
Caelumzyga: let me know how it goes with the factory submission02:29
Son_Gokuzyga, your SR got declined again: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/60169002:57
Son_Gokualso, your SRs *will* be declined if you don't provide useful information in the changes entry about the new releases02:58
Son_Gokuat the minimum, changes entries need to be fixed to mention what versions they bumped to, and highlights of each release02:58
Son_Gokuzyga: for example: https://build.opensuse.org/package/view_file/openSUSE:Factory/dnf/dnf.changes?expand=102:59
zygaGood morning05:59
jameshhi zyga06:01
zygaI’m taking the dog for a walk, will be back soon06:08
=== pstolowski|eow is now known as pstolowski
mupPR snapd#5114 closed: release: 2.32.6 <Created by mvo5> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5114>07:07
zygajamesh, pstolowski: good morning07:07
jameshzyga: so as far as user-mounts is concerned, there were two unresolved issues from niemeyer's review: each of which I'm addressing in subsequent PRs.  Would it be okay to merge the first PR?07:17
jameshthe issues are (1) the Secure.BindMount only being used on directories, and (2) snap-update-ns using the value of $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR from the environment07:17
jameshthe PR for (1) is ready, and I'm just finishing up (2) today07:18
zygajamesh: do you have the code ready?07:20
zygaif so yes, let's merge it and then propose the other two07:20
jameshzyga: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3963 is ready, and the CI tests passed when you restarted them on Friday07:21
mupPR #3963: cmd/snap-confine: add support for per-user mounts <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3963>07:21
jameshzyga: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5082 is ready for review, but the diff will probably make more sense after the first is merged07:21
mupPR #5082: cmd/snap-update-ns: use Secure.BindMount to bind mount files <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5082>07:21
jameshI'll have the third proposed soon.07:22
zygaok, let me merge the first branch then07:22
zygathank you for pushing it this far :)07:22
zygait is in07:23
mupPR snapd#3963 closed: cmd/snap-confine: add support for per-user mounts <Created by jhenstridge> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3963>07:24
zygajamesh: please merge master into your other PRs07:27
jameshwill do07:31
snapuser52533I have a question about snap and apparmor07:42
zygahey snapuser5253307:42
zygaI can gladly answer that07:42
snapuser52533Hi Zyga07:42
snapuser52533I've installed pac-sv via snap07:42
snapuser52533this is a ssh connection manager07:43
snapuser52533now apparmor denies access to my ssh key07:43
snapuser52533apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="snap.pac-vs.pac-vs" name="/home/xxx/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" pid=11492 comm="ssh" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=1000 ouid=100007:44
snapuser52533I added this in the profile:07:44
snapuser52533owner @{HOME}/.ssh/ r,07:44
snapuser52533and reloaded the profile07:45
snapuser52533but it still gives me denied07:45
zygabecause you gave it access to read the contents of the directory07:45
zyganothing more07:45
zygabut anyway, you don't need any of that07:45
zygayou want to use the ssh-keys or ssh-public-keys interface07:45
zygasnap interface ssh-keys07:45
zygajust add a plug to your snap and connect07:46
zyganote that it will not auto-connect for obvious reasons07:46
snapuser52533oh didn't know the plugin07:46
snapuser52533i'm very new to snap07:46
snapuser52533so, I undo my changes, reload the profile and install the plugin07:47
snapuser52533just a sec07:47
snapuser52533I still got the denied07:49
Chipacamoin moin07:52
Chipacazyga: I've got an interesting day today -- might not be *here* here for much of the morning07:53
Chipacazyga: (just a heads up)07:53
zygaChipaca: ack08:00
zygaI hope it is the good kind of interesting08:00
Chipacazyga: 50/50 :-)08:01
Chipacazyga: care to review #5111?08:01
mupPR #5111: cmd/snap: update install/refresh help vs --revision <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5111>08:01
zygaFYI 2.32.6 is in beta08:03
zygawe will try to fast-track it to stable08:03
mupPR snapd#5111 closed: cmd/snap: update install/refresh help vs --revision <Simple> <Created by pedronis> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5111>08:04
mupPR snapd#5103 closed: tests: shellcheck spread tasks <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5103>08:06
* Chipaca hmms in the PR where it'll lead to something08:06
jameshzyga: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5082 shows a reasonable diff now.  I'm still testing the second branch, which enables document portal support in the desktop interface08:08
mupPR #5082: cmd/snap-update-ns: use Secure.BindMount to bind mount files <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5082>08:08
Chipacaok, afk08:27
mupPR snapd#5113 closed: cmdstate: add missing test for default timeout handling <Created by mvo5> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5113>08:59
zygauh, need to power off for a moment09:31
zygathat was longer than expected10:08
zygamy desk wiring was faulty10:08
zygaI tweaked it to be more robust and also cleaned all the surfaces (that was dusty!)10:09
zygaand re-wired everything10:09
zygaback to work :)10:09
mupPR snapd#5098 closed: Makefile: add initial makefile with live-check command <Created by zyga> <Closed by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5098>10:17
zygajamesh: reviewed10:27
Chipacazyga: looking at #509010:28
mupPR #5090: cmd/snap-update-ns: poke holes when creating source paths for layouts <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5090>10:28
zygaThank you!10:28
Chipacazyga: in ensureSource, if the osLstat err is nil, and the kind is not one of the ones listed, what happens?10:29
jameshzyga: awesome.  Just getting ready to submit the second PR10:29
jameshit takes a while to locally test spread tests10:29
zygaChipaca: nothing smart I suspect let me look10:29
Chipacajamesh: updating and tweaking (pre-installing) the deps for the test suite on the images helps with that10:30
zygajamesh: do you have access to the google backend?10:30
zygait is far faster (network speed)10:30
jameshzyga: I've just been using the local kvm backend10:30
zygaChipaca: so if you think about symlink, it is specifically left out10:31
jameshI don't think I've got access to the google backend10:31
zygajamesh: ask gustavo for a key, it is x10 faster than running locally on slow network10:32
zygaabout https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5096 -- mvo is sprinting this week, let's pick it up, fix things and push10:33
mupPR #5096: snap: improve error for snaps not available in the given context <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5096>10:33
Chipacazyga: i'll do that10:33
jameshzyga, Chipaca: it'd be really useful to have a "spread best practices" document on the forum or somewhere.  I'm still working off some tips zyga gave me on IRC months ago, and I'm not sure how a new contributor would get started10:33
zygaawesome, thanks Chipaca10:33
zygajamesh: I can do that, can you remind me what I told you?10:34
Chipacazyga: "blame gustavo"10:34
jameshzyga: looking at my notes, it was to copy one of your VM images to ~/.spread/qemu, then run "SPREAD_DEBUG_EACH=0 spread -debug -v -reuse qemu:ubuntu-16.04-64:tests/main/$test_name"10:38
zygajamesh: ack, thanks10:40
greybackanyone understand how snapcraft knows where to go to locate the remote "desktop-gtk2" part?10:41
zygathere's a wiki page10:41
zygabut maybe it moved10:41
zygaI mean10:41
zygasnapcraft literally used wiki to locate remote parts10:41
greybackyeah, I'm guessing there's a server somewhere10:41
mupPR snapd#5115 opened: interfaces: add xdg-document-portal support to desktop interface <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5115>10:41
greybackI'll grep hte source for a url10:41
greybackzyga: ta10:41
greybackhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/snapcraft/parts for the record10:42
jameshzyga: here's the document-portal PR: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/511510:45
mupPR #5115: interfaces: add xdg-document-portal support to desktop interface <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5115>10:45
Chipacazyga: I'll merge #5096 once it's green10:47
mupPR #5096: snap: improve error for snaps not available in the given context <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5096>10:47
zygajamesh: partial review on 511510:49
jameshzyga: I can separate out the fonts stuff.  I just started working on the AddUpdateNS stuff for desktop interface and it seemed like an obvious change that was touching the same code paths10:52
zygajamesh: yeah, +1 on that but please push that in a separate PR, it can land very quickly IMO10:54
jameshzyga: here's the second PR: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5116 -- it is the first few commits on the other PR11:07
mupPR #5116: interfaces: move host font update-ns AppArmor rules to desktop interface <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5116>11:07
mupPR snapd#5116 opened: interfaces: move host font update-ns AppArmor rules to desktop interface <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5116>11:08
zygajamesh: 5116 reviewed11:17
greybackanyone have thoughts on https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1767372 ? I'd give it a go if someone suggested an approach11:28
mupBug #1767372: /dev/dri/card0 only available to root <snapd:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1767372>11:28
zygagreyback: looking11:43
zygauh, sadly this is a bigger nut to crack11:44
zygalet me pull the docs11:44
zygahey mvo11:44
zygagood morning11:44
greybackzyga: ok, it's not urgent11:44
mvohey zyga11:44
greybackzyga: part of that users/groups plan I guess?11:44
zygathere's a reference to ACLs there11:46
jdstrandpopey: hey, where are the sources for Signal-Desktop? looking at https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/automated-reviews-and-snapcraft-2-38/4982/1412:03
jdstrandpopey: thanks12:04
zygajdstrand: hey, how is the sprint12:14
jdstrandzyga: hey, so far fine :)12:32
jdstrandpopey: oh, heh, that was in the build script12:37
zygaAfk for post office12:39
zygaI can join the call from my phone12:39
Chipacazyga: are we doing a standup? i think it's just you, me, and pstolowski12:43
pstolowskiyeah.. let's skip12:43
Intruder777hi guys. ho do I run some service (which was installed via snap) as non-root user?12:46
zygaLets have the call12:52
zygaEven of brief12:52
zygaIntruder777: can you vice us an example please12:52
mupPR core#87 opened: snapcraft.yaml: update stage-packages during build <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/87>12:52
Intruder777zyga: let's say I have installed rocketchat-server via snap12:52
Intruder777so now the rocketchat-server processes are running from root user12:53
Intruder777how do I make them run from some custom low privilege user?12:53
zygaThis is not supported12:57
zygaNote that it runs confined in a sandbox where the root is strongly limited12:57
zygaDoes anyone know if Sergio is working today?12:58
jdstrandzyga: sergiusens? if so, I can see him across the room13:00
zygaNo, the other one13:00
zygaChipaca, pstolowski lets talk for 3 min please13:02
jdstrandpopey: do you know anything about npm run build-release? it seems to be cleaning up prime and I'd like to manipulate what it does13:02
popeyjdstrand: not really13:03
popeyjdstrand: magic black box to me13:03
jdstrandI see that it pulls down appimage and has mksquashfs binaries down in ./.cache/electron-builder/appimage/appimage-9.1.0/linux-x64/13:04
popeyah, i patch out the building of appimage13:04
popeyappimages are built by default in electron-builder13:04
popeyunless you override it13:04
jdstrandI wonder if it is using those binaries for the snap build under the hood13:04
* jdstrand just finds it curious and wants to investigate13:05
zygataxes filed13:19
zygaman, so so so hot today13:19
zyga30C in the shade13:19
zygawho needs Spain when Central Europe is melting away13:20
zygajdstrand: can you please look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5107 during a coffee break13:22
mupPR #5107: cmd/snap-update-ns,tests: mimic the mode and ownership of directories <Squash-merge> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5107>13:22
zygait's a trivial PR adding mode,uid,gid options to tmpfs13:22
Chipacazyga: I've had to turn the heating on again13:26
zygais it this cold in UK?13:26
popeyyes, buggering freezing13:27
zygaman that's weird, we could call this July easily now13:27
ChipacaI can't confirm that, but I can confirm it's quite cold13:27
Chipacaso I do envy your 30C :-)13:27
Chipacathat's what I call 'nice'13:27
* Chipaca really enjoyed the 2 days of summer this year13:28
mupPR snapcraft#2111 opened: repo: rollback to using dpkg-deb for deb extraction <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2111>13:29
* zyga goes to make ice coffee13:39
mupPR snapd#5117 opened: interfaces/apparmor: enable apparmor, even if partial <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5117>13:50
mupPR snapd#5118 opened: packaging/opensuse: build with apparmor support <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5118>13:57
mupPR snapd#5119 opened: dirs: on opensuse store apparmor profiles in /etc/apparmor.d <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5119>14:01
jdstrandpopey: ah: execute command           args=[/home/ubuntu/.cache/electron-builder/appimage/appimage-9.1.0/linux-x64/mksquashfs /home/ubuntu/tmp.0mPdLJ0eNz/latest/release/__snap-x64 /home/ubuntu/tmp.0mPdLJ0eNz/latest/release/signal-desktop_1.9.0-beta.1_amd64.snap -no-progress -quiet -all-root -no-duplicates -no-recovery] path=/home/ubuntu/.cache/electron-builder/appimage/appimage-9.1.0/linux-x64/mksquashfs14:14
jdstrandthen later14:14
jdstrandAppending to existing 4.0 filesystem on /home/ubuntu/tmp.0mPdLJ0eNz/latest/release/signal-desktop_1.9.0-beta.1_amd64.snap, block size 13107214:14
jdstrandAll -b, -noI, -noD, -noF, -noX, no-duplicates, no-fragments, -always-use-fragments,14:14
jdstrand-exportable and -comp options ignored14:15
zygawhat is appimage doing there?14:15
jdstrandso it appears they are calling mksquashfs in an incompatible way, then appending to it in a roughly compatible way14:15
jdstrandzyga: it isn't. electron-builder is reusing some appimage code to build the snap14:15
jdstrand"If appending is not wanted, please re-run with -noappend specified!"14:16
zygaheh, weird but ok :)14:16
jdstrandlet's try that for giggles14:16
* zyga goes to snap vim properly14:17
ogra_strict ?!?14:19
popeywhy? core ships with vi14:19
popeyshould make a snap of emacs or nano if anything :)14:19
ogra_i like cursor keys and syntax highlighting ;)14:19
popeyi like anything other than vi14:22
popeybut on my core system i have to keep running "sudo classic" to get any kind of decent editor14:22
ogra_echo "set nocompatible" >>~/.vimrc14:24
ogra_(and you have normal vim mode)14:24
Chipacaogra_: you seem to think "anything other than vi" means vim is ok14:28
ogra_totally !14:28
ogra_who needs more than vim !14:28
kyrofazyga, I'm in lxc, any idea what this is? error: cannot perform the following tasks:14:29
kyrofa- Run configure hook of "nextcloud" snap if present (run hook "configure": cannot remount /tmp/snap.rootfs_vLM0cV/var/lib/snapd/lib/vulkan as read-only: Permission denied)14:29
kyrofa(trying to install a new snap)14:30
zygathis looks like an older snapd14:30
zygawhats the version?14:30
kyrofa$ snap --version14:30
kyrofasnap    2.32.514:30
kyrofasnapd   2.32.514:30
kyrofaseries  1614:30
kyrofaubuntu  16.0414:30
kyrofakernel  4.4.0-121-generic14:30
kyrofaXenial, both apt and snap are up to date (tracking stable)14:30
zygacan you show me the denial you have14:31
zygaI will investigate14:31
kyrofazyga, no denial, it seems, just this: Apr 30 14:32:29 nextcloud-snap-test snapd[369]: 2018/04/30 14:32:29.792734 handlers.go:372: Reported install problem for "nextcloud" as 5066946e-4c83-11e8-b6b2-fa163e8d4bab OOPSID14:33
zyganothing in dmesg?14:33
kyrofaA bunch of appamor STATUSs14:33
zygahmm, let's see14:34
zygakyrofa: can you look at the apparmor profile of snap-confine14:37
zygaand look for14:37
zygamount options=(remount ro) -> /tmp/snap.rootfs_*/var/lib/snapd/lib/vulkan/,14:37
kyrofazyga, hmm.... where is it?14:38
zygain /etc/apparmor.d14:38
kyrofa /var/lib/snapd/apparmor/snap-confine/ is empty14:38
zygalook at each one you find14:38
mupPR snapd#5120 opened: interfaces:interface-hooks for refresh <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5120>14:40
kyrofazyga, I see this: # Vulkan support14:40
kyrofa    /tmp/snap.rootfs_*/var/lib/snapd/lib/vulkan/{,*} w,14:40
kyrofa    mount fstype=tmpfs options=(rw nodev noexec) none -> /tmp/snap.rootfs_*/var/lib/snapd/lib/vulkan/,14:40
kyrofa    mount options=(remount ro) -> /tmp/snap.rootfs_*/var/lib/snapd/lib/vulkan/,14:40
kyrofaDarn, shoulda pastebinned that14:40
zygathat's fine14:40
zygathat corresponds to the error you saw14:41
zygabut it's allowed there14:41
zygaso ... no idea14:41
zygabut also the only MS_REMOUNT in the tree14:42
zygaso maybe bugs are present14:42
sveinseWith Ubuntu 18.04 I'm given a choice if I should install docker via apt or via snap. What is the arguments for getting docker via snap?14:59
zygasveinse: the snap is updated by docker inc at their own pace15:25
zygasveinse: the deb comes from the ubuntu archive and will not be updated apart from security updates15:25
sveinsezyga: Snap adds another container layer on top of everything, doesn't it? So it has some overhead, right?15:27
zygaWhat kind of overhead?15:28
sveinsezyga: Does't it run in a jail?15:28
ogra_it does ... but not "in a container"15:28
zygaSnaps really just run the software as is, with a different mount namespace to let the thing use libraries independent from the host15:29
ogra_it is confined through apparmor, seccomp, napespaces ...15:29
zygaIs that a container? Yes but not much more overhead imo15:29
ogra_not sure, i always thinka container is closer to a full VM here than what snapd does :)15:30
sveinsenot quite sure about that, docker is somewhat inbetween all that. It certainly is not a full VM, but it can abstract some of the fs bits15:31
sveinseSo in my simplistic view I don't really see the difference from docker containers and snaps, but that snaps are built to be accessible from outside15:32
zygaThere are many differences15:32
zygaBut those require one to understand what both tools are doing15:33
zygaA lot of the kernel tech is shared15:33
zygaBut also they do different things without correspondence to each other15:34
sveinseI have a small server that I'm trying to decide on how to run the services: Either Ubuntu bare-metal (or whatever you want to call a "normal" server these days) or by using docker. And if docker, should it run from apt, given the standard location of the containers or from snap, where it is being updated more frequently. For snap one needs to handle the snap-specific locations of docker.15:35
zygaTry the snap and report back on usability please15:36
zygaFor containers you can also use lxd15:36
zygaIt all depends on what you want to run inside15:36
sveinsezyga: since I'm considering running the server bare-metal (keyword small server), I suppose the only added reason for doing containment is the added protection in case of internet breach. Doing a full VM is not an option.15:38
sveinseFor the record I have no experience with lxd15:38
zygaNone of those things use full virtualization15:39
zygaLxd runs machine containers15:39
zygaUnlike docker which typically runs process or a single app with few cooperating processes15:39
sveinsewhich is impacts the system less?15:40
zygaIt is not about impact imo15:41
zygaAnd it all depends son what you mean15:41
zygaThose are all different tools building on the same set of kernel features15:41
om26erHi! Is there a way to check the download size of a snap refresh ?15:41
om26erOne of my snap was updated automatically and I want to know the download size and if the delta update actually worked.15:42
zygaom26er: not as an end-user AFAIK15:43
sveinseYeah, I think I see the difference when reading on linuxcontainers.org/lxd/ and I think I'm aiming at docker type. One machine, multiple services. More abstraction than that, i.e. machine is not necessary15:43
sveinseThanks, zyga. I have something I'd like to test15:43
om26erzyga: when the delta is downloaded, is that deleted after being applied ? (maybe I could check the delta size locally if possible)15:45
zygaom26er: AFAIK yes15:49
zygaom26er: it is deleted15:49
zygait is only kept to reconstruct the image15:49
* om26er will wait for blr to come online to inquire the delta size as its worrying android-studio snap may be re-downloading the whole thing with each update.15:53
mupPR snapd#5121 opened: interfaces:minor autoconnect cleanuo <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5121>15:53
Chipacaom26er: if you've got SNAPD_DEBUG enabled you can read all about deltas in the lgos16:07
Chipacaom26er: also SNAPD_DEBUG_HTTP=3 would help (or even =7 if you're into reading json)16:08
om26erChipaca: its not enabled currently, will adding SNAPD_DEBUG=7 to /etc/environments suffice ?16:08
ChipacaSNAPD_DEBUG=1 (or =true)16:08
ChipacaSNAPD_DEBUG_HTTP=3 (or 7)16:09
om26erthen I can probably check on next update if the delta worked.16:09
Chipacaom26er: is it your snap?16:09
Chipacaom26er: if so, if you're logged in, you can 'snap install yoursnap --revision=theoldrevno' and then sanp refresh16:09
om26erChipaca: kind of: its owned by snapcrafters team but I am collaborator.16:09
Chipacaom26er: that is: if you can push to it, you can do the above16:09
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|off
* om26er tries16:11
Chipacazyga: any idea what's up with the "no output received" things?16:15
popeyom26er: ping if you need something from me, obviously :)16:19
om26erpopey: thanks, no need, seems I was already able to test what Chipaca suggested.16:24
om26erand the good news is: delta updates are indeed working :)16:24
om26erChipaca: where exactly can I see those logs ?16:24
Chipacaom26er: journalctl  -u snapd16:26
om26erah, snapd.service: Ignoring invalid environment assignment 'export SNAPD_DEBUG=1': /etc/environment16:26
mupPR snapcraft#2112 opened: repo: fix all python shebangs in stage-packages <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2112>16:31
om26erso the delta was downloaded, saved more than 600+ megabytes. VICTORY.16:39
om26erThank you guys.16:39
Chipacamaybe snapd should brag about that a bit16:40
ChipacaI'm sure people would complain about it polluting the logs etc etc16:40
zygaNo idea16:40
Chipacamaybe we should have a BRAG log level :-D16:41
zygaMaybe heat wave and slow VMs?16:41
Chipacazyga: dude, poland is the only place with a heat wave16:41
Chipacazyga: have you checked your nuclear reactors lately?16:41
zygaWe don’t have any16:41
zygaCoincidence? I don’t think so ;-)16:42
* Chipaca shudders remembering chernobyl residents going to the roof of their buildings to enjoy the nice warm air16:42
zygaI’m going for a beer with kissiel16:42
Chipacazyga: dang16:42
zygaTo celebrate bionic16:42
Chipacai'm on meds, can't have beer16:42
zygaBut first I have to get there on a bike16:42
zygaI got bike crazy16:42
zygaI plan to take non alcoholic16:43
zygaTo ride back16:43
Chipacaah, i was about to tell you off16:43
zygaSorry to hear that though16:43
zygaAre you ok?16:43
zygaI’m walking to the bike station16:43
Chipacazyga: yep! big teeth thing16:43
zygaIt will heal16:43
Chipacajust two more days16:44
ogra_zyga, do yu happen to know if michael will be back on wed. ?17:53
ogra_(or did he take off the whole week)17:53
=== matlock_ is now known as matlock
mupPR snapd#5096 closed: snap: improve error for snaps not available in the given context <Created by mvo5> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5096>18:42
zygaogra_: i think he will be back next week, he is sprinting18:45
ogra_ah, crap crap crap ... k18:46
Saviqhey guys, any idea about snapcraft just spinning at 100% CPU after "Preparing to build desktop-qt5", seemingly permanently?19:03
popeyit does take a while, yeah19:25
popeybut it does move on usually19:25
seb128Saviq, popey, same issue than vlc is hitting, Sergio looked at it today, it's due to the switch from dpkg-deb to use the python binding they did, he said he's going to revert that change19:26
popeyah okay19:27
popeyThat's new to me, thanks.19:27
seb128the reason that motivated the change isn't true anymore19:27
seb128Saviq, popey, bug #176711919:29
mupBug #1767119: snapcraft prime takes considerably more time on unpacking stage packages than before <Snapcraft:In Progress by sergiusens> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1767119>19:29
seb128he put up a PR today19:29
Intruder777|1guys, so running snap apps services as root is no security issue, right?19:32
ChipacaIntruder777|1: strictly-confined snap apps, correct19:33
Chipaca(we will support users anyway, at some point, but it should be fine for now)19:34
Intruder777|1Chipaca: thanks19:36
Chipacaogra_: what did you nead a michael for?19:37
ChipacaIntruder777|1: np, hth19:37
ogra_Chipaca, approval tp potentially see dmsetup (needed for full-disk-encryption)19:37
ogra_*to potentially seed19:37
popeyadd gnu screen while you're there ;)19:37
Chipacaogra_: telegram; he's sprinting, not vacationing :-)19:38
Chipacaand +1 to scren19:38
* Chipaca goes off to write an app call 'scren' just to not be wrong19:38
ogra_i'm still researching why systemd misbehaves so badly all of a sudden (we have FDE working since a while and suddenly systemd creats random mount usins for the backing device)19:38
* Chipaca just take more pills and go to sleep19:38
ogra_<- cant type anymore19:38
ogra_popey, definitely not for this customer :P (there every byte counts ... super cut down device)19:39
Chipacapopey: that's ogra_-speak for "if you can find something to remove that's the same size or bigger, sure"19:40
* Chipaca is helpful19:40
* popey runs ncdu /snap/core/current19:40
ogra_popey, though you will be pleased to hear that i managed to implement the encrypted rootfs generic enough that we can also later have interactive passwd prompts or SD card keys (needs extra implementation indeed, but adding different key handlers should eb easy in my implementation)19:41
popeyso, tell me why we have perl in core :)19:41
ogra_popey, some dependency of some low level package19:41
Chipacapopey: now ask him about usr/share/X11/xkb19:42
ogra_Chipaca, michael added that for something yu demanded IIRC19:42
* Chipaca whistles innocently19:43
ogra_support for non US keyboards in console-conf ?? yeah, i think that was it19:43
ogra_that puls in a ton of stuff19:43
Chipacaogra_: is initrd supposed to be in core btw?19:43
* Chipaca forgets how that dance is19:43
ogra_Chipaca, with split initrd it is loaded directly from the core snap ...19:44
ogra_without it we theoretically wouldnt need it19:44
popeydo people need pppd in 2018?19:44
ogra_(but we use split-initrd now in some customer setups)19:44
ogra_popey, for GSM19:44
Chipacapopey: yes :-) whether it should be in core is another question19:44
Chipacabut, given it's setuid, probably19:44
ogra_iirc that was the reason19:45
popeypython2.7 debconf.py19:45
popey(I like this game)19:45
Chipacaperl is probably there for debconf19:45
Chipacadebconf is probably there for consoleconf or somesuch19:45
ogra_perl is there for a ton of stuff thats used during build19:46
Chipaca(pero is also not that big iirc?)19:46
ogra_the question is if any of this is also used at runtime (and it is really hard to tell without a detailed audit of every script and tool)19:46
Chipaca2.9M    ./usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl-base19:46
ogra_yeah, it is quite big19:46
Chipacahopefully for core18 we can do it the other way around19:47
Chipacaand build it up instead of down19:47
ogra_anyway, back to my dmsetup problem19:47
* Chipaca can dream19:47
ogra_the question is if you use debs ...19:47
ogra_as long as you do you will always have a bunch of unwanted deps pulled in19:47
ogra_ad with our policy to use binaries from the archive it is hard to work around using debs19:48
popey - -usr/bin/foo19:48
ogra_the prob is always: "how much can you cut down without harming the functionality of a package"19:48
popeyIndeed, that's the fun bit!19:48
ogra_you theoretically need to knwo each package in and out to judge that you can remove some dep19:49
Chipacapopey: is it just the screen binary you need, or does it have more deps?19:49
popeyjust the binary and a 777 directory /var/run/screen19:49
Chipacapopey: because we're shipping ./usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/debconf.py … and no python 219:49
ogra_huh ?19:49
popeyscreen is 425K uncompressed though19:49
ogra_we surel ship python219:49
Chipacaogra_: python 3, yes19:50
Chipaca2? what for?19:50
popey(see 5 mins ago where I mentioned this) :D19:50
ogra_Chipaca, in 16.04 ?19:50
ogra_i thought we still had 2 there19:50
Chipacaogra_: in core19:50
Chipaca16.04, yes19:50
Chipacacore, nope \o/19:50
Chipacaat least that is what my friend 'find' says19:51
ogra_ogra@acheron:~$ apt-cache show python-minimal|grep ^Depends19:51
ogra_Depends: python2.7-minimal (>= 2.7.12-1~), dpkg (>= 1.13.20)19:51
ogra_Depends: python2.7-minimal (>= 2.7.11-1~), dpkg (>= 1.13.20)19:51
ogra_we install python-minimal19:51
ogra_(in core)19:51
ogra_(and nly to make subiquity happy ... i wish we could just rip it out)19:52
Chipacaogra_: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/HwVrYcdbMT/19:53
ogra_oh, interesting19:53
Chipacaogra_: something's ripping it out :)19:53
ogra_might be that we switched to python3-minimal and i forgot19:54
popeyhow much close to getting screen does that get us? :)19:57
ogra_removing python ?19:57
ogra_just add 10 screens :)19:58
ogra_removing python would clean up 5-10MB19:58
popeyhow, it's not actually there19:59
Chipacaogra_: what uses dh-python in core?19:59
mupPR snapcraft#2111 closed: repo: rollback to using dpkg-deb for deb extraction <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2111>19:59
ogra_^^ Cip19:59
* Chipaca hugs ogra_ 19:59
ogra_yeah, systemd is giving me a really bad day20:00
ogra_trying to be clever ...20:00
Chipacaogra_: i'll let you get back to that20:00
Chipacaneed to go anyway20:00
ogra_i'm totally not eager to :)20:00
mupPR snapcraft#2113 opened: sources: don't clean target for FileBase sources <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2113>20:50
mupPR snapcraft#2112 closed: repo: fix all python shebangs in stage-packages <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2112>23:27
mupPR snapcraft#2113 closed: sources: don't clean target for FileBase sources <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2113>23:30

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