[10:11] any idea why firefox-esr from the ppa uses ~/.cache/.mozilla/ (notice the second dot)? [10:12] is that a compile configuration? [10:13] this causes an issue when using firejail to lauch firefox-esr, because the mentioned cache path is not whitelisted [10:13] ricotz: ^ [10:46] brainwash, this is not made on purpose and likely caused by nightly/esr specific upstream buildflags [10:50] ricotz: it's really odd. I've only switched to esr some days ago, so I don't know if that is a recent change. [10:51] I agree that of course is should be "~/.cache/mozilla/" [10:52] can you confirm this behavior? in case you test/use firefox-esr [10:52] I can easily work around it, but maybe it's worth to report it somewhere [10:53] yes, I confirmed it [10:53] (this happens with the nightly and esr builds) [10:54] ah. so, I'll ask in #nightly on the mozilla irc next [10:54] thanks [10:54] brainwash, let me know if you find a solution, I will take a look too [17:20] brainwash, I found the issue [17:21] ricotz: aha! [17:22] so, is upstream to blame? [17:24] brainwash, it is one to our buildflags which is only applied on nightly and esr [17:26] ok. glad that you've found the cause for this :) [17:57] thanks for noticing :)