=== guiverc_d is now known as guiverc [03:04] good morning to all [03:09] \o [03:21] hey SlidingHorn [03:25] howdy :) === guiverc_d is now known as guiverc [05:58] good morning! [06:13] Good morning [06:14] hi lordievader, how are you today? [06:14] Hey ducasse [06:15] Doing good here, how are you? [06:16] good i think, thanks - still waking up :) [06:47] lordievader: too early for following Neo4's rants... [06:47] Yeah [07:10] morning ducasse lordievader [07:10] Hey lotuspsychje [07:46] hey all [07:46] morning EriC^^ - all well today? [07:46] yes thanks, you? [07:46] Hey EriC^^ [07:47] hey lordievader how's it going? [07:47] Doing good here, how are you? [07:48] doing alright [07:54] 👍 [09:30] so Google just updated Sheets and Slides for Android to request some more permissions [09:30] "Other: -Download files without notification... -pair with bluetooth devices... -control vibration...." [09:30] * Gargravarr peers === kostkon_ is now known as kostkon [10:25] Hey all [10:33] hi [10:35] hi [11:04] Hi everyone [11:05] 'Morning pauljw [11:08] hey BluesKaj :) [11:08] what's new pauljw ? [11:10] not much, been busy with yard work. helped my wife with her flower garden a bit yesterday. today i need to get on the roof and clean the gutters, then mow. [11:16] ugh, summer-time kinds of work. [11:16] whoa, wish i would have been that ambitious this week, could have got a lot done, but I have to blame it on my friends :-) [11:18] and now we have rain clouds moving in [11:18] btw, 'Morning JimBuntu [11:19] g'morning BluesKaj. I too wish I was as ambitious. I might actually get a few more things done. [11:20] yeah, the rain is what i'm trying to beat, thunderstorms tomorrow. [11:20] really dark in the western sky here [11:21] looks like a t-storm [11:21] I see a lot of blue mixed in with the clouds, what a rare treat, lol. [11:23] I have plenty to do inside too, so I'll probly tackle that today [11:25] I'm sticking to only tackling my day job today, lol, I'm super lazy. I *might* replace my magnetic HDD with an SSD that arrived, but I wouldn't hold my breath on that one. That's prolly something that will wait for Sunday. [11:26] there never seems to be a shortage of things to do [11:27] such is the blight of home owners. I'm starting to see why people like apartments, although I don't think I could be happy in one. [11:29] no, apt life is nothing i'd be happy with. we do rent, but it's a big old farm house. [11:30] same here, i like having a yard despite the work it takes, anyway it also gets me outside etc [11:30] I'm 1 generation removed from being a farmer, I feel the draw [11:30] * BluesKaj nods [11:30] installed new Asus soundcard yesterday, it's cheap but really good sound for the money, almost equivalent to my old m-audio 192 which won't fit in the newer PCI-E slots https://www.asus.com/ca-en/Sound-Cards/Xonar_DGX/ [11:31] nice, BluesKaj [11:32] Sweet BluesKaj. I'm not an aficionado, but I do route my primary machines audio through a large stereo system. I have just enough power to rattle every window in the house... [11:32] I have not utilized it, but I guess the previous homeowner WAS an aficionado as they have most of the house wired up for speakers, with the wires all leading to the living room. [11:33] no linux driver download or build needed, plug' n play [11:33] gotta love it when plug'n'play actually works. [11:34] just had to enable PCI-e in the BIOS [11:34] service mongod status [11:34] oops [11:35] JimBuntu, yeah I just use spdif out to my receiver's DAC input [11:36] frag, I must be half-asleep still. I just `rm -rf /var/lib/mongodb` on the wrong machine. [11:36] uhoh [11:37] oh well, I didn't love that database anyway, lolol. Luckily, it was simply a local copy of production. Note to self: pay attention! [11:39] BluesKaj, I simply use my 3.5mm rear outputs to the stereo, the front outputs for this machine take precedence, so the audio routing is all based on where something is or isn't plugged in. Another thing I love compared to having to manually make changes. [11:43] this machine is my media server as well as my primary pc . I've been integrating my pc with the sound system since I bought my first ms-windows pc. It just seemed the natural thing to do, like another audio source [11:46] Yup. I even used one of my PCs as my primary TV. It had a large monitor with ancient touch-screen, which made things nice. I actually still have that old CRT somewhere, weighs like 70 pounds, maybe more. Didn't even have a regular DSUB, it took 5x BNC connectors. [11:46] BluesKaj, do you remember the old "VOX" file format? [11:47] JimBuntu, no my pc experience doesn't go back that far, I don't think [11:49] This was still in use around 1993 ( at least by me, although I did trail behind the times back then ) [11:50] It was a ?popular? file format before MP3 became usable in real-time for the masses. That's the format I used to store audio files in when I didn't want to eat up all the space of WAVs. [11:52] i didn't own a home pc 'til '99 ...i worked with application dedicated computers on the job and data entry into windows pcs using excel, but they didn't inspire me to buy a pc at the time. It was my wife who actually talked me into buying a pc :-) [11:54] Oh wow. By '99 I was working in computer repair/building for commercial and residential. For some reason I was thinking you had been a user for longer, although now I remember. [11:55] '99 was actually quite an exciting year for me, given the Y2K bug and all. So many commercial systems effected. I'm still shocked when people act as though it wasn't a big deal. [11:56] I was part of a team called out to a parking garage, for an inspection... lol. When we checked, on 2000-01-01, the system would have went into lock-down, nobody in or out! [11:57] Y2k was like the end of the world to some soothsayer types...came and went with a wimper IMO [11:57] BluesKaj, trust me when I say this, please, it was only a whimper because there were so many of us out there fixing the issue before it became an issue. [11:57] exactly [11:58] I had the luxury of replacing a bunch of machines that wouldn't even reboot after the date change... upon 2000, they were complete toast, could even POST test. [11:59] yeah, I know that's why it came and went without much damage ,...should have qualified my comment [11:59] sorry, "test" is kind of redundant after POST. [12:00] The time for mass fixing will be upon us fairly soon, hopefully we learned from our previous mistakes and nothing will really need to be done [12:00] Well, I guess we have 20 years to wait, lol, but that's soon enough for me. [12:02] i'll either be 85 or dead, not much concern here. lol [12:02] Well pauljw , that's one way to handle it, lol. I will hopefully be out of the workforce and watching from a distance... or deep in the woods. [12:02] :D [12:06] I just remembered something funny about Y2k... there was a point of sale company, one of their systems was called something like POS2000.... yeah, guess who couldn't handle the date change? hahahahaha [12:06] yeah , doubt very much that 20 yrs from now is in my future [12:06] A very odd system... management computers ran Xenix, actual POS systems were running DOS. [12:08] I still have one of their POS systems laying around somewhere, an intel 386 with probably < 1 hour of run-time on it. [12:12] interesting [12:13] Commander Keen, here I come! lol. nah, I would run that locally if I wanted to play it,... which, now that I think of it, I do. [12:30] well, it's time to head to the roof. bbl. [12:30] never was much of a gamer ...oddly enough my wife loved playing LOTRO, D&D, and Evony. She was the "gamer" in the family :-) [12:33] BluesKaj, I have only heard of D&D from that list. I didn't play D&D though. I was never that much of a gamer, but I could waste a couple hours playing things like Commander Keen, or Crystal Caves or Myst/etc. I did used to enjoy reading those 'choose your path' adventure books though. [12:36] LOTRO is Lord Of The Rings Online [12:38] my understanding is that it's quite complex [12:43] LOTR is complex, I imagine any game based around it would be as well. [13:00] wow the issues are piling over eachother [13:00] busy day in main [13:01] yup [13:14] to be expected after a new release, users forget to get rid of ppas, or don't update and upgrade before upgrading to the new release [13:15] etc etc [14:31] wow, pouring rain here, can barely see across the street [14:37] it was raining here yesterday, it's been pretty hot here and was raining too yesterday, odd [14:37] 29'c + rain and it was making thunder in broad daylight/sunlight [14:49] EriC^: in the Southern US they have a phrase for that, when it rains/storms while the sun is shining. They say it's the Devil Beating His Wife. [14:49] hahaha [14:50] here they say "weasels are getting married" [14:50] the devil beating his wife, lol [14:51] that's a good one :D [14:53] heh [15:10] i think its so weird cause he tried to update from recovery mode? [15:11] hmm who knows *shrug* [15:13] low key i still think he's going to have to fresh install [15:40] his sources.list shows the bionic repos [16:55] the 18.04 / gnome3 compositor seems ot be quite opengl hungry. i bet this gives intel gpu only systems a rather busy time. has anyone made experiences with it, yet? [16:57] tomreyn: i only have intel gpu machines (actively in use) -- not noticed anything [16:57] i tried 18.04 in virtualbox on an amd rx580 (amdgpu) equipped host and it is really slow, feels almost like vesa (but it isnt). [16:57] possibly due to virtualbox? [16:57] * nacc has never used it, nor has ever seen any reason to ) [16:57] :) [16:57] yes, it surely is to a large degree [16:58] but xubuntu in the same environment was much faster [16:58] but it may just not compare well to bare metal [16:58] yeah i dunno [16:58] are you actually seeing gnome-shell or somethign consuming cpu? [17:12] we should just blacklist youtube videos. [17:12] yes. [17:12] I absolutely agree [17:12] I can't think of any situation where that would be an acceptable means of providing support to someone. [17:12] they have historically been spam [17:12] just add !youtube and have ubottu be real mean about it [17:13] on that point: how does one suggest an ubottu factoid? [17:13] I supposed you could do it in #ubuntu-ops [17:14] SlidingHorn: iirc, it's something like ! is ... [17:14] and that will get submitted as an answer [17:14] and then an admin has to accept it [17:30] nacc: i wasnt looking at cpu actually, was regerring to gpu reources [17:31] tomreyn: oh [17:31] tomreyn: ah re-reading -- opengl hungry [17:33] right [17:36] hmm can't seem to disable vsync [17:37] specialty distros are great but they also suck. a lot. [17:38] I installed osmc, which is a fork of Debian meant to give an XMBC/Kodi frontend to a raspberry pi, and it was so barebones I had to install man-db, alsamixer-utils, lshw, pci utils, usb utils, and basically every normally-default package that you could think of. [17:39] luckily it actually had apt and sudo already. [17:39] and it STILL is giving me a ton of trouble with alsa outputs. and since it's so specialized, getting support is a nightmare [18:15] * SlidingHorn has a sneaking suspicion "bunnyman13" is a particular user who was silenced in main on a VPN [18:16] SlidingHorn: feels like it. [18:17] it's him. [18:17] yep [18:17] bugzie: at it again eh? [18:21] https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=ubuntu-1804-6systems - summed up: not much has changed. [18:26] nacc: I knew there was something missing from this OSMC install that was keeping me from TAB-completing commands. it would do paths, but not any commands. Couldn't find the name of that package anywhere. THANK YOU [18:26] nicomachus: np :) i've hit that a few times myself [18:26] this osmc install is so bare bones I still don't know what I'm missing that I'm just used to having by default. [18:27] i'm just finding out as I go along. [18:28] nicomachus: sounds like it :) [18:28] nicomachus: presumably bash-completion was not, becasue the assumption was you'd use the XMBC frontend? [18:28] nicomachus: and not be logged into the console [18:29] idk, because the only service installed by default is SSH so they obviously expect you to be using it at some somtimes. [18:29] at least sometimes* [18:29] strange [18:29] probably to debug? [18:30] Yes mostly. [18:30] they do want you working with xmbc frontend for most things. [18:31] I forget what I was doing the other day... trying to open some config, and it threw a message saying "Whoa, it looks like you're trying to access . Here at OSMC, we do things a bit differently. You should able to change all configurations from the XMBC GUI, but if you have any questions or feature requests please see our community boards at " [18:32] yeah [18:32] that's pretty common in these locked-down style things [18:33] fancy [18:33] :D [18:33] it's basically an appliance, it sounds like [18:33] linux stil, but an appliane, which means you can do stuff to it, but it's not supported (generally) [18:33] like android, in some ways [18:34] I still got irssi and screen installed. lol [18:34] heh [18:34] with the config files from my old ubuntu install on the same rpi [18:37] Sometimes, when I'm watching staring at my laptop screen. I give some input, when it's trying to go lock itself and turn off the screen. The sliding up to unlock panel is stuck over my gnome-shell. [18:37] in case anyone else missed it, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes [18:37] Has anyone else encountered that before? [18:37] 17.10 upgrades are now on [18:39] nacc: \O/ d-r-u [18:39] yep [18:39] presumably will start seeing more requests for support as a result, or maybe that's why there's been a spike in the last day [18:40] nacc: All wikk even out . given time :) [18:40] heh [18:43] I somehow don't even have the LTS update yet. maybe it's waiting for the .1, idk [18:43] I haven't bothered to check. [18:43] nicomachus: LTS wont' be until july [18:43] (18.04.1) [18:44] well that's probably it then. [18:44] see the above URL :) [18:44] ) [18:44] :) rather [18:45] I install updates when the computer says their ready. I figure if it isn't prompting me, it's not ready and not worth the hassle of upgrading to a potentially buggy machine [18:46] pragmaticenigma: same. but the computer doesn't notify me unless I ask it if there's one ready. if it says there isn't, I don't upgrade. [18:46] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [18:47] I could backup, download a fresh .iso and do a fresh install, but honestly who has the time for that [18:47] I run MythTV on my... upgrades aren't usually my friend anyways. It's easier to wipe and start over [18:49] it's been three days and still no response on an "official" support channel. [18:49] kill me now [18:49] When will we get 4.17? 18.10? [18:50] Wirehunter: 18.10 will be the next kernel update period, yeah [18:50] Wirehunter: i doubt it's been decided what version it will be yet [18:50] nacc: 2017 May 28 03:31:09 * yokowka (~yoko@ has joined #ubuntu [18:50] not newer [18:50] hrm [18:50] * leftyfb points to bugzie [18:54] So if I want it now, I should install it from here? http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.17-rc3/ [18:54] Would be nice to get the extra battery life :) [18:56] chances are the kernel for 18.10 will be 4.19 or newer (all depends on when the kernels are released upstream) [18:56] oops, 4.18 or later. No 4.17, probably [18:56] Wirehunter: i wouldn't install an rc [18:57] Wirehunter: you *can* install from the mainline PPA, but you will not have the local Ubuntu patches and integration [18:57] we usually just use mainline to test for a bug (or resolution of) [19:04] Ah you're right, I probably shouldn't install this. [19:05] Wirehunter: it also wont' update to the later 4.17 [19:05] But if I would? I can just boot from the 4.15 image whenever I want right? Or do I risk corrupting my filesystems or damaging my hardware? [19:05] Wirehunter: you do risk that, in theory, but probably not in practice [19:15] Wirehunter: Or one can wait and see what is in the HWE . [19:15] !hwe | Wirehunter [19:15] Wirehunter: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack [19:16] whch wouldn't be until 18.10 anyways [19:16] That's to install the 18.10 kernel on 18.04.01 lts [19:16] Wirehunter: right [19:18] I think I should be fine though, except for the Optimus setup for my 940mx, I hate optimus. [19:18] the nvidia driver itself should do fine, as it uses dkms [19:32] Wirehunter: except it probably wont' build [20:07] i wonder how easy it is to bruteforce a 6-7 length multicase alpha numeric login pass [20:08] anyone have any experience trying to unwrap a passphrase using bruteforce? [20:23] more than 16 digits beats 99% rainbowtables [20:24] 16 digits is nuts [20:24] my login pass is "' [20:25] it's quick and next to the enter button [20:29] my password can be typed with left-hand .. oops [20:29] oerheks: is it stewardesses? [20:30] nice one, but no [20:30] qwerty [20:30] not even 'verder' = continue(eng) [20:30] that would be a 2 finger pass [20:38] hahahahaha [20:39] yes [20:39] https://i.imgur.com/sI5koAi.png [20:39] upgrade path is there [20:39] :D [21:36] tomreyn: what time are most folks in the -steam channel active? [21:42] SlidingHorn: it's not exactly an active channel. you may (or may not) find logs on http://irclogs.ubuntu.com [21:43] tomreyn: gotcha - thanks...I asked in main just to see if by chance someone there might know the answer to my issue