
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> @comborico1611_, Default naviagation was set to double-click for plasma in 18.04.  The thought was that people new to KDE would expect double click; tradition KDE users would know how to change the setting (Sys Settings -  input Devices - Mouse - Single click....)00:36
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IrcsomeBotEdwin Neil was added by: Edwin Neil03:18
IrcsomeBot<Edwin Neil> Hi every one03:19
IrcsomeBot<Edwin Neil> I installed Kubuntu 18.04 and instala privative controler for my broadcom WiFi. After restart my system don't start, it is frezze on backligth proces03:24
IrcsomeBot<Edwin Neil> What can I do?03:24
IrcsomeBot<Edwin Neil> (Photo, 1280x960) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/h7i1pIph/file_6396.jpg03:25
IrcsomeBot<Edwin Neil> Is there a Kubuntu support group in spanish?03:39
krytarikI only know of the general #ubuntu-es on IRC (which would be fine in this case though), but it's not really active.03:49
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lordievaderGood morning06:13
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IrcsomeBotUthayakumar C was added by: Uthayakumar C07:15
IrcsomeBot<Uthayakumar C> (Photo, 1040x780) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/gjBER2RC/file_6399.jpg07:15
IrcsomeBot<Uthayakumar C> Wt I have do07:16
lordievaderLogin and run the filesystem check manually.07:21
IrcsomeBot<Uthayakumar C> How to check filesystem07:21
IrcsomeBot<Uthayakumar C> I know little knowledge in linux07:22
IrcsomeBot<Uthayakumar C> Send step by step cmd07:22
IrcsomeBot<Uthayakumar C> Or mail (uk007.ece@gmail.com)07:23
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lordievaderDid you login?07:27
IrcsomeBot<Uthayakumar C> Yea07:27
IrcsomeBot<Uthayakumar C> Yes07:27
lordievaderThen run `fsck -f /dev/sda1` assuming here your root-fs is on the first partition of sda.07:28
lordievaderAdjust accordingly if it is not.07:28
IrcsomeBot<Uthayakumar C> (Photo, 1280x960) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/TaEAHWAY/file_6401.jpg Ok07:29
IrcsomeBot<Uthayakumar C> (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/f0bdFo3m/file_6403.jpg After restarting it's repeat again07:38
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IrcsomeBot<Uthayakumar C> Help07:43
lordievaderHmm, what  is all in `/etc/fstab`?07:45
IrcsomeBot<Uthayakumar C> Not a directory07:47
IrcsomeBot<Uthayakumar C> Sry07:48
IrcsomeBot<Uthayakumar C> (Photo, 1280x960) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/8SZ0J4p3/file_6405.jpg07:49
lordievaderAre all those UUID still present on your system?07:54
IrcsomeBot<Uthayakumar C> No07:55
IrcsomeBot<Uthayakumar C> I never know uuid07:55
lordievader`sudo lsblk -o name,uuid` gives then name and uuid of each block device.07:57
SkreechHey peples!07:58
IrcsomeBot<Uthayakumar C> lablk cmd not fount08:00
IrcsomeBot<Uthayakumar C> @Uthayakumar C, I never no uuid08:04
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lordievaderAre the UUID's from the fstab present in the output from `lsblk`?08:12
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ArGGu^^_Hello, how I can change password with encrypted home, so that KWallet still works?10:04
ArGGu^^_When using encrypted home, the KWallet password is not the login password.10:04
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BluesKajHey all10:25
enkeyzhello guys: need some help - just installed kubuntu 18.04, after I maximize Chromium, I get these strange artifacts: https://www.photobox.co.uk/my/photo/full?photo_id=50075444717310:39
enkeyzonly happens with Chromium tho10:40
hateballenkeyz: that site doesnt seem to work, use something like imgur instead10:41
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:41
enkeyzproblem disappears if I turn of hardware accelaration, but then I get screen tearing in Chromium10:45
enkeyzI'd appreciate any help10:48
hateballwow, that looks broken indeed10:55
BluesKajenkeyz, try chrome instead10:55
hateballenkeyz: you mean turn off hw accel in Chromium?10:55
hateballenkeyz: iirc there is a bug in Chromium 65 that is fixed in 66 when it comes to GPU accel10:56
hateballenkeyz: what gpu/driver are you using?10:56
enkeyzrx 480/mesa 18.0.010:56
enkeyzI'll try out chromium beta then10:57
enkeyzworth a try10:57
hateballI have similar issues on my nvidia 1070 + nvidia blob10:57
enkeyzlooks like problem fixed11:02
enkeyzVersion 67.0.3396.1811:02
enkeyzits back :(11:03
BluesKajenkeyz, like I said try chrome, it's flash version is much better11:03
andimitAfter changing my password plasma doesn't boot for this user, for the others works well. How can I fix this issue? Or to revert the old password? sudo paasswd doesnt change it at all it works only through user management, but with the other users I am not admin and the rest of the users are not visible... Please HELP!12:05
enkeyzHello guys, still have the problem with Chromium: https://imgur.com/kpEGK1A14:05
enkeyzOS: Kubuntu 18.04 64bit, RX 480 8GB VGA, MESA 18.0.0 driver14:06
BluesKajenkeyz, like I said, try chrome, it's flash version is much better the chromium14:06
enkeyzits the same, isn't it?14:06
BluesKajnot quite14:07
hateballNot sure what flash has to do with that, there is no flash on a static website14:07
enkeyzbtw I didn't have problem with 17.1014:07
BluesKajhateball, what?14:08
enkeyzthese artifacts looks like a gpu ram corruption to me tho14:08
enkeyzmaybe driver problem14:09
BluesKajwhich gpu?14:09
enkeyzrx 48014:10
enkeyzlooks like this new version of mesa driver don't really play nice with Chromium's hardware acceleration14:11
enkeyzthus causing these artifacts14:11
enkeyzfound a bug report: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10594214:14
ubottuFreedesktop bug 105942 in Drivers/Vulkan/radeon "Graphical artefacts after update to mesa 18.0.0-2" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]14:14
enkeyzsame problem with rx 48014:15
enkeyzneed to update my mesa looks like14:15
hateballBluesKaj: Just what I said, a static html has no flash, so that shouldnt be the issue :)14:19
hateballand it's for the entire browser, not the content inside it as you can see14:19
enkeyznvm guys14:20
hateballanyhows, I also have some issues with chrome + gpu so14:20
enkeyzupdating my driver, and will be back14:20
BluesKajhateball, that depends on the website, some are still using old flash versions14:25
BluesKajhtml5 adoption still has a way to go with some webadmins14:27
hateballThat still does not effect the browser GUI itself14:27
BluesKajsez you14:28
hateballenkeyz: any luck after updating?14:28
hateballBluesKaj: I also happen to know that Google Search has no Flash on it, and that's what's show in the screenshot enkeyz provided14:28
enkeyznot really14:29
diogenes_flash is almost dead14:30
enkeyzinstalled the newest version - 18.0.2 - same problem14:30
BluesKajdiogenes_, i wish14:30
enkeyzI'll send a bugreport to them, maybe they can help14:30
hateballenkeyz: Suppose you could try going to chrome://flags and disabling gpu rendering, or maybe you had already done that14:30
hateballenkeyz: just for the time being, I mean14:31
diogenes_BluesKaj, it's a dead horse already, by 2020 adobe will kill it completely.14:31
hateballenkeyz: is this on wayland or X btw?14:31
enkeyzwithout hardware acceleration I don't get these artifacts, but screen tearing14:31
BluesKajdiogenes_, we can only hope14:33
enkeyzI  reported the bug to Mesa devs: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10635514:44
ubottuFreedesktop bug 106355 in Mesa core "Strange artifacts when using Chromium with hardware acceleration" [Normal,New]14:44
IrcsomeBotJohnnyftlopes was added by: Johnnyftlopes14:47
BluesKajenkeyz, good !14:48
enkeyzsince I bought rx 480 last year, I always have some problem with it on Linux14:49
BluesKajenkeyz, is that a 'fancy' gpu ?14:49
enkeyzIt's working perfectly for gaming on Windows, but in Linux... yeah14:52
hateballenkeyz: for gaming stuff, there's #gamingonlinux where there are a number of people using AMD14:54
enkeyzI only play on Windows14:55
hateballenkeyz: just figured if you wanted to ask about more gaming focused stuff that's probably a better channel14:55
hateballsadly it seems you need to be running mesa from ppa to get the most out of AMD, but from what I read there's a lot of progress so no wonder14:56
enkeyzthey will answer to my report in no time14:57
enkeyzmaybe they'll get an idea14:58
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ca_cabotwhat is the KDE 18.04 cli partition manager? it looks like gpart is not installed17:37
ca_caboti'm trying to delete a zfs partition from a previous install, but dont have (or want) zfs tools on this install17:37
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IrcsomeBotL. was added by: L.19:09
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_Wens_Hi all! how to import qupzilla settings to falkon after upgrade to kubuntu 18.04?19:31
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user|84949Hello. Can anybody give me an advice?😊 I've upgraded from kubuntu 17.10 to 18.04.... plasma (x-server) doesn't start... I've tried reinstalling Nvidia drivers. No result20:25
user|95690How to reinstall xorg or x-server. The laptop Asus With Nvidia doesn't start x11 after upgrade from 17.1020:31
user|95690Or where can I get fresh info about this issue20:33
user|95690How are you getting on guys20:36
IrcsomeBotDavidLucena was added by: DavidLucena20:39
IrcsomeBot<DavidLucena> Hi, anyone knows why dolphin startup is so slow on kubuntu 18?20:39
valorie!nomodeset | user|95690:20:42
ubottuuser|95690:: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter20:42
valoriemaybe that will help?20:42
user|95690Thanks a lot and good luck20:47
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=== Spork_Witch is now known as Guest27112
Guest27112during installation on a UEFI-enabled machine it says i have to disable secure boot for third-party driver installation.  All well and good and I understand the technical reasons why, but what is the security key it asks to set? I can't find any information answering that.22:48
diogenes_broadcom-wl driver?22:50
Guest27112diogenes_: me? or responding to someone earlier?  On the livedisk right now, didn't log into my bouncer so don't have the backlog here22:52
diogenes_Guest27112, yes, i was asking you22:53
diogenes_is it bcmwl?22:53
Guest27112not sure; nvidia for certain.  It's not really a driver-specific question, though.  It's the broader "what is this passphrase I'm setting used for? what does it have to do with secure boot?"22:54
Guest27112diogenes_: https://i.imgur.com/GmeZzYv.png22:55
diogenes_secure boot has caused a lot more issues not allowing to load some proprietary drivers22:56
Guest27112i'm aware of the potential complications on the technical side; my query is specific to the key it asks to set in the installer (screenshot above)22:56
diogenes_judging by the screenshot i can tell that it's about that proprietary driver for your wireless card and it's closed source so i don't know if you could find out what and how it does since it's proprietary closed source22:58
Guest27112you can't actually glean that from the screenshot, because it could be any third-party driver that modifies code monitored by secure boot, not just a wNIC; that still doesn't address what the heck that key it asks to create is, or what it's used for...23:00
diogenes_Guest27112, i can bet it's that one, if you wanna test it, then go ahead without third-party installation and after the installation open the driver manager and you will see what driver is that23:01
Guest27112diogenes_: that's an assumption based on probability; yes, wNIC driver is the most common, but there's nothing in that shot that points to that over any other driver.  Regardless, it still doesn't address the actual question...23:02
diogenes_but the question kinda doesn't make sense since all is assumption and we don't even know which driver asks for secure boot off23:04
diogenes_that's why proceed without 3rd party drivers and you can figure that out later23:05
Guest27112it doesn't matter which driver asks; the question isn't "why does it want me to turn secure boot off" the question is "WTF is the key it asks me to set as part of disabling secure boot? what is it used for?"23:05
diogenes_i use a different distro that's why i have no clue what key it asks for23:07
Guest27112diogenes_: got this from #ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UEFI/SecureBoot it looks to be a workaround to allow approving a changed binary for future boots, allowing you to have secure boot enabled without the headache of adding trusted keys and signing them yourself23:10
Guest27112diogenes_: waiting on further clarification over there to make sure i'm understanding it right23:10
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Guest27112diogenes_: what it's for is better explained here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UEFI/SecureBoot#MOK_generation_and_signing_process RE: what the key the installer asks to set when disabling secure boot is.  It allows keeping secure boot enabled, and part of the install process for relevant modules signs them and has you create a new one to update it when you install updates.23:26
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kubuntu_I am new to Linux and trying to install Kubuntu 18.04 and can't get Grub to install.23:42
* MI_Noob I am new to Linux and having issues getting Grub to install23:49
diogenes_MI_Noob, which is?23:50
* MI_Noob it hangs on install I have run boot-repair http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bwBHzJ5bfw/23:51
* MI_Noob just not sure where to go next I have spend the last 12 hours trying to get it to install23:51
* MI_Noob yes23:52
diogenes_does 16.04 installs well?23:53
* MI_Noob never tried this is all new to me23:53
diogenes_it hangs with any error?23:54
Guest27112installer no longer prompts to encrypt home? O.o23:56

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