
GridCubeinteresting, i don't think i'm using any ppa right now00:00
Unit193`apt list | grep ed,loc`00:00
GridCubeWARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.00:02
Unit193If that's all, seems you still have it installed.  `inxi -r`00:02
GridCubemmm it's there a way to reset the apt list?00:04
Unit193...OK, that's strange.00:13
GridCubeUnit193, apt says i've hold a bunch of stuff https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4tgbcXfJJG/00:21
GridCubeor it did it for me00:21
Unit193'ed,loc' is horrible short form of 'installed,local', so should have given you a list of every package you have that's installed but can no longer be downloaded from any repos.  apt-forktracer is a tool that's useful for finding packages not installed from the distro default repos.00:22
Unit193Clearly something should be returning from the former, since you have it installed but not PPAs.00:23
Unit193Additionally, you seem to have an xenial repo still enabled in /etc/apt/sources.list00:23
GridCubei can disable that 00:23
GridCubeUnit193, ah, ed would be for "installed" and in spanish it says "instalado" 00:26
* Unit193 forgot about that language bit...00:27
Unit193Clearly I'm only ever using it in English. :300:27
GridCubeUnit193, , https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/W3m4Jr5KHn/00:28
GridCubei see the xorg ones at the bottom, i have to uninstall those?00:29
Unit193No, `apt install $package/bionic`, I'd do them all in one go.00:30
Unit193(Some of those other packages are from PPAs, some aren't upgraded because held, and at least a couple were removed from the archives.)00:37
GridCubeim doing them all manually00:37
GridCubeit seems to be working00:37
Unit193upstart and xombrero are gone (though I have the latter in a PPA. :P ), boot-repair/etc are just from a PPA, variety looks like it was updated from a PPA, should update cleanly.00:38
GridCubewell, i guess that upgrading the system for 3 different LTS does have a toll after all :P00:40
Unit193unit193@Sigma:~$  cat /var/log/installer/media-info00:44
Unit193Xubuntu 11.04 "Natty Narwhal" - Beta i386 (20110413.2)00:44
GridCubeXubuntu 15.10 "Wily Werewolf" - Release amd64 (20151021)00:45
Unit193Nah, that's not seen too many upgrades. ;)00:45
GridCubei think that in 15.10 i did a format install into a new drive00:46
Unit193(I'll also note that I never hung on to LTSes)00:47
Unit193Anyway, all good?00:47
GridCubei think so00:47
Unit193...I had a half-complete cleaning guide.00:47
Unit193https://sigma.unit193.net/~unit193/docs/system-cleaning.html OK, less than half complete.00:48
GridCube:D Todos los paquetes están actualizados.00:52
Unit193Heh, nice.  Any local packages remaining?00:54
GridCubea few00:55
GridCubebrb rebooting00:56
SpassI want to report this bug with panel plugins loosing hover (visible here - https://youtu.be/UY4ZuxsPifw?t=15s ) because it really annoys me02:22
SpassI'm thinking about reporting it on xfce's bugzilla under xfce4-panel general02:23
SpassI previously reported it wrongly under the whisker menu plugin category and it was moved/ignored02:23
Spassbut... I think that this issue may be related to something "above" the xfce4-panel, because I saw it occurring on Plank dock too (visible here - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8qh4-wxxEZ7b3ZTZ0stb1VvdGM/view )02:28
Spassupon further investigation I see that this blinking issue appears only on top and left screen edge, there's no blinking when I move mouse cursor on the right and/or bottom edge02:30
Spassit's pretty old bug and it's in 18.04 too, so... I have a question for you - where I should report it?02:31
Spassis it GTK3 related? or maybe xfdesktop?02:32
flocculantbluesabre: us and lubuntu (probably studio) budgie, mate and ubuntu work. Didn't look at Kubuntu nor Kylin05:52
Spassmeanwhile, I think that I found another bug, I can't move a panel plugin where I want, some plugins don't let me "drop it" between them. See here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgL1e757Vbc06:49
Spassis it known?06:49
ali1234Spass: because that is one big plugin06:53
Spassnope, those are 5 separate plugins06:54
SpassNotification Area, xfce4-notifyd, xfce4-indicator-plugin, xfce4-statusnotifier-plugin, power-manager-plugin, xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin06:56
Spassas you can see on screen06:56
Spassand I can easily move that Clipman plugin between them using up/down arrows in the panel settings06:57
Spassbut I can't move it using "Move" from context menu06:57
ali1234yes, you are right06:58
ali1234and i can reproduce it06:58
ali1234when moving a plugin, you can't move it immediately to the right of the plugin currently immediately to it's right06:59
Spass(not mentioning, again ;) those inconsistently sized icons, it looks very bad...)07:01
ali1234you know that video you posted yesterday, showing that whisker menu flickers?07:01
ali1234i would not be at all surprised if that is related07:01
ali1234eg because the mouseover area for whiskermenu is smaller than for the plugins which block move07:02
Spassthat flickering is a bigger issue I think, and it's very strange07:02
ali1234they block move because their mouseover area extends beyond their area, covering the drop region07:02
ali1234with the theme i use you can see that they are visibly a different size07:03
Spassit affects other programs too, like Plank dock, just like there's something totally wrong with whole top and left screen edge07:03
ali1234that might be related to struts07:03
Spassright and bottom are ok, like I said - weird07:03
SpassI really want to submit this bug (at least that much I can do to help), but I want to do it right this time, because I was kinda ignored once already07:05
ali1234it wasn't because you did something wrong07:05
ali1234if you want bugs to get fixed you often have to chase the developers. sometimes literally for years07:06
SpassI wrongly assumed that it was only whisker Menu issue, now I did proper testing07:06
SpassI know something more about this07:06
ali1234yes it affects many plugins07:07
Spasssome may say that these are small, cosmetic issues, but I don't think so, that kind of issues may left a really bad taste07:07
ali1234another piece of the puzzle is that if you use a different gtk theme, you can see that some plugins crop their own icons, where as others do not07:08
SpassXubuntu is a diamond, no doubt about it, but it only needs a little bit polish07:08
ali1234theme does affect function with gtk07:08
ali1234eg if you mess up the theme (possibly by specifying custom theme inside the program code) then you can actually break the widget box layout, which can cause stuff like what you are seeing07:09
ali1234the flickering whisker menu thing triggered another bug with panel hiding too07:10
ali1234i am sure all of this stuff is related07:10
ali1234you should report these bugs and keep adding new information as you find it07:11
ali1234this "bumps" the bug, making developers more likely to notice it07:11
ali1234and keep talking about it here too07:12
SpassI'll submit it for sure, but I really don't have a clue where yet :)07:24
SpassI will fight for the good looking and consistent panel icons also, because just look how beautiful they look on my 17.10 :P https://i.imgur.com/XzFoDD8.png07:30
SpassI made the panel slightly bigger on purpose to show that they stay small (22px)07:31
Spasson 18.04 they're all wonky :/07:31
flocculantbluesabre: I guess if we had orca then screen reader would work?10:11
flocculantwould explain why it doesn't work on lubuntu as well 10:12
bluesabrethat sounds correct10:13
flocculantmorning :) didn't expect you to pop up yet lol10:13
bluesabreeh, you know how it is :)10:13
flocculantwonder why we don't have that :(10:14
bluesabreI think we used to10:14
bluesabremight have been due to dependency chain or maybe dropped because it carried too much gnome with it10:14
flocculantI'll look on a vm now10:15
flocculantand right - could well be10:15
flocculantnot much considering size of iso's now10:16
bluesabreyeah, that's pretty minimal10:19
bluesabrewas likely pulled in by something else before10:19
flocculantwell I'd argue we had that back then :)10:20
flocculantyea - entirely possible 10:20
flocculant!team | there is a draft for our new qa/tester page on a pad - thanks to Leigh and willem 10:34
ubottuthere is a draft for our new qa/tester page on a pad - thanks to Leigh and willem: akxwi-dave, bluesabre, dkessel, flocculant, jjfrv8, knome, krytarik, ochosi, pleia2, slickymaster and Unit19310:34
flocculantif you can look there - and comment 10:35
flocculantall part of trying to grab new people 10:35
flocculanton that note - we did see new people arrive during the last bits of testing 10:39
flocculantseems my no network on suspend isn't just me \o/10:42
Spassok, I'm trying to organize my testing a bit - https://goo.gl/Jmf8UG10:44
flocculantbluesabre: updated release note to older bug on that suspend/network issue - which is apparently a bad kernel commit10:49
bluesabreflocculant: aha, nice10:50
flocculantnot really \o/ - just pleased it wasn't yet another just me thing :D10:50
bluesabreStarted dumping 18.10 ideas here: https://wiki.xubuntu.org/devel/xubuntu-18.10, feel free to add things you'd like to consider11:04
SpassI think that I found small issue / unsuspected behaviour in Catfish also11:04
flocculantbluesabre: ok11:05
bluesabreSpass: let's hear it :)11:05
Spassbut not sure it's a Catfish issue or Thanar's action "search" issue11:06
Spassok, so Thunar, I'm in /usr/share/icons/ folder and I RMB click on elementary-xfce-dark folder and I click Search...11:07
SpassCatfish window appears, I'm searching for "uget"11:07
flocculantbluesabre: when Spass has finished I got a parole thing ...11:08
flocculanttough I think I know the reason11:08
Spassand I'm getting results from /mnt/Xubuntu/usr/share/icons/elementary-xfce-dark/11:09
Spasswhich is my main system on a second disk, mounted11:09
Spassbut why I get those results? I was searching /usr/share/icons/ not  /mnt/Xubuntu/usr/share/icons/11:10
flocculantI just get no file found11:10
Spassyes, because there isn't any "uget" file there11:11
Spassthis is why I was surprised why I get any results11:11
Spassturns out it searched my other disk also :/11:12
flocculantSpass: are you sure that you're seacrhing in the right folder?11:12
Spass100% sure, yes11:12
bluesabreThunar tends to be folder-sensitive with actions... right-clicking on a folder "elementary-xfce-dark" suggests to Thunar that you want to do things to/in that folder11:12
SpassI will try searching outside thunar, I'll open Catfish and will navigate there11:13
Spassyup, when I open catfish and navigate there it works fine11:14
Spassok, so no big deal then, but still slightly confusing11:14
flocculantbluesabre: Parole - add files to playlist, if I try to add multiple entries - it does the same revert to one line only (same as deleting multiple things in catfish) - is that the gtk3 issue we discussed?11:15
flocculantoh - and I added some stuffs to the wiki :p11:16
Spassany way to make this thunar action more specific? "catfish --path=%f"11:16
Spassto avoid this issue?11:16
bluesabreflocculant: file a bug for that, sounds wrong11:16
flocculantbluesabre: okey doke will do it now11:16
flocculantSpass: my find search action IS that11:17
bluesabreSpass: I think it's by design. If you were to right click in the white space (not on a folder) it would search the folder you're in instead of the folder you've clicked on11:17
Spassnope, it's the same when I'm in that folder and click on empty space11:18
bluesabreSpass: similarly, you can add a Ctrl+F shortcut to the custom action to search that current folder11:18
bluesabre(Kinda surprised we don't already have that)11:19
Spassseems like there's something wrong with that --path=%f11:19
flocculantbluesabre: pretty sure I didn't edit the find action11:19
flocculantand now parole works ...11:19
Spassbut ok, I'll leave that issue aside, it was just confusing to see results from other folder...11:19
Spassfeels not right11:20
Spass"catfish --path=%f" was default, I didn't change anything11:20
bluesabreYeah, it's Thunar's action handler forwarding the path to the app.11:21
bluesabreThat looks to be correct11:21
bluesabreThe action is "Find in this folder", if you click on a folder, that's the folder you're finding in11:21
bluesabreIt makes sense if you know a folder has thousands of files and you won't be browsing it (or wanting to create thousands of thumbnails)11:22
bluesabreflocculant: so you fixed it :D11:23
Spassexactly, "Find in this folder", so why I get results from other folder also, I know the name of the folder is the same, but it's a different folder on a different partition :)11:23
flocculantbluesabre: aah got it now - I assume that parole doesn't support drag'n'drop :)11:23
flocculantwhich was what I did 11:23
bluesabreSpass: oh I see... is that a symbolic link or something?11:24
flocculantit just drags whichever file was last selected11:24
Spassno, there's no symbolic link there11:24
Spass"/usr/share/icons/elementary-xfce-dark/" doesn't contain anything with "uget" in it's name, no file, no folder, no symbolic link, nothing, results window should be empty11:25
bluesabreFeel free to file a bug report, seems confusing enough11:26
Spassbut for some strange reason I get results from "/mnt/Xubuntu/usr/share/icons/elementary-xfce-dark/" where yes, I put those files there myself11:26
bluesabreI think I understand now11:26
bluesabreI think you may have mounted your drive twice (by accident?)11:27
bluesabreI'm really confused by it11:27
Spassit treats "/mnt/Xubuntu/usr/..." and "usr/..." like it was the same path11:27
bluesabreright, that's bizarre11:28
Spassand /usr/... is not /mnt/Xubuntu/usr/... :D11:28
bluesabreIt shouldn't do that... but it's not doing anything special with paths, it just walks them11:28
Spassyeah, like I tell you before, confusing11:29
Spassthings you can find while wild testing...11:29
bluesabreAlrighty, gotta start my day11:30
flocculanthave a good one too :)11:32
bluesabreCan you also screenshot a right-click -> Properties of the elementary-xfce-dark folder11:36
Spassnot sure should I file a Thunar or a Catfish bug...11:36
bluesabreJust so there's no additional questions :)11:36
flocculantI hve a question there too :)11:36
bluesabreSpass: might be able to view the process in the task mananger to see what's getting launched11:37
flocculantin Catfish - top left - drop down - is it actually searching the right folder there?11:37
Spassin that drop down it only shows "elementary-xfce-dark" no tooltip with the whole path or anything like that11:40
Spassand when I click it it shows me a list with standard Pictures, Videos etc folders to choose11:41
SpassI can test one more thing, I'll put some "uget" file in that folder too, and will know if it searches both of them11:41
Spassyup, it shows me that file too, so I get results from both paths... and I don't want that, I clicked specific folder to search in Thunar, not "all folders with that name on every partition I have" :)11:45
Spassreally weird, so that command "catfish --path=%f" is just broken11:46
Spasswell, another thing to add to my google docs...11:46
SpassI consider myself a YouTuber now ;) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdaHX8mecUg12:00
flocculantoh dear ... :D12:02
flocculantthey've got you now ;)12:02
Spasseh, I think I'm done testing for today, I added my contact info to the doc, just in case - https://goo.gl/Jmf8UG12:11
ochosiali1234: that panel bug with moving plugins (it's about mixing internals and externals) is fixed in 4.13/git master btw, so not really worth spending time on17:10
ochosiplus it has been around forever17:10
ali1234which means gtk3 right?17:33
ochosimaybe the fix could be backported, not sure18:00
ochosi(cavalier fixed it)18:00
Spassin that case I'm sorry for reporting that, I didn't know it was fixed already19:34
krytarikNo need to be sorry for not taking into account changes that haven't made it into the distro yet.19:46
ochosiSpass: no problem at all20:04
ochosiUnit193: added something to the agenda for our next / first 18.10 meeting. just so you're motivated to schedule and run the meeting ;)20:18
Unit193ochosi: Oh crap, that's me.23:47

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