
vilaGyrosGeier: Marking the bugs FixReleased (mentioning the release) is the best way to address that problem IMHE09:17
GyrosGeiervila, that will happen once we have a release15:45
vilaGyrosGeier: right.That's one way to look at it: make them all released when the release comes out16:22
vilaGyrosGeier: an alternative is to use that status to indicate what /will/ be part of the release before the release is done.16:23
vilaGyrosGeier: Less work at release time, less noise until then.16:23
vilaGyrosGeier: ymmv16:24
GyrosGeierthe default view that includes these is awesome for users because they can see what bugs to still expect16:25
willemHi all, I'm trying to report a bug, but launchpad keeps producing an error (tried for 20 minutes or so): (Error ID: OOPS-9c1505f4810fc2a4e7c16ecc6c2aac13). Could this be something I am doing wrong or is this launchpad itself?17:55
cjwatson"IllegalTarget: Package xfce not published in Ubuntu"19:44
cjwatsonwillem: so it's a bug that this resulted in an OOPS rather than a proper error message; but you'll need to pick a source package name that actually exists in Ubuntu.  I suggest using the package name picker (via the search icon beside the package name text box) to find one19:45
cjwatsonwillem: I *think* Xubuntu uses network-manager for its network panel widget, so you could probably start with that, but I don't use Xubuntu myself so I'm not really sure19:49

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