
evil-capybaras-7i haven't had any issues with the rollout, but i'm a casual home user who uses it to write essays and play games00:06
evil-capybaras-7feels much smoother to me00:06
Fleetwoodevil-capybaras-7: i been using it a month or so with no issues myself00:07
evil-capybaras-7still a little PO'd that I can't play my DVDs, but that's not Ubuntu's fault :(00:09
sonicwindI've only played with the Live version but did notice a couple bugs last night... after enabling the auto-hide, it somehow got to where it wouldn't hide even though it was still set to it00:09
sonicwindfor the dock that is00:09
sonicwindbut I like the new settings area00:09
kostkonevil-capybaras-7, tried in vlc?00:10
waltmanYou know, I start a new job on Monday. Probably makes sense to keep things stable on my servers so I'm not changing *everything* in my life.00:10
evil-capybaras-7yea, the copy protection lets you play it but nukes the character's voices so it's pointless to try to watch00:10
kostkonevil-capybaras-7, i've never come across such a thing00:10
evil-capybaras-7the weird thing is that the music was normal volume but as soon as people started talking, you notice00:15
evil-capybaras-7might give it another shot later00:16
tgm4883evil-capybaras-7: that sounds like you're trying to play 5/7 channel audio through 2 speakers without downsampling00:17
evil-capybaras-7what is downsampling? i've never done anything with surround sound so i just assumed the copy protection was doing it00:18
evil-capybaras-7maybe i was wrong00:18
tgm4883evil-capybaras-7: I've never heard of copy protection doing that00:18
evil-capybaras-7hold on i'll go grab the disc00:18
kostkonevil-capybaras-7, if the dvd is playing it means there's no copy protection anymore, i mean it has been bypassed and the movie is playing already etc00:18
tgm4883evil-capybaras-7: basically, on a multi channel setup (eg. with 5 or 7 speakers) Your center channel is where voices come from. The right and left channels won't have voices (or will very minimally have voices)00:19
kostkonit means*00:19
tgm4883evil-capybaras-7: There's very likely another audio track that already is setup for 2 channels that you should select00:20
evil-capybaras-7the set up only has an option for 5.100:20
evil-capybaras-7boy do i feel like an idiot00:20
evil-capybaras-7does vlc have an option for downsampling00:21
kostkonevil-capybaras-7, what setup do you speak of though.  the audio options in vlc. something else?00:21
evil-capybaras-7in the dvd menus00:21
tgm4883evil-capybaras-7: in the VLC menus, is there any other tracks under Audio > Audio Tracks00:22
evil-capybaras-7wow, i'm glad i posted here, after giving it another try, it "just works"00:23
evil-capybaras-7don't know how that happened00:23
evil-capybaras-7welp, guess that's solved. made a bit of a fool of myself on IRC but it's a learning experience00:24
evil-capybaras-7thank you!00:25
pikapikaSo as recommended by someone here, I am trying out apt-cacher right now (within a vm). Server and client are the same machine. So lets say I download a bunch of packages and disconnect from internet. Cache removal threshold is set to very high value. Later on if I say make another vm as a client and run both, will installing from the client get the existing .deb etc files from the server or will the server download them again?00:47
SoggyDingusis anyone else having issues with ubuntu dock and appindicator?00:52
SoggyDingusI flip them on and off and nothing happens?00:52
SoggyDinguswhat gives?00:53
SoggyDingusthis is on ubutu 18.0400:53
frigidusing linux ubuntu mint here01:29
frigidnever gonna mess around with win-doze again01:29
RocinanteThe force is strong with this one01:30
Tin__manfrigid, unfortunately mint is supported on another Server Spotchat server #linuxmint-help01:32
hiiggyAnyone use Tor Browser? Haven't been able to install it from repos on 18.04. The PPA I used to use doesn't seem to be working01:32
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jm_hey what's the 18.04 version command > gksu nautilus01:38
jm_gksu nautilus"01:38
jm_"gksu nautilus"01:38
AnastasiusHey, I have a question. Can we get the 18.04 art changed to something resembling a more realistic Bionic Beaver? I'd like to submit this one for your consideration: http://imgs.abduzeedo.com/files/articles/sorayama/23-robot-paintings-by-hajime-sorayama.jpg01:38
auctusif that happened, maybe it finally would be the year of the linux desktop; they do say that sex sells.01:40
Draconiator...ummm....  I keep mistyping Sudo as "Soda"....01:41
wagleso if "do-release-upgrade -d" aborts mid upgrade for unknown reason, is there a way to restart where I left off, or do I punt?"01:42
AnastasiusYou shouldn't say "abort" in here, it's insensitive.01:43
leftyfbAnastasius: trolling is off topic01:44
AnastasiusSays who?01:44
AnastasiusOh, I see. You're a "member". That figures.01:44
leftyfbAnastasius: https://ubottu.com/y/gl01:45
leftyfbplease keep on topic. This is a support channel01:45
AnastasiusSweetheart, we stole that coda probably long before you were born. What's your point?01:45
Bashing-omwagle: Dependes on how far the release-upgrade progressed. pastebin ' cat /etc/apt/sources.list ; tail -v -n +1 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* ' , See what we have to work with .01:45
waglemeh, I cou;d just do a fresh install if this isnt easy01:50
wagleBashing-om: ^^^01:50
crimson_kinghiiggy, download from the tor-project site, it updates itself and doesn't need to be installed. You can add a launcher by running the start-tor-browser script with --register-app01:51
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leftyfbwagle: you could try running it again or running sudo apt-get dist-upgrade01:51
wagleUpgrades to the development release are only01:52
wagleavailable from the latest supported release.01:52
hiiggycrimson_king: Ahh, that was what I was mostly concerned about. Whether it would update automatically. I assume it would do it by itself while running, instead of through apt update/full-upgrade, right?01:52
waglequote, unquote01:52
leftyfbwagle: ok, then dist-upgrade01:52
waglecant hurt worse01:52
Anastasiusleftyfb: Are you a professional?01:52
crimson_kinghiiggy, right, you can check for upgrades manually too by going to the 'About' window01:52
crimson_kingit shows some progress bar and such...01:53
crimson_kingwell, give it a try01:53
leftyfbAnastasius: do you have an ubuntu support question? Otherwise, please take it o #ubuntu-offtopic01:53
hiiggyActually, on that note, if anything is installed outside of apt, are they placed in different locations?01:53
Anastasiusleftyfb: Okay I will, are you there too?01:53
hiiggyThe wording on that might be a bit off...01:53
snadgewhy does do-release-upgrade say no new version of ubuntu found?01:54
Anastasiusleftyfb: Oh you're not. I think I'll stay here.01:54
crimson_kinghiiggy, I'm not sure about that. But I can say it won't show up on apt or conflict with your packages installed with apt01:54
snadgeim running 17.10.. and 18.04 is out01:54
hiiggyNot a big deal either way. It would just satisfy my OCD.01:55
crimson_kinghiiggy, thus it's safe. If you don't want it anymore, just delete the folder your downloaded. It comes as a zip, you extract it.01:55
crimson_kingEverything runs from inside that folder, AFAIK01:55
leftyfbsnadge: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes#Upgrading_from_Ubuntu_16.04_LTS_or_17.1001:55
Bashing-omsnadge: See the release notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes . Explains the why .01:56
AntaresPayPal hackdynamics@mail.ru - дайте пожалуйста кто сколько может, на совт нехватает :(01:56
snadgecheers :)01:56
leftyfb!op | Antares01:56
ubottuAntares: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax01:56
AnastasiusOh good, it's you.01:57
wagleleftyfb: I seem to have a dangling screen session...  its been a decade, trying to figure it out again01:57
AnastasiusHere I come to save the daaaaaaaaaayyyy!01:57
leftyfbAnastasius: do you have an ubuntu support question? Otherwise, please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic01:58
AnastasiusDo you randomly select these replies or is it off the cuff?01:58
hiiggycrimson_king: Where should I place the downloaded folder? Where do all other installed packages end up after an apt install?02:00
snadgeoh interesting i can do a do-release-upgrade -d .. but the release notes dont mention this.. do i feel lucky? :P02:00
snadgeshould i just wait a few days02:00
waglesnadge: mine died halfway through02:01
crimson_kinghiiggy, I leave it in the /home/$USER/02:01
crimson_kingyour home folder.02:01
crimson_kingyou could leave it anywhere02:01
hiiggyOh, that's really going to mess with my OCD then!02:01
hiiggyEh, if there's no other option, whatever.02:02
snadgewagle: what made it explode specifically.. do you have any/ppa's enabled?02:02
wagledigitalocean droplet..  was editing apticron config file, and it disconnected..  farting around now seeing if I can resume02:03
crimson_kinghiiggy, hehe, I used to be like that too02:03
waglesnadge: ^^^02:03
snadgeoh okay it was a remote upgrade02:04
hiiggycrimson_king: I hated Windows for its two program files folders!02:04
crimson_kinghiiggy, and to be honest, Ubuntu LTS doesn't update the tor packages like Debian does. They even recommend not using the ones in Ubuntu repositories02:05
snadgei'll be doing it from X desktop .. so maybe that is less likely to explode02:05
hiiggyWhy isn't tor browser part of the official repos, anyway?02:05
crimson_kinghiiggy, if you've heard of Flatpak and Snap, that's the new trend now, to have independent packages that do not interfere with eachother02:06
hiiggyDoesn't that go against the idea of the apt method? Are libs still shared, or will each one have their own, regardless of whether it's already available elsewhere?02:06
crimson_kinghiiggy,  there will be many versions of the same component for each program that needs it02:07
wagleif a shell was left dangling by screen, and screen has no recollection of it,  is there a way to attach anyway (was 10 years ago, but i forget)02:07
crimson_kingThat wastes space, but solves a lot of problems too02:07
hiiggyYeah, the space thing is that bothers me02:08
hiiggyAnyway, I need to run off. Thanks for the help.02:08
crimson_kinghiiggy, you're welcome02:08
wagleoh neato..  the upgrade is still there on pts/202:10
bray90820in 18.04 how would I check if an app is running?02:16
AnastasiusTry turning it off and on again.02:17
wagledont do that02:18
BionicMacbray90820: run 'ksysguard' and look/search in the preocess tab. or 'top' or from cli 'ps aux | grep [name of your process/app]'02:19
waglehow do I install a pkg if apt is locked?02:19
BionicMacbray90820: If it is a system esrvice then 'sudo systemctl status nameofservice.service'02:20
bray90820It'a not a system service02:20
BionicMacwagle: It is locked because there is another apt process running/locking it. Look for discover/muon/or_cli_ that is running.02:21
BionicMacbray90820: then the first example I showed you.02:21
bray90820Alright thanks02:21
wagleBionicMac: yup, on pts/2, a danling screen session that I want to reptyr to02:22
BionicMacbray90820: even -> from cli 'ps aux |less' and scroll around and look.02:22
Shibehi, after updating to ubuntu 18.04 my trackpad is not working at all02:22
Shibeit isnt working in weston or x02:22
d1bhi - so um 18.04 lts hasn't been fully released yet? - it doesn't seem to be in the meta-release or meta-release-lts mainfiles02:25
krytarikYes, please see the release notes.02:26
wagleand I am having trouble with the trick to do it anyway, so I don't suggest trying02:27
d1bdo-release-upgrade -d ?02:28
d1bkrytarik: oh?02:28
d1bah right - i see it now.02:28
wagled1b yes.  it died halfway through and I'm left with a half upgraded system02:28
d1bmine is stuck at Setting up libnih1:amd64 (1.0.3-6ubuntu2) ...02:29
wagle oops!  too late for you too!02:29
d1byeah it looks like there is a pre / post install hook that is broken02:33
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waglei have a lead02:35
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* wagle is stuck in locked apt/dpkg hell02:43
wagleto fix it, I gotta install things, but cant install things until I fix it02:44
Bashing-omwagle: What shows ' sudo lsof /var/lib/apt/lists/lock ; sudo lsof /var/lib/dpkg/lock ' ?02:46
wagleI'm trying to reattach to the shell it started02:46
Bashing-omwagle: Ouch. sorry that ^ is out of my league .02:48
waglei just now finally figured out I can git clone reptyr.git and compile it..  bzzzzt02:48
wagle((didnt work)02:48
wagleoh wait. it DID work02:49
* wagle does happy dance02:49
wagleprotip: install "reptyr" before starting upgrade02:51
argusbr how to solve problem ? https://pastebin.com/raw/niptwPBe compiling libssh02:51
d1bthat didn't work out for me, i had to kill the installation and then ran dpkg outside of the installer, followed by reverting the respective files the upgrade manager uses to know which distribution is installed -> (now re-running the installer)02:52
wagled1b: currently resuming the editing session i had going with apticron.conf02:54
wagledunno if it will recover from there02:54
opiatesSo I've got a bit of a predicament.  Is anybody here familiar with Synergy?03:00
opiates...maybe I should just pay the $40 instead of using old versions lol03:01
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waglescuttlebutt (earlier today)is to just use the old version (1)03:04
waglebut I havent tried it in 2 years or so03:06
en1gmano updates to ubuntu 18.04 LTS in 24hrs (since release)?03:07
krytarikIt's weekend..03:09
en1gmadoes that matter? yesterday wasnt a weekend03:12
krytarikYou think many people, Canonical or community volunteers, work much over the weekend or ftm on Friday?03:22
RandolfI suppose it depends on each volunteer, etc.03:23
wagleHAha!  grub broke, system hosed03:35
mattflyim on ubuntu 18.04 LTS and proceed as said here> https://askubuntu.com/questions/6769/hibernate-and-resume-from-a-swap-file and tried other ways too but I am unable to hibernate03:36
mattflyI have 16gb of ram03:36
mattflyI get stuck on the snapshooting system screen03:37
mattflyof s2disk03:37
mattflythe computer seems to power off ( i hear the headphones clicking) but then it comes back on that screen and never finally resumes03:37
casoe84dkI have a question Does anyone know how to get ubuntu 18.04 back to using dns from dhcp lease instead of systemd03:52
casoe84dkBtw its a ubuntu server03:52
seah0r5eI am having trouble finding volume control on my xfce decktop using Ubuntu 16.04. Can someone help me out?\03:55
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NecrosporusI have loaded 18.04 budgie live and exited the session. Now it asks for login and pass. What is login and pass for livecd?04:05
Necrosporusubuntu / ubuntu doesn't work04:05
NecrosporusI know I will get autologin if I reboot but I set up a lot of things so how do I get back to system without reboot?04:05
snadgeI just upgraded to 18.04 from 17.10 and I can't log in. It just loops back to login screen, tried installing other sessions, tried creating a new user.. same thing :/04:07
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snadgeshould I even be still using lightdm? I can't find any useful information in logs or dont know where to look :(04:08
Necrosporussnadge, did you try logging in console?04:08
snadgeyes console is fine04:09
Necrosporussnadge, if you startx from console does it work?04:10
NecrosporusWhat does it say?04:10
NecrosporusCan you log in through live session?04:11
snadgeI get xf86EnableIOPorts: failed to set IOPL for I/O (Operation not permitted)04:11
Necrosporussnadge, try sudo startx maybe04:13
Bashing-omMechanismus: snadge NOOOoooo .. then root owns files in your home !04:14
snadgeoops ;)04:14
snadgewell that revealed the problem at least04:14
snadgeits failing to load libglx.so04:15
snadgei wonder if thats because i had oibaf repo installed prior to upgrading :P04:15
casoe84dkI have a question Does anyone know how to get ubuntu 18.04 back to using dns from dhcp lease instead of systemd04:19
lotuspsychjegpap: did your issue get solved?04:23
snadgeok wow i had both padoka and oibaf repos enabled prior to upgrade.. thats really dumb (apparently)04:23
snadgefixable though with ppa-purge04:24
casoe84dk:/ guess its time to change linux distro on the server thanks to systemd04:24
lotuspsychjesnadge: you can more easy remove ppa's from bionic now04:24
snadgeoh how do you do that?04:24
buntunubuhello everyone. trying to install ubuntu on a 256 ssd drive. do i need a separate swap partition? i just want to do a simple installation04:25
lotuspsychjesnadge: https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-list-and-remove-ppa-repository-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux04:25
buntunubufrom what i read, by default, ubuntu will create a swap file04:25
buntunubui have 16gb of ram04:26
lotuspsychjebuntunubu: you can just use the layout ubuntu chooses in setup04:26
buntunubuthe problem is i have a dual boot set up right now with windows 7 and 1004:26
lotuspsychjebuntunubu: after install you can tweak things like swappiness 10 and preload04:26
buntunubuso i have to choose the other partition option04:26
buntunubuah okay. so just creation one root partition04:27
buntunubuwithout /home, /swap, etc. correct?04:27
crimson_kingWhat is the default password of the root user in MySQL?04:27
lotuspsychjebuntunubu: ubuntu setup will recognize your windows partitions and ask what youw anna do04:28
buntunubuyeah i basically don't want to touch those at all04:28
lotuspsychje!partitioning | buntunubu04:28
ubottubuntunubu: For help with partitioning a new install see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition | For partitioning programs, see !GParted (recommended) or !PartitionManager. Other partitioning topics include !fstab, !home, and !swap04:28
buntunubuhhd1 = win10 (windows bootloader), hhd2 = win7, ssd1 = ubuntu here04:28
lotuspsychjebuntunubu: with a nice 256G ssd, i would make my life easy and loose win once and for all, use whole hd for ubuntu :p04:32
XXCoderlotuspsychje: I use ssd for OS, and ssd-augumented 2 tb drive for /var and /home04:33
XXCodervery fast boot04:34
lotuspsychjeXXCoder: sounds great, feel free to share specs in #ubuntu-discuss04:34
buntunubulotuspsychje: yeah right? just purge it all04:36
buntunubulotuspsychje: none of this multiboot headache. sweating here on a saturday. it doesn't have to be this way...04:37
lotuspsychjebuntunubu: indeed! make it easy for yourself, alot of alternative apps out that replace your win life04:37
_unreal_I really dont understand why this laptop is rock solid under linux and stone cold under heavy loads, but it gets burning hot running windows10?04:42
XXCoderbitcoin mining virus?04:43
_unreal_I never run w10 for long, only to use sketchup04:43
lotuspsychje_unreal_: offtopic04:43
buntunubu_unreal_: what computer are you using04:44
XXCoderjoin the fun at #ubuntu-offtopic04:44
anibiccan the bootable iso of18.04 be run to upgrade 17.10 ?04:46
_unreal_anibic, are you looking to upgrade 17.xx to 18.xx04:47
lotuspsychjeanibic: any ubuntu version can save your /home from setup04:47
anibicwhen i run the bootable 18.04 usb it does not recognize my installed 17.1004:49
anibicyes i am looking for uograde from 17.10 to 18.0404:49
gogetaanibic: i think upgrading is on dely04:49
gogetaanibic: to fix some issues04:49
lotuspsychjeanibic: releasenotes say few days after final it will be possible to upgrade04:50
anibiclink please04:50
lotuspsychjeanibic: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes04:51
sram888ugh, why do i have a corrupted mobile broadband icon under settings.05:04
RandolfHow is it corrupt?  I don't see anything wrong with it (I don't use the GUI though).05:06
cfhowlettnot corrupt.  "not available" or unconfigured?05:07
Randolf"Cable unplugged" seems to explain the problem.05:07
RandolfIs it plugged in to a working internet connection?05:07
cfhowlettthat would do it05:07
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buntunubudoes it matter what order i create my partitions?05:20
buntunubui plan to create swap first, then /, then home05:20
buntunubusome guides say swap last but not sure if that's convention or whatever05:20
pikapikaIs 18.04 lts running really slow in VM and with unexpectedly high ram usage for anyone else?05:20
pikapikaI am afraid if the same happens on the actual computer, I wont be upgrading to it unless its corrected05:21
pikapikaSo is it a problem with drivers or something here? Or is it happening for everyone?05:21
lotuspsychjepikapika: gnome is a known memory eater05:22
cfhowlettpikapika, do this         inxi -F | pastebinit05:22
cfhowlettif it IS gnome, use a different flavor: xubuntu or lubuntu or optimized for low resource machines05:23
pikapikaYes but my blank installation of 16.04 (host) used less ram, also xfce. And vm 16.04 is faster and less ram consuming as well.05:23
pikapikacfhowlett: even xfce is taking more ram than 16.04 xfce05:23
pikapikaSomething like 400mb here in the host when all normal apps are closed, 600 mb in a fresh ubuntu 18.04 install after installing xubuntu-desktop05:24
pikapikalotuspsychje, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hVGGDB6ttM/05:27
lotuspsychjemorning EriC^^05:27
EriC^^morning lotuspsychje05:27
ledtcQ: My ubuntu server did not have any locale config in /etc/default so i added one with nano, but its not using it when i type locale ?05:28
EriC^^ledtc: try sudo update-locale05:29
EriC^^try sudo rm /etc/default/locale then the above cmd05:29
ledtccan i paste the output somewhere ? EriC^^05:31
EriC^^ledtc: sure, paste.ubuntu.com05:31
pikapikaOh and I chose the minimal install05:31
ledtcEriC^^, ^05:32
lotuspsychjepikapika: nothing can beat physical installs05:32
pikapikaCertainly, but 16.04 even on a vm was faster and better on ram.05:33
pikapikaI dont think there has been any major change to xfce or gnome since 16.04?05:33
ledtclotuspsychje, Their should be an net installation, so that you just add an external ip in your bios and deploy ubuntu directly from their servers.05:33
lotuspsychjepikapika: you can compare bionic with xenial..05:33
lotuspsychjepikapika: because their too different05:34
pikapikaOh...as in...what would some of these differences be?05:34
lotuspsychjepikapika: pick one: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes05:35
ledtcOne i spelled bionic the other xenial.05:35
pikapikaWell in any case the ultimate result is it appears to be heftier so unless the higher point release change this, I am not upgrading.05:35
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EriC^^ledtc: which locale do you want to use?05:35
pikapikaI will keep an image of the current one and try out the next point release anyhow once it appears. Just in case it is the vm driver problem.05:36
ledtcEriC^^, I'm a swedish user but i want the interfaces to be US as i dont want any translations, but i want to use my åäö in my applications with out encoding errors... ?05:37
pikapikaThe kernel part I do not understand. But the rest doesent appear to be too different. 18 is back to X instead of Wayland in fact, so in this matter it is more similar. Well whatever it is I will wait out for the next point version and try it on the actual computer and see what happens. I have a partition which I can use for testing.05:39
ledtcEriC^^, Did i not make any sense ?05:40
ledtcEriC^^, I mean UTF-8 pretty much encodes anything right ?05:40
EriC^^ledtc: yeah, i dunno that much about locale stuff is all05:41
EriC^^maybe if you set it to en_us it'll work as you want?05:42
lotuspsychje!locale | ledtc05:42
ubottuledtc: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Locale/05:42
EriC^^you'll still be able to type in swedish right?05:42
hellom7ynuwhy is screentearing still a thing on ubuntu/linux?05:43
ledtcEriC^^, i believe so....05:43
ledtcEriC^^, can always change it05:43
hellom7ynuon all my hardware ,on many distros, both with open source drivers and proprietary, its always there05:43
ledtclotuspsychje, should i purge my locales wtf05:43
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lotuspsychjehellom7ynu: specs?05:45
hellom7ynu750ti , r5 160005:46
ledtcupdate-locale LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8 LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-805:46
hellom7ynuand now on 18.04 install proprietary drivers , makes it not able to boot05:46
EriC^^ledtc: what does 'locale -a' show?05:47
EriC^^ledtc: use 'locale -a | nc termview.me 9999'05:47
ledtcwoops :305:48
snh_Hi Everybody05:48
EriC^^hi snh_05:49
snh_Hi Eric05:49
snh_I have installed Ubuntu Gnome 18.0405:50
snh_my driver graphic is NVIDIA Corporation C61 [GeForce 7025 / nForce 630a] (rev a2)05:50
ledtcEriC^^, Yes box, i did the Netcat thingie05:50
EriC^^ledtc: did it give you a link back?05:51
ledtcEriC^^, http://termview.me/p1eu05:51
pikapikaCould it have been because I logged out and in instead of a full reboot?05:51
pikapikaAfter a reboot and login to xfce session, ram usage is ~380M05:51
pikapikaAnd its running quite smoothly05:51
pikapikaMust be the new gnome that is so heavy05:52
pikapikaI guess05:52
EriC^^ledtc: try sudo update-locale LANG=en_US.utf805:52
snh_I want to install nvidia-current or nvidia304, but i don't find05:52
lotuspsychjesnh_: ubuntu-drivers list05:52
EriC^^ledtc: try sudo update-locale LANG=en_US.utf8 LC_ALL=en_US.utf805:52
EriC^^then run 'locale | nc termview.me 9999'05:53
ledtcEriC^^,  Its already set to that, http://termview.me/eyb405:53
hellom7ynuadditional drivers, under software and updates?05:54
pikapikaBoy did it shut down so fast too. So really I guess either it was some random error or it is GNOME05:55
snh_It does not detect the Nvidia graphic driver05:56
EriC^^ledtc: did you run update-locale LANG=... ?05:56
ledtcEriC^^, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/JkMpfTwjrx/05:57
snh_I don't see under software and updates05:57
lotuspsychjepikapika: again..gnome is know for more resources05:57
pikapikaIt certainly is, but I felt it to be much heavier than even the 16.04 version. Well whatever, thank god xfce does not like incessant updates and bloating05:58
EriC^^ledtc: maybe you should install the sv_SE.UTF-8 locale first?06:00
ledtcEriC^^, i thougth i had... hold on06:00
EriC^^sudo locale-gen sv_SE.UTF-806:00
ledtcEriC^^,  Done, dont i need to update dpkg or something ?06:01
EriC^^ledtc: try sudo update-locale LANG=en_US.utf8 LC_ALL=en_US.utf806:03
EriC^^ledtc: wow i tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales and the list is very long to choose from06:03
ledtcEriC^^, he sudo-update worked06:04
EriC^^what does 'locale' show?06:05
EriC^^locale | nc termview.me 999906:05
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EriC^^ledtc: try sudo update-locale LANGUAGE=en_US LANG=en_US.utf8 LC_ALL=en_US.utf806:08
ledtcEriC^^, I did it throws no error, thou it dosnt set any varibles in locale eather06:09
EriC^^what does cat /etc/default/locale | nc termview.me 9999 give?06:10
EriC^^maybe you need to logout and back in for 'locale' to change06:10
ledtcEriC^^, i think its the reconfigure thingie06:12
EriC^^ledtc: give it a shot06:14
orlando_what is the best to customize my desktop in the new ubuntu 18.0406:15
EriC^^ledtc: although what's in /etc/default/locale now?06:15
holicowis there a way to disable clock applet on ubuntu mate 18.04? it does not appear in autostart folder anymore06:15
orlando_compiz config still works in the new ubuntu 18.04?06:15
lotuspsychjeorlando_: preload and gnome-tweak-tool are handy06:16
ledtcEriC^^, ill check06:16
ledtcEriC^^, Locale is fully set06:17
EriC^^en_US stuff everywhere?06:17
orlando_@lotuspsychje with gnome-tweak i can put for example the windows move like a gel?06:17
lotuspsychjeorlando_: wobbly windows cant be done anymore on 18.0406:18
ledtcEriC^^, is it not utf-8 ? instead of utf806:21
lotuspsychjeorlando_: well, you could try of course.. its your system06:21
ledtcEriC^^,  might be a typo06:21
EriC^^ledtc: oh, it is06:21
EriC^^ledtc: run sudo update-locale LANGUAGE=en_US LANG=en_US.utf-8 LC_ALL=en_US.utf-806:22
ledtcEriC^^, in nano its all set but in terminal with locale those two dont get set06:23
EriC^^ledtc: maybe you need to logout and back in, try 'sudo login <your user>'06:24
ledtcEriC^^, hmm okey06:24
lotuspsychjeorlando_: no pm please, ask your questions here06:24
jj__offline indic transliteration linux ?06:25
orlando_trying to use wobbly can breaks my system?06:25
lotuspsychjeorlando_: make a backup and try for yourself?06:28
orlando_uhmmmmm, no thanks.. lol06:28
orlando_the name in the store change from gnome-tweak-tool to GNOME Tweaks?06:29
ledtcEriC^^, Sooo i think it works, application run fine in tmux but my reboot trigger wont fire in crontab if i dont do LANG=us_UTF8 first hmmm ?06:29
ledtcEriC^^, Perhaps it needs a delay ?06:29
jj__offline indic transliteration linux ?06:29
EriC^^ledtc: nah just use LANG before it06:30
ledtcEriC^^, but why ? xd06:30
EriC^^not sure what controls cron's environment06:31
EriC^^ledtc: is there anything in /etc/environment?06:33
ledtcEriC^^, i dont know where the cron config is06:33
orlando_the name in the store change from gnome-tweak-tool to GNOME Tweaks?06:34
EriC^^ledtc: try adding to /etc/environment LANG=en_US.UTF-806:35
EriC^^then service cron restart06:35
EriC^^sudo *06:35
scolanhey guys, I think I may being hacked or targetted. can you look at my tcpdump?? https://pastebin.com/HxkLUzZy06:36
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scolanwhy is there a chinese IP address with an ssh tag?06:36
lotuspsychjescolan: you protect your ssh?06:36
scolanlotuspsychje i use key authentication06:37
Skaface82its probably just brute forcing your ssh06:37
scolanprivate key authentication06:37
Skaface82well, trying common passwords06:37
lotuspsychjescolan: use fail2ban to protect bruteforce06:37
scolanOK. THis is a slackware box I'll see if it's in the repo.. Thank you :)06:37
Skaface82i use a geoip filter in iptables to only accept connections from my country06:37
Skaface82works really well06:37
ledtcEriC^^, i did server reboot no change06:37
scolanwhat's weird is my router does no port forward... I can't SSH from outside my lan06:37
XXCoderfail2ban nice06:37
EriC^^ledtc: damn06:38
XXCoderscolan: some devices can be hacked to serve as local source of attacks06:38
jj__skaface whats the geoip filter in iptable ?06:38
scolanhmm, my moms computer has been compromised I'm like 90% sure.. maybe that's where it's coming from, but xxcoder if you look at tcpdump the IP says it's foreign... not on the lan06:39
EriC^^ledtc: try "locale >> /etc/environment"06:39
XXCodercheck your router?06:39
EriC^^ledtc: try "locale | sudo tee -a /etc/environment"06:39
XXCoderif your router was hacked it may be configured to allow certain redirections06:40
scolanxxcoder: just checked it... i guess it didn't save when I 'unchecked' the port forward box after a demo i did at school...06:40
scolanI'll uncheck the box and see if Xie Jinping gives up06:40
orlando_the name in the store change from gnome-tweak-tool to GNOME Tweaks?06:40
ledtcEriC^^, what, why ?06:42
lotuspsychjeorlando_: try things yourself, install and try it?06:42
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scolanok, i had accidently forgotten to remoe a port forwrding option. I undid it on my router gui and no more incoming from China... Is there a place I can view failed login attempts??06:42
scolanOr to verify that they were trying to brute it06:42
EriC^^ledtc: apparently cron reads that file, some guy says that's what he uses to let it copy his stuff06:42
lotuspsychjescolan: fail2ban logs :p06:43
EriC^^ledtc: if it doesn't work you can always just nano it and remove the excess stuff06:43
phockingirc sure is different than the way back when06:43
scolanlotuspsychje  I wobn't be needing fail2ban now that the device is no longer open to the outside world :)   But it's good to know for future!06:44
scolanB the way I never used ubuntu, but this chat is super helpful. I find this one and Gentoo are both very active06:44
lotuspsychjescolan: your network doesnt use internet?06:44
phockingyeah i'm finding most channels are idle even during business hours06:44
ledtcEriC^^ its it echo("string") you add in shell to print to screen ?06:45
EriC^^ledtc: no just 'echo string'06:45
ledtcEriC^^, okey06:45
ducassescolan: take a look at auth.log, i guess06:45
scolanlotuspsychje I do use internet. there are maybe 10 hosts on this network spread across 2 routers.06:46
scolanducasse will do thx06:46
lotuspsychjescolan: you might wanna nmap yourself from outside, to see if your network is open or not06:47
scolanI can probably do that over mobile network using smart phone06:47
ledtcEriC^^, Hmm nope, i guess i just have to set the varible in crontab then06:47
ledtcEriC^^, so strange06:48
scolanducasse i don't think I have an auth.log file.. not showing up with 'locate'06:48
ducassescolan: should be in /var/log06:49
XXCoderscolan: glad to be of help!06:49
EriC^^ledtc: maybe sudo dpkg-reconfigure cron  would do something?06:49
ledtcEriC^^, maybe, thou i think my vps just changed ip ...06:50
scolanweird, i don't have an auth.log file. what package is it part of?06:50
lotuspsychjescolan: nmap -sV -PN your-external-ip06:50
scolanthis is my brothers system I built about 6 years ago and never update it or check... my linux stuff has auth log tho06:50
scolanlotuspsychje ooh i didn't know that worked! tt06:50
ducassescolan: which release is it?06:51
lotuspsychjescolan: never updated in 6y?06:51
ledtcEriC^^, i fixed it. No the crontab dont seem to run at all06:51
scolani doubt it.. i don't want to break it06:51
ledtcEriC^^, NO logs no nothing i dont get it.06:51
scolanIt's mostly closed off to the internet except that 1 time i opened ssh up for a few hours06:51
ledtcEriC^^, Thou maybe i need to run my flask app as a service instead06:51
XXCoderlotuspsychje: doing that now lol curiois06:52
EriC^^ledtc: hmm06:52
scolanslackware 14.206:52
XXCodergoogle "whats my ip" if lazy06:52
lotuspsychjescolan: the moment they find your ssh open, youl get hammered06:52
EriC^^ledtc: sure why not, what do you mean you fixed it but it doesnt work at all now?06:52
XXCoderlotuspsychje: whats ndiff do? it was recommanded06:53
EriC^^ledtc: cron's working fine as usual but the crontab isn't anymore?06:53
scolanI use private key auth so they're not getting in... idk why the bot kept hammering if it didn't have the key06:53
ducassescolan: if it's slackware, why are you asking here? we don't support that, sorry.06:53
ducassescolan: try ##linux06:54
ledtcEriC^^, Ehm... Crontab never worked as it should and i am not geting any locale warning so think we sorted out the locale issue06:54
scolanducasse slackware chat not working for me. plus it's not a slackware specific problem, and i got sufficient helpo... if you read back I posted about how this chat is very helpful even though I've never used ubuntu06:54
EriC^^ledtc: oh ok06:54
scolanIt's not ab ubuntu question, it's a generic linux and networking question, and I know the difference... thanks for your concern tho06:55
lotuspsychjescolan: install an ubuntu version from topic, and we can help you06:55
lotuspsychjescolan: this support is very alive06:55
scolanI don't need help... i already got the help.06:55
lotuspsychjescolan: for the future..06:55
scolanOK. do you mind talking about non ubuntu specific things or is that bannable?06:56
ducassescolan: you will get kicked for that06:56
scolanjeez some crowd06:57
scolanso if i posted the output of that nmap you suggested I ran, and i have a question about why a certain port is open, that's getting kicked06:57
scolaneven though it would look identical in ubuntu...06:57
snadgedid anyone elses amdgpu driver break after upgrading from 17.10 to 18.04?06:58
lotuspsychjescolan: no, this is ubuntu support06:58
ducassesnadge: why not just ask in ##linux? it's as active as this channel is, or more so06:58
snadgeit was likely my own fault.. i had a few ppa's including oibar and padoka enabled.. but i think i have them successfully purged now.. amdgpu driver is installed.. but glxinfo shows llvmpipe driver06:58
lotuspsychjescolan: thats why freenode has seperate channels, hope you understand that?06:58
scolanI do.. i can't post in #linux, is it register only?06:59
ducassethat was not for you, sorru snadge06:59
XXCoderscolan: easy enough to register06:59
scolanI just don't understand why ppl have to be so autistic... it's a generic linux question, i like ubuntu chat because it's active. if i go ask somewhere else its gonna take time06:59
XXCoderscolan: /msg nickserv register <email> <password> or something06:59
XXCoderthats... not a nice usage of autistic06:59
snadgemy problem is ubuntu specific i think ;)07:00
ducassenor is it really our problem if it takes time elsewhere07:00
scolanit's accurate... "THis chat is for ubuntu only, and anything else will be kicked"  sounds autistic to me.. I"m gonna go join the casual one because yeah07:00
scolanalways wodnered why certain people on IRC insist on being douchebags...07:01
Aii_iubuntu 18.04 KVM try to share fs -> can't start vm : 9pfs "Failed to initialize fs-driver" , any clue?07:02
XXCoderhmm forgot command to get hardware list, ipdx something?07:04
genewitchERROR: libv4l2 not found using pkg-config; but "pkg_config=$(which pkg-config) PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/home/genewitch/arm-build/lib/pkgconfig pkg-config --libs --cflags libv4l2" shows: -I/home/genewitch/arm-build/include -L/home/genewitch/arm-build/lib -lv4l207:04
ducasseXXCoder: inxi?07:05
XXCoderah yes thanks07:05
ledtcEriC^^, Thanks for the help ::)07:08
EriC^^ledtc: no problem :)07:08
ikoniablackflow: did you want me ?07:11
snadgeok i figured out my own problem.. if your amdgpu graphics is broken after an upgrade from artful to bionic07:18
snadgeyou need to manually install libegl-mesa0 .. and restart X07:18
snadgeyou guys might wanna fix that before enabling 17.10 -> 18.04 upgrades ;)07:18
snadgebut then again.. most of us are used to broken frustrating upgrades07:18
snadgeotherwise we wouldn't be here right? :P07:19
EriC^^snadge: it's a good thing, brings the community together07:22
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snadgeat the moment im just trying to figure out if this bug has been reported.. and if not, where it needs to be reported07:25
snadgesince the problem is vague.. ie.. when updating, for some reason "libegl-mesa0" isn't installed, and it needs to be, otherwise accelerated graphics doesn't work07:25
snadgethe solution isn't obvious unfortunately.. it was just luck i happened to chance upon a comment in an unrelated bug report which says it fixed it for them07:26
lotuspsychjesnadge: easy on the enter button please07:26
EriC^^snadge: it's literally libegl-mesa0 ?07:27
Xardotherwise the 18.04 gnome shell runs quite smoothly but changing desktops or opening activites stutters a lot07:28
EriC^^i wonder usually what package is supposed to bring it in07:28
EriC^^try apt-cache rdepends libegl-mesa007:29
Xardsetting set cpu_governor from powersave to performance seems to fix that07:29
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tarzipfor people who have upgraded to 18.04 from 17.10: have you been able to make Steam run in 18.04?07:42
ducassetarzip: you can try #ubuntu-steam07:43
snadgenot using gnome and going back to unity seems to fix problems with gnome-shell too ;)07:46
genewitchERROR: libv4l2 not found using pkg-config; but "pkg_config=$(which pkg-config) PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/home/genewitch/arm-build/lib/pkgconfig pkg-config --libs --cflags libv4l2" shows: -I/home/genewitch/arm-build/include -L/home/genewitch/arm-build/lib -lv4l2    any help? the library is there, but the pkg-config invoked by the configure script for ffmpeg doesn't see it?07:46
Aii_iubuntu 18.04 KVM try to share fs -> can't start vm : 9pfs "Failed to initialize fs-driver" , any clue?07:46
antimistQuestion, I just loaded up the live cd for the Ubuntu 18, and made a backup of my Ubuntu 17 drive to an external HDD and shutdown. Now for some reason I get an I/O error everywhere on that partition (Windows works fine). And my SMART status on the drive is a 100%, running a test now, but no results yet07:48
antimistIt's also on a specific sector, same issue on the Live CD07:48
antimist|altany help?07:53
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thinkyhow can i disable transparency at top bar and the dash?08:05
thinkyin ubuntu 18.0408:06
trypaI want to install ubuntu with other linux distro but I want to encrypt both of the linu distro. I need help with this. Please help me08:06
XXCoderthinky: probably in window manager tweaks08:08
XXCoderor maybe apperence?08:09
trypaI want to install ubuntu with other linux distro but I want to encrypt both of the linu distro. I need help with this. Please help me08:11
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thinkyXXCoder: i cant see anything related with transparency in gnome tweak tool08:11
thinkynot in appearance too08:11
XXCoderwindow manager tweaks?08:12
XXCodermines xfce so its in window manager tweaks, Compositor tab08:13
thinkyXXCoder: should i install something for window manager tweak?08:13
thinkyor is it in ubuntu by default?08:14
XXCodernot too sure on that08:14
trypaXXCoder: I want to install ubuntu with other linux distro but I want to encrypt both of the linu distro. I need help with this. Please help me08:14
thinkynothing like that in ubuntu08:14
XXCodertrypa: I know nothing about excrypting08:14
trypaanyone here to help me?08:15
trypaMeerkat: I want to install ubuntu with other linux distro but I want to encrypt both of the linu distro. I need help with this. Please help me08:17
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MeerkatLike a dual boot?08:17
trypaMeerkat: yes08:17
guiverctrypa, I suspect you can just install normally; using the default encryption, but you'll probably have to manage the grub (if using grub) yourself (manually), as its likely that Ubuntu won't be able to ready the other encrypted-distro so won't see kernel upgrades etc...08:18
cfhowletttrypa, why dual boot linux?  choose one distro.08:18
guiverctrypa,  alternatively you could leave /boot unencrypted - that way it can detect changes...08:18
trypaI am running ubunt and kali linux08:19
cfhowletttrypa, again: why?  what's the goal?08:19
MeerkatI haven't tried out the non-server installers of Bionic Beaver yet, but I would hope it is still similar to https://www.itfromscratch.com/install-ubuntu-server-12-04-with-encrypted-lvm-on-raid1/08:20
MeerkatJust skip the RAID part.08:20
Meerkat@cfhowlett, why does he have to justify his choice to you?08:20
trypacfhowlett: It is an assignment that I have been given08:20
cfhowlettMeerkat, justify?  no.  explain for clarity?  is that NOT something we ask for?08:21
cfhowletttrypa, understood.  would a virtual machine installation satisfy the assignment?08:21
trypaI have trying it on virtual machine but I have a problem with configuring the grub08:22
trypacfhowlett: have you found the solution?08:25
cfhowlettnope ... thus the silence :)08:25
trypacfhowlett: okay08:25
djamalhow to RUN chroot08:27
cfhowlettdjamal, man chroot     should be good reading08:27
ducassetrypa: what kind of assignment? like for a school/course?08:27
Torpedo_SmashHi, I need a suggestion. I need to use MEGA con Lubuntu 18.04 32 bit, but the 32 bit of MEGA for 18.04 doesn't exist. How can I do? I think to use the last version of 32bit's MEGA for Ubuntu (17.04 or 16.04)08:29
djamalcfhowlett i have kali linux and i want it to run like ubunto08:29
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RagingDaveHi, I'm on 18.04 and my calculator key does not spawn the calculator. The key is however recognized in the shortcuts settings. Any ideas?08:29
djamalubuntu should i use chroot08:30
cfhowlettdjamal, you asked how to run chroot.  man chroot has full details on the command.  as far as have kali linux run like ubuntu?  Not sure what that even means.08:30
cfhowlettdjamal, do you have ubuntu installed?08:31
joeschmoehey, i got a simple question about ubuntu?08:31
djamalcfhowlett no i have img08:32
cfhowlettdjamal, so you have kali installed?08:32
DbuggerHi everyone08:32
djamalcfhowlett yes08:32
DbuggerCurious question: When a new release of Ubuntu comes out, how long can it take, until is available in all servers?08:33
guivercjoeschmoe, if you have a question related to Ubuntu support, just ask it (in a single line please, and be patient please and give time for a response)08:33
joeschmoewhat's the equivalent of a factory reset for ubuntu? like where the operating system reverts to how it was on day one when i installed ubuntu08:33
cfhowlett!kali | djamal, then you need to use the kali support channel08:33
ubottudjamal, then you need to use the kali support channel: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)08:33
cfhowlettjoeschmoe, the only option I've ever found is to nuke ALL the files in the /home folder.08:34
joeschmoewouldn't you still have all your other files like in my documents folder for example?08:35
popeyjoeschmoe: we dont have a factory reset option08:35
guivercjoeschmoe, dpkg-reconfigure can return packages back to defaults (within limits; but won't affect your user files/configs..)   some packages have a script to return to defaults, but Ubuntu itself is made up of lots of packages from lots of projects...08:35
popeyjoeschmoe: the only way to do that is reinstall, or restore from backup or snapshot08:35
popeyWhile you could uninstall things, you won't take them back to their initial install state08:36
cfhowlettjoeschmoe, nuke the home = next time you log in you have NO pre-existing settings.  BUT this doesn't set you back to factory fresh as any/all programs installed since will still be there.08:36
joeschmoeyeah i guess i'll just reinstall from a usb08:37
joeschmoethanks for your help.08:37
joeschmoeevery time i start my ubuntu laptop i get this error message "system problem detected"08:38
joeschmoeanyway i can see more info about the problem?08:39
cfhowlettsame here.  still boots.08:39
popeyyes, follow the prompts to report the issue08:39
djamalcfhowlett i cant find #kali-linux maybe not in freenode08:39
cfhowlett#kali | djamal,08:40
popeyoften these are actually crashes from a previous session, but they hang around in /var/crash, and get reported the next time you boot joeschmoe08:40
joeschmoeright but that's the kind of thing that makes me just want to reinstall fresh from a usb. i don't like errors like that. even if they don't really seem to effect anything.08:40
yellabs-r2hi there08:41
cfhowlettjoeschmoe, at least view the error before reinstalling.  could be something trivial or something that reinstall would not address08:41
yellabs-r2quick question : how can i bring back the "what is new in ubuntu" after first login?08:42
sveinsejoeschmoe: If you don't want to investigate, just run sudo rm -rf /var/crash/* and the problem goes away unless it resurfaces and then you can consider reinstalling08:42
joeschmoecould the error just be from letting the laptop shutdown from battery loss and it ends some process quickly and in a way that causes the program to generate that error on start up?08:42
cfhowlettjoeschmoe, let's NOT guess.  reboot and document the error08:43
joeschmoegood point. so the info about the error is stored in /var/crash/ ?08:43
joeschmoeis there a specific file in that directory i should look for?08:44
sveinseIn 18.04 there are now two ways of installing Docker, either via apt or via snap. Snap is a kind of jail, isn't it? If this is the case, where is the containers stored for docker under snap?08:44
cfhowlettin your /home/snap08:45
renn0xtk9during sudo  apt-get I stick with 0% [Connecting to security.ubunty.com ($IPV6) ] for hours08:45
renn0xtk9what can be the reason?08:45
yellabs-r2 there is a nice intro dialog when running ubuntu for the first time, how can i start it after first intro ?08:46
yellabs-r2 whats that "program"called ?08:46
sveinsecfhowlett: so snap is per-user jail then? If it is, then this is a reason why I need mine as a system service, thus use apt.08:46
cfhowlettsveinse, my experience and knowledge of snap is extremely limited!08:47
Dbuggerhi _Dbug_, nice nick08:47
ducassesveinse: snaps can also be used system-wide08:47
_Dbug_Dbugger, thanks, yours not bad either :) (Had mine since... hmm... 1984, give or take one year)08:48
cfhowlettsveinse, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/157505308:48
sveinseducasse: I'm trying to weigh between using apt docker vs snap docker08:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1575053 in snapd (Ubuntu) "Please move the "$HOME/snap" directory to a less obtrusive location" [Wishlist,Confirmed]08:48
Dbugger_Dbug_, mine just since 2001 :D08:49
ducassesveinse: i'd use apt since it's what i know, but i can't comment on the snap version08:50
joeschmoeso i'm looking at the one file in /var/crash/ and i see some info but i don't really know what i should be looking for? can anyone help me out? i'm just trying to determine why this "system problem detected" error is occuring.08:50
popeyjoeschmoe: you can just remove them to make the dialog go away08:53
popeyjoeschmoe: sudo rm /var/crash/*08:53
joeschmoeok, but i just think it would be nice to know why it's happening.08:53
popeywhat are the names of them?08:54
popeythey should indicate what application they're from08:54
guivercjoeschmoe, i looked in my /var/crash/ and see a few files. just from their names I can tell which apps/programs crashed. I picked one at random, did a `file _usr_bin_...` & it told me it was ascii; a quick scan of it told me date/time & other things I could understand, much of it I didn't understand, but it provided clues08:54
gpaplotuspsychie: good morning and thanks for the interesting, yes i debugged it :)08:54
joeschmoethe first one says " ExecutablePath: /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg"08:55
joeschmoeso a problem with the gui?08:55
sveinsecfhowlett, ducasse: reading through the bug posted, I agree that I'll stick with the standard scheme for now. I was mostly curious to what snap could offer as additional service on a server. E.g. allegedly snaps updates more frequently than apt. (Don't if thats true thou.). Thank both of you.08:55
cfhowletthappy2help! sveinse08:55
popeysveinse: its not that it updates more frequently, but that you can get newer software, and it refreshes automatically08:56
joeschmoeit also says "Problem type: crash"08:56
gpapHello everyone, my fresh Thunderbird installation show me cartoon style images  over the message pane, do you know how to disable it?09:06
nostroraHi, i'm looking for package for Docker 17.03. where i can get i t?09:06
ducassenostrora: which release are you on?09:08
fofaleedescription ... is an invalid bash command09:09
fofaleeso it also has parital bash code09:09
fofalee...so what program reads this file, as this is a config file09:09
cfhowlettfofalee, did you complain to the package maintainer?  cuz that who should maintain it ...09:10
nostroraducasse: 18.0409:10
ducasse!info docker.io bionic | nostrora09:11
ubottunostrora: docker.io (source: docker.io): Linux container runtime. In component universe, is optional. Version 17.12.1-0ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 22768 kB, installed size 94881 kB09:11
ducassenostrora: ^^ that is the only version of docker that is supported on 18.0409:12
nostroraducasse: This is 17.1209:12
cfhowlettnostrora, no such ubuntu release09:12
djamalcfhowlett: Cannot join #kali (Channel is invite only)09:13
cfhowlettdjamal, take it up with the kali team.  this is NOT an ubuntu issue.  nor do we support or direct Kali in any way.09:14
fofaleeit's a config file for ubuntu.... but who reads those config files...09:14
fofaleeunder which language are those config files recognised09:14
Dellboy568hey guys09:15
Dellboy568this th offical ubuntu server?09:15
cfhowlettfofalee, github packages are explicitly not supported by ubuntu.  advise you to contact the package maintainer to fix his package09:16
cfhowlettDellboy568, errr server?  no. support channel?  yes.09:16
Dellboy568ahh lol ok09:16
Dellboy568is there an off topic or not rrly?09:16
cfhowlett!ot | Dellboy568 of course09:16
ubottuDellboy568 of course: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:16
Dellboy568ok thank you:)09:17
=== Dellboy568 is now known as dellboy568
dellboy568it says i need to be identifed with services09:21
dellboy568to join the offtopic channel09:22
ducasse!register | dellboy56809:22
ubottudellboy568: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.09:22
fofaleethere are lots of see also pages in the manual, which are highlighted in red, so how do we view them ?09:23
fofaleesee also : systemd Homepage[10] ; now how do I usee that home page09:23
fofaleeCan I click on it , using a shortcut to make it point to an info page09:23
ducassefofalee: is this a man page? those are just plain text.09:26
liquid1804Hi people. How do one disable adaptive transparency in Ubuntu 18.04 ? I want it opaque or almost opaque all the time . Thanks09:26
liquid1804both dash and panel I mean.09:26
liquid1804It's awful Probably they copied it from WIndows Vista, but implemented poorly . It's too transparent,for people to see elements that are in the panel,and the constant switching between  being transparent and opaque is tiredsome. WOnder if ubuntu devs actually ASKS  some users about what they want.09:29
dellboy568i want to dual boot windows and linux on my custom rig :/ but i cant come up with reasons why to09:30
liquid1804oh nvmd. Gonnai nstall good old unity again09:31
dellboy568idk what the gaming performance would be on ubutu compared to windoes lel09:31
dellboy568cause i have an i7700k, and a 1060 32gb ram h80i v2 3 drives and a wireless card but took that out cause i never use it09:32
liquid1804if you are into (real and/or heavy) gaming, dont even ask that question man09:33
dellboy568i used ubuntu in the past09:34
dellboy568it was great actually i liked it alot09:34
thinkyhow can i remove top bar and put indicators to dash?09:39
thinkylike this: https://scontent.fbtz1-9.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/31437312_2080035612274327_9189447142450659328_n.jpg?_nc_cat=0&oh=69fd2ff33ef91879234b3e0d256b24cf&oe=5B923BDD09:39
MaximBhi, where do I submit a serious security bug in Ubuntu 18.04?09:44
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.09:44
MaximBOr moreover, can someone check that it's not only on my system... when you lock the system, do you still see the left dock bar? can you click on the icons? and when you login again those apps open.09:45
MaximBcan someone confirm this?09:46
popeyMaximB: how are you locking the screen?09:47
sveinseMaximB: On my system there is no left dock when locking gnome09:47
MaximBtop right, click to expand , click the lock icon at the bottom09:47
sveinseOr Super+L09:48
popeyyeah, i dont see that either09:48
popeyMaximB: is it a clean install of ubuntu 18.04?09:48
MaximBsometimes I discover the weirdest bugs that happen only to me :)09:48
thinkywhere can i find out my gnome shell version?09:48
MaximBI saved the /home from older install09:48
MaximBso could be some conf file making this09:49
popeythinky: gnome-shell --help09:49
popeyer, i mean gnome-shell --version09:49
MaximBalso in case it's not just me, anyone managed to install the "window list" gnome add-on? (from the software add-on center)09:50
gpapThunderbird 52.7 Ubuntu 18.04 just installed, after configuring with IMAP my gmail account, cartoon style big images floating over my message pane, representing email text probably, affecting the speed, how to disable it?09:54
EriC^^gpap: maybe gmail has a settings for it09:55
sky887I have the same issue gpap09:55
popeycan you show a screenshot of it?09:55
popey(I don't use thundrbird but would like to see this)09:55
sky887Some settings configuration will probably fix this but I was too lazy. A simple answer is preferable09:57
gpappopey: i will, just a minute, but any ideas how to disable?10:01
popeygpap: i wanna see it first :)10:05
popeygpap: sorry, just opened thunderbird on my laptop for the first time in ~2 years. So I am not sure I am seeing the same as you10:06
sky887Pics or it didn't happen10:08
Exterminadorhi guys. stupid question. the command to completely backup a VPS, should be "tar cpzf file.tar.gz / --exclude=file.tar.gz", right?10:08
tomreynExterminador: i think you'd place the path behind all the options, so put the slash to the end.10:10
gpappopey: wait plz, almost ready, by the way, so many year i wait the simple action, to can drag a picture from Nautilus into GImp window and open it, still nothing :(10:10
gpappopey: i mean opening the file by drag and drop10:11
popeyworks here10:11
EriC^^Exterminador: i think you'll also want to exclude the system dirs if you're doing it from the running system, /proc /sys and /dev and possibly /run10:11
SeveasExterminador: I'd exclude a few more things, like /proc, /sys and /tmp.10:11
popeygpap: https://imgur.com/a/JNhNdvC10:12
gpappopey: https://imgur.com/zooRIgd10:14
popeygpap: wow, the big dice and rainbow? Those are emoji someone has put in their email subject10:15
popeythey're rendering badly10:15
popeygpap: that's this thread on the mozilla forum. https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/117843010:15
Exterminadorso, --exclude={/dev,/proc,/sys,/run} ?10:16
popeyExterminador: and maybe /tmp10:16
popeyExterminador: and /var/tmp10:16
vavkamilI have Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS10:17
vavkamilsudo do-release-upgrade = No new release found. // why is that?10:18
ducassevavkamil: see the release notes10:18
gpappopey: can drag and drop only when files are in list, not in thumbnail mode10:18
popeygpap: huh, interesting bug!10:19
popeygpap: maybe file a bug on the upstream nautilus bug tracker in gitlab?10:19
vavkamilducasse, ohh upgrade frin 16.04 in late July :/10:20
gpappopey: so many bugs into my lovely distro and i need help with launchpad10:20
popeygpap: also, dragging thumbnails works here :)10:21
gpappopey: related about a yesterday conversation with more weird bugs, seem like nautilus have problems with external monitor, i have connected my Eizo monitor to dell laptop with hdmi to dvi converter10:22
gpappopey: also problems with snapping windows10:23
lionrougehi !10:24
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lionrougecan i set custom scale factor for Ubuntu MATE ?10:25
lionrougelooks like HiDPI setting just doubles all the GUI elements10:25
eddyreadypopey: Do you get tearing on the Dell laptop? 18.04 i'm assuming?10:25
popeyI don't have a dell laptop10:25
eddyreadyoops I meant gpap10:26
vavkamilI'm going to install it on dell10:26
gpappopey: for instance i i can snap the nautilus window right or left when i use the laptop dislpay, but when i close the lid and return to my external monitor, snapping lost only for nautilus, OMG10:27
eddyreadyvavkamil: does the tell have igpu?10:27
vavkamileddyready, don't even know that is it10:27
sky887popey so we need to install another font in Thunderbird or is it simply unchecking a box10:28
eddyreadyintegrated video card?10:28
popeysky887: looks that way10:28
BluesKajHey folks10:28
gpapeddyready: Hello no more tears :)10:28
popeysky887: i dont have this issue, but I know others who have (I triggered it because I have unicode in my launchpad name)10:28
vavkamileddyready, yeah, it's latitude e4200 from 200910:28
eddyreadygpap: are you running integrated graphics?10:29
sky887So to change the font then. Thanks10:29
gpapeddyready: yes  i will upload my laptop hardware info, give me a minute plz10:31
auctuswhat is .app10:33
auctusi just had to "apt install something.app" instead of "apt install something"10:33
auctusin this case its pikopixel10:33
popeyauctus: that's just the package name the developer gave it.10:34
eddyreadygpap: thanks!10:39
=== sebastian is now known as Guest23066
gareppaon 16.04.4, lightdm boots in low graphics mode. i have no lightdm.conf in etc/lightdm, only users.conf.10:42
gareppais it normal?10:42
EriC^^gareppa: yeah by default there's only users.conf10:42
EriC^^what does 'sudo ubuntu-drivers devices' give you?10:43
gpappopey: congrats,  i installed a set emoji fonts and the problem fixed10:46
popeygpap: awesome!10:46
sky887Hey I've got A problem: "A", NOW (!) THAT'S  a problem10:51
capcant connect to hidden network, what could be wrong, it was working fine this morning.10:55
detlyI'm trying to configure a home server with two wifi interfaces. One is used to bridge an ethernet connection, one is used for anything else . I've actually got the bridge stuff configured fine, my question is actually about managing the wifi connections in a consistent way.11:00
detlyAt the moment they're both managed by Network Manager, so it's basically a competition as to which gets connected first as to which gets to be default gateway.11:00
detlyI want the bridge one to be reliably connected, but not ever be set as the default gateway11:01
penguin_I just changed my Linux install to a NTSF partition what can i do to recover most of my files?11:02
detlyThe problem is, if I set 'never-default=true' in the network manager config for that connection, it's pretty much ignored11:02
detlypenguin_: how did you change it? what tool?11:02
detlypenguin_: the important thing is not to panic, poking around in a haphazard way can perform further operations that can make recovery hard11:03
penguin_@detly i used partition wizard on windows11:03
detlypenguin_: the first important question is: some partition editors queue up changes and don't actually perform the steps until you confirm or something like that. do you know if PW does that?11:05
penguin_@detly It does queue up, but i pressed apply and then i realised11:05
detlypenguin_: ah nuts. I've been there too :/11:05
BluesKajrecommend investing in cd or usb/media and install the gparted live iso on it for probly the best partitioner out there11:07
detlypenguin_: are you able to make a USB installer image?11:07
penguin_@detly yes11:08
detlybecause if you can do that, you can boot into that, mount the damaged partition as read-only and work from there11:08
detlymy advice is: don't work on the live partition, take an image using eg. dd (look up the docs) and work on the image11:08
BluesKajwindows partitioners are known as being terribly unstable11:08
karpodiemis anyone with 18.04 using Chrome Remote Desktop?11:09
detlyeh, MiniTool's software is generally very good, although it can't resize ext* FS's11:09
detlypenguin_: from there, there's a super useful command line tool called photorec (it's not just for photos)11:10
karpodiemI've tried it on two machines with a clean install. Neither are working - it presents the login screen, but entering the correct password won't advance past the login screen11:10
penguin_@BluesKaj I usually use Gparted, but i was on windows when i had to partition a usb drive11:10
karpodiemof course there is no maintainer page for Chrome Remote Desktop, and the Chromium people say it's a separate piece of software11:10
BluesKajpenguin_,that's why I recommended gparted live11:11
detlypenguin_: on the USB installer you should be able to do 'sudo apt install testdisk' which is the package which contains photorec11:11
detlypenguin_: photorec has docs here: https://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/PhotoRec11:12
detlypenguin_: just a disclaimer, that's what I've done in the past, but you might want to search the web in case there's anything more up to date. but the best advice is to never work on the disk itself, take an image, copy that image and work from that11:12
detlypenguin_: there might be some partition recovery tools out there, but in my experience most of them rely on *not* having had a new partition set up (eg. they're for accidentally erasing the partition blocks)11:14
tomreynfor partition recovery, use testdisk11:15
penguin_My install was LUKS encrypted so that will make recovery harder :-(11:15
penguin_Wierd i am still able to boot into grub11:16
detlygrub's probably on a boot partition (or the master boot record if you're using a BIOS based system)11:16
detlypenguin_: not impossible to recover, but harder. I think(?) LUKS has a private key file somewhere on disk?11:17
penguin_I didn't have any very valuable files but i had everything set up like i like it and all the applications i need11:19
penguin_I think i'll just make a image of the disk then reinstall11:19
detlypenguin_: unfortunately my advice re. photorec probably won't help with LUKS then11:26
detlypenguin_: I have done that so many times I have all my config files in git, along with a script to link them all back into my home directory11:27
penguin_@detly tanks for the help anyways11:28
detlyanother handy trick is to never make any mistakes ever, at all... I'm still working on that11:28
detlyanyway, I answered my own question too, it was to manually configure the interface in /etc/network/interfaces.d/... and wpa_supplicant and then NetworkManager ignores it11:30
BluesKajif network-manager has differnet settings than the interfaces, it does ignore since it's default11:34
BluesKajuse one or the other, but not both11:34
krabadorbeware of holdie11:34
holdieHi guys, I am on ubuntu 18.04 using gnome-shell. When I run linphone from the terminal and then I close the window using the x, the window disappear but I don't know how to bring it back. There use to be a small widget on the bottom left corner to bring it back, but I don' see it... does anyone know how to solve it?11:36
arun007Hi I want to set just interface name as device name in network manager. It was possible. Is there any way to do this in Bionic11:36
AtuMHi. Repository update does not work on 18.04. also, DPI was calculated to over 300 instead of 96, was greeted by some BIG letters :D11:38
gareppaubuntu 16.04.4, when logging with light dm i get the "running in low graphics mode" error. then i test with glmark2, and i have hw acceleration without problems.11:38
gareppawhen using gdm 3 i get no error whatsoever. i only run  updates on this machine, no customization/compiling my own kernel here.11:38
gareppait's a thinkpad t420 with intel graphics. i have to say once in a blue moon unity/the screen freezes and i have to hard reboot the whole thing11:38
gareppais it a known issue? how do diagnose/debug?11:38
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AtuMother than that.. pretty smooth transition from 17.10.. nice job. Can't wait for 18.04.111:39
MENOOYesterday i accidently deleted 30g of data with rm -r * . And after i realize what happened i immidiatly shutdown my computer tl nlt overwrite. Now am i only have another pc running windows 10 an i use11:45
MENOOCan i use a windows software to recover my data from the drive ?? Or i must use linux software for the restor to be seccessful ?11:47
MENOOPlease tell me what should i do ?11:49
AtuMrestore from backup11:52
Borw3Just installed ubuntu 18.04, and my swap file is at 2GB, but I want to increase it to 4GB, what do I do?11:52
AtuMor try getting data back using ddrescue.. have a good read of the docs11:52
blb3385can't open smb shares with thunar no more on 18.04. It says 'mkdir failed on directory /var/run/samba: Permission denied'. Created manually won't help. WTF?11:53
AtuMMENOO, for ddrescue you'll need some external drive of the same of bigger size then the source..11:53
blb3385it didn't want to create /var/run/samba on 17.10 btw11:54
blb3385the whole system became slow. The graphics subsystem (x.org) is f-ed up I believe11:56
blb3385good job11:56
blb3385Borw3: creating a swap file is a trivial task. Just rtfm11:58
Borw3blb3385: Hmm, where is the fucking manual to begin with?11:58
blb3385google, no?11:58
popeyblb3385: please don't "rtfm" here.11:59
blb3385read the funny manual11:59
Borw3blb3385: googl is no fucking manual, get serious, give link to manual11:59
popeyBorw3: mind your language please.11:59
popeyhttps://askubuntu.com/a/796997/612 - has a good set of steps to create a swap file.11:59
Borw3popey: Wow, thanks :D12:00
cap_cant connect to hidden wireless network, its working fine this morning. dont what happened why it suddenly it can connect.12:11
gareppahow do i reset x.org's configuration on 16.04?12:13
Borw3Please how to resize swapfile that comes with Ubuntu 18.04? NOTE: Resize not create new one.12:17
blb3385Borw3: remove old one, create new one12:19
Borw3blb3385: WHere is the old one located in 18.04 by default?12:20
blb3385what does cat /proc/swaps says?12:22
Borw3blb3385: FilenameTypeSizeUsedPriority12:23
Borw3blb3385: Nevermind I found it, its in /swapfile :D so simple12:24
green13hi to all12:24
green13how can i change the icon on ubuntu 18.0412:25
Ex_FallenSkyTearwhich icon?12:25
blb3385green13: gimp ; )12:27
blb3385green13: put - '18.04 sucks' on that icon12:28
Borw3_Okay, is rhis new feature in ubuntu? I just installed 18.04 and when I tilt my laptop 90% the screen rotates and becomes upside down :(12:42
Borw3_How to stop this12:42
Borw3_When I tilt 90% to right screen display tilts itself also accordingly, how to turn this off?12:43
slojankoHello, I've got a bit of a problem logging into my lubuntu 17.1012:45
slojankoAfter logging in with any user, the screen goes black with only the cursor visible12:45
Borw3_slojanko: Tried starting xorg manually?12:47
slojankoI don't use linux often but i've tried a couple of stuff, including init12:48
blb3385Borw3_: I believe i've seen something about it in the known problems with 18.0412:48
slojankothrough the terminal at f112:48
Borw3_slojanko: Try startx on terminal12:49
Borw3_blb3385: LOL, how does ubuntu even manage sensing gravity on laptop?12:50
slojankoBorw3_: I should install it if its not already?12:52
tatpapWhat's the process of reporting a bug..i googled it and it said use apport but that doesn't seem to be in the system12:59
tatpapusing 18.0412:59
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slojankoRunning xrandr -q returns can't open display13:05
popeytatpap: what do you want to file a bug against?13:05
=== popeycor1 is now known as popeycore
Borw3_slojanko: Are you using Ubuntu with Unity or Gnome or what DE is the one you logging in to use?13:08
slojankoits LXDE13:11
slojankoI'm running it in virtualbox and whenever switching to the gui with f7, screen doesn't refresh anymore until changing to a console13:12
tatpap@popey I have it figured out...it is a bug against gnome-boxes13:13
tatpapTrying to be a good citizen while I give this baby a go.13:13
ice9i'm unable to start lxd container https://bpaste.net/show/fbd1ab569d2b13:28
janWhy not?13:33
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operator-errorQuick question... I'm currently looking to upgrade.  My current installation (Kubuntu - 16.04) is pretty fresh - less than a month old.  I'd prefer to to an upgrade rather than another fresh install, but whenever I do "sudo do-release-upgrade" in the terminal, I get "No new release found."  Whenever I go through the Upgrade Manager, the Upgrade option is grayed out.  I realize they're probably trying to gradually "roll" this release out, but I was13:40
operator-errorwondering if there's a certain amount of time I should expect to pass before I can upgrade.  I've never encountered this on any other distro.  Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.13:40
popeycoreoperator-error: you can add the -d parameter to that command to force the upgrade13:40
popeycoreoperator-error: we hold it back for a while, for LTS users13:41
jpleauHi, on ubuntu (and every derivative), boot hangs for about 20 seconds at "Begin: Running /scripts/local-premount". It happened on 16.04, and it happens on 18.04. I don't get this on my debian install. How can I fix this?13:41
operator-errorpopeycore: Use the developer switch?  Will that put anything out of the ordinary on my machine that I wouldn't normally get with the standard upgrade?13:41
DJonesoperator-error: The release notes say that there is a few days delay after release for 17.10 users, for 16.04, it doesn't get prompted to upgrade until 18.04.1 is released13:42
popeycoreoperator-error: no, its fine13:42
operator-errorDJones: oooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh.  I actually had no idea.13:42
popeycoreif you absolutely positively must do it now, thats the way13:42
operator-errorpopeycore: Ok, thanks for your input.13:43
operator-errorDJones: just so I'm operating on quasi-correct information, the release of 18.04.1 won't be until June or July, correct?13:44
DJonesoperator-error: July 26th13:44
operator-errorDJones: okay, thanks.  I think I'll wait until then.  Better to wait for a more stable release than to have any headaches in the meantime.  Thanks again.13:46
blaaaWhy is the network on my fresh 18.04 install not coming up after booting, but I have to enter 'netplan apply' manually13:56
blaaait looks like the interface is just not coming up at boot13:56
en1gma48hrs after initial 18.04LTS release and not 1 update in apt?13:58
en1gmavery very strange13:59
ibttishello a question13:59
ibttisafter updating to 18.04 I've noticed that after using netstat -natwupe im getting a lot of packets in the recv-q column from systemd-resolve14:00
popeyibttis: what's the question?14:09
ibttisIm seeing a lot of packets in the recv-q column14:10
ibttisfrom systemd-resolve and dhcclient14:10
popeyThat's still not a question. :)14:10
ibttisIs it normal, should I be worried?14:11
ibttiswhat could be causing this14:11
popeyit's the dns resolution daemon14:11
popeyit's a normal part of the system14:11
ibttisok thx14:12
ibttisit just never happened in ubuntu 16.04 that's why I'm asking14:13
popeyYeah, I think things changed in the new release14:13
blaaaDoes anyone know why after boot the network interface(s) is (are) not up, unter after executing 'netplan apply' from the command line14:15
soonNew 18.04 install -- trying out Empathy .. installed telepathy-idle to get IRC support. But when running Empathy all I get is a 'Contact list' with "You haven't added any contacts yet"... How the heck do I get started with Empathy?14:22
ibttisinstall weechat or irssi soon14:23
ibttisI recommend weechat14:23
ibttisyou run it in your terminal14:23
app_Hi there!14:25
soonthat's better than Empathy is it?14:25
app_Thanks for 18.04 lts release! :)14:25
Ignacyso none of you guys is using Hexchat for IRC?14:26
CocoStormHi, I've launched EC2 instance with Ubuntu and installed tomcat8.  I can SSH etc using ubuntu user.  However,I can't deploy java application to /var/lib/tomcat8 folder as the owner is root. What do I need to do?14:27
leftyfbCocoStorm: use sudo?14:28
CocoStormleftyfb: in filezilla?14:28
leftyfbCocoStorm: ah, by deploy you mean copy via ssh14:28
CocoStormyeah by deploy I mean sftp a file over to tomcat's webapp folder14:29
soonWould someone check out a bug for me? Open Empathy -> Accounts ... and see if the new window can be moved around on desktop.14:29
leftyfbCocoStorm: ftp the file(s) to your home and then ssh in and move them where they need to be14:29
CocoStormleftyfb is there a more elegant way where I don't need to do that ? :)14:29
CocoStormlike get the right permissions or something14:29
leftyfbCocoStorm: use whatever Tomcat's solution for virtualhosts is14:30
leftyfbCocoStorm: permissions is not the issue14:30
CocoStormleftyfb: I found this SO post but I don't quite understand it https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12020622/how-to-upload-a-lib-for-tomcat-in-amazon-ec214:30
leftyfbor, more specifically, permissions is not the solution14:30
DrBenwayhi folks, i'm trying to compile the ubuntu linux kernel to a .deb following https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel which seems to work fine as far as building but it's building the exact same version as what i've currently got installed and i suspect it's complaining about this when running dpkg -i. anyone knows how i can update the version or give it a custom name?14:30
leftyfbDrBenway: why are you compiling your own kernel?14:31
DrBenwaybecause i'm getting some kernel hung tasks when connecting an external usb harddrive and im trying to get more info on why it's hanging14:31
leftyfb!mainline | DrBenway14:32
ubottuDrBenway: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds14:32
DrBenway(iv'e filed a bug already)14:32
soonwould someone try to replicate a bug in Empathy for me?14:32
leftyfbDrBenway: the point is, there are already many different kernels for you to try as opposed to compiling your own. If compiling your own kernel is the solution, you're probably asking the wrong question :)14:33
DrBenwayleftyfb, i wasn't aware of that so i'm gonna check it out. but basically if i cant get the answer that im looking for, compiling and adding some printf might be a good way to get more info14:34
DrBenwayit's also a good learning experience14:34
soonno one?14:34
DrBenwayspeaking of which... are there any issues with moving kernel version? i'm running 4.15 right now and moving to 4.17 should "just "work""?14:36
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leftyfbGuest35057: you should not be running IRC(or really anything else for that matter) as root14:37
soonCould someone please try out an Empathy Chat bug, before I go submit it?14:40
soonStart Empathy -> Open accounts (new window). Confirm that the new window can't be moved on desktop...14:40
leftyfb!patience | soon14:40
ubottusoon: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/14:40
soonI am of a nervous dispossition :-)14:41
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest16249
IgnacyCocoStorm Looks like You could really profit from some more contact with the console. What about playing a game? Uplink, available on steam for about $5, will teach You basics of moving around the filesystem in a fun way.14:47
leftyfbIgnacy: that's not really that helpful14:48
IgnacyHe obviously doesn't like reading tutorials and such. Always easier to learn things trough a game.14:48
IgnacyAnd after you get fed up with the pseudo-bash shell in the game, you appreciate bash much more.14:48
IgnacyI think everybody has been there, the time when doing anything in console was just crazy difficult and counter productive.14:50
aibwhy isn't 18.04 available for do-release-upgrade yet?14:52
leftyfbaib: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes#Upgrading_from_Ubuntu_16.04_LTS_or_17.1014:53
aibleftyfb: I'm sorry, where on that page should I be looking?14:54
leftyfbaib: the very top of the link that I posted14:54
leftyfbnot the page14:54
aibI just see "Upgrades from 17.10 will not be enabled until a few days after 18.04's release." I don't see any text stating why.14:55
leftyfbbecause it's not ready yet14:55
Ignacyaib not ready meaning that it could be potentially dangerous. You just never know, better to wait couple weeks and let other people find out if it doesn't break something.14:57
aibhmm, I thought do-release-upgrade was just a wrapper over sources.list and dist-upgrade. is it the possibility of there being something inherent in the 18.04 package set that can break from a 17.10 dist-upgrade, or are there other, upgrade-specific scripts that are simply not ready?14:58
aibI'm willing to be one of those people to find out if it doesn't break something. I'm happy to troubleshoot as long as I can run vi14:59
leftyfbaib: from what I understand, do-release-upgrade is more than just a wrapper for changing sources.list15:00
aibokay, let me go and see what do-release-upgrade is all about. might be a better thing to spend time on than upgrading to a broken version :)15:02
ohmega1First time on Hexchat  am I connected please??15:06
gpapnew bag!!1   Gimp is loosing the toogle middle control at the right top corner when i choose the single window mode15:07
leftyfbohmega1: nope15:11
leftyfbgpap: File a bug please15:12
leftyfbohmega1: please don't pm15:13
danieljoin #mnbp15:16
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gpapleftyfb: https://imgur.com/Vz0BLl815:18
leftyfbgpap: File a bug please15:18
gpapleftyfb: i have noticed same error with open suse leap 42.3, but with different program, i don't remember15:19
pinnerupA question: After a fresh install of 18.04 I found my computer would not boot. It would freeze during boot up, while showing the Ubuntu loading screen with the dot progress indicators. After some searching I found out that I could fix it by booting into recovery mode and editing /etc/gdm3/custom.conf to set "WaylandEnable=false". Should I file this as a bug report somewhere?15:19
ioriapinnerup, do you have an nvidia card ?15:22
pinnerupioria: No, I have an onboard Intel thingie. 'lspci | grep VGA' yields "00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82Q35 Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)".15:23
ioriapinnerup, are you in gui mode right now ?15:23
pinnerupioria: Everything's been fine since I performed the edit described above. I'm in gnome-shell now, but it took about a day of trouble-shooting to get here.15:25
ioriapinnerup, echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE15:25
AppleTorI'm on ubuntu server, any chance i can get vpn to work only for specific process ?15:26
pinnerupioria: It says "x11".15:26
ioriapinnerup, the line you edited is used to disable wayland15:26
AppleToror maybe make exception for ssh, because i can't connect to my vps through ssh.15:26
pinnerupioria: Odd thing is I ran Wayland under 17.10 without any problems.15:26
AppleTorwhen the vpn turned on15:27
ioriapinnerup, but as a matter of fact, 18.04 defaults to Xorg15:27
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ioriapinnerup, no, frankly i don't  get it15:27
pinnerupioria: Yeah, that is odd also. But changing that line made the difference between my system freezing during startup and being able to boot.15:27
irwissAppleTor: bind only ssh on vpn ip15:28
ioriapinnerup, i see .... can you try to log in in the wayland session  ? (if still available)15:28
AppleTorirwiss I'm kinda new to ubuntu, can you link me the tutorial? or what should i search on google?15:29
mand0rlaHi, my system doesn't let me write here /usr/share/fonts/truetype to add new fonts. Do I need to be root? How do I get to manually add fonts there?? Thanks15:31
mand0rlaI'm very angry :(15:31
irwissnot sure there's tutorials for this, most stuff binds on all interfaces by default in their config (something like "Listen *" or a commented line), if you want more finegrained control you could edit the config of all apps to bind to specific ips(the ones not on vpn interface) instead15:32
pinnerupioria: It's not available anymore.15:32
ioriapinnerup, ok, i expected that15:33
vltmand0rla: For your user to be used you can put them in ~/.fonts15:33
mand0rlaI did and libreoffice doesn't recognize new fonts15:33
vltmand0rla: To change things system-wide you have to work with root permissions.15:33
mand0rlahow do I get permission and then return to sudo15:34
vltmand0rla: Did you restart LibreOffice?15:34
tomreynmand0rla: but mabye you don't actually want to do this system-wide? you can try this https://askubuntu.com/questions/3697/how-do-i-install-fonts15:34
mand0rlaI even restarted the whole PC15:34
vltmand0rla: Are the fonts recognized by something other that LibreOffice?15:35
mand0rlanot sure vlt15:35
ioriapinnerup, time to check some logs15:35
vltmand0rla: Can you try with something else (that uses fonts)?15:35
mand0rlabut I found all fonts that are recognized in /usr/share/fonts/truetype15:36
mand0rlaI'll check with another editor15:36
AppleTorirwiss found some answers for binding things. will try those out. thanks for your suggestion :)15:36
mand0rlaYes! they appear in Abiword, but not in Libreoffice... dunno why15:37
mand0rlau know why vlt?15:37
stewart311does anyone have advice on 18.04LTS sager laptop which is currently not displaying battery usuage15:39
irwissAppleTor: just keep in mind if your server ever changes ip it'll be a pain to go track and change, i'd consider if that's what you really need or you can just block the unwanted stuff with iptables15:40
AppleTorSure, i'll consider that.15:41
vltmand0rla: No. Maybe #libreoffice knows.15:43
mand0rlaok vlt, thanks15:44
kappa1hi! I want to upgrade my ubuntu from 16.04 to 18.04. It happens, however, that I have a minimal ubuntu installation, just with a minimum number of packages installed. If I perform the upgrade, will I keep this minimum installation or do I get all the standard packages?w15:53
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padarckappa1, it will not install "the default" if you upgrade, you basically just upgrading your system and your installed packages.15:56
kappa1are you sure?15:57
padarckappa1, yes.15:59
kappa1ok thanks15:59
mand0rlaHey vlt, #libreoffice don't know why libreoffice doesn't recognize my fonts... can anybody tell me how to become root and be able to manually create a folder for fonts in /usr/share/fonts??16:00
tgm4883mand0rla: that seems like the wrong way to do it, but 'sudo mkdir /path/to/directory' would create the folder16:06
mand0rlaand how do I move the ttf files after that??16:07
BvXHas anyone else been experiencing weird issues with Ubuntu 18.04?16:12
BvXGNOME edition.16:12
ner0xIs there a reason the keyboard shortcuts to "move to workspace right" and "move to workspace left" are missing in 18.04?16:12
BvXStable builds used to work so flawlessly for me, but this one's crashed so many times since I installed it yesterday. Hasn't even installed any packages.16:12
emmanhi, I just upgraded to18.04, and I want to increase my touchpad sensitivity. Is 18.04 still using synaptics? I tried putting my old synaptics config file in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d, but it's not helping.16:28
tomreynemman: use libinput16:32
Nick1296So I am trying to boot Ubuntu 18.04 LTS on a ThinkPad T420 (i5 2520M/Intel HD+NVS 4200M (Optimus)/8GB RAM) and I get this error: watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#2 stuck for 22s! [systemd-udevd:496]16:35
Nick1296Is this a software or HW issue? I have not updated the BIOS to protect against Spectre (I don't want to take the performance hit and risk reboots at the risk of not being able to downgrade)16:36
tomreynNick1296: this coul dbe anything, really. try different kernels, and do upgrade your firmware.16:38
Nick1296I need to see if I can downgrade just to be safe.16:39
Nick1296My concern isn't the performance hit because my 2520M has high speed patching; it's the reboot issue16:39
* OS-23778 sent a long message: OS-23778_2018-04-29_16:40:43.txt <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/QYvsRRFsLgOfOmuJppsLazbb>16:40
leftyfbOS-23778: can we help you with something?16:41
rypervencheOS-23778: That can happen when using 3rd party PPAs.16:44
Nick1296Anyway in terms of my CPU lockup issue I tried in my E6540 and it boots fine. The disc isn't bad.16:44
Nick1296Anyway I'm considering trying to disable Optimus and run on the IGP and dGPU individually to see if it's nVidia related16:45
ioriaNick1296, probably is; try  nouveau.modeset=0  as kernel parameter16:47
Nick1296I disabled the NVS 4200M and Optimus outright to hide it16:47
Nick1296It shouldn't see the GPU16:48
ioriaNick1296, usually , before the NMI watchdog lockup  msg, you should see other useful infos16:49
Nick1296I will have to replicate the setup that caused it and get those16:50
Nick1296I remember it mentioning a GPU delay tho16:50
Nick1296Now I'm just getting a bunch of I/O errors. I think the problem is caused by the optical drive or motherboard not interfacing correctly16:55
* Nick1296 pulls out the 18.04 USB drive I made16:55
Nick1296If it turns out to be hardware I'm just going to get an E6440 since I know how to work on them from my E654016:57
sunrunner20I generated a ssh-1 key to use to authenticate to SSH since RSA is kinda dead now. Copied what puttygen said was the public key to authorized_keys but when I gave putty the key it said "unable to use key file (ssh-1 private key)16:58
sunrunner20is there something wrong with putty, sshd, or the way I added the key?16:58
tewardsunrunner20: RSA is not 'dead' really, there are a lot of SSH keys that're still RSA, and you should probably use that instead of SSH-1 format (which *is* dead for the most part)16:59
tewardsunrunner20: did you copy PuTTYgen's output public key into the authorized_keys file of the remote host?17:00
tewards/remote host/remote system/17:00
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=== Fyri is now known as Fyris
sunrunner20really, thought SHA-1 was better than rsa17:00
sunrunner20and yea, copied it verbatim from what putty had17:00
tewardSHA1 is a signature, not an encryption.17:00
teward(of relevance on *that* discussion is this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/733692/sha1-vs-rsa-whats-the-difference-between-them)17:00
sunrunner20I'll regen as rsa then17:00
tewards/signature/hashing algo/17:01
Nick1296I have closure on my T420 boot issue. Booted with Optimus on a USB stick. :-)17:01
Nick1296The bad news is I have serious underlying hardware issues :-(17:02
Nick1296https://photos.app.goo.gl/BFRJ0Q6EvbH6gDir1 New error trying to boot from USB with Optimus enabled17:08
MikeRLAnyone notice how much slower GNOME shell is compared to how Unity was?17:09
MikeRLThink I'm going to miss Unity.17:09
Nick1296I won't. The Amazon integration put me off.17:10
Nick1296I much prefer GNOME anyway17:10
MikeRLAnd the laptop I'm using it on is pretty new, too. Runs Windows 10 and Ubuntu 16.04.4 well.17:10
Nick1296ANyway I'm trying over USB with this setup: IGP/Optimus disabled17:10
ioriaMikjaer, i guess is about the memory leak issue17:13
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hiiggyAnyone have a terminal command to enable/disable mouse keys? Doesn't seem to want to remain disabled after a session, so I need to keep manually disabling it in the settings. I'd rather just add a disabling command to my startup script17:15
kostkonhiiggy, how are you disabling them now17:16
hiiggysystem settings > universal access > mouse keys17:16
hiiggyI first have to enable it, then disable it, because the setting shows it is already off17:16
hiiggyAlso, the numlock/shift-numlock method doesn't work17:17
kostkonhiiggy, it's shown as off but it's actually set to on after a reboot?17:18
hiiggyI've had this issue on 17.10 and 16.04 as well, and I've seen people with the same issues on 15.04 too17:19
hiiggy(running on 18.04 now)17:19
Fjorgynnhiiggy: fun17:22
kostkonhiiggy, that script might still work on newer releases https://askubuntu.com/a/182116/1651  you could add it to your startup apps17:25
kostkonhiiggy, or the ruby script below17:26
hiiggyCheers, I'll check them out in a bit17:27
=== monika is now known as Masterboy
MasterboyHi people :)17:34
Masterboytoday i am thinking where to complain about the new ubuntu release - to be exact snap apps bundled with 18.0417:35
Masterboysystem monitor is laging so much - who's idea was to bundle system moniotor into a snap???17:35
Masterboysystem monitor was working fine, loading in a second on my ssd and now it is loading in 10 or 20 seconds...17:36
Masterboyit does not save instantly the view i choose, i have to close it and reopen to see a diferrent view...17:37
Masterboylike who did this? system monitor was working fine and someone had the idea to bundle it into a snap17:38
tgm4883Masterboy: works fine here17:39
Masterboyall the bundled snaps are lagging before it was ok17:39
Masterboytgm4883: yeah i got a kabylake 2.4 ghz it should not lag. 17.10 was totally fine17:39
Masterboysamsung 850evo ssd17:39
tgm4883Masterboy: well I think you may be making an assumption that it's because it's a snap and not something else on your system17:40
Masterboywell it is not lagging on 17.10. i made a clean install and it is lagging on 18.04 :/17:41
Masterboywell if you got a fast computer maybe you don't feel it17:41
Masterboythere were no snaps in system apps on 17.1017:43
tgm4883Masterboy: or it could be hanging at some point waiting for your system. My point is that you're jumping to conclusions17:43
Masterboytgm4883: so you mean it could be something else and not the snaps?17:43
tgm4883that seems plausible17:44
Masterboymaybe it is something else but a a big dissapointment after an upgrade. System monitor is such a small program  and it takes forever to open it...17:44
Masterboyand the only change in system monitor is that NOW it is a SNAP :D17:45
Masterboyok, thanks for reading17:45
tgm4883Masterboy: have you tried opening it from the command line to see if there are any errors?17:45
tgm4883Masterboy: also, are you sure it's a snap?17:45
Masterboytgm4883: if you use 18.04 you already know it is a snap17:46
Masterboyeh what's the command for system monitor17:46
Masterboyhave to google17:46
tgm4883Masterboy: gnome-system-monitor17:47
tgm4883Masterboy: why would I know it's a snap in 18.04?17:47
Masterboytgm4883: because by default it IS a snap now. Oh, i guess if you are upgrading from 17.10 it is not heh17:48
kostkonMasterboy, so is it (right now on your system)?17:48
tgm4883Masterboy: what's the output of  'snap list'17:48
tgm4883!info gnome-system-monitor17:49
ubottugnome-system-monitor (source: gnome-system-monitor): Process viewer and system resource monitor for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 3.26.0-1 (artful), package size 171 kB, installed size 1760 kB17:49
tgm4883!info gnome-system-monitor bionic17:49
ioriaMasterboy, ls /usr/bin/gnome-system-monitor17:49
ubottugnome-system-monitor (source: gnome-system-monitor): Process viewer and system resource monitor for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 3.28.1-1 (bionic), package size 199 kB, installed size 1932 kB17:49
tgm4883Masterboy: That sure looks like a package to me, not a snap17:49
willemHi all, I'm trying to report a bug, but launchpad keeps producing an error (tried for 20 minutes or so): (Error ID: OOPS-9c1505f4810fc2a4e7c16ecc6c2aac13). Could this be something I am doing wrong or is this launchpad itself?17:50
x_hello there17:50
hiiggykostkon: Okay, I've taken a look at that script. Added the following to my startup: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.a11y.keyboard mousekeys-enable false17:50
hiiggyCommand seems to work. Will see later on if it sticks for startup17:50
tgm4883Masterboy: looks like an old version as well17:50
kostkonhiiggy, :)17:50
hiiggyNot sure why the script was so long, just for that one comand though.17:50
Masterboytgm4883: /snap/gnome-system-monitor/39/bin/desktop-launch: line 170: $'\304\257ra\305\241ai': command not found17:51
Masterboy(gnome-system-monitor:2571): Gtk-WARNING **: Allocating size to gnome-system-monitor 0xc282b0 without calling gtk_widget_get_preferred_width/height(). How does the code know the size to allocate?17:51
kostkonhiiggy, it also notifies you about the change17:51
kostkon3.26 yep https://snapcraft.io/gnome-system-monitor17:51
hiiggyI saw the echo, but that would be when you invoke it from terminal, I assume. If loading into a desktop environment, I'm guessing it wouldn't have a place to echo.17:51
Masterboytgm4883: it seems when i reboot the system the first time i run the program does lag for a long time but afterwards it lags less17:52
Masterboytgm4883: these snaps are default ubuntu 18.04 install17:52
Masterboytgm4883: not spotify of course :)17:52
Masterboytgm4883: i will reboot now and see the output of monitor again17:53
tgm4883Masterboy: ok17:53
kostkonhiiggy, true17:54
=== monika is now known as masterboy
willemsorry, just discovered there's a channel for launchpad as well; will ask there.17:55
masterboytgm4883: ok, the same error, nothing new on system monitor.17:56
masterboytgm4883: i guess i will need to uninstall these snaps and run an ordinary version...17:57
masterboytgm4883: that would be the fastest solution17:58
tgm4883masterboy: that's worth a test I suppose17:58
hiiggySpeaking of snaps, how can you tell if something is installed as a snap, or through apt?17:58
masterboyhiiggy: snap list17:58
tgm4883hiiggy: 'which <binaryname>' may be better, in case the binary name isn't the same as the snap package name18:00
hiiggyI assume all snaps can be removed safely, right? To my understanding, the way snaps work wouldn't break dependencies.18:00
blackflowikonia: no, sorry for bothering, there was a persistent troll back then, got dealt with by someone else.18:00
masterboytgm4883: oh my god now the app store does not ahve an uninstall button anymore18:00
tgm4883masterboy: snap remove <snapname>18:00
hiiggytgm4883: so all snaps will be installed in the /snap/bin directory?18:01
tgm4883hiiggy: installed, no. They will have a symlink to there binary though18:01
tgm4883hiiggy: they are installed in /snap/<snapname>/18:01
masterboyok i am trying all the snaps installed by default with ubuntu 18.04 and first time i run them they lag like hell. the second time i run them they load much faster...18:04
masterboybut after reboot it is the same scenario18:04
kostkonmy list as of now http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/M9s2h8P2kG/18:05
hiiggyBetter. No more snaps on my system. apt install all the way!18:05
hiiggysnap remove was just plain annoying. Every snap remove needed my password.18:05
tgm4883hiiggy: you can remove multiple snaps at once from the command line18:06
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hiiggyYeah, I figured it would be the same as the apt method. Was experimenting there. Not sure why multiple snap commands require authentication though, if one terminal can remain authenticated for a certain period of time.18:07
kasa_Hi there18:08
EriC^^hey kas18:08
masterboyok, just need to get rid of snaps... just someone did a terrible idea bundling snaps in a default distribution. They lag - at least just after booting18:08
kasa_Can someone PLEASE tell me how to skip the grub boot menu and directly boot ubuntu unless i hold shift during booting?18:08
Kamilionkasa_: /etc/default/grub18:09
EriC^^kasa_: pastebin the contents of /etc/default/grub18:09
hiiggykasa_: sudo nano /etc/default/grub18:09
hiiggyahh, double ninja'd18:09
kasa_I tried a lot of things (Timeout and Timeout hidden 0 and other combinations) and my current workaround is to display the menu for 1s so i can press the arrow down to select18:09
masterboytgm4883: thanks for caring :) have a nice evening18:10
EriC^^kasa_: paste.ubuntu.com18:10
Kamiliondownarrow to select what?18:10
EriC^^^ +118:10
kostkonkasa_, or install and use pastebinit  e.g.  cat /etc/default/grub | pastebinit18:10
kasa_Kamilion which os to boot18:10
danrikwhat if i have intel&nvidia card in my laptop - how can I make sure laptop always uses nvidia?18:10
KamilionWhy isn't the top one ubuntu, like mine?18:11
kasa_kostkon EriC^^ Kamilion https://pastebin.com/cQwT0h2C18:11
kasa_Kamilion the top is ubuntu but i want to skip the grub menu when bootij18:11
hiiggykasa_: change grub_hidden_timeout_quiet to true18:11
kostkonkasa_, is it really Debian though18:12
kasa_hiiggy, I already tried it and it doesnt work18:12
Kamilionkasa_: this is all I see when I hold shift or hit escape at the right time18:12
kasa_kostkon, What do you mean?18:12
KamilionIs that what you see?18:12
hiiggyI assume you also did update-grub?18:12
EriC^^kasa_: set the hidden timeout quiet to true, and add the variable at the bottom of them GRUB_RECORDFAIL_TIMEOUT=$GRUB_TIMEOUT18:12
EriC^^then update-grub and give it a shot18:13
kostkonkasa_, just ignre18:13
kasa_hiiggy, Yes18:13
ran18.04 was released for upgrade?18:13
Kamilionran: no, wait for 18.04.118:13
kasa_Kamilion, when booting I see a selection of Ubuntu, Memtest and Windows 7 (I do dualboot)18:13
kasa_And I want the menu to not be shown when I boot unless I hold some key pressed during booting18:14
Kamilionkasa_: then you can't suppress the menu, os-prober enables the menu unconditionally if another operating system is installed, as far as I know.18:14
EriC^^kasa_: give the recordfail a shot, it's a variable that overrides timeout many times and you end up not getting a 0 timeout18:14
kasa_EriC^^, I will try this, thanks18:14
ranuntil july?18:14
Kamilionyou can change the os-prober script.18:14
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kasa_I will be back after reboot18:15
scrotus_williamsI was wondering if I may ask about intel gma processors on ubuntu18:15
scrotus_williamshow good is the new 18.04 LTS in terms of fixing issues from 16.0418:15
scrotus_williamswith the intel graphics chipset18:15
KamilionIris and Iris pro, things seem snappier to me.18:15
Kamilioncould just be they dropped mir though.18:15
scrotus_williamssnappier than windows18:16
scrotus_williamsor snappier than 16.0418:16
scrotus_williamsI see do you think it would snappier18:16
Kamilionno idea about the old GMA stuff.18:16
ran18.04.1 will be released on july?18:16
scrotus_williamswell I wanted to know how do I install intel gma from 18.0418:16
scrotus_williamsrespository on a 16.04 system18:16
Kamilionran: LTS upgrades are enabled on the first point release, so they can sort out most of the upgrade issues from developers doing do-release-upgrade -d18:16
Kamilionif you're a user, wait for them to fix all the packages that way.18:17
hiiggyI'm just happy 18.04 can run properly on my two other quad card systems. My god, it was a nightmare trying to get them to behave18:17
kasa_Ok it dodnt work18:17
KamilionIf you don't care about stability, go ahead and do the release upgrade, but there's a chance some packages will break.18:17
kasa_It showed the menu and the countdown timeout at the bottom was 10 seconds18:18
Kamilionit didn't for me, but all I have is a desktop, a browser, a text editor, and a file manager.18:18
kasa_What would I need to do with the Os Prober to fix this?18:18
EriC^^kasa_: can you upload /boot/grub/grub.cfg ?18:18
scrotus_williamshow do I uninstall unnecessary graphics drivers, I kind of went crazy and went to a lot of ppas and installed them thinking it would be faster,18:18
scrotus_williamsI removed the ppa but I have residual graphics drivers and not sure which ones to delete18:19
ranso there is a bug that need to be fixed?18:19
EriC^^!ppa-purge | scrotus_williams18:19
ubottuscrotus_williams: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html18:19
kasa_EriC^^, Yep18:19
EriC^^kasa_: please do18:19
Kamilionran: We don't know yet, not enough developers have upgraded and reported bugs they encountered.18:19
kasa_EriC^^, https://pastebin.com/QJZbEJ6A18:19
scrotus_williamsthat command is great to remove ppa but does that remove all the packages associated with them18:20
ranOK. thank you.18:21
Kamilionscrotus_williams: might try asking the lubuntu folks, they tend to support older hardware18:21
scrotus_williamsokay thank you18:21
EriC^^kasa_: it actually does have to do with os-prober, take a look at line 23618:21
Kamilionran: personally, I did a clean install, and copied over my /home/kamilion and reinstalled all the packages I wanted.18:21
KamilionEriC^^: I ran into it myself while rebuilding ISOs.18:22
EriC^^kasa_: you could manually make an entry for windows and disable os-prober to work around it18:22
EriC^^Kamilion: aha, interesting18:22
kasa_EriC^^, Ok18:22
Kamilionkasa_: you can remove lines 236, 237, and 238, and save the file18:23
Kamilionhowever, it'll come back every time update-grub is run18:23
kasa_I will think about it but I dont want to brake everything18:23
Kamilionkasa_: it won't18:23
kasa_Can you comment them with # ?18:23
Kamilionyou can just run update-grub and the whole file will be rebuilt from scratch18:23
Kamilionthat's actually part of the problem :)18:23
EriC^^kasa_: it's pretty straightforward, make an entry in 40_custom and chmod -x os-prober in /etc/grub.d/18:23
Kamilionso feel free to experiment18:24
EriC^^copy the entry from your current os-prober part to 40_custom18:24
Kamilionyep, EriC^^'s solution is better than mine18:24
kasa_Ok, I edited it and I will reboot it now18:24
neredsenvyIs there a way I can watch the 'service status' live instead of running service 'name' status every few seconds ?18:24
Kamiliondidn't think to remove execute permissions on /etc/grub.d/os-prober18:25
* Kamilion puts that into his notes18:25
KamilionAnyone here played with openvswitch and 18.04 yet?18:25
KamilionIt doesn't seem to work from /etc/network/interfaces.d/ anymore18:26
Kamilionand the docs for netplan are a mess18:26
EriC^^neredsenvy: "watch service --status-all" maybe?18:26
neredsenvyEriC^^: Running "watch service dforunner --status-all I get dforunner not found18:28
EriC^^neredsenvy: watch service dforunner status18:28
EriC^^neredsenvy: the command isn't right..18:29
EriC^^what's the command that works already18:30
kasa_EriC^^, Kamilion It bootet without showing the menu but now I cant get it to show the menu with a key18:30
KamilionIf it's not one annoyance, it's another, eh?18:30
neredsenvysudo service dforunner status18:31
kasa_When I hold hsift it just boots ubuntu and holding esc opens the boot options of my bios18:31
EriC^^kasa_: any bios options like fastboot or something enabled?18:31
Kamilionthat generally only shortens some timeouts18:31
kasa_Wait a second, I will have to take a look in the bios18:31
EriC^^neredsenvy: are you sure you're not typo'ing something with the watch added?18:32
Kamilionsome bioses are a little on the mental side and will wait about 30 seconds for each disk port18:32
Kamilionjust in case a device is slow to spin up and IDENTIFY18:32
Kamilionmodern SATA disks generally respond to IDENTIFY within a few hundred ms though, I think18:32
neredsenvywill check again18:33
Kamilionso a lot of those fastboot choices in the bios just do stuff like reduce timeouts to 2-3 seconds18:33
kasa_EriC^^, I didnt find fastboot in my bios18:35
kasa_The BIOS is relatively old so maybe it just isnt supported?18:35
EriC^^probably yeah18:35
EriC^^i'd just live with the 1 sec timeout iiwy18:36
kasa_Ok, thanks for trying to help18:36
EriC^^no problem18:36
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hiiggyOkay, my mouse keys problem came back. It's like it re-enabled itself in the same session. Had to manually enable and disable it again.18:46
hiiggyIs there a way to just nuke universal access completely?18:46
chentaohoHello, everybody18:47
Kamilionhiiggy: remove the packages; but i'm not sure which18:47
hiiggyYeah, sorry, that's what I meant18:47
kasa_chentaoho, Hi!18:48
Kamilionsynaptic or muon'd help narrow it down18:48
chentaohokasa_, Hi!18:48
hiiggyGoogling it just gets me results of removing universal access notifications18:48
chentaohoI'm freshman of ubuntu.18:48
gogetachentaoho: WONDERFULL!!!!18:49
chentaohogogeta, Hi.18:50
soonIs there someone here how would check a bug for me? Requires Empathy ... takes a few seconds only...18:50
kasa_Since Im not the only Linux noob here, does someone know a site where the basic things you can do in the shell are explained?18:50
soonkasa ... loads of that in google and youtube18:51
DJones!terminal | kasa_ Is this what you're looking for,18:51
ubottukasa_ Is this what you're looking for,: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. In Unity or GNOME, search the dash for "terminal" and press ENTER. Other desktops: Applications -> System Tools -> Terminal (MATE), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal18:51
kasa_I basically only know cd, ls and some other basic stuff18:51
kasa_I know how to open the terminal but I want to learn how to use it18:52
watteriI have such a nice problem18:53
EriC^^kasa_: tldp.org has some good tutorials, namely linux admin guide and the gnu commands summary18:53
kasa_ubottu, The Guide looks good, thanks!18:53
ubottukasa_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:53
kasa_WTF I just got beaten at the Turing test18:54
watteriWhen I log in, Ubuntu just throws me back to log in screen18:54
kasa_EriC^^, Thanks, that looks good too!18:55
ubuntu_userHello all! - It interests me to automate the installation of Ubuntu Desktop such that it can be effectuated absent the need for user interaction and as well to have added to it the the installation of openssh-server as well. Can anyone advise the best away ahead in pursuance of such an endeavor?18:55
Tegukasa_: also, Debian Handbook has quite an okay introduction  https://debian-handbook.info/browse/stable/short-remedial-course.html18:55
kasa_Tegu, Cool, thanks to everyone who posted useful guides, this will keep me busy18:57
kostkonubuntu_user, https://askubuntu.com/q/228687/165118:57
watterinow I solved that my problem18:59
kasa_watteri, How?18:59
watteriI selected to use the other way to log in19:00
kasa_watteri The one with wayland?19:00
kostkonwatteri, X instead of wayland or vice versa?19:00
watteriI took that Wayland instead of the other one19:01
kasa_watteri does it work now if you reboot and log in without wayland?19:02
watteriI'll check but I had problems with my Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 drivers19:02
kasa_watteri, Wow Im jealous19:03
kasa_I want a 1080 too but those damn miners :(19:04
kostkonkasa_, 1080Ti for you19:04
scottvigerlol me too19:04
watteriI paid nearby 1700 euros for this computer19:04
breitenj-Hi! I am trying to install Ubuntu 18.04 with ZFS on Root (with the ZFS pool in an encrypted luks partition). Unfortunately, when I boot the system I am dropped to a busybox shell with the error "cannot import pool zpool". I don't get a passphrase prompt to decrypt the luks container. If I manually decrypt the partition and import the pool in the rescue shell, the system boots fine. Does anyone have an idea why it doesn't decrypt the luks partition?19:04
breitenj-(some details about my setup: https://pastebin.com/5bTbB5v3)19:04
kasa_kostkon, yeah only 750€...19:04
ubuntu_userkostkon: checking it out, thanks - give me a few to read and digest it19:05
kasa_watteri do you game with it or what do you need it for?19:05
kostkonkasa_, :(19:05
kostkonubuntu_user, np19:05
hiiggykasa_: Aww, you're making me feel bad for owning 10 1080s19:06
hiiggyI'm not mining though. F@H19:06
kasa_At least Ryzen is cheap as dirt now, A R7 1700 costs 240 here <319:06
kasa_hiiggy, WTF do you do with it?19:06
hiiggyFolding@Home. Distributed computing project for medical science. Are you familiar with BOINC?19:07
kasa_The Protein folding thing?19:07
kasa_I heard of it19:07
watteriI have 16Gigs of DDR4 and 1TB HDD and 256GB ssd19:07
kasa_And you bought 10 1080s to compute and pay the electricity?19:07
kasa_watteri, thats wat i want to get with a ryzen r7 and a 1060ti or 107019:08
hiiggyI live in company provided accommodation. Free electricity. Overclock the cards, set them to 100% fan speed, and sleep 2 meters away with earplugs!19:08
kasa_hiiggy, But you payed the cards right?19:09
hiiggyOne of the main reasons I'm running Ubuntu is because it's much better performance-wise than Windows. But man, there were a lot of hoops to jump through to get nvidia GPU folding to work. Thankfully 18.04 fixed a lot of those problems19:09
hiiggykasa_: Correct19:09
kasa_Where do you work and what do you work as?19:09
snh_Hi Everybody, Ineed your help, I've installed Ubuntu Gnome 18.04, but I don't find the driver Nvidia: nvidia304 or nvidia-current19:09
hiiggyDubai as a flight attendant, plus student pilot on the side. But I got the cards in the US. Hauled 42 kilos of computer parts back to Dubai in my suitcase and cabin bag.19:10
hiiggy(I think we might be getting a little off topic now though)19:10
watteriI have still little problems19:11
kasa_hiiggy, nice!19:11
snh_under software and update, it isn't detect19:11
kasa_hiiggy, Yea, very OT :)19:11
kasa_snh maybe "sudo apt-get install nvidia-304"19:11
scottvigersnh_: the current version for nvidia's driver is 384 (sudo apt install nvidia-384)19:11
ioriasnh_, can you paste   sudo lshw -C video   and  ubuntu-drivers list     ?19:12
scottvigersnh_: don't forget sudo apt update if you never did it on your install...19:12
kasa_scottviger I have nvidia 390 installed so it seems 384 isnt the newest19:12
snh_NVIDIA Corporation C61 [GeForce 7025 / nForce 630a] (rev a2)19:12
snh_Thanks scottviger19:12
ioriasnh_, please, use paste.ubuntu.com19:13
scottvigerkasa_: isn't 890 beta or something like that?19:13
kasa_The x server nvidia thingy says 390.48 as version and I guess they would write "(Beta)" after that if it was19:14
hiiggy390 is stable. 396 is beta currently19:14
kasa_While were already talking about video drivers, dows somebody know what to do against tearing?19:14
scottvigerkasa_:i guess i'm wrong19:15
hiiggykasa_: vsync?19:15
kasa_I have it when I drag Windows around and its kindof annoying19:15
snh_ubuntu-drivers list: nvidia-304, amd64-microcode19:15
kasa_hiiggy, Yeah, bot How?19:15
kasa_I didnt find a way to enable it in the xserver program19:15
scottvigernvidia-304 isn't in the depo19:16
hiiggyI recall someone having a similar problem. Let me check if I can find the answer...19:16
kasa_hiiggy, that would be awesome19:17
hiiggyGive that a shot kasa_19:17
snh_ok, mi friend, then install nvidia-39019:17
ioriasnh_,  sudo lshw -C video | nc termbin.com 999919:18
snh_ok ioria, thanks19:18
kasa_hiiggy, It doesnt seem to work, still tearing19:18
ioriasnh_,  probably your card is too old (or unsupported anymore)19:19
kasa_hiiggy, Its hard to say but maybe its a bit better19:19
snh_you're right, thanks ioria19:20
hiiggykasa_: Check if the option got enabled in X Server. You need to go to X Server Display Configuration, click the Advanced button, and make sure the Force Composition Pipeline option is checked19:20
scottvigersnh_: nvidia-331 is the oldest driver if you want to try!19:20
ioriascottviger, he cannot install drivers not compatible19:21
kasa_hiiggy, When I click advanced nothing happens19:21
snh_ok scottviger, I test it19:21
kasa_hiiggy only the advanced button changes to basic19:21
hiiggyOdd. Not quite sure then.19:21
scottvigerioria: the oldest driver should work... this is why they let it in the depo...19:21
gareppai'm on 16.04.4, and when i use lightdm (but NOT when i use gdm3) i get the "The system is running in low-graphics mode" screen at boot. What is wrong with this Xorg.0.log? https://hastebin.com/titoworiba.sql19:22
ioriascottviger, the only compatible is  nvidia-304 , but no m ore in the bionic repo19:23
scottvigeroooooo ok19:23
hiiggykasa_: https://imgur.com/a/IylqkQu this is what you should be seeing. Force Composition and Force Full Composition at the bottom should be both enabled.19:23
kasa_How do I find out which version is compatible to my GPU?19:23
ubuntu_userkostkon: read a lot of stuff, there seems to be no easy way to do an Ubuntu automated install!19:24
ubuntu_userhow dumb19:24
rud0lfwhat's the codename of 17.10 ?19:24
ubuntu_userin RHEL you can do a full install then copy the ks.cfg file and reuse it to do an automated install19:25
ubuntu_userseems ubuntu has no such capability that is that easy19:25
oerheks !preseed19:25
kasa_Ok im blind, I use a laptop and the Screen is called "PRIME Display" and when i select it the nvidia thing says I have to control it with a RandR capable tool19:25
ubuntu_userit said preseed required editing files and writing scripts on the page I read, is that not true? you can do a regular install, generate a preseed file and reuse it?19:25
kostkonubuntu_user, now that you mentioned it https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/i386/ch04s06.html19:26
ubuntu_userthat page states all the missing and broken parts of ks for ubuntu19:26
ubuntu_userI mean KS works fine for CentOS and RHEL but it seems missing a lot of stuff for Ubuntu per that page19:26
kostkonubuntu_user, yeah a long list of missing parts19:27
ubuntu_userkostkon: have you ever tried this stuff, and done it yourself or do you just post links?19:27
oerheksubuntu_user, you can automatic generate *something*, i read with some caution .. https://askubuntu.com/questions/595826/how-to-create-ubuntu-installation-preseed-file19:28
Borw3Hello, guys on ubuntu 18.04 my wifi strength is very weak.. using RT3290... and manually installing the old packages fails on kernel 4.1519:28
kostkonubuntu_user, just posting links19:28
Borw3Is there a way to install wifi drivers from a windows .exe since the ones that come with Ubuntu by default has week signal on RTew90  card19:29
kasa_hiiggy, Heres how it looks: https://imgur.com/a/ugGYKd519:29
kasa_Borw3, Is the signal really weak or is it only shown as weak?19:30
Borw3Is there a way to install wifi drivers from a windows .exe since the ones that come with Ubuntu by default has week signal on RT3290  card*19:30
ubuntu_userkostkon: I understand, that is of little help if you have no idea if they are current or useful. you are posting links that are in some cases 10 years old...useless crapola19:30
ubuntu_userI can get that from google19:30
Borw3kasa_: Really weak, sometimes I even loose connection19:30
ubuntu_userhas anyone here actually DONE thi?19:30
Borw3Is there a way to install wifi drivers from a windows .exe since the ones that come with Ubuntu by default has weak signal on RT3290  card*19:30
ubuntu_userwith say 16.04 (since it is a current variant of ubuntu)?19:31
kostkonubuntu_user, well i doubt you'll find someone who is an expert on this at least not here19:31
gogetaBorw3: yes thre is19:31
Borw3gogeta: Please sir, how?19:31
hiiggykasa_: Okay, how about this? https://askubuntu.com/questions/968443/nvidia-drivers-unable-to-check-force-full-composition-pipeline19:32
ubuntu_userSo this is not the official ubuntu support channel?19:32
gogetaBorw3: you should have a option and you need the inf file from the exe19:32
gogetaBorw3: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/43752/how-to-install-a-wireless-card-in-linux-using-windows-drivers/19:32
oerheksBorw3, make sure you get wifi and BT drivers, as it is a dual chip19:33
kasa_hiiggy, Thanks, im instaling ccsm now19:34
Borw3oerheks: You use RT3290 also? please how you install yours sir on Ubuntu 18.04?19:35
oerheksBorw3, no, but you have beenhere before, i helped you building from github19:35
gogetaubuntu_user: do you mean a oem installer19:36
kasa_hiiggy, I played around with CCSM and it seems to work, thanks!19:38
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kasa_hiiggy, Thanks!19:41
kasa_Bye, have fun with your 1080s19:41
tomreynBorw3 could use https://launchpad.net/%7Eblaze/+archive/ubuntu/rtbth-dkms19:41
tomreyn(in case they return)19:41
hiiggyAnyone know the cause of this? "E: The repository 'https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/ubuntu bionic Release' does not have a Release file."19:42
ioriahiiggy, because there is no bioni release yet  https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/ubuntu/dists/19:43
tomreynhiiggy: look here https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/ubuntu/dists/19:43
hiiggyGuess I'll just play the waiting game then19:44
MrF4ck3dany body here19:45
hiiggyI've already added the key for the PPA, so I assume I can just leave it as it is, and it will fix itself once there's a bionic release, right?19:45
ioriawho knows19:45
scottvigerhiiggy: in principle19:45
MrF4ck3dno thank you i from hacker to indo*****19:48
MrF4ck3dMe clan Hack CLAY19:49
leftyfb!support | MrF4ck3d19:49
ubottuMrF4ck3d: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com19:49
tomreynMrF4ck3d: do you have an ubuntu support question?19:49
ubuntu_usergogeta: if an OEM installer means creating a fully automated installation CD that can be used to rubber stamp the same installation over and over with zero user interaction, then yes.19:49
leftyfb!op | MrF4ck3d19:50
ubottuMrF4ck3d: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax19:50
daxMrF4ck3d: let's not.19:50
scottvigerKid, just log off19:50
DJonesMrF4ck3d: This is a support channel for Ubuntu, please stay on topic19:51
kostkonubuntu_user, you might also find more technically inclined people in #ubuntu-server  if they believe your issue is appropriate for that channel19:51
Trukhello, can anyone help me understand this script please : https://pastebin.com/8Rg2e56d19:51
scottvigertruk: nginx, script for docker19:52
Trukthis is a aws elastic beanstalk script19:52
Trukit uses nginx and docker19:52
matjamHi all; I've got some problems with fonts in 18.04. Some fonts are rendering badly, like the hinting or something is incorrect, and some are rending such that the top line of pixels of the text are being erased .. anyone seen that?19:53
matjamI had it in 17.10 and was able to fix it with some fontconfig but lost that config when I installed 18.0419:53
matjamalso I'm unable to install the nerd fonts and have the nerd mono fonts available to gnome-terminal19:54
gogetaubuntu_user: i only know that on server19:54
matjam*most* font rendering is fine, its just, in some apps like chrome (or things that use electron) for the most part19:55
ubuntu_userkostkon: thank you sir19:55
gogetaubottu: the oem installer installes the os then shuts down so when you user arrives he can set his username passwords etc19:55
ubottugogeta: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:55
ubuntu_usergogeta: what do you mean you only know that on server?19:55
gogetatab fail19:55
gogetaubuntu_user: https://github.com/makelinux/ubuntu-server-auto-install19:56
ubuntu_usergogeta: ok, going read that link! thank you sir, be back in a bit19:56
gogetaubuntu_user: does not work on desktop19:56
breitenj-Hi! Is there anyone who could help me with using Ubuntu 18.04 with ZFS and LUKS? Even though I have configured /etc/cryptab, when I try to boot, it does not decrypt the luks partition, so it cannot import the pool... (https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/CGHGpT2DVb/)19:57
gogetaubuntu_user: what excaly are you looking to do19:58
ubuntu_userwell, what I want is a desktop install that is fully automated, then I have an ansible script that adds everything else. I want to make a CD that does a fully automated install of desktop.19:59
=== Exterminador- is now known as Exterminador
ubuntu_userbasically, desktop with all the questions answered and the addition of openssh-server, ansible, and some python modules20:00
gogetaubuntu_user: well the closes i know would be remastersys20:00
gogetaubuntu_user: make you own iso with the apps you whant20:00
ubuntu_userI can read on that too20:00
gogetaubuntu_user: but its not automated20:01
doug16kwhat is spl_system_task and why are there 64 processes of it running on my system? apt-file doesn't say which package it is from. something to do with zfs?20:04
gogetadoug16k: htop will give you somee detail20:05
=== fabricius1 is now known as fabricius
tomreyna web search for "spl_system_task" indicates relation to zfs, yes20:07
gogetadoug16k: i got 98 task running on my machine20:07
doug16kof that?20:07
doug16kof [spl_system_task]?20:08
gogetadoug16k: i dont use zfs so20:08
doug16kok thanks20:09
gogetadoug16k: alot of them are probly sitting idel or something20:09
gogetadoug16k: unless youe seeing alot of cpu usage20:09
doug16kah, modprobe -r zfs did remove them. thanks again20:12
doug16kI installed zfs a while back for some reason and never used it, so I'm cleaning it out20:12
tomreynspl would be the "Solaris Porting Layer"20:14
gogetadoug16k:  that will only be tempary make shure you remove it20:14
zambahow reboot-safe is upgrading from 16.04 to 18.04?20:22
zambai'm considering doing it remote20:23
zambawithout any console20:24
oerhekszamba, "reboot-safe" .. you should restart at some point.20:29
zambaoerheks: meaning: will it come back up again20:30
oerheksit would be a test, not sure your ssh service survives upgrade20:32
pijama_boyHey guys, anyone knows how to change the right click on dock bar application behavior in gnome?20:37
gogetapijama_boy: ill tell you for 1 million dollers mwhahaha mehaha20:38
DbuggerIs it normal that I cant still upgrade to 18.04?20:38
KamilionDbugger: yes, do-release-upgrade is enabled for LTS to LTS at 18.04.1, the point release in june/julyish20:39
gogetaDbugger: yes20:39
DbuggerBut I am in 17.1020:39
Dbuggershouldnt that be available immediately?20:39
Kamilionas far as i know, you get it when the LTS does.20:40
Kamilionupgrades are more complex than clean installs.20:40
gogetapijama_boy: https://askubuntu.com/questions/966576/customizing-tray-taskbar-date-display-in-ubuntu-17-1020:40
gogetashould be the same for 18.0420:40
Dbuggeroh well, then I guess I will still need a few weeks to install it... shame20:41
KamilionDbugger: i just did a fresh install, copied over /home/kamilion and reinstalled the packages I like. Wasn't much of an effort.20:41
Kamilionbut all i rely on is the basic desktop, filemanager, text editor, and web browser.20:42
gogetaDbugger: i meanif you have a steam libary or something you can copy it to another drive20:43
gogetayou know something that would take a long time to redownload20:43
pijama_boyDid an upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04 and it mostly worked20:43
Kamilionwell, sorta. I installed 16.04 on btrfs, so I just moved /@ to /@old and let the installer create a new /@ without touching /@home20:43
MoPacSo I'm trying to get a live persistent USB working. I made it with a FAT32 partition containing all the files from the Kubuntu 18.04 .iso and a second ext4 called casper-rw. On boot, though, I get an error and a drop to initramfs. It's "failed to mount /cow on /root: invalid argument, overlay mount failed"20:43
MoPacany suggestions?20:44
MoPac(oh, I also edited the grub entry to add "persistent" after "quiet splash". It worked as a non-persistent USB before I did that)20:44
KamilionMoPac: I've goofed off a lot with casper, but I've never gotten persistance to work right. *shrug*20:46
Kamilioni think it expects some skeleton stuff inside casper-rw for the overlay to work, but i'm not sure.20:47
Kamilioneventually, I just gave up and wrote my own casper scripts to restore the small bits of state I needed20:47
Kamilionbut I don't think any of that code's as well tested as it used to be20:48
pijama_boyare these gnome shell extensions super heavy on sys resources?20:48
Kamiliondunno, I prefer lubuntu20:49
djkdoes anyone use ukuu to stay current with kernel releases?20:49
gogetapijama_boy: left to the at5 camp a wile ago20:49
Kamiliondjk: no, but I use unattended-updates, which will get new kernels. Won't reboot into them automatically tho20:50
kostkonpijama_boy, i guess it follows the law of the more you add the heavier it becomes in some degree20:50
pijama_boykostkon, looks like a slippery slope20:52
popeycoredjk: no, and i wouldn't recommend it20:52
djkIt was working great until the 4.16.4 release.20:54
danrikcan i remove top bar in ubuntu? how do I make it more of a gnome lookish?20:55
=== Prospero_ is now known as Prospero_1
riotzwhois danrik21:00
brainwashdjk: check https://github.com/teejee2008/ukuu/issues21:11
=== marcel is now known as Guest1542
djkbrainwash: thank you that is the kind of info I was looking for. Have to look deeper in a bit.21:16
Guest1542How to do a quick chmod on disk called Naamloos 1 folder heaven to give me rights to read, write and execute again to everything in that folder? Just migrated from osx to ubuntu, thank you very much21:17
Ben64Guest1542: what's a 'quick chmod' ?21:18
Guest1542Ben64, would be nice if I can have read/write access again :)21:18
Ben64ok, use chmod then? you already seem to know the command you need21:19
Guest1542yeah, but not the right flags, over the whole disk/folder21:19
Ben64whats the output of 'ls -ld /path/to/the/directory'21:20
Guest1542brb, Iĺl check it out21:21
danrikis there a way to change wallpaper wihotu dragging things into pictures? really annoying21:21
Guest1542oh, btw, would be called different hehe21:21
Guest1542+path forgot that just now21:21
en1gmai think i might have made a big mistake. i have a laptop with ubuntu 16.04 32bit Desktop and i think i just forced an upgrade to 18.04 64bit desktop21:25
en1gmaproblem is there is no 64bit 18.04 but i used the -d switch and i see it upgrading alot of i386 bionic packages21:26
compdocyou'll know soon, i guess21:27
en1gmai used this command 'sudo do-release-upgrade -d' on ubuntu 16.04 32bit desktop (i386)21:27
compdocis the desktop 64 bit?21:28
compdocthe cpu21:28
oerheks-d development,.. so you wonder why you get i386 updates21:28
Ben64en1gma: i think you'd be fine21:28
en1gmabut dont forget there is NO release for 18.04 in i38621:30
en1gmadidnt it get dropped?21:30
en1gmawhy is it doing i38621:30
Apachezis there a way to "whitelist" applications that takes longer time to load (such as hl2_linux when using steam) so you wont have to see that nag screen from gnome/ubuntu 17.10 and upwards that the application is not responding (while in fact it is responding, its busy loading the content)?21:35
leftyfben1gma: It should work. There is no iso/installer for i386 but the packages exit21:35
Apachezwhitelist as in "way at least 180 seconds and not just 2 seconds to nag about "not responding""21:36
leftyfben1gma: "This change is just affecting the ubuntu-server i386 release while there will continue to be the x86 32-bit mini ISO image, Debian Installer image, and the i386 package archive will continue to exist. So for those running Ubuntu Server x86_64 you can still install i386 packages if needed, but the official Ubuntu Server image on the x86 front will be just x86_64. "21:36
leftyfbIt should still work21:37
en1gmaok its still upgrading. i keep running back and fourth between rooms and checking21:38
en1gmaif it does reboot into 18.04 i386 desktop is there a good cleanup command i can use to get rid of that 16.04 install?21:38
leftyfbbut seriously, I have machines that are 12 years old that are 64bit21:38
brainwashApachez: https://askubuntu.com/questions/412917/how-to-increase-waiting-time-for-non-responding-programs21:38
en1gmai know. i keep telling the person to get rid of that humk of junk but they wont do it. it overheats all the time because it needs a new fan21:39
leftyfben1gma: If the upgrade completes, there will be no 16.04 install21:39
en1gmaok cool21:39
danrikis there a nice gui tool for mounting ssh & samba shares?21:39
en1gmaleftyfb so the only way to install 18.04 i386 desktop is to install ubuntu 16.04 i386 desktop then do the 'sudo do-release-upgrade -d' command?21:40
leftyfbdanrik: in nautilus, type: smb://server/share or sshfs://user@server:/path/to/folder  ... the latter you might need to install sshfs21:40
Mr_Panen1gma, yes  -d21:41
FernandoABBAi just downloaded linux 1821:41
FernandoABBAwhat should i do first?21:41
daxen1gma: or use the mini ISO or server ISO, yes21:41
Guest1542Ben64, thanks for your help so far, will try again tomorrow21:41
leftyfben1gma: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/21:41
leftyfbFernandoABBA: what is "linux 18"?21:42
en1gmaahhh yea that probably the best way to do it.21:42
FernandoABBAleftyfb the new linux21:42
FernandoABBAit came out this week!21:42
danrikleftyfb, yeah I can do that, but I was thinking to mount on boot or somehthing similar21:42
leftyfbFernandoABBA: I think the linux kernel is up to version 4.16 stable21:42
FernandoABBAno i have linux 18.04 now21:43
leftyfbFernandoABBA: lets assume you're referring to Ubuntu version 18.04 (there is no version 18).21:43
danrikleftyfb, I know how to do this via nautilus - but then mountpoint on FS is not known21:43
FernandoABBAi thought ubuntu was linux21:43
FernandoABBAwhat is ubuntu then21:43
leftyfbFernandoABBA: Ubuntu is a linux distribtion that uses the linux kernel21:43
FernandoABBAso it is linux 18?21:43
leftyfbit's Ubuntu 18.0421:44
danrikleftyfb,ive been using /etc/fstab - but the limitation is whenever network changes and share is no longer available it doesnt try to reconnect21:44
FernandoABBAi dont get it21:44
leftyfbthe Linux kernel is up to version 4.16 stable21:44
leftyfbdanrik: sudo mount -a21:44
FernandoABBAhow is ubuntu at version 1821:44
FernandoABBAbut linux is version 421:44
leftyfbFernandoABBA: what can we help you with?21:44
FernandoABBAthat makes no sense21:44
tewardFernandoABBA: this is a discussion to be had elsewhere.  What's your actual question?21:44
oerheksyear (20)1821:44
lapagaFernandoABBA, it is 18.04 not 1821:44
FernandoABBAwhat should i do on linux 18 now that i am on it instead of windows?21:45
leftyfboerheks: oh god21:45
leftyfbwhy? :)21:45
FernandoABBAnice bing21:46
FernandoABBAits stupid that all the defaults in linux is google21:46
leftyfbFernandoABBA: please stop referring to it as "linux 18". There's no such thing and is completely wrong. You are running Ubuntu 18.0421:46
FernandoABBAim not ruining anything21:46
eriois it possible to have installed libsdl2-dev in an amd64 system21:47
eriofor both amd64 and i38621:47
erioor should I use a vm to build something for libsdl2-dev:i386 ?21:48
erioI am on Ubuntu 16.0421:48
FernandoABBAthis is telling me i can link my android phone to ubuntu21:48
FernandoABBAbut does it work if i dont use android21:48
Kamilionat least, not the android linking part.21:49
FernandoABBAi have a windows 8 phone21:50
FernandoABBAits a nokia21:50
leftyfbFernandoABBA: what do you need help with?21:50
FernandoABBAwhat can i do to unleash the true power of linux 1821:50
brainwasherio: bug 153608121:51
ubottubug 1536081 in libsdl2 (Ubuntu Trusty) "libsdl2:i386 isn't installable on 64-bit systems with newer graphics stack" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153608121:51
FernandoABBAright now its about a 3000 but i want it to be over 900021:51
leftyfb!op | FernandoABBA regular troll21:51
ubottuFernandoABBA regular troll: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax21:51
KamilionFernandoABBA: maybe apt install steam-installer ?21:51
brainwasherio: also https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=89551821:51
ubottuDebian bug 895518 in libsdl2-dev "libsdl2-dev is not Multi-Arch compatible" [Normal,Fixed]21:51
KamilionFernandoABBA: ubuntu versions are derived by year.month. 18.04 is april 2018's release. The userspace version is independant of the version of the linux kernel included with the gnu userspace.21:53
KamilionUbuntu's based on top of debian, and there's like 30k packages. the kernel's just another package in the pool, with it's own versioning.21:53
Kamilionknowing a package's name is generally the magic key to unleashing the true power of a distro.21:54
KamilionAs for an anecdote, the reason linux's version is currently 4.x is because linus torvalds got tired of counting past 20 so 3.20 went to 4.021:56
KamilionWhy? Because he only has ten toes and ten fingers.21:56
pr3c0g..really ?21:56
FernandoABBAwhy isnt windows based on linux then?21:56
mastBecause facism21:57
FernandoABBAwouldnt it be easier for them if they did that?21:57
leftyfb!offtopic | FernandoABBA21:57
ubottuFernandoABBA: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:57
Kamilionbecause you can install the userspace on the windows kernel now.21:57
Kamilionit's still ubuntu. It's just not linux.21:58
leftyfbKamilion: please stop21:59
KamilionAwww. But I give such plausable answers!21:59
FernandoABBAplausable how? is that not true?22:00
ubottuWindows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide22:00
leftyfbFernandoABBA: this discussion is offtopic.22:00
FernandoABBAwhy would you do that?22:01
Kamilionthe truth is the most plausable answer of all.22:01
KamilionBut I shall digress, as asked.22:01
pr3c0gactually I'm curious. why is ubuntu the default distro for aws machines ?22:02
Kamilionhandshakes and launchpad's existance.22:02
Kamilionmmmmmmm, ppas.22:02
Apachezbrainwash: tnx22:02
pr3c0gi see22:03
FernandoABBAis gender a choice?22:03
Kamilionpr3c0g: the launchpad PPA system is one of the easiest and most conveniant ways to not only publish packages, but to build them in a secure environment.22:03
Apachezbrainwash: seems bad that this value cannot be configured without recompiling gnome22:03
leftyfbFernandoABBA: please troll elsewhere22:04
FernandoABBAi meant that for a different channel leftyfb22:04
pr3c0gand launchpad is from canonical right ?22:05
pr3c0gbut other distros don't use it ?22:05
KamilionFor various degrees of security; at least. There's a relatively high degree of isolation though, so in practice, it's about as trustworthy as you're gonna get.22:05
KamilionWell, it's not that other distros don't use it -- arch pulls a few things from launchpad's BZR repos from time to time22:05
Kamilionlike byobu22:05
Kamilionand yes, it's from canonical. It's the frontend to the buildfarm.22:06
FernandoABBAwhen i installed ubuntu it asked me to use osmething that lets me snapshot and stuff easier22:06
FernandoABBAcan i make a snapshot of my hard drive then?22:06
KamilionThere's a number of tools that can perform that task, FernandoABBA. I'd recommend gnome-disk-tools, dc3dd, or gparted.22:07
leftyfbFernandoABBA: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lvm22:07
FernandoABBAhi kasa_22:07
brainwashApachez: I guess so22:08
Kamiliongnome-disk-tools has a menu entry "Create Partition Image" on a selected partition, and "Create Disk Image" from the hamburger menu if a disk is selected.22:08
FernandoABBAi cant right click anymore because of linux 18 which is annoying22:09
pr3c0gahah hamburger menu. sorry can't help but laugh at that term22:09
Kamilionme too. *sigh*22:10
leftyfbFernandoABBA: please troll elsewhere22:10
FernandoABBAleftyfb i cant right click though22:10
leftyfbFernandoABBA: type: /part22:10
FernandoABBA /part22:10
FernandoABBAi dont get it22:10
hggdhFernandoABBA: please stop22:10
kasa_pr3c0g: I heard that term very often, seems to be very common22:10
FernandoABBAwhy cant i right click though?22:11
pr3c0gkasa_: still funny though22:11
Kamilionhttps://www.iconfinder.com/icons/454844/file_hamburger_menu_list_menu_icon  The 'three bars' icon22:11
kasa_Because right clicking is a feature restricted to non-trolls22:11
FernandoABBAit is me trying to right click using two fingers on my laptop touchpad22:11
FernandoABBAit was working now it stopped22:11
hggdhbecause you do no seem interested in anything. You have asked a few questions, and never provided enough data22:12
kasa_pr3c0g: Yes22:12
Draconiatordouble click an icon and the progran starts.  Basic computer knowledge.22:12
Kamilionwait, does that mean I'm a problem if I provide an overabundance of data?22:13
kasa_Kamilion: ?22:13
FernandoABBAi am confused22:13
Kamilionsorry, i may be in my mid 30s but I can't help feed the trolls sometimes22:14
kasa_Nice ^22:14
KamilionI'll just go back to my $ prompt now22:14
pr3c0ghggdh: what are you doing lol22:15
kasa_In which Country are you guys?22:15
Kamilionhggdh: nice, I think you scared him off by calling his IP address in public.22:16
leftyfb!support | kasa_22:16
ubottukasa_: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com22:16
Kamilion(he was a webchat user anyway, so it wasn't exactly private)22:16
pr3c0gI'm from Portugal22:16
kasa_leftyfb: does this already count as offtopic?22:16
SuperLagI have an Intel NUC where I've installed 18.04 - it works great. I'd like to know how best to clone this setup to a VM on another machine. Is that doable?22:16
riotzuhm, what happened to the calculator in 18.04? it doesnt appear in the start menu somehow22:17
leftyfbkasa_: do you have a support question?22:17
KamilionSuperLag: Do you have gnome-disk-tools installed?22:17
kasa_leftyfb: To be honest I have a few of them but I don’t have my computer available at the moment so asking them would be useless22:18
KamilionSuperLag: if so, "Create Disk Image" from the hamburger menu with your disk selected, and a fileselector will pop up. You'll need a device bigger than the one you're copying.22:18
hggdhkasa_: then, please, do not contribute to the noise22:18
SuperLagKamilion: I see "gnome-disk-utility", but not the name you mention.22:18
Kamilioneh, they change package names *sigh*22:18
Kamilionlemme double check22:18
SuperLagKamilion: that looks to be the one22:19
Deckonsome fix for the mysql isue in ubuntu 18.04?22:19
Kamilionyes, gnome-disk-utility it is, now.22:19
SuperLagI see the hamburger menu, and the option you mentioned.22:19
SuperLagbummer I can't compress it. :D22:19
KamilionSuperLag: http://puu.sh/AcV47/2b3d588098.png22:19
Kamilionoh, okay, you found it. Good.22:19
Kamilionthe option just under it will let you put the disk image back on a device for your next system.22:20
Kamilionmake sure you pick the right disk first before restoring, I've shot myself in the foot at least twice.22:20
Kamilionyou can also inspect an image by using the selected radiobutton icon menu22:21
SuperLagKamilion: If I can just get the cert figured out for $CUSTOMER_VPN, then I could use this machine full-time. That would make me oh so happy.22:22
Kamilionwhich is the image that is seen on the right side, /dev/loop122:22
Kamilionwith a partition or empty space highlighted on the right side, you can also individually dump and restore partitions.22:23
Kamilionit's at the bottom of the checkmark menu.22:23
en1gmaleftyfb it booted fine. yay22:23
KamilionSuperLag: I'd also recommend booting the ISO first before doing it -- so your partition is safely unmounted and has been flagged as such during a clean shutdown.22:24
Kamilioni routinely clone 24GB SSDs like this myself.22:25
Kamilionit's so nice when the right tools are built in to the OS and other than having to call menus by weird names, I can just explain it normally22:25
KamilionGood luck, poke me if you require any further assistance with your disk image task.22:26
kasa_I installed Ubuntu 18.04 in german and now changed the language to English. After booting, the login screen is german, but when I log in and log out again, it’s English. Is there a way to have it be english every time?22:26
SuperLagKamilion: definitely. I appreciate the info.22:26
SuperLagI see /dev/loop* mounted a bunch of snaps?22:27
Kamilionnope, i used the 'attach disk image' option from the selected radiobutton menu, as shown in the screenshot.22:28
KamilionSnaps aren't much different in practice though. On the up side, 18.04's use of snaps increased the number of loopback mount points from 32 to more than I've been able to count. Probably at least 500.22:30
SuperLagI haven't read up on snaps, so I don't know what the big idea is.22:30
Kamilionoverlayfs attached squashfs files.22:31
Kamilioninteresting idea, quirky result. But that's just my opinion.22:31
waterlooABBAi should get some sleep but Kamilion you seem like a person with a beautiful soul and you are the sweet dream that lights up someones day22:31
Kamilionsorry, my soul is covered in graffiti and punk rock lyrics.22:32
tomreynkasa_: mkae sure this is set to the english locale you want: sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales22:32
tomreyni'm not sure whether this is going to fix the issue, though22:33
kasa_tomreyn: I will try that tomorrow22:33
kasa_I changed the language in the preferences menu22:33
kasa_But the login screen doesn’t care22:33
tomreyni think the login screen takes the system locale22:33
tomreynnot that of your user, since you're not logged in22:34
kasa_I didn’t really customize my install yet so reinstalling in English wouldn’t be too hard22:34
kasa_tomreyn: that makes sense22:34
oerheksisn't there an option to apply a language systemwide?22:35
kasa_tomreyn: thanks!22:35
kasa_oerheks: I didn’t see one22:35
transhumanhi! looking for the cirrus driver for artful, is there no longer any? Its what KVM virtual machines look for?22:35
jmgb4Hey fellas, is there a way to completely remove java 11 from ubuntu? I just want to test some things quick then come back. It seems "update-alternatives --config java" then selecting 8 doesnt _actually_ change the java version to 8....22:35
transhumanjmgb4 is it openjdk or is it oracle22:36
jmgb4transhuman, openjdk according to update-alternatives22:37
transhumanwhat version of Ubuntu22:37
transhumansudo apt-get remove --purge openjdk-11-jdk22:38
jmgb4Did that22:38
jmgb4didnt seem to do the trick22:38
transhumanhow about just apt remove opnejdk-11-jdk22:39
tomreynor: sudo apt --purge remove openjdk-11\*22:39
jmgb4There we go22:40
transhumantomreyn, thanks for that22:40
jmgb4Yeah thanks22:40
transhumanyou wouldnt know about the cirrus driver would you?22:41
transhumanfor 17.1022:41
Draconiator"Running module version sanity check"....uhhhh Linux developers are funny.22:42
tomreyntranshuman: not really, what makes you think it doesn't work?22:43
tomreyntranshuman: also try replacing 'cirrus' by just 'vga'22:46
ian5vhi all! trying to compile some kernel code but getting "/include/linux/kernel.h:6:10: fatal error: stdarg.h: No such file or directory". i've googled it some, manually symlinked stdarg.h to /usr/src/linux-headers-4.15.0-20-generic/include/, but no luck.22:48
ian5vthat just trips on the next include, "asm/linkage.h"22:49
ian5vthis is 18.04 (i've compiled this driver on 16.04 successfully before)22:49
ian5vany guesses?22:50
Draconiatorhmmm... 16.04 uses a different desktop I think.22:50
ian5vpretty sure i need to symlink some directory22:52
Jordan_Uian5v: Code made for a 16.04 kernel is almost guaranteed not to build for an 18.04 kernel, your includes are the least of your problems there. What driver are you trying to compile? What hardware are you trying to get to work?22:52
ian5vJordan_U: https://github.com/djpohly/piuio an IO board for an ITG cabinet22:53
transhumantomreyn, sorry to take so long to reply , their is no cirrus package in the repository22:54
DraconiatorDo0es the Ubuntu team take codename suggestions?  I wanna see "Wild Wampa" heh.22:55
Kamiliontranshuman: shouldn't you be using qxl now?22:56
Kamilion"or other SPICE-compatible KVM/Qemu emulator"22:57
mattfly im on ubuntu 18.04 LTS and proceed as said here> https://askubuntu.com/questions/6769/hibernate-and-resume-from-a-swap-file and tried other ways too but I am unable to hibernate22:57
mattflys2disk gets stuck on snapshooting system22:57
transhumanKamilion I can try that it was just what was recommended on KVM's website (its probably outdated as usual)22:58
Jordan_UI'm looking for a good alarm program to run a school bell system. Needs to be able to handle more than 20 "alarms" (whenever the school bell should ring) per day and have a separate schedule for Monday-Thursday and Friday. Needs to be configurable by less technical users (or else I would just use mplayer + systemd timers).22:59
ian5vbailing on 18.04 and opting for 16.04 instead, works fine for our use case.23:00
tomreyntranshuman: hmm yes i think Kamilion is right about using spice and qxl nowadays.23:03
transhumanok, I just wish they would update the docs23:03
DraconiatorFigured out why this hard drive is slow...8MB buffer cache.  heh.23:03
Kamiliontranshuman: wish they'd update the xen docs too23:05
Kamiliontranshuman: everybody's container crazy these days23:05
tomreyntranshuman: i guess the 'docs' are the virsh 'reference implementation' (and its defaults). ;-) and then there is https://www.linux-kvm.org/page/SPICE23:05
Kamilionfedora 15's pretty old. wow.23:06
tomreynactually, that's: "Date of latest edit10:24, 26 December 2015"23:06
Kamilion(what those docs reference)23:06
mattflyhow can i debug s2disk:23:07
ryn1xDoes anyone know the level of compatibility of 18.04 with a late 2016 13" MBP no touch bar?23:08
Kamiliontranshuman: most recent data I'm seeing is https://askubuntu.com/questions/994449/ubuntu-16-04-kvm-qxl-guest-cant-change-resolution23:09
tomreyn$ curl -sI https://www.spice-space.org/spice-user-manual.html | grep ^Last23:09
tomreynLast-Modified: Fri, 09 Feb 2018 12:43:17 GMT23:09
transhumanthanks Kamilion23:09
transhumanchanged it to qxl and will try and get that working23:09
Kamilion"In the KVM host, I changed the Video from "QXL" --> "VGA" (worked after this)"23:10
KamilionI think qxl might be the default now when you ask for "VGA"23:10
transhumanslim hangs showing desktop, gdm shows black screen and lightdm shows a black screen, looks like after a couple days it starts working23:10
transhumanstarts working with slim only23:10
Kamilionhuh. At this point, now that x2goserver is in bionic's repos, I've just been using that instead of the x2go ppa on 16.04.23:11
compdocx2go is great23:12
compdocworks on 18 too23:12
Kamilioni use the x2go client which SSHs in itself to the VM's IP23:12
compdochaving issues?23:12
Kamiliontranshuman's having issues with cirrus/qxl/vga on kvm23:12
transhumanhaving issues trying to get the desktop to launch23:13
transhumandoesnt matter which I choose23:14
transhumanthis started with a run out of space, did a lot of crap to get everything else running just cant get xwindows to run23:14
compdocI recently tested 18.04 in kvm, and had to change the default VNC port number cuz it made my screen seem to freeze23:14
transhumannot using vnc using spice I think compdoc but thanks for the hint23:15
compdocyeah, never had much luck with spice. is that good to use now?23:16
transhumannever tried it compdoc23:16
mattflywas anyone here able to hibernate on ubuntu 18.04 lts?23:16
transhumanjust thats what I have installed23:16
transhumananyways trying to get the native desktop running23:16
compdocI cold only get the new gnome destop to work with x2go when the console was logged in23:18
compdocI have to use the Mate desktop23:18
=== fabricius1 is now known as fabricius
transhumangoing to do something radical and upgrade it to the next version, I kinds give up after two weeks23:24
transhumansomething is holding it up but no errors23:24
Deckonhi, someone knows how to connet with mysql in ubuntu 18.04 without sudo?23:29
leftyfbDeckon: what have you tried and what error messages did you get (pastebin)23:32
DraconiatorHow do I stop Linux from messing with the system clock?  Every time I switch OSes it confuses me lol23:32
Deckonleftyfb, i have this error and tried that solution https://www.nuevecincosiete.com/solucion-mysql-error-1045-access-denied-for-user-rootlocalhost/17723:34
crimson_kingDraconiator, you could set Windows' clock to UTC through a registry change. There are tutorials online for that23:35
crimson_kingDraconiator, for example, this one: http://kb.norsetech.net/set-windows-clock-to-utc-time/23:36
Deckonleftyfb, but that breaks the mysql autentication23:36
craigbass76Strange question folks... I've got a Plantronics headset. It works fine, but Linux isn't officially supported. Any idea of a command I can run that might give me any clue as to the status of the headset? On/off, battery life? I thought maybe someone else here had run into this.23:39
medflyHi. I have two machines on my local network. one's ubuntu, one isn't linux. they can't ping each other(but they can ping the outer world). it's just setup with defaults - regular wireless, pick a network.23:40
tomreynDeckon: if you say following this spanish language(?) tutorial breaks mysql authentication for root@localhost then this implies that it worked previously?23:40
medflyI am inclined to blame ubuntu because the non-linux machine had no such problems pinging local network devices23:40
craigbass76medfly: you can't ping the linux rig?23:40
medflybut I don't know omy way around network routings tuff.23:40
medflyyeah, and the linux ring can't ping the other machine too.23:41
bigMouthCommiei have a funny partition scheme that was causing some problems due to / becoming full. to remedy this, i cp'd the contents of /usr (my biggest root dir by far) to another, much larger partition, and mounted it to /usr. however, i'd like to remove the old /usr dir from the / partition. how do i do that?23:41
pavlosmedfly: are they in the same subnet?23:41
medflythey are, and
pavlosand their mask, the usual
craigbass76medfly: Well, I don't know that Windows responds to pings anyway by default, but that's weird the linux one won't answer. Is iptables (firewalld maybe what it's called now) running?23:42
chamaeleon`bigMouthCommie, don't remove /usr because have system binary files23:42
bigMouthCommiechamaeleon`: i already cp'd the contents to another part and mounted it to /usr23:42
pavlosmedfly: can you post route -n from the linux box23:43
chamaeleon`move, don't copy23:43
medflythe other machine is running netbsd23:43
tomreynbigMouthCommie: how did you copy /usr ?23:43
bigMouthCommiei used mc23:43
chamaeleon`cp -R /23:43
chamaeleon`cp -R /usr ? :D23:43
ryn1xJust downloaded 18.04 LTS... looks like Ubuntu still doesn't have great scaling support for hidpi monitors. Am I missing something? I love ubuntu, but can't see switching from macos as my main driver yet... I am too used to high resolution monitors and laptop screens.23:43
bigMouthCommiewith the preserve attributes option clicked23:43
Deckontomreyn, sorry for that..in 17.10 mysql works great, in a fresh 18.04 mysql dont work23:43
medflyhere is route -n https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WPBgJkmpR3/23:43
Deckonwell, it works but with sudo23:43
bigMouthCommiei can't umount /usr b/c its in use now obviously. can i delete the dir from the other partiton tho?23:44
medflyryn1x: i'm using a 4K monitor. seems fine, though I guess people want fractional scaling23:44
leftyfbmedfly: Can the linux machine ping the gateway (
medflyI am just making everything 300% bigger.23:44
medflyleftyfb: Yes.23:44
chamaeleon`you can't umount /usr if you don't mount it in first place23:44
pavlosmedfly: can linux ping the gateway (.138)23:45
tomreynbigMouthCommie: hmm, maybe this worked, but if it didnt copy it properly you risk breaking the installation. to remove the old /usr you'd need to mount the / file system from a separate linux installation and then recursivery delete /usr, then re-create /usr with the same ownership and permissions.23:45
chamaeleon`you can umount the partition that was mounted23:45
leftyfbmedfly: Ok, so the linux machine can ping the gateway but not any other device on your network?23:45
medflywell, I have only one device right now... maybe I can get a third for convenienice somewhere23:45
chamaeleon`tell me what do you wan\23:45
pavlosmedfly: sry, leftyfb is helping23:45
leftyfbmedfly: don't have a cellphone you can connect to wifi?23:45
medflyNo, sorry (my phone's wifi is broken :()23:45
bigMouthCommiei was hoping to fix it without a reboot: the penalty in idlerpg will be quite high for me23:45
medflyIt's all right if it doesn't work. I wondered if it's something obvious about the route23:46
leftyfbmedfly: Is the linux machine on the exact same network? Wireless? Wired? NAT'd? A VM? Container? Or bare metal?23:46
medflyEverything is wireless! and it's NAT. and it's connecting to some ISP router.23:46
leftyfbmedfly: is it NAT'd only behind your router to the rest of the internet or NAT'd behind a gateway to the rest of your local network?23:47
chamaeleon`bigMouthCommie, df -h http://paste.debian.net/23:47
medflyleNAT'd only behind the router to the rest of the world23:48
chamaeleon` /nick chamaeleon23:49
=== chamaeleon` is now known as chamaeleon
leftyfbbigMouthCommie: you can bind mount your drive to another directory, say /mnt and then cd to /mnt/usr. That should be the old stuff you can delete23:49
medflyssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host23:49
pavlosmedfly: you dont have openssh-server23:50
bigMouthCommieleftyfb: what you mean bind mount?23:50
pavlosmedfly: wrong!23:50
pavlosmedfly: my mistake23:50
medflyno worries23:50
leftyfbbigMouthCommie: actually, no bind mount But, if your / is on sda1, then mount /dev/sda1 /mnt23:50
DeckonIts a bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/serverguide/+bug/175221523:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1752215 in Release Notes for Ubuntu "Server - LAMP installation no longer asks for a mysql password" [Undecided,New]23:51
chamaeleonbigMouthCommie, paste df -h to take it from beginning23:51
ryn1xmedfly: yeah... up to 4k looks ok on a full size-monitor, but fractional scaling is almost a must for modern laptops.23:51
chamaeleonhttp://paste.debian.net/ @ it's easy23:51
medflyryn1x: You might like https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/09/enable-fractional-scaling-gnome-linux23:52
bigMouthCommieHOLY SMOKES IT WORKED leftyfb23:52
medflyHmm, it claims it works but I see no change. weird.23:53
chamaeleon if it work don23:54
medflyOh. needs wayland, then.23:54
ryn1xmedfly: Thanks for the link. Seems strange that this isn't available in 18.04 since the switch to xorg. A step backward for the newest release... I think laptops with high resolution screens are becoming more and more the norm nowadays too.23:56
bigMouthCommiechamaeleon: the solution from leftyfb worked23:56
bigMouthCommiethank you all23:56
DeckonSolution for the mysql isue in ubuntu 18.0423:59

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