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sergiusensdiddledan: ^^05:39
skunkoshello guys, I need some help with fiddling with my yaml file - https://github.com/martinrotter/textosaurus/blob/master/snapcraft.yaml06:12
skunkosIt is text editor application - based on Qt, it seems that my test builds fail with rather cryptic error - https://build.snapcraft.io/user/martinrotter/textosaurus/20676706:12
Saviqhi all, I made a mess and revoked a name registration for "subsurface", can someone please bring it back?06:34
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mupIssue snapcraft#2118 opened: How to install packages from custom repositories on build.snapcraft? <Created by martinrotter> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/issue/2118>08:30
GargoyleMorning all.08:49
GargoyleIs there a way to manually register gnome-calculator as a search provider?08:49
* Chipaca -> physio08:50
Saviqzyga: hey, bump on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4545 :)08:51
mupPR #4545: interfaces/x11: allow X11 slot implementations <Created by gerboland> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4545>08:51
ChipacaSaviq: I'm (officially) the only snapd core dev working and not sprinting today08:52
Chipacaand I'm trying to go to physio for an ah08:52
GargoyleAnd is my comment in this thread (https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/gnome-shell-search-providers/4322) accurate?08:53
SaviqChipaca: right, May 3rd, this week is so lazy ;)08:56
SaviqChipaca: no worries, go get your physio08:57
ChipacaSaviq: i think it's mostly PTO08:57
zygaSaviq: I’m off today. If someone can make it green ping me for merge08:58
Saviqgreyback: ↑ does the travis failure make any sense to you?08:59
ChipacaSaviq: I'll frob it unless something looks relevant to your pr09:00
Chipacaand now yes i'm off09:00
greybackSaviq: none. Nothing looks related to my changes09:01
Saviqjdstrand: could you hit CI again on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4545 please?10:29
mupPR #4545: interfaces/x11: allow X11 slot implementations <Created by gerboland> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4545>10:29
diddledanaudit: type=1400 audit(1525260867.024:62113): apparmor="DENIED" operation="change_onexec" info="label not found" error=-2 profile="/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine" name="snap.snapcraft-pr.snapcraft-pr" pid=26249 comm="snap-confine"11:36
diddledanthat's a new one on me11:36
Chipacadiddledan: stop breaking stuff dude11:43
ChipacaSaviq: restarted again (grrrrrr)11:44
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mupPR snapcraft#2117 closed: pluginhandler: correctly dedent the run script <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2117>12:20
Chipacaoh ffs12:42
ChipacaSaviq: and again12:43
ChipacaSaviq: if it's any consolation, they're different each time12:43
Saviqsounds like not our fault then ;)12:44
ChipacaSaviq: well, maybe :-)12:44
ChipacaSaviq: every test run is in a randomised order, so your test _could_ be failing the test right after it12:44
ChipacaSaviq: but you'd have to be really creative :-)12:44
cachio_Chipaca, are we going to do the standup today?13:03
Chipacacachio_: oh, that's right, you were working from today :-)13:03
Chipacacachio_: I don't think it's worth having it just for the two of us, but if you want we can13:03
cachio_Chipaca, no, it is ok in that case13:04
cachio_I'll continue validating 2.32.613:04
Chipacacachio_: ah, neat13:04
zygadiddledan: fixed in beta13:12
zygacachio_: hey13:15
zygaMvo released .6 as you know13:16
zygaIt is a tiny change on top of .513:16
cachio_zyga, yes, I am validating this one13:19
cachio_zyga, I think today we are going to candidate13:19
zygaThank you! That is good news13:19
cachio_zyga, so far so good13:19
Chipacazyga: you suck at not working13:26
zygaChipaca: the benefits of having irc on one’s phone13:29
Chipacazyga: you mistyped "curse"13:34
ogra_that was most likely his autocorrection13:42
ChipacaSaviq: so, the last run, while also failed, is essentially green14:00
Chipacaoh wait, no14:01
Chipacadarn it14:01
Chipaca'error preparing' yadda yadda14:01
Chipacaman i'm so glad i'm not writing this in c14:13
Chipacaa function that takes a function that takes a pointer and a function that takes a pointer and returns bool, and returns a function14:13
Chipacaeven in english it's hard to say it right (and i think i didn't)14:14
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Chipacabut in go it's just func thing(f func(*state.State, []string, func(*state.Task) bool)) func()14:14
Chipacaand of course that code was wrong, because that's how my day's going14:22
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Saviqaaand one more15:28
Saviqjust timed out now?15:29
ChipacaSaviq: do you have a link to it?15:29
Chipacaniemeyer: we're getting a lot of spread runs where apparently travis times out waiting for gce to go away15:30
Chipacaniemeyer: were you aware?15:30
cachio_Chipaca, trying to reproduce it here15:31
cachio_it is happening with arch and fedora 2715:31
ChipacaSaviq: I mean, I lost the PR :-)15:31
ChipacaSaviq: (had to restart X to switch video cards)15:32
mupPR #4545: interfaces/x11: allow X11 slot implementations <Created by gerboland> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4545>15:32
Chipacaniemeyer: e.g., https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/JxgM7vcnfT/15:33
ChipacaSaviq: and yes, that was a perfect run until the timeout15:34
cachio_Chipaca, it is weird because it is not happening just sometimes15:34
Chipacacachio_: :-(15:34
cachio_so far 100% PASS here15:35
niemeyerChipaca: Uh.. wasn't aware no15:37
niemeyerNeed to look into it15:37
Chipacaniemeyer: k15:37
niemeyerChipaca: also need to look into that backtrace15:38
Chipacaniemeyer: I know you have nothing else to do, so I find you stuff15:38
cachio_Chipaca, snapd-control interface seems is being autoconnected when we install test-snapd-control-consumer15:51
cachio_Chipaca, but in its declaration says that autoconnection is not allowed15:51
cachio_Chipaca, is it a bug?15:51
Chipacacachio_: you can request (and get) autoconnection that overrides the default15:52
Chipacacachio_: http for example has snapd-control15:52
cachio_Chipaca, ahh, ok, I see that15:54
Saviqis there a way to enable devmode on an installed snap?15:54
Saviqor is refresh the only way?15:54
popeySaviq: be aware that refresh is disabled for devmode snaps16:19
popey(I know that's not what you asked, but you need to know)16:19
ChipacaSaviq: GREEN16:26
cachio_niemeyer, I am chasing this issue too16:27
cachio_niemeyer, I'll send you any information I find16:27
cachio_niemeyer, today I killed about 30 instances that were created yesterday16:32
cachio_niemeyer, all of them fedora 17 and arch linux16:32
cachio_I just could reproduced the issue here once and with no -vv, so I didn't get so much info16:33
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mupPR snapd#5088 closed: tests: checking interfaces declaring the specific interface <Simple> <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5088>17:04
mupPR snapd#4545 closed: interfaces/x11: allow X11 slot implementations <Created by gerboland> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4545>17:17
ddstreethi guys, does anyone know if i have a systemd service that relies on a command provided by a snap, should i make the systemd service depend on snapd.service, or is there some other way to delay a systemd service from starting/running until after snap(s) are setup at boot?20:47
skomorokhhow do I purge old configs if I'm happy with how things are working? I have very limited space on my ssd and it's tedious to do so manually21:04
skomorokh(the kind of things that I prefer to have snap manage have ludicriously massive directories because electron etc. is a plot by the nand/dram industry, must be :) )21:06
Chipacaddstreet: you know you can put a systemd service in a snap, yes?21:12
Chipacaskomorokh: user data, or the old snaps?21:14
skomorokhbut especially user data21:18
rerstHello! I'm unable to run the majority of snaps as normal user. Is it normal that snaps must run with root privileges to work properly?22:28
mwhudsonrerst: no that is not normal22:30
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