
Hestonhell guys, after I dd xubuntu 18.04 to my usb, should there be 2 partitions?04:37
Hestonappears its normal04:49
guivercJust a quick note: I'm loving xubuntu 18.04, and really love the PulseAudio Panel Plugin !!  Thanks guys&gals!05:19
flocculantbluesabre: ^^05:24
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sm0ruxI have a Asus VivoBook S410U. Xubuntu 16.04 and 18.04 doesn't find the Wifi. Any solution? Thanks in advance!07:05
well_laid_lawnsm0rux:  the net doesn't have much to say on that device - it seems like it could be a bit new07:09
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:09
antimistQuestion, I just loaded up the live cd for the Ubuntu 18, and made a backup of my Ubuntu 17 drive to an external HDD and shutdown. Now for some reason I get an I/O error everywhere on that partition (Windows works fine). And my SMART status on the drive is a 100%, running a test now, but no results yet08:12
antimistThe test results produce no error08:12
antimistThe sector issue did not persist before the live cd08:13
antimistit's the Xubuntu 18 live cd08:13
antimistany help?08:15
antimistI realize that it's a drive thing08:15
well_laid_lawnantimist:  did the backup bork your 17 install?08:46
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lovetruthhello :)11:15
lovetruthcan anyone tell me how to *completely* turn off any "suspend", "sleep" and so on on my laptop with Xubuntu 16.04 ?...11:16
lovetruthenabled "Presentation mode"... hope it will be enough... :)11:20
Spasshello lovetruth, yes "Presentation mode" should do just that :)11:28
Spassand you can change settings in xfce4-power-manager-settings11:29
analogicalwhat is the equivalent of the synaptic package manager in Xubuntu?13:04
Spassyou can install and use Synaptic in Xubuntu (sudo apt install synaptic), and gnome-software is installed by default13:06
analogicalSpass, what tool can I use to uninstall software?13:11
SpassYou can use gnome-software (GUI, installed by default), terminal (sudo apt remove <package>) or in Synaptic (if you installed it)13:14
SpassIf your language is English gnome-software is called "Software", you can find it in the menu.13:15
N0neatmeHey all, quick question, I'm trying to use the free space checker panel widget but my mount point name is to big for the text field, what should I do13:23
Spasshello N0neatme, well, you could change the mount point in /etc/fstab or using GUI (gnome-disks)13:34
SpassBut it's strange that the plugin won't let you enter longer paths, maybe it's worth to submit a bug?13:35
Spass(by changing the mount point I meant to choose a shorter path for it)13:37
N0neatmeHm, yes, thats a good idea, but the problem is I already set it up with samba, apache and everything. Changing it would mean a lot of work to configure everything again13:39
N0neatmeIs it possible to create some sort of symlink to the mount point which I can use for the widget?13:40
SpassYeah, try with a symlink, it might work.13:46
SpassJust checked, it worked, good workaround :)13:48
N0neatmeOh nice, I also just did. Seems to work ;) Thanks for your help13:51
SpassYou came up with it yourself :)13:53
SpassI've just learned a new thing thanks to that, but still, that plugin should work with longer paths out of the box.13:54
flocculantSpass: from NEWS in the fsguard source "Now it's possible to add mountpoints with max 32 chars"15:08
Spassflocculant, thanks, good to know15:19
alsetemaHello there! I have read 18.04 has been released just two days ago. I have been trying to do "do-release upgrade" and changing the paramentres of the update manager from lts to normal and it still says no new release found when running the command16:40
KitsuWhooaHey, just a quick thing I noticed while trying to download 18.0416:42
KitsuWhooa"Xubuntu 18.04 is an LTS release which was be released in April 2018." should probably be changed to "which was released"16:42
KitsuWhooaNot sure if the right person to contact is in here, but I thought it was worth mentioning16:43
flocculantKitsuWhooa: thanks I'll sort that shortly16:45
NordenI think do-release-upgrade won't upgrade to a new LTS before the first point release16:46
flocculantalsetema: lts to lts upgrades are due at the first point release in July, normal upgrade will happen 'shortly'16:46
alsetemaI am running 17.1016:47
alsetemaso pretty much the images are available already but they have not released the upgrades to terminal and so?16:47
flocculantpretty much16:47
flocculantKitsuWhooa: all done - thanks for letting us know :)16:49
KitsuWhooaExcellent! You're welcome16:49
alsetemai see... thank you very much16:50
flocculantalsetema: likely to be a few days from release16:51
alsetemaperhaps tomorrow monday16:51
flocculantpossibly - I'm really not sure when upgrades actually roll out - I've been using 18.04 since a few weeks after 17.10 was released16:52
alsetemaDamn, since so early, flocculant?17:05
flocculantalsetema: I test it :)17:06
Spassalsetema, you can force upgrade if you want, see this tutorial - https://itsfoss.com/upgrade-ubuntu-version/17:14
flocculantSpass: and what if they're not releasing it just yet because of bugs they want to fix?17:15
Spasstrue, I'm not saying that I recommend it ;) but it's possible and I know someone that did it this way without any hiccups17:17
Spassbut yeah, forcing an upgrade is just that - FORCING an upgrade17:17
SpassI'll wait patiently on my 17.1017:18
Spassbtw, I just did a fresh 18.04 install on my laptop, works like a champ17:20
Javabean... did a fresh install on a dell optiplex 755(core 2 duo) it works good 217:21
alsetemaflocculant: youre a tester for ubuntu? :O17:33
flocculantxubuntu - yes17:33
spreeuwso when I install the xubuntu meta package on a regular 18.04 it should be near identical right?18:28
spreeuwshocked at how bad fonts look on default ubunti18:28
sithlord666hey everyone18:41
sithlord666i have a amd apu how do i install the amd drivers and where can i find them ?18:42
ubottuOpen driver for AMD cards: amdgpu (cards >= GCN1.2 aka GCN 3rd gen), radeon (older cards). Closed drivers: amdgpu-pro (>= GCN1.2) fglrx (older cards, unsupported by AMD in 16.04+). For info on GCN levels, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_AMD_graphics_processing_units . For fglrx info, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/AMD18:51
MoL0ToVhi, with xubuntu 18.04LTS the wifi icon is displayed 2 time in the panel. Is a bug?19:27
MoL0ToVone smaller and another bigger19:27
krytarikMoL0ToV: Yes, that's LP bug 1761606.19:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1761606 in network-manager-applet (Ubuntu) "Two Wi-Fi network applets appear after logging back into live-usb Lubuntu 18.04 session." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176160619:31
MoL0ToVok so i wait until is resolved19:31
MoL0ToVthere is no very problem only esthetic19:32
ondondiltbh I had the same problem with redshift-gtk and psensor19:35
ondondilI restart the panel after system boots as a workaround19:36
_0bitcountIt takes a long time to change from the terminals (Ctrl + Alt + Fn) to F7 (X). Any ideas?19:57
_0bitcountin 18.0419:57
MoL0ToVmy system is fast switching with ctrl alt fn20:01
xubuntu53ihello, am I online?21:15
Hestonthe computer says no21:19
nhilterbrandAnybody using 18.04 and Virtualbox on it?  I am having an issue while trying to install the virtualbox-ext-pack22:46
lapaganhilterbrand, i am not positive but you might need to install gcc and make (i vaguely remember something like that)22:48
nhilterbrandGot those installed already, lapaga.22:49
nhilterbrandThe error is odd22:49
nhilterbrandHash mismatch Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-5.2.10.vbox-extpack: expected 8c31bc1d0337e6668e0d9140defc6deaf265087f855783dd09b873a064a70703, or wrong accept-license key22:49
krytarikLP bug 1767402.22:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1767402 in virtualbox-ext-pack (Ubuntu) "hash mismatch or wrong accept-license key trying to install virtualbox-ext-pack 5.2.10" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176740222:53
nhilterbrandThanks, ubottu.  My next question was going to be "where do I log this bug"... but somebody beat me to it22:55
nhilterbrandI was able to download the extension pack from the website and get VBox running, so no harm, no foul22:55
krytarikubottu is a bot.22:56
ubottuYes, I can confirm that I am a bot. For more information, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots22:56
krytarikOk cool, and as I understand, it's in the process of being fixed.22:57
nhilterbrandWell, ubottu is a helpful bot.23:10
krytariknhilterbrand: https://tracker.debian.org/news/952822/accepted-virtualbox-ext-pack-5210-4-source-into-unstable/ - the fix is already in Debian at least, that is.23:21
nhilterbrandkrytarik, thanks!23:22
nhilterbrandI will give it another try in awhile23:23

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