
BionicMacblazeme8: try a fresh new user to run an x session and see if it persists. Go from there. That's my suggestion to rule out ~/whateverconf-files first.00:24
kus_ubuntui686is there a way to keep all four of my my /home/user folders and accounts when I upgrade from artful to bionic? 00:28
kus_ubuntui686I have done something a little unconventional and marked three of the four accounts as system accounts so they don't show up in the log in screen. Would that cause any problems? 00:29
blazeme8BionicMac: good idea - with a fresh user it doesn't persist. I reproduced it on the new account by enabling the fractional scaling feature and logging out/in.00:31
blazeme8im enabling it via: gsettings set org.gnome.mutter experimental-features "['scale-monitor-framebuffer']"00:31
BionicMacblazeme8: You are progessing then. =) Good work.00:31
BionicMacs/progessing/progressing/ 00:33
wagleanyone here already know when you will be able to "do-release-upgrade" on a uu1604 digitalocean droplet to gt u1804?01:03
krytarikYes, July.01:05
waglewhy so long?01:07
Bashing-omwagle: ^ . See the release notes .01:07
wagleBashing-om: good point, sorry01:08
wagledidnt expect to see it there01:08
Bashing-omwagle: :) 01:09
waglehmm..  this is already the wrong channel anyway01:09
Bashing-omwagle: Even though itisout, we still watch over this channel . #ubuntu is where it is at now .01:11
daxYep. Technically the only thing on-topic for #ubuntu+1 right now is 18.10. So... guessing release codename I guess :D01:11
Bashing-omcanny canine !01:11
daxbut it's not as strictly enforced as it used to be; we used to straight up +m or +i the channel until the new toolchain got uploaded01:12
waglecant see all the /topic unless I hover01:12
Bashing-omwas do ' /topic ' .01:12
wagledunno where to ask, but only one question: where will "do-release-upgrade -d" take me from 1604?01:14
wagleoh..  nevermind01:16
waglehow odd to wait until july01:17
krytarikNot so odd if you depend on stability.01:18
wagledo came out with 1804, so I thought i'd upgrade one droplet01:20
wagleso if do-release-upgrade -d failed halfway though, where do I go for advice?01:37
krytarikLOL :D01:38
* wagle rofls too01:38
wagledoctor!  doctor!  it hurts when I try to do unsupported things!01:40
krytarik"Don't try unsupported things then.."01:41
wagleyeah yeah01:42
waglethis was my designated crash box01:42
waglewondering if its possible to continue, or to toss the whole experiment01:43
BionicMachaha! "doc, it hurts when I do this!" doc: "Dont' DO THIS!" 02:32
waglemanaged to reattach the shell it spawned03:01
=== guiverc_d is now known as guiverc
yellabs-r2there is a nice intro dialog when running ubuntu for the first time, how can i start it after first intro ?08:44
yellabs-r2whats that "program"called ?08:44
ducasseyellabs-r2: don't crosspost, please08:51
yellabs-r2well , i did not know if its a question for normal ubuntu channel or +108:55
yellabs-r2thats why, but no problem , no crossposts from me my friend .. ;)08:56
yellabs-r2by the way, do you know the answer , that would be more helpfull08:56
flocculantubuntu +1 is for dev version - and as there isn't a dev version - this is the wrong channel - not rocket science08:57
yellabs-r2good to know , thank you 09:03

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