
nlsthzn57qa last seen Kilos07:21
QAnlsthzn57: Sorry...07:21
nlsthzn57QA seen Kilos07:24
QAnlsthzn57: Kilos was last seen 3 days, 10 minutes and 5 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2018-04-26 00:14:49 MST], and has been offline on freenode since 2018-04-26 06:51:46 MST07:24
=== Cryterion_ is now known as Cryterion
Kilosoh my 57 nlsthzn57 now. sure can breed that guy09:40
Kilosmorning everyone09:41
Kilossuperfly: you not sleeping?09:42
nlsthzn57hey uncle Kilos... well you are not wrong... #3 is due on Halloween :p09:43
Kilosi have no idea when that is09:43
Kilosanyone that knows can tell me where to download movies free without registering on a site and giving bank details etc09:45
Kilosi need to use some night surfer data'09:45
nlsthzn57thepiratebay.org for all your torrent needs09:45
Kilostook 3 hours to get kubuntu 18.04 last night09:46
nlsthzn57oh and halloween is 31 October09:46
Kilosoh still a long way to go neelsie09:46
Kiloshope everything goes smooth lad09:46
nlsthzn57well it complicates the whole leaving the UAE thing 09:47
Kilosoh my09:47
Kilosfly on halloween then the child wont be an arab09:48
nlsthzn57hoping to hit the UK (Scotland if possible) before end of the year09:48
nlsthzn57would like if the new one could be born there already09:48
Kilosgood luck with all your planning09:48
nlsthzn57but the paperwork is taking long09:49
Kilosthat would be better yes09:49
nlsthzn57From the fire into the ice bucket10:09
nlsthzn57anyhow I hope everything still going well in ZA land... and that most of the news I get over here is exaggerated10:32
Kiloswb nlsthzn5711:45
Kiloswhat exagerated news are you hearing lad?11:45
nlsthzn57oh just all the political issues... land appropriation etc. etc.11:53
howzitcalHey All13:31
howzitcalHey Kilos 13:31
Kiloshi  howzitcal13:33
Kilosnlsthzn57: things are going downhill fast, you better off away13:34
nlsthzn57the country14:05
nlsthzn57I am off home in a bit... hope you all have a lovely evening and catch you online (possibly) a tad later14:06

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