[09:30] cjwatson, i've imported xenial/bionic ubiquity into git, with all tags, using fast-export. Tags look sane, and the contents too. I would like to reconfigure ubiquity upstrema project and set git as default VCS and make https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-installer/ubiquity/+git/ubiquity the default repository going forward. [09:30] cjwatson, it seems like only "Maintainer" can do that, no? which is currently just you, rather than the team. [09:31] cjwatson, would you like to do the honors for moving to git? or e.g. hand over maintainer role (e.g. temporarily just for this if you wish)? [09:33] xnox: I've set the default repo, thanks [09:34] \o/ [09:34] and git as the default VCS [09:34] * xnox drafts an email.