
brouschrick_h_: Time to resurrect Bookie! https://news.slashdot.org/story/18/04/27/1924210/bookmark-syncing-service-xmarks-closes-for-good-on-may-113:49
rick_h_brousch: hah, yea saw that. There's some other bookmark service trying to get off the ground there13:49
rick_h_and bookmark sync'ing isn't the same thing. Most browsers do that any more tbh13:49
jrwreni still like the reddit sub :)13:50
rick_h_reddit sub?13:51
jrwrenmake your own reddit sub for sharing URLs13:53
rick_h_https://news.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=12041833&cid=56521569 that's the feeling of most users ime13:53
jrwrenthat is the feeling of most users, and for them, its probably fine. For others who actually care about things, its impossible.13:54
jrwrenThey must have missed the part where google makes things unsearchable on request these days.13:54
Scary_Guywhere as I've got 800 bookmarks14:30
Scary_Guymost are still valid, most :)14:30
Scary_GuyI used to use xenu link sleuth when I was on Window$ forever ago to make sure of that14:31
greg-gfirefox's awesome bar is my bookmarking/search tool. I just wish it also did full text search (yes, I want a cache of every page I visit on my laptop, or a server I host, disk is cheap)16:00
rick_h_yea, someone updated the bookie extension to do that one day16:02
rick_h_so it saved every page visited to bookie which processed the page and fulltext'd the content16:02
brouschDamnit, my RSS reader is shutting down - the one I moved to after Google Reader died19:14
greg-gbrousch: I'm rocking newsblur, but I haven't been a big rss reader lately :(19:47
brouschIt's how I read webcomics and slashdot19:48
cmaloneybrousch: Which one?19:56
cmaloneyhoneslty I went back to rss2email and haven't looked back19:56
cmaloneyAh, that sucks20:04
rick_h_yea, newsblur is good people20:24
greg-ghe's a crazy SF hipster, but the service is good :P20:35
brouschI'll take a look. Thanks20:48
Scary_GuyI wish http://newsmap.jp worked properly on my system.  Uses Flash.  Not RSS but I like the layout21:01
Scary_Guywarning, it does come up with some type of error or warning sometimes (didn't for me this time) probably because it hasn't worked properly in years21:10
Scary_Guystill, I wouldn't recommend visiting it without umatrix or at least noscript installed21:11
Scary_Guyof course, I don't recommend using ANY site without those installed, either :)21:11
jrwrenlol @ flash21:15
Scary_Guyright?  well the site is ancient21:15
jrwrenthe domain name reminds me of http://popurls.com22:17
Scary_Guythe fact that there is an app store button and no F-Droid button (or play store for that matter) makes me not care :(22:59

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