
chuleftyfb: ping me in the future03:09
leftyfbchu: for?03:10
chuIf you have any issues in here03:12
leftyfbchu: I figured out I have ops here as well03:12
chuOh cool03:13
leftyfbI also applied for ops in the main channel since it seems we could really use the help03:14
chuI asked for ops in here the other day just to help, but if you're able to clean it up, even better03:15
chuI'm quite busy at the moment but hopefully soon I'll be able to give more attention03:16
leftyfbluckily it hasn't been that bad here for a bit. But the main chat has what looks like some of the usuals that keep coming back03:16
leftyfbhey, join the club03:16
leftyfba 3 month old and just picked up a new car because my teenage sister who lives with me totaled our last one on Wednesday :/03:17
leftyfbspeaking of the 3 month old, gotta call it a night ... cya03:18
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:19
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: WB . bionic fever and all :)04:21
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: tnx mate04:22
lotuspsychjeit was a small fever :p04:22
lotuspsychjehottest question: upgrade from artful04:23
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: broken upgrades :(04:24
lotuspsychjemorning guiverc04:28
guivercHowdy lotuspsychje, how are you?04:28
lotuspsychjegreat started a lazy sunday :p04:29
lotuspsychjeyou have a long weekend aswell?04:29
guivercnope - but anzac day (our memorial day; anz, nz..) was last thursday (public holiday)04:30
lotuspsychjeim off mon & thu also04:31
guiverclucky!, but you work for yourself, so maybe not so much ?04:31
guivercwhat's your long weekend for?04:32
lotuspsychjeim gonna chill mostly04:32
lotuspsychjeand im only work 50% for myself :p04:32
lotuspsychjefor now..04:32
guivercyeah - good on yer, but I meant what is the reason for declared holiday?04:33
lotuspsychjefeast of the work 1 may (socialism)04:33
guivercprobably improved security - i'd be too anxious to run my own business, esp. full time!04:33
lotuspsychjeguiverc: well its mostly expensive, so i wanna low profile first for a while04:33
guivercokay - never heard of it; I'm assuming though that is the title; your version of 'labo[u]r day'04:34
guivercs/that is the title/that is NOT the title/04:35
lotuspsychjeducasse told me he knows that day, so its international?04:35
lotuspsychjewell i guess for countrys that support socialism04:36
ubot5Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) release notes can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes05:38
lotuspsychje<lotuspsychje> !releasenotes is Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) release notes can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes05:40
lotuspsychje<ubottu> Your edit request has been forwarded to #ubuntu-ops.  Thank you for your attention to detail05:40
EriC^^morning all05:49
Bashing-omEnd_Of_Session .. G Nite all \o06:08
EriC^^good night Bashing-om o/06:09
Bashing-omYall have a good one /// laters -06:10
lotuspsychje!info compizconfig-settings-manager bionic06:20
ubot5compizconfig-settings-manager (source: compiz): Compiz configuration settings manager. In component universe, is extra. Version 1: (bionic), package size 561 kB, installed size 4489 kB06:20
ducassegood morning, everyone06:22
lotuspsychjehey ducasse morning mate06:22
ducassemorning lotus, how are you today?06:22
lotuspsychjefine, chill quiet morning and rainy06:23
ducassea bit cloudy here, but no rain yet06:24
ducassei should take apart this laptop and clean it, it's dusty and grimy06:25
lotuspsychjefirst some tea then work on sunday06:27
ducassefor your business?06:29
lotuspsychjeno no i mean you, clean laptop :p06:31
lotuspsychjei always clean them for customers too06:31
lotuspsychjegot some sprays here06:31
ducassei've also got some sprays, and compressed air - usually all i need06:33
EriC^^morning ducasse06:35
ducasselotuspsychje: what are your plans for the day?06:35
=== guiverc_d is now known as guiverc
ducassemorning, EriC^^ - how's life?06:36
lotuspsychjesurely chill ducasse06:36
EriC^^good about to get out of bed and make some coffee06:36
EriC^^you ducasse ?06:36
ducassei'm good, thanks - just chilling on the sofa so far06:39
BluesKajHey folks10:28
ducassewb BluesKaj - how's your weekend?10:36
BluesKajhey ducasse, quiet but fine, how about you?10:37
ducassesame here, thanks10:38
EriC^^odd the ubiquity installer crashes for me in a vm, ubiquity signal 5 error10:45
EriC^^something about glib apparently10:45
sky887What's a-cookin fox?10:46
BluesKajoh you mean folks11:03
* JimBuntu transforms into a fox.11:06
JimBuntu"Ubuntu, Waffle-Iron edition"11:08
BluesKajor it's just so called cool textalk11:09
BluesKajanyway,  'Morning JimBuntu11:10
BluesKajHi EriC^^, sky88711:10
JimBuntuGreat morning BluesKaj! I hope the new day brings you new experiences to treasure.11:10
BluesKajsame for you JimBuntu :-011:11
BluesKajlooks like a nice sunny day here, forecasting +1511:13
JimBuntuMany thanks. I will be trying my best to find new joys within the day and the night. What else do I have to do today?! lol11:13
JimBuntu15+, you lucky dog. We probably will not reach 15c, simply not in the cards... I think we will have a fire anyway... if only I could get enough people to have a fire tonight, perhaps we could raise the temp a bit X-D11:15
BluesKajI still have lots of work to do around the house , but I'll eventually get around to it , but not on a Sunday ...I always manage to find an excuse to procrastinate :-)11:16
JimBuntuBluesKaj, I know that feeling. I take Saturday off, that's my lazy day... other then cooking, which I enjoy anyway. Today is about chores for me, simply biding my last few moments before I have to start them... need to make breakfast for the family, grocery shopping... pick up that new computer power supply that will HOPEFULLY end my random reboots on one of the machines and a few other things, ugh, I need to stop being11:18
JimBuntua responsible adult soon, it's getting boring, lol.11:18
BluesKajheh, oh yeah i'm familiar with that responsible adult alter ego on my shoulder11:19
BluesKajsometimes he wins , but not often enough11:20
JimBuntuI'm desperate for the local farmers market to start up again. Then I can properly enjoy grocery shopping again.11:21
BluesKajyup, agreed11:21
JimBuntuI have been cloning a few plants through the winter, but I let some lemon balm go wild and it covered some of the herbs to the point it nearly killed them.11:22
JimBuntuHave you ever grown lettuce BluesKaj ? I'm finally doing OK with that, after 6+ months.11:23
BluesKajafraid I suffer from a  missing green thumb11:23
JimBuntuOh, that's too bad! We are all different though and that's a good thing. I do enjoy watching my greens grow and wind up on our plate.11:24
BluesKajnot from the lack of trying tho11:25
JimBuntuI can't take any claim to being "good" at growing, I'm pretty good at automating and measuring though... so I mainly rely on my ability to measure out nutrients for the hydroponics and remembering to add water often enough.11:27
BluesKajhydroponics, oh my11:27
JimBuntuYeah, that's about the only way I can manage through the winters.11:27
BluesKajright into it aren't you ;-)11:28
JimBuntuWell, it works well... I tried aquaponics a couple of times. Need more room. Might do some aquaponics outside this year though, once it's warm enough that the fish wont die, lol11:28
JimBuntuI hear the kids are up. Time to listen to that alter ego and start on breakfast. Please have a great day BluesKaj!11:30
BluesKajsame to you JimBuntu...enjoy11:30
EriC^^hi BluesKaj11:58
EriC^^hi JimBuntu11:58
leftyfboh man ... just learned how to crate my own bash completions .... man is this going to be nice15:12
leftyfbnow I have package name completion when using my alias for "sudo apt install $@", apti   :)15:13
ducasseisn't that practical? :) i hacked together my own ones some time ago, every character saved prevents the bitbucket from filling up!15:24
oerheks75 gb seeded \0/18:33
oerheksnow i can go to sleep18:33
NoCodeWhat kind of uplink?19:00
kostkon56K dialup19:01
tomreynmust have been a pre-release then ;)19:02
kostkonyes, prelease of 5.04 :P19:03
Tegunah, not that long. it would take 124 days with 56 kbps if I calculated correctly19:08
oerheksi can give 500-600 kb/s up, and watch digital tv fine19:10
tomreynyou mean "nc towel.blinkenlights.nl 23", right?19:47
kostkonisn't that the url for starwars ascii? amiright19:54
oerheksno, digital tv takes 6 mbit from my line, per tv19:55
Tegubut it's mostly downlink19:55
kostkon99% it's downloading of data sans the interface browsing19:55
EriC^^_anyone know french well? i kind of need to translate something20:14
kostkonparlez vous francais? nooooope20:15
daftykinsEriC^^_: is it a physical document or some text you can copy paste?20:17
daftykinsi recently discovered the google translate android app does excellent OCR using the camera20:17
daftykins(i translated a Spanish letter a friend received)20:17
EriC^^_i've typed it out but google translate is kinda having problems20:17
EriC^^_it translates est sans particularite to is peculiar, i think sans means not in french though20:18
EriC^^_this is the most important part, the conclusion "quelques hypersignaux d'allure séquellaire de la substance blanche sus tentorielle bilatérale. le reste de l'examen est sans particularité."20:18
kostkonlooks french to me20:19
kostkonfrench enough..20:20
daftykinssans = without, mmm20:31
daftykinswe meet again21:58
leftyfboerheks: it's a known troll22:01
oerheksbut bing is not bad22:02
kasa_leftyfb: who is a known troll?22:02
kasa_Is there a mod or something like that?22:03
kasa_Somebody has to ban him right22:04
leftyfbgood luck with that22:04
leftyfbhggdh: can we perm ban that person please?22:11
hggdhleftyfb: I have not seen any reason to *ban* so far. But a kick might be indicated if he keeps on22:12
leftyfbsee my post above. Constant trolling22:13
GerbilSofti looked at the log and it appears that the same IP is logged in multiple times22:13
leftyfbGerbilSoft: its over the course of days. They just come on with a different nick each time22:14
GerbilSoftoh ok22:14
leftyfbhggdh: gotta get a handle on those windows :)22:14
hggdhleftyfb: indeed :-)22:14
hggdhlet's see how it develops22:20
leftyfbthey left22:20
leftyfbbut they'll be back22:20
hggdhfor now...22:20
hggdhleftyfb: in general, a ban is a last resort action. I agree he (it's probably a he) is borderline for a kick or quiet, but I see no reason for a ban22:24
hggdhit is usually a better idea to try to reason the person back into compliance than to drop the hammer22:24
leftyfbthere's no reasoning with trolls22:25
leftyfbthat's their whole point22:25
hggdhbut, still, one should try22:25
hggdhintrinsic to an ops capability is the willingness to try to reason (even when one expects it to fail)22:27

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