[13:20] Bug #1768530 opened: Action icon outline right border cut off [13:31] I'm getting "code 32" from the smartctl-validate hardware tests when commissioning my servers (bit = 5). This code reference "earlier tests" which I guess means that I need somehow to "clear" this error or somehow bypass this to be able to commission. Anyone who has experience on this? [13:32] Bug #1768534 opened: NTP Hardware Tests Fail on Bionic [13:36] maas version 2.3.0-6434-gd354690-0ubuntu1~16.04.1 [14:53] new to IRC. [14:53] having technical issue creating vlan interface on a node that has passed commissioning. I have created an ubuntu post as well : https://askubuntu.com/questions/1030770/maas-unable-to-create-vlan-interface-on-node [15:07] trying to troubleshoot a node, MAAS Server instaleld from ISO, two networks (private/public) behind a firewall. PXE boot starts on server fine, downloads stuff fine, starts to run cloud init, stops, fails, turns off. Rescue mode does same thing. Can't read text it flies by fast, no scroll back on physical hardware....no rsyslog is captured. Any ideas on where to begin to troubleshoot? [15:08] I've had the same problem. I had to set juju model-defaults with proxy information, or local mirror information. it all worked after that. Also make sure networking is correct. [15:13] having technical issue creating vlan interface on a node that has passed commissioning. I have created an ubuntu post as well : https://askubuntu.com/questions/1030770/maas-unable-to-create-vlan-interface-on-node [15:14] tboucher_lenovo: make sure /etc/maas/rackd.conf points to an IP instead of 'localhost' [15:14] that IP should be the IP of the system facing the PXE booting machines [15:16] my rackd.conf only has a cluster_uuid definition [15:17] tboucher_lenovo: maas_url: http://:5240/MAAS [15:17] tboucher_lenovo: that's needed in rackd.conf [15:17] ok thank you, will give that a shot' [15:19] and restart maas-rackd [15:19] sudo service maas-rackd restart [15:22] oh sweet, that cleared the roadblock, it's gotten further, and rsyslog is populating. Thanks very much [15:23] tboucher_lenovo: np! [15:23] rf101: do you have a vlan created under "Subnets/Network" ? [15:24] e.g. did you create a vlan under the fabric your interface is? [15:24] yes [15:24] yes [15:25] user@us-a-maas:~$ maas admin node read h6g7w8 Success. Machine-readable output follows: { "status": 4, "node_type": 0, { "enabled": true, "name": "ens3f0", "children": [], "system_id": "h6g7w8", "links": [], "discovered": null, "vlan": null, "tags": [ "sriov" ], "params": "", "mac_address": "14:02:ec:82:66:78", "effective_mtu": 150 [15:25] { "enabled": true, "name": "tenant-bond", "children": [], "system_id": "h6g7w8", "links": [], "discovered": null, "vlan": null, "tags": [], "params": { "bond_lacp_rate": "fast", "bond_downdelay": 0, "bond_mode": "802.3ad", "bond_miimon": 100, "bond_updelay": 0, "bond_xmit_hash_policy": "layer3 [15:26] rf101: ok, so go to a machine [15:26] rf101: go to the interfaces tab [15:26] user@us-a-maas:~$ maas admin vlan read 1 14 Success. Machine-readable output follows: { "primary_rack": "m3ppf4", "name": "os-tenant-net", "secondary_rack": null, "mtu": 9000, "fabric": "OpenStack-Nets", "vid": 14, "space": "tenant-net-api", "relay_vlan": null, "dhcp_on": true, "id": 5008, "external_dhcp": null, "fabric_id": 1, "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/vlans/5008/" } [15:26] yes? [15:26] rf101: over the right side ther'es a colum "Actions" [15:26] yes [15:26] rf101: for a given interface [15:26] rf101: click there and select "add alias or VLAN" [15:27] rf101: and you should have the right options there for you to add your vlan interface [15:27] ok. I'll try that now. [15:28] rf101: note, the 'fabric' of the physical interface needs to be the same as the one of the vlan interface you want to create [15:30] right. Ok. I follow all of this, however I run into another problem before this. [15:30] My instance I created a bond tenant-bond, and want to add the vlan to it. I'm guessing I could as long as the fabric is assigned to the interface. However I can't apply the fabric to the bond. It either won't allow me to save, or refuses to save. [15:32] AH. GOT IT. [15:32] Had to assign the interface, tenant-bond in my case, to the fabric and "default" interface for that fabric first. i.e. untagged, native network [15:32] thanks [15:33] @roaksoax follow up. Difference tween DHCP and Auto Assign for IP Addresses? [15:50] Bug #1768575 opened: Rack Controller stays in degraded condition on deployment [17:12] So i can neither rescue nor enroll a manually create server. The error message I'm finding is ci-info: no authorized ssh keys fingerprints found I have added the .ssh/id_rsa.pub for both root and ubuntu to MAAS as the documents state, and they were accepted. Any ideas where to begin poking? [17:50] have you tried restarting maas? [18:46] hah. the installer did not turn on NAT like it said it did, turned that on. weird error message [18:47] to clarify, weird error about the ssh, when it was unable to reach public internet was the issue [19:24] Bug #1585814 opened: MAAS fails to add a DHCP snippet with "subnet6 statement is only supported in DHCPv6 mode." [19:30] Bug #1585814 changed: MAAS fails to add a DHCP snippet with "subnet6 statement is only supported in DHCPv6 mode." [19:43] Hmm. I've got a machine that i've set to have Manual power, but when I ask MAAS to run tests, they fail very shortly after boot - with an error in MAAS's log of "BMC never transitioned from unknown to on." [19:44] Any ideas why that's happening? I thought manual power wasn't supposed to check the state [19:45] Bug #1585814 opened: MAAS fails to add a DHCP snippet with "subnet6 statement is only supported in DHCPv6 mode." [20:51] Bug #1768659 opened: Testing Fails due to Power Issue with Manual Power Type