=== kubuntu is now known as Guest23868 [04:34] <3 mate [10:58] Hey everyone. I am having an issue installing 18.04. I am using a MSI A68HM-E33 V2 motherboard, 8GB of ram, and a XFX AMD Radeon RX 460 video card. When I try and boot the live USB I get a black screen. No text at all. I tried removing quiet and splash from the boot options to see what is going on but it still happens. The system doesn't completely [10:58] stop. Caps lock still turns on and off. Any suggestions? [11:50] So I figured out I needed nomodeset to get it to boot. But now I cannot set my resolution :/. [11:51] Stuck at 1366x768. This is so strange. 17.10 works fine :(. [11:53] false_chicken, look for additional drivers [11:53] I did. Says nothing is available. [11:53] Using an AMD RX460 [11:53] ok what does: xrandr say? [11:54] "xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default [11:54] Screen 0: minimum 1366 x 768, current 1366 x 768, maximum 1366 x 768 [11:54] default connected primary 1366x768+0+0 0mm x 0mm [11:54] 1366x768 76.00* [11:54] https://pastebin.com/chKiJSnj [11:56] sudo lspci -nnk | grep VGA -A3 [12:04] https://pastebin.com/rZjQUjfc [12:05] I wonder what has changed from 17.10 to 18.04 that has caused this. I never had to set anything on 17.10. It just worked :/. [12:07] ok what was your maximum resolution? [12:09] 1920x1080 [12:09] ok give me the output of: cvt 1920 1080 [12:10] Thanks for your help diogenes_ . This has greatly confused me. [12:10] https://thepasteb.in/p/66hVg1YOjzMHW [12:11] now run: xrandr --newmode "1920x1080_60.00" 173.00 1920 2048 2248 2576 1080 1083 1088 1120 -hsync +vsync [12:11] tell me when done [12:12] ok. Done. Ran without sudo. Just fyi. [12:12] now the output of: xrandr | grep " connected " | awk '{ print$1 }' [12:12] nomodeset means "don't load drivers" which means "no good resolutions" [12:12] yep do you still have nomodeset"? [12:12] Yes. It will not boot without. Just a black screen [12:13] xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default [12:13] default [12:13] Which really confuses me. I am using a rx460 and 17.10 worked fine. [12:14] false_chicken, so maybe it was too early for you to upgrade [12:14] you sould have waited till 18.04.1 [12:14] Too early? Like my card that was supported last release no longer works? Thats also confusing xD. [12:15] But I get it. Should have waited for this to be ironed out. But I figure working last time should work now :/. [12:15] Especially since it was AMD I assumed the open stuff would work fine. [12:16] Man I was so excited. The hype train for 18.04 was so real :(. Thanks for the help. [12:16] Check for Xorg.log for crashes [12:16] Then google the crashes [12:16] (without nomodeset) [12:17] false_chicken, the stuff will work fine, but every new release of something, comes with new bugs and just unfinished work that is to be fixed in the future, so you have to wait [12:18] Does xorg.log go into /var/log? So I should boot with nomodeset, wait a while at the black screen, force a reboot with nomodeset and view Xorg.log? [12:18] *boot without nomodeset [12:22] Well guess ill try that. [12:23] brb [12:29] When you get the black screen, press alt+ctrl+f2 to switch to vt2, and see xorg.lod [12:29] Otherwise, check xorg.log.old [12:30] https://pastebin.com/eNPrG5r7 [12:30] This is the log without nomodeset [12:30] Interestingly Mate IS loading. [12:30] After a while I can press F12 and open tilda and type reboot and it reboots. [12:31] Can you try with a different window manager, e.g. marco --no-composite? [12:32] One way to do that, is to boot with nomodeset, go to mate-tweak, select it, then reboot without nomodeset [12:32] I think the newest marco uses compton by default, which may be the one that's causing those issues [12:33] Ok. Just changed it marco (no compositor). Will reboot now without nomodeset and see what happens. [12:36] Didn't fix it :/. Interestingly I also cannot switch the vt. Ctrl + F does nothing. Just a black screen. [12:37] But everything is running. As evidenced by caps lock working and being able to F12 then run the reboot command. This is so weird :/. [12:38] In /usr/share/xsessions/mate.desktop there's a line that reads: Exec=mate-session [12:38] If you change that to Exec=xterm, you'll log in with an xterm [12:38] From there, you'll be able to run mate-session, [12:38] and see in the stdout the error messages and everything [12:38] Hmmm... Ill try that. [12:39] It's a good way to debug, if you understood what I wrote... [12:39] (multitasking a bit...) [12:41] Ok I changed the entry to Exec=xterm and will try an reboot and see what happens. [12:41] Wait.... But I don't even see anything after I get past grub if I do not use nomodeset... Even if I remove quiet and splash I get no text at all. [12:42] But ill try anyway xD. Brb [12:43] ...do you have autologin? [12:47] Yeah... Didnt work as I couldnt see anything. So I turned nomodeset back on and manually ran mate-session from xterm. Which is how I am back here xD. [12:48] I did post my xorg log above without running nomodeset but I didnt see any errors at all :/. [12:49] + [12:50] I have no idea what to look at. Just seems like some kind of "magic" problem. No errors in logs. Just no display :/. [12:51] To show full text during boot you remove the quiet and splash right? [12:51] Because I tried that but it seems like I get no display before X even starts :/. [12:52] Using an HDMI connection BTW. [12:52] In case that might matter. [12:52] All I ever see without nomodeset is grub. I get no boot text of any kind. [12:53] false_chicken, how did you upgrade? [12:53] I didnt. Nuke and pave. [12:53] so it's a fresh installation? [12:53] Yep [12:53] did you happen to keep the previous /home folder? [12:54] Did not. [12:54] All fresh [12:54] ok, do you have secureboot enabled? [12:54] Nope. BIOS boot. [12:54] I would maybe try to file a bug report or something but with what? I have no errors anywhere xD. [12:55] ok, and hopefully in the late july with the 18.04.1 release it will be fixed [12:56] How to fix an issue that is unknown? lol. [12:57] maybe it's the kernel, if you can try a different kernel with some PPAs then it would be a try [12:58] Maybe. This might be promising: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1761751 [12:58] Launchpad bug 1761751 in linux (Ubuntu Bionic) "Black screen on 18.04 + AMD RX460" [High,In progress] [12:58] That sounds exactly like my issue. [12:58] With the same card. [12:59] I feel better now. Knowing this is known. Ill try the workaround there. [13:01] That worked! [13:02] adding amdgpu.dc=0 [13:02] false_chicken, to grub? [13:02] Yeah [13:02] To the kernel boot params [13:02] great [13:02] Thanks for all the help. [13:02] Really [13:02] :) np [13:03] So hopefully this gets resolved for the point release so no one else has to go though this xD. [13:03] But yes. Thanks again! [14:19] Hi. I wonder if there any plans to provide faster way to show app window in ayatana indicators? I know left click is reserved for menu, but maybe middle click or scroll can be used to show/hide app window. It seems to me that transition from notification to indicators made it slower to show/hide window using app icon. [14:21] It's sad to see that such feature is not in the ayatana roadmap https://ayatanaindicators.github.io/code/ [14:26] anton-z-s: soon ayatana-indicator-application will replace mate-indicator-applet, so you could wait a bit [17:06] hello, i would like to use ubuntu mate arm for my raspberry pi 3B+ but on boot i get the rainbow screen and then it freezes does anyone have a fix? [17:35] hello, is BIOS or UEFI preferred for a new installation of 18.04? thanks [17:40] kj4: how many boot options you have in bios? [17:41] many, it's a newish NUC [17:41] preferable is the 'lagacy' option instead uefi [17:42] thanks, it's installed that way now, was considering trying UEFI, but if there is not a good reason to, I'll stick with BIOS [17:43] PhazonicRidley: afaik it works but only if you use the newer firmware from the raspberry github page [17:44] kj4: there's no ubuntu-based reason to select uefi or bios; select the one you want [17:46] ty! [18:01] alright ty [18:18] hello [18:19] hi [18:19] I'm trying for some time to get live football streams in ubuntu mate [18:20] The Kiosk browser has omxplayer but sites like ziggo sport require a drm and silverlight [18:20] try chrome [18:20] and another site like hesgoal says video playplack of the video isnt supported by the browser [18:21] I have chromium but it isnt working there either [18:21] chrome [18:22] not chromium [18:22] can you provide me with a link for chrome on pi 3? [18:22] oh pi [18:22] PIs aren't desktop computers, don't expect all programs to be available or run well :) [18:23] They're special purpose devices... [18:23] right :) [18:23] baasblack, but is chromium running on your pi? [18:23] yes chromium is running on my pi [18:24] look in synaptic if there is chromium-ffmpeg package available [18:24] and install it [18:24] i understand that most applications wont work but chromium can run drm and kiosk has omx player [18:24] combined should work right? [18:24] of chromoim-codecs [18:24] omxplayer is designed specially for pi, and can use its hw acceleration [18:24] All other programs, can't do that [18:24] So they play with software decoding, and are 100 times slower [18:24] Because the rpi cpu was designed for a mobile phone of 10 years ago [18:25] End result => buy a pc if you want desktop usage :) [18:29] Does anyone know what's the upstream url for messages menu? I'd like report bugs. Is't certainly not https://launchpad.net/indicator-messages [18:51] anton-z-s: maybe this? https://github.com/mate-desktop/mate-indicator-applet [18:53] alkisg, thx [20:48] Hey folks, I am loving 18.04 so far. I was wondering if y'all could help me love it better. Does anyone know where I can get a non-green version of the Ambiant theme for 18.04? Green just isn't my preference. Thank you! [21:10] hi is there someone that can help me, in Mate Tweak i only have 3 options [21:10] 3 layouts [21:11] i am missing for example the new familiar layout [21:11] how can i add them [21:11] i see them in the folder [21:11] misfitelias@misfitelias-VT:/usr/share/mate-panel/layouts$ [21:12] someone here? :-) [23:11] quick question: I noticed a head phone plug in my RPI8 but THe sound does not work. I can't seem to get any discernable sound. Is that a problem with my RPI or have just not activated the sound [23:14] graci3, install pavucontrol [23:15] what will it do? [23:18] tyou likely need to check the settings in your sound preferences, it maybe routed to the HDMI [23:21] thanks [23:26] hey [23:27] im trying to get rundeck working [23:27] always get error 503 on ubm 18 [23:27] no matter if java or deb install [23:27] anyone here use rundeck [23:27] ive tried asking in the rundeck channel [23:27] no response === Darkhero42 is now known as Darkhero