
EriC^^morning all05:54
Teguall mornings05:54
EriC^^hello Tegu05:55
Teguhi EriC^^ o/05:55
ducassegood morning06:11
=== guiverc_d is now known as guiverc
BluesKajHey folks11:09
JimBuntuHey there111:27
BluesKaj'Morning JimBuntu11:28
JimBuntuMerry Monday BluesKaj (even if Monday is simply another day of the week for you )11:29
BluesKajwell, Monday is still a weekday when the mail arrives and some businesses and gov't services etc, are open, so it is quite different than the weekend, even for retirees11:32
JimBuntuGood point.11:33
BluesKajgonna be 21 here today, got the hoses out so think I'll hose down the old vehicle one more time to dissolve any remaining road salt ...might even wash the kitchen and bedroom windows .11:38
BluesKajfull moon last night, it was quite a sight here11:39
JimBuntuBluesKaj, the family and I also observed the full moon last night, was clear and bright, quite the site (not meaning to rhyme)11:42
BluesKajit low in the western sky this morning and quite bright even as the sun was rising11:44
BluesKajnice to see clear skies for a change , we've had a dreary spring here so far11:45
lotuspsychjegood afternoon to all11:53
BluesKajHey lotuspsychje11:54
lotuspsychjehey there BluesKaj11:54
JimBuntuBluesKaj, I know the feeling with how grey the skies have been. I welcome clear nights (and days too)11:54
JimBuntuHiya lotuspsychje11:54
lotuspsychjehey JimBuntu11:54
ubot5Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) release notes can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes11:58
lotuspsychjewow it worked11:58
ducasseyay, someone has heard your prayers, lotuspsychje :)12:33
lotuspsychjethank the lord :p12:33
lotuspsychjeen1gma: updates dont come when you 'want' them to come out13:01
en1gmaok. ubuntu 18.04 LTS released 72hrs ago. why no apt updates avail13:01
en1gmai know all about it.13:01
en1gmawhy no updates13:01
en1gmamajor release with not one update in 72 hrs? we not stupid13:01
en1gmathis is the 1st time thats ever happened i gurantee it13:02
lotuspsychje_en1gma: you dont trust the developers?13:03
en1gmawhat are you talking about? i trust the devs 100% what about the maintainers13:04
ducasseen1gma: there's been a weekend13:04
en1gmadebian is still got updates why are updates on "HOLD"13:04
lotuspsychje_en1gma: so, tell us why do you need updates now and not few hours later?13:04
ducasseen1gma: there usually are no updates in the weekends13:05
en1gmait is always a week day somewhere in the world. are you acting like this is just a normal weekend or acting like its a weekend after a major release13:05
JimBuntu" it is always a week day somewhere in the world" -> false13:06
lotuspsychje_en1gma: any release gets taken serious...13:06
lotuspsychje_en1gma: have you found a security flaw perhaps?13:06
en1gmai was in ubuntu+1 on day of release when they were still trying to get testers to run the LTS right b4 it was released because language translations were borked13:06
en1gmai know all about the RUSH job right b4 release. i was in ubuntu+113:07
lotuspsychje_en1gma: so now your saying the devs not working fast enough?13:07
en1gmaim saying i was there and testing and i know what is going on. are you saying there is no problem and everything is normal and thats why there are no apt updates?13:08
en1gmawhy dont you say the truth13:08
ducassecalm down and wait, updates will appear eventually13:08
en1gmai know they will come. i want to know why they havent came already13:08
Gargravarrthere are any number of reasons for no updates, in fact i'm thankful for the breathing space13:08
Gargravarrlet the dust settle a little13:08
en1gmathe devs have commits to mainstream. why hasnt they been released13:09
Gargravarrbecause packaging and testing has to happen?13:09
daftykinsen1gma: don't forget you are welcome to request a refund at any time13:10
lotuspsychje_en1gma: accept the fact updates come when updates come, otherwise you will be dissapointed much more in life..13:10
en1gmawell yes but that happens everyday. why has it stopped13:10
JimBuntuen1gma, I can answer authoritatively, we are slacking and lazy.13:10
Gargravarren1gma: if you want bleeding edge, you're welcome to run stuff directly from git13:10
en1gmano no no. i dont want bleeding edge... thats why im on LTS. i want to know why update releases are on HOLD13:10
en1gmaits pretty clear at this point there is a hold13:10
en1gmathis would be the first time after an LTS that it has been this long with out one apt update13:12
ducassethe only thing that is clear is that you see a conspiracy where none exists13:12
lotuspsychje_en1gma: its not that weird few days without updates13:13
JimBuntuducasse, Don't you dare try to take my tinfoil hat away from me!13:13
en1gmaim wondering do we have some kind of malware that we installed that has stopped apt from working or did the maintainers find some malware and are on hold for updates13:13
* ducasse sighs13:13
en1gmait wouldnt be that weird if it was 1 year after an lts not to have updates orver a weekend13:13
lotuspsychje_malware right..13:13
Gargravarren1gma: here's a tinfoil hat to stop the malware reading your brainwaves through your keyboard13:14
en1gmafrom getting our credit card info?13:14
Gargravarrdon't worry, half the world already has your credit card info13:14
en1gmawell im in debt anyhow13:14
en1gmabad credit*13:15
en1gmabut if i was a person with good credit should i be concerned? :)13:15
lotuspsychje_en1gma: so im curious, when updates come tomorrow will you come thank the devs?13:15
daftykinsen1gma: that must be from similar bad decisions to running a new LTS before it hits the first point release13:15
lotuspsychje_daftykins: +113:16
en1gmaafter i take a look at the updates and there was no security update i will13:16
en1gmaif there is a security update that talks about what im talking about will you apologize to me13:16
lotuspsychje_i surely wont13:16
BluesKajen1gma, face facts there are mo new updates in the repos atm13:16
en1gmathen i wont either13:16
en1gmahave the servers been hacked?13:17
BluesKajen1gma, stop this silliness13:17
Gargravarrand this is all a diversion to keep you from realising it13:17
Gargravarr(where fact doesn't work, i like to try sarcasm)13:17
en1gmai like it13:17
* JimBuntu haxored the shoot out of them there servers.13:18
Gargravarrall of us are actually Chinese and Russian bots putting up a front of normality13:18
en1gmajust remember. i was the whistle blower. snowden lookout13:18
Gargravarrwhile Ubuntu machines all over the world run our malware13:18
en1gmai discovered the conspiracy first and not big Ubuntu is trying to hush me13:19
en1gmanot = now13:19
Gargravarrbe careful when you go to start your car13:19
en1gmait dont have a computer13:19
en1gmai have to use a crank handle13:19
lotuspsychje_en1gma: ok you can stop trolling now13:19
ducasselook under it first13:20
JimBuntu"crank handle" <-- Now that's awesome. I sure hope it didn't break your arm, Mr. President.13:20
en1gmacant wait to see the first updates to be released for 18.04 LTS. ill come back to gloat13:21
lotuspsychje_en1gma: so what will you have proven?13:21
Gargravarrlotuspsychje_: that software is imperfect13:21
en1gmathat you were keeping it quiet when you probably know what im saying was correct13:21
en1gmaand just saying "its a weekend"13:22
en1gmadevs dont work on weekends13:22
lotuspsychje_en1gma: that doesnt prove anything, it just means updates come out when updates come out13:22
Gargravarrthe best thing about paranoid nutcases is that nothing you say to them can ever change their viewpoints13:22
lotuspsychje_en1gma: if you find a real proof, you can come back13:22
Gargravarrwhatever you say is taken to be confirmation of their beliefs13:22
en1gmanormally thats correct but everyone knows that after this LTS release there should have been updates immediately as there was problems with language translations13:23
en1gmai wasn in ubuntu+1. you want logs?13:23
lotuspsychje_en1gma: we never said devs doesnt work in weekend13:23
en1gmaoh yea. i heard that like 2x at least over the last 3 days13:23
en1gmaprob 3x13:24
BluesKajen1gma, there aren't any bots or AI programs doing dev work or triaging/fixing bugs on the 'buntus. it ordinary people who like to have time off on weekwnds like the rest of us.13:24
en1gmadevs are in a frenzy when there is an LTS13:25
en1gmathey work like crazy to try and get there work done right up to that point of a major release13:25
lotuspsychje_en1gma: i know what you need! paid canonical support13:25
JimBuntuSpring has sprung in the northern hemisphere. No doubt the servers were hacked right when the maintainers found that malware introduced as a cleverly disguised language localization fix.13:25
BluesKajpatience is the word of the day13:26
en1gmaim not wanting an update im saying there isnt one update released yet? what is going on13:26
lotuspsychje_en1gma: i repeat..its not that weird few days without updates13:27
lotuspsychje_it happens all the time13:27
Gargravarrprobably the people who went hell for leather getting 18.04 out the door are still recovering from the all-nighters. probably still in bed13:27
en1gmaits weird* only when there is a major LTS release and there is no updates a few days later13:27
en1gmayou are acting like 18.04 LTS has been out for a year already13:27
daftykinsyou're an idiot13:28
Gargravarrno, we are acting like it is all routine13:28
Gargravarrwhich it is13:28
BluesKajit's perfectly normal, not weird13:28
en1gmaafter a major release?13:28
en1gmai never seen it and i have had every LTS release13:28
lotuspsychje_en1gma: prove it13:28
en1gmai dont have access to that data but i bet you do. you prove it13:28
ducasselotuspsychje_: don't encourage him, or he'll never stop13:29
lotuspsychje_he wont stop anyway13:29
BluesKajok this is troll territory now, there's no meat left on this bone13:29
ducassethis is a dead parrot13:29
Gargravarrwe'll just have to leave him pining for the fjords13:30
en1gmamad at me for pointing out the obvious? it wont be long til other people say the same thing i am. ill goto #debian and ask there13:30
Gargravarrplease do13:30
lotuspsychje_en1gma: be carefull not to get banned fast13:31
ducassegreat idea! bye!13:31
en1gmafor asking why there hasnt been any updates to ubuntu after a major release?13:31
lotuspsychje_en1gma: we already told ya13:31
Gargravarrplease. give it a rest13:31
BluesKajyou won't last long there with that attitude, believe me :-)13:31
en1gmaand i replied with i have had ubuntu since the first time it was out. i never seen anything like that after i major release13:32
Gargravarren1gma: we have a saying in Britain - cock-up before conspiracy13:32
Gargravarrroughly equivalent to Hanlon's Razor13:33
lotuspsychje_en1gma: we are not def..please dont repeat the same over and over13:33
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
* Gargravarr raises an eyebrow14:29
Gargravarrso someone else noticed no updates14:30
hggdhGargravarr: yes, but it is better to simply answer instead of what you first did14:32
Gargravarrhggdh: just an in-joke, i inteded to answer14:32
hggdhGargravarr: I know. But the (casual) user might not,and might get a bit lost.14:33
hggdhGargravarr: and yo *did* answer, later on :-)14:33
Gargravarrwhen viewed in the historic IRC logs, i'm sure it'll be worth the momentary confusion :)14:38
lotuspsychjehggdh: one for you https://news.softpedia.com/news/system76-releases-pop-os-linux-18-04-based-on-ubuntu-18-04-lts-bionic-beaver-520907.shtml15:50
lotuspsychjehi pragmaticenigma15:50
* pragmaticenigma waves15:51
hggdhlotuspsychje: yes, I will try it. I still am not happy with HiDPI management on 18.0415:57
lotuspsychjeyeah we had users complaining on that aswell in main hggdh15:57
lotuspsychjehggdh: you use scaling too?15:58
hggdhscaling is forced on, right now, at 200%. Every login resets it to 200% (unless you give up HiDPI)15:58
lotuspsychjei see15:58
hggdhand this is not good. The second monitor I am currently using is 1920x1080, and the primary (on the laptop) is HiDPI. So I either get readable text on the secondary, and very small text on the primary (at 100% scaling), or I get very large text on secondary, and very small on the primary16:01
hggdhwhich is to say, not good16:01
lotuspsychjeyeah understand16:01
lotuspsychjethe users that asked had 3 monitors16:01
lotuspsychjehggdh: so lower res and play with less scaling isnt gonna help right16:02
hggdhno, it will not. And lowering res just loses the nice definition on the HiDPI, which sort of loses the whole idea of high resolution16:03
leftyfbthey use their own kernel stub boot loader as opposed to GRUB16:03
hggdhI like small text. On HiDPI, my usual 11-points text gets to be minuscule to the point of unreadability, at 100% scale.16:04
lotuspsychjeyeah same here, big screen and thin fonts & bars are nice16:04
hggdhAt 200% scale, it is nice and well-defined. But, then, the secondary monitor gets this HUGE, like a 40-point type, text16:05
hggdhbut scaling is per login, all terminals16:05
hggdher, monitors16:05
hggdhso I will live-boot pop-os, and see how it goes. I have an Intel video card, so I should not suffer the slings ans arrows of nVdia16:06
lotuspsychjehggdh: your screen are extended or mirror?16:07
lotuspsychjehggdh: did you test on mirrored?16:08
lotuspsychjecant find much more then this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/170008516:08
ubot5Launchpad bug 1700085 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Mouse cursor is tiny on HiDPI screens" [High,Confirmed]16:08
lotuspsychjei tested mirror with my samsung led tv, worked good there16:09
hggdhjust did, and resolution is downgraded to 1920x1080 on the HiDPI monitor16:09
hggdhoh, not nice. After trying to extend the displays, I get bad rendering16:11
lotuspsychjeyeah i think its extended related16:11
pragmaticenigmaso enjoy I want this... we offer "this"... "this" isn't what I want... but I'm not going to show a visual aid16:11
lotuspsychjepragmaticenigma: ah, the theme guy.. :p16:12
pragmaticenigmaI don't think they're after a theme... I think they might be after Classic Gnome (v2 era)... but they won't find a picture so I can confirm16:13
hggdhlogging ou and in again resolved (and allowed me to use HiDPI again)16:13
pragmaticenigmaBut their non-understanding of GTK makes it all the more confusing. Gnome is built on top of GTK, just like KDE is built on top of Qt16:13
lotuspsychjehggdh: might be worth a new bug mate :p16:15
Gargravarri was impressed by the HiDPI support on a Surface-esque Acer tablet16:15
Gargravarrout of the box, the graphics looked great16:15
lotuspsychjeGargravarr: readed article bionic installs like a charm on surface3 now16:15
Gargravarrlotuspsychje: even the alpha installed great16:16
hggdhalso interesting: after re-logging in, my remote desktop into Windows (current contract requires I remote-desktop in using VMWare's Horizon) now has one screen at 1920x1080 and the other at 3200x180016:17
Gargravarrbut on desktop machines, starting to think the 100%/200% options are too limited16:17
hggdh(which I did not have before)\16:17
lotuspsychjehggdh: might be also interesting to test this over wayland16:17
hggdhyes, will prolly try it after the official workday is over16:18
lotuspsychjeok, lemme know if you would create a bug on it16:18
lotuspsychjeill make sure other get affected :p16:19
hggdhwill do16:20
Gargravarrlotuspsychje: i was even more impressed that the alpha set itself up correctly, using touch input, orientation, buttons etc. on a device that slightly predated the Surface (Aspire Switch 12)16:21
lotuspsychjeGargravarr: yeah i installed bionic in very early stage, performed pretty stable here aswell16:21
Gargravarrstill got some nagging issues with systemd-resolve on it16:25
Gargravarrbut since my main laptop has upgraded to Bionic without them, i think it's specific to the tablet16:25
lotuspsychjei have a systemd bug about speed16:25
lotuspsychjestill not happy about gdm3 speed to desktop16:26
lotuspsychjettyl guys16:38
* nacc doesn't have time for trolls anymore17:15
ducassenacc: MosesParts was in #u yesterday doing the same schpiel under a different nick17:20
naccducasse: thanks for the info17:20
oerheksbor3 has just slow wireless..17:21
oerhekscould mean anything17:21
naccoerheks: using a third party non-ubuntu driver, afaict17:21
oerhekshe did, yes, i helped him building from github, but that was no success too, so his claim is false, it was not better on 16.0417:23
oerheksor at least questionable17:24
Gargravarrlovely humblebrag from that guy - 'i've seeded the ISO several times now... on my symmetric Gb connection' :)17:33
naccwho the hell cares.17:34
Ben649.4GB in over 3 days17:42
Ben64not really impressive17:42
Ben64sent 229 bytes  received 8,475,255,271 bytes  10,817,173.58 bytes/sec17:43
Ben64total size is 649,537,458,279  speedup is 76.6417:43
leftyfbI got one .....17:52
leftyfbI want an ubuntu device to boot up on a network, and use avahi/zeroconf to search for some variables it will use in it's config. Is this possible? With avahi? So far the only stuff I can find with avahi is to publish networking configs/hostnames17:53
daftykinswhat kind of vars?17:54
leftyfbsomething like DB_location=customer_site17:55
hggdhfor those that wanted it... there you go security updated available on 18.0418:01
oerheks.. let me call en1gma ;-)18:02
JimBuntuhggdh, oerheks , I guess the maintainers worked around that server hack and malware ;-D18:03
hggdhprolly, yeah18:03
GargravarrJimBuntu: nah, the package maintainers finally recovered from their all-nighters trying to get Bionic out the door :D18:31
Gargravarrcan confirm, conspiracy has ended :P18:32
Bashing-omUWN published - https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2390629 .21:54

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