
SatanicHi, can I ask for help here? :P00:28
Lucifer_armaacheronuk: ok, cool.  I'll keep waiting.  :)  I have neither technical nor social reasons to be in a hurry, I'm just personally excited to finally have modern enough computers to get the full kubuntu experience again.  ;)00:29
Lucifer_armaSatanic: I'm not a regular here, but one thing I've noticed in irc channels, you don't ask to ask.  It's better to just ask your question and wait for somebody to answer it.00:30
SatanicAlright so I'm new to KDE and I need to set up an OpenVpn connection with a third party vendor. I already installed OpenVpn and I have the certificates, but I don't know what to do next.00:35
SatanicI did it previously on Gnome, but I can't find any VPN settings on the network manager.00:36
rijeni am use kubuntu 18.04 now00:43
rijenbut when i launch firefox and libreoffice make plasma always crash00:43
Lucifer_armaSatanic: https://uriesk.wordpress.com/2016/11/25/configure-openvpn-with-the-kde-connection-editor/00:43
rijenhow to solve this?00:43
SatanicLucifer_arma: The network editor used on the guide is not the same that I have, the one that came with the installation does not have the option to add a new connection.00:58
Satanicwhich is quite weird.00:58
krytarikWhat exactly do you mean by that?  Got a screenshot?01:02
Satanicyeah hold on.01:04
someone_I think that was a stupid thing what kde team did when disallowed dolphin run as a root , I'm used this to do many of useful thing but now the situation became more difficult and I have no sloution unless installing other file manager01:09
someone_Why they don't make this new change optional if user want cancel it then it is possible to do that , I didn't use Kubuntu 17.10 and I stayed with 16.04 for this reason with hoping that thing will be fix in 18.04 but it have not fixed.01:10
someone_How I can fix that ???01:10
SatanicIt wont allow me to send screenshots... What I mean is that the options of the network editor's GUI do not include a way to add a virtual connection.01:11
krytarikSatanic: Try installing 'network-manager-openvpn'01:13
Satanickrytarik: I did but nothing changed.01:20
artyknots_hi why are my touchpad settings grayed out01:21
artyknots_default install nothing installed yet01:21
krytarikSatanic: "sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager.service" ?01:24
Satanickrytarik:  Didn't work, I am going to ask on askubuntu.com01:33
Satanicsee what happens01:33
krytarikOk, feel free to link.01:33
BionicMacSatanic: see the mouse pointer? Is that what you mean? That is I add connections. -> https://i.imgur.com/YDfx7hk.png01:39
SatanicBionicMac: That is problem precisely I don't have that option.01:41
BionicMacSatanic: The "+" sign my mouse pointer is pointing to...01:41
Satanicthat is the*01:41
BionicMacwoah.. no + sign?01:42
SatanicI wonder why...01:43
BionicMacSatanic: enlarge the cobfiguration window I just replicated. maximize if you have to doubel chech.01:46
BionicMacSatanic: pull the bottom down even.01:46
SatanicBionicMac: OMG01:46
SatanicI can't  believe it, that's it.01:46
Satanicthank you very much guys.01:47
krytarikHeh.. :)01:47
BionicMacSatanic: =) Welcome. Be safe while driving the beaver !01:48
r_riosHey, any idea when will 18.04 updates be available on 17.10?01:49
SatanicBionicMac: of course ;)01:49
Lucifer_armawow, Dolphin was still running as root as recently as 16.04?01:56
* Lucifer_arma doesn't use Dolphin. Konsole is quite effective.01:56
BionicMacLucifer_arma: I use dolphin... yet I find myself at the cli prompt more than not. good answer. O.o02:01
Lucifer_armaBionicMac: I only use dolphin when I need to mount removable media, but I always immediately close it and go to the terminal.  ;)02:37
Lucifer_armabut hey, I'm old school.  I still think the 3d animation when switching desktops is neato02:37
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BionicMacLucifer_arma: I stayed in cli so long: All terminal for many years. Actually I'm glad I did. Want to learn more? Just force yourself to terminal for all tasks. (even it is is 1 week a month) You'll come back to the GUI world with knowledge or a headache. =)03:02
BionicMacLucifer_arma: Have you tried "Tilix" terminal emulator? I just discovered it last week. Impressive/clean/mean and out of the way while having just the right amount of options.03:04
BionicMacAlthough I'm liking Konsole more and more.03:06
noktabrizokonsole is tight03:38
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Fire-Dragon-DoLI have a bunch of environment variables that are loaded through my bashrc. Is there any option to get those in my KDE session so that if I start something through the Application Launcher, it picks those up?07:12
Fire-Dragon-DoLIdeally, it starts KDE session with the whole bashrc environment loaded up07:12
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budrikHi all, I try to run kile (4:2.9.91-4) on fresh installed kubuntu 18.04 LTS and it crashes! Is this a bug07:45
budrikThe splash screen is showing up, then segmentation fault (core dumped)07:46
Guest61335hi, I have a problem where the panels loose their configuration08:07
user|69555Hello everybody! Maybe somebody knows when the update will be available for cli mode?08:34
luc4Hello! Any idea when it will be possible to upgrade to kubuntu 18.04?08:48
acheronukluc4: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes/Kubuntu08:51
acheronuk"Note: Upgrades from 17.10 will not be enabled until a few days after 18.04's release. Upgrades from 16.04 LTS may not be enabled until a few days after the 18.04.1 release expected in late July."08:51
acheronuk"few days" here is the Ubuntu release team's decision, as the switch gets flipped for all flavours by them08:53
luc4acheronuk: so the answer is "no idea" :-)08:55
acheronukluc4: well since the people making the decision are at #ubuconEU18 (26-29th) I think, I suspect they will review the state of things once that conference wraps up08:56
luc4acheronuk: I'll have a look then, thanks!09:08
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BluesKajHey folks10:28
IrcsomeBotGellyTram was added by: GellyTram11:37
IrcsomeBotLembritt was added by: Lembritt11:37
IrcsomeBot<GellyTram> Quick question about kubuntu... as 18.04 is an LTS release, will it get updates to KDE software applications, KDE frameworks and KDE plasma?11:38
IrcsomeBotcarguello was added by: carguello11:40
IrcsomeBot<carguello> (Sticker, 512x443) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/74qW3Ps0/file_6265.webp11:40
IrcsomeBot<carguello> (Sticker, 512x443) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/hMN4ekp1/file_6265.webp11:40
void__Hello everyone, today I wanted to try the new version of GIMP(2.10). I installed it following the guide at https://www.marcosbox.org/2018/04/installare-gimp-2.10-da-flatpak.html, the installation ended well, but at startup GIMP crashes immediatly, without any error prompt.11:42
void__I looked up the bugtracker but the only similar issue was referencing Arch :/11:43
void__Does anyone tryied to install GIMP through flatpak and had success starting it?11:44
IrcsomeBot<carguello> @void__, Open the flatpak package via terminal11:44
IrcsomeBot<carguello> It should prompt a log11:44
IrcsomeBotThe_One_Ultimate_X was added by: The_One_Ultimate_X11:44
IrcsomeBot<carguello> Plus, if you're on Kubuntu, there is an official ppa for Bionic11:45
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> @GellyTram, Plasma: bugfix releases in the main archive, new major versions is backports we hope … Frameworks: critical bugfixes in the main archive, whole new releases in backports … Apps: as frameworks above11:45
IrcsomeBot<carguello> @void__, This ppa contains the latest version of Gimp for Bionic … https://launchpad.net/~otto-kesselgulasch/+archive/ubuntu/gimp11:47
void__how to open the flatpak package? (the command)11:48
IrcsomeBotOsirus126 was added by: Osirus12611:48
IrcsomeBotmichellabrie was added by: michellabrie11:49
IrcsomeBot<carguello> @void__, flatpak run org.gimp.GIMP11:49
void__it doesn't prompt anything, immediate exit11:50
void__I'll try with the repo11:51
IrcsomeBot<carguello> @void__, Damn11:51
void__I know, flatpak was supposed to be the final solution for easy install and run apps on linux, but looks like it has a long way to accomplish it's goal11:52
IrcsomeBot<carguello> @void__, https://community.kde.org/Guidelines_and_HOWTOs/Flatpak11:52
IrcsomeBot<carguello> @void__, Did you do the whole setup as described at the community kde guideline?11:53
IrcsomeBotKunalRaghav was added by: KunalRaghav11:54
IrcsomeBot<carguello> @void__, Try with the community documentation from Flatpak, just where it says *Applications* if it doesn't work, go with ppa11:54
void__And Discover isn't even working either when I try to open the file, Discover just opens blank and after few seconds closes, again, without any error prompt :/11:54
void__I'll try, thanks for the references :311:55
IrcsomeBotJuan_Mt was added by: Juan_Mt11:55
IrcsomeBot<carguello> @void__, Sure12:01
void__found out that the plain "flatpak run *app*" doesn't continue to work, BUT if I execute "sudo flatpak run *app*" it does work as intended! :D And now it does prompt some log:12:07
void__Missing fast-path babl conversion detected, Implementing missing babl fast paths12:07
void__accelerates GEGL, GIMP and other software using babl, warnings are printed on12:07
void__first occurance of formats used where a conversion has to be synthesized12:07
void__programmatically by babl based on format description12:07
void__*WARNING* missing babl fast path(s): "R'G'B' double" to "CIE Lab double"12:07
void__(ps. Drone isn't that much smart when it saw the local path as webpage link :'D)12:09
void__I wonder why gimp requires root in the IBUS-WARNING12:11
IrcsomeBot<GellyTram> @acheronuk, Thanks Rik. So if I want to install the latest KDE applications 18.04 is it possible?12:11
Tm_Tvoid__: is it possible that you have run something with "sudo" before this issue appeared?12:14
AceKingI did a fresh install of 18.04 on my PC. I am hardwired into the router and my Ethernet card is RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express. My download speed is 6 mbps and my upload speed is 27 mbps. My download is usually over 100 mbps. Worked good with all other versions. Any ideas how to fix this? I ran dmesg | egrep '(eth0)|(r816)' here is the output. https://pastebin.com/4DNRFDLh12:15
Tm_Tvoid__: I'm wondering if there has been change of some file ownerships which causes issues, and you could fix it by recursively changing ownership back to your user in their user home12:16
void__@Tm_T mmmmm, let me try to install the package with sudo flatpak12:17
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> @GellyTram, Not yet. We need to build them for next develepoment release 1st. Plus they are only on 18.04.0, with 3 bugfix releases to some, so it's not really appropriate to give users of an LTS release them until a few rounds of bugfixes12:18
BluesKajAceKing, which internet speed test did you use ?12:18
AceKingBluesKaj: I ran speedtest.comcast.com and speakeasy.net12:19
BluesKajtry the google speed test12:20
BluesKajyour ISP may have been throttling12:21
void__@Tm_T Nope, still install normally, but executes only with sudo :( why flatpak behaves like a moron by requiring sudo privileges12:21
IrcsomeBot<GellyTram> @acheronuk, OK thanks for explaining. Now torn between kubuntu and maybe going back to neon as I like some of the new features of 18.04 applications ☹12:21
Tm_Tvoid__: as I mentioned you might have file ownserhips messed up12:21
fcanelaHello. It is Kubuntu recommended under Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU  J3060  @ 1.60GHz ?12:22
AceKingBluesKaj: Download 4.13 Upload: 23.712:22
Tm_Tvoid__: I don't know how flatpaks work, but I'm sure user apps should be run without sudo12:22
fcanelaI prefer kubuntu over lubuntu or xubuntu, but I do not know if that cpu is too constrained12:22
fcanelait is a dual core with Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU  J3060  @ 1.60GHz12:22
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> @GellyTram, Do what ever works best for you. I run Neon on my laptop, Kubuntu on my desktop, and help develop both.12:22
void__@Tm_T do you know how I can find a culprint about ownerships issues?12:23
IrcsomeBot<GellyTram> @acheronuk, Yes will do. Again thanks Rik.12:23
Tm_Tvoid__: try "chown $USER -R ~/" without sudo12:25
AceKingBluesKaj: I'm running 17.10 on my laptop and I'm getting Download 104.3 Upload 27.712:25
Tm_Tvoid__: if it spits any error, you have files that are not ok12:25
BluesKajAceKing, run ifconfig or ip add to find your NIC ethernet name and make sure it's correctly set it /etc/network/interfaces12:27
BluesKajsomething like en3p0s...strange new substitute for eth0\12:28
AceKingBluesKaj: OK, checking12:29
void__@Tm_T O_O MOTHER OF GOD, almost all my home/*user* folder is full of "operation not permitted"12:30
Tm_Tvoid__: yeah, because you have been running stuff with sudo, now root owns things12:30
Tm_Tvoid__: you can fix it by running "sudo chown ville:ville -R /home/ville" where "ville" is replaced with your current username12:31
Tm_Tvoid__: after that I recommend logging out and back in in your desktop session and then rerun that chown12:32
AceKingBluesKaj: https://pastebin.com/mLid1hdm12:32
itsfemme[m]How do I change the panel color accent? (the blue, and hover light blue)12:32
void__there's a log about function not implemented from that command, should I continue by logging out?12:34
acheronukitsfemme[m]: that is hardwired into the breeze plasma theme. you would need to either hack the theme files, or more realistically see if there is an alternate you like via the "get new themes" button in systemsettings12:35
Tm_Tvoid__: huh, can you PM me with the actual command and the actual output12:35
BluesKajAceKing, you have 2 NIC ethOs listed , enp1s0 and enp3s0. Is this correct, 2 ethernet cards?12:37
AceKingBluesKaj: yes12:37
BluesKajthat's the problem, you need only one12:38
AceKingBluesKaj: I have 2 cards in my PC12:38
AceKingBluesKaj: At one time  I was sharing my connection from my PC12:39
AceKingBluesKaj: Everything worked fine until I did a fresh install of 18.0412:39
BluesKajAceKing, well, choose one ethernet card for now and use that setting in the interfaces file, unless network-manager is mucking things up there12:45
Tm_Tvoid__:  with logout we try ensure you don't have any running apps with wrong ownership12:45
Tm_Tvoid__:  with logout we try ensure you don't have any running apps with wrong ownership, hopefully the issue is mostly gone now12:46
user|15101good afternoon. i want to uodate my kubuntu from 17.10 to 18.04 but by termin (sudo apt update > sudo apt upgrade > sudo apt dist-upgrade) returns me that there're not updates12:47
AceKingBluesKaj: At the risk of sounding stupid, how do I do that? I am currently using enp1so.12:47
BluesKajuser|15101, use sudo do-release-upgrade12:47
void__@Tm_T seems working, the only error comes from one of the paths in error from before "chown: impossibile to read the directory '/home/void/.cache/doc': Permission denied"12:48
acheronukBluesKaj: which does not work quite yey12:48
user|15101BluesKaj: yes, there aren't updates...12:48
acheronukuser|15101: your command is wrong12:49
Tm_Tvoid__: hopefully now things work better (:12:49
user|15101I've tried "sudo do-release-upgrade" also this return no update12:49
acheronukuser|15101: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes/Kubuntu12:49
acheronuk"Note: Upgrades from 17.10 will not be enabled until a few days after 18.04's release. Upgrades from 16.04 LTS may not be enabled until a few days after the 18.04.1 release expected in late July."12:50
BluesKajuser|15101, the nuse sudo do-release-upgrade -d12:50
user|15101acheronuk: it's not specified the date12:51
acheronukuser|15101: because it will only happen when the Ubuntu release team are reasonably happy most upgrade bugs are squished12:52
user|15101BluesKaj: with the last command, terminal's working12:52
void__@Tm_T I want to cry, GIMP still doesn't run without sudo T_T12:53
user|15101acheronuk: ok, so i shall wait (only), right?12:53
BluesKajAceKing, in /etc/network/interfaces make sure auto eth0 is replaced with auto enp1so..if it already is then connect to the other ethernet card and use enp3s0 instead12:53
IrcsomeBot<carguello> @void__, ppa?12:53
acheronuk'-d' is unwise to use, as it's bypassing a deliberate safety period12:54
AceKingBluesKaj: OK, thank you for your help12:54
BluesKajacheronuk, why are the repos not ready, what's the point of a release date if that command is unwise12:55
itsfemme[m]acheronuk: Do you know what file I have to edit? is it glowbar.svgz?12:55
void__@IrcsomeBot @carguello can you paste the link again? I lost it after the logout12:56
IrcsomeBot<carguello> @void__, This ppa contains the latest version of Gimp for Bionic … https://launchpad.net/~otto-kesselgulasch/+archive/ubuntu/gimp12:57
acheronukBluesKaj: because updates to fix iso go in until the very last moment, but can't always be tested fully for impact on upgrades. so there is a delay on the latter so any issues can come to light and be fixed12:57
void__@IrcsomeBot @carguello thanks :312:58
IrcsomeBot<carguello> @void__, :)12:59
BluesKajacheronuk, well, maybe the release date in this case was little optimistic and should have come with a caveat13:01
acheronukno. this is always the case13:02
void__@IrcsomeBot @carguello weird, GIMP 2.8(old)...13:02
BluesKajacheronuk, I've seen do-release-upgrade work on the release date many times , this is the first repos delay I've encountered in 13 yrs on kubuntu13:04
acheronuknot the 1st I have seen13:05
acheronukBluesKaj: [01:01] <infinity> acheronuk: We'll give it a day or three to see if any critical upgrade bugs trickle in that we should be SRUing for before opening the flood gates13:06
acheronukthat is the ubuntu release team lead talking ^^^13:06
BluesKajso he should have passed it on to all users who were trying unsuccessfully to upgrade without -d ...this is not good13:08
acheronukit's in release notes!13:09
BluesKajheh, sure and every user reads those , let's get real here13:09
void__yep, the most forward resolution would be to put a hint at the call of do-release-upgrade that gives updated information about any delay :)13:12
acheronukthis is very real, and again, nothing unusual13:12
nautilus1they should add, dont leave porn open when you lock the computer. as it shows all the porn you have open. lol. :)13:12
BluesKajbah humbug , that's BS and you know it13:12
nautilus1how do i turn that off then haha13:13
BluesKajthat's all i have to say about this matter13:14
acheronukit's not BS, and I know that. I don't mind that you disagree, but debate now seems pointless13:14
AceKingBluesKaj: You rock! I added auto enp1so to /etc/network/interfaces and my speeds are back up! Thank you again!13:21
IrcsomeBot<carguello> @void__, It was updated 22 hours ago13:34
IrcsomeBot<carguello> @void__, https://launchpad.net/~otto-kesselgulasch … The dude also has Gimp-edge ppa13:35
IrcsomeBot<carguello> But, first link was updated 21 hours ago13:35
=== paula is now known as paula_
luresunxiTesting 12313:45
acheronukit works13:46
luresunxiThank you archeronuk. Testing out atomic irc on mobile.13:47
diazardHey, why do my installed snaps disappear from App Launcher?14:17
IrcsomeBot<Claws> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/GdDBTwRa/file_6268.jpg14:44
IrcsomeBot<Claws> Buggg14:44
fcanelahello, I am configuring KDE Connect so I can change pc volume from mobile phone16:20
fcanelashould I change the volume using alsa or pulseaudio?16:20
fcanelapactl or amixer?16:20
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Guest82963this working?17:54
Guest82963oh woooow17:54
Guest82963I clicked the link on reddit and it opened this chat box17:55
Guest82963im new to linux17:55
Guest82963is this kubuntu?17:55
D0U91Eme too it'll be 30 years next year I been using linux17:55
D0U91Eredhat 5.217:57
Guest82963is this kubuntu channel? or monero?17:57
D0U91Eyou will have access to more support using kubuntu over manjaro17:58
MrokiiIs the "live patch"-mechanism available in Kubuntu 18.04? I've read about it regarding Ubuntu at one point but haven found something specifically about Kubuntu in that regard.18:14
ubottuCanonical Livepatch is a service offered by Canonical for 64 bit 16.04 installs that modifies the currently running kernel for updates without the need to restart. More information can be found at https://ubottu.com/y/livepatch and https://www.ubuntu.com/server/livepatch18:18
MrokiiBluesKaj: Thanks.18:20
BluesKajMrokii, yw18:21
krisehey , my keyboard backlight dont work anymore, does anyone know how to fix it18:27
krisesamsung chronos 718:27
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krisecan anyone please tell me whats wrong with my system18:36
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Mrokiikrise: I don't know what the keyboard-problem has to do with your paste, but if need to use sudo with apt-get, for it to be able to work.18:41
MrokiiThe error-messages in that paste are normal when you use apt-get without sudo.18:42
IrcsomeBotTaurohtaRR was added by: TaurohtaRR18:56
kriseMrokii, can u please look at this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/m95T3JW3tP/19:06
Mrokiikrise: I'd say there is nothing wrong with your system as such. There are simply some error messages that say that certain adresses can't be found. My assumption is that your version of Ubuntu (yakkety / 16.10) is too old. According to the internet, its "end of life" date was in 2017. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases19:13
Mrokiikrise: "end of life" means that there aren't any system-update from Canonical anymore for this Ubuntu-version.19:15
IrcsomeBot<TaurohtaRR> How to fix kwallet not autoopened on login? … I have startup script that add ssh-key to agent but with new installation of Kubuntu it doesn't added automatically instead after every login it asks for default wallet password19:19
kriseThanks Mrokii19:27
Mrokiikrise: yw19:27
IrcsomeBotNiggolas was added by: Niggolas19:32
wernerHi @Bionic, I try to install KUser - is it gone?19:39
acheronukwerner: it was kde4 and stopped getting released by KDE in apps, and was no longer supported/maintained. so it was removed from debian and ubuntu19:43
IrcsomeBottstechy was added by: tstechy19:44
robotFireFox in the flash seem not allowed to use flash on any website-  any way to fix it?  Kubuntu 18.04 LTS19:52
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wernerachny alternatives?19:58
werneracheronuk: THX for Info.19:59
acheronukwerner: plasma has it's own user manager now. not exactly full featured, but get normal adding removing users done. for more I just use the CL, so honestly not sure if there is a good (say GTK) equivalent20:01
wernerI'll stick to CL for now. It's always a pity when progs disappear that my helpers could use...20:05
wernerbrings the work back to me.20:05
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Mrokiirobot: What does "Firefox in the flash" mean?20:19
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IrcsomeBotthreeonefour was added by: threeonefour20:53
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Mcfatty12345tbHello, I'm having some troubles with my huion drawing tablet on kubuntu22:08
valencesometimes when I right click, it triggers two right clicks in kubundu 18.0422:15
valencethis sometimes activates the first menu entry22:16
valencethis behavior happens on two different mice, on fedora 18 kde spin, but not on windows 1022:16
valenceanyone have any idea where I should start looking for a solution22:16
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