
JPSmanJust updated to 18.04 yesturday, and when I first start up (and even now using Xchat) I get a CPU hog from resolved and dnsmasq using %80 of my CPU and %100 of my "network"00:00
JPSmanyeah its systemd-resolved and dnsmasq00:00
JPSmanI kill -9 it, and then I can't resolv websites00:01
JPSmanwhat can I do to stop this?00:01
JPSmantesting..... is this thing on?00:06
KamilionJPSman: yes. it's on.00:07
pavlosJPSman: maybe ... see answer voted with 8 in https://askubuntu.com/questions/909591/systemd-resolve-high-cpu-usage-after-update-to-17-04/968309#96830900:07
mattflywas anyone here able to hibernate on ubuntu 18.04 lts?00:28
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MosheHow do I connect Clementine to Google Play Music? I don't see Google Play Music as an available Internet Provider in Clementine.00:37
quidnuncHow do I create new login options. I don't see .desktop files in /etc anymore00:42
quidnuncAnother question. Am I stupid or is meld bugged when doing directory compare00:47
guivercquidnunc, i know nothing about login options; but what are you after?   (I'm wondering if its related to the DM, so going back to lightdm maybe will help?)00:47
quidnuncguiverc: I want to use xmonad00:47
quidnuncwindow manager00:48
guiverci can't help with xmonad sorry00:48
quidnuncguiverc: Thanks, but it's not an xmonad specific question.00:49
quidnuncWhere is the setting/file that stores the option to select between Gnome and Gnome on Wayland in GDM?00:50
guiverci don't know - i assume related to gdm/lightdm or greeter  (maybe https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GDM or https://help.gnome.org/admin/gdm/stable/configuration.html.en but I don't know00:52
quidnuncguiverc: no worries00:52
Toadisattvaso I pulled a bit of a stupid. I set the permissions on the root / to only able to be viewed and access by owner and now I've locked myself out of the OS entirely it just won't boot, so my question is what do I need to do to change that permission via grub?00:54
guivercToadisattva, won't boot? or you can't login?  (to gui? and/or terminal?)00:55
Toadisattvait just loads up the splash screen and never goes any futher00:56
ToadisattvaI think I can can get to grub00:56
guivercI'd try switching to term (forgetting the gui), ie. ctrl+alt+f4 (or whatever you favorite number is)00:57
Toadisattvamy question is what command I need to put in terminal to change taht permission? sudo su then what chmod 777 /00:57
guivercif using term fails, then reboot & when at grub selecting <E> for edit, and add a " 1" (also remove quiet, splash so you can see any issues) so it boots to rescue/maintenance mode... and see if you can login there00:58
Toadisattvamm okay00:58
devhenis it possible to encrypt the root filesystem with the ubuntu 18.04 server installer?00:59
devheni dont see the option anywhere00:59
guivercI wouldn't put 777 - dangerous.   First if it were my system I'd look at what you did (ie. looking in `history` so you reverse only what you did).. but that's maybe just me00:59
tomreyndevhen: not with the 'live' one, no, use the classic server installer instead.01:00
Toadisattvaokay I'll see if I can get in via grub first01:00
devhentomreyn: thanks! where do i get that? i dont see it. https://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu-releases/18.04/01:01
devhennevermind i think i found it here http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/18.04/release/01:02
guivercToadisattva, if you used your own login, ~/.bash_history will contain your commands  (~ being shorthand for your /home/$USER/ directory)  fyi: 755 is the default for much of my / contents..01:02
tomreyndevhen: right, HEADER.html pointed there01:02
DirtyCajunPSA: For anyone who hasnt done the 18.04 upgrade that is going to and uses nginx+php: If you are using 7.0 sockets you will need to change them to 7.2 sockets. (20 minutes of confusion on my end till i figured it out)\01:03
ToadisattvaI was trying to prevent a desktop user from being able to see the root filesystem so though the gui I changed the permissions to only allow the owner (root) to be able to view access and modify then upon rebooting it just never passes the splash screen01:04
compdocdo you remeber the correct permissions?01:04
ToadisattvaI believe initially it was set to anyone can view only owner and group can access and only owner can modify01:06
Exterminadorstupid question: my laptop only works (as in only display graphics on under Advanced options..., Ubuntu...(recovery mode), resume boot). but as expected I don't have video acceleration. is it possible to enable it?01:06
Toadisattvaperhaps I can get into terminal through grub get root, then start x?01:07
Toadisattvathen just fix it via the gui?01:07
JPSmansystemd-resolved and dnsmasq is using %50 of my CPU, what gives?01:07
guivercToadisattva, 755 (7=read,write&execute, 5=read & execute) - but unless you understand permissions its best to stick to only changing files (directory permissions are needed to read at least so you can navigate around)01:09
guivercdid you add the '1' and boot - it should go to terminal & ask you to enter password?01:09
Toadisattvayeah that's all I need is to get in an give myself read permission again01:09
guivercit'll get you into your system, but I'd not start GUI from there, just use commands, are you familiar with bash (shell)?01:10
JPSmanCan anyone see the words that I am typing?01:10
ToadisattvaI'm fairly familiar with it no pro but I can navigate around successfully01:10
Toadisattvawould chown username:group / be sufficient to unlock the read access?01:11
guivercyour alternative is to boot a install-media-LIVE and mount your hdd, then you can use a gui, but not your username) - its an option if you prefer gui01:12
Toadisattvalike that would change ownership to my user so I can just log in normaly from there and switch ti back to root once I'm in?01:12
Toadisattvaoh that's a good idea01:12
guivercif you use the 'live', don't refer to usernames, as you'll be running by whatever userid the live users (and its $UID which may not be the same as your own)01:13
guivercs/live users/live uses/01:14
JPSmanHi uhmax!01:14
Toadisattvayeah the chown thing was mean for logging in through grub01:14
Toadisattvaassuming that will work01:14
ToadisattvaI think you guys have pointed me the right direction, I'll come back and bother you more if I can't get it hehe01:15
pepermuntjesso i tried ubuntu 18.0401:22
pepermuntjeswhats up with these retarded sounds? And the idiotic color scheme that ruins gnome? And the software center that offers snap and regular packages mixed with each other.01:23
tgm4883You know, I had a hunch you weren't going to have a support question01:24
pepermuntjeswhy did ubuntu added some weird side dock to ubuntu, that constantly changes colour? You can't say  you havent noticed that.01:25
FastZside dock?01:26
tgm4883pepermuntjes: do you have a support question? Because subjective issues like these aren't really on topic for this channel01:27
pepermuntjeshow to disable the ugly orange and all other ugly nasty ubuntu branding from gnome?01:29
FastZinstall a different distro?01:29
tgm4883pepermuntjes: did you search settings for "Themes"? Or try changing your background?01:30
pepermuntjesi installed gnome tweak tools01:30
tgm4883FastZ: that's not really helpful01:30
pepermuntjesand tried removing the side dock01:30
FastZi was being snide. i'll crawl back in my hole01:31
pepermuntjesi followed your suggestion01:31
pepermuntjesswitched to fedora and have a vanilla gnome experience01:34
roothorickOn one of my shiny new 18.04 systems, the password prompt for sudo takes an oddly long time to pop up. How do I TS this?01:35
pepermuntjestell me one thing i can't do with fedora but could have done with ubuntu01:35
tgm4883pepermuntjes: nothing01:36
Toadisattvahave an ungly sidebar?01:36
tgm4883Toadisattva: false. You can have an ugly sidebar on Fedora too01:36
pepermuntjesroothorick, what does journalctl say?01:36
tgm4883All of this is wildly off topic though01:37
roothorickpepermuntjes: nothing out of the ordinary, just the usual "session opened" / "session closed" messages01:37
pepermuntjesroothorick, if you create a new user, does it also gives the same behaviour?01:38
pepermuntjesadd the new user to the wheel group to have sudo work (usermod -aG wheel username)01:38
roothorick...sometimes it does it, sometimes it doesn't. great.01:41
pepermuntjesany special in /var/log/audit/audit?01:42
pepermuntjesany special in /var/log/audit/audit.log01:42
roothorick. /var/log/audit/ doesn't exist...01:43
pepermuntjessystemctl status auditd01:44
pepermuntjesapt-get install auditd audispd-plugins01:45
pepermuntjesmaybe its in /var/log/audit01:46
tgm4883 /var/log/auth.log maybe?01:47
pepermuntjeshi odroid_01:49
pepermuntjesroothorick, did u find somethign?01:49
roothorickpepermuntjes: nope, sadly. I may have to live with it if it's intermittent01:52
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pepermuntjesroothorick, did you play around with ldap maybe?01:52
roothorickno, fresh install, nothing fancy01:52
roothorickUbuntu Server, fwiw01:52
pepermuntjesroothorick, what does cat /etc/nsswitch.conf | grep -e ^passwd -e ^group -e ^shadow01:54
arun__Is there any way to set ethernet device name as interface name only(In my case enp0s26u1u4) in Bionic? I can do it in lubuntu and unity but when I try to do it in Ubuntu the apply button gets disabled01:57
roothorickpasswd: compat systemd group: compat systemd shadow: compat01:57
JMichaelXgetting all kinds of errors trying to install nvidia drivers01:59
JMichaelXany suggestions?01:59
pepermuntjesroothorick, you could try replacing those 3 instances of the word compat with the word files02:01
pepermuntjesbackup the nsswitch.conf file before doing any editing02:01
pepermuntjesanother possible sollution:02:03
pepermuntjescat /etc/hosts02:04
pepermuntjesadd to that file02:05
pepermuntjesthe output of the command hostname02:05
pepermuntjesso if the output of the command hostname is server133702:05
leftistwhich desktop environment is best for a tablet mode for a laptop 2 in 1?02:05
leftisti like mate personally but it doenst perform02:06
pepermuntjesadd the line " server1337" to /etc/hosts02:06
pepermuntjes(found here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/322514/terminal-command-with-sudo-takes-a-long-time)02:06
pepermuntjesroothorick, problem solved? :D02:09
pepermuntjesleftist, gnome has large buttons02:09
AlexPortablehow can i integrate firefox better into the theme of 18.04 ?02:12
leftistpepermuntjes i'll install it just for evaluation.02:12
leftistheck i liked the old interfaces like 5.x style with applications places and system options in panel :DD02:14
leftistwhat was it called wharty?02:14
leftistsomething like that02:14
pepermuntjesAlexPortable, you mean the 3 bars of dark/black gray?02:27
pepermuntjesin each firefox window?02:27
AlexPortablei mean the huge bar above my tabs02:27
pepermuntjesand the out of place orange highlights?02:27
pepermuntjesfirefox versions 60 and above will have an option to disable the title bar02:28
pepermuntjesI'm currently playing with the feature on another distor02:29
pepermuntjesbut it isnt perfect yet02:29
pepermuntjeswith the title bar hided its harder to drag the window around02:30
AlexPortablethat's fine02:31
pepermuntjeslemme show how it looks in fedora02:32
pepermuntjeshow it looks02:35
AlexPortablenot too bad02:37
AlexPortableis there a way I can allow an user to perform updates, while not giving him full sudo rights?02:38
Rockwoodis would be possible to install two php in ubuntu 18.04 (like 7.1 and 7.2) ?02:40
AlexPortablepepermuntjes: where is that setting?02:41
pepermuntjeson fedora it's in the customize menu02:42
pepermuntjesbut it hasnt hit ubuntu yet02:42
pepermuntjesmaybe if you install the firefox nightly's02:42
Rockwoodhelp me please02:43
AlexPortableah yes thanks02:44
Rockwoodpepermuntjes, can you please ?02:45
pepermuntjesRockwood, what version do you currently have installed?02:47
Rockwoodpepermuntjes, https://kopy.io/MNLsI02:48
pepermuntjesand you want the older versions also?02:48
Rockwoodis it possible ?02:48
leftyfbRockwood: I would run your older version of php against your site in an LXD container on your machine02:49
pepermuntjesaccording to tedadmin its possible02:50
Rockwoodleftyfb, my is coded in old version so i want02:50
leftyfbRockwood: right, run the code in a container against the old version of php02:50
leftyfbRockwood: or the proper solution, update your code02:50
leftyfbRockwood: those are your 2 best options02:51
leftyfb^^^ that is not the best option02:51
pepermuntjesmy gut feeling agrees with you leftyfb , but why isn't a good option?02:52
Rockwoodso i need VM here ?02:53
leftyfbpepermuntjes: to be honest, the biggest reason, sticking the old code in a container isolates it from the rest of the system and makes it slightly more difficult to deal with. Encouraging the developer to get off their duff and keep their code updated and less likely to be exploited.02:54
leftyfbRockwood: LXD container02:54
evulishhm. i upgraded from 17.10 to 18.04 and now my nginx reverse proxies have permission denied errors. i saw the config changed usernames for nginx but i don't know how that makes a difference02:54
leftyfbevulish: do the permission denied errors tell you what file/directory has the issue?02:55
leftyfbevulish: start there, see what permissions that file/directory has and compare it to whatever acl's the new nginx runs as02:55
evulishohh.. yeah.. /var/lib/nginx/proxy/1/00/000000000102:56
evulishso check ownership on that02:56
evulishderp. thanks!02:56
leftyfbwell, back up a bit properly02:56
atlas_0x01Anyone good with r2?02:56
leftyfbevulish: more likely /var/lib/nginx/proxy and/or /var/lib/nginx02:56
leftyfbatlas_0x01: that is not your question02:56
pepermuntjesnginx configtest02:58
pepermuntjesand start nginx using the systemctl command?02:58
atlas_0x01It just seemed like a dick move to say "hey I need help wih a CTF plzzz"02:58
leftyfbatlas_0x01: watch the language please. Also, you are correct. This is not the place to get help wih a CTF. Kinda defeats the purpose if you're looking to someone else to help you with it.02:59
Rockwoodleftyfb, is the right way to configure LXD container ? https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-and-use-lxd-on-ubuntu-16-0402:59
leftyfbRockwood: sure02:59
atlas_0x01@leftyfb Sure thing. Any suggestions on where I could go to ask? I'm pretty stuck03:00
leftyfbatlas_0x01: no. From what I understand, you're supposed to figure that out on your own. Or you shouldn't be competing03:00
pepermuntjesatlas_0x01, what do you wanne know?03:01
leftyfbpepermuntjes: The subject is off topic. Take it elsewhere.03:01
leftyfbRockwood: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/lxd.html03:01
atlas_0x01Elsewhere where03:03
leftyfbatlas_0x01: doesn't matter. Not here03:03
leftyfbatlas_0x01: good luck03:03
Rockwoodleftyfb, sudo apt install lxd  after this i dont need to restarted03:04
atlas_0x01https://hack.chat/?CTF if anyone can help03:04
leftyfbRockwood: no. But please read the instructions03:04
pepermuntjeslemme check03:04
leftyfbatlas_0x01: please don't03:04
Rockwoodbcz they are writing there abt 16.0403:04
Rockwoodthat why i asked03:05
naccRockwood: there is also #lxcontainers, fyi03:05
pepermuntjeswhat is ctf and r2?03:08
leftyfbCapture The Flag03:08
leftyfbpepermuntjes: pentesting games/tournament03:08
pepermuntjesmy main concert is having a good looking firefox03:09
pepermuntjeswish i could hack03:10
leftyfbpepermuntjes: please don't03:10
pepermuntjesplease don't what?03:11
Rockwoodleftyfb, https://kopy.io/8Jyvg03:16
Rockwooderror occurs03:16
leftyfbRockwood: while my suggestion is still valid, if you don't understand any of this but do understand the php code you wrote, don't you think it would be less effort on your part to just make your code compatible with more modern and secure versions of php?03:17
pepermuntjesits not his code03:20
leftyfb"<Rockwood> leftyfb, my is coded in old version so i want"03:21
pepermuntjesRockwood, is it your own written code?03:23
baba_what is the current release, please?03:24
pepermuntjesbaba_, 18.0403:24
baba_thank you......is it pretty good? is there a consensus?03:27
leftyfbbaba_: try it out and decide for yourself. http://ubuntu.com03:27
baba_thank you...03:28
evulishit's running smoothly for me :)03:36
baba_i see.....thanks03:37
evulishthe shell looks the same as it has for the last two decades or so whenever they added color terms :)03:37
gogetaevulish: ?03:39
baba_ummm.....all right.....03:39
gogetababa_: well that is the best advice03:41
baba_i imagine you are referring to the idea of trying it directly....03:41
gogetababa_: indeed personaly i hate gnome 3 but others sware by it03:43
gogetababa_: i hated unity to and millions used it daily for a decade03:43
gogetababa_: its all personal prefrence03:44
baba_I understand.....there are strong debates on that element....thanks for the input.03:46
gogetababa_: i like kde plasma myself03:47
gogetababa_: you literly can change everything03:47
gogetababa_: my system looks like something from ghost in the shell lol03:48
baba_I will keep that in mind....I will have to look into the subject of DEs....I am afraid I have little knowledge of it.03:48
gogetababa_: well having a de you like can make you brake your experance03:49
Toadisattvaso many desktops03:49
Rockwoodpepermuntjes still you there ?03:51
baba_I'll have to try it out...once I figure out how to transfer everything over to a new installation....how I wish I had logged all my changes!03:51
gogetababa_: if you mean /home03:55
baba_i mean more than that........and thanks for the screencap, btw...03:55
gogetabobe: if you made a /home partation you can cary that over from any install03:56
baba_i understand, but that was not in a separate partition....the install had zero organization.....03:57
gogetababa_: yea that was me playing with the theming whent for a mix of classic and modenr looks03:58
gogetababa_: but you could make behave like gnome 3  or even unity03:58
gogetababa_: even windows 1003:58
gogetababa_: even osx03:59
pepermuntjesbaba_, i don't like it03:59
gogetapepermuntjes: what plasma04:00
pepermuntjesubuntu 18.0404:00
baba_that is interesting, thanks....04:00
gogetapepermuntjes: ahh04:00
gogetapepermuntjes: so didnt like gnome 304:01
pepermuntjesgogeta, i think gnome3 is the touch friendliest Desktop interface?04:01
gogetapepermuntjes: gnome 3 is 18.04 and 17.1004:02
gogetapepermuntjes: meh you can set plasma for touch04:03
baba_my computer has a touch screen, and I never touch it04:04
gogetababa_: pretty mutch lol04:04
Kon-The default Kubuntu theme is beautiful04:04
gogetababa_: but you can set up screen corner actions a full screen launcher etc04:05
gogetato be touch frendly04:05
gogetaKon-:  meh https://i.imgur.com/vBUZGaS.png04:05
Kon-Yes, I saw your screenshot :)04:05
Kon-Black on blue is a little hard to read for me04:06
gogetaKon-: its not black04:06
Kon-But the good thing about Plasma is that you can do almost anything04:06
gogetaKon-: its neon blue and green04:06
pepermuntjesdoesnt look to bad04:06
pepermuntjeslow resolution?04:06
gogetapepermuntjes: older laptop04:07
Kon-baba_: If you liked Unity, KDE can easily be made to work the same way. And the Ubuntu team has put a lot of energy into trying to replicate the Unity theme in GNOME04:07
pepermuntjesgogeta, nice, have an older laptop myself, accu is empy within 30 minutes, ordered a replacement today, wish me luck :D04:08
gogetaKon-: but you can use any sort of coloring you loke04:08
baba_thanks, Kon, gogeta..I will keep all of this in mind04:10
SITMI have added nopti to grub but I still see it enabled via:  dmesg -wH | grep 'Kernel/User page tables isolation'04:24
SITMis nopti no longer an option for Ubuntu 18.04?04:24
physketsI attempted install of 18.04 alongside a Windows 10 installation,04:25
gogetaphyskets: WONDERFULL!!!04:25
physketsbut after the first reboot,04:25
physketsGRUB no longer has precedence04:25
physketsthe windows boot loader takes over04:25
gogetaphyskets: you must construct additional pylons04:26
physketsthe only way to get to Ubuntu is to press F11 and04:26
physketschoose Ubutu after a few selections04:26
physketsgogeta: What do I need to do?04:27
physketsAlso, Windows has become very slow to boot after I installed Ubuntu04:27
physketsWhy might that be?04:27
SITMDoes 18.04 not use Grub commandline parameters or has nopti been disabled completely in the kernel?04:28
SITMis this a ubuntu question or 4.15 kernel question?04:28
gogetaphyskets: same steps just set linux as defult04:29
gogetaphyskets: https://www.itsupportguides.com/knowledge-base/ubuntu/set-windows-10-default-ubuntu-grub-boot-loader/04:29
a0sc0ttI've had the opposite problem in the past. Grub becomes the default boot loader when I install ubuntu on another drive. It installs it on the Window efi boot partition. Anyone know how to keep the ubuntu installation from doing this?04:31
gogetaa0sc0tt: no it has to be there or you cant dual boot04:31
gogetaa0sc0tt: but you can set yhe defult os to load04:32
a0sc0ttThe arrangement I wanted was just to use the system bios to choose the disk I want to boot from.04:32
a0sc0ttOnce group is in the windows boot partition I cannot get it out.04:33
gogetaa0sc0tt: unfortanly you need a bot loader04:33
baba_we have too many bot loaders as it is :-)04:33
gogetaa0sc0tt: after you remove linux you can remove it04:33
gogetaa0sc0tt: then restore the windows boot loader04:34
gogetahe left before i could tell him how to remove grub lol04:40
Teguapparently, it's possible to add a Linux entry to the Windows bootloader, if that was what they wanted  https://www.iceflatline.com/2009/09/how-to-dual-boot-windows-7-and-linux-using-bcdedit/04:46
axisysupgraded to 18.04.. but apt shows broken due to textlive packages cannot be upgrade04:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1716830 in texlive-base (Ubuntu) "package texlive-latex-base-doc 2015.20160320-1ubuntu0.1 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/doc/texlive-doc/latex/url/miscdoc.sty', which is also in package texlive-latex-recommended-doc 2013.20140215-1ubuntu0.1" [Undecided,Confirmed]04:51
SITMOk, there is a bug with Ubuntu 18.04 -- updating GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT in /etc/default/ and running update-grub2 does not properly update /boot/grub/grub.cfg04:52
SITMYou gotta be shitting me04:52
hiiggyWant to get something clarified. When specifying multiple DNS servers, how is the system using that information? That is, when DNS needs to be queried, does it query the first specified server only (then the next if the previous fails), or does it query all listed servers simultaneously?04:55
shadow98Hey guys I have a tl-wn722n by t-link that is supposed to be the bomb dot com for linux.  Anyway it will not work on any live cd i have tried it will work fine when i boot into windows.05:03
pavloshiiggy: the first option you mentioned05:06
pavlosshadow98: this may help, https://askubuntu.com/questions/912498/tl-wn722n-is-not-recognized05:07
physketsgogeta: OKay, I solved the first issue by going to the BIOS/UEFI settings and changing boot order there05:08
physketsso now, grub loads, and I can choose between Ubuntu and Windows05:08
physketsBut the second problem still remains05:08
physketsWindows is now very slow to boot05:08
physketsAny idea what might be causing that? - I tries turing off Fast Start/Boot in Windows, but that also doesn't help05:09
TeguI wonder if it's due to lack of fast startup.. did you disable it before installing linux?05:09
pavlosSITM: run sudo update-grub after changing /e/d/grub05:09
shadow98pavlos: thanks i will review05:09
physketsTegu: It was enabled, and it was slow then. I disabled it, but not difference in boot time05:10
Tegubut I've never messed with the fast boot settings or dualbooted on a modern (uefi and a new windows) system so I don't really know :/ I guess I should try that at some point05:11
physketsthe nice thing about UEFI systems is that the firmware is now aware of installed OSes05:13
physketsso boot managers can (and should) become irrelevant05:13
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SITMpavlos -- I did tha05:16
SITMit's a confirmed bug in Ubuntu05:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1569567 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "Running update-grub does not update /boot/grub/grub.cfg with GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT from /etc/default/grub" [Undecided,Confirmed]05:18
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SuperLagAny Ubuntu apps that can edit PDFs? For example, in this case, I'm just wanting to rotate individual pages of a PDF, so they're all in the same orientation. I'm using "Document Viewer" currently. If I attempt to rotate one page, it rotates everything.05:44
fareastworking on my hidpi scaling on kde my desktop icons are now missing anyone else know how to remedy this?05:51
fareastI adjusted font size dpi ownersto a higher amount I am getting that is the cause of this05:52
WoodpeckerHey all I am trying to get sound for a game I am running, and google is not coming through. Initially to get it running, I had to install 3 i386 libraries; libx11-6:i386  libglu1-mesa:i386 and libsm6:i386 -- It now runs, but without sound. I figure there must be an audio library under i386 that I am missing. Any ideas?06:10
teamcoltraHey Ubuntu people! :) I installed one of my old hard drives into my computer and before wiping it I would like to just see what's on it. I know I can run mount -t ext2 /dev/sdc /mountpoint buuut I don't know what file system it is. Probably NTFS maybe fat32. What happens if I mount it as the wrong type? Or is there a quick way of seeing06:24
corvette /server irc.all4y.net06:24
ducasseteamcoltra: just try mounting it without specifying fs type, and it should attempt to detect06:26
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danialbehzadiHi. Where should I report an upstream bug in gnome gtk-3 buttons?06:28
MoL0ToVi use ubuntu 16.04LTS why if i do: sudo do-release-upgrade says to me No new release found? ubuntu 18.04 is not available for upgrade?06:49
ducasseMoL0ToV: see the release notes06:49
pundirsumitIt takes a month for a new release to be available for upgrade i guess.06:50
XXCoderI guess its better to test with fresh installs06:52
XXCoderupgrades mean system is already there and less likely person would be ok with breaking bugs06:53
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fuzzylawhey guys, how do I isolate workspaces in Ubuntu 18.04?07:11
cbreakhi, is do-release-upgrade supposed to upgrade me to 18.04 yet?07:17
ducassecbreak: not yet, see the release notes07:17
Mr_Pancbreak, -d to start update to 18.0407:18
cbreakalright, thanks :)07:18
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MoL0ToVafter some minutes of audio streaming the chrome audio become noise. is a bug?07:29
stoianAnyone using Ubuntu on Intel Atom? How is it working?07:43
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Skaface82MoL0ToV: ive tried analog, digital coax, and bluetooth audio and have had no problems personally07:54
Bu4nkaHey everybody, I'm on Ubuntu 16.04 normal environment. I'm trying to update PlayonLinux but i get this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xwC2Hsg5sG/07:58
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guivercbu4nka have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu (authentication tab section) using key 74A941BA219EC810The08:11
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ducasseguiverc: he left08:13
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guivercyeah I noticed .. i couldn't answer quicker as doing something... bu4nka's misses out08:14
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kjellmannHi guys! Currently upgraded from 16.04 to 18.04 today and I'm getting some errors.. When I run sudo apt-get upgrade, I get the error "Script `/boot/grub/grub.cfg.new' contains no commands and will do nothing Syntax errors are detected in generated GRUB config file." and below it states that "Errors were encontered while processing grub-efi-amd64  grub-efi-amd64-signed  friendly-recovery.. Any idea how I can fix this issue?08:22
MaximBHi, when I scroll up/down the main volume I get a notification box in the middle of the screen of the current volume meter, how can I disable this box?08:34
RumenHi there I have question about Skype under Bionic LTS /64. Everything works but the Skype icon doesn't uppear in the top bar (status bar). I saw some solutions for Unity, but here we use gnome and I was not sure if they are applicable. Any way to fix that issue?08:40
gnisha@kjellmann, I'm not familiar with that error, but I do know upgrading from 16.04 -> 18.04 is _not_ recommended and will most likely result in a broken system.08:41
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MoL0ToV[ 5794.627822] perf interrupt took too long (2535 > 2500), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 50000 in dmesg what means?08:48
RumenI did it without any problems instead missing some packages from 16.04. Why should be broken?08:49
kjellmannGnisha: Followed this -> https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-upgrade-to-ubuntu-18-04-lts-bionic-beaver. I'm in the system now and everything else seem to be ok. Maybe I have to update my source list and change "xenial" to "bionic"?08:51
Ben64kjellmann: no08:51
kjellmannBen64: ok.. Anyone know how I can fix "Syntax errors are detected in generated GRUB config file."? This is related to the "Errors were encountered while processing:  grub-efi-amd64  grub-efi-amd64-signed  friendly-recovery".08:54
kjellmannHere is the paste: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/QhHwg7j8qt/08:55
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ArchaicLordZiping command is zip in its current directory and not in package dir sudo zip ./Check_S3_Permissions ./package/09:13
guivercRumen, 18.04 LTS technically is still a development release, and remains that way until 18.04.1 is released (though many many of us jumped too).  Did you have many PPAs or non-canonical sources added; I'd go thru your sources.list* looking for any at xenial; if you still want them, check they have bionic support & change xenial->bionic, otherwise disable them (comment out)09:14
geirhaArchaicLord: iirc, zip needs an option to make it recurse09:15
ArchaicLordyeah i was doing two things wrong09:17
ArchaicLord-r    and its      zip [location to store zip]  [location you want to zip]09:17
ArchaicLordi had that part wrong09:17
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blackhawk_bonjour toutes et tous09:23
blackhawk_salut au op09:23
geirha!french | blackhawk_09:24
ubottublackhawk_: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en franƧais, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.09:24
RumenNo, I upgraded from 16.04 to 18.04 beta. I use it to learn it and test it. I made back up copy of my personal files from /home and yesterday when it was relesed the last ver. here https://insights.ubuntu.com/2018/04/27/breeze-through-ubuntu-desktop-18-04-lts-bionic-beaver  I made clean instalation and back the /home data  ... so now I have a clean instalation without anything from the previous ver.09:25
Rumenthe only 2 things I have as issues are Skype icon in the top bar and the program I use for subtitles - AEGISUB, but as far as there is no instalation for Bionic I will use the windows version for AEGISUB with virtual box under win7 so ... the issue is fixed I can say ... somehow09:27
bluehelmetHi guys, is anyone else having problem with connecting HDMI monitor after upgrade to 18.04?? (https://askubuntu.com/questions/1030036/hdmi-not-connecting-18-04-lts)09:31
kjellmann_bluehelmet: I use 3 external monitors, 1 hdmi and 2 display ports, works good here09:32
Gargravarrnot HDMI, but i just had trouble with a Thunderbolt-connected DisplayPort monitor09:32
Mr_Panbluehelmet, i use hdmi and DP without problems09:33
GargravarrGDM didn't seem to like switching the primary display to external (laptop) before logging in09:33
guivercRumen, just an fyi. if you restored all of $HOME (/home..), some config files found in .local, .config, ...etc from your prior release may still be there, even if no application binaries survived.09:33
bluehelmetkjellmann_, Mr_Pan it is weird, eveything is connected but in xrandr it shows up as not connected09:34
EriC^^hello all09:47
RandolfHello EriC^^.09:48
EriC^^hey Randolf09:48
trevorjhello EriC^^ and Randolf09:48
ducassemorning EriC^^ - all going well?09:48
EriC^^hey trevorj ducasse09:49
RandolfHello trevorj.09:49
EriC^^ducasse: yes thanks, yourself?09:49
trevorjswell day isn't it?09:49
RandolfMy head is swelling because I really should be sleeping right now.09:49
trevorjme too09:49
RandolfSo, yes, it's a "swell day" indeed.09:49
Randolftrevorj:  ...and probably some significant percentage of IRC too.09:50
ducasseall good here, thanks EriC^^09:50
EriC^^hey ElGranCapitan09:52
ElGranCapitanUbuntu isn't showing me the possibility to upgrade to 18.04 even though I've enabled the option to show LTS upgrades on update-manager09:53
EriC^^ElGranCapitan: are you on 16.04?09:53
ElGranCapitanEriC^^: Yes09:53
ducasseElGranCapitan: see the release notes09:54
ElGranCapitanducasse: Where are those notes?09:54
EriC^^ElGranCapitan: you won't be offered to upgrade til 18.04.1 gets released09:54
ElGranCapitanah, cool09:54
EriC^^you can force it if you want to09:54
ElGranCapitanEriC^^: great, -1 task to do today09:54
ElGranCapitannah, waiting is always a good option09:55
ducasseElGranCapitan: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes#Upgrading_from_Ubuntu_16.04_LTS_or_17.1009:55
guivercElGranCapitan, expected your [18.04.1] offer to come on July 26, 2018 - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseSchedule09:56
ElGranCapitanducasse, guiverc: Thanks!09:56
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GargravarrRandolf: IRC never sleeps10:07
Gargravarrso this morning, i started up my Bionic laptop on the bus, worked fine on the built-in screen. shut down, plugged the laptop into my desk monitor as my primary, started, GDM came up, logged in, and the screen went black10:10
Gargravarrsyslog shows tonnes of these messages: Apr 30 10:10:00 M3520 /usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-x-session[2944]: message repeated 48 times: [ (EE) DLL07A9:01 044E:120B: Read error 9]10:11
Gargravarrgoogling 'Read error 9' comes up with Synaptics issues with GDM, although the logs explicitly state so, but i tried removing xserver-xorg-input-synaptics anyway. didn't help. rebooted, same problem10:11
Gargravarrhowever, if i log into the machine with the external display disconnected, i can log in normally and get the desktop up, and then plugging in the external at this point works correctly10:12
Gargravarranyone seen this?10:15
El_PolacoHi !!10:16
sveinseI had to revert back to 4.15.0-15 today when starting up my laptop in the dock. It hangs completely during booting on the current 4.15.0-20 if and only if I'm docked. This is a Lenovo P51 laptop with hybrid graphics10:18
sveinseI'm not sure when the -20 kernel was pushed, but the dock worked fine on friday10:19
guivercHowdy El_Polaco, if you have a Ubuntu support question, please ask it (ideally in a single line, and be patient waiting for replies; most folks do other things too)10:21
Gargravarrapologies for demonstrating how NOT to do it, but the initial problem was all on one line :)10:25
Gargravarrsveinse: hmm, i'm running -20 and having graphics issues with an external screen too, wonder if it's related10:26
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RumenGulverc, no, nothing restored as system files, just simple documents, songs, movies pictures , etc ....10:43
sveinseGargravarr: yes, interesting10:43
Rockwoodtomreyn, hello10:44
Rockwoodhow are you ?10:44
sveinseI had for the first time on 18.04 a fully functional laptop being on the move alternating between built-in screen and a dock with two external screens. Up until now, I've always had some problems10:45
Tegunice. windows 10 needs a logout every time a dock (or at least another screen) is connected or disconnected10:49
Teguotherwise the screen is just blurry10:49
guivercRumen, if you restored your whole user directory, it contains .config/, .local/share/ & other hidden (in that . as first name hides it from simple views) directories which contain user configs for apps etc, some of which may have setup as per prior version of Ubuntu. I've had instances before where odd apps don't cope well with changes, and I exclude those apps in my restore process (usually with big changes, or big10:51
guivercversion changes) - it was a FYI purposes I said it10:51
longwordOdd issue with the workspace switcher on 18.04. It only affects my left display. No workspaces on my right. Using xorg and gnome.10:51
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sveinselongword: I believe that's a gnome setting10:55
ss942why can't I start erpclock.service?10:55
longwordThis is a machine that's just taken the upgrade from 16.04; worked fine before. Can't spot anything in system settings and gnome-tweak-tool doesn't seem to be available from the default repositories10:56
Gargravarrss942: what happens when you try to start it?10:56
ss942Job for erpclock.service failed because a fatal signal was delivered causing the control process to dump core. See "systemctl status erpclock.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.10:56
sveinselongword: Install gnome-tweaks. There you'll find under "Workspaces" a setting "Workspaces span displays"10:56
Rockwoodby screen print is not save image after upgrade into 18.0410:57
Gargravarrss942: it might not like the binary being in your home folder, systemd services tend to be system-wide (could be wrong about this though)10:58
brainwashss942: what is the output of the first command?10:58
guiverclongword, gnome-tweak-tool is in universe (https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=gnome-tweak-tool) have you it enabled?10:58
longwordLooks like GNOME Tweaks is exactly what I need10:59
guivercor grab https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=gnome-tweaks  (renamed I think now)10:59
longwordYup, spot on. Thanks all.10:59
sveinseI suddenly became curious what the diffrences between gnome-tweak-tool and gnome-tweaks are11:00
ss942brainwash: https://pastebin.com/ebGkf2rD11:00
longwordThere's a tickbox in there that defaults to workspaces on the primary display only11:00
brainwashss942: and this only happens when running as service? did you try to start ERPClock manually from a terminal window?11:03
brainwashss942: sudo /home/krystian/zegar/ERPClock/build/qt5/release/ERPClock --start11:03
paddyif I install a program like okular from the software centre where is it located? I want to make all pdfs open in okular from firefox11:03
Gargravarrpaddy: generally programs install to /usr/bin but this can vary11:04
Gargravarrthe best option is to open a terminal and type 'whereis okular'. it will give you the full path11:04
pepermuntjeswith ubuntu you never know11:04
pepermuntjesit could be a snap pack11:04
pepermuntjesor a regular deb11:04
paddywhereis! thank you11:04
paddyso handy11:04
ss942brainwash: yes this happens only when running as service11:05
Gargravarrpepermuntjes: as best i know, Software Center doesn't install snaps11:05
paddypepermuntjes thank you!11:05
ss942and yes I tried to start it manually11:05
pepermuntjesGargravarr, yes it does :(11:05
Gargravarrpepermuntjes: oh. that's going to be fun. fortunately just about everyone here runs 'apt-get install' to install stuff11:06
jinkGoed punt, ik neem nog 'n pepermuntje. (Y)11:06
brainwashss942: remove the ExecStop= line11:07
Gargravarr!nl | jink11:07
ubottujink: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl11:07
jinkGargravarr: I know. <311:07
brainwashss942: it's possible that this line is run immediately after ExecStart= due to Type=oneshot11:08
Gargravarrjink: fair enough :)11:08
RumenGulverc when I change versions I don't include folders    .***  .... just main folders with personal files. Without the system files, configurations etc ....11:09
BluesKajHey folks11:09
Gargravarrgreetings BluesKaj11:09
BluesKajHi Gargravarr11:09
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sveinseI had to revert to kernel -15 to get multiple desktops, and I'm trying to run virtualbox. However, I now get "Kernel driver not installed" (vboxdrv), yet I've run dpkg-reconfigure virtualbox-dkms and seen that it's building the kernel module for -15. What can I do next?11:15
Gargravarrsveinse: do you use UEFI with Secure Boot?11:16
sveinseIs secureboot and tainted kernel a part of this? Or perhaps the virtualbox drivers doesn't taint the kernel?11:16
Gargravarrsveinse: from experience, VBox requires kernel modules and Secure Boot requires the kernel modules to be signed too11:16
sveinseGargravarr: yes, grub wanted to turn it on again, so I did.11:17
sveinseBut I had vbox running on -20 after secureboot was turned on again11:17
sveinseJust not now on -1511:17
Gargravarrhmm, not sure then. i haven't had good experiences with signed kernel modules and Secure Boot11:17
paddyI think this might be a kde issue because a few applications are doing this: I have set okular as my default pdf reader (in file association and in firefox) when I click the downloads tray in firefox it will open it in calibre ebook reader. Using skype links will open chromium even though firefox is the default. and a couple of odd things, should I log a big?11:18
sveinseGargravarr: I'm having tainted kernel anyways since I'm dependent on nvidia drivers11:18
Gargravarrsveinse: recommended one guy here to give up with VBox and switch to KVM instead11:18
sveinseGargravarr: Yeah, I don't have any special reasons why I'd need VBox. is there a simple GUI front-end for that? So I that I can get going easily and then dive into details when I'm more confident with it?11:20
sveinseGargravarr: I found a guide for ubuntu on the web11:22
Gargravarrsveinse: virt-manager is my go-to. very simple VBox-like with a wizard to create VMs11:23
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AlexPortableHow can I hide an user from the login screen?11:26
GargravarrAlexPortable: https://askubuntu.com/questions/2471/how-to-hide-users-from-the-gdm-login-screen11:28
paddya few applications are doing this: I have set okular as my default pdf reader (in file association and in firefox) when I click the downloads tray in firefox it will open it in calibre ebook reader. Using skype links will open chromium even though firefox is the default. and a couple of odd things, should I log a big?11:35
Gargravarrpaddy: are you using the default KDE file manager?11:38
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luser2318.04 ... netbeans (/usr/bin/netbeans from package netbeans) does not come up after a splash screen.11:40
PsychoBoBwhy my ubuntu dont' show other monitor?11:40
AlexPortableis there a way I can allow an user to perform updates, while not giving him full sudo rights?11:41
cfhowlettAlexPortable, nope.11:41
AlexPortablehm that's bad11:42
_KaszpiR_AlexPortable see https://wiki.debian.org/aptdaemon or very limited sudo permissions11:42
AlexPortablewhich is easier _KaszpiR_ ?11:42
_KaszpiR_user can just send command to install package and it will be queued for execution by the system11:43
dosshellI'm installing Ubuntu Server 1804, and wanted to setup softwareRaid following: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/advanced-installation.html11:43
PsychoBoBi need that my ubuntu knows my other monitor11:43
dosshellBut the text does not match the installation and no "physical volume for RAID" option exists for me11:44
dosshellHas anyone tried 1804 with software Raid?11:44
loruHello everyone! I'm using ubuntu 18.04 and I edited /etc/ssh/sshd_config to have "permitrootlogin yes" but still:11:44
loruWarning: Permanently added '[]:58211' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.11:44
loruroot@ Permission denied (publickey).11:44
loruIt is only for my local network so I don't really mind but it doesn't work, same config on 16.04 works11:45
EriC^^loru: can you pastebin your whole sshd_config?11:45
_ruben_loru: did you restart the ssh daemon after editing the file?11:46
EriC^^loru: nevermind, maybe the keys are off, try ssh -vvv user@host11:46
loruEriC^^: hi, only the port and the permitrootlogin has been changed, the rest is commented, x11forwarding no11:47
loruEriC^^: I should pastebin the whole ssh -vvv?11:47
loru_ruben_: yes :)11:47
webmindloru: have you checked your auth log ?11:48
loruwebmind: I created a normal user and I'm having the same issue11:48
webmindwhat does it say in the log?11:49
EriC^^loru: yes, ssh -vvv will show more11:49
lorusorry guys11:49
loru"passwordauthentication no" -> yes11:49
AlexPortable_KaszpiR_: does that integrate good with the update manager?11:50
loruso dumb..11:50
webmindloru: :)11:50
_KaszpiR_AlexPortable I don't remember11:50
_KaszpiR_it should11:50
tigefawhy this happening after "sudo apt-get update" https://git.io/vpRLm please check :)11:50
lorudosshell: why the question11:52
EriC^^tigefa: sudo apt-get remove appstream11:52
cornelwhat is the difference betweeen the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of ubuntu budgie (aside forom the ovbvious different build target)11:53
lorucornel: there should be none?11:53
cfhowlettcornel, that IS the difference11:53
loruthank you webmind & EriC^^ & _ruben_11:54
loruhave a nice day11:54
tigefaEriC^^: is that package problem? or my laptop can handle xubuntu 16.04 amd6411:55
cornelloru, cfhowlett , thank you. I wonder why then they recommend the 32-bit version for lower resources systems, unless they don't know that the 32-bit version of linux is a second-class citizen, like in less maintained/cared for11:55
cfhowlettcornel, "they"?11:55
cfhowlettand 32bit is a dying platform.11:56
dosshellloru: I guess you joined between my messages. I'm trying to install Ubuntu Server 1804 with a software raid, but the installation instructions, https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/advanced-installation.html, are not correct (outdated?) and i can not find anything related to softwareRaid in the installation.11:56
lotuspsychjecornel: if your hardware support 64bit, install a 64bit ubuntu version11:56
cornelcfhowlett, https://ubuntubudgie.org/downloads11:56
cornellotuspsychje, that is the plan, thank you11:57
corneli would rephrase those instructions: "if your system can not run 64-bit apps, then choose the 32bit version"11:58
JakdawAnyone else have troubles with the 'keyboard-configuration' package whilst upgrading to bionic? Getting: ckbcomp: Can not find file "symbols/uk" in any known directory11:59
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Jakdaw... which is causing it to fail to configure the package11:59
tomreyndosshell: the default server installer was recently changed to be the 'live' ("subiquity") installer. a bad decision IMO, since this one does not support many of the most common server installaiton use cases.12:01
cornelwhat is the lightest ubuntu desktop in terms of RAM/CPU/I/O?12:01
tomreyndosshell: the old style installer, which i think the manual you are following refers to, and which supports RAID and LVM and FDE and manual partitioning in egneral, is still available.12:01
lotuspsychjecornel: lightest depends, but lubuntu & xubuntu will work12:02
tomreyndosshell: ...and a link to it can be found from the HTML page offering the 'live' download12:02
corneli was thinking xubuntu. thank you lotus12:02
Tegutoo bad the latest xfce release is several years old (from 2015)12:02
dosshelltomreyn: Very helpful!12:02
cornelbudgie is significantly heavier?12:02
cornellotuspsychje, ^^12:03
lotuspsychjecornel: budgie is based on gnome, so yes xubuntu & lubuntu should be lighter12:03
tomreyndosshell: https://www.ubuntu.com/download/server states: "This release uses our new installer, Subiquity. If you require advanced networking and storage features, such as RAID and LVM, please use the traditional installer found on the alternative downloads page."12:03
cornellotuspsychje, i'll start with budgie and then feel better with one of the others :)12:03
lotuspsychjecornel: but that doesnt mean, you can tweak budgie lighter12:03
dosshelltomreyn: Thank you!12:04
lapagacornel, ubuntu mate is pretty light12:05
de-factoIs it a known problem that vaapi is broken in bionic? I could not play videos in totem (just some weird colored distorted video) unless i uninstalled gstreamer vaapi..12:09
Tin_mancornel, this article might help with a decision.  >>https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/best-lean-linux-desktop-environment-lxde-vs-xfce-vs-mate/12:09
cornellapaga, thank you, i'm trying to distance myself from gnome as much as possible. but since there's no lxqt official falvour, i'm testing budgie for now. then ican always switch to xfce, which is known to be light12:11
cornelTin_man, thank you, i'm reading it now12:11
de-factoimho from those three mate offers the most "complete" DE, since it inherited its tools from gnome 2.12:13
Gargravarrtomreyn: i'll second that O.o a server installer without a RAID option? does not compute12:15
cornelok, reboot time12:16
cornelthank you for help12:16
de-factoi tried all three on raspbian and ended up on MATE since it would require the least amount of manual additions for a completely functioning DE12:16
Gargravarrgodspeed cornel o712:16
de-factoHas anyone here managed to get VAAPI working on AMD Bonaire amdgpu/radeon?12:18
de-factoit looks like it "should work" yet the video is heavily color distorted12:19
Gargravarrde-facto: tried using VLC player? if it doesn't work out of the box, it might give you more debug info12:19
DarkAceZwhat does the File Sharing toggle button in Settings do?12:20
de-factoGargravarr, not yet, i was just using totem (gstreamer vaapi)12:20
DarkAceZI remember before when I ticked it, it gave me a popup to authenticate, but it's not doing that anymore and it automatically switches back to off when I switch tabs12:20
DarkAceZso I can't toggle on "Sharing"12:21
DarkAceZis there a terminal alternative?12:21
DarkAceZthis is gnome-control-center, maybe I should ask #gnome12:22
de-factowow the vlc UI looks super ugly :(. something about QT is weird on bionic12:22
de-factoit is "Using G3DVL VDPAU Driver Shared Library version 1.0 for hardware decoding" and it works though12:23
de-factoso the standard video playback with which Ubuntu ships (Totem) seems to be broken12:24
Gargravarrsomething wrong with Totem then12:24
de-factounisntalling gstreamer vaapi makes it work12:24
jpleauThat's stange. I locked my computer last night, and this morning I couldn't login, it's as if something was pressing enter every 1 second, no way to enter password. Restarted GDM, now in a login loop..12:24
Gargravarralways good to try a different approach as a diagnostic step :)12:24
Gargravarrjpleau: can you switch to a TTY? Ctrl+Alt+F1 (Ctrl+Alt+F7 to get back)12:25
jpleauGargravarr: I switched to a tty to restart gdm (It was F2, X seems to be running on 1 and not 7 here.. 18.04)12:26
de-factoGargravarr, yet when breaking the standard setup by uninstalling gstreamer1.0-vaapi it wont use any hw accel, although it prooved to work with vlc. so i guess the default setup of Bionic is broken in that respect12:26
Gargravarroh right, i just re-read that bit :)12:26
jpleauNot at home at the moment was just asking if someone ahd that happen before12:26
Gargravarrjpleau: yeah, i noticed that too, not consistent which TTY it runs on12:26
Gargravarrde-facto: and this is why we all love Linux :)12:27
de-factoyes, its possible to debug and fix it, yet im not really sure how to get the rendering pipeline of gstreamer out of totem for debugging12:28
schangI just tried to do-release-upgrade -d on a 16.04 in an attempt to upgrade to 18.0412:37
schangI though -d was dry run but apprently it has started installing stuffs12:37
Gargravarrschang: read the man-pages before trusting flags12:37
Gargravarr-d for do-release-upgrade is for development releases12:37
Gargravarrergo, it's done the full thing12:37
cfhowlettschang, man do-release-upgrade is explicit and makes good reading12:38
schangalright so what's done is done12:38
Gargravarrschang: the upgrade12:38
hggdhwelcome to 18.04...12:38
Gargravarroh yes, misread12:38
Gargravarrtime to cross your fingers and reboot :)12:38
kostkonschang, was it successful12:38
schangno it was not12:38
Gargravarrah, not time then12:39
Gargravarrwhere did it error out?12:39
schangended with While scanning your repository information no entry about artful12:39
cornelbudgie is ok for now12:39
cfhowlettschang, clean install your preferred version12:39
corneli find it odd that the budgie welcome says ability to play mp3 was an extra becasue of patents12:40
schangcfhowlett so what you're saying is that my install is "fucked" and I shall reinstall ?12:40
cfhowlettcornel, that has always been the case12:40
corneli thought mp3 patents have recently expired12:40
cfhowlettschang, no I didn't say that as we don't permit profanity in this channel.  I would say it is borked and you should consider a clean install12:40
Gargravarrschang: more or less. your system is in an unsteady state that would be difficult (not impossible, but painful) to correct manually12:40
Gargravarrhave you backed up your vital data from this system?12:41
cfhowlettcornel, true quite recently12:41
schangGargravarr yes I got a backup of everything12:41
cornelthought i was wrong :)12:41
kostkoncornel, and the fluendo codec was legal even before the patent expiration. i don't know if they install that codec but im just saying12:41
niko1990hello everyone :)12:41
Gargravarrschang: that's better than most people :) it will be much less painful to just reinstall, and then upgrade when you are ready12:42
lotuspsychjewelcome niko1990 how can we help you?12:42
rakhanreturnsHello All! I am running 17.10 but with the 4.16 kernel. I would like to know; if I upgrade to 18.04 LTS then will my kernel be reverted? I need to know because my graphics card isn't supported natively under 4.15 (I think - it's a Vega 64).12:43
niko1990I just installed Ubuntu 18.04 fresh on my machine, everything runs perfect, the only thing is: I wanted to save some usernames & passwords in firefox, and the typical "do you want to save..." box shows up, but I can't click the Save button, and the box disappears very fast again... Does someone else have this problems too?12:43
Guest41anyone else having install issues with 18.04?12:44
GargravarrGuest41: can you be more specific about your problem?12:44
cornelrakhanreturns, i expect newer kernel will be left alone but don't take my word for it, i'm an ubuntu newbie12:44
lotuspsychje!info firefox bionic | niko1990 on this versioN12:45
ubottuniko1990 on this versioN: firefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 59.0.2+build1-0ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 45939 kB, installed size 175740 kB12:45
Guest41I have an Acer Spin 5 that works great with Windows and ubuntu 16, but not 17 or 18, it boots to usb fine and installs okay, but when it boots it either says 'no boot device' when secure boot is on, when i turn it off it flashes a message on the acer boot screen and reboots12:45
rakhanreturnscornel: me too. been a long-time Windows user.12:46
rakhanreturnsGuest41: Have you tried disabling Secure Boot?12:46
Guest41yes, that's when it boot loops12:46
cornelGuest41, i expect that if you install with EFI disabled, will boot with EFI disabled12:47
rakhanreturnsGuest41: Hmm. I'm not sure that it'll help, but have you tried installing it after disabling Secure Boot?12:47
GargravarrGuest41: iirc, some machines use 32-bit UEFI despite being a 64-bit system, which causes all manner of problems getting an OS to install12:47
Guest41cornel, you cant disable efi on tis12:47
lotuspsychjerakhanreturns: its possible on upgrades packages are no longer needed, so in your case try a liveusb and install 18.04 next 17.10 so you still can switch?12:48
Rockwoodafter upgrade 16.04 to 18.04 my phpmyadmin theme is not showing12:48
Gargravarryou could try to switch it back to... oh, it's one of THOSE machines...12:48
lotuspsychjeRockwood: its not reccomended to upgrade lts to lts already12:48
GargravarrRockwood: please message the PHPMyAdmin devs for support with it12:48
niko1990lotuspsychje: I know what version i have installed, but my question was: does anyone else have the same problems (that the "do you wanna save this username and password" box shows up just for less than a second, and you can't click the save button?12:48
rakhanreturnslotuspsychje: Hmm... Good advice, but I think I'll probably just stick with 17.10 until I'm sure my card is supported.12:48
lotuspsychjeRockwood: we advise to wait until 18.04.1 comes out12:48
rakhanreturnsniko1990: Maybe it's an issue with Wayland? Have you tried logging in with Xorg?12:49
Rockwoodthat is dead room i am struggling from yesterday12:49
lotuspsychjerakhanreturns: well, if your 18.04 doesnt work, you still can install 4.16 from recoverymode rootshell right12:49
cronoliohello. where i can ask why was devoiced on ubuntu-ru ?12:49
cronolio*why I was12:49
kostkoncronolio, better ask in that channel12:50
rakhanreturnslotuspsychje: While I'm sure you're procedurally correct, I don't think I possess the technical ability. I've really never had to do all this before since I came from Windows.12:50
Guest41ill try to install with secure boot primarily disabled12:50
GargravarrRockwood: you could try emailing their mailing list12:50
lotuspsychje!mainline | rakhanreturns not very hard to install kernel12:50
ubotturakhanreturns not very hard to install kernel: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds12:50
D1NG_D4NGcan i have a friend?12:51
* Gargravarr repeats the question12:51
lotuspsychjeD1NG_D4NG: please only ubuntu support here12:51
GargravarrGuest41: you're sure this machine can't drop from UEFI to Legacy mode?12:52
rakhanreturnsubottu: Thanks. I've already followed those instructions to get 4.16 on my system, but I've never done it in recovery mode so I don't know what's involved if there are any differences at all. I suppose I can research though. :)12:52
ubotturakhanreturns: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:52
rakhanreturnslotuspsychje: Thanks. I've already followed those instructions to get 4.16 on my system, but I've never done it in recovery mode so I don't know what's involved if there are any differences at all. I suppose I can research though. :)12:52
lotuspsychjerakhanreturns: recoverymode is usefull, when cant enter your system anymore due to issues12:52
rakhanreturnslotuspsychje: So it's akin to Safe Mode?12:52
lotuspsychjerakhanreturns: its not really like safe mode as in windows no12:53
lotuspsychjerakhanreturns: it enters your system with a bunch of tools, like fix broken packages, rootshell,etc12:54
rakhanreturnslotuspsychje: Well, I'll try firing up Recovery Mode in grub just to see what it's like12:54
lotuspsychjerakhanreturns: yes please do, its pretty handy12:54
lotuspsychjerakhanreturns: another way of solving your issue, is to file a new !bug for 4.15 kernel and your graphics card12:55
rakhanreturnsniko1990: As for your issue, I know that Wayland caused problems for me with launching gufw (and one other program I currently fail to recall).12:55
en1gmayou know there is something majorly wrong when there is a Major LTS release and 72hrs there are no updates through apt12:56
en1gma72hrs later*12:56
lotuspsychje!discuss | en1gma not here please12:56
ubottuen1gma not here please: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!12:56
rakhanreturnslotuspsychje: Thanks for the suggestion. I tried searching online again and Phoronix says that 4.15 does support my card so I probably don't need to worry. I'll keep in mind your advice though.12:57
en1gmathats not offtopic NICE TRY!. its directly LTS releated12:58
Gargravarrrakhanreturns: you can try booting the live image first to be sure12:58
en1gmawhere are our apt updates?12:58
cfhowletten1gma, do you have a support request?12:58
lotuspsychjerakhanreturns: in that case, fire up a 18.04 liveusb, and test yourself?12:58
en1gmaim talking about ubuntu12:58
en1gmaubuntu 18.04 LTS12:58
cfhowlettthis is the SUPPORT channel.  non-support discussion is hosted in the other channels.12:59
ducasseen1gma: it is offtopic as it's not a support question12:59
en1gmai been coming here for ... every since ubuntu was made12:59
en1gmai know how this channel works12:59
rakhanreturnslotuspsychje: All right, good idea. I'll check it out. Okay, problem solved! I'll let you all get back to your regularly scheduled programming. :D12:59
en1gmaok what channel do i goto ?13:00
en1gmafound it13:00
schangregarding my OS on which I ran do-release-upgrade ..... it is still showing xenial in /etc/apt/source.list and 18.04 in /etc/issue so, although I have very little hope that it did not switch do dev/unstable how would I know for sure ?13:01
Gargravarrschang: 'dev' is technically 18.04 until 18.10 gets going13:01
lvrp16do you guys know how to set wayland as default for all users?13:01
lvrp16make gdm3 pick wayland by default instead of x11?13:02
schangGargravarr so 16.04 remains the latest stable LTS right ?13:02
Gargravarrschang: technically yes. LTS holds off offering upgrades until 18.04.113:02
Gargravarrearly adopters are still finding issues and testing the upgrade process13:03
cfhowlettschang, but of course you can force the issue with -d as now know13:03
blaaaI am struggeling getting Ubuntu 18.04 to connect oto the network at start.13:04
blaaaafter booting, the network interfaces are down13:04
blaaathey go up when I run 'netplan apply'13:04
Gargravarrschang: and next time you want to dry-run something, use --dry-run instead of -d :) at least that'll blow up when used on something that doesn't support it13:05
BluesKajblaaa, not using NM?13:05
tomreynyou have 16.04 (xenial) sources (only?) in /etc/apt/source.list but "18.04" in /etc/issue? that's strange, and should not happen IMO.13:05
tomreynschang: ^13:05
Gargravarrtomreyn: it also threw an error about Artful, which seems a bit odd13:05
cfhowlettpretty much indicates an unstable situation13:05
blaaaBluesKaj: no, I use the default setup of an ubuntu server 18.04 install. NM might work, it ddoes/did on other distros13:06
blaaaBluesKaj, I have found one mention of a similar issue: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1019146/netplan-does-not-apply-at-startup13:07
tomreynGargravarr: i see, I had missed the previous chat until now.13:08
BluesKajblaaa, NM=network-manager ...why use netplan , it's clunky , install ifupdown and set your ethernet name in the interfaces file. ifconfig or ip add will display the ethernet name.13:08
Gargravarrtomreyn: np, i figured you might not have spotted that detail. can't imagine where Artful factors into the upgrade process13:09
blaaaBluesKaj, I know NM is network manager, I wanted to use natplan, as it appears to be the default choice in 18.04?13:10
blaaasystemd-networkd works fine on that machine, when running arch13:11
BluesKajreally ? on the server perhaps, but afaik not on standard ubuntus13:11
BluesKajnetplan that is13:12
GargravarrBluesKaj: >default setup of an ubuntu server 18.04 install13:12
BluesKajbad choice Gargravarr, netplan is clunky in my experience13:13
Gargravarrnever experienced it, but at least it's not NM default on a server distro13:13
cornelhmmm, video problems13:13
BluesKajthink the interfaces file setting with ifupdown is more effective and less buggy13:14
cornel'framed' full screen youtube videos in chromium, and also text scrolling in firefox13:15
Gargravarrcornel: additional drivers installed?13:15
corneli don't know13:16
corneli have installed thoe addiotionally patent-ecumbered things proposed by the budgie welcome13:16
cornelbut i don't know what it consists of13:16
cornelbut then, my video card is: Intel Corporation 82Q35 Express Integrated Graphics Controller [8086:29b2] (rev 02)13:17
cornelso i expect no special drivers are needed13:17
cornelotoh, gnome3 libs with this card, is a wonder it works at all :)13:18
tomreyncornel: you probabl yinstalled intel-microcode, and that's probably (hopefully?) fine. indeed, with intel gpu's you don't need (and there ar enot) proprietary graphics drivers.13:23
sveinseI'm experimenting with bringing up a 18.04 server with docker installed from snap. There is a few new things to take in, that's for sure. E.g. the docker assets have other locations due to snap13:23
cornelGargravarr, tomreyn , thank you13:24
tomreyncornel: "ubuntu-drivers list" and "ubuntu-drivers devices", when run in a terminal, will show what you have avialable / installed.13:25
cornelgonna try lubuntu and see if this improves, a bit :)13:25
Gargravarrsveinse: docker in a snap? running LXC in there? ;)13:26
Gargravarrcontainers all the way down13:26
sveinseGargravarr: no, not running lxc. docker mostly because of easy access to updates and deployment, really. In fact this being a small server, I'm counting on my fingers if I should run e.g. nginx on bare-metal, i.e. ubuntu's nginx in the trad sense, or by using nginx docker instance which is official13:28
sveinseI've heard it claimed that over bare metal docker can give better security since it's running in a jail13:29
Gargravarrsveinse: all in the implementation. i know our Docker containers currently run everything as root :)13:29
tomreynthis (and this page in general) has more suggestions on what you could try: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/intel_graphics#Enable_GuC_.2F_HuC_firmware_loading13:31
tomreyncornel: ^13:31
zofrexhow come I don't have a .efi.signed vmlinuz file in /boot with 18.04?13:31
sveinseGargravarr: I suppose if there is a weakness and an rouge application is able to break out of the jail, then it would not matter what the UID of the process is13:32
zofrexhas this been retired or something? I have the linux-signed-generic package installed13:32
sveinseGargravarr: i.e. a breakout would constitute a kernel breach, right?13:32
transhumanhi! Can I force dnsmasq to resolve the local server for (nslookups) using its host file or some hand entered value and the remainder for the same domain a remote server?13:32
dbuggerHi everyone. I have a weird bug. Apparently my terminal doesnt want to paste anymore what I have in my clipboard. "Paste" works outside the terminal, but when I try it to do it there, it shows some old value I had before copied.13:34
Gargravarrtranshuman: /etc/hosts always takes priority13:34
corneltomreyn, thank you but my processor is: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     E6550  @ 2.33GHz , no core iX here13:34
transhumanin the past thats true but I am not so sure with dnsmasq but perhaps my issue is elsewhere and I have just missed something13:34
Gargravarrnslookup always queries a DNS server, it ignores /etc/hosts13:35
transhumanI can ping things through local host but I cant do nslookups that way13:35
transhumanthats wierd13:35
transhumanmust be something I dont understand going on then13:35
sveinseGargravarr, tanja84dk: Which is configured in /etc/nsswitch.conf btw, but as said, normally files (hosts) takes priority over dns13:36
Guest6720i'm back, the error was ""System BootOrder not found. Initializing Defaults"13:38
Guest6720"Creating boot entry Boot0000" with label "Ubuntu" for file "\EFI\ubuntu\" (picture cut off)13:39
Guest6720"Restart system"13:39
Guest6720then it reboots and says the same thing over and over13:39
Guest6720seems like this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/shim-signed/+bug/174788913:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1747889 in shim-signed (Ubuntu) "(Acer Aspire V3-372) System not booting after update" [Undecided,Expired]13:39
sveinseGargravarr: is it pointless to run docker under snap would you say? I'm not gonna hold you to it, just trying to seek some opinions13:40
Guest6720it's a bug on acer's aprt13:40
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
kjellmann_Hi! I'm using 3 external monitors with dell D6000 docking (2 display ports in dock, 1 hdmi directly in computer"). I get it to display just fine, but now and then (sometimes very often) the screens connected to the dock are turning black and losing connection. Then I have to plug power supply to the dock for it to appear again.. Takes some time and are quiet annoying.. Anyone got a solution?13:44
Gargravarrsveinse: i'm curious as well. seems like CONTAINERISE ALL THE THINGS is a mindset that's contagious :) personally i prefer to run final products on the metal, but i do appreciate the ease of dev'ing with containers. running docker in a snap, you're adding 2 layers of abstraction before you even run your application13:45
kjellmann_I'm currently on 18.04, but this was also an issue on 16.04. Currently using Nouveau display driver (Quadro M1000M)13:46
lotuspsychjekjellmann_: have you tried this on other graphics drivers?13:49
de-facto!info efibootmgr | Guest672013:50
ubottuGuest6720: efibootmgr (source: efibootmgr): Interact with the EFI Boot Manager. In component main, is optional. Version 15-1 (artful), package size 27 kB, installed size 77 kB (Only available for amd64; i386; ia64; armhf; arm64; armel; x32)13:50
Guest6720de-facto, and?13:50
Guest6720de-facto, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wzkQCZtgXy/13:51
de-factoGue6720 you can list and edit efi entries with that, maybe thats helpful13:51
kjellmann_lotuspsychje: To use the proprietary driver nvidia-driver-390?13:51
lotuspsychjekjellmann_: for example yes, check whats avalaible on your: ubuntu-drivers list13:52
kjellmann_lotuspsychje: I have to reboot for the changes to take affect, right? I see now that the nvidia driver has updated from 16.04 to 18.04 to a newer version, so probably worth a try13:53
Guest6720de-facto, it's doing exactly as it says in the launchpad bug report, it's spamming the efi with boot entries for shimx64, which fails, it's a firmware bug13:54
* Guest6720 sighs and reinstalls Windows13:54
lotuspsychjekjellmann_: yes, just keep in mind we not yet reccomend the lts to lts upgrade till 18.04.113:54
de-factoGuest6720, maybe you can boot in bios compat mode or such13:56
Guest6720there's no option for that13:56
SuperLagIs there a way to list only third-party packages you've installed? or do you have to list everything and just filter what you're looking for?13:57
de-factodid you try to manually delete/correct the EFI entries with that efibootmgr? i remember i used it long time ago to drive the kinks out of one efi installation13:57
=== Richard is now known as Guest19946
axisyswhen I fold the screen on my laptop it goes to suspend.. how do I disable it?13:58
Gargravarraxisys: Settings -> Power -> Actions13:59
de-factoaxisys, in the system options (from upper right corner), i guess energy management or such13:59
ledeniaxisys, you using 18.04?14:01
axisysGargravarr, de-facto: I am at Power .. yes 18.0414:01
axisysledeni: ^14:01
axisysI do not see Actions14:01
ledeniaxisys, install gnome-tweak-tool & option power have option to disable lid14:03
sveinseGargravarr: Our CTO had a blowout about containers the other day. Cake-IT he called it. The seemingly coolness of layering everything in so many layers up to the point where you need a 3GHz Xeon CPU to run a simple web server. He hoped that the callout for green power in the future might put a stopper on this madness. Pretty interesting statement. And generally I agree.14:03
axisysledeni: ah.. wish they had that built in.. thanks14:03
vamadirubuntu 18.04 ntfs mounted like read only, i change /etc/fstab and its does not help14:04
ledeniaxisys, you're welcome14:04
axisysledeni: worked! It has off on suspend will lid closed..14:05
strang3quarkvamadir: You can try ntfsfix /dev/sdX14:05
strang3quarkwhere X is your partition letter14:06
strang3quarkand then mount it again14:06
axisysalt-tab does not allow to switch through my terminals.. need to select with mouse.. that is a problem for me14:06
vamadirstrang3quark,ok i will try, thanks14:06
axisyssince I have tons of terminals open all the time14:06
axisysalso how do I get multiple workspace?14:07
ledeniaxisys,it is default multi workspaces14:09
vamadirstrang3quark, thanks very much, ITS work14:09
axisysledeni: alt+ctl+right does not take me to another workspace14:11
axisysmay be I have to create those workspaces first.. looking for a way14:12
axisysledeni: ^14:12
axisysAh.. I see I have two verticle workspaces.. need to find how to create horizontals14:12
ledeniaxisys,i just click on activities and drag app to next workspace14:14
auronandaceaxisys: the default on ubuntu 18.04 is that there is always one extra empty workspace and they all appear vertically14:15
axisysauronandace: right.. I am trying to get one horizontally14:15
ledeniaxisys, no way14:16
auronandaceaxisys: i don't think you can14:16
raubStupid question: if I do sed -d '/s/moose.*:/whatever/' it will replace everything up to the first : including said :. How can I leave the poor : alone?14:22
strang3quarkraub: why dont you do like /s/moose*:/whatever:/ ?14:23
raubstrang3quark: because it is not generic stuff. i.e. if I want to stop at space/tab, I would have to guess14:24
Gargravarrraub: use a capture: s/moose*(:)/whatever$1/14:24
Gargravarrin which case you can do s/moose*(\s*)/whatever$1/ where \s* is any (and all) whitespace characters14:25
DarkAceZhello, it seems like ever since U18.04 was officially released, I no longer have any package updates14:25
DarkAceZwhat am I missing?14:25
DarkAceZdo I need to get out of the beta release somehow?14:25
raubGargravarr: Much better!  thnaks!14:26
GargravarrDarkAceZ: apparently, you're missing en1gma...14:26
JimBuntuDarkAceZ, Another user reported no updates over the weekend.14:26
zacktuI have installed ubuntu 18.04 as a dual boot with 16.04.  Now 18.04 is the default system (maybe that's ok), but 16.04 won't boot.  I don't think that 18.04 is booting from my /boot partition.  How can I change grub to boot 16.04 and start over?14:26
raubGargravarr: I thought \s was deprecated for [[:space:]]14:26
Gargravarrraub: probably, but it's the well-known shorthand14:26
raubGargravarr: gotcha14:27
DarkAceZupdating repos seems to get done way too quickly14:28
GargravarrDarkAceZ: the short answer is, no updates have been released since, it's nothing to worry about14:28
WeirdTolkienishFlady here wants to know why a shared object file is a bunch of gibberish when opening in windows14:29
* WeirdTolkienishF sighs14:29
DarkAceZGargravarr: well that sucks, I was hoping that would fix my file sharing toggle glitch14:29
GargravarrWeirdTolkienishF: tell her it's an Elvish incantation to make the computer do magic14:30
WeirdTolkienishFshe's a sysadmin!14:31
auronandacewhat is the program name of the dialog box that comes up asking you for your password when a graphical application needs to run as root?14:34
Gargravarrauronandace: gksu/gksudo14:35
GargravarrWeirdTolkienishF: to be perfectly honest, some sysadmins think computers meet the Arthur C Clarke definition of 'magic' anyway :)14:35
auronandaceGargravarr: nope, that was removed in 18.0414:35
oerheksauronandace, gnome-keyring i guess14:35
Gargravarrauronandace: hmm, didn't know that14:36
oerheksgksu is dropped indeed14:36
auronandaceoerheks: ah, so it is gnome specific?14:36
=== Mr_Pan is now known as Guest25666
ONe2_HELP! Please!  I was upgrading to Trisquel 8 from 7 something on my Libiquity x200 and when I came back to see the progress the computer was frozen.  I restarted and now it can't load the GUI.14:37
ONe2_The Trisquel IRC has much fewer people in it.  So I'd really appreciate any help.14:38
oerheksauronandace, i cannot find a clear answer :-(14:38
auronandaceoerheks: is there an equivalent that i could use in i3?14:39
=== Guest25666 is now known as ppp
oerheksONe2_, trisquel is nor ubuntu, find the support channel with !alis14:39
ubottuAlis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"14:39
strang3quarkauronandace: probably pkexec ?14:39
transhumanwhats the lightest desktop ubuntu 18 comes with? Is it lxde?14:39
Gargravarrtranshuman: experience says lxde, yes14:40
=== ppp is now known as MrPan
transhumanok just checking, thought it might have been awsome or some other less known one14:40
Gargravarrthere are lighter GUIs, but they don't provide what you would recognise as 'full desktops'14:41
Gargravarre.g. Fluxbox14:41
graingertanyone with Vim and ubuntu 18.04 can you try and repeat my error for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vim/+bug/176802614:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1768026 in vim (Ubuntu) "echo message hides cursor" [Undecided,New]14:41
graingertand mark it as affecting you14:42
graingert(if it does)14:42
transhumanbut are they actively worked on with Ubuntu?14:42
kostkontranshuman, there's Lubuntu14:42
auronandacestrang3quark: apparently i'm not authorized14:42
strang3quarktranshuman: If you want a lighter ubuntu just install Ubuntu Minimal (with the mini.iso) and then install some WM like Openbox or i314:44
raubGargravarr: I think I am doing something wrong: http://pastebin.centos.org/722076/14:45
brainwashgraingert: why artificially push the importance of this bug?14:45
graingertbrainwash: it's not artificial if it affects more than one person14:48
graingertwe've had repeats on Debian but none on Ubuntu14:48
brainwashisn't a specific setup required?14:48
brainwashor can it be reproduced with the default vim config?14:49
graingertpretty sure a default vim config anywhere there's an echo message14:50
graingertbrainwash: https://github.com/vim/vim/issues/261214:52
graingerthas a simple repor14:52
eaglgenes101Are there known issues relating to going to Bionic from Artful right now? Or is it just a simmering peroid to try to catch those last few bugs?14:56
brainwashgraingert: I guess I could test it later14:57
kostkoneaglgenes101, the latter14:57
brainwashgraingert: you'll probably want to read through https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates14:57
alive876hi every one, i have simple problem, sometimes an application window reduces to a grey menu bar, and i cant see the app any more, although it is still running.,, any help appreciated!14:58
graingertbrainwash: covered under Other safe cases pt 115:05
dewyingwhy must linux have so much screentearing?15:05
dewyingi want to use it but every distro has screentearing15:05
graingertdewying: usually it's the fualt of drivers15:06
dewyingboth on intel and nvidia gpu15:06
dewyingiv tried both free and non free drivers15:06
graingertdewying: there's usually a config for vsync15:06
graingertdewying: I don't get any tearing on intel15:06
dewyiv tried seetting up the intel tear free option15:07
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transhumanwhy does my bash shell look so strange? specifically why the PS1 is set to a chroot?15:11
pragmaticenigmaIf you're working in a chroot environment, the prompt will display as such. Otherwise it is an empty string. the value of debian_chroot is an empty string until a chroot environment starts15:14
pragomerhow can I add my network drive (synology) nas, that is mounted to /media/mynas to gnomes file indexing? (that that my files can be found via gnome shell)15:15
transhumanhow come I cant get a proper bash prompt all I get is a $ and have to type sudo bash or sudo sh15:19
IxEHi everyone... First time here. Anyone had a kernel panic message after upgrading to 18.04?15:19
longwordNot yet.15:19
oerhekssudo -i # and hit enter, the session will be root15:20
transhumanI actually by default dont want a root session I just want to be able to type sudo <command> or otherwise be normal user my shell is set to /bin/bash15:21
transhumanbut this ain't no bash shell!15:21
ducassetranshuman: type 'echo $SHELL' to see15:22
pragmaticenigmatranshuman: have you made changes to /etc/bash.bashrc or any of the other bash config files?15:22
jorkdoes anyone know where I can find a checksum for lubuntu 18.04?15:23
transhumanI have added a few lines to it otherwise never changed it. mainly the path thats it and also some color stuff (but it wasnt like this before two do-release-upgrades but it is in fact pointing to /bin/sh15:24
transhumangoing to reset the ./bashrc to defaults and see what happens15:24
pragmaticenigmajork: they are provided at the same location you downloaded the offical ISOs from15:24
oerheksjork, md5 and sha256 are on this page, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/18.04/release/15:25
auronandace!dash | transhuman15:25
ubottutranshuman: /bin/sh links to the DASH shell in all releases since Ubuntu Edgy (6.10). Since DASH is not 100% compatible with the BASH shell, some scripts might break. You can make scripts execute using  BASH by changing the first line of the script to Ā« #! /bin/bash | See also https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DashAsBinSh15:25
jorkoerheks, many thanks, that's the link I needed.  I found a magnet on the lubuntu.org site, but no checksums.15:26
solsTiCeoerheks: I can't connect to cdimage.ubuntu.com. Do they filter out VPN ?15:26
oerhekssolsTiCe, no idea if a vpn or proxy gives issues..15:27
pragmaticenigmasolsTiCe: There are no filters on the download sites. Check with your VPN provider or try to download the ISO without VPN15:27
pragmaticenigmasolsTiCe: It is possible that Ubuntu is temporarily blocking that VPN for potentially malicious activity15:28
solsTiCeah releases.ubuntu.com blocks me too!15:28
pepermuntjeswhat kind of bullshit is that /bin/sh is dash15:29
pragmaticenigma!ohmy | pepermuntjes15:29
ubottupepermuntjes: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList15:29
oerhekspepermuntjes, why do we need to tell you *again*.. watch your language15:29
transhumansudo dpkg-reconfigure dash --> answer no fixed it...thanks guys15:31
pepermuntjesoerheks, use another kernel: https://www.vidarholen.net/contents/wordcount/15:31
rookiewhats so special in ubuntu15:31
transhumanthat shell is too light in my opinion15:31
solsTiCeoerheks: pragmaticenigma I know. I just enabled block non encrypted traffic in "HTTPS Everywhere" extension; That's why. no problem with VPN15:31
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solsTiCeoerheks: there are only server images on cdimage.ubuntu.com ?15:34
oerhekssolsTiCe, i find no https page , nor the torrent list gives https .. http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/15:34
pepermuntjesoerheks, can you recommend me a channel where i can use curse words?15:36
transhumanmy server will only run gnome3 everything else hangs and it must be launched from slim. go figure, guess its still not fixed totally15:36
solsTiCeoerheks: yes. and no. the option of "HTTPS Everywhere" is to block http and redirect to https. as there is not https://cdimage.ubuntu.com that gave me an error. If I disable that option of "HTTPS Everywhere" it works because I can now go to http://cdimage.ubuntu.com15:36
transhumanremind me to never run out of space again!15:36
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pepermuntjeshttps everywhere will undoubtly break websites15:37
mattflyis anyone able to hibernate ubuntu 18.04?15:37
auronandacetranshuman: never run out of space again15:37
pepermuntjesbecause sometimes https is available, but implementation not finished15:37
transhumanthanks auronandace15:37
mattflyim getting stuck on snapshooting system of s2disk15:37
transhuman3 weeks of attempting to fix it, and I still cant get it right, learned a lot more about this desktops and windows managers and systemd than I care to but ..it shows no errors, must be a time out issue with something cause it launches the other desktops after two days15:39
axisysanyway to enable the switch between windows with super+tab+pause+tab like in unity?15:48
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pragmaticenigmaare you talking about expose axisys ?15:49
pragmaticenigmaaxisys: I have never seen that key combination15:49
axisysso if I have terminal and chrome open.. and if I pause a second on Terminal window.. it then used to let me pick one of the Terminals and when I release the keys I could switch to it15:51
BrawcksHi guys, i'm getting some problems on iptables15:51
pragmaticenigmaaxisys: try that with Alt + Tab15:52
axisysnow when I pause a second.. it does show me all the terminals.. but then I have to use another hand with mouse or arrow to pick a terminal.. I cannot tab through15:52
axisyspragmaticenigma: right. right.. I meant alt+tab+pause+tab15:52
BrawcksGetting this result when trying to run a container from docker, it seems that a firewall rule is crashing :  iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.15:53
axisysso alt+tab and pause a second .. and I get all the terminals.. but I cannot switch to one .. I need another hand with mouse or arrow..15:53
lotuspsychje!firewall | Brawcks can this help?15:53
ubottuBrawcks can this help?: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo15:53
pepermuntjesdoes anybody have experience with the sane-matsushita library?15:54
pragmaticenigmaaxisys: what if you use Alt + esc instead... that supposedly cycles through windows without grouping them15:54
axisyspragmaticenigma: ah.. that works.. would be nice if I could see it first.. better experience..15:55
Brawcksubottu : I've a full configured firewall atm, but only docker run scripts seems to have some crash on this point. Dunno if it could help, perhaps thx !15:55
ubottuBrawcks: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:55
pragmaticenigmaaxisys: It was one of the first results that came up with a google search15:56
remix2000[m]Hello! How can I install the vanilla gnome shell (not gtk) theme on 18.04?15:56
axisyspragmaticenigma: ah..15:57
remix2000[m]I've already installed vanilla-gnome-desktop and gnome-session via apt15:57
pepermuntjesremix2000[m], how doe you like it? Have a screenshot?15:58
pragmaticenigmaremix2000[m]: Gnome is built on top of GTK... I don't understand your question15:58
pepermuntjesu mean aidwata?15:59
user|27977Hi, I'm using kubuntu 18.04 and would like to opt-IN to the data collection stuff15:59
pepermuntjesAdwaita is the default theme for normal people15:59
lotuspsychjeuser|27977: systemsettings/privacy15:59
remix2000[m]pragmaticenigma: gnome shell is styled apart of other gtk apps ;)16:00
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lotuspsychje!themes | remix2000[m] pick one?16:01
ubotturemix2000[m] pick one?: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy16:01
user|27977lotuspsychje cool, thanks16:01
remix2000[m]Shell theme affects topbar and its menus16:01
compdocI added a static ip to /etc/network/interfaces, and it works but doesnt seem to honor the dns-nameservers line. has that changed in 18.04?16:01
remix2000[m]ubottu: No, noā€¦ I mean the vanilla one.16:01
ubotturemix2000[m]: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:01
pragmaticenigma!gtk | remix2000[m]16:02
ubotturemix2000[m]: GTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of !GNOME and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI16:02
lotuspsychjeremix2000[m]: do you mean gnome classic?16:02
lotuspsychje!support | sbs72001 is up16:03
ubottusbs72001 is up: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com16:03
remix2000[m]I mistyped; lotuspsychje16:03
pragmaticenigmaremix2000[m]: do a web search, find an image the has an example of what you are looking for and post us the link. Otherwise it's really hard to visualize what you are seeking16:03
pragmaticenigmaremix2000[m]: the "gnome-session" provides the non-Ubuntu customized version of Gnome. Which you have to select when you login (from the gear icon)16:04
remix2000[m]pragmaticenigma:  "Shell theme" comes from official gnome nomenclature. Also, I mention that I installed that package.16:06
user|27977lotuspsychje I don't see Privacy on my system's settings. Kde settings are kind of dense16:06
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj:^ do you know?16:07
lotuspsychjeuser|27977: im on gnome sorry16:07
pragmaticenigmaremix2000[m]: The topic of your question requires a visual example, until you can provide something for us to see... It's going to be very difficult to direct or help you16:08
Alexander-47uhi all16:09
user|27977lotuspsychje Hey thanks anyway I wrote in the Kubuntu chat but no answer16:09
Alexander-47umy usb sound card doesnt work16:09
Alexander-47ubut testing it does16:09
Alexander-47uwith this command: speaker-test -Dhw:2,0 -c2 -twav16:10
Alexander-47uits an soundblaster omni 5.116:10
BluesKajuser|27977, system settings>accounts> KDE wallet for securing passwords etc16:10
lotuspsychjetnx BluesKaj16:11
BluesKajlotuspsychje, that's not the question he asked in kubuntu, don't know what he means by this: "would like to opt-IN to the data collection stuff"16:12
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: the option bionic offers to collect data and send to canonical16:13
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: he wants to enable it16:13
user|27977BluesKaj Yes16:13
BluesKajthought he was looking for privacy/security for passwords etc16:14
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user|27977BluesKaj I did a fresh install and expected to see the new dialog but I think that only works for ubuntu propper16:14
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: on ubuntu-desktop, we get a welcome screen where its aked, i presume kubuntu doesnt16:14
user|27977lotuspsychje Nope, no welcome screen. anyway of activating it? terminal maybe.16:15
lotuspsychjeuser|27977: i dont think its built-in kubuntu16:16
pr3c0ghey guys, when ubuntu tells you "disk is likely to fail soon", where does it get this info from?16:17
pr3c0gwhat exactly is it doing? analyzing some bad sectors or something ?16:17
lotuspsychjepr3c0g: surely smart error, check disk-tools or dmesg16:18
pragmaticenigmapr3c0g: It is pulling that information directly from the drive itself. SMART controls is reporting the disk is failing16:18
pr3c0gok I found it now, reallocated sector count is failing16:19
pr3c0geverything else is OK16:19
BluesKajuser|27977, kubuntu asks that question during the installation procedure16:19
kus_ubuntui686I am on artful. Ubuntu x64 on a haswell i5 processor. do-release-upgrade says no candidate. Is bionic beaver not ready for upgrades?16:20
Alexander-47umy usb sound card isnt available as output device16:20
Alexander-47uwhat can i do?16:20
kus_ubuntui686Alexander-47u: did you try this? https://askubuntu.com/a/47144316:22
lotuspsychjeAlexander-47u: hastebin us the output of: sudo lshw -C sound16:22
pragmaticenigmapr3c0g: that's really bad... I'd start getting that data backed up very soon16:22
user|27977lotuspsychje that's to bad it was a simple unobtrusive way of contributing.16:23
BluesKajuser|27977, if you do a clean install rather than a do-release-upgrade, ubiquity asks if you want to kubuntu to collect data to improve it's performance etc.16:23
lotuspsychjeuser|27977: i was talking about only welcome screen, surely data collect is installed on kubuntu, you just need to find setting16:24
lotuspsychjeAlexander-47u: seems like all drivers are loaded16:25
Alexander-47uyes, i can test and here it16:25
Alexander-47uits only not accessible through 'sound preferences'16:25
Alexander-47uspeaker-test -Dhw:2,0 -c2 -twav16:25
lotuspsychjeAlexander-47u: try to install pavucontrol and test from there16:25
Alexander-47uproduces sound jsut fine though16:25
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pr3c0gpragmaticenigma: yeah, I have to take care of that16:27
BluesKajuser|27977,lotuspsychje yes it's 'Collectl'16:27
Alexander-47uyes fixed16:27
Alexander-47uthanks bro16:27
Alexander-47uwhy does pavucontrol detect it and the builtin 'sound preferences' does not?16:27
lotuspsychjeAlexander-47u: no prob16:27
Alexander-47ucan i fix it somehow?16:27
lotuspsychjeAlexander-47u: wich ubuntu release are you on?16:28
lotuspsychjeAlexander-47u: ah, not very familliar with mate options, did you try #ubuntu-mate ?16:29
Alexander-47uno, will do :)16:29
Alexander-47uthat channel is half dead lol16:29
pragmaticenigmaAlexander-47u: sometimes you have to ask... and wait... or lurk and wait for some activity to ask the question16:30
Alexander-47unvm, its completely fixed with pavucontrol16:30
Alexander-47uthe options ahve somehow also appeared now in the 'sound preferences' utility that comes with MATE16:30
Alexander-47uthank you :D16:30
lotuspsychje!yay | Alexander-47u16:31
ubottuAlexander-47u: Glad you made it! :-)16:31
pragmaticenigmaAlexander-47u: it sounds like a dependency was missing for pulse-audio that was resolved when you install pavucontrol16:31
Alexander-47uthank you16:32
axisysmouse middle button paste does not work16:33
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taiebotI have weird bug here in Bionic just installed on new pc, via usb. On login screen if i type password and press enter, login fails. If i type password and click with the mouse on sign in, i sign in properly. I thought pressing enter would work does anyone confirm the same behaviour. Did a quick browse on launchpad and i did not see anything like that.16:36
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ImageJPEGStill can't get my Ubuntu NAS server to grab my static IPv6 address. I've even posted in the forums with no solution.16:41
ImageJPEGHere's the forum:16:41
gebbionei keep getting this lovely msg -> sign_and_send_pubkey: signing failed: agent refused operation16:43
gebbioneunless i do  SSH_AUTH_SOCK=016:43
naccImageJPEG: did you try setting it on the command line?16:43
naccImageJPEG: did you check syslog or dmesg for errors/16:43
gebbionei tried removing the gnome keyring16:43
Gargravarrgebbione: i got that. is your private key more than user-readable?16:44
longwordBy what means are you expecting it to take an IPv6 address? DHCPv6?16:44
gebbioneGargravarr, 60016:44
Gargravarri had to chmod 600 .ssh/id_rsa16:44
Gargravarrokay, not the same problem then16:44
Gargravarralthough i only got the real error after trying 'ssh-add .ssh/id_rsa'16:44
gebbionemy key is in ssh-add -l16:45
gebbionei tried all of the things on stackoverflow16:45
Gargravarrtry it anyway. mine was, and that's where i got the message that permissions were set wrong16:45
gebbionei cannot get it stable16:45
ImageJPEGNothing in the logs now but I think they rolled over. I'll try restarting it again to see what I get16:46
gebbioneGargravarr, no luck16:46
Gargravarrgebbione: was worth a try. good luck16:46
schangI'm running an ubuntu 16.04 LTS which I'd like to upgrade to the newly released 18.04 LTS16:47
schangI've tried to sudo do-release-upgrade16:47
Gargravarrschang: welcome back (with your rebuilt machine ;)16:47
ImageJPEGdmesg didn't give any clues other than informing that it renamed eth1 to eno216:47
schangbut it is telling me that it is not avaialble16:47
Gargravarrschang: this is correct. LTS will not offer until 18.04.116:47
schangGargravarr yeah, I managed to recover the machine through rsync. Was an dventure but it worked just fine16:48
taiebotschang try do-release-upgrade -d if you want to force it16:48
Gargravarrtaiebot: he did that earlier and bork'd his machine16:48
schangtaiebot already tried that earlier, thanks but not thanks :)16:48
taiebotanyone for my problem ^^16:48
schangok so no do-release-upgrade until .... when the 8.04.1 is released then16:49
Gargravarrschang: 18.04.1 is scheduled for release sometime in June/July16:49
schangok great thanks a lot16:49
schangso basically the only of having a 18.04 LTS to reinstall from scratch then, right ?16:49
schangI mean if I wanted to have it now and not wait until June/July16:50
Gargravarrschang: in theory, do-release-upgrade -d will work. i don't know what caused your machine to error out16:50
Gargravarrseveral people have been in here who did d-r-u -d16:50
schangGargravarr it did on my family laptop but that was not big deal I've reinstalled16:50
schangGargravarr happened on a prod server in my lab .... :(16:50
schangbut backup worked :)16:51
Gargravarr...why were you trying to even DRY-RUN upgrading a prod server?! :P16:51
taiebotmight do a bug report seems very odd going to #ubuntu-bugs16:51
schangGargravarr I was expecting the imaginary dry-run to start doing downlaod only16:51
Gargravarrtaiebot: what happens if you switch to a TTY (Ctrl+Alt+F2) and login? Ctrl+Alt+F1 to get back16:52
Gargravarrschang: but on a /prod/ server? ;) i wouldn't even touch a prod server for that, would be on a completely unused VM16:52
taiebotgargravarr: F2 and F1 do not work anymore it's F3 to F716:53
mattflycan someone help me with an hibernations issue on ubuntu 18.04 ?16:53
taiebotWhen i click enter i do F7 and F1 i can see authentication fails16:53
Gargravarrtaiebot: interesting, graphical is F1 on my laptop, F2-F6 for TTYs16:53
naccGargravarr: schang: also what do you mean by 'dry run' here? d-r-u does not have such an option16:53
mattflyi get stuck on snapshooting system s2disk16:53
Gargravarrnacc: he found that out the hard way16:53
schangGargravarr I don't always d-r-u -d, when I do, I do it in prod :)16:54
Gargravarrschang: :D16:54
naccGargravarr: my point being it wasn't about 'dry-run' or not, it was about not understanding options to tools, doing things as root, etc. on a production server.16:55
schangnacc when I say a prod server it's not like it's running Facebook or Twitter on it, just a lab server that is used by a small team16:56
Gargravarrnacc: as was my point, too. we already told him about reading the man-pages first16:56
stewart311Been using 18.04LTS and wondered if anyone else has experience top right icons disappearing for skype etc, if I perform alt+f2 and r to reset the gui they will appear again16:57
naccGargravarr: ok, good16:58
Gargravarrschang: in fairness, i have frequently said i've learned more about computers by breaking them than by following the instructions :) let this be a learning experience!17:01
jack3 Hello.  Ubuntu 16.  ran out of space. deleted some logs, space not reclaimed.  Googled.  Found lots.  Most start with this:   lsof +L1  to find files held open.   But when I run that command... it finds nothing.   Not yet found what to do when that happens.   Help with how to reclaim space would be greatly appreciated.17:01
naccjack3: *where* did you run out of space17:02
jack3what do you mean?17:02
naccjack3: you say you ran out of space -- how did you notice?17:02
jack3on the shell.  can't save files17:02
naccjack3: pastebin `df -h` output17:02
jack3nacc:  it's about 8 lines.  ok to post that many here, now?17:03
naccjack3: no.17:03
naccjack3: use a pastebin as i said17:03
jack3ah.. yes, you did17:03
Gargravarrthe bot will quickly de-voice you if you paste long lines17:03
jack3nacc:  http://paste.tclhelp.net/?id=6e0h17:04
Gargravarrokay, so a VM with one partition, / is full17:04
naccjack3: this is a VM?17:04
pr3c0git has to be a vm17:04
jack3nacc:  probably.  it is a friends shell.17:04
naccpr3c0g: while I appreciate your assertion, let's let the user tell us their configuration.17:05
Gargravarrjack3: 4.9GB is quite small for a graphical system. could you ask them to increase the VHD?17:05
naccGargravarr: how do you know they run a graphical system?17:05
jack3I don't "do" znc,  and I strongly suspect that is where his problem is/was.  (I do eggdrop).  he has shut down znc, and I've wacked some really old znc logs.   still have no space.17:05
Borw3This new kernels of 4.15.... No wifi driver is compiling :(17:05
jack3Gargravarr:  graphics??   no graphics17:05
naccjack3: can you pastebin `du -h --max-depth=1`17:06
naccjack3: it may take a bit to finish17:06
Gargravarrokay, my bad, i thought you meant saving files graphically17:06
jack3nacc:  give me a min17:06
naccjack3: err, from /17:06
naccjack3: and you've run `sync` after manually deleting files?17:06
jack3no idea what sync is.   so: No17:06
Gargravarrjack3: sync is a command that waits until the disk queues are flushed - OSes frequently background large writes, so when 'sync' finishes, everything is done17:07
naccjack3: run it, twice, from the command line17:07
jack3nacc:   any command line switches?      or just :  sync17:07
Gargravarrjust sync17:07
jack3done.  nothing.  just returned me to command line17:08
naccjack3: now check your df output again?17:08
Gargravarrokay, so deletes are indeed finished17:08
Borw3Seriously no one using rt3290 wifi drivers here? If anyone is using it with Ubuntu 18.04 please post link to your driver please17:08
jack3nacc: that one line is still 0% avail  and 100% used17:08
naccjack3: ok17:09
jack3nacc:  still need that pastebin?    (not sure how to do that.. it would soooo many lines )17:09
Gargravarrnot with '--max-depth'17:09
naccBorw3: isn't that the rt2800pci driver?17:09
Gargravarrbasically want to see which is the biggest folder under root17:09
jack3Gargravarr:  we are not root anyway17:10
jack3as for this user,  biggest dir is the znc  dir17:10
naccjack3: uh ... you aren't root and want to free up disk space possibly outside of your home dir?17:10
Borw3nacc: That 2800pci is for rt2860 or rt28xx devices, it works on rt3290 too but network strength is low, and disconnects often.17:10
jack3nacc:  no17:10
naccjack3: ok, as your user, whatever, `du -sh` from their home dir17:11
tgm4883Running 18.04. I have a USB headset. I see the device added in pulseaudio control, but I can't set it as a recording or output device17:11
Gargravarrjack3: hmm, you said znc is generating lots of logs. is znc still running? it could be eating up space as fast as you're freeing it17:11
naccBorw3: afaict, that's the driver in Ubuntu (based upon looking at the source)17:11
jack3 is znc still running?  <<< no.  we shut it down17:11
naccBorw3: dunno if there's a third party driver you are referring to17:11
tgm4883This is a fresh install. Oddly enough, it works fine on the desktop I upgraded from 17.1017:11
irwissare you running some copy on write filesystem may be?17:11
jack3nacc:    now  547M   (was something like 602M  before I deleted some old logs)17:12
Borw3nacc: All 3rd party drivers that I used to use on 16.04 fail on 18.04.. doing research I see that it's cause of the new kernel 4.15, doesn't even matter what distro one uses17:12
Gargravarrjack3: something does seem to be filling up your disk as fast as youre clearing space17:12
jack3Gargravarr:  that 547  doesn't change17:12
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naccjack3: well, clearing 50M when you are out of disk space is probably not going to solve the problem17:13
naccjack3: if something is writing to the disk17:13
MosesPartswe need a 3 day code sprint to correct some bugs17:13
naccBorw3: well, 16.04 totally unrelated to 18.04 in this regard, so that's a red herring17:13
MosesPartsdo we just use trello instead of jira for that sort of code sprint?17:13
naccMosesParts: 'we' is the wrong channel for that disucssion, this is the support channel17:13
naccMosesParts: are you in the wrong channel?17:14
jack3nacc: right.   we got some advice on znc,  etc.  and i have some ideas about setting up  a cron job with find, to wack fiels older than xx days (need to review my stuff that I looked up, wehn I set it up for an eggdrop, a long time ago)17:14
jack3but..  need some elbow room17:14
Borw3nacc: Even once 16.04 started using 4.13 kernel, the drivers failed, I had to do some coding just to make it work on 4.13 kernel, but now on 4.15 there is no hopes17:14
naccBorw3: right, where did you get those out of tree drivers from? ubuntu packages?17:15
MosesPartsnacc what if i am a coder for linux 18?17:15
naccMosesParts: then you're in the wrong channel; also you are proving you are not17:15
Borw3nacc: No LOL... third party git repos17:15
naccMosesParts: 'linux 18' is nothing.17:15
naccBorw3: then it's not an ubuntu support topic ...17:15
MosesPartsnacc linux 18 is the new linux17:15
Borw3nacc: But it's ubuntu I am running that has shitty driver support for rt3290sta :(... how's that not related to ubuntu?17:16
naccMosesParts: I don't know what you are talking about, but I'm assuming you are trolling and will ignore you now. Have a nice day.17:16
ImageJPEGI will never understand Ubuntu and why after a reboot, IPv6 works again.17:16
MosesPartsnacc that is rude17:16
naccBorw3: no, *Linux* does not support your hardware, afaict. That's not Ubuntu's fault17:16
pavlosMosesParts: the current release is ubuntu 18.04 ... linux is a generic term17:17
jack3nacc :  still with me?17:17
naccBorw3: and I didn't say it wasn't related to Ubuntu, I said it's not a support topic17:17
naccjack3: yep17:17
MosesPartspavlos ok so the same thing?17:17
naccpavlos: and they clearly are not an Ubuntu developer if they don't know that, so they are trollling.17:17
Borw3nacc: So you are saying I should ditch UBUNTU and linux as a whole for windblows? xD17:17
naccBorw3: I'm not saying anything :)17:17
naccBorw3: Use hardware that is well-supported, would be my first suggestion17:18
naccBorw3: don't use stuff that requires out of tree drivers unless you want to deal with stuff like this all the time, would be my second17:18
Borw3nacc: Man windows 10 has better support for old hardware than Linux xD....... what a shame17:18
naccBorw3: afaict, this isn't "old hardware"17:18
brenster21so i am trying to mount my window parition to ubuntu. it is ntfs.17:19
Borw3rt3290sta drivers are from way back when 2.6 Kernel was a hit xD17:19
Gargravarrbrenster21: you will probably need the 'ntfs-3g' package installed17:19
naccBorw3: does 14.04 work on your device?17:19
brenster21already have it17:19
Gargravarrbrenster21: okay, cool. what's not working with it?17:20
Borw3nacc: 14.04 works, atleast it allows me to compile those wifi drivers no issues :D17:20
brenster21says it is read only file system17:20
Borw3Even 12.0417:20
naccBorw3: use that? it's supported for another year17:20
Gargravarrbrenster21: this is usually the case. have you mounted it read/write in the past?17:20
naccBorw3: I'm not convinced in any way that making out of tree drivers work is anyone's responsibility but your own (certainly not an ubuntu support topic)17:20
jack3am I supposed to be doing something?   are you waiting for me?17:21
Gargravarrbrenster21: there is also the issue that ntfs-3g will refuse to mount a filesystem, or will mount in r/o mode only, when the filesystem is detected as having errors and needs Windows to run chkdisk17:21
Borw3nacc: But its a common wifi driver .... I think majority HP probooks use the rt3290sta drivers17:21
brenster21thanks gargravarr17:21
ioriabrenster21, and be sure to have halted windows correctly17:22
naccjack3: you don't have any root access to the VM?17:22
pavlosbrenster21: https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/mounting-windows-partition-onto-ubuntu-linux/17:22
Gargravarr^ #1 cause of NTFS partition problems is bad shutdowns17:22
jack3nacc: no root, no sudo17:22
naccjack3: probably not solve-able without it, tbh; your user is not using sufficient disk space, afaict17:22
brenster21turns out it was mounted and i was trying to access the wrong drive17:22
Gargravarrthat would also do it...17:23
jack3your user is not using sufficient disk space, afaict  <<   lost me17:23
naccjack3: did you check what lsof says? (e.g., lsof /home/<user> ?)17:23
Gargravarrjack3: the files you have access to aren't big enough that deleting them would make a difference17:23
naccjack3: or you're not deleting enough of them, it's not clear17:23
naccjack3: or, as you said, they are still open by some process17:23
jack3nacc> jack3: did you check what lsof says? (e.g., lsof /home/<user> ?)  <<<  with some switch, yes.  It was in my first post17:24
jack3<nacc> jack3: or, as you said, they are still open by some process <<< that's what I found, googling.  but, the directions I found.. to find the open files,  finds nothing17:24
naccjack3: no switches, does it output anyhitng17:24
jack3looked back and found it :   lsof +L1       finds nothing17:25
jack3will try17:25
jack3lsof   and zoooom..  right off the top of the screen.17:25
Gargravarrwell, that much works at least17:25
naccjack3: with the path, still17:26
jack3nacc:  what do you mean?17:26
naccjack3: lsof /home/<username>/17:26
jack3I was in home dir17:26
jack3I used no switches17:26
jack3or path17:26
jack3was that ok?17:26
naccjack3: ok, do what is aid.17:26
naccjack3: giving no path is not the same as giving '.'17:26
jack3<nacc> jack3: no switches, does it output anyhitng  << I did this17:26
naccjack3: which is not what i asked for17:27
marcanuyI'm having problems with a package requiring different versions of libgmp-dev after doing *sudo apt install libgmp-dev* I get "The following packages have unmet dependencies: libgmp-dev : Depends: libgmp10 (= 2:6.1.2+dfsg-1) but 2:6.1.2+dfsg-2 is to be installed" Any help? More details here; https://askubuntu.com/q/1030203/4325317:27
naccjack3: but it's fine, `lsof /home/<username>/`17:27
jack3no switches is what you asked for, with that line17:27
jack3what would you like, now?17:27
naccjack3: i've asked a few times for `lsof /home/<username>`17:27
naccmarcanuy: what version of ubuntu?17:27
jack3jack3: lsof /home/<username>/   <<<  with or without the trailing /   ?17:27
naccjack3: don't think it should matter17:28
marcanuynacc, artful17:28
youtahAny ideas when the do-release-upgrade will work for 18.04?17:28
nick1234hi, I have a basic question... When i type sudo command in bash the sudo priviledges remain for next few minutes. what if i want to remove those after i am done wiht my command?17:28
JimBuntuyoutah, July 26th?>17:28
youtahit seems no one knows. It is a mystery17:28
naccjack3: also, the +L1 thing was wrong, I think -- that shows open unlinked files. But not just open files.17:28
naccyoutah: are you on 16.04?17:28
youtahJimBuntu, please tell me you're yanking my chain17:28
ducasse!releasenotes | youtah17:29
ubottuyoutah: Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) release notes can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes17:29
youtahI have some at 17.1017:29
jack3nacc:  the +L1 thing...  found it several times with google.  oh well17:29
jack3brb with pastebin for you17:29
DJonesyoutah: Release notes say it will be a few days after release for 17.10, but not specified17:29
naccyoutah: they are working on some upgrade bugs, iirc17:29
naccyoutah: it will be available when it is.17:29
MonkeyDustyoutah  as said, july 26th https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseSchedule17:29
youtahah, thanks nacc DJones17:29
jack3nacc:  http://paste.tclhelp.net/?id=6e0i17:29
naccmarcanuy: apt-cache policy libgmp1017:30
naccjack3: is it any different if you do /home/ahad/* ?17:30
naccjack3: (just wondering)17:30
jack3will check17:30
marcanuynacc, I've already executed that, here is the output https://askubuntu.com/q/1030203/4325317:30
Gargravarrnacc: maybe easier just to pipe through grep?17:31
pavlosnick1234: https://itsfoss.com/change-sudo-password-timeout-ubuntu/17:31
youtahheh, I have seeded 9.4GB of the 18.04 Desktop so far17:32
jack3nacc:  http://paste.tclhelp.net/?id=6e0j17:32
* youtah <3's his datacap free, unlimited, Gigabit up/down fiber optics internet connection at home with his WAN to LAN Gigabit router. 17:32
naccyoutah: please stay ontopic, chitchat elsewhere17:32
naccmarcanuy: not what i asked for.17:33
nick1234pavlos, thanks use ful link. But I dont want ot change the default timeout. I want to 'un sudo' the bash on some rare incidents17:33
naccmarcanuy: you provided policy for libgmp-dev, not libmp1017:33
marcanuynacc, updated ;)17:33
naccmarcanuy: you manually installed a package from bionic.17:33
naccmarcanuy: which is a rather sad mistake to make17:33
naccmarcanuy: sudo apt-get install libgmp10=2:6.1.2+dfsg-117:34
naccmarcanuy: then run your other command.17:34
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pavlosnick1234: you can use sudo -k17:34
jack3nacc:  you caught my last post with pastebin link?17:34
marcanuynacc, I've had upgraded to bionic when it was in development mode, then downgraded it back to artful.. my mistake, but everything seemed to work fine until now17:35
naccmarcanuy: you *cannot* downgrade releases17:35
nick1234pavlos: thanks thats exactly what i wated17:35
naccmarcanuy: you have to reinstall, downgrades are wholly unsupported17:35
Gargravarrmarcanuy: for exactly this reason, it causes a LOT of pain17:35
naccjack3: yeah, it did't help -- what about `du -h --max-depth=1` from the user's home dir17:35
marcanuyGargravarr nacc, I've just learnt that the hard way..17:36
Gargravarrsome people simply have to ;)17:36
naccmarcanuy: you can try the command I gave, but that implies there are other things that you have broken and won't notice until you need to17:36
jack3nacc:  oh that.  I think it was Gargravarr that asked about that.    .znc/  is the dir where are the consupmption is.    want a pastebin?17:36
naccjack3: yes please17:36
exarkunI let Package Manager install some updates and rebooted.  Now I have no IPv6 and the sound knob on my keyboard doesn't work.17:36
marcanuynacc, I'm curious, how did you realize It was using a bionic package if the cache policty command says using artful?17:37
jack3nacc:  http://paste.tclhelp.net/?id=6e0k17:37
naccmarcanuy: because rmadison told me what is in bionic17:37
naccjack3: rm -rf .znc ?17:37
naccjack3: do you need that directory?17:37
jack3of course17:37
naccjack3: ok, delete the others17:38
jack3that's his conf, etc. of his bouncer17:38
jack3other what?17:38
naccjack3: why would the conf of a bouncer be 500M?17:38
jack3it's not17:38
naccjack3: use better software.17:38
jack3the log files in there, are17:38
naccjack3: ok, delete all the log files?17:38
jack3He wants to keep some17:38
jack3I've deleted well over 50M so far17:38
mattflyhow can i install pyqtwebkit on ubuntu 18.04 /17:38
mattflyfor python 217:38
jack3I need some elbow room, to work17:38
naccjack3: delete more17:39
jack3it is not recognizing that files were deleted17:39
naccjack3: i think -- i am really not sure17:39
naccjack3: no, it says you have some disk space, but not enough17:39
jack3nacc:  ok17:39
jack3it does?17:39
naccjack3: i wonder if you are low on inodes17:39
iseneRunning update-manager but 18.04 does not show up as an alternative to install. Why?17:39
jack3nacc:  inodes?17:39
jack3it says you have some disk space, but not enough  << where?   I see 0%17:40
naccjack3: look at the actual numbers17:40
jack3where?  direct me17:40
naccjack3: in your pastebin where you see 0%17:40
naccjack3: df -i, please17:40
naccisene: what version are you running?17:40
jack3in your pastebin where you see 0% << right.  it says 0%17:40
naccjack3: and look at the *actual* numbers, not the percentage value (which is derived)17:41
marcanuynacc, rmadison is great didn't know about it. Your suggestion worked thanks a lot17:41
naccmarcanuy: yw17:41
naccmattfly: python-pyqt5.qtwebkit ?17:41
marcanuynacc, one more thing, do you know if upgrading again to bionic will prevent the other possible incompatibilities to happen?17:41
jack3nacc: are you trying to say   size 4.9G   and   used 4.7G  ?17:41
naccjack3: yes.17:41
mattflyqt 417:41
naccmattfly: not supported in 18.04, i don't think17:41
jack3nacc: ok17:42
jack3nacc:   http://paste.tclhelp.net/?id=6e0l17:42
mattflyi need qt4 for qgis openlayers plugin on qgis17:42
naccmattfly: then use 16.0417:42
mattflyhaha i wont switch ubuntu just for that Oo17:42
Pwnnawhere's the .Xauthority file in Ubuntu 18.0417:42
mattflyisnt there a workaround?17:42
jack3<jack3> nacc: are you trying to say   size 4.9G   and   used 4.7G  ?  << honestly, I don't remember now, if they were both 4.9G  before I deleted some files.17:42
isenenacc: I'm running 17.1017:42
tac_Hi all. Is there a command line tool for querying which version of a shared library you have in your link path?17:43
naccisene: upgrades will be offered once the upgrades are free of some critical bugs17:43
sere_how do i install gksu in 18.0417:43
nacctac_: in your link path or your load path?17:43
isenenacc: Ah, OK. ETA?17:43
naccisene: for 17.10, soonish17:43
tac_Yeah. Basically, which version of the library gets linked to at runtime17:43
tac_is what I want to know17:43
nacctac_: runtime doesn't do linking...17:43
nacctac_: you mean loading :)17:44
tac_It's a fancy linking in my mind. But I'll try to use the right terminology :)17:44
nacctac_: ldd on a binary17:44
nacctac_: will show you what library will get loaded for all dynamic loaded libraries -- it will miss things that are dlopened, of course17:44
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tac_Yeah, I vaguely remember that command. I guess that also suggests that binaries can request particular versions, can't they.17:45
tac_I guess I'm actually looking to find all versions of a library installed.17:45
naccmattfly: there is libqtwebkit4 but no python bindings, afaict17:45
jack3nacc:  you caught that last post of a pastebin link?17:45
pavlossere_: you should use pkexec ... gksu not in bionic17:45
tac_I can search the path manually for .so.* files I suppose17:45
sere_pavlos: ahh ok thanks17:46
nacctac_: well, they would be linked to specific ABI requirements (SOVERSION/SONAME)17:46
pavlossere_: https://madebits.github.io/#blog/2018/2018-04-24-Gksu-Is-Dead-Long-Live-Pkexec.md17:46
nacctac_: you can search the various possible paths, which may or may not be in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH17:46
nacctac_: why do you want to do this?17:46
naccjack3: yeah you're fine on inodes17:47
naccjack3: and you're sure znc is dead?17:47
jack3I didn't even google to find out what inodes is.  heh17:47
tac_nacc, I'm trying to automate the querying of which versions of cuda, cudnn, and a few other libs we have installed on various boxes17:47
jack3nacc:   this is less than a minute old:      http://paste.tclhelp.net/?id=6e0m17:47
nacctac_: how are you installing them?17:48
tac_which may (frustratingly) have been installed in different ways17:48
nacctac_: ah17:48
tac_yeah :(17:48
naccjack3: what about ps aux ?17:49
jack3will do.  one moment17:49
jack39 tons of sh*t.    ok to do   ps aux |grep znc  ?17:49
nacctac_: i mean, it seems fragile. What if someone puts the libs in their home dir and sets LD_LIBRARY_PATH manually?17:49
jack39 tons of sh*t.    ok to do   ps aux |grep username   ?17:49
naccjack3: ok17:49
jack3pick one17:50
naccjack3: well, i want to know if znc is running17:50
jack39 tons of sh*t.    ok to do   ps aux |grep znc  ?   << this one then?17:50
naccjack3: yes17:50
tac_nacc, yeah. This is why I was hoping there might, by chance, be a command that let me pretend like it was a simple task :)17:50
tac_but if not, no worries. I might still be able to make use of ldd for this17:50
jack3nacc:  http://paste.tclhelp.net/?id=6e0n17:51
jack3nacc:  ok?17:54
naccjack3: why not just make a snapshot of the VM and then trash it?17:54
jack3I don't know if he's interested in that.   I figured that it was some simple thing,  to get linux to recognize free space17:55
jack3and, with google,  it seems like it is a common thing.   it's just that what I found, doesn't apply17:55
nacctac_: check `ldconfig -p` ?17:56
jack3so I figured that there is some trick to it... and presto.. here I am.   :)17:56
naccjack3: have you disabled znc from starting on reboot?17:56
jack3and.. by trash it... if you mean to simply delete everything...   by all indications,  we'd still be right where we are...  no available space.17:56
tac_oooooh nacc thanks!17:56
tac_That one is worth writing down17:56
jack3nacc> jack3: have you disabled znc from starting on reboot?  <<< my guess is that it was never enabled,  since it has not come back.17:57
naccjack3: have you rebooted since you clearedout the 50M or so of files?17:57
jack3nacc: he's gone home from work..  way diff time zone..  I won't be able to talk to him until tomorrow.17:57
jack3<nacc> jack3: have you rebooted  <<<  now?    am not root17:57
naccjack3: this VM has never been rebooted?17:58
jack3nacc:  ever?     beats me17:58
naccjack3: I feel like something is missing here, some critical bit of information17:58
naccjack3: then reboot it the way they do normally17:58
jack3nacc:  I agree17:58
naccjack3: honestly, this doesn't seem like worth support time :)17:58
jack3nacc:   I doubt he has a "normal" way to reboot it.17:58
naccand I've got other stuff to do now17:58
jack3he just has a shell there17:58
jack3nacc> jack3: honestly, this doesn't seem like worth support time :)  <<< really???17:58
naccjack3: right, a shell on a system where he possibly has filled up the disk of the system (if that is what you have been asserting). and is unwilling to delete files in order to free up space17:59
naccjack3: or wants to keep 'some' files, which is the same as being unwilling17:59
jack3wrong again17:59
jack3e he possibly has filled up the disk   <<<  did that,  and thats why I've deleted a bunch of files18:00
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jack3and that space is simply not being recognized18:00
jack3and is unwilling to delete files in order to free up space  << already did a lot of that18:00
jack3that's why I'm here18:00
exarkungsd-media-keys says "unable to get default sink" and volume knob on keyboard now does nothing... what's up?18:00
isenePosted this also to #dragonflybsd, but wondered if anyone here could have some input; Have been thinking about trying out DragonflyBSD for some time. Got a few hours of spare time. Running Ubuntu 17.10 on a Dell XPS15 currently. Did download the live USB image ( dd if=dfly-x86_64-5.2.0_REL.img of=/dev/sda1 ) and the boot sequence is set to DragonflyBSD as #1 and Ubuntu as #2 - but it boots straight into18:00
isenegrub/Ubuntu. Any debugging tips?18:00
jack3nacc: if you have some number in mind...   10M ?     I'll go find that much in files, and delete it,  and we can see if that makes a difference18:01
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jack3nacc:  so... are you done?18:03
naccjack3: what fs is this?18:03
naccjack3: filesystem, i mean18:03
jack3nacc: don't know.  tell me how to check18:03
naccjack3: mount18:03
jack3tons of stuff... is there a line for me to look for?18:03
naccjack3: you're hitting the reserved space on the disk (~5%), i think, which is reserved for root18:04
naccjack3: well, the disk you care about, of course18:04
jack3how do I know which that is?18:04
naccjack3: ... df -h told you what disk is full18:04
jack3is this it?   from   df -h   /dev/vda1       4.9G  4.7G     0 100% /18:05
jack3nacc:    /dev/vda1 on / type ext4 (rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro,data=ordered)18:05
jack3from    mount18:05
jack3is that enough?18:05
naccjack3: yes, ext4 reserves 5% as i said18:05
naccso you haven't cleared up enough space18:05
jack3how much more do you figure?18:05
naccjack3: i don't know18:05
jack3how do I figure it?18:05
mattflyis there a way i can install and hold the old pyqt4 from xenial on bionic?18:05
jack35 % of what?18:06
naccjack3: you can drop the -h flag from df, delete some files,sync;sync and see if the disk usage goes down18:06
naccjack3: the filesystem size18:06
naccmattfly: no.18:06
mattflyheh why not?18:06
jack3<nacc> jack3: the filesystem size  << how do we get that?18:06
naccmattfly: not in a supported way18:06
naccjack3: ... the size from df?18:06
mattflyim not looking for supported ways?18:06
naccjack3: you are asking some *very* basic sysadmin questions18:06
naccmattfly: this is the official support channel18:07
jack3nacc:  good.  I'm not a sysadmin.18:07
jack3ok..  one moment..  will be right back18:07
naccjack3: as in, i dont' have time to handhold you on what a filesystem is, which is what in effect i'm doing right now18:07
jack3what channel do you recommend, that might be able to assist with this?18:08
naccjack3: honestly, delete some files, see if you actually free space, you'll probably need to free a relatively significant amount18:08
jack3<nacc> jack3: honestly, delete some files,  <<<  I have.     Other times, other places,  when this happens,  even deleteing a tiny amount, and it recognized, instantly.18:08
jack3give me a min, and I'll delete some more.  brb18:09
naccjack3: when you've been at the full filesystem limit?18:09
naccjack3: see if the file you deleted was open, see if anything is writing to the disk, etc.18:09
zzzhi. im having trouble with php7.2 on ubuntu 16.04, my /run/php/php7.2-fpm.sock file is missing18:09
jack3<nacc> jack3: see if the file you deleted was open,  <<< I think this is where we started18:09
nacczzz: php7.2 is not supported on 16.0418:10
jack3the stuff I found with google,  I tried, and found nothing18:10
jack3see if anything is writing to the disk,  << how?18:10
naccjack3: iotop18:10
naccjack3: or other similar tools18:10
jack3iotop is not installed18:10
naccjack3: also, you don't know if there is someting trying to log something as /var/log/... which is filling up disk as you free it18:11
naccjack3: as i've said a few times, not being root might make this unsolveable18:11
jack3wouldn't the numbers returned with   df -h  show that?18:11
naccjack3: what do you mean?18:11
oerheksman df, humanly readable18:12
jack3which is filling up disk as you free it  <<<   wouldn't the free space shown with df -h   trend down, if soemthing was constantly filling it?18:12
naccjack3: not if you're at 0 free18:12
naccjack3: if you're at 0 free, and the moment you free disk, something consumes it, you would just always see 0 free...18:12
acetakwasHow do I privately share a 15MB text file professionally? (Their email server has a policy preventing sending a file of this size.)18:12
jack3that 4.7G used wouldn't go back up?18:12
naccjack3: no, as i said, that's the maxium you can use (if you're not root)18:12
naccjack3: the 5% remaining is reserved18:13
naccacetakwas: not really an ubuntu support topic?18:13
WeirdTolkienishFyou guys use ubuntu server? we use it here at work18:13
jack3then I wonder how it ever got into that 5%18:13
jaga__hi this is jageesh18:13
WeirdTolkienishFworks awesome18:13
pavlosacetakwas: push it to some cloud and share from there18:13
naccjack3: what? it didn't18:13
jaga__i m having a doubt18:13
acetakwasnacc::  Sorry for the off-topic18:13
naccWeirdTolkienishF: do you have a support topic?18:13
acetakwaspavlos::  Could you suggest one?18:13
WeirdTolkienishFno just wondering18:13
jack3nacc:   then if nothing can use it,  then nothing is using it18:13
jaga__that .iso file is not in the whonix18:13
pavlosacetakwas: google drive, AWS, ...18:14
naccjack3: you are at the limit of usable disk space for your user. You delete some files, and at the same time, some *other* process writes to somewhere else on the filesystem. You never free up space on the disk.18:14
naccjack3: what aren't you understanding?18:14
jack3nacc:  just removed 34M of files.  no change18:14
naccjack3: did you check without -h ?18:14
jack3check the 34M  or the free space?18:15
naccWeirdTolkienishF: we don't do polling here18:15
jaga__yooo hoo18:15
zzznacc: i see. thanks18:15
naccjack3: what? run df without -h.18:15
naccjack3: what .iso file and what is 'whonix'?18:15
jack3ok... and... ?18:15
oerheksweltall, #ubuntu-server18:15
naccjack3: sorry not for your18:15
naccjaga__: what .iso file and what is 'whonix'?18:15
WeirdTolkienishFty oerheks18:15
oerheksWeirdTolkienishF ^^ join #ubuntu-server18:15
jack3<nacc> jack3: what? run df without -h.  <<<   and... ?18:15
jaga__hi nacc18:15
naccjack3: and, as i said before, see whether the actual bytes changed when you removed files18:16
naccjack3: -h is rounding so its readable18:16
WeirdTolkienishFnacc was just trying to make friendly conversation?18:16
acetakwaspavlos::  I don't know if it's professional to share the Google spreadsheet link to the document.18:16
naccWeirdTolkienishF: not the point of this channel.18:16
naccWeirdTolkienishF: this is just for support18:16
jack3nacc:  so you now want me to :    take a reading with  df ,   delete something,   take another reading18:16
jack3is that it?18:16
pavlosacetakwas: that's up to you.18:16
naccjack3: right, which i think i suggested before; also make sure to run sync;sync after the deletion18:16
WeirdTolkienishFare you an op, nacc?18:16
naccWeirdTolkienishF: no18:17
jaga__.iso file is not found in whonix os well we all has .iso file in linux os but instead of that .voc file is available in whonix  can any one eloborate to me18:17
WeirdTolkienishFThis is an outrageous response, nacc18:17
naccjaga__: what is whonix? this is the channel for ubuntu support, not random questions. Did you maybe want ##linux?18:17
naccWeirdTolkienishF: what is?18:17
WeirdTolkienishFabsolutely outrageous18:17
naccWeirdTolkienishF: perhaps you are overreacting to something, or misunderstanding. Chitchat goes elsewhere.18:18
jaga__ooops sorry guys18:18
pavlosjack3: "df | grep vda" will give you one line like, 76370716 6676304  65771880  10% / as you delete files the second # (used) will drop.18:18
leftyfbWeirdTolkienishF: please take idle chat to #ubuntu-offtopic. This channel is for support requests only. If your question is specific to Ubuntu server, you might be best served joining #ubuntu-server18:19
gpap_switched to kubuntu, ubuntu didn't work for me, still many bugs :( Was nessecary to switch into sddm too, gdm didn;t start plasma and asked me a mysterious keyring login18:19
leftyfbgpap_: the keyring login should just be your users login18:19
jack3:/dev/vda1 5128864 4819520 30896 100% /18:20
jack3: /dev/vda1 5128864 4854984 0 100% /18:20
jack3: /dev/vda1 5128864 4819520 30896 100% /18:20
naccjack3: i don't know what the value was before, so that isn't particularly useful18:20
naccah ok18:20
naccjack3: so you have some free now, but not enough to really be useful18:20
jack3du -h  before deletion said that it was 35M of files, for what that is worth18:20
gpap_leftyb: maybe18:20
jack3nacc:  tried    nano abc        ...  errors out.. no free space18:21
jack3same thing... the system is not recognizing the newly freed space18:21
naccjack3: yes it did ... it freed up space. Possibly not sufficient space18:21
naccjack3: you havve 30k free now or so?18:21
jack3to save a file less than 1K  ?18:21
minti want to fuc with someone girls18:22
leftyfb!op | mint18:22
naccjack3: err, 30M rather18:22
ubottumint: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax18:22
pavlosmint: wrong channel18:22
mintfuck you guys18:22
naccjack3: well, saving the file is different, nano also needs to run, etc.18:22
naccjack3: i am not at your computer, i'm going off what you have pasted18:22
leftyfbmint: yes, you are right. You can /part now. Goodbye.18:22
jack3:  /dev/vda1       4.9G  4.6G   31M 100% /    <<< this says so, yes.       that's new18:22
mintok bye18:23
jack3I used nano real quick, just as a quick test, is all18:23
jack3hey...  NOW nano will write18:24
jack3now it shows the free space18:24
jack3oh...  and I forgot  sync sync18:24
jack3should I do that, now?18:24
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jack3nacc : any need to use  sync sync   now?18:25
=== ghostsquare is now known as ghostcube
jack3nacc:  ok..  I guess you are gone.18:26
jack3nacc:  thank you for your time18:26
exarkungsd-media-keys says "unable to get default sink" and volume knob on keyboard now does nothing... what's up?18:26
jack3nacc: I appreciate it18:26
kostkonexarkun, ps -A | grep -i pulseaudio18:27
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=== ghostsquare is now known as ghostcube
exarkunkostkon: two processes running18:30
kostkonexarkun, both 'pulseaudio'?18:32
acetakwasJust occurred to me I could compress the document, which I ended up doing. Thanks18:32
exarkunkostkon: yes18:32
exarkun`/usr/bin/pulseaudio --daemonize=no` and `/usr/bin/pulseaudio --start --log-target=syslog`18:33
kostkonexarkun, ps -fA | grep -i pulseaudio   it will show the owner18:33
exarkunone gdm, one my user18:33
exarkunsince you mentioned pulseaudio, I searched system log for pulseaudio, https://gist.github.com/exarkun/c2a4b4b470937f62f4bdec779de5cf1018:34
exarkunthe timestamp is approximately the time I last rebooted18:34
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kostkonexarkun, i'm not sure if that's normal on the newer gnome shell based releases? probably it is18:34
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naccjack3: sync;sync would have avoided the race with nano18:38
exarkunkostkon: nor I :/18:39
nacckostkon: exarkun: yes, normal18:40
nacci believe one is so the greeter can do sounds18:40
kostkonexarkun, can you access your audio settings without problems?18:41
arooniquestion; i have this in my /etc/fstab; and while i can mount it manually with sudo mount /media/HardDriveArooni i would like it to be automatic on system bootup... ideas? \\ /media/HardDriveArooni cifs guest,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777,gid=1000,vers=1.0 0 018:42
exarkunkostkon: yes.  and audio is playing right now, too.  I just can't change volume with this media key.18:42
_ccI'm having a really frustrating issue; I can't seem to be able to blacklist drivers (latest ubuntu) relevant paste at: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/tB5fJsC6bR/18:43
Gargravarr_cc: does nvidiafb show in 'lsmod | grep nvidiafb' ?18:44
_ccGargravarr: nope18:44
kostkonexarkun, although that error in the log is not encouraging also could be related to the instance started by gdm and your user instance18:44
Gargravarr_cc: then it blacklisted successfully :) lsmod shows you all currently loaded kernel mods18:45
Gargravarri would guess lspci is showing the associated mods18:45
MosesPartshelp! my right click isn't working on linux 1818:45
MosesPartsi need it to add new accounts to thunderbird18:46
Kon-Is it weird to be missing /etc/default/grub? Fairly new install of 18.0418:46
GargravarrMosesParts: given your earlier posts, please don't expect urgent help18:46
Kon-I'm trying to figure out why I boot into text mode, and I'm wondering if that file missing is the reason18:47
erle-my Thinkpad X60 is 5 degrees cooler with 18.04 :)18:47
erle-on average18:47
naccarooni: add 'auto' ?18:47
naccarooni: actually, wait, you'd need a bit more18:47
naccKon-: yes, it's weird18:48
pavlosKon-: did you do a fresh install?18:48
arooninacc: say auto and _netdev18:48
naccarooni: yeah18:48
Kon-pavlos: Yes18:48
MosesPartsGargravarr: excuse me?18:48
naccarooni: although not sure if that's still how it's done, you might want to look at `man sytemd-mount` and create a unit for it18:49
arooninacc: thanks :)18:49
Kon-Is there a way I can force the creation of a new /etc/default/grub?18:50
thesebhelp! shell puzzle....I defined E="-i /home/cs/.ssh/etcplanet.pem cs@etcplanet.org" in .zshrc...however...when I do ssh $E I get the following error... Warning: Identity file  '/home/cs/.ssh/etcplanet.pem' cs@etcplanet.org not accessible: No such file or directory. It is behaving like it is *ignoring* the quotes around the PEM file and taking entire $E as the -i arg..why?18:50
GargravarrKon-: it should be in /usr/share/grub/default/grub18:50
Kon-Thanks Gargravarr. Is this a functional copy, or do I need to create one in /etc/?18:52
nacctheseb: can you use a pastebin?18:53
GargravarrKon-: that should be the file that APT would install. you should be able to just copy it into /etc/default/ and it'll work18:53
nacctheseb: the actual messages and line breaks matter here18:53
pavlosKon-: make a copy to /et/d/grub18:53
Kon-Alright, thanks18:53
_ccyou need to update-grub afterwards18:53
pavlosKon-: size is 1237 bytes18:53
thesebnacc: ok...sec18:54
pavlosKon-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6FqPbDdwGh/18:54
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thesebnacc: https://pastebin.com/DXLst3Qc18:55
_ccGargravarr: btw, thanks for the help!18:56
nacctheseb: what if you do ssh "$E" ?18:57
thesebnacc: hey..good idea!..sec18:57
Burekhi, i have a question. if i start installing xubuntu and i tick option to remove win10, will i need rescue tool after it to completely remove win10?18:57
thesebnacc: same error :/18:57
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Burekor will the installation do it's magic18:57
nacctheseb: also I don't use zsh, but does it have an echo mode (e.g., set -x)18:57
EriC^Burek: if you choose erase disk and install ubuntu it will completely obliterate windows18:58
nacctheseb: also, why are you quoting the path?18:58
Burekso, i will be able to boot into xubunut w/o any problems?18:58
EriC^Burek: of course not in a forensic kind of way, the data will still physically be there18:58
EriC^yeah sure Burek18:59
thesebnacc: i tried w/ and w/o quoting the -i arg18:59
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nacctheseb: ok, i would do it without quotes for sure, as it makes more shell-sense to me18:59
Bureki see, i see. thanks eric18:59
thesebnacc: say..set -x may have given a clue....ssh '-i '\''/home/cs/.ssh/etcplanet.pem'\'' cs@etcplanet.org'19:00
theseb 19:00
GargravarrEriC^: "completely obliterate windows" <-- seal of approval :)19:00
nacctheseb: right, so it's being given a quoteds tring19:01
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MosesPartsGargravarr: excuse me?19:01
EriC^Gargravarr: :D19:01
thesebnacc: w/o quotes this looks interesting... ssh '-i /home/cs/.ssh/etcplanet.pem cs@etcplanet.org'19:01
thesebnacc: set -x shows that quotes are messed up19:01
nacctheseb: yeah19:01
thesebnacc: is ssh doing that?19:01
thesebthe mangling of quotes?19:01
nacctheseb: how are you assigning to E?19:01
nacctheseb: no.19:01
EriC^Burek: np19:01
nacctheseb: set doesn't know what ssh is19:01
thesebnacc: in .zshrc like so.. E="-i /home/cs/.ssh/etcplanet.pem cs@etcplanet.org"19:02
thesebnacc: is that bad?19:02
BionicMac'dpkg -L name-of-installed-package' shows me a list of files in that package on my system. How can I see a list of files on a package that is not installed? Without downloading it.19:03
BionicMacFrom command line.19:03
naccBionicMac: apt-file19:05
BionicMacnacc: thank you kindly.19:05
BionicMacnacc: apt-file is a handy dandy tool!19:07
nacctheseb: seems fine, bash does this as you expected19:07
nacctheseb: so i assume it's a zsh quirk and i'd read `man zsh`19:07
nacctheseb: also, you may want to make a more flexible command, e.g. sshplanet as a function which calls ssh -i /home/cs/.ssh/etcplanet.pem to whatever server19:08
nacctheseb: or wrap the whole thing19:08
thesebnacc: this works....fwiw.. E=( "-i" "/home/cs/.ssh/etcplanet.pem" "cs@etcplanet.org" )19:09
thesebnacc: ever seen such a beast? freaky!19:09
exarkunkostkon: fwiw I rebooted and media buttons (and other keyboard shortcuts) now work19:09
kostkonexarkun, interesting. are you still getting that error19:10
exarkunkostkon: and those same pulseaudio errors still appear in the log19:10
exarkun(so I guess they're irrelevant)19:10
kostkonexarkun, yep19:10
exarkunnow to figure out what happened to ipv6 :/19:10
thesebexarkun: wait..is that the one and only exarkun of Twisted fame?19:10
exarkuntheseb: if "fame" is the word19:12
exarkuntheseb: seb..erino?19:12
thesebexarkun: yes!....few years ago dash said you had moved to Maryland iirc to work on a farm19:14
thesebexarkun: i thought that meant no IT19:14
thesebexarkun: yet here you are19:14
thesebexarkun: i didn't picture you as a farmer..so I was confused19:14
exarkunThat did happen (but not Maryland)19:14
cbreakdamn chinese gold farmers...19:14
cbreakthey are everywhere19:14
exarkunStill on a farm (co-owner now) but software pays better19:15
thesebexarkun: still doing Twisted? what's your lastest fascination if not that?19:16
exarkuntheseb: learning Haskell (on purpose) and OCaml (by accident) these days, working on security/privacy stuff19:17
leftyfbexarkun: theseb: can we take this to a private chat or at the very least, #ubuntu-offtopic19:17
exarkunyea, sorry19:17
commanderkeenim cross compiling a project on a 64bit machine for a 32bit and it requires linux headers. i know for the 64bit I did apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` , but how would I do this for the 32bit headers?19:21
nacccommanderkeen: headers are not bitsized19:21
nacccommanderkeen: headers are source files19:21
beterrabaGuys, what is the purpose of the letters -I or -L before a path?19:22
hal9000_how do you copy the address bar in 18.04 file explorer (nautilus)?19:22
naccbeterraba: ... it completely depends on the context19:22
beterrabaLike in 'OPS_INC   = -I$(OPS_INSTALL_PATH)/include '19:22
commanderkeennacc: im not sure what you are really getting at. should I just grab the linux source code from kernel.org ?19:22
cbreakhmm... does ubuntu 18.04 support boot off of zfs natively by now?19:23
cbreakwith older incarnations that wasn't supported by the installer19:23
naccbeterraba: it depends on how OPS_INC is used, not how its defined19:24
nacccommanderkeen: no19:24
cbreakdoesn't seem like it does :(19:24
nacccommanderkeen: if you need the headers, install the headers package as you did19:24
exarkunSo .. what controls whether NetworkManager (or something?) asks for/gets/assigns an ipv6 address?  What controls whether `lo` is also an ipv6 loopback interface?19:24
cbreak0.5k block size drive? :(19:25
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nacccbreak: i believe it's still only for data storage, not the main disk. MAAS and curtin can do zfs as root for cloud/VM images, though19:28
cbreakI'm reading https://github.com/zfsonlinux/zfs/wiki/Ubuntu-18.04-Root-on-ZFS at the moment, seems to be a similar procedure as previously19:28
cbreakand not well supported indeed :(19:29
JPSmanHey ya'll.  I just updated to beaver, and my systemd-resolved and my dnsmasq are hogging my processor, and hammering my local network.  What is going on?19:29
cbreakJPSman: wireshark? :)19:29
seattledavid_Sublime Text 3 consistently freezes on 18.04 if I use CTRL+O or CTRL+S. This doesn't help: https://www.sublimetext.com/docs/3/revert.html. Firefox sometimes randomly freezes too. Where/how should I start to troubleshoot?19:29
cbreakwell, I guess that's not a tool for user debugging :/19:29
JPSmancbreak, I'll give that a shot.19:30
debouncer[18.04] there is a bug in gui, i suppose. When I open console application, application icon appears on app's bar partially19:31
debouncercheck out https://imgur.com/a/Yvbysy619:31
JPSmancbreak, yeah i'm getting a stupid loop between and DNS19:32
JPSmanI don't know how to read wireshark packets though19:32
cbreakweird... it should show you between which ports. Maybe you can see with lsof -i which processes are listening on them19:33
cbreaklsof -i -n -P19:34
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d33tahhi! is there a channel dedicated to 18.04 problems?19:45
pavlosthis channel19:45
d33tahmy motherboard's gpu doesn't have xorg running on it anymore19:45
d33tahit only works with the nvidia one I have19:45
d33tahboot logs get displayed, then when lightdm starts i only get blinking cursor on mobo gpu19:46
TabMasherHey there folks.  Question: How do I associate a program to be opened by default by a given type of file?  Example: I want JPG image to be opened in XnViewMP by default.19:46
jlucis there some replacement for the "drawer" utility in new 18.04 ?19:46
d33tahany idea who to ping to help me debug this?19:46
ioriad33tah, 18.04 does not use lightdm19:47
jluci couldnt find any replacement to "drawers" for 17.1019:47
d33tahioria: it's what I installed before19:47
pavlosTabMasher: use FileManager, select jpg, properties, open with19:47
d33tahioria: my guess is that it's not a lightdm issue, but more of a xorg setup one19:47
ioriad33tah, cat /etc/issue19:48
d33tahioria: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS \n \l19:48
ioriad33tah,  dpkg -l | grep lightdm19:48
TabMasherpavlov: Thank you.  So if I open a jpg image from Chrome, it will open with the program I selected in the file manager?19:48
d33tahioria: ii  lightdm                                         1.26.0-0ubuntu1                              amd64        Display Manager19:49
ioriad33tah,  you used   do-release-upgrade -d   ?19:49
d33tahioria: yup19:49
pavlosTabMasher: no b/c you used chrome19:49
ioriad33tah,  borked (so far)19:49
d33tahioria: awesome. so, restore backups?19:49
pavlosTabMasher: if you double click an image it will look for the app you set to open with19:50
ioriad33tah,  wait .... uname -r19:50
d33tahioria: 4.15.0-20-generic19:50
ioriad33tah,  dpkg -l | grep gdm19:50
d33tahioria: ii  gdm3                                            3.28.0-0ubuntu1                              amd64        GNOME Display Manager19:50
flotwigis there a way to move the tray icons to the dock and remove the top bar in GNOME 3.28.1? ubuntu 18.0419:51
ioriad33tah,  can you open a console ?19:51
d33tahioria: yup, it does work with the pcie gpu19:51
d33tahioria: it just didn't initialize my mobo gpu, which i prefer to use19:52
d33tahit 17.10 i could just use mobo gpu and have games rendered to its hdmi using pcie gpu19:52
ioriad33tah,  can you paste  sudo lshw -c Video ?19:52
d33tahioria: https://pastebin.com/qD1gK6GA19:52
TabMasherpavlos: I'm looking to set a default program where, if I select a jpg file to be opened by any program, it will use the set default program.  Right now it defaults to opening JPG files in "Ristretto"19:53
ioriad33tah,  try  sudo dpkg-reconfigure  gdm319:53
TabMasherLike double clicking in different file managers, or opening files in chrome.19:53
d33tahioria: and switch to gdm3 as opposed to lightdm?19:54
ioriad33tah,  yes19:54
d33tah[21:52:43] āžœ  profound  sudo dpkg-reconfigure  gdm319:54
d33tahgdm.service is not active, cannot reload.19:54
d33tahinvoke-rc.d: initscript gdm3, action "reload" failed.19:54
d33tahioria: /\19:54
pavlosTabMasher: any program takes priority over default setting.19:54
ioriad33tah,  sudo apt update &&  sudo apt full-upgrade19:55
ledeniflotwig, something like this https://imgur.com/a/8KBVSri19:55
d33tahioria: done, but it only really affected my LAMP setup19:55
d33tahreconfigure still fails19:56
ioriad33tah,  your lamp ?19:56
TabMasherpavlos: I'd just like to know how to set which program is the default program.19:56
d33tahioria: linux apache mysql php19:56
flotwigledeni, not quite, i want to get rid of the top bar, and have the tray icons in my dock?19:56
ioriad33tah,  i know what lamp is ...19:56
d33tahioria: i mean it hadn't touched other pkgs19:56
pavlosTabMasher: I mentioned earlier, look at your File Manager, select the file, set open with ...19:57
d33tahioria: anyway, i tried reconfiguring gdm3 again and had the same error msg, even after removing lightdm. will try to purge19:57
TabMasherWhy would chrome open files with "ristretto", and how can I change it so it uses another program?  (XnViewMP to be specific.)19:57
ioriad33tah,  correct me ... your problem is that you cannot login in graphic mode , right ?19:57
flotwigledeni, https://i.imgur.com/CrvvPZC.jpg right now i have this, just wanna keep the left dock from Dash to Dock with the tray icons from the top right19:57
d33tahioria: yes, i'm just saying that update cmd hadn't touched anything graphics related19:57
flotwigis it even possible in gnome?19:57
ioriad33tah,  sudo service lightdm stop19:58
d33tahioria: afk for a minute then ;)19:58
ioriad33tah,  sy have to go, other can help ... gl19:59
d33tahunfortunately ioria's suggestion to switch to gdm3 didn't solve my problem with motherboard gpu not being initialized20:00
pavlosTabMasher: maybe you set chrome to use xnview to open jpg -- that's a chrome issue, you can do similar with FF20:01
d33tahdoes anybody have any other suggestions or know who to ping / which channel could help me debug this?20:01
amharrisHi, folks.  A buddy of mine update to the last pre-release of 18.04 about a week ago, but due to apparent issues with NVIDIA drivers, it prevented GNOME from starting.  However, due to this upgrade, a Live USB wonā€™t allow for an upgrade.  I recall seeing some instructions on how to update the installation thatā€™s on disk, as he couldnā€™t get network access in recovery, but canā€™t find them any more.  Could someone point me in the right20:01
amharris direction of how a forced upgrade could be carried out [just a dist-upgrade for whatā€™s on disk]?20:01
ibeekmanI have a machine at work that a colleague built and configured that is fairly exotic: 2 raid arrays, an NVIDIA Tesla K20, an NVIDA GTX 960, and an ASUS P9X79WS mother board. My colleague left us to go work for ARM, and I seem to have touched a setting in the BIOS or something that prevents the machine from booting. I desperately need someones help because I have wasted a day and a half on this, and all my other colleagues are on the20:01
ibeekmanother side of the country. Here is the boot debug info before I tried to fix grub etc. : http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/pW4VvfVq5W/20:01
ledeniflotwig, settings -- dock -- change to autohide -- bottom and for topbar install gnome-shell-extension-autohidetopbar and set wiyh gnome-tweak-tool ( install to if not have)-20:04
ibeekmanI *can* now boot to a live USB. The error that I was getting was something about 'text' mode, but I've spent a ton of time googling for similar issues and have probably made the problem worse by now.20:04
flotwigledeni, that doesn't put the tray icons in the dock tho20:05
flotwigwhich is pretty much what i want to do20:05
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ibeekmanAny help for ideas on how to trouble shoot this issue would be *very* appreciated20:07
cbreakibeekman: you don't want to reinstall the OS?20:07
* cbreak stays far away from hardware raids because they are way too fragile20:08
ibeekmanI could, but I would like to do it in such a way that it preserves home directories, configs etc.20:08
ledeniflotwig, if you want put new icon just open and click with right mouse button and add to favourites20:09
ibeekmancbreak: also it would be great if I did not have to figure out how to reconfigure all the exotic HW from within the OS again20:09
cbreakrestoring from backups is not an option either?20:09
ibeekmani.e. the Tesla K20 (or maybe K40)20:09
ibeekmanwell it might be20:09
ibeekmanit was setup to use duplicity which I have no experience with20:10
ibeekmanfor backups20:10
flotwigledeni, tray icons are the icons in the top right corner20:11
flotwigwhatpulse, caffeine, hexchat, sound...20:11
flotwigi want to put those on the dock, where the launchers are20:11
flotwigand i want to hide the top bar20:11
flotwigin pursuit of screen real estate20:11
ledeniflotwig, sorry but can'i do it but you can hide with gnome-shell-extension-autohidetopbar20:13
ibeekmancbreak: when I boot from the recovery menu, is there a default root password or something?20:13
enissayMay I have assistance on: From folder A I need to move .txt files ONLY to folder B while renaming them (insert fixed string _STR_ after 8th char. Any guidance is much appreciated as my bash skills are quite limited :x20:13
ibeekmanI thought ubuntu randomized root pwd and just used sudo for everything20:13
cbreaksudo isn't enough?20:14
flotwigledeni, not your fault :p think it's possible in GNOME? maybe i could write some extension20:14
cbreak(with sudo -s or similar)20:14
ibeekmancbreak: it says "Give root password for maintenance (or press control-D to continue)"20:15
scwizardis it safer to use a this ppa in ubuntu or debian or equivalently safe/dangerous for both? https://launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/ubuntu/php20:15
MonkeyDustscwizard  that's more for #ubuntu-offtopic20:17
ibeekmanenissay: I think I can help you20:17
enissayibeekman: I'm all ears :-)20:19
vavkamiltesting new LTS right now, on login screen, there is "ubuntu" or "ubuntu on wayland", but both options are same?20:20
RedNifreAny recommendations regarding the file system for an external hard drive? Still ext, or are things like btrfs etc. usable now?20:20
RedNifre(Haven't formated a HDD in years)20:20
naccvavkamil: no, they use different windowing servers (xorg and wayland)20:21
naccvavkamil: they will *look* the same, but they are very different20:21
ibeekmanfor txtfl in A/*.txt; do mv "${txtfl}" "B/${txtfl:0:8}_STR_${txtfl:8}" ; done # untested!20:21
pavlosRedNifre: if linux, ext4 ... if other, ntfs20:21
RedNifreI plan to reinstall Ubuntu, should I pick the current LTS or wait for 18.04.1? (When will that one come out? Are they still doing those?20:21
naccscwizard: well, it's an Ubuntu PPA -- and it's not supported here, so not a matter of 'safer'20:21
vavkamilnacc, ohh ok, I just want the old look from 16.0420:21
naccvavkamil: not really possible with 18.0420:22
ibeekmanenissay: see above, but please test to double check20:22
RedNifrepavlos alright, ext4 it is then.20:22
enissayibeekman: thanks, I'm making a test files to test it out20:22
RedNifreYou can choose between wayland and xorg? Isn't wayland a better replacement for xorg? Why choose which?20:22
Skaface82RedNifre: arraprently wayland isnt as compatible with existing applications20:23
Skaface82thats what I read anyway20:23
ibeekmanenissay: there may be an off-by-1 error there. I know the sub-string indexing starts at 0. Also, I always forget the precise semantics of globbing and quoting. I think that it should work, and feel even more confident if your file names don't have spaces and other weird things20:23
vavkamilI just hate that there isn't a top bar anymore with settings20:26
naccRedNifre: wayland is  tech preview still20:26
vavkamilalso I would like to remove trash icon from desktop20:26
pavlosinstall gnome-tweak and unclick it from there20:26
naccvavkamil: --^20:26
vavkamiland maybe move "close minimize maximize" buttons to left20:26
naccvavkamil: also tweakable, i think20:26
vavkamilok thank you guys20:26
ibeekmanenissay: let me know how you make out20:27
enissayibeekman: sure, i just finished creating hierarchy & test files... will keep you updated20:38
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BionicMacHello, Does anyone know if a realtime kernel is available for 81.04? I found a lowlatency 'apt-cache search linux-lowlatency' reveals the package. Although the same search for 'linux-realtime' proves empty.20:45
elvin_preslerHello. Has anyone figured out a good way to deal with gksu being gone? Some programs do not work with "program-name admin://" and some still create menu shortcuts with commands like "gksu system-config-samba" and will not start. Changing them to use -pkexec also does not work.20:46
epinkyanyone with experience in log formats? what's this log format named? - - [24/Apr/2018:17:15:51 -0400]  "GET / HTTP/1.1" 302 349 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)" "-"20:50
enissayibeekman: paths are long and different locations, however the substring operates on the whole path instead of only the filename... Can you help tackle that ? also, I'm running it from a bash.sh file, so I don't really need a one line solution20:50
iklaI installed ubuntu and I'm not getting a login prompt20:51
iklaI can ssh to the machine20:51
iklajust shows /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root on screen20:52
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ibeekmanenissay: sure, but I can only type so much in an IRC window... :-)20:52
guardianhello I have a quick question. With a fresh PC, I just installed Windows 10 and now I'm installing 18.0420:53
guardianI noticed Windows 10 created a 520MB partition formatted as NTFS, and a 100MB partition for EFI20:53
enissayOuch, yea indeed xD20:53
guardiannow I chose to install Ubuntu along side Windows. What will the installer do?20:53
guardianI guess it can't reuse the 520MB NTFS partition as /boot20:53
ibeekmanfor txtfl in A/*.txt; do file=$(basename "${txtfl}"); mv "${txtfl}" "B/${file:0:8}_STR_${file:8}" ; done # untested!20:54
guardianwill it create another ~500MB partition for /boot ?20:54
ibeekmanenissay: ^20:54
thinkywhen will any update come for 18.04 ?20:55
thinkyi dont know why but i feel it is not smooth20:56
thinkymaybe gnome tweak tool?20:56
riotztry wayland20:56
riotzbut it wont work with nvidia drivers20:57
irwisshmm is /etc/hosts entry for " guest" an ubuntu default or did some program put it there?20:57
riotzand yes theres also gnome tweak tool20:58
riotzyou can disable animations there ;)20:58
thinkyi disabled but still it doesnt feel smooth20:59
thinkyand i feel it sucks ram20:59
thinky3/8gb of ram is being used20:59
riotzthats a lot21:00
riotzlet me close my browser for you21:00
thinkyi closed firefox too21:00
riotzive got 2.62 here21:00
enissayibeekman: Works like a charm... However one extra change for ease of use later: Extract long path and put in vars such as srcFolder = "/home/enissay/A" & destFodler="/dev1/xxx/yyy/zzz/B"... which I ddid but then fail at concatenation to create the full correct path (I know, it's lame :x)21:00
thinkynow ram usage is 2.10gb / 8gb21:00
riotzyeah well..i dont think you can go much lower with gnome21:01
thinkywhy not?21:01
thinkyis gnome tweak tool causing this?21:01
thinkyaround 13-15% cpu usage as well21:02
riotzbesides of that not all of that ram you see in the resource manager as used is realy used21:03
riotzopen a terminal and type "free -h"21:03
riotzi'm down to 1.4 gb now with closing my pdf reader aswell21:03
sere_besides system information how can i tell if my usb drives are using 2.0 or 3.0?21:03
thinkyused 2.1 free 221:03
transhumanhi is it possible to change from udev when using ubuntu 1821:04
riotzthinky, maybe try a wayland session then21:04
thinkyswap 7.6g used 0 why?21:04
riotzi had the same feeling after of smoothness after updating 2 days ago and spend half of my night to get wayland working again21:04
riotzignore the first after in this sentense :D21:05
thinkyi like traditional ubuntu look21:05
thinkywayland doesnt look ubuntu21:05
kostkontranshuman, what do you mean exactly21:05
riotzthinky, its the same look21:05
thinkyshow me example?21:05
thinkynever used wayland21:05
riotzyou exchange xorg for wayland21:06
transhumannot sure I am thinking that some other system than udev might show up an error to explain why the desktop has so many problems21:06
riotzgnome on top which is doing the design stuff makes everything look the same21:06
riotzno change21:06
riotzapt-get install wayland21:06
cbreakthis is the year of linux on the server.21:06
thinkyi have this look now ; https://scontent.fbtz1-9.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/31502996_1936913806639096_5875970716439937024_n.jpg?_nc_cat=0&oh=461178a3c186eb6b6adec8eac12dd81a&oe=5B98FAA621:07
riotzon login screen select the wayland session21:07
thinkycan i remove after testing?21:07
riotzit just registers another session21:07
thinkyriotz: did u see my screenshot?21:07
thinkyi would like that look21:08
riotzthinky, it will stay the same21:08
kostkontranshuman, what problems21:08
thinkyE: Unable to locate package wayland21:08
riotzuhm maybe it was xwayland21:08
riotzlet me check21:08
riotzapt-get install xwayland21:09
riotzmake sure you have no nvidia gfx card21:09
thinkywhat about xorg?21:09
thinkyriotz: i have intel graphics integrated21:09
riotzon login screen select the wayland session21:10
thinkybrb then..21:11
riotzi dont remember if the naming is still the same on 18.0421:11
riotzthis is from 17.10 but you will figure out.. one will say xorg or wayland21:11
enissayibeekman: Done, I had a bad copy/cat21:12
vavkamilit says "ubuntu" and "ubuntu on wayland"21:13
riotzhehe.. yeah that was my guess.. naming got changed a bit21:13
tac_Speaking of Xorg and Wayland, I have a general windowing question. We have a product with a UI running on Linux. If we want to lock down the system so we basically have a single full-screen application with nothing else accessible, what's an appropriate platform/library to target?21:13
thinkythere were 2 options -ubuntu - ubuntu on wayland21:14
thinkyi chose -ubuntu on wayland21:14
tac_I get the feeling we would just want to run X without a window manager21:14
thinkyi dont feel any difference at all21:14
thinkywhat is the difference and advantages?21:14
thinkyit is exactly same look and nothing changed21:15
riotzwayland is the new bread.. whereas xorg is like 15 years old and a big mess like a lot of devs call it21:15
thinkyi dont see the difference21:16
riotzbut some things are not verry well supported on wayland now.. like vnc and desktop sharing21:16
thinkyhow can i realise?21:16
riotzon skype etc21:16
thinky1.78gb ram usage now21:16
riotzecho $DESKTOP_SESSION21:16
nacctac_: you mean a kiosk-like mode?21:16
riotzyeah well.. at least we saved a couple mbs21:17
thinky$ echo $DESKTOP_SESSION21:17
jluc"ubuntu" here21:17
thinkyjluc: using gnome tweak tool?21:17
tac_nacc, yep21:17
jlucsometimes yes21:17
thinkyi am trying to find out if gnome tweak tool causing system slow down and lack of smoothness21:18
jlucas for DE and settings, i never know what is related to what21:18
UserUSthinky: use the top command to see resources being used by processes21:18
vavkamilthinky, I', experiencing this too21:18
sere_does the xserver-xorg-video-radeon driver support opengl by default.. seems i have none21:18
MosesPartsWho would win in a fight? ubuntu or the borg?21:18
thinkyUserUS: i am using htop21:18
transhumananyone able to take a look at these errors. http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RyBH44Nt8b it appear its caused by the tmp file system at the top. any idea how to fix?21:18
UserUSthinky: compare the memory usage to your available memory21:19
tac_In general, the Linux graphics stack is very large and it's something I would like to know more about.21:19
nacctac_: i think that is in and of itself a supported model already, just fyi -- google around a bit21:19
thinkyUserUS: 1.89gb usage of 7.86gb ram21:19
MonkeyDustthinky  https://askubuntu.com/questions/11537/why-is-wayland-better21:19
nacctranshuman: what error?21:19
vavkamilseems like my CPU and memory is OK, but it it's that smooth21:20
transhumanin the list the one about dead tmp at the top21:20
nacctranshuman: it says it's inactive, it doesn't necessarily mean an error21:20
transhumantmp.mount not found inactive dead21:20
nacctranshuman: do you actually have a distinct /tmp mount configured?21:20
thinkyvavkamil: yea i dont feel smooth either21:20
jlucbut i have an issue that could be related to DE : all icon-buttons have disapeared off LibreOffice ribbon21:20
UserUSthinky: Just for gnome-tweak-tool or overall?21:21
thinkyjust for gnome tweak tool by now21:21
nacctranshuman: actually describe your problem, not what you think youa re doing to diagnose it21:21
thinkyi feel like it ruins the original feel21:21
UserUSthinky: yeah, that is high, have you tried unity tweak tool?21:22
thinkybut i dont like original look21:22
thinkyUserUS: unity tweak tool on gnome? O.o21:22
thinkynever thought21:22
thinkyi am on 18.04 atm21:22
naccUserUS: unity-tweak-tool is irreleant on 18.0421:22
transhumanI am looking for clues why the desktop hangs with all desktops except gnome3 and even that doesnt behave nicely (hangs but actually loads desktop)21:22
riotzthinky, maybe change your theme on the tweak tool?21:22
UserUSnacc: I have 16, so care to explain why?21:22
thinkyriotz: i dont like to play with themes that much21:22
nacctranshuman: what do you mean by 'hangs'? what version of ubuntu? what changed21:23
thinkyi just wanted to move top bar to the bottom that s all21:23
naccUserUS: unity was the default in 16.04 (not "16")21:23
thinkywith dash to panel extension21:23
naccUserUS: gnome is the default in 18.0421:23
transhumanubuntu 16.04 17 and 18 3 version upgrades to try and rapare21:23
riotzits linux dude.. its made to be played with :D21:23
UserUSthinky: that is built into appearance settings, no tweak tools needed21:23
vavkamilI'm using "auto-hide" the dock and it's definitely not that smooth as I'm used too from 16.0421:23
jluchttps://askubuntu.com/questions/942140/icons-missing-from-libreoffice-toolbars?utm_medium=organic&utm_source=google_rich_qa&utm_campaign=google_rich_qa helped me to fix LibreOffice non displayed buttons21:23
UserUSnacc: that means nothing, you can use both. mine has unity and gnome tweak tool21:23
nacctranshuman: so you were on 16.04 and your desktop stopped working?21:23
thinkyUserUS: i cant see that in appearance21:23
transhumanyeah ran out of hard drive space21:23
transhumanits in a vm21:23
thinkyi mean top bar which date time showing21:24
thinkyto the bottom21:24
naccUserUS: that is true under unity21:24
thinkynot dashboard21:24
naccUserUS: but under gnome, there is no unity tweaking, as there is no unity21:24
UserUSthinky: https://askubuntu.com/questions/966927/how-to-shift-side-bar-ubuntu-dock-to-bottom-on-ubuntu-17-10-and-later21:24
nacctranshuman: are you still trying to fix this? I feel like it's been at least weeks. Just reinstall21:25
UserUSnacc: so install the dependencies? or is 18 different in some way21:25
naccUserUS: what?21:25
tgm4883UserUS: 18.04 doesn't use Unity anymore21:25
naccUserUS: unity is not installed by default and not use by default in 18.04 (again, not "18")21:25
naccUserUS: it's a rather different desktop experience than 16.0421:25
thinkyUserUS: i am not talking about dock / dash board. i am talking title bar - top bar21:25
UserUSnacc: yes, but it can be. or did they take that away?21:25
naccUserUS: why would you install unity?21:26
UserUSthinky: the top bar you have to change your theme21:26
transhumanI know I am just stubborn, I seem like I am finding possible causes every time I am just about to give up21:26
naccUserUS: it's not the default is all I said. You can install whatever you want of course, but that's not the point here.21:26
thinkyinstead changing theme i used tweak tool21:26
thinkydash to panel extension21:26
nacctranshuman: I think you're wasting your time )21:26
transhumantmp file system seems like a reasonable cause21:26
nacctranshuman: you can look at `systemctl status tmp.mount`, but i doubt it will help you much21:26
UserUSnacc: gotcha, no worries, I was more shocked the idea it couldn't be used lol21:26
nacctranshuman: unless your disk is still full?21:26
transhumanok thanks21:26
riotzanother extension i can recommend is unite21:27
riotzverry usefull on a notebook21:27
naccUserUS: it just wouldn't do anything by default (and is not installed) -- i imagine if you installed it, it would add unity, but then you're not running the default desktop and sort of on your own21:27
tgm4883UserUS: it's not that it can't be used. nacc was stating that installing it wouldn't do anything. It would be like installing kde-tweak-tool on gnome21:27
tgm4883sure you can do it, but don't expect much21:27
UserUSyeah, not much, just little stuff21:27
thinkyriotz: what does it make?21:28
naccUserUS: it wouldn't do anything on 18.0421:28
* tgm4883 still sees that as pointless, but goes back to his Budgie install21:28
UserUSnacc: idk, I have 16 and I can use it to change certain things like windows animations that gnome can't21:29
naccUserUS: right, only true on 16.0421:29
naccUserUS: your 16.04 experience is irrelevant to a fresh 18.0421:29
riotzthinky, Unite is a GNOME Shell extension which makes a few layout tweaks to the top panel and removes window decorations to make it look like Ubuntu Unity Shell.21:29
naccUserUS: and *again* not "16", but 16.04. That is important, please use the correct version number.21:29
tgm4883UserUS: You can use unity tweak tool to change unity settings? Color me surprised21:29
UserUSwell now you're both just getting snippy. peace21:29
thinkyriotz: how can i install it?21:30
riotzthinky, https://extensions.gnome.org21:30
riotzinstall browser extension for your browser then search unity and install that from the webinterface21:30
thinkyriotz: sudo apt install gnome-shell-extensions21:31
riotzuhm yes right.. i dont have install instructions for each and every app in top of my head21:32
thinkyanother thing. how can i disable transparency of the dash board?21:32
riotzno clue.. maybe with dconf-editor21:33
vavkamilidk If I like gnome yet21:34
riotzvavkamil, try the window snapping where you can arrange two windows on one screen21:35
riotzyou'll like gnome after that! ;P21:35
thinkyohh cpu is burning21:36
thinkyaround 50-51%21:37
thinky9 tabs open in firefox and 3 terminal21:37
riotzby which process?21:37
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riotzsomeone is mining monero on your firefox probably21:38
thinkywhat s that?21:39
enissayfor a cronjob, to run every 2 minutes, is it [2 * * * *] or [*/2 * * * *]  ?21:48
cbreak2 means "exactly at 2"21:48
cbreakso it's the second :)21:49
enissayaha, I thought so, thanks <321:49
cheakoirccloudI'm the chanop for ##ubuntu-install a channel dedicated for assistance with installing ubuntu.  Please come populate this channel and assist new users with their installs.21:50
Sven_vBmy other computer's screen went to standby, how do I find what made it do so? via SSH, I can still see the screen connected in xrandr, and "xscreensaver-command: screen blanking is currently disabled."21:51
Sven_vBit blanked earlier, too, and woke up on mouse movement.21:53
Sven_vBso it's probably some power management mechanism that I missed21:53
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cbreakSven_vB: sounds normal. The screen should enter standby if it's not used21:55
cbreakno point wasting energy on heating up the planet more :)21:55
Sven_vBcbreak, well, I'd like to deactivate that. :)21:55
Sven_vByeah except when you need build status displayed on the wall21:56
cbreakjust turn it off unless something failed... :P21:56
Sven_vBor any other kind of mission control21:56
cbreakI use xset dpms 300 300 30021:56
cbreakthat makes x sleep after 300 seconds21:57
cbreakthe man page for that thing shows what else you can do21:57
Sven_vBhow do I query the current values for those numbers?21:57
Sven_vB(couldn't find that in the man page)21:57
Sven_vBoh, it's probably part of "xset q"21:58
cbreakI have that in my i3 config21:58
Sven_vBit says DPMS (Energy Star):Ā¶  Standby: 7200    Suspend: 7200    Off: 14400Ā¶  DPMS is Disabled21:58
cbreakso I never bothered to check what the defaults are21:58
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blazeme8On bionic, If I rapidly press F11 to take firefox into/out of fullscreen mode, my gnome-shell crashes/freezes. Does this happen for anyone else?21:59
Sven_vBso the blanking probably isn't about dpms21:59
Sven_vBseems it was xscreensaver after all, I just misunderstood what xscreensaver-command meant with "blanking".22:01
riotzblazeme8, i cant reproduce that here22:01
vavkamilI love the extensions22:06
duckx0rI currently have 17.10 installed however when I do `do-release-upgrade` it says "No new release found." What could be causing this?22:06
vavkamilduckx0r, you must wait couple of months for that22:07
kosta__Hey All22:07
kosta__I'm having issues with my res after 18.04 update. I can't change it from 1024 * 76822:08
kosta__can someone please share some insight22:08
duckx0rvavkamil, Oh... I thought it was as soon as it was released.22:08
Sven_vBkosta__, do you have xrandr installed?22:08
tgm4883duckx0r: not a few months, but probably sometime this week22:08
duckx0rtgm4883, Ah, thanks.22:09
kosta__I would say yes22:09
vavkamilUpgrades from 16.04 LTS will not be enabled until a few days after the 18.04.1 release expected in late July.22:10
vavkamilUpgrades from 17.10 will not be enabled until a few days after 18.04's release.22:10
Sven_vBkosta__, have you tried using xrandr to add a mode and then set that mode for some output?22:11
kosta__Sven_vN, when checking terminal for xrandr i get the following message22:11
kosta__xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default22:11
Sven_vBkosta__, is that the only message?22:13
kosta__sorry, no.22:13
kosta__Screen 0: minimum 1024 x 768, current 1024 x 768, maximum 1024 x 76822:13
kosta__default connected primary 1024x768+0+0 0mm x 0mm22:13
kosta__   1024x768      76.00*22:13
pisymbolHas anyone seen the 17.10 ā€œdo-release-upgradeā€ tool hang with ā€œReading cacheā€ when it is iniitally started? CPU spikes to 100% too.22:14
pisymbolThis is 17.10->18.04 LTS22:14
pisymbol3376 root      20   0  270020  32944  15656 R 100.3  0.1   5:36.89 bionic22:14
Sven_vBkosta__, maybe you need other graphics card drivers. check the "additional software" section of Ubuntu's update settings.22:15
pisymbolDoes anyone know where do-release-upgrade sends any log messages? There is nothing in syslog.22:16
pisymbolOr apt/*.log22:16
Exterminadorstupid question: I have a VPS (Ubuntu 16.04). is it possible to limit the amount of space a user can use in the /home/user/ dir?22:17
pisymbolOk, found the log file.22:18
pisymbol@Exterminador: Why not use quota?22:18
cbreakExterminador: zfs has per dataset quotas, if you use that22:18
kosta__Sven_vB, I'm currently using nvidia 390 drivers.22:18
Sven_vBkosta__, does it offer some others? then you could try them22:19
kosta__It did, I changed it to 390 which was the propriety tested one22:20
kosta__still nothing22:20
pisymbol@kosta__ what is your issue?22:20
kosta__pisymbol, resolution is stuck on 1024 x 768 after 18.04 upgrade from 17.1022:20
pisymbolDid you look at X.org log file?22:21
Exterminadorpisymbol: I'll take a look at quota thing. thanks for the tip. cbreak, I'll check that too. I need to do some research22:22
kosta__pisymbol, what should I be looking for? I'm fairly new to Ubuntu22:23
cliIs their a way to get flash to work natively with Ubuntu 17.10 and Firefox?22:29
cbreakpeople still use that garbage? :O22:31
cliYes it is for a community of computers that our employees use.22:32
cbreakand you want to enable them to get malware easier?22:32
cbreakmaybe you could run that thing inside a vm... hmm...22:33
cliThese computers are "use at your own risk"  and as they are not connected to our company network.22:33
cbreakprobably best to use chrome or microsoft edge22:34
tgm4883cbreak: that's not really helpful to the situation22:34
cbreakfirefox doesn't support that ancient legacy api for flash anymore22:35
cbreakand chrome bundles flash, and keeps it up to date22:35
cbreakat least I read they did that last year22:35
cliI work help desk at my job and my boss was wondering why the earlier versions of Ubuntu (17.10 and below) supported Flash natively.22:37
kosta__pisymbol, Sven_vB i sorted it22:39
kosta__I booted using the previous kernal, it worked, I restarted to the current one and it started working22:39
tgm4883cli: flash can work on current versions of firefox22:41
cbreakcli: https://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/2465543/mozilla-firefox-is-latest-browser-to-kill-off-adobe-flash-support22:41
tgm4883cli: you'd need to download and add it to the ~/.mozilla/plugins directory and then enable it22:41
cliThanks at cbreak and tgm488322:42
cbreak"However, there is a way to continue using NPAPI plugins in Firefox - use Firefox ESR (Extended Support Release) instead. The latest Firefox 52 ESR continues to allow using NPAPI plugins, and it is supported until May 2018."22:43
cbreakso you have... 1 day :D22:43
cbreakoh, wait, it's already may22:44
vavkamiljust tell your boss that flash is deprecated22:44
cbreaktoo late22:44
cliAhh geez lol22:44
tgm4883cbreak: flash still works in Firefox22:44
tgm4883cli: ^22:44
cliThanks tgm I will try to get it to work here in a few moments and see if I can be successful.22:45
tgm4883cli: I would agree with the others though. You should be getting off of flash if possible.22:45
vavkamilon the other hand, there it not much malware for ubuntu I guess22:46
vavkamildefinitely wouldn't put flash on windows machine22:46
cbreakvavkamil: you sure?22:47
tgm4883cbreak: pick a date please. Either it's tomorrow, or 202022:47
cbreakvavkamil: last time I installed it, I had some spyware amazon thingie in my toolbar22:47
cbreaktgm4883: the API flash uses is gone tomorrow apparently22:48
cbreaktgm4883: but adobe will continue to support it until 2020 it seems22:48
tgm4883cbreak: in Firefox 52 ESR. What does that mean for people on Firefox 59 ?22:48
cbreaktgm4883: long gone22:48
cbreak52 is the last one that supports the netscape plugin api as far as I know22:49
tgm4883cbreak: so my firefox must be some sort of magical beast where I just tested it works?22:49
cbreakor it uses something other than the standard netscape API22:49
cbreaktgm4883: read the links :)22:50
cbreakI'm not a firefox dev22:50
cbreakI just repeat what I read there :)22:50
tgm4883cbreak: I just repeat what I read from the link you posted22:50
tgm4883Firefox 52 was released today and it includes two major changes: support for WebAssembly and the removal of support for NPAPI (Netscape Plugin API) plugins like Silverlight, Java, and others, with the exception of Flash.22:50
cbreakso, special api for flash as I suspected above22:51
cliThis is the latest link I found for flash plugin for Firefox: https://websiteforstudents.com/installing-the-latest-flash-player-on-ubuntu-17-10/22:51
tgm4883cbreak: you suspected ;)22:51
tgm4883cli: that might work. I honestly haven't checked that, I just downloaded the flash player and dropped it in the directory, restarted firefox and enabled the plugin22:52
cliYea I am taking a look at it but I maybe running into some trouble with it22:55
transhumanok so this is my last ditch effort, how would i remove tmp.mount from (what I think is init.rd but I could be wrong)?22:58
cliI am looking at the ESR of Firefox to see if that will work with the fire fox plugin I downloaded23:03
glowinthedarkCIAWhy is the gnome menu so slow to open?23:06
glowinthedarkCIAits choppy/laggy on all my hardware23:07
classywhettenIs there anything you've done inside of Gnome tweaks yet to try and fix it?23:08
cliI worked!23:08
cli*It worked!23:08
glowinthedarkCIAubuntu is dead23:09
glowinthedarkCIAis the gnome shit for tablets or something?23:09
ak_hepcatAnybody know how i can try to get a package updated to a newer version due to security + bugfixes?  (pidgin )23:10
classywhettenak_hepcat, is it a newer version than what's available in the repo?23:10
classywhettenyou could try a combo of curl and sudo altinstall23:11
ak_hepcatyes, it's newer than the repo, and the old dev-ppa  isn't maintained anymore23:14
classywhettenwhich package is it? I can write you out a bash script23:15
classywhettenIf it's pidgin they have a guide on their website on how to compile from source. From there you'd just need to make an altinstall23:16
ak_hepcatthere's no  .deb's  for it, so it's a source-build.  never a fun time (though can be done) to deal with, especially WRT migrating from existing packages to source and back to packages.23:17
eaglgenes101I'm having a bit of a configuration issue with systemd services23:19
classywhettenak_hepcat, have you submitted a bug report or gotten in touch with them via launchpad? there's dev packages for bionic and artful, but you just might need to submit a pull request23:22
classywhettenor a bug report23:22
classywhettenBut I do see that the ubuntu packages are pretty far behind the source available on pidgin's website23:23
eaglgenesHow do I make it so that a service indirectly started by a timer counting down from boot isn't counted as a boot process23:25
ak_hepcatyeah.   i'm trying to ressurect my U1 account from years of not using it and not having a good time remembering my email (oh, it knows my username, but can't log in with that!)23:25
eaglgenessystemd assumes it is one, which makes it that much more difficult to diagnose actual boot problems23:25
eaglgenessystemd-analyze says it's not done, even though I'm in the desktop environment23:25
classywhettenmight be a better question for #systemd since it's not a distro specific problem23:26
ELFrederichhow should I install Docker on the newest 18.04?  When I run `docker` on command line it prompts me to either `snap install docker` or `apt install docker.io` and to run `snap info docker` for additional versions23:27
ELFrederichwhich should I do?23:27
classywhettenI try to avoid snaps for things I want to move between devices. What does apt search docker give you in 18.04?23:31
ELFrederichclassywhetten, docker.io/bionic 17.12.1-0ubuntu1 amd6423:38
ELFrederichthat seems newer than the one in snap23:39
classywhettenELFrederich: I would go with the docker.io then23:41
eaglgenesI'm having a bit of a problem getting any response from #systemd23:45
eaglgenesSeems to be almost dead there23:46
FoofersMy 18.04 machine will not completely wake from suspend. The disks/fans spin up, but the screens remain blank. Anyone heard other complaints on this?23:54

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