[00:19] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [lubuntu-manual] ianorlin opened pull request #41: fix more warnings. (master...master) https://git.io/vpusK [00:26] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [lubuntu-manual] ianorlin closed pull request #41: fix more warnings. (master...master) https://git.io/vpusK [02:55] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [lubuntu-seeds] lubuntu-lugito pushed 1 new commit to cosmic: https://git.io/vpu8h [02:55] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- lubuntu-seeds/cosmic 00228d6 Simon Quigley: Remove the LXDE task. Lubuntu Next is now known as Lubuntu. [03:57] @lugito, So, this was the final step on decision that Lubuntu 18.10 will be LXQt? [04:07] @Jyoti, Yes. [04:08] Thanks, lubot2. :> [04:09] :P [04:10] But yeah, I'll write a blog post on behalf of Lubuntu, but 18.10 will use LXQt, and only LXQt. [04:22] 👍 [05:28] @tsimonq2, I've heard the same about 18.04. 🐨 [05:30] Pretty sure that not. [11:41] @IamINFJ, Officially from us? [12:03] @tsimonq2, Nope! 🐨 Frankly from anyone but you. [13:47] @tsimonq2, Blog?! [14:15] @technicalbird, Yes, at Lubuntu.me. [19:01] with a certain amount of eyerolling, i give you this, @vikingredwolf https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lubuntu-artwork/+bug/1768528 [19:01] Launchpad bug 1768528 in lubuntu-artwork (Ubuntu) "ugly lowres login icon" [Wishlist, Triaged] [19:28] Anyone else upgraded to Cosmic yet? :) [21:28] @wxl, Yup. We relay on gnome icon to solve problems, but sometimes it brings even more. I'll fix that, because we already have an avatar icon. [21:28] Relinking [21:29] @VikingRedwolf make sure to mark it fixed :) [21:38] Aye [21:39] thanks dear