
flocculantknome: so cont docs - pulled the branch - there are 4 docs for qa, there are 8 pages if I look online, that's just confusing07:19
knomeflocculant, hmm...08:17
flocculantI was scratching my head a bit there 08:17
knomeflocculant, i didn't update that last time, poke me again if i don't do it timely (not on the desktop now)08:18
flocculantknome: I don't mean that :)08:18
knomei guess we could also ask Unit193 to set up his automatic updater there08:18
knomeoh, right08:18
flocculantI wanted to work on them - and I'm just completely confused what's what in there now :D08:19
flocculantanyway - no rush at all - just mentioned when I was there - because I'll forget08:19
flocculantochosi bluesabre: well this is probably something you'd not expect from me ... pretty much ever, but 15:20
flocculantif I'd got a changed xfce4-fsguard-plugin/panel-plugin/fsguard.c that appeared to build ok locally and work in the panel - that allowed for 64 characters instead of the 32 it currently allows15:22
flocculantwhat do I do with it now :D15:22
flocculantwhat could there be instead of gtk_entry_set_max_length (GTK_ENTRY (entry1), 64); so there wasn't an arbitrary character limit?15:23
flocculantI assume I need to make it a patch - then report bug and attach it?15:24
bluesabreflocculant: yup, that'd be it. To drop the character limit, could probably remove that call all together, or set it to zero to remove the max15:29
flocculantI'll look if 0 does that in a bit then15:30
flocculantonce I've done that - can I haz some help in making it a patch? 15:30
flocculantbluesabre: will play away from my install - when I have a question again I'll ask either of you again :)15:38
bluesabreflocculant: sure thing15:39
flocculantbluesabre: played some more - it appears to not have a fit if I comment the gtk_entry line, it also appears to allow a mount point that's 120 characters long - the tool tip however truncates at 98 characters which includes info before the mount point name (eg 111.99/1839.25 gb free space etc)16:44
ochosiflocculant: yessss - finally drifting towards development! ;) you can start by reporting the bug though, that will also help clarify your use-case and make it easier for others to help you17:28
ochosiflocculant: one easy way to create a patch is: 1) you check out from git.xfce.org 2) apply your changes 3) do your git commit 4) run "git format-patch -1" and then you get a patch in the naming 0001-commit-message.patch that you can upload to bz17:29
flocculantochosi: ack re bug - was going to do it all at the same time - thanks for ^^ too :)17:32
flocculantnot sure about why the tooltip i truncated though - it does at least work - just looks a bit manky :p17:33
ochosithat's odd17:35
flocculantyea - but I'd not be likely to understand why :p17:40
ochosiit's possible that the text gets truncated17:40
ochositooltips themselves usually expand17:40
ochosibut i can take a look once you have your patch ready17:41
flocculantok - just looking at commit bit now :p17:42
flocculantochosi: patch looks enormous - not sure I've seen them like that, I've mailed you a copy just to be sure 17:47
flocculantwandering off for a bit now17:47
flocculantknome: quick question - tooltips in the wiki - where are they coming from? do we have plugin and some set?17:58
willemflocculant, thanks :-)17:59
flocculantochosi: I used the xfce address I have btw - hope that actually works :D18:27
flocculantand looking at the size of the .patch I'm sure it's not quite right as it's 4Mb ...18:33
flocculantbbl or tomorrow18:34
knomeflocculant, can you specify what tooltips exactly?19:35
flocculantOS has Operating System tooltip19:59
flocculantknome: ^^19:59
knomeaha, the acronym ones20:02
knomeit's some dokuwiki dict20:03
knomeflocculant, want to add something there?20:04
flocculantknome: possibly :)20:05
knomejust let me know20:05
flocculantok - will do :)20:05
knomehmm, i think i will be disabling a few of the default ones...20:05
knomeor tbh, most20:06
knomeincluding LOL20:07
knomeFTP is specified but SSH is not?20:07
knomesigh... :P20:07
flocculantXubuntu, Best Ever OS20:08
knomeflocculant, 20:14
knomeISO          ISO image20:14
knomeLTS          Long-term support20:14
knomeRC           Release Candidate20:14
knomeQA           Quality Assurance20:14
knomeUI           User Interface20:14
knomeXSD          Xubuntu Strategy Document20:14
knomeflocculant, anything else that pops in your mind, and have a better description for ISO?20:14
knomethese are updated when a page is saved (at least), so it might not be automatic..20:14
knomethough there might be a way to rebuild the cache20:14
knomehmm. LP -> Launchpad20:15
knomeand yes i realize the list wasn't in alphabetical order...20:16
knomeISO          ISO image, a container file containing installation/live environment files20:19
knomeflocculant, ^20:19
flocculantyep - that's good20:20
flocculantknome: be with you shortly - getting a git lesson20:21
knomemmmmm ;)20:21
knomeno worries20:21
knometake your time...20:21
flocculantVM - Virtual Machine20:27
flocculantknome: ^^20:27
knomethough i think it's subject to correct capitalization...20:34
flocculantor just VM - Virtual Machine :)20:36
flocculantochosi: xfce 1436720:36
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 14367 in General "Mount point has 32 character limit." [Normal,New] https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1436720:36
flocculantwith patch - and thanks to krytarik :)20:37
krytarikYou sir, are very welcome! :)20:39
flocculantknome: can't think of any other acronyms at the moment 20:44
flocculantbut I am a bit 0_0 after the git stuff :p20:44
knomei can, but not suitable for the wiki...20:44
* flocculant took ages with bzr too 20:44
knomeyou are lucky, i added Bzr and Git acronyms too ;)20:44
flocculantwell yea ;)20:44
flocculantochosi: and xfce 14368 for the panel plugin truncate issue20:47
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 14368 in General "Tooltip for fsguard plugin with long mount point truncates" [Normal,New] https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1436820:47
flocculantand that's just about enough of things I need to think about for today :p20:47
flocculantoh I'm not gone - just not playing with git or the like :)20:48
ali1234hmm just removing the check?20:49
knomehaha ok ;)20:49
flocculantknome: re bugzilla - not possible to make original comment editable like Lp? or not wanted?20:50
knomehmm, it should be possible20:51
knomeor maybe not20:51
knomei guess no comments are editable, or am i wrong?20:52
knomebut tbh, until we know which bug tracker we are using one year from now...20:52
flocculantafaik not20:52
knomeyeah, then it's the same for the first comment20:52
flocculantali1234: you talking to me?20:54
flocculantjust checking - was bluesabre's suggestion - I did try changing the value - but then where do you stop20:55
flocculantthough I'd be wondering about a mount point that was 100's of characters long too20:55
flocculantcame about because of a user in #xubuntu who was having issues with a samba mount point in the plugin - which I'm guessing could be quite long, not sure though20:56
ali1234there's another place with a 16 character limit20:56
flocculantguessing ...20:57
flocculantgot the plugin open - it's name 20:57
flocculantI'd wonder about having a long name for sure :)20:58
ali1234the guy who wrote that line of code hasn't touched it since 201221:00
flocculantI doubt that I would again either - not something I ever use 21:00
ali1234and the line itself is from 200721:00
ali1234if you're the last person to patch it, that means you are the maintainer :)21:01
flocculantha ha 21:01
flocculantthen I'd best ask krytarik how to get rid if a bit quick :D21:02
ali1234what does it even do?21:02
flocculantthe plugin?21:02
ali1234oh, checks free space21:02
flocculantyou can set levels to warn at seemingly21:03
flocculantanyway - off now - night all21:04
ali1234a modernized version of this plugin should probably just check all mounted filesystems automatically, given that just about everything is automounted now and users arent really expected to know about mount points21:07
ali1234and there's probably an API just for doing that now21:08
ochosiali1234: if you feel like cleaning that up, go ahead...21:24
ochosithere have been a few attempts at cleaning up and merging all those "monitoring" plugins21:24
ochosithe concept has been around since xfce 4.10, so since a while ;)21:25
ochosijust nobody ever really wanted to spend the time to consolidate fsguard, cpugraph, systemload, generic monitor, ...21:25

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