
Unit193knome: I build locally and rsync to my server on new changes00:05
Unit193So, not tags.00:06
knomeUnit193, if you wanted to keep the "official" online docs updated as well, i wouldn't mind...07:49
knomeUnit193, you have access to the server, right?07:49
flocculantbluesabre: so Thunar now has a fit when you unmount something :)17:17
flocculantdidn't notice it myself previously - went back to non-ppa thunar - could see it17:17
flocculantbug 176259517:17
ubottubug 1762595 in thunar (Ubuntu) "Thunar incorrectly thinks USB storage device hasn't finished ejecting" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176259517:17
flocculantgot backtrace - and strace till I killed it 17:33
flocculantwe want a bugzilla report as well as the LP one?17:33
flocculantftr - don't see the issue in 1.7.217:38
flocculantalways good to have a thunar sru at lts time :)17:39
flocculantoooh nice - so pcmanfm closes if I unmount a usb or volume17:42
flocculantno idea in nautilus as apparently one doesn't need to unmount nor eject there17:44
flocculantso I assume it's not thunar if pcmanfm dies?17:44
=== AndroUser is now known as willem_
leighHi. The move to trash option in Thunar does a permanent delete for files on my external disk (it works for files on laptop). How can I change this please?20:44
leighDelete key moves to trash on laptop but permanently deletes on removeable media (external disk)20:51
leighwas also like this on 16.04 IIRC20:53
leighoops, thought I was in #xubuntu - sorry!21:00
Unit193knome: I do have access, but you'd want the development target?21:57
knomeUnit193, hum?22:21
krytarikYes, nobody likes stale stuff.. :322:28
knomefor contributor docs, it can be as far as vcs is22:28
knomeand we really should split the two docs, but we also need to create a unified "style" branch for docs, wiki, website, tracker, ...22:29
knomeor it will really have to be pulled to two places22:30
=== SwissBot_ is now known as SwissBot
Unit193knome: Ah, contributor only, OK.  In order to enable that, either have to give my user write permission, add a cronjob, or something as it's automated on my end. ;323:33
knomei guess user docs could be tip too, but then we'd need to prepare potential post-release stuff in other branches23:34
knomebut that's probably what we'd do anyway so...23:34

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