybe longer17:19
EriC^^Metraf: can you pastebin 'sudo parted -l' ?17:20
qwetEriC^^: No, same problem17:20
en1gmayou would think there would be some updates after a brand new release17:20
danrikcan I install ubuntu 18.04 but with bare gnome DE?17:20
EriC^^qwet: pastebin the whole error in paste.ubuntu.com17:20
qwetEriC^^: No can do. I can't install anything to do so17:21
Metrafhttps://pastebin.com/uMWPz0py EriC^^17:21
EriC^^qwet: command | nc termview.me 999917:21
qwetEriC^^: What does that do?17:21
aii_2hi , i am trying to do kvm fs passthru17:21
aii_2but i get17:21
aii_2Failed to initialize fs-driver with id17:21
aii_2any idea ?17:21
qwetEriC^^: http://termview.me/d3ds17:22
qwetEriC^^: sorry, wait17:22
qwetEriC^^: http://termview.me/zscc17:23
en1gmawhen installing ubuntu 18.04LTS on the 1st day it was avail why does the installer install and then remove and then install (on minimal and full installations)?17:23
en1gmawhile allowing updates to install in background17:23
en1gmathere is no newer software out yet it installs, removes and then installs again17:23
EriC^^qwet: what does 'dpkg -l | grep grub | nc termview.me 9999' give?17:24
EriC^^Metraf: try to remove the partition table manually and try again assuming that's the disk you're formatting, sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=4M count=217:26
qwetEriC^^: http://termview.me/4qpd17:27
EriC^^qwet: try sudo dpkg -P --force-all linux-image-4.15.0-19-generic17:29
MetrafEriC^^ I still have no controll over it17:29
pz_hi, is there any way to downgrade Ubuntu 18.04 back t 17.10? :/17:29
qwetEriC^^: same error17:30
EriC^^Metraf: is it still giving the same error in parted?17:30
auronandacepz_: no, downgrading isn't supported. you would need to reinstall17:30
DJonespz_: No, you would have to reinstall17:30
MetrafYes EriC^^17:30
DJones!downgrade  | pz_17:30
ubottupz_: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.17:30
EriC^^qwet: type 'sudo mv /etc/kernel/postrm.d/x-grub-legacy-ec2 /x-grub-legacy-ec217:30
EriC^^qwet: type 'sudo mv /etc/kernel/postrm.d/x-grub-legacy-ec2 /x-grub-legacy-ec2'17:30
qwetEriC^^: Is that safe?17:31
EriC^^qwet: yeah, it's the post removal script17:31
pz_that's a shame17:31
EriC^^actually, i think you could play by its rules17:31
qwetEriC^^: Yes, but normally post removal scripts do important things, especially for the bootloader17:31
pz_so you're telling me I'm basically screwed now? Not fun17:32
EriC^^qwet: try 'sudo mv /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/backup.menu.lst17:32
EriC^^qwet: i think it finds that legacy menu.lst and thinks you have grub-legacy installed17:32
memoryleakHi. I've installed kvm and qemu and trying to use packer to build an image. I'm getting following error(s): "Could not access KVM kernel module: Permission denied" and "qemu-system-x86_64: failed to initialize KVM: Permission denied"17:32
memoryleakI'm in groups libvirt and libvirt-qemu17:32
EriC^^Metraf: does 'sudo fdisk /dev/sda' work?17:33
pz_back to M$ I suppose... thanks anyway :D17:33
qwetEriC^^: http://termview.me/bfkh17:33
DraconiatorI installed Beaver on another hard drive I got from my older computrt, I like it.17:34
EriC^^qwet: i think it's safe to remove the post rm script, you're not using grub legacy but it seems to think you are and wants to do stuff in that context17:34
pz_I love it too, but I lost GPU HW acceleration17:34
pz_so it's kinda useless17:34
DraconiatorI sorta wish they would use Star Wars inspired codenames...like "Wild Wampa" or "Sexy Sarlacc"17:35
NastyaHi All! I've noticed 18.034 LTS release, but I am not sure if it is mature enough for smooth updating. Are there any tracker to see a scope of issues encountered on 18.04 release?17:36
MetrafEriC^^ 'Device does not contain a recognized partition table.Created a new DOS disklabel with disk identifier 0x7597498a.'17:36
EriC^^Metraf: aha nice17:36
MetrafIs it EriC^^ ?17:36
EriC^^Metraf: i think the backup gpt partition table is throwing it off, we can try using dd to nuke it as well17:36
pz_Nastya: I personally would recommend not to do it given my experience, but I don't know of any tracker that would list issues specific to 18.0417:37
qwetEriC^^: termview.me/io9p17:37
MetrafEriC^^ ok, well can you send me the command, I'll try it after launch17:37
MetrafThanks already :)17:37
sveinseDraconiator: Doubt you'll find "Sexy Sarlacc" in family rated Star Wars nomeclature thou :D17:37
brainwashNastya: read the release notes17:37
NastyaThank you- will wait for a couple of months then, :)17:38
NastyaCanonnical adds critical issues list to the release notes? o_O17:39
EriC^^Metraf: i dont know it off the top of my head, if you type "man dd" and look for "skip" it should be there17:39
danrikubuntu 18.04 with bare gnome - possible?17:39
EriC^^qwet: seems like more stuff is tangled up17:40
qwetEriC^^: I'm just going to reinstall17:40
tiyteezedanrik, just install gnome tweaks and remove ubuntu bar extension17:40
qwetEriC^^: This has been the most insane upgrade I've ever gone through17:40
DraconiatorHow do I disable access to my other hard drive?  Buntu sees it as SDA2 but I don't want to accidentally it rofl17:40
pz_unmount it17:41
qwetEriC^^: Thanks for your help17:42
EriC^^qwet: alright, no problem17:42
EriC^^Draconiator: you mean the other partition or hard disk?17:42
EriC^^Draconiator: do you have 2 hdd or just 1?17:43
pz_OpenGL vendor string: VMware, Inc. - any ideas how to fix the GPU? :\17:43
gpaphello, i have problem with Files application in Ubuntu 18.04, can not snap at the right or left side17:44
DraconiatorI have 2.  This older one with Ubuntu on it, and my main one with Win10 on it.17:45
EriC^^Draconiator: aha and you dont want the one with win10 to show in ubuntu at all?17:46
DraconiatorI just need to not get it to show up in On This Computer in File Manager...or can you not do that?17:46
DraconiatorWindows thinks the Ubuntu driove is corrupted anyway so I don't have to worry about the other way around.17:47
tgm4883Draconiator: you can do it in the disks app17:48
tgm4883Select the partition that you don't want to see, click the gears icon and uncheck "show in interface"17:49
tgm4883Gears icon > mount options17:49
karpodiemhey everyone. Is anyone using Chrome Remote Desktop in 18.04? I did a clean install and while I'm able to connect to the target, entering a password doesn't do anything17:49
karpodiemI have a feeling the X display manager needs some config since they changed back to the from Unity. But I dont know where to begin with that17:51
lotuspsychjegpap: can you explain that a bit please?17:51
karpodiemI asked the same question on Stack Overflow, no replies as of yet - https://askubuntu.com/questions/1028985/cant-advance-beyond-login-screen-with-chrome-remote-desktop-in-ubuntu-18-0417:52
gpapLotuspsychje: yes, driving me crazy, every application can be dragged at the right or left side of desktop, aka snap, exept the file manager17:56
DraconiatorIt worked, thanks :)17:56
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lotuspsychjegpap: you mean you cant move nautilus on other position on your dock?17:57
tgm4883gpap: weird, I'd think that any app that could be resized would work. I wouldn't think it would be app specific17:57
tgm4883lotuspsychje: I think he means dragging it to the right and it filling up the right side of his monitor17:57
lotuspsychjetgm4883: ah17:58
gpaplotuspsychje: yes the half right or left side, a common desktop effect, was working with live cd and when i installed with minimal installation gone, only with Files, everything else is working, weird17:59
lotuspsychjekarpodiem: perhaps ask the maintainer of chrome rdp, or as alternative use remmina or teamviewer?17:59
tgm4883gpap: I don't even know where to start troubleshooting that. It works here on Budgie which is using the same app18:00
gpaptgm4883: happens now in front of me, i spent one hour trying to understand what happened18:01
lotuspsychjegpap: does moving work on your activities/desktops ?18:01
gpapyes everything else is working18:02
lotuspsychjegpap: are you on xorg or wayland?18:03
gpaplotuspsychie: yes xorg display server18:03
lotuspsychjegpap: could you test this in wayland plz?18:03
gpaplotuspsychie: yes i will logout and return to give the feedback18:04
tgm4883FWIW, I'm using x1118:06
lotuspsychjetgm4883: you got dual screen setup?18:06
lotuspsychjetgm4883: hows your layout, mirror or single18:07
tgm4883I can snap it to any of the 4 edges18:07
tgm4883By single, I assume you mean extended18:07
gpaplotuspsychie : back, same behavior18:08
lotuspsychjegpap: ok tnx for testing18:08
tgm4883gpap: fresh install or upgrade?18:08
gpaplotuspsychje : your wellcome18:08
lotuspsychjegpap: can you tail -f /var/log/syslog and launch nautilus from terminal and try again, perhaps we lucky to catch errors18:09
gpaptgm4883: yes fresh minimal install into a dell inspiron laptop, only ubuntu installed18:09
lotuspsychjegpap: and it worked in your live right?18:09
gpapyes yes18:09
tgm4883gpap: is your home directory from a previous install?18:09
tgm4883or did you copy in some conf files?18:09
lotuspsychjetgm4883 gpap perhaps some minimal thing not installed?18:10
gpapthm4883: nothing18:10
gpapformating and minimal installation18:10
lotuspsychjenot sure wich package responsible for that18:10
tgm4883lotuspsychje: I doubt it, it works for other apps18:10
lotuspsychjetgm4883: but your setup is not minimal right?18:10
tgm4883lotuspsychje: gpap said it works for his other apps18:11
lotuspsychjetgm4883: yeah good point18:11
lotuspsychjeso must be nautilus related somehow?18:11
lotuspsychjegpap: another test perhaps could be the guest account, to closeout if its user related18:12
tgm4883I suppose18:12
gpaplotuspsychje: fresh installation after formating, external monitor, lid closed, same as when i run the live cd, in which snapping of Files application was workig18:12
tgm4883Yea guest/2nd account worth testing18:12
tgm4883I'm seeing how to disable it system wide, but not application specific18:13
gpaptgm4883: lets first watch the logs but with witch server omg18:14
lotuspsychjedconf-editor doesnt show me any settings that could block18:14
lotuspsychjein nautilus..18:14
absentabyssguys I'm trying to install ubuntu 18.04 on an hp probook 450 g4 from a live usb, the live install freezes at installation options before even beginning the proper installation. disabling secure-boot among other things but to no avail. it freezes at different parts though, partition was as far as it could get but it wouldn't read the hdd18:15
lovetruthhello :)18:15
lovetruthI'm trying to install some good drivers (even if proprietary) for Ubuntu 16.04, for the graphics card Radeon HD 6320 ...18:16
lovetruthand just seems to be not working...18:16
absentabyss"...I tried disabling secure-boot..."*18:16
lotuspsychjeabsentabyss: are you gonna single install?18:17
ZteamHi, I just reinstalled Ubuntu, I have some steam games on another harddrive, that I want to create menu items for, I can't find any options for that in Steam, do I really need to reinstall the games to do that18:17
absentabysslotuspsychje: dualboot18:17
absentabyssother os is windows 1018:17
lotuspsychje!uefi | absentabyss start here18:17
ubottuabsentabyss start here: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI18:17
gpaplotuspsychie: nothing into the logs wayland still18:18
lotuspsychjegpap: ok im out of ideas for this, consider a new !bug ?18:18
gpaplotuspsychie: uid=1000 pid=7278 comm="/usr/bin/nautilus --gapplication-service " label="unconfined"18:19
lotuspsychjegpap: perhaps last test another user/guest ?18:19
tgm4883gpap: seems like grasping at straws18:19
lotuspsychjegpap: i found in dconf-editor org/gnome/shell/window-switcher but not sure if its relevant18:20
lotuspsychjegpap: current workspace only is enabled here18:20
gpaptgm4883:i will reinstall with normal installation, my system is fresh so easy18:21
tgm4883gpap: I'm not sure how that would be easier than testing a second user first18:21
lotuspsychjegpap: that would not make sense, why all other apps work and nautilus dont18:21
tgm4883gpap: nor do I see how a minimal install would do this18:22
brainwashZteam: not even via right click on the game entry in the list?18:22
nostroraHi! how can i install version 17.03.2 in ubuntu ?18:22
lotuspsychjenostrora: that version does not exist18:22
tgm4883nostrora: 17.03.2 of what?18:23
ioriagpap,   can you paste  dpkg -l | grep nautilus18:23
gpaplotuspsychie: tgm5883: many years i install linux, i have seen very strange behaviors18:23
nostroraoh sorry... i mean Docker. where i can find this version for ubuntu18:23
gpaplorie: i will18:23
Zteambrainwash, nope, that allows to create a desktop entry, but not for menu item in the gnome menu18:23
lotuspsychjenostrora: we reccomend using package versions, specific for your ubuntu versions, or try snaps or !backports18:23
brainwashlovetruth: the best driver is already installed by default18:24
kostkonnostrora, you want that specific version?18:24
nostrorakostkon: yes, for Rancher18:24
tgm4883nostrora: did you check https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/docker-ce/ubuntu/18:24
lovetruthbrainwash: I tried to install fglrx... but errored out... so no I'm back to that...18:24
nostroratgm4883: yes, there is no the version i want18:24
lovetruthbut I want to use OpenGL and stuff like that...18:24
brainwashZteam: I guess you could just move that one over to ~/.local/share/applications/18:24
gpaplorie: https://paste.gnome.org/psyzeibh118:24
nostroraThere is only :  docker-ce | 18.03.1~ce-0~ubuntu | https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu artful/stable amd64 Packages  docker-ce | 18.03.0~ce-0~ubuntu | https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu artful/stable amd64 Packages  docker-ce | 17.12.1~ce-0~ubuntu | https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu artful/stable amd64 Packages  docker-ce | 17.12.0~ce-0~ubuntu | https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu artful/stable amd64 Packages18:25
lovetruthso... is it there any fglrx replacement in ubuntu 16.04 for pre-GCN AMD Radeon cards?...18:25
brainwashlovetruth: fglrx is not supported anymore18:25
lovetruthlike for the HD 6320 card...18:25
brainwashthe replacement is the open source driver "radeon"18:25
Zteambrainwash, okey, will try that later, thanks :-)18:25
lovetruthif I really want OpenGL... what would you recommend?... compiling from source, or?...18:26
tgm4883nostrora: then you would need to compile it18:26
brainwashlovetruth: opengl support is provided via mesa18:26
ioriagpap,  did you manually installed nautilus-extension-gnome-terminal ?18:26
brainwashlovetruth: can you tell us how you test the hardware?18:26
tgm4883nostrora: although to be honest. Needing a specific version of docker seems in contrary to the entire point of docker18:26
gpapioria: nop18:26
lovetruthbrainwash: I just run MathLAB and Science-related software18:27
brainwashlovetruth: and it tells you that something is missing? check the output of "glxinfo | grep render"18:27
lotuspsychjeliya: welcome, how can we help you18:28
lovetruthyes, it said that some part of OpenGL is missing...18:28
liyawell.. can i know if ubuntu has vulkan drivers?18:28
brainwashlovetruth: best to share the exact error message (screenshot or pastebin)18:29
brainwashliya: run "vulkaninfo" in a terminal window18:30
tgm4883!info libvulkan118:30
ubottulibvulkan1 (source: vulkan): Vulkan loader library. In component universe, is optional. Version (artful), package size 88 kB, installed size 326 kB (Only available for linux-any)18:30
ioriagpap,  well, you could try with  compizconfig-settings-manager  -> window management -> grid plugin ( or such)18:30
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Zteamlovetruth, if you need to use another radeon driver than the ones ubuntu is providing you can try from this ppa https://launchpad.net/~paulo-miguel-dias/+archive/ubuntu/pkppa18:32
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gpapioria: ok i ll wanna try it18:32
sveinseregarding docker: with 18.04 there are now methods of installing docker: either via apt or via snap. Snap is a kind of jail, isn't it? So where will the docker containers be stored when using the snap version?18:32
Paradox55tomreyn: If you're still here I had to use acpi=off in grub no idea why18:33
Zteamlovetruth, or this one: https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa but keep in mind ppas are unsupported here18:33
ioriagpap, if  it asks you  to replace some settings, say 'yes' (resolve conflicts)18:33
gpapioria: i need to install this, doesn't exists into my software18:34
Paradox55I think 18.04 is the best Ubuntu to date.18:34
Paradox55especially for gaming18:34
ioriagpap, yes ; and run ccsm after18:34
lovetruththanks Zteam . Was thinking to try the paulo miguel dias one... :)18:35
lovetruthah, the second is for nvidia, anyway, it seems... :)18:35
Apachezany hints on how to verify if there exists an active maintainer for a specific ubuntu package? In this case the casper package (which is a core functionality)18:36
Zteamlovetruth, no problem, I dont't own a radeon card but the first ppa is recommended for radeon users who likes gaming so I guess it should provide openGL18:36
tgm4883Apachez: https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/casper18:36
maxcell_why 18.04 doesn't have others nvidia prop. drivers options to install/ only 39018:37
tomreynParadox55: hmm that's quite limiting especially if you carry this laptop around with you. usually when you have to use this parameter it's due to bios bugs. but maybe you won't need to use acpi=off once the installation is complete.18:38
tgm4883maxcell_: it's detecting what your card supports I guess. 18.04 does have other drivers available18:38
Zteamlovetruth, ops, my mistake, before installing anything from that ppa, be sure to install ppa-purge it lets you revert any packages from a ppa, and reinstall the original version18:38
maxcell_tgm4883, i need to do a downgrade from 39018:38
maxcell_like 37518:39
maxcell_or 38418:39
ioriagpap, wait, are you on 18.04 ?18:39
snowflakehello <318:39
gpapioria: already ticked, the grid plugin18:39
GodOfSeaI have installed Plank dock in 18.04 , it works well but I cant seem to figure out how to disable or remove the ubuntu dock thats there by default .18:39
maxcell_tgm4883, do you know if i have this option oni 18.04/18:39
snowflakeguys i wanna ask about something please, i wanna install java for android studio18:39
gpapioria: yes18:39
snowflakeshould i install default-jre or specific version18:39
tgm4883maxcell_: well you could install the package you want with apt18:40
lovetruthZteam: I've already installed your ppa... :)18:40
tgm4883maxcell_: rather than using the driver picker18:40
lovetruthinstalled now the ppa-purge, anyway...18:40
maxcell_tgm4883, only if it is on the repository18:40
ioriagpap, i thought you where on 16.04 ... i don't think gnome-shell works with compiz18:40
tgm4883maxcell_: it is. Both 375 and 384 are in the repo18:40
maxcell_tgm4883, it wont get automatically upgraded if i apt-get dist-upgrade/18:40
GodOfSeaAnyone knows how to I remove the default dock ?18:41
gpapioria: i will reinstall with normal installation this time and i will return for the feedback, thanks for the excellent supporting18:41
tgm4883maxcell_: no. 390 isn't an upgrade for 384 or 37518:41
tgm4883maxcell_: you could also try 'sudo ubuntu-drivers list' to see if anything else spits out18:41
ioriagpap,  you're welcome18:41
maxcell_tgm4883, thank you very much18:41
tgm4883but I think that just shows the same thing that the additional drivers gui does18:42
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maxcell_tgm4883, yes like you can chose between them18:42
kostkonsnowflake, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-make18:42
GodOfSeaWell hello anyone ?18:43
tgm4883!patience | GodOfSea18:43
ubottuGodOfSea: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/18:43
lovetruthgonna reboot to test it :)18:43
lovetruththanks everyone!... have a good evening!... :)18:43
lovetruthif I don't come back tonight to this channel -> it obviously worked Zteam's solution :) have a great time everyone and many many thanks18:44
tgm4883Running 18.04, looking for a program to let me record from 2 sound devices at the same time18:44
GodOfSeaalright tgm4883 and ubottu :)18:44
snowflakekostkon, Thanks mate <318:44
snowflake@kostkon, Thanks mate <318:44
kostkonsnowflake, np²18:44
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phoenix_firebrdis upgrading from 17.10 to 18.04 possible?19:00
evulishphoenix_firebrd: do-release-upgrade -d19:02
tgm4883evulish: shouldn't need the -d19:04
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax19:04
phoenix_firebrdevulish: but -d is for updating to a development release?19:04
eriodoes someone knows how to translate ShellExecute to linux ?19:04
SimonNLI'm so sorry thought that was for something else19:04
tgm4883phoenix_firebrd: sort of. It's for bypassing the approved upgrade path19:04
evulishheh, habit19:05
ali_do you guys know why the gnome-keyring is so bad implemented? and why it's not removed from Ubuntu?19:05
phoenix_firebrdtgm4883: when will the upgrade channel be enabled?19:05
MonkeyDustali_  this channel is not for opinions and discussion19:06
SimonNLwon't happen again for sure19:06
tgm4883phoenix_firebrd: I believe they are still working out some issuess. I would believe soon, maybbe next week somettime19:06
popeyProbably next week19:06
phoenix_firebrdtgm4883: oh19:06
ali_MonkeyDust: a nice channel then19:07
phoenix_firebrdtgm4883: next week.... too bad19:07
sunrunner20is there a way to have ubuntu email me when a package has a security update?19:07
phoenix_firebrdtgm4883: but its ok if the bug are fixed, I can wait19:07
gpapioria: tgm4883:i am back, same behavior with new installation, just to correct my self, the weird nautilus behavior happened and with the live cd, i was confused with my desktop, were i tested also the l ive cd19:08
tgm4883gpap: did you verify your install media after downloading it? That's a weird bug19:09
ioriagpap,  and just with nautilus ...19:09
thinkyi installed steam via store app but it doesnt start19:10
thinkywhat can be the problem19:10
tgm4883sunrunner20: I don't know of an email method, but you could subscribe to the feed https://usn.ubuntu.com/19:10
tgm4883thinky: try opening it from the command line and look for errors19:10
gpaploria : tgm4883: i have downloaded the disk from the greek university servers, by the way i will format the usb and make it again19:11
tgm4883gpap: but did you verify the md5sum of the ISO?19:12
thinkyhow can i open steam in command line?19:12
tgm4883thinky: run 'steam'19:12
gpapi don't remember after so many steps, maby not19:12
tgm4883gpap: worth checking19:12
ioriagpap,  and how did you do the usb stick  ?19:12
thinkydoesnt work19:13
gpaploria: windisk manager, windows 10 at the same softaware i have burned decades flash usb and never happened a mistake19:14
thinkyCommand 'run' not found, did you mean:19:14
ioriagpap, if you are on windows, let's try    rufus  https://rufus.akeo.ie/?locale19:15
tgm4883thinky: just 'steam'19:15
tgm4883hence the quotes19:15
gpaptgm4883:win32diskmanager *19:15
thinkyhome/x/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libxcb-dri3.so.0: undefined symbol: xcb_send_request_with_fds /home/m/.local/share/Steam/steam.sh: line 444: no match: ssfn*19:15
gpaploria: ok i will19:16
sunrunner20tgm4883, seems like I'll get a lot of spam not related to the machine I'm using currently from that list :(19:18
sunrunner20but thanks for the suggestion19:18
newdimensionI just upgrade to Ubuntu 18 from 16. Is there a shortcut to lunch an application from favorites menu? (dock)19:18
tgm4883sunrunner20: You could setup something on the box to email you on updates I suppose19:18
sunrunner20yea I think I'm going to have to run a cron job that runs (from a quick google apt-get upgrade -s | grep -i security) and email me the contents19:19
tgm4883thinky: try 'LIBGL_DRI3_DISABLE=1 steam'19:20
tgm4883thinky: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steam-for-linux/issues/481619:20
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tgm4883sunrunner20: maybe look into apticron19:22
tgm4883sunrunner20: or https://danielmiessler.com/blog/get-notified-ubuntu-box-security-updates/19:22
thinkydoes installing an app from store add ppa automatic?19:25
thinkyor still should i add ppa?19:26
thinkymanually on command line?19:26
popeythinky: which app?19:26
thinkyany app exists in store19:26
thinkyskype  spotify ..etc19:26
thinkyvlc player19:26
popeyThe only application I know of off the top of my head which adds a ppa is google chrome19:26
popeyno, they dont19:26
popeythey come from the snap store19:26
Sam_S3pi0Lstore doesn't add ppa.19:26
sunrunner20what's ppa?19:26
popey!ppa | sunrunner2019:26
ubottusunrunner20: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge19:26
popeythinky: snaps come from the snap store, and will get automatically updated when the developer pushes updates to the store (a bit like android/ios)19:27
thinkywhat about the .deb files i downloaded and installed manually?19:27
thinkypopey: to be honest i dont like that store app :S19:27
popeythinky: debs you install manually don't get updated generally, unless a deb of the same name is in a repo19:27
thinkyi prefer command line always19:27
Sam_S3pi0Lindependently developed apps for ubuntu or linux derivatives often use ppa if they cannot get on a repository, or they like control of the downstream.19:27
popeythinky: fair enough, you can "snap install spotify" if you prefer the command line19:27
thinkyi installed spotify directly from store19:28
thinkyisnt it same thing?19:28
popeyi was just pointing out the command line tool, as you said you didnt like the gui store19:28
thinkyi would like to update apps in command line19:28
thinkyi dont like to check multiple place for updates19:28
popeyif they're snaps "snap refresh",19:28
popeyyou don't need to19:28
Sam_S3pi0Lthinky, sudo apt update && apt upgrade19:29
popeysnaps automatically refresh19:29
thinkyapt update && apt full-upgrade?19:29
thinkyi usually do full-upgrade19:29
thinkywhat s the best app to play mp3 and other music files like itunes?19:30
thinkyor windows media player?19:30
thinkyin ubuntu19:30
popeyspotify :)19:30
Sam_S3pi0Lor vlc19:30
thinkyspotify doesnt play external mp3 files19:30
popeyyes it does19:31
thinkyi use vlc for movies19:31
thinkypopey: does it really? O.o19:31
thinkyi didnt know that19:31
popeyYes :)19:31
thinkyso i am paying it for nothing :p19:31
Sam_S3pi0Ldon't you get hulu too with spotify now?19:31
kostkonSam_S3pi0L, maybe it's the other way around19:32
thinkyi installed 18.04 today with minimal installation19:32
thinkyso i need to install some necessary apps manually19:32
kostkonthinky, like?19:32
Sam_S3pi0Lget spotify with hulu?19:33
thinkymusic player thunderbird libreoffice ...etc19:33
thinkyvlc player19:33
kostkonSam_S3pi0L, could be19:33
popeythinky: we don't need a full list of your favourite apps, thanks :)19:33
thinkynow how can i install virtualbox with ppa ?19:33
popeythinky: it's in the archive.19:33
thinkylol popey  he asked :p19:33
thinkypopey:  where? cant see it19:34
popeythinky: apt install virtualbox19:34
popeyvirtualbox-qt might be the frontend package19:34
thinkyi wanna add ppa too for automatic updates19:34
popeyif there is one, I'm sure you can find it19:34
thinkynot sure if there is19:35
Sam_S3pi0Lthinky, https://websetnet.net/install-virtualbox-ppa-ubuntu-1604/19:37
thinkythx Sam_S3pi0L19:37
NERD-khow to change DPI in Ubuntu 18.04?19:40
Sam_S3pi0Ldpi of a printer? or do you want to change the resolution of a monitor?19:40
luxioThere's a bug where when I boot up with my first monitor turned on, and then turn my second monitor on after I've booted up, the second monitor comes on but the first monitor is just a black screen19:41
luxioIs this a documented bug?19:41
NERD-kSam_S3pi0L, change the resolution of a monitor19:42
Sam_S3pi0LNerd-k, you can do it from the settings->display menu in your applications menu19:43
Sam_S3pi0Lluxio, you had multiple displays set up before on this system? Have you upgraded the system recently?19:44
NERD-kSam_S3pi0L, Emmm, I used Gnome Tweaks to changed the fonts(I see the Universal Access is changed), although the text is bigger, but it not beautiful.19:47
yakuhi i am trying to install matlab-support and it asks for the directory with the executable19:48
yakui copypasted the directory i use to run it from terminal but the support installer says no executable found there19:49
alive876hi guys, can I and how do i change the install directory using gdebi? I want to install to en external ssd  thanks19:52
luxioSam_S3pi0L: I'm running 18.0419:53
luxiofresh install19:53
luxioalways had these 219:53
Sam_S3pi0Lluxio, check out settings->display and see if both monitors show up, then see if you have multiple monitors enabled.19:54
luxioSam_S3pi0L: I'm rebooted since I couldn't do anything with only the right monitor on19:55
luxioboth monitors show up right now19:55
Sam_S3pi0Lluxio, wow, that was fortuitous.19:55
Sam_S3pi0Lnerd-k, see if this helps you: http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2017/04/custom-screen-resolution-ubuntu-desktop/19:56
Sam_S3pi0Lluxio, are you having to do anything extra to enable them at start-up?19:57
NERD-kSam_S3pi0L, Thanks19:58
Sam_S3pi0Lluxio, do they both work after another reboot?19:59
Sam_S3pi0LYou are welcome Nerd-K19:59
thinkyhi again20:00
thinkyis there a way to put the icons in top bar ?20:00
thinkyin 18.0420:00
kostkontgm4883, wrong window20:00
thinkyactually i want top bar look like same in 16.0420:00
tgm4883kostkon: actually some weird terrible lag20:00
kostkontgm4883, og20:00
tgm4883kostkon: yea, not making me too happy20:01
kostkontgm4883, i can understand20:01
luxioSam_S3pi0L: yes20:01
Apacheztgm4883: yes and look at the amount of bugs that noone from canonical seems to care about? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/casper/+bugs20:03
Apachezits like casper is abandoned even if its a core functionality of ubuntu20:03
tgm4883Apachez: because of 108 bugs listed?20:04
rdias002hey there, i have ubuntu 18.04, how do i disable my pointer when typing?20:04
yakuhow do i make the text bigger without cutting it off20:05
yakuwhenever i change the scale in universal access irc messages are cut off halfway20:06
Sam_S3pi0Lrdias002, syndaemon -i 1 -K -d20:06
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tgm4883Apachez: I mean, that seems a bit silly considering there's over 400 that are fixed. 45 of those casper bugs are still marked new, I didn't bother checking how long ago they've been added. That said, you asked to find the maintainer, which I linked you to and this isn't really a support question so if you'd like we can move this to #ubuntu-discuss20:06
rdias002Sam_S3pi0L, it said this: No synaptics properties on device 'SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad'.20:07
Sam_S3pi0Lrdias002, you on a box or a laptop?20:07
rdias002Sam_S3pi0L, laptop20:08
Sam_S3pi0Lrdias002, do you have synatpics touchpad installed?20:11
Sam_S3pi0Lsee if there is an option in settings->mouse/touchpad to disable it while typing.20:12
Apacheztgm4883: I added at least one for more than one year ago20:12
rdias002Sam_S3pi0L, nope its  not there, i guess its not there since 16.0420:12
Apachezits still marked "new"20:12
tgm4883Apachez: ok, I'm still not sure what you want from me here20:13
Sam_S3pi0Lrdias002, drats20:13
Apacheztgm4883: well Im asking "Ubuntu core developers" in general, assuming one or more most likely exists in here :)20:13
Sam_S3pi0Lrdias002, try adding the snipet to your startup applications, reboot and see if that works? otherwise I'm outta ideas right now.20:13
tgm4883Apachez: have you thought about emailing them?20:13
Apachezand just curious about how a core component seems to be abandonded20:13
Apacheztgm4883: na, expecting them to read the bug list once they got some time20:14
ivo_Hey guys, there is a bug with snaps, where if I move the hom efolder on a different disk apps don't work. Is this a known limitation?20:14
popeyApachez: lack of developer time. We have a lot to do and too few developers. Simple as that20:14
rdias002Sam_S3pi0L, cool thanks20:14
Apacheztgm4883: specially when I already sent in a working patch :P20:14
yakuhi i'm trying to install matlab-support and my matlab executes from /usr/local/MATLAB/R2017b/bin/glnxa6420:14
popeyApachez: the developers hang out in #ubuntu-devel, if you ping them during the working week with the bug/patch, they're more likely to help than in here20:15
yakubut when i type this into matlab-support it says no executables found20:15
rdias002btw, i am a newbie to open source environment. i am interested in contributing to one. where and how do i begin?20:15
Apachezpopey: thanks20:15
rdias002and what skills would i need to do so?20:15
kostkonyaku, are you typing the correct path?20:16
yakui copied and pasted it20:16
kostkonyaku, this? '/usr/local/MATLAB/R2017b/bin/'20:16
Bashing-om!contribute | rdias00220:20
ubotturdias002: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu20:20
rdias002cool, thanks20:21
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titouafter upgrading to the latest ubuntu version my laptop failed to stay into sleep mode.. it goes to sleep mode and wake it up and go into sleep mode and again and again20:29
phoenix_firebrdtitou: automatically?20:30
titouthe screen stays off but I can hear the fan stopped and working again for some seconds then stop etc.20:31
phoenix_firebrdtitou: how do you know it goes to sleep?\20:31
titouI catched journalctl information when I tried to put it into sleep mode and I can see that it goes to sleep and resume and sleep and resume20:32
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phoenix_firebrdtitou: are you able to access bios?20:32
titouyes I can20:32
titounotice that I had no problem with ubuntu 17..20:32
phoenix_firebrdtitou: you are able to boot and login into ubuntu?20:33
titouyes ubuntu works20:33
titouthe only thing is that it cannot stay into sleep mode20:33
titouit will drain my battery :(20:33
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phoenix_firebrdtitou: you are on a laptop right?20:35
phoenix_firebrdtitou: do you use an external mouse?20:35
phoenix_firebrdtitou: can you check the touchpad sensitivity settings20:35
esr1Just upgradee to 18.04, want to run i3, can't finfd the session chooser in gdm3.  Where is it hiding>20:35
bjgbobesr1: click on your username, then it's the cog under the password box20:38
titouphoenix_firebrd: what do you mean ?20:38
titouhow can I get the event which wake it up?20:38
bjgbobI'm trying to change my time settings in a gnome flashback session, and the panel clock isn't respecting the 12/24 hour setting.  There's also no way to add a second time zone as in older versions20:39
esr1bjgbob: Tried that.  It gives me two Ubuntu choice and no i3, even though I have an i3 config in /usr/share/xsessions.20:39
esr1I concluded that whatever that is, it's not behaaving much like a session chooserr. :-)20:40
bjgbobesr1: can you post the config?20:40
esr1bjgbob: Yes.20:40
bjgbobI just went through a similar issue yesterday with trying to get gnome-session-flashback working20:40
=== phoenix_firebrd is now known as phoenix_firebrd_
esr1bjgbob: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/m69xtR6xtf/20:43
esr1That is /usr/share/xsessions/i3.desktop20:44
esr1Uh oh.  Could it be linee 7?20:45
esr1more *20:45
brainwashtitou: journalctl does not tell you reason for the wakeups?20:45
bjgbobesr1: try Type=Xsession instead of Type-Application20:46
bjgbobactually on second thought that shouldn't affect it20:46
titoubrainwash: I'm not sure to find the reason into the log no20:46
brainwashtitou: can you pastebin the relevant lines?20:47
esr1bjgbob: YEaah, the ones in place hava Application too.20:47
esr1bjgbob: My suspicion now falls on line 7, whicjh refers to lightdm20:48
esr1Oh but that's an X- line. Esxtension.  Hmmm.20:49
=== phoenix_firebrd_ is now known as phoenix_firebrd
esr1The thing that's bothering me is this.  Neither of the application files in there befgore I installed i3 hasve any textr in them that looks like what I see in the chooser.  No references to Wayland.20:51
bjgbobesr1: the only thing that it seems to be missing compared to the xsession configs on my 18.04 machine is that it doesn't have a `X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain` line20:52
bjgbobbut idk what you should put for it if you add one20:52
esr1bjgbob: I'll try monkery-copying what's in the others, I'm not proud.  I doubt that's the problem, though./20:54
esr1bjgbob: Have to log out now to test.  Back soon.20:54
bjgbobesr1: just to make sure, you do actually have i3 installed and have restarted gdm since installing it, right?20:54
bjgbobwhoops, didn't catch him in time20:54
titoubrainwash: https://pastebin.com/eNk7mjpR20:56
bjgbobanyone got any suggestions on what to do about my clock issue?20:59
phoenix_firebrdbjgbob: what is the issue?21:02
crimson_kingfstrim is not present at /etc/cron.weekly since 18.04. Is this intentional?21:02
TJ-crimson_king: it's moved to systemd, see /lib/systemd/system/fstrim.timer21:04
crimson_kingTJ-, all right21:04
crimson_kingRight, it's enabled by default.21:06
brainwashtitou: not quite sure. did you try to reproduce this issue when logged into a graphical session, meaning while the login screen is active?21:09
titoubrainwash: I just closed my laptop.. the session was active before21:09
bjgbobesr1: any luck?21:09
brainwashtitou: do you have a /var/log/pm-suspend.log ?21:12
danrikdo u know of any note taking application with sync and android client?21:14
brainwashtitou: I would try to reproduce the issue with a live session (booting from the ubuntu iso)21:15
brainwashtitou: to see if it's a general issue with your hardware, or something specific with your ubuntu setup21:16
titoubrainwash: the only thing I can tell you is that before I upgrade ubuntu I had absolutely no problem with it21:17
brainwashright. it could be a regression in the linux kernel shipped by ubuntu 18.0421:18
luxiodoes Ubuntu 18 use its own emoji set?21:22
luxioor is it licensed from someone?21:22
daniel__hello :)21:25
bjgbobI'm trying to change my time settings in a gnome flashback session, and the panel clock isn't respecting the 12/24 hour setting.  There's also no way to add a second time zone as in older versions.  Any suggestions?21:26
MonkeyDustluxio  find 'emoji' on this page .. https://news.softpedia.com/news/ubuntu-18-04-lts-bionic-beaver-officially-released-here-is-what-s-new-520856.shtml21:26
luxioMonkeyDust: "Other noteworthy changes in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS include support for color emoji in most apps"21:28
luxiodoesn't really answer my question21:28
MonkeyDustluxio  maybe this does    Ubuntu is actually using Google’s Noto Color Emoji font21:29
=== imadz714 is now known as imadz713
TJ-!info fonts-noto-color-emoji | luxio21:30
ubottuluxio: Package fonts-noto-color-emoji does not exist in artful21:30
TJ-!info fonts-noto-color-emoji bionic | luxio21:31
ubottuluxio: fonts-noto-color-emoji (source: fonts-noto-color-emoji): color emoji font from Google. In component main, is optional. Version 0~20180424-0ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 6502 kB, installed size 7106 kB21:31
zzULHi, why my system create multiple files recently-used.xbel? I have various recently-used.xbel.XXXXXX files.21:35
zzULHi, why my system create multiple files recently-used.xbel? I have various recently-used.xbel.XXXXXX files.21:38
zzULHi, why my system create multiple files recently-used.xbel? I have various recently-used.xbel.XXXXXX files.21:43
MENOOOCan someone help please !!!21:43
=== fabricius1 is now known as fabricius
rypervenche!ask | MENOOO21:46
ubottuMENOOO: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:46
phoenix_firebrdrypervenche: is there a virtual keyboard that I can use21:46
phoenix_firebrdrypervenche:  in kde 4.x i was using the keyboard widget, then after the widget was depreciated, I started using the app iok. now its gone from the repositories after updating to 18.04. Is there any other replacement?21:46
zzULHi, why my system create multiples files recently-used.xbel? I have various recently-used.xbel.XXXXXX files.21:48
rypervenchezzUL: Patience. Are you using Pidgin?21:49
zzULrypervenche: no21:49
rypervenchezzUL: They answered you in #debian. Please don't cross-post.21:50
MENOOOI accidently  "sudo rm -r *  " in my home directory and I lost very important data like photos and documents,is there a way for me to recover my lost data,  tell me what is the most guaranteed way to recover my data PLEASE21:50
rypervencheMENOOO: Stop using the system and use either a live CD or another machine. What kind of file system is it?21:53
MENOOOI was trying to clean the /tmp directory but i forgot to "cd /tmp/  " so i did "sudo pwn" and then "sudo rm -r * "  and was shocked when i lost my actual Home files and directories !21:53
robbinsMENOOO: you can try testdisk, might be worth a shot. but yeah, boot it to a live cd right away.21:54
rypervencheMENOOO: Yeah, using * is a bad idea. This will be a good lesson.21:55
MENOOOrypervenche: Can i use guest session of the system ?21:55
leftyfbMENOOO: restore from backup21:55
rypervencheMENOOO: No, use a liveCD or a different machine. Stop using the disk as soon as possible.21:55
phoenix_firebrdMENOOO: if you know to use testdisk then use that, else use photorec21:55
rypervencheMENOOO: What kind of file system is this? "df -hT will show you"21:55
rypervencheMENOOO: extundelete might work, if not testdisk can work, last resort is photorec, which doesn't keep metadata unfortunately, so file names will be lost.21:56
rypervencheMENOOO: Moving forward, I recommend getting a backup system in place.21:57
rypervencheIf you care about this data so much.21:57
kostkonMENOOO, how much data are we talking about21:57
leftyfbdata that isn't backed up isn't important21:57
rypervencheleftyfb: +121:58
MENOOOkostkon ; about 30gb21:59
kostkonMENOOO, not too much not too little somewhere in between22:00
leftyfb30gb doesn't delete in the blink of an eye22:00
leftyfbyou must have let it go for quite a bit of time22:00
kostkonMENOOO, as leftyfb said as you sure it's all gone22:00
rypervencheMENOOO: For 30G, photorec will likely be your only way to restore it. And it's not going to look pretty. You're going to lose file names and metadata. So you're going to probably have to manually sort things. The longer you keep using the disk though, the more you will lose and won't be able to restore.22:02
tomreyntestdisk does not help in this case. the partition table is intact. fsck won't help wither, the filesystem is intact. what is needed is a file system specific undeletion utility.22:05
tomreyn(so extundelete or photorec could work)22:06
rypervencheMENOOO: Start with extundelete, then go photorec if that doesn't work. Only mount the drive as read-only from a liveCD and move the restored files to a separate disk.22:06
tomreynalso e2undo if you have an undo log22:07
MENOOOrypervenche: it's a   /dev/sda1  type:ext4  file system22:09
rypervencheMENOOO: I assumed that. Still follow my last response.22:13
danrikWhy can't I upgrade from ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04? What's the reason it's delayed?22:22
holicowhi. what's the command to install software boutique to ubuntu mate 18.04?22:22
riotzdanrik, https://itsfoss.com/ubuntu-18-04-release-features/22:23
Bashing-omdanrik: The path woll open when the .1 release. See the release notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes .22:23
gpaptgm4883: solved finally the problem with nautilus snapping, it is poor software design, unfortunatelly22:28
danrikriotz, thx.22:33
bray90820Will all my SSH keys transfer if I am to upgrade from 16.04 to 18.0422:33
tgm4883gpap: what was it?22:34
gpaptgm4883: well i removed my eizo nanao monitor, connected with a hdmi to dvi cable, and rebooted my laptop with it;s own screen. Then nautilus could snap right and left, as all the other applications :)  Gosh!22:36
tgm4883gpap: that sounds like a bug22:37
gpaptgm4883: should someone publish it?22:39
tgm4883gpap: yea you should probably file a bug on launchpad22:41
gpaptgm4883: i am tired now, maybe tomorrow, greetings to everyone here and especially to the people that helped me22:43
bray90820Is there a way to trigger like a fake  reboot with a live disk without loosing your settings22:50
rypervenchebray90820: In order to do what?22:59
bray90820I wanted to test out my bluetooth mouse to see what settings and stuff are saved upon reboot22:59
tgm4883Why would you think the settings wouldn't be saved?23:00
bray90820I am using an apple magic mouse and Im changing a bunch of things and in previous versions of ubuntu the setting wen't kept correctly23:01
kostkonbray90820, you could restart your x. that will also log you out of your session. also you could try restarting things like your bluetooth service or even the whole systemd etc23:03
bray90820which one would you recommend I do?23:03
kostkonbray90820, all? i mean it's a liveusb you don't care what happens23:04
bray90820I am just saying which one would most act like a reboot?23:04
kostkonbray90820, start with x23:04
eric_Hello. Will GNOME Files (Nautilus) be updated to version 3.28 in this current release (Bionic Beaver)?23:05
kostkonbray90820, then your bluetooth service etc23:05
kostkonbray90820, restart x or gdm whichever applies best23:05
EzroHey everyone. Does anyone know how to get freetype (truetype) fonts to work with Wine? I've tried installing them a couple of times but it keeps telling me it can't find the freetype font library.23:06
AceKingI did a fresh install of 18.04 on my PC. I am hardwired into the router and my Ethernet card is RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express. My download speed is 6 mbps and my upload speed is 27 mbps. My download is usually over 100 mbps. Worked good with all other versions. Any ideas how to fix this?23:07
Ezrolibfreetype6 is the package I installed.23:08
tomreynAceKing: does a 16.04 live usb work better (to rule out it's the router or ISP)?23:08
tomreynAceKing: actuall yi'd reboot the router first of all23:09
AceKingtomreyn: Yes, 16.04 LiveCD works good. And yes, I rebooted router and modem. Getting great speed on my laptop running 17.1023:10
bray90820kostkon: I restarted gdm now I can't get bast the login screen23:11
kostkonbray90820, damn23:12
tomreynAceKing: can you post the NICs vendor/product ID? lspci -nn | grep Ethernet23:12
bray90820Got any suggestions on a way to me to actually login at this point?23:12
AceKingtomreyn: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nn8MPBFgSf/23:13
kostkonbray90820, what happens when you try to login23:13
bray90820Screen goes black and acts like it's about to login then goes back to login screen23:14
pikapikaHi. Is it known to cause any issues when you use "Try Ubuntu without installing" in 18.04? I did this in a vm to resize the storage, and...well it just shows a black/purple screen. Currently doing the resize with a different Linux iso, but does this happen on actual hardware too?23:14
bray90820sudo systemctl restart gdm.service is what I did23:14
kostkonbray90820, you could ctrl+alt+f1 and check the logs23:14
trubini18.04 does funny things with virtualbox23:16
tomreynAceKing: does "ip -s l" list any errors or dropped packets for the active one of your two NICs?23:16
kostkonbray90820, or just nuke it and reboot and try the 2nd approach, restarting the bluetooth service.23:16
bray90820That was wried I was looking at the log and It just logged me in and every window is open like it was before I logged out but no mouse or keyboard work then a few seconds later the screen went black and now nothing works23:16
kostkonbray90820, yeah that sounds kinda strange23:17
AceKingtomreyn: No errors23:17
bray90820I ended up just restarting and now everything seems fine23:17
Osmodivslo, when I try to activate the "Display HDD temperature" I get this message from the Terminal : can't connect to : Connection refused23:18
OsmodivsHow can I connect my HDD so Gkrellm can tell me the temperature?23:18
tomreynAceKing: any obvious errors about your rtl* driver / networking / ethernet in "dmesg -T"?23:18
AceKingtomreyn: [Sat Apr 28 18:53:25 2018] [Firmware Bug]: TSC_DEADLINE disabled due to Errata; please update microcode to version: 0xb2 (or later)23:20
tomreynAceKing: is intel-microcode installed?23:21
AceKingtomreyn: Not sure. Not something I had installed23:22
tomreynAceKing: dpkg -l intel-microcode23:23
AceKingtomreyn: dpkg -l intel-microcode23:23
tomreynAceKing: yes exactly23:23
AceKingtomreyn: oops23:23
AceKingtomreyn: dpkg-query: no packages found matching intel-microcode23:24
tomreynAceKing: lscpu | grep '^Model name'23:25
AceKingtomreyn: it hungup just showing >23:26
tomreynAceKing: cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep ^model | tail -n123:26
tomreynAceKing: or just tell me which cpu you have if you know23:27
AceKingtomreyn: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz23:27
kostkonAceKing, apt-cache policy intel-microcode23:28
tomreynAceKing: okay, then you should probably install the intel-microcode package. whether it will improve the network issue, i'm not convinced it will. but it should improve your protection against the meltdown/spectre vulnerabilities23:29
tomreyn!info intel-microcode bionic23:29
ubottuintel-microcode (source: intel-microcode): Processor microcode firmware for Intel CPUs. In component main, is extra. Version 3.20180312.0~ubuntu18.04.1 (bionic), package size 1254 kB, installed size 1757 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; x32)23:29
AceKingtomreyn: OK, thanks. Can I install that from the package manager?23:30
Trukhow can i do a sudo -s in a bash script23:30
kostkonAceKing, sudo apt install intel-microcode23:30
Trukwithout exiting the script ?23:30
AceKingkostkon: Thanks23:31
RadicalEntityI've been having an issue with a sata controller slowing my boot times. I didn't have this issue in 16.04.23:32
AceKingtomreyn: Thanks. I'm going to reboot to see if that helped.23:32
tomreynAceKing: yes. you can also use a graphical package mamager, or you can use the 'additional drivers' tab on the 'software updates' (or similar) configuration option available on the menu23:33
tomreynoh i'm late23:33
tomreynTecan: ?23:39
kostkonTecan, no spamming please23:42
tomreynwhen AceKing returns, please point them to https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/r8168-dkms23:44
* tomreyn afk23:44
evil-capybaras-7Gnome Web is the most unstable web browser in the universe23:45
luxioI have the `imagemagick` package installed, but no `magick` command23:45
luxiois it in a different package?23:46
evil-capybaras-7anyway, enough ranting: is there an option that makes "less" behave more or less like "cat" with one argument? to be pedantic, what is that option if so? :)23:46
evil-capybaras-7i.e. disable paging and just dump the file23:46
kostkonluxio, it's 'imagemagick' i believe23:47
luxiokostkon: yes, that is the package i have installed23:47
luxiooh you mean the command?23:47
kostkonluxio, affirmative23:47
luxioi also get command not found for that23:47
kostkonluxio, hmm23:47
EriC^^!find magick23:48
ubottuFound: imagemagick, imagemagick-6-common, imagemagick-6.q16, libimage-magick-perl, libimage-magick-q16-perl, libmagick++-6-headers, libmagick++-6.q16-7, libmagick++-6.q16-dev, libmagick++-6.q16hdri-7, libmagick++-6.q16hdri-dev (and 451 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=magick&searchon=names&suite=artful&section=all23:48
kostkonluxio, dpkg-query -L imagemagick23:49
bray90820How would I upgrade 16.04 to 18.04 I would assume just running "sudo apt dist-upgrade" right?23:50
kostkon!info imagemagick23:50
ubottuimagemagick (source: imagemagick): image manipulation programs -- binaries. In component main, is optional. Version 8: (artful), package size 13 kB, installed size 114 kB23:50
kostkonbray90820, do-release-upgrade -d23:50
waltmanHow's the rollout been going? Have there been any major issues?23:53
NiteRainI am using ubuntu 17.10, I want network-manager to manage my ethernet interface right now it is unmanged, how do I change it.  Setting manged to true in the NetworkManager.conf in [ifupdown] doesn't work since lo isn't managed, and setting an interface for the interface in that file for the ethernet doesn't work either.23:53
waltmanTrying to decide if I want to go from 17.10->18.04 tonight or wait, probably until next weekend.23:53

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