[14:46] Upgraded to Cosmic last night. 😁 [14:57] @tsimonq2, LOL [14:57] FYI: https://www.reddit.com/r/kde/comments/8g8wbn/kde_plasma_5125_bugfix_release_for_may/dybruyp/ [14:59] Need to do a blog post later... [15:06] @tsimonq2 what? how? [15:07] the cosmic repos exist. if @tsimonq2 upgraded last night he would have got zero updates though, and system would have still said bionic [15:07] so he is teasing [15:08] uploads like base-files etc have only started today [15:08] and are still blocked from reaching -release [15:10] @acheronuk, Nooooo. :P [19:18] thanks for all those uploads, acheronuk [19:18] updating now [19:20] By the way, I sent an Ubuntu-release email last night while directly CCing Rik and Valorie, but we're converting all seeds to Git in one week's time unless someone speaks up for their flavor. [19:20] I"m pro-git but then I'm doing none of that work [19:21] it's pretty trivial fwiw but i'm sure the devs can handle that [19:21] Right. [19:21] Flavors have to do nothing, but some people have weird workflows. [19:21] Oh, and I heard they're working towards moving Launchpad itself to Git. \o/ [19:21] nice [19:30] +1 on Git [19:32] updates are working perfectly, acheronuk [19:40] kool. I warned SRU team that they will be incoming for actual archive. I think maybe blog about both together when uploads are in -proposed for that so people can either (a) install from ppa if not a tester or (b) follow SRU validation guidelines to test from archive [19:42] this evening a have a few visitors and am having a few drinks with them, so not going to try anything too technical :P [19:42] I got the new shingles shot yesterday and am feeling .... almost sick [19:42] might need a second cup of coffee [19:44] valorie: urgh. my father got shingles, and I discovered via that I had not had chickenpox as a kid when I came out with that! [19:44] not fun as an adult! [19:44] I had shingles already *right next to my eye* [19:44] never again, thankyouverymuch [19:44] What's that? O_o [19:45] it is chickenpox virii that hide out in your nerves [19:45] until they pounce [19:45] horrible [19:45] Oh jeez. [19:45] if you google for it, you will get the shot like doublequick [19:46] yeah. it lies dormant until when you are a bit older, and your immune system isn't as great as it once was, it comes back to bite [19:46] it was so painful [19:47] but as valorie says as shingles it can effect nerves, so nastier that just being spotty [19:48] and in a few people, the swelling goes away but the pain stays [19:49] yep. my father took a very long time to get rid of the pain [19:49] fortunately mine was little [19:49] my dad had a huge one, all around his waist [19:50] so wearing pants was torture [19:50] :( [19:50] I think that was before they had a shot