
AirstrikeIvanovHey guys I have a 24GB VM running Ubuntu and despite the filesystem reporting being 5.8GB used, it shows I only have 750MB free space - I was told it's /lost+found but not sure how to empty that out. I don't need to restore the data or anything.00:28
AirstrikeIvanovwasn't sure if it is safe to just delete the folder or something simple00:29
AirstrikeIvanovwhat is the most lightweight gui for ubuntu server when installing one on top of a base command line install?00:57
AirstrikeIvanovwas trying LXDE but this install on my VM is just totally borked and think it's "destroy vm" time lol00:58
Vicnorfskianybody online?03:33
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casoe84dkI have a question Does anyone know how to get ubuntu 18.04 back to using dns from dhcp lease instead of systemd04:44
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casoe84dkI have a question Does anyone know how to get ubuntu 18.04 back to using dns from dhcp lease instead of systemd06:14
ice9when i run "lxc list", it doesn't display any output and the terminal prompt becomes idle09:17
rbasakRoyK: which problem? Do you have a link please?15:37
RoyKrbasak: the one about the new installer not supporting raid/lvm/fde/iscsi etc15:47
rbasakRoyK: I see. Thanks.15:59
madLyfewhen you ssh in to server 18 you get a system information readout. is there a way to call that print out again? maybe watch it?16:47
RoyKmadLyfe: there's a lot of software for monitoring things, from munin to zabbix to old nagios/icinga to - well - who knows16:48
* RoyK uses munin and zabbix16:48
madLyfewell ive just been using watch sensors16:48
madLyfebut when you log in, now you get a quick little readout.16:48
tewardmadLyfe: if you're using that for monitoring current system uses I would not trust it16:49
tewardI'd much sooner trust the various outputs of various commands, or zabbix/munin/nagios to report proper values16:49
tewardespecially if you want somewhat realtime tracking16:49
RoyKusually there's a lot more that should be monitored - what happens with a bad drive, or a dead fan, or a full drive or something filling up your network or …16:49
madLyfesensors is ok?16:50
RoyKlmsensors covers 10% of what should be monitored16:50
tewardor less16:51
RoyKor perhaps less - usually, the issues you see, are on the operating system level16:51
* RoyK started using netsaint around 1999 and switched to nagios when it was released and has ditched that stuff for munin/zabbix later16:52
madLyfemy servers are just dual processor SM boards that mine XMR16:53
RoyKwell, if you want to monitor a system, don't just look at the hardware  -  most of the issues are in software16:54
teward^ this16:55
RoyKlmsensors won't show you the cpu use - it won't show you memory pressure, swap usage, SMART data from the disks etc16:55
madLyfeit gave me temp/fan speed/and watts though.16:57
tewardthat's only enough to get the basic info about your fans and temp gagues.  the other things you *Really* need to focus on are swap usage, SMART data from disks, memory usage/queues/pressure, etc.16:58
tewardand to be frank that little 'system info' readout is basically pulling data from what other commands go and check anyways16:58
RoyKmadLyfe: there are plugins for temp/fan etc for the mentioned software solutions. If there aren't, it's trivial to write them yourself, and *ding*, a fancy webui with automatic email alerts if something goes wrong17:04
RoyKmadLyfe: [Zabbix] PROBLEM: Server imploded due to lack of monitoring - please call17:07
madLyfefor munin and zabbix17:08
RoyKmunin is very simple to setup17:09
RoyKjust try it17:09
RoyKzabbix is a bit harder, but far better in terms of scalability and what it can monitor17:10
RoyKapt install munin17:10
RoyKand it just works - and then just add whatever plugin you need17:10
specialtr4TESTING TESTING17:47
tomreynspecialtr4: please test elsewhere18:02
specialtr4I am maintenance18:02
specialtr4You cannot talk here right now18:02
specialtr4This channel is under maintenance18:02
specialtr4Sorry for the inconvenience.18:03
tomreyn!ot | specialtr418:03
ubottuspecialtr4: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:03
specialtr4I know the rules. Thank you very much.18:03
specialtr4I am maintenance18:03
specialtr4This channel is not open right now18:03
specialtr4I am sorry, but you cannot talk here right now18:03
specialtr4I have a job to do18:04
serminetSpecial are you here?18:07
specialtr4sure am18:07
serminetWe do the usual, right?18:07
specialtr4yes. We are just doing a basic maintenance run here18:07
specialtr4That is all they requested.18:07
serminetOk the18:08
serminetLets get this show on the road18:08
serminetAny problems yet?18:08
specialtr4not much18:08
specialtr4but I barely started lol18:08
specialtr4How was the movie last night?18:09
serminetNot as good as I expected18:09
specialtr4oh, thats a shame18:09
specialtr4TESTING TESTING18:09
specialtr4In 20 minutes, we should go on break.18:11
serminetI agree18:11
serminetmy stomach is growling18:11
specialtr4NO WORRIES18:12
tomreynthat was slightly weird18:53
blackflowthat's an understatement :)18:54
hggdhtomreyn: he has been trolling many #u channels with this testing and pretending to be a Canonical person18:55
gunixdo you think keepalived would be easier to configure with ansible or with k8s ?18:55
tomreyni see18:55
madLyfeRoyK: there needs to be 2 servers for munin?19:07
madLyfeim confused19:09
blackflowmadLyfe: nope19:13
RoyKmadLyfe: no, just one, munin server, which is cron-based, and munin-node, which is the client, running at whatever you want to monitor19:32
RoyKmadLyfe: munin is a nice start to monitoring - zabbix is in my opinion better, but it takes a bit more to setup19:33
madLyfeheh im not even sure what to do with it.19:40
RoyKmadLyfe: just install it and try19:47
madLyfethe install was easy19:56
danrikis /etc/fstab still a go-to way for mounting samba shares? or is systemd preferred nowadays given that network dependency can be specified and such?21:33
danriksomething more flexible  - that reconnects if network was down or something21:45

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