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ideomotioncan I configure kde to open a menu on mouse up instead of mouse down?  mouse up occasionally triggers a menu item on my mice00:23
ideomotionmouse down I mean00:23
ideomotionor have mouseup on a menu not trigger a click, which might be better00:29
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chamarHi folks, does 18.04 Kubuntu have a "minimal install" like the official Ubuntu?01:23
ideomotionyes I'm using it now and recommend it01:23
chamarThanks.  Downloading. ;)01:23
ideomotionI used Fedora kde spin beta and it was a lot of work01:23
ideomotionjust last night01:23
ideomotionwent to kubuntu 18.04 and all the work was done for me01:23
ideomotionno offense to fedora devs01:24
chamaryeah.. I always remove kdekim and friend.. so01:24
ideomotionfedora kdespin is halfbaked01:24
chamarSee.. I associates Fedora with Gnome.. less with KDE even if I heard good thing of their Spin too01:24
ideomotiontons of program crashes01:25
chamarreally? Heard it was ok01:25
ideomotionwell the beta01:25
ideomotion17 is old though01:25
ideomotionI was using 1801:25
chamarho.. they are.. what.. 28 now?01:25
ideomotionbut the beta is due out soon01:25
ideomotionsooo many version numbers in my head01:25
chamaryeah.. story of my life too.01:25
ideomotionso all you have to do is go to the kde desktop.  put your mouse high on your screen, and while moving downward fastly, midway down, right click01:26
ideomotionit will activate a menu item01:26
ideomotionthis should never happen01:26
ideomotionyou have to move down and to the right a little01:27
ideomotionin the motion01:27
Guest61335ideomotion,  yeah... that should be the default, because if someone doesn't want to do something they should be able to click the other and cancel the mouse action.01:28
Guest61335ideomotion:  Menus should open on mouse up... it's a bug for them to open on mouse down01:28
[Relic]waiting for 18.04 to be out a week or two so I can see if the move mouse left, dead stop on side of window/screen still affects it01:29
Guest61335ideomotion,  https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=39366301:36
ubottuKDE bug 393663 in input "mouse events and menus should be triggered on mouse-up to give user a chance to cancel" [Normal,Unconfirmed]01:36
Guest61335ideomotion, I hope that helps and accurately describes part of the problem.01:36
JMichaelXanyone else finding 18.04 to be fairly sluggish?01:37
Guest61335ideomotion, you may also want some sort of anti motion for a certain period of time after a click.01:37
JMichaelXi am using a fairly old Core2 Quad 2.5GHz w/8GB DDR201:37
Guest61335ideomotion, I disabled quite a few of those things on my computer used for drafting because I use all of my mouse buttons while moving the cursor and pressing keys...01:38
Guest61335JMichaelX:  To turn off the eye-diabetes the settings are now under display.01:38
Guest61335JMichaelX: That's normally the first or second thing I do with a system01:38
JMichaelXyou mean turn off compositing, etc?01:39
Guest61335JMichaelX, I always do that... I found my little atom notebook could keep up with KDE4 but not even windowsXP01:40
Guest61335but only after I turned off the eye-diabetes.01:40
Guest61335JMichaelX:  It's also possible to turn off some animations under application style / widget style01:42
JMichaelXhmm. i just realized that the proprietary nvidia drivers are not installed. they were apprently removed during the upgrade?01:42
JMichaelXi am evidently using nouveau, in which case i am impressed with how well it is doing, despite it also being the probable source the problems i've been experiencing01:45
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Guest61335JMichaelX: Ah, that may do it too.01:46
JMichaelXhmm, getting all kinds of errors trying to install nvidia drivers01:52
chamarand.. installed!01:55
chamarhumm.. strange.. the pacakge "openjdk-11-jre" is actually jdk 10?!01:57
ideomotionanyone know how to configure libinput02:03
ideomotionI want to prevent accidental menu item actions02:03
chamarnot yet.. but let me know your finding :P My next target is my laptop!02:03
chamarCheck out ArchWiki maybe?  it does contains pretty useful information02:04
ideomotionduring a fast downward and rightward mouse movement, if you right or left click triggering a menu, it will activate a menu item sometimes02:04
ideomotionyou can try it over a menu bar with left click and the desktop with right click02:04
ideomotion100% reproducable02:04
ideomotionI was talking in the kde channel02:04
ideomotiondown and right movement, middle of movement on desktop, right click02:04
ideomotionit will trigger a menu item almost every time02:04
ideomotionwith my high dpi mouse, this happens often02:05
ideomotionsomeone please confirm this behavior02:05
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ideomotionI think it's KDE specific, since it happened in Fedora KDE spin as well, and doesn't happen in windows 10 or gnome02:06
chamarwell.. if you right click on the desktop, it will opem the context menu and will "activate" the option when you releaes the mouse button!?02:07
ideomotionin one right click action02:08
ideomotionno hold02:08
ideomotiontry it02:08
ideomotioninitiate by moving fast downward and rightward and then right click02:08
ideomotionif you don't have logout confirmation, it might log you out completely02:08
ideomotionit happened to me02:08
ideomotionright click during the motion02:08
chamarI don't get it mate.. right clicking will activate the context menu alone02:09
chamarso it will triggered the action on which your mouse cursor is over (and it can be logout...)02:09
ideomotionright clicking during a fast downward and rightward motion will activate the context menu and trigger the action02:09
ideomotionand it shouldn't do this02:09
ideomotionit should only trigger menu items when held down02:10
ideomotionnot when simply clicked02:10
chamarso you mean it will triggered the action without releasing the mouse button!?02:10
ideomotionpeople with high sensitivity settings on their mice have this happen all the time02:10
ideomotionit triggered the action without even holding it down02:10
ideomotionjust a single right click with no hold02:10
chamarhum.. maybe you mouse .. everything seems fine for me ?!02:11
ideomotionI have a logitech g502 set to 3000dpi with a max of 12,000dpi02:11
ideomotionwhat is your mouse dpi at02:11
chamarmx master something02:11
chamarno idea of the dpi02:11
ideomotionthat's 1000dpi02:11
ideomotionmy dpi is 3x as high02:11
chamarcould be it ..02:12
ideomotionyes but this doesn't happen in gnome or windows02:12
ideomotionmost mice don't use high dpi on linux, because most mice dont' have onboard settings like gaming mice02:13
ideomotiong502 has a chip that makes linux run at the same high dpi settings from windows02:13
ideomotionwithout any install of vendor software02:13
ideomotionthis is why I suspect the bug isn't being seen by most people02:13
chamarmaybe.. I'll be honest.. I'm probably way stupid when it comes to mouse ;)02:14
ideomotionI just wish I could disable the right click hold menu item trigger behavior02:14
ideomotionit would solve my problem02:15
ideomotionthe libinput manual isn't helping me02:15
ideomotionlogged out since 22:15 in case someone answered02:29
chamardidn't see anything02:29
ideomotionI can't wait for Firefox to have tabs in title bar on stable and fixed up02:37
ideomotiondoesn't work at all in 5902:37
ideomotionbuggy in 6002:38
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Kali_Yugais it possible to replace sddm-greeter in plasma 5 with a different login manager? got an optimus laptop and switching graphic cards makes the sddm-greeter behave weirdly...I cannot login or sometimes everything is laggy so i gotta restart everytime.05:56
Kali_Yugalike lightdm or something05:56
valorieKali_Yuga: yes, you can install lightdm, but whether or not it will work for you is another question06:02
valorieyou can install anything in the archive06:03
Kali_Yugavalorie: well yes the other question is if I could even use it with plasma 5. like change the login manager in system settings or something? I never tried replacing a login manager before.06:08
valorieshould be no problem with Plasma 5 at all; however we don't test with lightdm at all, so I have no insight as to whether or not it will work06:09
valoriewe used it years ago when kdm was deprecated06:10
valoriehowever I am now heading to bed06:10
Kali_Yugaok gn806:10
Kali_Yugathx for the help06:10
valorieyou can sort of bypass the greeter by enabling auto-login06:11
valoriesorry I can't offer more but my eyes are closing06:11
Kali_Yugawell i gotta log out to and back in to switch graphic cards..06:11
Kali_Yugayeah i figure out something eventually06:12
Kali_Yugarelogin after quit did do the trick. still kinda buggy so it isn't completely sddm's fault. but login out twice makes it work now without having to restart.06:28
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thatmuppithi folks07:56
thatmuppitjust set up a fresh install of KDE/kubuntu - nuke & pave. been a while since I've used it, but looks nice07:57
thatmuppita couple of things that I'm still getting used to07:58
thatmuppitmy other machine is a fedora desktop - loaded KDE too - and I mush say what I dig about fedora is how unexciting it is - it just plugs away, doing it's thing with little fuss07:59
thatmuppitwhat I'd like to know on this kubuntu desktop is how to load online account integration07:59
thatmuppiton my fedora-gnome it was a simple case of authenticating my google account, auth my 2FA, and it's all loaded - chat, mail, calendar, etc08:00
thatmuppiton this kubuntu box, nothing seems to come that easy08:00
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Sparkiiehi thatmuppit08:05
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thatmuppithey Sparkiie08:09
SparkiieI've not used Fedora since its creation, so cant comment, so just saying Hi :)08:10
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thatmuppitSparkiie: np08:18
thatmuppitgive fedora a go - it's like when you take the training wheels off ubuntu08:19
thatmuppitlike an OS for grownups08:19
thatmuppitk. looks like I'm shitoutaluck. there's NO integration wrt PIN in KDE - (SSO) accounts, mail, contacts, calendar, chat, etc08:20
Sparkiieim only 40 years old haha08:24
SparkiieI log into Chrome and thats it ;)08:24
markcI've installed a fresh kubuntu an a couple fo machines and plasma-nm has NO virtual bridge section BUT my current kubuntu-ci laptop does have a bridge section. Is this a feature of the upcoming 5.13 or am I missing some network-manager-* package?09:45
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IrcsomeBot<TaurohtaRR> @markc, by default it is hidden now  … you need to enable this option by right clicking at network icon in system tray and choosing Network Settings.10:43
IrcsomeBot<TaurohtaRR> (Photo, 800x650) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/T9mPvrL5/file_6327.jpg10:44
IrcsomeBot<TaurohtaRR> Show and configure virtual connections10:44
BluesKajHey folks11:09
alkethey BluesKaj11:09
BluesKajHi alket11:09
markcThanks to whoever TaurohtaRR is for helping me with my missing virtual connections problem in plasma-nm11:47
IrcsomeBot<TaurohtaRR> u r welcome11:47
IrcsomeBot<TaurohtaRR> this proble also bothered me for some time11:48
markcYay, nothing holding me back from installing a fresh Kubuntu 18.04 now :)11:50
markcFWIW this is not desktop related but it is entirely developed on Kubuntu -> https://github.com/netserva/hcp11:59
IrcsomeBotMiguelMSA was added by: MiguelMSA13:17
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benvantende[m]Heyla, I seem to have a change in the Samba behaviour in Dolphin since 18.04. I no longer see the SHARES in Network, but can approach them by looking up the IP. So smb:// does show the SHARE in Dolphin.15:16
benvantende[m]Doees anybody experience the same and knows what is gong on here?15:16
BluesKajbenvantende[m], use the "add network folder" option in dolphin network to get your shares back15:22
benvantende[m]thanks ... and trying as we type15:23
benvantende[m]Right ... got the picture, but it is basically the same as typing in the IP and the IP of my SHARE changes from time. AFAIR Network > Samba shares should list my SHARES15:27
BluesKajI just list them in dolphin places on the left panel15:28
BluesKajof dolphin that is15:30
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> probably worth looking to see if reported on bugs.kde.org15:30
benvantende[m]BluesKaj: You can only list by connecting an IP to the Network Folder. It is gone once assigned another IP by the device.  The behaviour before 18.04 was to show SHARES in Network > Samba Shares15:39
benvantende[m]It seems to be this bug: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=39244715:39
ubottuKDE bug 392447 in general "dolphin shows nothing on smb:// or smb://workgroup/" [Normal,Unconfirmed]15:39
IrcsomeBotvbilanov was added by: vbilanov15:41
* benvantende[m] sent a long message: benvantende[m]_2018-04-30_15:53:10.txt <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/mietUzHZfZDZSZrVNQWrMpOK>15:53
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user|27977Hi, I'm using kubuntu 18.04 and would like to opt-IN to the data collection stuff16:08
IrcsomeBotVlamir Cardoso was added by: Vlamir Cardoso16:10
BluesKajuser|27977, what do you mean?16:13
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user|27977Hi, I'm using kubuntu 18.04 and would like to opt-IN to the data collection stuff16:23
BluesKajuser|27977, i answered that question in #ubuntu16:25
BluesKajuser|27977, install Collectl16:27
user|27977BluesKaj thank you so much16:28
BluesKajuser|27977, yw16:30
user|27977BluesKaj do I need to start it? configure it or anything like that16:34
BluesKaj!Collectl |user|2797716:37
BluesKajit's in the software center user|27977 , read the description there16:38
om26erWill "Discover" ever support snap app installation ?16:45
om26erI think there are a whole lot of Apps in the snap store that will definitely "boost" Discover's usability.16:46
om26ermaybe I should be asking that in #kde-neon ?16:47
assalat3om26er, using Kubuntu 18.04 I can install snap/flatpak backend in Discover --> Settings. Haven't used them though.17:09
om26erassalat3: right, I am on kde-neon and had to install plasma-discover-snap-backend for snaps to show up17:11
om26erbut still good to know they are supported by default in Kubuntu.17:11
om26erkubuntu: hey ?17:11
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Guest15782good work on kubuntu 18.0417:12
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gpap_Hello everybody18:59
gpap_I have just switched to plasma and kubuntu from ubuntu19:00
gpap_and i need help about a minor problem\19:00
ideomotiongpap_: fire away19:02
gpap_in every restart tha plasma panel showing me the IBUS panel and the standard kde plasmoid for changing keybord layout19:02
gpap_now if i close the ibus plasmoid the keybord do weird things and not responding19:03
gpap_the by pass method i found was not showing the ibus plasmoid at the panel, but unfortunatelly at every rebooting this is appearing again19:04
gpap_well my installation method started from ubuntu minimal and then i installed kubuntu desktop metapackage19:05
gpap_it was nessecary too to change in sddm, otherwise plamsa couldn't start at all19:06
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o_aHello. Any idea when the updates to 18.04 will be available in 17.10?19:20
diogenes_o_a, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes/Kubuntu19:29
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o_adiogenes_: I've seen this, that's why I'm asking. How many days is a few days?19:40
diogenes_o_a, the range is from 2 to infinite19:41
IrcsomeBot<tstechy> Never could get nvidia drivers installed on kubuntu 18.04.  Back to Mate21:32
acheronuko_a: "few" = however long it takes the Ubuntu release team to be happy that most upgrade bugs are fixed or not serious - that is across all *buntus. main and flavours21:43
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valorie@tstechy -- how were you installing?22:16
valoriemy nvidia drivers work just fine unless I'm trying wayland22:16
ideomotionI'm on kubuntu 18.04 with firefox 60 latest beta with title bar unchecked in customize. I'm using a 4k monitor with 200% scaling.  The close/min/max buttons on Firefox in the CSD are tiny. any fix or hack?22:24
valorieideomotion: I found getting non-KDE /Qt applications to scale correctly was some work22:27
valoriethere are ways in the application itself though22:28
valoriebut I use Falkon these days and it Just Works22:28
valorieis that you, Brian?22:29
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valoriethere we go22:31
valoriehello classywhetten22:31
valoriewelcome to Real IRC22:32
classywhettenHey valorie!22:32
valorieby which I mean in a client not a browser22:32
valorieand in Konversation, the *best* irc client22:33
classywhettenI'm convinced, I like it.22:33
valorieclassywhetten: since you are new to irc freenode, here is a hint to finding useful channels:22:49
ubottuAlis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"22:49
valorieI use it all the time22:49
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ideomotionvalorie: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=145809523:38
ubottuMozilla bug 1458095 in Widget: Gtk "highdpi 200% on Kubuntu with CSD enabled leaves window controls at 100% scaling" [Normal,Unconfirmed]23:38
ideomotionI just made that23:38
valoriecan you also make a LP bug and link that?23:38
ideomotionI also made a bug in kde that they duped and wontfixed23:38
ideomotionwhat's an lp bug23:39
ideomotionnoob here23:39
valorieuse `ubuntu-bug firefox` in the commandline23:39
valoriethat will gather info about your system (anonymous of course) and take you to launchpad with some of that stuff prefilled23:40
valorieif you don't have a login there yet, it will let you make one then23:40
ideomotionI can't do that. I disabled it.  I can't let anyone know anything about me or my manifesto or my revolution23:40
valoriethat linked bug will help23:40
ideomotionmy privacy is paramount23:40
valorieof course KDE will not fix FF23:40
valorieit is not their software23:40
ideomotionit was a different bug23:41
ubottuKDE bug 393695 in libinput "High sensitivity mouse settings can cause single click actions to trigger menu items in error" [Normal,Resolved: duplicate]23:41
ideomotiontagged it dup to https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-5784923:41
valoriekde doesn't make Kubuntu either23:41
ideomotionit's really bad behavior23:41
ideomotionit isn't a kubuntu bug23:42
ideomotionit's a kde/qt bug23:42
valorieqt bugs the KDE devels do try to fix and send to Qt23:42
valoriesometimes those fixes are accepted eventually and sometimes they are not23:43
ideomotionthey raged something awful in #kde when I referred to KDE as a DE23:43
ideomotionapparently it's a community23:43
valoriebut Qt bugs are exposed by KDE software23:43
valoriethey are not KDE bugs23:43
valorieKDE is a community, yes23:43
valoriePlasma is the KDE de23:43
ideomotionI miss the days of kde3 when it was just a de23:43
valorielike Windows is the Microsoft de23:44
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ideomotionI accept plasma as a de now23:44
ideomotionbut I did give them a hard time23:44
* valorie does not like mixing the community and the software they make23:44
ideomotionis there a way to debundle appdash, web browser, color picker, notes, activity pager, fifteen puzzle, user swoitcher etc.23:45
ideomotionif you try to remove any one of those packages in discover, it won't let you unless you remove them all23:46
valoriesounds wrong23:46
ideomotionthey are all little kde widget things23:47
ideomotionabout a dozen of them23:47
ideomotionI only want a couple23:47
valoriecan't you hide them then?23:47
valorieI have no widgets i don't want, and have never seen a widget show up unwanted23:48
ideomotionwell I'm not actually using them.23:48
ideomotionI'm removing stuff23:48
ideomotionfrom the package manager23:48
ideomotionless is more23:48
ideomotionI used the minimal install in kubuntu 18.0423:48
ideomotionI like it23:48
valoriesure, if you don't need PIM, then it is great23:49
ideomotiona design is excellent when there is nothing left to take away23:50
ideomotionnot necessarily a rule but I like the idea23:50
ideomotionfor instance I rarely if ever edit an image and it's so fast to install, I keep gimp uninstalled until I need it23:52
ideomotionand then uninstall it when I'm done23:52
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