
EDinNYThunar and Nautalis over SFTP are broken.  Locks up when you try to open a remote file.  I tried Gimp, VLC, and Mplayer11:47
EDinNYThunar and Nautalis over SFTP are broken.  Locks up when you try to open a remote file.  I tried Gimp, VLC, and Mplayer11:50
EDinNYSuggestions for a file manager that works over sftp?11:53
EDinNYThey don't seem to work over Windows networking, either11:54
OvenWerksI use thunar with sftp what doesn't work?16:00
OvenWerksI do all my web page maintenance using sftp on thunar remotely. Thunar works like the file were local. When I was testing the vanila iso I tried nautilus/files and was able to work with sftp as well.16:11
OvenWerksEDinNY: ^^16:39
=== richard is now known as Guest26222
tgm4883Is there a way to get Audacity to record from 2 sound sources into separate tracks? Alternatively, is there something else I can use for recording?18:15
gemcat_i am trying to load some win software with runonlinux however i cannot even mount this cd must i put content on different media?21:42
gemcat_windows sees the content fine21:43
captain-tux_Just copy the CD onto your drive and select the folder.21:46
gemcat_my window and linux are separate computers but i have an external hd. just wondered at the behavior21:49
captain-tux_Oh.. you can not mount. I misread that. That I can't help with, might be some weird copy protection or meta data on the file system to display stuff, but anyway I'd suggest the same thing.21:53
gemcat_thank you captain-tux_ this is old XT software22:07

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