
jbichaduflu: there are reports of h264 videos being broken03:35
duflujbicha, I think I'm on top of such bugs. Which ones?03:36
jbichanot sure the guys complaining have filed bugs yet :(03:36
duflujbicha, maybe check these first: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gstreamer-vaapi/+bugs?field.tag=radeon03:38
duflujbicha, or generally https://trello.com/c/evbZkeCj03:39
duflujbicha, please also forgive me for assigning these to you. I think I was just copying Marco... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bugs?field.tag=fixed-in-3.28.203:41
seb128good morning desktopers06:29
willcookehey seb12806:34
didrocksgood morning06:37
seb128hey willcooke :)06:37
seb128lut didrocks06:37
seb128had a good w.e?06:37
didrockssalut seb128, good week-end, and yourself?06:38
didrockshow was the travel?06:38
seb128quite nice, train FTW06:40
didrocksheh, well, once you skipped the TER :)06:42
didrockshow is Berlin?06:42
seb128but didn't see much of it, I arrived at 23h yesterday06:43
didrocksah, indeed… Coffee FTW as well thus?06:44
dufluMorning seb128, willcooke, didrocks06:44
seb128didrocks, indeed!06:44
seb128hey duflu, how are you?06:44
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:45
dufluseb128, going OK. I was pleased to see upstream already fixed my login failure. But then less pleased to find myself and others can't install bionic on some systems: bug 176787406:45
ubot5bug 1767874 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubiquity crashed with ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176787406:45
seb128lut oSoMoN06:45
dufluHi oSoMoN06:46
didrockshey duflu, salut oSoMoN06:46
willcookehey duflu oSoMoN06:46
willcookeand didrocks06:46
seb128duflu, nice for the login bug, sounds like a good SRU candidate?06:46
seb128duflu, do you have details/ideas about what makes ubiquity unhappy on this machine?06:46
dufluseb128, it's on the list: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bugs?field.tag=fixed-in-3.28.206:46
seb128duflu, the issue is different from https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/issues/227 ?06:47
dufluseb128, No idea. Just one laptop the installer keeps failing on. And 887 other reports from others06:47
ubot5-ng`GNOME bug 227 in gnome-shell "Login fails when preceded by incorrect password" (comments: 11) [Opened]06:47
ubot5Error: Gnome bug 227 could not be found06:47
dufluseb128, yes it's separate06:47
dufluSeems it only happens to people whose password starts with Shift+...06:48
didrockshey willcooke06:48
didrocks~7600 communitheme snaps installed!06:48
willcookedidrocks, \m/  that's amazing06:49
oSoMoNhey seb128, duflu, didrocks, willcooke, how are you?06:49
seb128oSoMoN, good! you? how was ubucon?06:49
willcookeoSoMoN, good conf?  How did your talk go?06:49
dufluI'm OK. You oSoMoN?06:49
seb128duflu, "traps: ubiquity[3581] trap int3 ip:7fd2ca14ec41 sp:7fffd3ffdfa0 error:0 in libglib-2.0.so.0.5600.1[7fd2ca0fd000+113000]" ... can you try to get a bt from that?06:49
oSoMoNI'm good, UbuCon was great, I enjoyed it very much06:49
oSoMoNand the talk went fine, it was well received apparently06:50
oSoMoNthe ubuntu-fr loco team wants me to do it again next month at their Ubuntu Party in Paris06:50
willcookeoSoMoN, nice!! well done and thank you06:51
seb128duflu, could be the same as bug #175125206:54
ubot5bug 1751252 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Bionic) "ubiquity crashed with signal 5 in _XEventsQueued()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175125206:54
dufluseb128, yeah maybe. Hard to verify as the version of glib changed06:57
=== pstolowski|eow is now known as pstolowski
seb128didrocks, thanks for looking at/commenting on the initial setup issue07:10
didrocksseb128: yw!07:16
seb128it's annoying that the individual reports don't contain enough content to tell us if https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/32345bd88e1c6091a5af096d1a5b22c13bdab1b6 is still bug #172336507:20
ubot5bug 1723365 in gnome-session (Ubuntu) "/usr/share/session-migration/scripts/unity-gnome-shell-migration.17.10.py:5:g_settings_set_property:object_set_property:g_object_new_internal:g_object_new_valist:g_object_new" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/172336507:20
seb128well still "Settings schema 'org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-dock' is not installed\n"07:20
seb128did we ever safeguard that key usage?07:21
didrocksnormally, we did07:23
* didrocks looks07:23
didrocksah, that one is not guarded07:24
didrocksseb128: I'll open a bug and assign it to me07:25
seb128didrocks, thx07:25
seb128I think we have a bug?07:25
didrocksseb128: well, it's duplicate to a fix release on another schema, correct?07:25
seb128didrocks, bug #172031007:25
ubot5bug 1720310 in gnome-session (Ubuntu) "unity-gnome-shell-migration.18.08.py crashed with signal 5 in g_object_new_valist() due to gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock not installed" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/172031007:25
didrocksso it's a bad duplication, correct?07:25
seb128e.u.c/apport can't tell "abort on a missing key" for different schemas/keys appart07:26
didrocksyeah, that's why it needs a new bug IMHO07:26
seb128it just has the stack of functions not the arguments07:26
seb128well ^07:26
seb128is that one no?07:26
didrockssecond one07:26
didrocksgood, yeah :)07:26
seb128sorry for forgetting about it during the cycle07:27
seb128we said it was weird cases/wouldn't be important07:27
didrockswell, upgrades from 16.04 aren't supported yet :p07:27
seb128but e.u.c metrics shows quite some users hits it, so better to silent the error07:27
didrocksah, from 17.10…07:27
didrockspeople force removing the dock? weird07:27
seb128or upgrading with apt without having ubuntu-desktop installed07:28
seb128such not getting the dock07:28
didrocksyeah, apt cowboying instead of d-r-u07:28
seb128but it's still noise which is easy to fix07:28
didrocksanyway, I'll handle it07:29
seb128oSoMoN, bug #1729963 is the most non-snap reported e.u.c, do you know if there is any way to communicate that upstream to motive them to look into the issue?07:31
ubot5bug 1729963 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) "chromium-browser crashed in OnConnectionDisconnectedFilter()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/172996307:31
seb128bionic/weekly view07:31
oSoMoNseb128, yes, I reported it upstream already, lemme check the status there07:32
seb128right, I saw, I just don't know if we can tell them that it's hitting quite some users to motivate them to raise importance07:32
oSoMoNnot much progress upstream07:32
oSoMoNyeah, I'll comment on the bug07:33
dufluUgh, morning in UK. And Launchpad gives up07:56
seb128duflu, I think they do live rollout around that time that impact it for 15 min or so often07:59
seb128more than U.K/europe waking up07:59
didrockspopey: hey, do you mind adding frederik-f to the communitheme group?08:45
popeydidrocks: done08:45
didrocksthanks! :-)08:47
didrockshey czajkowski, how goes?08:53
czajkowskididrocks: it goes ok09:00
czajkowskiupgraded last night to 18.0409:00
czajkowskididrocks: and yourself ?09:01
didrocksczajkowski: upgraded a longgggggggg time ago :p09:02
didrocksczajkowski: going well ;)09:02
czajkowskididrocks: figured everyone would be on holidays now :)09:03
didrocksczajkowski: I wish! We have anyway a lot of days off in May, so it should work out09:06
czajkowskididrocks: are you still in France?09:09
didrocksczajkowski: I live in Lyon actually09:09
didrocksway better than Paris :p09:09
czajkowskididrocks: ah so not as badly affected with the evil strikes I faced 2 weeks ago when over there for deovxx france09:10
czajkowskididrocks: https://twitter.com/Czajkowski/status/990650246295379968  I ran into that issue on upgrade09:10
czajkowskicurrently fighting iwth my login into launchpad to log the issue09:10
didrocksczajkowski: well, the strikes are in the whole country, so impacted in some way, but don't need to commute at least :p09:12
didrocksczajkowski: yeah, please file a bug, we'll have a look09:12
* Laney has been giving a tutorial :-)09:31
seb128hey Laney09:31
seb128what did you teach people about?09:31
didrockshey Laney! What tutorial? ;)09:31
Laney<- juliank sil2100 ->09:32
seb128oh, right09:32
Laneybus factor is being reduced09:32
Laneyor increased?09:32
Laneywhich way does that go?09:32
didrocksheh, I don't think juliank and sil2100 have seen the trap :p09:32
Laneyhow's it going?09:32
seb128Laney, do you know how to debug issues about "GNOME doesn't prompt for ssh passphrase" issues?09:33
sil2100It's a trap!09:33
Laneyseb128: not so much, check $SSH_AUTH_SOCK is right?09:35
Laneyseb128: try ueno on #gnome-hackers, that's the guy who mainly worked on this stuff last cycle09:36
seb128Laney, yeah, env is set and right09:36
Laneygnome-keyring starts a real SSH agent now and proxies for that09:37
Laneyso there should be a process for it09:37
Laneywith '-a <that directory>/.ssh'09:37
seb128yeah, it's for Simon, it's weird, he has the same processes/env that I get09:37
seb128like an ssh-agent pointing to /run/...keyring/.ssh09:38
Laneyafter that I don't know, sry, try ueno or get him to09:38
Laneyhe's been quite responsive with me a couple of times09:38
seb128thx, he's going to ping him09:38
cpaelzertkamppeter: hiho, I always had http://www.bchemnet.com/suldr/ for my printer so far, i wonder if for 18.04 I should expect dropping it would be fine?09:57
cpaelzerany info on what I should assume?09:57
cpaelzerif you think it should work I'd drop the old packages before the release upgrade and try to setup in 18.0409:58
seb128Wimpress, https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/e85d2c87e86374f341f8ae14944592a3b9c9724c looks like one for you13:27
seb128they seem to be from your -welcome snap13:27
seb128the individual reports seems to be lot of reports from the same system(s), um1804 and hossam-Satellite-C50-A53813:28
seb128popey, ^ or maybe you?13:28
* popey looks13:32
seb128those logs also have loops of "canonical-livepatch: permission denied"13:39
popeyhe's at the airport catching a flight home, I've pinged him about it on telegram tho13:40
WimpressThanks seb128 I'll take a look when I'm home.13:55
WimpressI've taken a look at the errors links earlier, nothing immediately obvious.13:56
seb128Wimpress, popey, thanks14:10
cyphermoxI was pinged about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/176772015:05
ubot5Launchpad bug 1767720 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubiquity crashed during install of 18.04 with error 'BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied)'" [Critical,Confirmed]15:05
cyphermoxlooks like something odd maybe in GLib, any idea if there's something that might have caused it?15:05
cyphermoxfor one thing I find in a log Apr 28 20:12:59 ubuntu kernel: [  583.586561] traps: ubiquity[3853] trap int3 ip:7f2cd9202c41 sp:7fff6cb4df40 error:0 in libglib-2.0.so.0.5600.1[7f2cd91b1000+113000]15:06
cyphermox(but I'm not reproducing, and support has been unable to reproduce either)15:06
willcookeWhat does "Custom Bionic Beaver" mean in the LiveMediaBuild section?  Does that smell fishy?15:22
kenvandinewillcooke, where?15:30
willcookein the cyphermox posted to ^15:31
seb128cyphermox, same as https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1751252 ?15:34
ubot5Launchpad bug 1751252 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Bionic) "ubiquity crashed in debconf.py:104 with ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''" [High,Triaged]15:34
slashdI missed cyphermox post, but I think he is refering to -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/176772015:35
ubot5Launchpad bug 1767720 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubiquity crashed during install of 18.04 with error 'BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied)'" [Critical,Incomplete]15:35
seb128yeah, seems the same as the one I mentioned15:39
seb128Apr 28 20:12:59 ubuntu kernel: [  583.586561] traps: ubiquity[3853] trap int3 ip:7f2cd9202c41 sp:7fff6cb4df40 error:0 in libglib-2.0.so.0.5600.1[7f2cd91b1000+113000]15:39
seb128Apr 28 20:13:09 ubuntu /install.py: ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''15:39
cyphermoxseb128: could be the same15:39
seb128cyphermox, the syslog has ^15:39
seb128which sounds the same issue15:39
cyphermoxto be clear, the "invalid literal" is a red herring, I think15:39
cyphermoxubiquity crashes in some weird way, then debconf can't continue, it lost its input.15:40
seb128can anyone reproduce?15:42
seb128sounded like duflu could, we can ask him more tomorrow15:42
cyphermoxseeing as jibel files 1751252, he might too15:42
cyphermoxthat was in february, though15:43
seb128whoever who can reproduce, would be useful to install libgtk-3-0-dbgsym and start ubiquity under gdb with --sync and "b gdk_x_error"15:44
seb128see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30078005/how-to-break-on-gdk-x-error-using-gdb15:44
willcookeheading out, night all15:47
slashdseb128, I can't reproduce but I have a crash in hand15:49
slashdseb128, https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/BgGsN3hNXv/15:51
didrocksLaney: :p15:52
seb128slashd, that's not very useful, xerror are async so it doesn"t tell us what is the error and who is the caller, we need to reproduce when --sync is used16:03
slashdseb128, gotcha16:04
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|off
* oSoMoN goes offline, have a good evening everyone, see you on Wednesday19:06
d33tahhi! i'm looking for someone who could help me debug my issue with 18.04 not initializing my motherboard gpu in xorg. any ideas where/who to look for?20:05
Trevinhoseb128: hey, since tomorrow is 1st of may I guess we'll skip the meeting, right?20:08
seb128Trevinho, I don't think so, please send your weekly summary20:08
seb128it's not an holiday in the U.K or U.S afaik20:08
Trevinhoah ok...20:08
seb128Trevinho, hey btw :)20:09
seb128Trevinho, also I assigned you some bugs on launchpad, please triage/comment as appropriate20:09
Trevinhoseb128: yeah, sure... I was swapping today so I'll look them better on 2nd20:10
seb128yeah, no hurry20:10
seb128enjoy the long w.e!20:10
seb128Trevinho, feel free to skip the weekly summary sending since you are off today/tomorrow20:10
seb128just pretend you didn't know :)20:11
d33tahis there a channel dedicated to xorg/lowlevel display aspect of ubuntu?20:11
Trevinhoahaha, well I can write a few lines20:11
seb128Trevinho, thx20:15
seb128Trevinho, enjoy the days off today and tomorrow :)20:16
seb128Trevinho, when are you back in Europe?20:16
Trevinhoseb128: on 2nd20:16
Trevinhoso tomorrow will be travelling20:16
seb128oh ok20:16
seb128safe travel!20:16
sarnoldd33tah: none that I know of. it might be easier to file a bug report, tha way anyone who does work on it won't have to be active the same time you are20:16
d33tahsarnold: sounds like a solution, thanks. it's just that i was hoping for a synchronous experimentation20:18
sarnoldd33tah: heh, yeah, when that works out it can be *way* faster ...20:19
d33tahsarnold: any chance you have some guidelines to reporting xorg regressions for ubuntu?20:20
sarnoldd33tah: nothing specific to xorg, just the usual "report what you see, what you expected, include details" advice20:21
sarnold*loads* of xorg bugs are automatically filed with nearly no information on what went wrong, so a bug report with details would be a welcome change :)20:22
d33tahsarnold: it might me my first ubuntu bug. is there some tool that'd gather the usual info and add it as attachments?20:22
sarnoldd33tah: the ubuntu-bug command line tool can collect whatever's most useful for a given package20:22
d33tahsarnold: danke!20:23
d33tahsarnold: awesome, broken20:27
sarnoldd33tah: woot, you're on a roll :)20:27
sarnoldd33tah: can you file a bug for *that* one too? :) if ubuntu-bug ubuntu-bug doesn't work, you can file on the website and maybe try to use apport-collect after the fact to collect the logs and so on20:28
d33tahsarnold: i'm afraid of filing a bug for my keyboard firmware in the laptop where i'm reporting a bug for my pc's kb not working ultimately20:28
d33tahif you get the joke20:29
sarnoldI think so :)20:29
d33tahyay, worked for the second time20:30
d33tahsarnold: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/176812820:38
ubot5Launchpad bug 1768128 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Regression: monitor connected via motherboard GPU is not initialized, but one connected to Nvidia is" [Undecided,New]20:38
d33tahgood bug report?20:38
sarnoldd33tah: not bad, except for the 18.10 mention :D20:39
d33tahif they don't fix that, it'll be true in six months20:39
d33tahsarnold: thanks, clarified20:39
sarnoldhrm some virtualbox stuff installed.. double-check that you don't have the virtualbox guest tools installed20:40
sarnoldd33tah: time for me to run, good luck :D20:40
d33tah"dpkg -l | grep virtualbox | awk '{ print $2 }' | xargs sudo apt remove"?20:40
sarnoldprobably that's a bit drastic20:40
d33tahthanks sarnold. have a good one!20:40
sarnoldjust make sure the guest tools arent installed on real hardware :)20:41
d33tahit's not drastic, it's missing -y20:41
jbicharobert_ancell: I wonder if there's a way we can force gnome-initial-setup to be updated (assuming internet access) at the end of the install23:58
jbichaotherwise your SRU won't do much good until 18.04.1 for the common single user use case23:59
robert_ancelljbicha, does that not get covered by the "download updates" checkbox in the installer?23:59
jbichatechnically that checkbox doesn't install updates, only downloads them23:59
jbichathat confused me for years and I'm sure it confuses a lot of other people23:59

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